Download - Memorial names President-Elect - Memorial … "",m_ of 'lII _ m,e 2 GAZETTE 17 FE8RUARY, t 981 Appointed to third term as


Memorial names President-Elect

~~=VJ,I-::I ::"'~1..- , --.- ......AVJ,III, __ .,..- • _lid....."e....._ ___.__-..._.. inI ......... br , ~·_ B," llomplley. "'. l r R.........M,nllte' , A\lMIlI •• 1o be' 01 'h ........,1<1' . I" VlO' .nd m.... . do.""MI'ectld_ '"," lYfII

The ",,"'_1_0....___ ... 'h M"_B......." ..__.III...

• .u mm. " .." ..n ..' ETV'. F...",~In"'Uhtl 'n' fiV' . ....... "~D,.II.....nSO.,'hF...,nh ., '",Ie In • FIC"'I~ Ino;ghl .

~ 'I.._-._""-......~. i_Ifdl ... ....-_..-. I


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.." GAUTT E.nd pubIoca'''''' ...1_ .... n...-,. Fllb 21

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H•• o..".n''''''_''''"'''''1_''''Socoel s..- .tId H......"d'.. "-cl>CounaIoIe.-.the-.,Coud<oI ....E T,....... _"--""'_

~.""_he..o.eo..........,1><1Cene<!oIn H"lOl"IolI "-'"'_. ,he _""'''''Ie'''' H'ltO<ocolSocoety. ""' M...... ,,"' ..

=';':bt~.,~ne<!I.•rKl ,111Pt ..y" .oi.1

0. H,o"......... f>ecl,.. ""' tor..... Mety_ """"'<!iII _ Th.ov '- "'Sl:_.

0.. UoeI.. He..... _ ., t>e ....._ct>ooce ol ,... se-.t> e-....n.. '.... , hePt-.., _ the e-- "--"'...-.clbrd.","",- O<.F W A_~.meMly50 eppl;e",....... _ _

te¢e_br , _ohComm,,,". m.",,'"'111m" ..m "" '1><1 "'....,.......'rKlicelld 0..1l.,1II1I.,'111 ptlll """'et"""•.U II'hen,. "---_ _ 1, 1•..--

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:::m:.::::::,~h .'..m ....."" 'n.n<!• •tet ...1 ~In __ IO ChI " "",,,FWA_I. i§

--."",I><I ...-......._,, ~~'GereldT .................. '-- ;;;_o-teoW _.l_edbrthe is..-..,. s.r- _ --" tor1hI_~

olll<lglennI ..._FL,........... O<OH is

:::;::...c: C::m':::::'.: 'wW~= ~Thll '" ~

GAZETIE dead linep__of _""IhIGAZ£Tn_-.... ,_~_ ...... the


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ne. LUlie lie'"•. 51. V,ce· P.u,<Mn, r-...:...:-----....:=============::;:;:;:~~mic~"" _IIV ....., ~"""..Il/Il--..,", "'........._ V -CN__ n.. __ .. lllWl<.etlOCl l

S--1.1._ ......_olDr1010 Motpn.CC

"""-'''''''''''' ..... -- - ~;;~~;;~~~~-;:::::lmiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~cont l>eldftrtw...,.,,3 DrFWAu r, DC. CI'l."men of , Board 01Rll\lent$ .endCI'l.""",nol,htl P, ... "", n".1se.,cIlCornmm.....' up bo '".8oe.d'..~M.""""""""'"

Or H.".... ,.... ,,, .. \1'_01 ....IJnoftnitymbecomeIlSPr-"'_V..,.

:-~d~,=:::":;m;;:;:_nd __ lIomonSC".,..,.,.


~n~~;,;':~,.=:~."Jd_.,, ,,. Un;....., ..., 01 London. " om w l'lICIl he'_''''O'<! h'. Ph.O.' n Hi......... 'n l960. ".. inG'P"'e'''.<l, nSout''A••e n H,. 'ofy H,...,_lcl>onou...nd_e.Ib,no;l_.

=....~~'::..=,,.=:;--""-"cl'IC<>un<:oIF__ ' 982

fOI'_.. -..... ,I>e.,.nod19ot5·sa .Dr~rr.. _ ....""""...,,...; ....... ""', ..M.,bo u, B"lfen, P" rtll _ Simp oon . ae ll"Ie nd. 8e<Ig.... au .y, , nelS , John ',. From1960 ·62 . MWUOi,OClOfoleT,;-Col a.g.

~. ~lId= =~:/;~::~~l"It"....'........nS._ .' ...~dv"":::.:.=~_ ... _ ...'M3to_t... flCUlry .. Me ~."' ....._.nt~ Ooopoorl·......'oIH .. '.,..,Hoo .... n·__lpr .. '_ 1of fl'. O.p."' n' ,n ,t~ .n<!. in ,1><1r...I....,"'OI~••'.I><I ""nh'_ 'n '~.'_'

In I t6t\. t> ptI(l'''''OIOfl nof An..ndSC-.cfl beeII..... oe.ninl9&1.n<!.'""13."" _"'edlOl> __

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2 GAZETTE 17 FE8RUARY, t 9 8 1

Appointed tothird term asAssociate Dean

Appointed Associate Registrar

Ass't registrar/systems manager

She _, _ ...r' ..5U,., ol ....A....,.. "onofA '5".'5 _Un'..' 51'_.ndColI.,n 0' C. n. d. l... .A.U.C.C.• 10' 'wo_ u' i.. '...... lltH-781

A''''n oe ,.,. III..,." • • , ,-, .0.. ,..._.._.--....--.,.edm._•. '-.u''''"_, conWOCll00n . Nl_on__comm,tIeM ...n."'PIO't'eo

01 ,he 111... ,.".,-. Olhce"'5WW",5"'_"_"~"',"",Untle.g'..,u.'. S'ud'. ' Comm,n .. rO" ,toe

f ..ultyol EdIIc:e' ect ..Co-or<l, ....... d'.._d '_' _=-=="' ",......_d_... ...' ....... 80 . ..._. _

o.v,n.,.ldu.'ld hom '-'emor'.'Un,we,.""n:='::h


... .nd.. curr . "t1y __k'",

......,_01 PI....." ., NewI_l.nd_'-',:""":::.-::::"",lo'om_,,,1971_"

1'71 · -7. h• • • • • "'010 , .<1 II.S......"' .... et_ "" ... ()pe<et_1

~:=~~ ~~-:~'::,:;::~::~Compu' ., S •••,ce·, 1'75· '78, loll. BU5"',_nS_A........." E ....e--e-...on_ f "111-'80.he_.S-S_ _NLCS--~.I>'<IfICI_MWb'Igon

'he U.. ; ,,., 11 ,."• ..-. new Coml>U'.'S.., "'."' H...l>I>O'n'...."'wlth ....~;;'.'5;'y bec.m• • It..,,,...O.c .mblt, of

M•. 8_ d .... " .... _2""_

Shtl,~ 0..",..n .mplo_w,,1>

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~;::.=".,;:"'" Nowemblt, of1.a So.- ' 1175.5he".. __

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u." o n. Of t ,c. """m'II",n.OfI~

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::::::.~,I>. U5. of ,h.compu'., .,Il.m.nol"5._n_.,


AppointmentsSc"_r9000.d50IN....loundl.nd H.'5~U""ly • _ ...blt, o! 'htl 5'_'"11 Com-

::::'::-SX':':::;:':~:::,--~ e-\ _~~F c-w:.. ",otstor_ _= o;~Il=~~n'-:;:::=I;' :::E :E'.~=-.. ::::;:~:~ :::':'::.' ~:N~':

... _ ..·. f..: Coune<l,....tlbot.ll.k.O,.d _ 'h'htl Y""""

:'O~=. ~so:.--=---~00.__ .....'fI'..... 0 ... ll. nclerr 5 comm"'...nd ......' v,

=~";,:~.': r7:~ ::.-:;'~ 5w:,~:.':.:::-.,..mpu5 "..::':::;~5~:-;;: . _~"=~':m:-- of ,h. Pr_U.' ••nol und ... · H,. Iong-" • •u ,.n "mpu'...--_~ _. -.....1>1' •......-01_·Long_in. f_ltn _ ... _

_ o.r,oI ..........,., _n_ ... lh u--.on ....

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"'_t'l~"'.e-,.._....,.""'_ "~no 71_79. ... e..-- .

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::.-=c:.,,""m,~"'~:':.:~n~= :;"-=c:;;::~=.:~~,~~~.~oI .. _"_w,,I>''''5C__.cIe.nd _ ........ ~uon.nd'unn.rtlIofttMI9'-'_n_-...,_I""",...,,_ f,om le20i_ionl9&4n_-.nnv·.to ...

=2:2~"=?5~ ~::......::;;.~T__ .nd Fi ,.,.Commm.. Cl'Ie" n~ Feeulty Courw:~.nd ,n 'htl U...-......s....,.... 5_nO"ect nd'5P.""ntl'~ "of .nd on lIn_'51'V <:ommon_ .ucl> • • ''''Ihe ..........'oonofln l....' .. IdSChoolBoe<oH;d C..." .... n5h ... d'heSpec;.. Ul>r . .... PI.nn;'"

:'=-~7.:..==: ="':ic.~:-'_tld.-...,-


Notes/Quoteslost any ooces recentv?

120__ ion_.h~__o.--t_..-... _G~............ ~ ............

Ope •• ,,,,,,,

.n ' he o.c. 11. 1980 GAlEm.I•• ,u••-,.'ndoc:elld ....''-''GiII' m ... d.·· .. n__~-.cetc pe<'OCil _

_ ....- ."'...~I>I' -~-----pcIled.... U¥'~·· __ '-'•. GoItongI\e<n n..-,

.._to l.-.ndfound I.....tculel""',51ode.u ndpoencol.._ _,_.nd'_._••

~.;.n;;:;:,~= ..1I5.p.'nel'",, """',t....... -...-..._____.'-_f_-once-.-

....n'~....,d 'O lh· ,.....·"tl·,oon.OIl... ,

How..... ;n,.,u"n,ly .nough. r.w..1I... ""neclup,oeollect,I>e",•• ,boolo.

IN.G'II''''''"m_·'u_nd ........·-n.,.·.. _boob._oI_1hev_ _ .20-.·· ... ___lthe-"t__....

So<ne "'_I>I'.·5.­,,'Voff'ce.Nlloom5.1-.2;'Oj)In2.= /::;;,7tle..._T.......... 131.

_,......... .nd_n'_.0.. Go<donl"ll'05.>'.,.,.,.Otl" "'ly_._tn>m .OOI We_

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Cent .. ,.. G.._ :·.....,o. _ ...·'Tt>eEotr .M_~"'",", Urw..snv .""

W.~' Inol.. . . upe'.'M 5 ...... '. , cOu'''''-.-""-.....-.,.,._1 _C''''''5 T".... COU'••5 ' . ,y h ,tyon~..:=:,;.~ 5,_n'5 _,., ,

The _,he,··_ ... _.,"II'O_ __ oIlheu mu...,.,... -.-. ..... _--' -­p• •"c",.,lyhk. ,o •• c., • • "p ·' o ·d.,.... _ ••n JrIut.",on. ....."' ut' u, • . Soc:•• ' • . Ee.... om .co .nd Ed" ..l,on .ndPI.nni"ll· ·

0..1"'1...... ' ' __5 "' ....1oIe..-.. ' U...-MV "y __

_"' -""_10< _"""_""""'_ .. 0322 T.. &I--

Chinese culturefestival underway

C",'.n,P,..oden,oI'he Chi_AMo·...'"",oIN_nd "O.'-'".. mYu,E<luI:aI_~ T I>_

- _ ,_"-'-oon• ...-...,.O'o_ C.......I Feel_ lfltl e· Men:h l S

Un_ _ .. _ . .. , ..... "' ......

, ... N!I<I. '-', 285 Duckworth S, A,8pm Thu'edey.Feb.l'. ,htI•• _llblt.'.'k.nd","",-,.,oon on 0>0_ Ae"PU""' nolMldic:<net>,-D.--seo..moeHo.nolOrT on

Feb 26 (....... li_I.'.~' '''''

onCho_ pe"' '' ne blrOr Yu Or Yu_ellO... _d .... I>1-....__ on ....__o.....e-",.,,- T._ 2pm S1' ...... y, Men:h1 • .On Thu<................12.•'9p.mOr Il.en_._"' A.5oe n . nd

~::mh:.'~,~~~,m:.,:' .:: ,.~~:'=c._.... I"asl . "'-.nd futu ' . '"

17 FEBRUAR Y. 198 1

Arctic Vessel, Marine Research Institute


SITE PLANS_"_.. lhe pie-nIorM _ ·I ....... ee..o of lend .ncI .........__"n.. _ ...onOM _ :office• . Ice ..... _~V..... . ncIM_"_"'hl".. ltuI. S.J , e-.. E"liI-.w.a lluilding _ IhlI --,_.,•• Iet1;E.ioting-';"'plenlIAVMIlII. To COlI _ .- 1156 million -... s..- e-... . o.tll _. __ .. ...-. Ugh ......... of--.._'aciIitv_c__,-20 __, TOP: c__ 1teboIIity _1aociMI' _

tn April'oKtlOl\"';1l begin..M_.. IUn ....... lyon.·.. crid-<: ·A.eue V....I .nd M."n. Res 'e"In.tllut. IAVMRII . co.ling .orn.'SS.604 .ooo; co"."ng '0"''' e.aaNa.r.. (20SlIC ...lofl• ...:l.ndernploy••ng_... ,....Ie/ylOOPtOPle

Appro.-..ofthe ......... II'uet... fIl.lwt"ch_larqelyl,U,nlheellSt·Wesl~ ,- ". ,s"ng be'_n lhe S . J

CIIr. w bu 'ld,ng . nd lhe Hulth Scoence sCentr .. was .nnounclll<l Fftb. 6 d....,ng.f)f... conl.,.nc.b\lN.honllIAevenu.Min' sler Bill Rompl<."

"Th.oc.t.nk,tMlflonlyonepll<loflhe cornpl...) w,1I be ,,,, .... or lour lI ... esI" ••ize of a,'IV .....Iing 0' presenll"pl,nn..d f,c,lot"." ind,ca1.d Dr. AOllPotti... Alla nt'c Di' ecI O' . NRC IN'hona lRese arc" Cou nc,11

··T.... lnl "'u'.,I·.f,,"'oI. kind·lec 'h'y"..;,j D,Po'U,_'''lI 1'''"'s lhef ''Sfti ''IIlC

::~or:-..:~,~:':i:.:lIC'''''' lh.''''gh'un' sitvor

Or,POI1 .. ClI_ .. ··. 'ulltr.nsI.. oI1echnoc>lc>g,,/·.nd ..'ellh.l. numbll . of__.....-.. .. nd_f1_.blI tr.'n'''liI;"On-el__..... J_.S.IO ..... ....,..... _.lelhe contrilCf

1n_"'lI_1__0.__ ·"he_•.•l<pOCIe<llOblI-"",""",... 1983 ..... __ 01 __ .

_ ... _heI<leloce.nd n <lwnlImcs-...... ,he ......_· .-..MA-.o.. 1hlI-....-nc01.




_build."" ....__ IK....,'.I.n,h.lnlt,tul...illpe.... ".._n.... oflCMoonol__


A'Chi'lIC,u,,1 el'."';"lI"01 'he ..... AVMlltcampi • • on Memo ."I'.cempul f)fov;,j• •blIoCl.lltoutld l _.p'... con· Il'n. lit ul• . S_.edlL· At.

,__," oI h'f'ltOdynamo<:-'ormance

"'.... """"'1Iocolo.... for ,""__01lICCU ••...,·........ ..-..oI ..opa.nd"'.....-uet..... The_obc_,...­_blI__fW,-.._lI-_-er!_.nd_I..,.,...

blI:':"-The-":::":'OO":;:--=:=K'I o� __""

"The _e1_ ......................... in ",,-.-_~..,.-- _perfM~

c_ O'I" "'••• oty

:::-:n~-=:'::":=:'111'..':~ IhlI I''.r19_._ oI .I'OIl " .. I.n...." ...... _ .. lIehnology•.

0 •. Ao.. P...... Anoc.. .. O;-:.or. E"lII...."nll. Memo ri.l; Ch.irm.nollheUni_·" ' y·. SOI. el oI A_ n... O. , F.w . Au lI ;110. Ho no •• bl. 8 illllomp k. " . Mini .

....><pII,ned the 'the .ns l '.... . _tnlerilCf _ t.... (keen Ene;""-".. G. _ ._ hlhll_"'intr........,...~

dIogr OII'."'e1_ ~ec:uttvolE_..

::;::":"::~':":''':.::.=E"lI' .... ,,"lI'OIlO""I""....n' .... e-.IorCold=-_""=,,~-=~E"'::.--TancIer• ••••n_ ... _oIblI...."''IInH.con'''''CI.on ..,IlIM9,''el ..,,''lI~181__C<>fnSIlooI_"'."_"

Cone! . . ... _ .. ___

",-1_"" .. 0"'"=="=:~:~=.:-":,:;",""ha_",-

-,1Il _ll bll ,he_..., _

c1e..-.. -._"The leco _. _

........-...., _ _ 0.-RoM ........ --. Dee Eneor-...··O"' .. ac:cauoo __Il'_~__ rq. _ _

='...-.,,::::....::::==:OC_nt. __._"lI _ ....... _"'-"blI_ .. \IIC _ _ '"

......---...._"""'_..."""-...._--""-'_ blI.-..oI_

.nd k............ Irom whICh _ '-'"_ ___be .... "' ........

New committeeto be aid inocean research

Mernor .. Unrversrtvha• • ...-ncecl1hll1"' .... I_ oI. Pr..oden.... ....,.,'-...n<l~......... eommm.. _ Oc-. "-ood-The cam-- ha. _lu__

-baot'O .. -- - - - -

__ .. 01_- _.--... ..._--..........Thee-wr- .. ..-",,01__01 _ ......- _ _ ... ___..........t -.l<l s...--

01 I"" C.nlr. I", CoId oc.a" ,,-­E..._ ... IC·CO"E~D.""'_ 01 ....... . "n.Sci.nces A.....<ch L. bo •• 'o."l...SItlt _ ..... o.....-oI_~_ ... lor Cold Oc-. 5e*-IJrlICOSL_

,,-,,--~_ee-nE~..~O'" e1_eom........._o._01Mernor>o OIf... oI -.rdt. JrI.... Gopn

'" m.1O' PlI '! 01 Me _ .. r • •_f'CItlICI""", .PO'f!lCulertv _lhePO'II15--.ha.t>een,,, .""_...nd ....fine nd ..1"" • • I,y,tyh.. <lev.lope<l . nd inc Hd ."'_.g'oupohe... been _up,o.,...", . Whil. lhe r. il "II", fican'inl. , •• , ion . mO" g Ih . l . g,o up •. lh .Commill• • wil l ."h. nc. the • ..,h."lI. 01inlor.... tion .n<l ... Il.,oof ..iht.. . _ .....

",ojecf. un<lerlek""b'I' the_IOU' llIrt1e1 'ha..""..., irnooo>I.-lin.""h_f'CIt

T C""' mill m.IIO ... O....... lhe____ 01 ion _ _ nim_

ou .. ide lhe Un si '" i_ i,,_n--


(1.·RI._ ....... -....- ... _£_G·.~ Dr.o.v;

_ ... - Mce.II .....

McC8IIum- llov cr'E_ -_llov-Fr_ 50 13F,8ftCOOI - ",-,,",0 lir - 8urpo6O ,e..veo -Pon.... __ IS IuIV_ 10

Log of the Elsie G.

8mc."".. ", ,,,, !j.lgnou's , M. "n .. 8Iol " '$"' 9cI8"'"

• D,AocIlIrdH.e<lrichlProl..u or 8 iol l

M JlyH,""""",8urp:oOer Il..'S-I!l'.....udent .nd A_,ct>Ass.I.lInIl S... ,. Sub"""I EOI>ItJIryl

1 T", ,",,,,-,",Men,,,,8oolDVv ~_"- on _f1l1 5 · 29 Au9"'Sl ,Iloru>tJ8ey

1 c..p'. ,n0eYld 8Uf~lB""1

Ch"" sc.. m'.t .ndR......'ch"*""' .. '. 18ob~ 18..,. ,

~n.. ,I.$ on_2.""y_dt.... EI... G.. . 38lootc..,.ltIancl .tyMr_'chl. unet!, S.... ""'SI.J(lhn '••IO!>30AUlIust.,.nr""'.IONoffl.Poin'f"" .... MII"neF .. klcour..18001O\1y .8101

r- ot _T"" HoftounI MI_IIloIog"• 1.....1. loolI f.... pr;.... ry ""lion........ buoy .U-_projec"..........__ .,..,.. . Wencl'yS-.• ..-.)...........__ oI AUIlo Mc:~IL)___ M _~ __ '"

e.toOR'.~by ..._ ,..._

......-. ...... .,... ....-

"",-01--.,. T,,~p"ICtICII'-__Jor"""_ Mer_8ooloOY-'"__""""""_lO dapr-'..-y boologoeel_ ,n """"- ptrtI d--

The Many Aspects of BiologyThi. i. tIN f" " n h ill. GAZETTE .• ""."..,. .,ill, FACULTY INSIGHTS.•II ETV_ ..... ".,.r.d b\" L,.",. ,.,.",.,

17 FEBRUAR Y. 1981

• III..-nllUllll...-n _


ThOugh M.ri... Biology i. perhllpa lirm . for tho lede ..l lJOwernme nt or.t h l b. ,, ·k now n . re l in Me mor i. l' , un~ity.

~"ment 01 Biology. 1'-••re numer · As ..... ri... biololrvi••n e_pend ,ngOUI 01'- •.-en of import . nca .. .i." bjo. field. ther. hll been no problem gett IngIogic:l. control. Motthern boioIogy!ltudy 01 ",mmer or l*.....nenllOblfor undlrllr.bOologOcIllIPICtI 01 nortn.n reg ionl). orgr.clltudentl.buISummer.1980_.mocrot>oology(the IoIner ... bM:I<ground IPICfaI. Act:ordlng to Or. South. fIr.....lorll'lldici.... biochem..·orllolnilltionl.ndllO'""l'"nment~

to&ogy.nd~ntbioloOY lfwdl8plrtmofM.llyong, ·WflrIIMd••u ·During . r_nl tlll6lcl. inte ....i.w. dent lor rhrll month. ' woI1<in th.lIbr. ·

_ -eoment 01 ETV, f'ltully lneigh tl 00<. or wn.._ .nd _ hid lO lly",ie• . OIpertrnent held Rob In South Sorry. you Ihould heve c.lIed 2 mon lh.delC ribed Biologyll.broad blSllor ~o. All BooJogy lt ude ntl ....I...dymany . ubjeet . . worki nll inth. fi.ld

" Memo ria l he ' .1weyt had a wery "11'• • heellhy .ill n for th e luturetl rong ..-rch com po...nt in lhe mtl rin. Wh it wit h oII'herl development,. theaciencel . notjult in biology but in engi . increlled importe nce of the I,.hor,n._ing. che mitlry.nd phylicl··.hellid p1u•• relltiwlygood fI$Mryin_tpl•··As wtJIl.,lhe Mlri...Sc~"-reh e.... ther.·•• hellthy lutur. for Memor ·lIborltory, Logy B. y. doe . ue.lI.nt i.l Studentll.king Mlr in. Bio log y: ·woRinthl ..... n .........ronmenlplln>eu· bIlie¥M SouthlerfvonliIherMI·bio:*Igy ·· Envi. on rne n tl l eonc ..n. ... . lto

Of the·. 30 ' . e u lt y import.nt to the dIpIrt ....nt .nd Orm.mblu. 11 Ir. invo lv. d in .om. Sou!I't1atedworlr.itbeingdonoloncon.'$pIC'l' 01 MI ni'll BioIolfV' nd .....reh trol01 peItI.uchItlheHemloclllooper.rlnge. from Ih. f" he ri" to 'tudin 01 the Spruce Bud'wor m. mosquitoe••ndblllft .nd SI..-.dt. ' bllCkfliel

()perltive.ince1 917 .• M..intl Biol. Northern r.,...rehoceupi..s .mllOrogy Fi. ld Course lor li n• • ye.r Hono urs proponion of th e biology dep.rtmenl"1. t ude n tl tjiwe. ttUde ntlprteti«J1 e.poI· e tl orta in arell Olher lhtln mar ine , Thi.rilnee ;nthe field. (S...dJoining .toryfor ,ncludea work on mot . ", I nd Ii .....rwon••log.nd photos at th l Summer. 1980 vu cul tlrpltlm•. 'n Mctl(espeelllly lll ...·VOVage of the Etli. G I tiC species.tId billng flin l pa rIS ien I nd

~Biology 48 1 0 prcMdn.n apportun· .spect. of the phyllOlogy of pltnll.ndotylorstudentlto·getthetrfeetwet.booth .n'....I., Th. dep.rtrnent". effort.,nIoter lll y .nd f'ti!Ufllr¥8'Iy·, mll<e • f_ ,_ctl.nd tetCh,ng .Iso ,nt",mesh 10mitUkn,.lwtytpartolthelH,nongpro- WlththoseolOlheordlc>trt_l,lnclud· 11_ 1.ndtj"n ...l prkt.."I ."P"'_ 'ng Biocheml lt ry . MlCrotllo'ogy . Whoch ------- --- - ------­It ..... " ... biologi lt l. ~ Or So uth tokl ETV rll".. to ..... ny ~. 01 the dIc>trt.hMI_ Undt Pfe lffe' ment·, rese tlrch. II c:oncemr"ed prinel'

pally on proble m.,nlll... tlCl m."". .nd'r ... hwete.I <lCOlys, em a. biolOtjic.l con ·Irol.•ndnllfOtjenll.",onlnco.d-tdep,edplant a

JobOPPOrtuni"e. inlhtlf edefll lndprO'lIf\Ciet tjovernment",rvic... prov!dejobtlormtnyblOlogytjrtds.•ummtr~edOr. South. 8ddong. "W e teldom twveprobl.m. pl.cintj o u r " .nd.1_i........l8blv the jobt ..emtheorer_oItr.,nlng··

OU'ifItiJth.. two ...."ona of the l i. ldcoufle h.. ld thu s I.r . lIudentl we'.._POI<ld toe warietyof technique. forlIudyingfhemerintl.nvironment:llm·piing technique• • mathodl oI.n.lysi. oldetl.ndbestol .l l. lnapportunity to.N1lynthe"owndet. ,nll .8dol_­_ ....·. , The worlr. t1udontldlid du flngthe courte _. "mil.r to whit thIymigh(dolor.n..",;ronmen"lconaultlng

Study in another province possible

R--=fr Hiot"'"''''':HaII.m .,...,.__'...."por... .... 'h ......,.."'bott...onBey d·E_

DiSCO\<8< numer"" .-rv ""P . ""NII. """'.. conl. ,ni"'·sou' .... n·"'P'l Of$IIn....... in",.1_ I.' .nd Arc'IC'OO _ P _ Ofg.n,. m'lUIt belo ... 20mSludentr rcllprOj"".. in8onno 8.y, SlNIligrou psd'<lindep"","n'prot"C'•. !oru8mple, .n.r""ncl·I.... ..,lock ltudyol'h.<leptIl .C1CCllP'... bVlOO9l.nk'on l.m .+I.""mp. jellyli"' . IIC,I.nd"udyd,n"""'ouncl,nwa.IIed·.. _

Un......t ",,.......,. in _,. 0..... llov . i.'.' ''_''-.Je'''''''a1very 11'111 __.~ue.l.

Drve d "'llhl loc:e''''''' One cIey d_IQhoc ...........__ in ,lie__ ... fleyd 'E_ _ FW-u.8tv One_,....·."""""d __.......... t....__ _ ~ Aft-. . "-"ch d •• '- "-"-_ by_lIyCGlCl'. ____ ae.e.-1Qhoc--""_ onBonne fley on_ A"'__....-m_-......on__ ...... _ .... ............."., ·_m ·_-.."'tIedIy- __

:::-_ _ ........-_ .SI

1lU~1••IUlmlllWllltlllllllHllUtllU_tt....t" .....II....t..t~IIIlllllllUIl_tllll

Acll. nce lO. ,udy in . "", IIer p-rov,nc. 'Of.b<"""..IO<l .,.nintrocluet'... ' o ot....rp."..olC.,...<l.toincr......'uden"·,..."on.1._..,.... , ,'l>et·••'CIde . .....ind

"""CUSEP II Ih. C.n.dlln u n,v "yS,.....E_.... "'-.m.ncl •......., " ......__lundon8tromthe_t1_n........

Jor._.--..Jor-.eduet..C1IlIE.e..-n8_"torlnl_~EducMoonl ,ng ..............

ElchpOrl'onol'.... '..\d • •gre<!ltu<! m.y ItlSl ' ·1. """,", inci"'" ••ncloct,v''' .. ""... ;tly ... l.1ed IOlhs.. """".. · ~ic ""lCopIino. be il n..u.,i1C.. ,..,...-.>ciIt _,..,... h.......nn... Mc

CBIE . "" ...... n_ ..........,....... ........... plenthe-."e. ...... ,"' ......,._I.nv.t ........-.....~ .,. _Foo-f__ .......aetClllL

t.t18..... A..,_ S I08 .cm.-.1I1'


17 FEBRUARY. 1981

" Memorial must assume leadership in areaswh ere our environment gives us opportunitiesto be the best . In terms of broad educationalobjectives, we have to be excellent. We must

offer students opportunities as good as thosethey could find anywhere else in North Amer ica.or in the world."

Goals and responsibilities for university

are cited by Memorial's President- ElectTo m1" n l.,n hillh q...lolyleKh.

"'liI.ncl._chon lhecentf"• r_oI.rts.ndsa.-nces_be

_oItt>e"" .....'Y~I.ol ..'..dmoni$l""on. P",,,,,nl- O"'I1·n. t. Las lie H. "'S IOld '''90na".,Ih . r. p,re n con l ..e nce.l",hlch h ,• • pp o, n l m. n l w ••• nnounced

A ••cond 110.1 WIll b. 10

..... ,nut'nhigh.QWI,ty .. .."' ng lor,"olas"on.lm.nPO_, lo",w,t he needs 01 Iha p. .... ,n<:e. ·"I'mth lnk,ngolEduclI"lIon,ofNurl lnll01 Med icine . 01 9u s ine .. Admln l' ·tr.llon wh "' . nlldho9h.... llCl peop. "' oth _I·~ ...,'Isin_.hc .. _··...dOr.H.at1..

lI nked """'Y closlly 10 IheM1IOI·.a•• r ch.nd doev.lopm.nlln are "'hich r.I .I .d"ecllylotl>&nllds.bolhp'",.. 1 01 lhl.p'....'n<:e:·lnl..1I•• I!f'liJ... lhol-.k1b1.IY$I..... oI

~==.::.:~~::::..~="' ..... _ a ' ••nd where _ are

N. wfoundl.noe•• In Nawl ou nd ­1_."",PJd

The un ivers ity 's roleSpe .l"n g of l he unl va rs l1y·.

'0'" Mamo.i.1 m u. t ... um alud. rsh,p In " a ... "'h '" ouranv lfo g IV" u' p.cul...Dppo<1u I_IObel be5t....ledOr H s ··In II 0 1 b<....,IClUCII_ obJect_ _ "-tobI ••callent Wa mustolt.. OUrSludant'ppPor1 unlllasasgoodestllos alh.y couldh"d.ny",har aa l.. in Nortll A lTll fl CI . 0< ," 11>&_Id··

Respo n s ib i lit i es asw ell as need s

Dr. H.m• • lso spok . ol· th. nead '0' Mamo .i.1 10

ICh........ . cell.tlCaln •• aaswhlch... re!ev.nllOlhl··eocoefvwhlCh


'spac,l,c .ncou"g.m.nt 01

·· Ih .ng. w . c.n (by V"'''. 01geog.r""'oc. oh VSOClI. .nv...""......II I.nd cult toc.IlOn~dobltt...l!\ln . nyone Cln dol",m··ReM ,n norIh a . noc••n•. '"mar in. e" v",on me " tl. In mlnar al. nd l ou.C8$ w... C'ledu.UCh .

·' M.mor..' must .ncou"g.~l oI lhl·V.III'''_oI

.... e- ' ....,..•• wellut"'·purely-.... l ,. I... ie·:·.Ir'- 0 •. H.".. ,add Ing tll.l in t,.ml 01 lhe Na",10lindl.ndcllllufll .. doe.··wehave .he&Ostart"" Qn. olhlS obt«ll_wo "ldbllo . ncourega ' '' ' '.....~'inm.lh_

The role and sty le of auniversity president

r h a .o!e 0'1 univarsllyprasident".-n ... lCflIIC.lonebvD.ka ............... bll_l... prlSldenl··hMlObI.le_ I-.Id,-

'hltrnvgener 01 ....""'"-.l1_lhe..- Ilb1lb1eto"e conlIn lied ... i.• to •• • d b~

""'...........ncl ••ISOf!.ncllogic.bvllOOdcom~rll"lOn·

....,"".~bvdorlCl.... "'bv"l1..VOU_nIIOdosomet ll,ngbldly.ndu""ght. you ougllI IOllBV. t",B " , l l l~ tO pe"u.d. t he l)OfIIYof lho$e w ..... work wotll VOU ··

On his succ ess or asvice -pre s. (academic)

··lnC.""'.. " unl ,II_l,..nor.... l . ot... tlOn .. t l the wicl-p"" . pPO.nt ",.n" .... s_ nl .. lI~pr.._nl,.I.p"",,,t."',nll T"e So.rd o f Ra ge n ll'1'00'''". b u t t h l P re .id.ntch oosa s .nd •• commend~. , . il·'

,m"",lIm to re me mbe r lh.t lhe......-choHn "'''s!"",onIyh_theconlidenceolthe "'.... dI-nt.bvtbelllOPlewrth"""""''''ClnWQftTh... .........tolh"""'SOf\Ilchoocf!inthlu",melldoec..,on··

Sports - Sir W ilfred Grenfell College

HatdWori<Pa.... OIflor Wreltling Tu m

TI,. __ 01 J,onUlr~ JOlh _ Ihe

:.;:.:'::::..~~..::=::..._.- .........._"'1..."'__ TtoI..=.~oIS::-::~::':c-..._lhemrou.goId_... "" .....<t_.TtoICoillgel""'placeducorod,,, ,hI_.II.II""i"ll.rhl" ... .,b,g ..........nt l.~';,nc"l Ch''''olon. h,O on F.I..- u.,~

ColIIg<t T••m. FeoeOUI·Ot· P. ....inceCompellllOn

ThlCoiIigeVoIleybelll.l<l_' • Me".r..m."............ Srd N 5 . _ . 1he1Il. Ml"''_, ,._,....

~...:.-~=:"'v::=c-... ge......... ..--.

..... ' ... _.......,01-. • ....., ... _

.,,11_,,-In~.'hlCOIIwg. '..m.Th.W .. 'i ....c_ IlI.. nst ' C B"""" CoIteve

c. ,,_."" "' ,r... _ ...""'"e-_c-... TtoIe-s r'--. __ '__ 01 e...-e-veAfNet", ~

1ooIdong"' ~I_-..'nIheW bu' .. ,nn'ng ngm..,,' i1tl1. compe ,ed 10 til. bln.h,. 01

_ 'c""""ll,n.""".n.""hI"lII"'''lI'.'''-,..._~W'<TIQfSW,n ","""""C... T,,1e

s.WiIf.... G.. n\elrCol.... ........, _lor t'"Provlr.".lln'.r_.. '.A LIdo..·.ndM.".' B. ....'blltfou' ... m... ' th. _ k.nd 01fIb 8ltl.rhl """"· ,..", lrom 'heColIige_ .lIlh1"g............""llf.....r...CoI.../St _'. 108..-0, JW. -'-51=':S~~.__..... s-vCer_

In 'hi SIm,·It".",...,. S,.... 'V·• ..,."-IlI_ 17 .!lO. ln lhe l"' . I ......

::;";;:~':;it:"'" IIS-IIIJo 'h.Th... oI,...__.........le<:lIdlo<.'"

r.....__ All S,.. -... eeme "om _W--. ,_• ..-.g _ ~

CertE'.'::::.::.M::.:::-'G.oe~... ___ AIISII'_'"

1"',.. II",in. 'VgI", .. ' ,.. LI<l_ ·l..,,,_ 8IIquH -I6·3lIG••-.1.II· ....S'._·.oI6-2.r...,._""' .......-"- ...... _"',... _._"II) n. __ LelI<_c...-_ ..._111 __""''''''''-' 18-40

_~~ "'....'::;:S-::/::::Olr.e<pI. rer! ...., 'Ml r thl ...", _ •• • • ..... rr-illst McC..,...,. She"'"........ c.........Su.-_ N... Sv1IOft "' ..Sut __s ._ eo·_nner of , _.=-=__rr .,01


I~::~:~~ I§§Ml tt-. ...._of ...... "' ...... _ §§§ ... ......-,.1"'_ §

~=':":::.:=-~ ~~ E"'..r:~ ·:.::~::,cIId on ,,. ~

I ~§~~~I§ Il 0.500 _ i5 TtoInI""" ot ,,.. r"S"""_lol ~~ the JIcq ...II... ""'ml.U< Pr'Mw,1I be §i "'-'''''''' _ ''' ", 1911 1 ~

~ Ii......-...__


Th. hislO<"v 01 medICine ,n PMw·loundl.nd.ndu,bo-edoo- ...... beh'll" .light«l ,n. __ ol lIctu'" in 'he

~lth s-r-. ee.w.. 10 be ll.-n pn

four co"...;u,.ve W<tdnondaYS . I 12:30p,m, 10 1.2DIl.m. in Lectur.The.,r. 0

On F.bfulrV 2!>.0,. J. H.,...01 lheDepartment of ~ory ..."1 spMk Ibou.· ·S.. WiIf,ed Gr..,f.. . nd H. T.....,.. onMardl • . Of. W 0aYMIPIr.- _II ,.Ikon"Chol... inS,. John·.'·, on March 11.Or. K.B. Aoberts MUN's John ClinchProf.seorofH,"ory.ndPhysie>logV .....,1_kel>oul 'OfCIindtalTnno'v,".ndon March 18. Or Gordon Joh.-. who1lI._I.conlider_I,.... on,heNonh ...,11 splNlk on ""Nu,,,,,,," on ,he

L :::::...J ~S~~~IINj:::ul:·:.::~·dor

~ '- ..._.­",'Il8O. £h_Sum..--..""'_~::;";::"M~

=.::-::-" ""11"11.'1'00sc.......·. o.,.......;'oacl>oo<. -..Im,,,,"­!'"l","ndKl'.. in


The recreation scene on campus)-.nllllllllllllUmlllllllllll""nINIIIl1111llll"""",,",m.ln' .IIIIIllIIlnIIRlllllllllllnllnll,,,,1II11II11I111I

Still a consu ltant - -

Retirement not withdrawa l ••from the 'world of work'

Sl'-._ "'~"K'''''''-''11M51..... _s.-.·. _"....-.-IVO __oobI¥l_._

_'''_n1'"t,,",oId_'''C<II~on"",_S" IOfI_I'O'...

·1' I>ef r._01 nd __ "" ; _ -..l - • .-M...Sum 1Onoo1w_.o. W_ms.-s.. . GMtr...... "'- on"..,..~

,,, ,::,:='=-m':"-~t=':':<I,'f.'..... ;n ' ... ~'''''of''l. N.w1ou'.:I1.......ea n mo_. fo< ..............:· bool_ M,..,--

Ho ....w• • • '"" In ....-.._. -"""-.__

=-""'~~~~=::~~_ go,,, 0'''- ••-. sh l .....

_nt ..... ,..".....1I" ••" ,,,---. .....1<1 .... 0.......'. 01 "'" _ .. I U~""CoI~""lh.d ...Iom.,nH""""""SC......

"""_Ihlng.M_s-.. .......... _ ......_E~f"'.our_.. 'n:"::.:=.,;:'.~::::-=':t--= It C~~","",,_........_('~~Iong_on... ll'ogr ........... HeI".. ...," -"' ScllOGlol ......... _"",..ntlylhe il'.....-nodOCu__ IOfI'" l,omIM2..5 ,hll>eAo¥-lc.nodoen

OfU.nlZ.ho ud••• or><! br .. ,s "'........ s. ",~,,'ng Sist.,And oII......... IO ,_<lsy F,..."MeG,'I~.,.. .8".

._ ....-. -..... ng_. on Pull!oc _ II.. "...........................,.==b..-P'<9.~.~_·s- ~=:r=::::E.:lI ...s.19&1_El.._nS~",...... "......ngs.n.-s

es"",'o , Un, i.,. to....,n Com",~n,.,. ForIl_ D".." "'".~'.. no ••_ ttt>""-"'nginf'- $et>ocIlol N.......·._ co-,.'Hoepotel.S •. John· .. ,__.......___... ... ...........uel ........ IO... _bylectunng'n

-~ _ N oM. -....__.. DioIII'-..o..Shs_

.._ • .-_.... 1... _ ........_oIS-'-~;",.......... ""'"

:"S::":;:I~:'.=..."":...:~::.~::"~: ~,~~:.:-:no=,;,:~, . toI,••·i",,,, "."."... ",oI_ion··.""" toI.....",., Su"' ...... _sOl.; nol l)nde'8'sd·~·I .._' ..... s.- Com 01 $et>ocIl ""· ·s N_~.~. __ .... , .nd_,....,...·s...-...__s--eon_""'_onf'- __.. __'--" s.------ ---,.. ~' ..........-_.---_. " Ou' g'eelu"n "n • 8- "11 _. pe,I'IsP I . '1'Is' I. 8'~' "' • • ".., .. n"hcblo ...nd'hsyl'ls n_· OPPOfl~n"y.witno,n.''''.'''b.rsot'h.

'~"''''I0''''''''_'Il''''''''''' ~ '.,..,....,"' ...'n to·1) "'_,...~_ rt,c'p.'.jnd'IC~.i,_••"dd II"'""

_ _""._"""' ~"'"' _ .......-..c:lIfI-. H___ • tsughI ........... be · toI_s.--. _~""'ng H --. .. _I .. beong ..... _ .....toIU".·.,_ nd,,;e.,·"'-.,'"

··H••be.n Ao.. "'. 'y S~"''''''" w." ,...""lan," A-e_ 01 ,...<li.n Ano....__ "" "",,ulty,_ ..........., .,..,_"",-""-.,.~"",,........

beong_ ...·'-.- Dinaotol.... ...~.19llO """"""_"'et1~""'""'- O n.-w._.... oIMUNs..-oI __ ~"'"........ _ -..-.-.nv. .fld _ ' .." "1 d 01" ..._-..._.n_of_Ifld S""' _ ._ ·_,,..,.p.. _couldt""_''''long-l''''''''''p1.c."oonsof. moa,b..~"tul_of." ,nu"'cI"'ce"'".-.e-. Wt "'"' ... , ''''"'11''' Ind objooc. ..old ",.ny wI,,,, wi..... t", "'v_ .- tut -


--..... _--....,~....._..--....- .....Through I'"E_"" f_.

cont lE""I......--. _II _ pro.

....... _-"""....-e-n__.... _por.-oI_- ..-......::..-::.::.::-~..:::._ I'.".... 10_....-_!of _ •.=.:=::~~~~,=,?;,:,':-"':"~I:'~:r'=~.:':~~_I_""""',

•.... _n_tflpICII..._"·.... ntl ..... ,n'976Inol'O •.nendEPl'"ts wilhout giVIng l~'"


·lh.t, d,lCu....",.m.k.I""",.",n'oo.n mlnalionoff_,.I.ndl""",nclil._I.I"",••ndobl","lion.~Ia".. 1O::::1,<>Ie of "",. in ou,socllly.nd



• Murph"CM t>e_Ic.lledb\l co­work"W_tlhellsl-...,....01hIS employmenl

'W " h h,s knowledge 01........booltll'll_s,_vedorsh,ppedOUIoflhebooltstor•. hewe. . mosl \tI....b1e employee. HeWIll cetl"n'y be m;ssedby his co·workers:' uid O.~id Knighl'"Murph will nOl be ......yperl<>n10'0,g..l.ash.. couldn..verr..fu ...f.~or '0 .nv co-work.. r or f" ..nd.c,ollc.mpus.W.. hOpelh .. goldpock .. IW.'chwh,chw.spr.....n's<!10 hIm wIll be his,emln·d.r o'.U hi. good friend•• lM.mori.I"

Pr.,. 10 Ch"SIm.s fasl__

on c.mpus. Ir_ .ndco-worurs01 tYrry Murphyg.I'-.... inlhsDr.,. Room. Thomson SIu<MnIc.nlr. ·Theoybid.fondf.r~IIO

.0'"''''''' "'lIn. H.N)I Murphy'"uld eookslore M.n.ger O.~ld


d111'1"Me"-181 on July 15. 1966W"h IWOOll>er employees and IWO

studenb. he worked in a smallbook.lore. Iocal ..d in 11'1.. Ptwsic.1Educ.llOnbUlldlng

In 1911. me Books,ore wasm"",ed ' 0 Ih e b.sem.. nl 01 11',en.nce buildIng. whe'e

Universities concerned about

possible cut in available fundsc..nlOd,.nun,...rsll ....,._.__ .... ~cf • ..,.t__

.. ~-"'-"'"""",...,.....1_.. I, _."• ........,u._I..._ .-.IInoof"'_M_,_. AOCC m.._ 01 ,--.__ ~cfe.-l__ •

"-"""' ..__ 01 .... _01

::::.-:'n,,"-..:":::'.::::--:'::, --- ....-Aeduc1........ I_could_ -__

1St...I.ou ••ff_l.onun II•••' •...".__ two • .--during och........ ""••_.,,"ggr.n1,""' __ Iagved"-~_

In'lat ..... f ..",- .._oIl"'_.'''''lI_would In.v".bly r.duc. I~. ClI'.e"f 01ea..-·..."'_.,.... IO..-tCOUnl..,·_.nd""""'nc;sl_inh'llh .....lm.~'• nd , 'c~..· 1I.. ,od I"" btiel

1 "' ...."' •• 1"""""' ........".1 ..'·",.,..Io' comm..n""'••nd"''''''r.,....nd1\s......hon ·_.ndinle,n."on.I,._.,b,ll"••. ,ndle,,'ad lI,.brl.f. Among ......_ ......·.roInt...,h,ng.'_'eh.toat..Ing"'''OCI'._...... i"-'''ngpo~_1... ,I1. .....""od lng . pool ol ' : petl ' nd ...,..~Md~..... "'..",Mfy._ ....

Some l ....rty·lour dotter_ '~_IICl:__ ..e_..... Ior_lull­

lIme 11"dar1I1. lee""".nd iliff., Memor,. t M.ny ( if not I.kep/IQIlnlheItOCln,ty of lhe PhI'lEd.building..II ..eunderlhs-.gisollheSchooi01PhI'lM:.1EdlJCllKKl.ndAlhlelocs

Only. C'OII-MCllon oIlhelCll~lt,es.'eshown... 'n ~lllOn 10lhelrled.nd,rue·IWlmmlng. llOCCe,. squash. ,ennis. slu'ng eiC..Ihe'e .re IeSMr -knownspotIISuchesUC'OIM.Fenclng.Judo.nd lnd lec.ltor.ne_pl.n.IIOnO'lhfI1.1l.' asl< Ph .... Ed·sSleli. Greenl, For. comp lelallsllng. c.llth.e School ofPh ....,C.1 Educ."on.nd Alhlelicslor.c',v,t,es.nd cont.C1 pe'lOnneI

d·"1'4 UU\I, ~ k,~ 'F"'f' VtanJ,


'0 retirements, an AUCC brief' ~l

8GAUnE 17 FEBRUARY, 1981

_____... .._.IMlI_II.._IIII II~_"_. _

"(1. eli,,":! ...~"

Senior citizen supports Fund

Ilow w'"!i.h ......n .cco......od.r.,........_,O_rMl.oot_,.II..","lI_"''''h'''0II'_.1Hdo'''-by'-... ......-.-._Npa<t."...........-'__ "'10<_:=.,~v..m:.=:,~"::-------~_ ,...---_ 11I'-......-_ ...-..._.....WhIt'I"''''•I."""_ba_t>y,_""",,,_=:':~~I:~~"'::.:::..=...",''''''''.ndlilnry.. ,bamodol....1

M' CII"'.io_'" 28 ...._0"'''''.""._ in 1>'OlI"......, Memot .. 1Uni--..,.,

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' ..o~'o..; 'h ••ul.,..,. bih,y 01 •••ioul. ... ..", .. ...,hnolog 'o_lr""'_.ndII ........ ,"'_•• noo; __•

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_poIoo thlt...-.....,·...._d lo<cI' by

_~_ ... lhIt ""'-". _MoCay---- ._...-............._01_.__ "'-""'"c:ornmu........ __ --'II' at v.. .._.,__.'_ .... F_ lIIInd.G_..,5',... _ • •"hIt •..,'u" ........... 0_ onthltSou,_'C...., ..... (o. part",ul., ,nl.''''1'P'OII,...,'.'oonIIP'Ol•• onl.m'I.. I' ..,ru".... n'TlteQu• ....,papa.'• ••'udyol ••uoo..oful... r'-.... u'."""-l>ebuil,uph" na_<>Iou","""

Da<'l'CII'~ n_.' n_IIwlyld_ UO'.. "'Un ,.,.nd..... n''''''lybeco ' do<:lor 1 ~l w"'n "'.Clor~· or·d~.I rro O·_._nlnI932."we. du.i.. ,h. O__ion."" monI'Y'or.Un,..,.ily U<:I'..... we....... '" 'haq.-_

M •. ca. _'oworO; 'n.....-' 011_

::...::"~9~ '::,"': ~~..:.~.:v.. Doano1 00..."", ... "-s..-......._I'I'OPII.-...M.~":""-=,:..:::::":.=:'::_____,,-Iwn_

-~.......,..-........................ CllrU __ ..·. toO _ lo< lwn lO_.doOt..yOU',. __oIcl",_n- ....-S'n.. '." 'ha·._n.l1.nd'nu"'-mor..1Un Il'l'.' I part·" ......u<:Ienl. Tode'. h.'. oompl.,.d 12 o•• d,1 00..'.0.Inolud'"lII... F,..-..:hoou' .... 'h' .. E..Ii.Il.=..~;":':: ::~o~;; '~";:·~'h:::~~.. .......,-..- ..... _onHewl__-TM.....,.,.-...Io<_ooo._.. _lfWy ...._---­_ .17_oIclo..vo..t.a__",_~_ • .,. Toglll<_IhIu.-·....·. 110I..,.,. ". ""'"1"' ___.... _"_... _ 1h1·."""--"'Fund ... Ileu _....t,II. CI. "' . ·. oon,,, bu,,onl h••• _n

..,.... ,~ed_illCllly lor'hlLob•• 'l'Fu""S,""'O,"",.. lot,<ill. t,II,.CIo,k."YI""'Nli... iul,_,...port.on'.hbf •• yil.Ke ·..Y'­'''''''-''''''''''' lhalibf.'l'.''''''''''.'''.""''''iI'...",,_., _.,,,on.""':o<do.. "'M.CllrU."' t<__ lo............. 1lO'1_d .... _..,F........ "'"

TM_ur-"' ........__....._h ''''._i pldol_n'..'_.... ... "' u"" I. __ur...IP.31. _ hoo< co.. " udy l.c><nO..-io

;:I=""·~::~~':~:d~=~:':::•"'itOOlI _., 1_.1 ..... .....,..., 1 ...-...............-POlio'eOI.tIlay ,""'

Non h All.lnlic Moirilime Cultur~ : Anthr opolog iu l hwy\on C~ngingAd.p.l.lions, ed ited by R.wu l AnderS4'n. Mouton Publishers. The Hague, 1979.365pp. clot h; $51.25 U.5

"Memorial is known interna­tionally for its maritime re­search and it is thanks toRaoul Anderson, in particu­lar, that we possessan anthro­pological reputation in theirfield." Robert Paine, Anthro­pology.

1I 1 _ n .-_10 Memot .. 1" '"" _yo ""_ '", _ ..ntl··M_i Un-....,._~ lloclor.I I__ ."" .._ '__·110.-.. " TM _.__... ,........ _ ... v.. """' ..... GulldS'.t.-..-t>n .pool" .....

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_d"""-'-....~ by_loc:lId _

17 FEBRUARY. 198 1

Sir Wilfred Grenfell libraryprov ides space for research,study, recreational reading

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coIlt9tirlCor B<ooIl .............""~r.uodl••rl'l;l'lll r..ouru.unlr•.prOV"''''ll.bIIuc:coll.ellonofboolr..1tncl,pe"Qd,c.I•.•1000llWII".ud'0!v .....1........I.Ind-.q..opmenI.s,.-~"ll.,,1915.llb<...,""""np_ll........ 10100 .....1 '~"Ploon••nd 35.000..."....-.lndudinliJ "'tJocUby.ndIIbouI d... ColIlliJoe· ..-..••

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.,,, ..... _lI •• pamphl"'.nd_bec.collecilon.

A. pari 01 M.mor i. 1 Uni".r.ity"'l.SirWiUradGrenfeliCo'l.g.Llbr. ryhllits.cqui.itio n.clf.loguing.ndlechnicalproc ...i"g11• • 1'1 car. 0 1 by ttll St. John·.c.mpu.·.LIbrary. Th.compulltMarch.ndlplC­"h,edrel...nee ••rvic.. in Sl. J ohn ·•... a.aorlldoly.".iI.bIlIOu O.ttllCoU.g. Library. In.ddition ,d.\I .. ,,1y of lJbr.ry ..... Ieril i. is bor,owedd.,lyll'lroughth.inllrc.rnpu.lo.n....~

W"h_''''llfOf 125.S.. W,lIradGr Collegellbr...... pr a .... nny.trnosp Of.I!Idy.r rchandI'ICfNI1OflIIlrMdl"'il


Special programs make for entertaining lunch hour


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Th. ''''1 lour .pe.~ 01 Ihll_ _ ••K1r.melV ·_Or G Pedlr.... gananillu.".,ldtal.enl'IIId ·"T""eu,_enScene"onhtljou,neya during 1'I _ 'ocal in Bud·• p"1 Dr . P.d " ·••mu"ng .nd,nll""nlngl.l. wlI puncluated bYshowIng lOme • • cell""l ...od&sIa._ inEu,_endNorII'lAlrlCll

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