Download - MSCS - SQL AO Config Type1.docx


SQL AO OPTION:1==============

Configuration 1Local HA OnlyThis basic configuration provides High Availability only and consists of 2 nodes in the same data center, with an availability group using synchronous replication.

Pre-checks1. Servers must reside in same Data center. If odd no of nodes were given we need to provide voting rights to the servers.2. Check both the servers having same gateway or not if not rehome the servers to same gateway.Ex: The below servers are pinging with 10.251.237.x range having gateway PFB the ping results. TK3ECITXSSQL302, TK3ECITXSSQL303

C:\>ping TK3ECITXSSQL302

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=269ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=267ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=269ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=267ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 267ms, Maximum = 269ms, Average = 268ms

C:\>ping TK3ECITXSSQL303

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=269ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=267ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=269ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=267ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 267ms, Maximum = 269ms, Average = 268ms3. If the servers are VMs, check both are residing on different cluster host or not. If both are on same clustered host ask them to migrate the VM to another clustered host. PFB the screen shots for reference.

4. Check the host support CSN network or not. For VMs please move to suitable hosts. For Physical machines, check the servers are having un-used NICs if yes send to site services to configure CSN NIC. If they are not having NICs install the appropriate KB for this. For Blades, check for NIC teaming and add the VLAN accordingly.

5. Check both the servers are having standard dedicated drives D,H,O,T,E for SQL installation. PFB the example. For VMs provide the VHDs by checking the capcity with the customer For Physical and Blades, send the request to gco-cct storage team to provide individual drives.

6. do the pre-checks for MSCS and SQL AO.MSCS Cluster nameMust be non-pingable

MSCS Cluster IPMust be non-pingable, if not provided will provide in this AO RFC

SQL SA permissions accountThese are the admins on SQL ex: redmond\citse;redmond\ismext. By default we have to provide access to Redmond\itg-admin(GCO),Redmond\psitadm(SQL 3rdline).

SQL service account xxxxx\xxxxx(Ex: PARTTEST/SBWSUAT)

SQL service account passwordXxxxxx

Avaiability Group namesMust be non-pingable

Lister namesMust be non-pingable. If they provided multiple names we need to provide multiple listener IPs

Lister IP'sMust be non-pingable, if not provided will provide in this AO RFC

Implementation steps1. Take the SRVHC for both the servers and attach to particular RFC.2. Keep the servers in Maintainence mode if restart required while installing SQL/adding CSN NIC to the servers.

SQL installationMap to any of the ITDSL shares with SQL 2012sp0 and install the SQL. If you provide service account and password at the time of installation, it will run the SQL under that account. If you forgot to mention you need to give manually.EX: SQLIPAK.exe /SQL /AS /SSIS /RS /BIDS /BOL /Tools /SVCACCT:redmond\lpoaasvc /SVCPWD:v3r7$t30nG6@$sv1d /REMOVEBUILTIN /SQLADMIN:redmond\itg-admin,redmond\psitadm,REDMOND\LPOMONSG,redmond\ismext /CLEANMSDB /preview /nologcopy /QFE:11.0.2395Making SQL to run under service account.Go toStartAll ProgramsSQL Server 2012Configuration toolsSQL Server configuration Manager

Click apply, which will restart the SQL service. Do it for all the services. Once completed, please check whether you are able to access the SQL and provided the SA permissions to user account and redmond\psitadm.

Once SQL completed, check the server is having Admin permissions for redmond\psitadm. If not, please add the account and open the below link to on-board the SQL server.Allow SQL to connect VIA TCP/IP for remote connections. For this, you need to allow fire wall under 1433 port.


ONborading SQL SERverClick the onboard new server

Now add the server and then click validate.

On the left side of the below window it normally shows the default/named instance we need to select particular instance and click confirm. Now SQL has been onboarded.

Installing Failover Cluster FeatureNote: CORP servers must be DHCP enabled except SAP servers.Go to dashboard in Win2012 and select add roles and features add FeatureFailover clusterNextinstallcloseIn win2008R2 and below open compmgmt and add the failover feature Failover clusterNextInstallfinish

Now correct the NIC binding settings to CORP/EBL fisrt using the below screen shot.Ncpa.cplFileAdvancedAdvanced Settings

Move the TEBL NIC first

Check both CSN NICs are able to communicate with the IPs.Y:\Gold\SQL2012SP0>ping -S

Pinging from with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time