~Memorial - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V30N10.pdf ·...

UnMnity ol NewfoundWld PIIblic_ MiUl RCli ....... Gazette J... 8.1998 New regulations forgive hundreds B cca... e <>fMcmoriar, roew re-adm.s.",," pohcy. IIC'-'''udenh ...!l" would OlheT\oli-e I'oeen eligible '''ll'gi'>\a'lhi,Januaryhave boen approved hI 'Ill-" up f"rda,...:,. This i' the fil"i' 1l'cenlly-aPP",,,,,,,,,"rorgi'·cn.. ", clau-e:·lloo ..... ,ull, a1l' m.,reor I..." .,upe<:led. ,.,.,<.1 keg,,'rar GlennCulhns. The new 1'<,1,,'y mean, Ihal 'lI.dc:nI,""!l<'do"olmeet1l'8ul. requil't'tt1et1hfot .... ..,lm......... -e in dleirproeramoareg, ..macade- mic "'.min"inslnd of being forad 10.. nhdn .. from !he lIlli- ven,ly for ("0 ""me,len. Mr. CoIlmslrldotherun,ven>tyofJi- ciahClp«1lNldlef<q:ivenes. policy ...ill_In mo.....people .hootarl de'IftS.-,ll 10011 10 fi ........ mic ........ - aOO476, or ailTDilbOper cenl <:AIhc:IcUI,an:'IlOOeoofufWtoom fl"".Mell'l<lriilI "Wc\WlUldh"l'ctlwlthr.e"lI· drnl .... homigh(,implyhavchad trouble adjustmg touniversity, will U"': this chance to-.:ulc in andconlinuellM:irl"'lgrnm... ·"'id Mr.C'ollin_, "Theletter we .... nl (10 inform Ihc:moflheir >laluQ i_ a friendly une. Weinduded_ug- .I"'UI hu"" lhey c.n ilt'4"\wt'lheirpeff''Ifll1IllCe.lllings hleredoc,... roonek..l,.. lhehelp_..:nln:"<" theP;>all i,"'''' ""Ii'll lhoem "'-e 1Jore1he)-";lI· w HelddedthalllCJlllloflheSOO .illlCtUllly eN'OI. md r-t ........ ben ...... ·lhe ....laMeuntilJa. ""MYIWU"""OUldbeaboutflO per cenl of them ...ill come bad.. W he laid. 1bere are .......Idn·1 register ju.t ,0I1en off lhepbone ...ilhooe.tudenl.for u.mple.whowlnhlocome bad:.buldoe.n·lrullyfeel ready for il Ihi. OCrne'<ler,w Burton's Pond hockey _isinlul-.... __ br_'ihinroyhorlryp/atoo<n""_'·l'ondan..........n.r,SLIotwI',c_ Travel warning If a storm hits, listen to the radio T he neu lime you wake up 10 I l'a(l:,nll bli1.7.ard. reach for you r rad io befo re radunll for your_.tkrvel (or .. Memori.1 relic. on "x.l Tadio ........ 1O""lhennl •• ouI"'t.en cl ....el.ree;lncelled due 1o B.iemeft...-h:r. WbetI.cl.... hu 1obe CUI- celled 011lhe SI. JOhll' l c;lm- uyOlhern:MOII_profe.oon .ho uldconl.C ldeparlmenlll off..,..., ...hich ohould Ibm COII- ""I lhe Diyi.i on of Univenity kelliion ••1 7J7,1l66S. Uni- Yeroily Rel .li on. UK' e ecce ..-heninf onnin lrfldio ,wionoof claM cancd l.liono 50 WI bogus informalion won'tbc aoccpled Al the Marin e lnsnt ute in cl ..'n in winlry weather iJ ma<\eincon .uhati ,mwiIllMem. urial's Some whether the Ci ly of SI. John ' J ha. declared ••1. le ofemer- gt:ncyand "'hether puhlicnn5- portalioni.5tJlIoperat, n.. beinll c....celled II Menwr-ial - iJx:ludina the Manne lhe informalion il rro"ided 10 SI. John'1 radio _ionl CHMR f'M Il Men.n.l. VOQ.lI VOF-M. CBC Ratio. OZ-f' M, ..d Q-93/ KIXX C.-.nry. S!udoIa. Men>- IiwenlOlheoe ..... lOfni ..... WbetlK<lmIy wealber . tnk Cl Sir Wilfred GrenfeliCol lelle in Comer Brook _ thou ,h ,,!au <:ancellllions for Ihi. reason are rare -Plul Wil"", of Admin_ i.trllionand Finance .... keo lhe call , in "o n. uIIM tion with tile nearb y Col lege of the North Allami<; . When in douhl, $WGC studenls !Ihouldtune in to Comer Brook radi o . I. lions CfiCB. KlXX Country. or CBC Radio ing. Meel p"0ple, u.,," aboul dlf'ferentc ullU","" Sound<like a dreamjob. and Memorial' . mLTUitmml otr"'Tn do ha ve lOpul UJlllfith. few ,l y jahs ahoulcu. hypos itionlandbcing paid10do !iOrnOlIti"ll moMpmple cal·lalJooilOdo. HO""ever. con'!llll can ha"" irs own <bwl.:b.. .. c.nI Kintl f<UllloulOll Iw __ Anerlllln"-aye.OlIIhe job.wand fel...... ra:ru il""'nl otfic:erSiIonIIF'my-Madnenl_ ll'CdlOlbIiII&..-.dl14-ftour ...... home. md abnormally IbM Iu,- _10k 1nDe.:anh::r, 1toIp. M... Kifc dilCO'lered.DeWtravelperi l- be;llmOli luba:lu the ,llne 51 Wdf . The Oftic:eof Sn.denlR«Tui1- rnelll and Prornotion wu pmtici- JI"lini in a .mes ofcducMlion fain Olllanized by the Clnadian Edu- caIionCenu-es.inlndil. Mptlrtof ... anyi nter- RIIlionaIaip.lhe m:nlltmenl offi - cers checked Wilh mediul offi_ cial.regarning l'reuulion. lhey >bould take. Indi a.lhey ...e reloltl,16. zo ne con.ide red high-li,k for malaria. a poIenlially delldly di.- ease carried by the IIf cer- lain mosquito, . 1lleirtloctur rec- ommended Ladam (.cienlific name mefl eq uin e hydT<>chlu- ride), I drug released in lIM: mid 1980. for public use.flermore Iha n two decades of rese arch .... hi<;h""I.'ibC'lIuninl963hythe (Ame ric.n) W.lter Reed Anny Today Uriam, ;1150 ....... .. Mcph. quine. ill lhe mo.t widely-wed lllIi-maIIriaI.w, ill Ibe .... orld.Foru;lppre"i.hle lIIinor ilyofu.ero.ho.. e yer, Lui.m UIC comCi .. ilh lIide effectl-or"'lm.. .. manufaclurer Hoffm. n- LaRocberefenlOlhernonpro;:l- Some pcopIe.like Carol KJ .... findtlletn..e lveslleepleu.ulllble lOell.andsuffeling.yarietyof menl ll di>lurbln<:CI from mild anxiety to l'ull-fkdJCd p.ychoo.... The unwanted eUecu can be equall y worryin g becau,,",Ihey happen far away from humc:and in a situation where . traveller .... y be experiencing OIher.ymp- IOm.anyw.y "Thu rsday ""e gOl up III 2:30 in the mom ing_welhoughl il .......jet lag," explained King "The nexI I woke up and w.. awakeallnighl. w II w... ,n·1nonnaJ.Ieq!Ies._nes., " My hod y woul d be a.leep hul my mind ...ould be awake:' ,he sa id, "Sleep was ••urreet lllinll ..·· lOlofthe Lari.mlal= (011theedllCllion f.iraipl were- loIy ingyOllcouldn-llellthedif- ferencebel",'eendlydreamin, and nighldreaming._.ilw.. hle Illedreams""erehappenin,in ,.,..-" S he finllly,ol fi_elolid houBofsleepce MoDc!IIy. af1ef lheyhad ........... OIIIOBanpb-e lriuer fOf my ller:plculleu.'lIbehind me. w MI. I(ing n:t:.u led, ""bul I look my third dose of Lari.m. Ii IChedu led.on Tuelda y.- Wilh Ihe called the hoIel doctor. who offered bnle relief. '1_lOlllehirlheneuday _ lwmlhysIa1cII ... I ... __ .e.led.nhau5Ied.>lanin,lnd ulllbk IOUI. I wei'll back 10 lhc hole! anddidn'l .lecp . wink. J "' .. one big bIlUof nervcs " Hythe end of the trip•• he w... taking gluco<;cand water in an effot1 10gel some nutritioa inlo her body. She said . he would TRAVEL,sup."

Transcript of ~Memorial - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V30N10.pdf ·...

~MemorialUnMnity ol NewfoundWld

PIIblic_ MiUlRCli....... SO_~SI9&ll Gazette

J... 8.1998

New regulationsforgive hundreds

Bcca... e <>fMcmoriar,roew re-adm.s.",," pohcy.IIC'-'''udenh ...!l" would

OlheT\oli-e ha~c roo.~ I'oeen eligible'''ll'gi'>\a'lhi,Januaryhave boenapproved hI 'Ill-" up f"rda,...:,.This i' the fil"i' ~mc'(Cr"flhe

1l'cenlly-aPP",,,,,,,,,"rorgi'·cn..",clau-e:·lloo .....,ull, a1l' m.,reorI..." .,upe<:led. ,.,.,<.1 keg,,'rarGlennCulhns.

The new 1'<,1,,'y mean, Ihal

'lI.dc:nI,""!l<'do"olmeet1l'8ul.requil't'tt1et1hfot ......,lm .........-e indleirproeramoareg, ..macade­mic "'.min"inslnd of beingforad 10.. nhdn .. from !he lIlli­ven,ly for ("0 ""me,len. Mr.CoIlmslrldotherun,ven>tyofJi­

ciahClp«1lNldlef<q:ivenes.policy ...ill_In mo.....people.hootarl de'IftS.-,ll 10011 10fi........ordle8mlilUdrnbon~

mic ........ dlI5~.6ol7_pcopIewhohave~fa<:cd,m..


- aOO476, or ailTDilbOper cenl<:AIhc:IcUI,an:'IlOOeoofufWtoom



drnl ....homigh(,implyhavchadtrouble adjustmg touniversity,will U"': this chance to-.:ulc inandconlinuellM:irl"'lgrnm... ·"'idMr.C'ollin_, "Theletter we ....nl(10 inform Ihc:moflheir >laluQ i_a friendly une. Weinduded_ug­~e>lion, .I"'UI hu"" lhey c.nilt'4"\wt'lheirpeff''Ifll1IllCe.lllingshleredoc,... roonek..l,.. u~lhehelp_..:nln:"<" theP;>all i,"''''""Ii'll lhoemlo~uccud.lnd "'-e1Jore1he)-";lI·


HelddedthalllCJlllloflheSOO.illlCtUllly eN'OI.md r-t ........ben ...... ·lhe ....laMeuntilJa.22lhelMldaylOadd~

""MYIWU"""OUldbeaboutflOper cenl of them ...ill comebad..W he laid. 1bere are ~ari­

.,...~.hypeople .......Idn·1register - I'~e ju.t ,0I1en offlhepbone ...ilhooe.tudenl.foru.mple.whowlnhlocomebad:.buldoe.n·lrullyfeelready for il Ihi. OCrne'<ler,w

Burton's Pond hockey_isinlul-....__ br_'ihinroyhorlryp/atoo<n""_'·l'ondan..........n.r,SLIotwI',c_

Travel warning

If a storm hits,listen to the radio

The neu lime you wake up10 I l'a(l:,nllbli1.7.ard. reachfor you r rad io befo re

radunll for your_.tkrvel (or.. exuaquill.or.~of<:<JCmJ.Memori.1 relic. on "x.l Tadio........ 1O""lhennl•• ouI"'t.encl....el.ree;lncelled due 1oB.iemeft...-h:r.

WbetI.cl.... hu 1o be CUI­celled 011lhe SI. JOhll' l c;lm­1""_~of.K<lmIorfor

uyOlhern:MOII_profe.oon.ho uldconl.C ldeparlmenllloff..,..., ...hich ohould Ibm COII­""I lhe Diyi.i on of Univenitykelliion ••1 7J7,1l66S. Uni­Yeroily Rel .lion . UK' e ecce..-heninfonnin lrfldio ,wionoofclaM cancd l.liono 50 WI bogusinformalion won'tbc aocccpled

Al the Marin e l nsnt ute inSI.John · .,lhe~i,ionloclo'C

cl..'n in winlry weather i Jma<\eincon .uhati ,mwiIllMem.urial's pre~ idenl. Some facto~

which innueocc the deci.ion ~

whether the Ci ly of SI. John ' J

ha. declared ••1. le ofemer­gt:ncyand "'hether puhlicnn5­portalioni.5tJlIoperat, n..Ifbadweallleo-~in~

beinll c....celled II Menwr-ial ­iJx:ludina the Manne IRSlI~ _

lhe informalion il rro"ided 10SI. John'1 radio _ionl CHMRf'M Il Men.n.l. VOQ.lI VOF-M.CBC Ratio. OZ-f' M, ..d Q-93/KIXX C.-.nry. S!udoIa. Men>­ma'ISLJolln'I~emabo

IiwenlOlheoe ..... lOfni .....aboutc~c::anoellcdforolhe.-

WbetlK<lmIy wealber . tnk ClSir Wilfred GrenfeliCol lelle inComer Brook _ thou ,h ,,!au<:ancellllions for Ihi . reason arerare -Plul Wil"", of Admin_i.trllionand Finance .... keo lhecall , in "o n. uIIMtio n wi th tilenearb y C ol leg e of the NorthAllami<;. When in douhl, $WGCstudenls !Ihouldtune in to ComerBrook radi o . I. l ions C fiC B.KlXX Country. or CBC Radio

Tra~el the world for . h ~ ­

ing. Meel p"0ple , u.,,"aboul dlf'ferentc ullU",""

Sound<like a dream job. andMemorial' . mLTUitmml otr"'Tn doha ve lOpul UJlllfith. few ,l y jahsahoulcu. hypos itionlandbcingpaid10do !iOrnOlIti"ll moMpmplecal·lalJooilOdo.

HO""ever. con '!llll tra~eJ canha"" irs own <bwl.:b.. .. c.nIKintl f<UllloulOll Iw __


Anerlllln"-aye.OlIIhejob.wand fel...... ra:ru il""'nlotfic:erSiIonIIF'my-Madnenl_ll'CdlOlbIiII&..-.dl14-ftour ......da~jdlac-Ion&~from

home. md abnormally IbM Iu,­_10k

1nDe.:anh::r, 1toIp. M...KifcdilCO'lered.DeWtravelperil­~prevuoIi<.lnQII""llCtlmes

be;llmOliluba:lu the ,llne 51Wdf .

The Oftic:e of Sn.denlR«Tui1­rnelll and Prornotion wu pmtici­JI"liniin a .mes ofcducMlion fainOlllanized by the Clnadian Edu­caIionCenu-es.inlndil. MptlrtoflheU!lUaJ~it.,f... anyi nter­RIIlionaIaip.lhe m:nlltmenl offi ­cers checked Wilh mediul offi_cial.regarning l'reuulion. lhey>bould take.

Indi a.lhey ...e reloltl,16.zo ne co n.ide red high-li,k formalaria. a poIenlially delldly di.­ease carried by the bile~ IIf cer­lain mosquito, . 1lleirtloctur rec­omm ended Ladam (.cienli f icname mefl equin e hydT<>chlu­ride), I drug released in lIM:mid1980. for public use.flermoreIha n t wo decades of re search....hi<;h""I.'ibC'lIuninl963hythe(Ame ric.n) W.lter Reed AnnyIlISIiMe ofR~h.

Today Uriam, ;1150 .......~

.. Mcph. quine . ill lhe mo.twidely-wed lllIi-maIIriaI.w, illIbe ....orld.Foru;lppre"i.hlelIIinor ilyofu.ero.ho.. e yer,

Lui.m UIC comCi .. ilh lIideeffectl-or"'lm.. lOICdeftectl~.. manufaclurer Ho ff m. n­LaRocberefenlOlhernonpro;:l­


Some pcopIe.like Carol KJ....findtlletn..e lveslleepleu.ulllblelO ell.andsuffeling.yarietyofmenl ll di>lurbln<:CI from mildanxiety to l'ull-fkdJCd p.ychoo....The unwanted eUecu can beequall y worryin g becau ,,", Iheyhappen far away from humc:andin a situation where . traveller.... y be experiencing OIher.ymp­IOm.anyw. y

"Thu rsday ""e gOl up III 2:30in the mom ing_welhoughl il

.......jet lag," explained ~I<. King"The nexI ni~hl I woke up andw.. awakeallnighl.w

II w...,n·1nonnaJ.Ieq!Ies._nes.," My hod y woul d be a.leep

hul my mind ...ould be awake:',he sa id, "Sleep was ••urreetlllinll ..·· lOlofthe Lari.mlal=(011theedllCllion f.iraipl were­loIyingyOllcouldn-llellthedif­ferencebel",'eendlydreamin,and nighldreaming._.ilw.. hleIlledreams""erehappenin,in

,.,..-"S he finllly,ol fi_elolid

houBofsleepce MoDc!IIy. af1eflheyhad ........... OIIIOBanpb-ew l 11Iou~hllhe lriuer fOf myller:plculleu.'lIbehind me. w

MI . I(ing n:t:.u led, ""bul I lookmy third dose of Lari.m. Ii

IChedu led.on Tuelda y.- Wilhex~ppains-.:lvomil"",

Ihe called the hoIel doctor. whooffered bnle relief.

'1_lOlllehirlheneuday_ lwmlhysIa1cII ... I ... __.e.led.nhau5Ied.>lan in,lndulllbk IOUI. I wei'll back 10 lhchole! anddidn 'l .l ecp . wink. J"' .. one big bIlUof nervcs "

Hythe end of the trip•• he w...takin g gluco<;cand water in aneffot1 10gel some nutritioa inloher body. She said . he would


2 Gaun~ • J~. 8, 1998

N.wfoundlandcoa,l ... rv<'dhimwc:lIwhenhcw",in~olthe

Chr; .tlmaJ Seal from 19~()· 71)

From 1971 to 1919he..-rvedllSrtllNcrdtheSa",u-•• ro:dicaIv 1beloogin gto thcGrcnf.1IA .......

D•. TrOlk .. ''''O I.. l bou t hi.c:arecrinhDI9lI9mcmoir.NoOvi.ftl~.Dr.T"""'w.. 1hcfinlPfnidentoflhcCanadilnIb:uc Au1iliIry (Ne<o.fouIdInd),

wa. appoinled to the Orde. ofCanadaiJll987andra:JCi-tanIIoaonr}'docIoI'oflaw.de,ftlel'mmMerroililia l992.

Dr. Peter Troake

M__ IJ"'''mjtyit'.-.I."IU.-.'",..··:IUntf, ...__.~_ .._.,rW_"Il"..Nto·1II-..w IJ......mI>~s._-...I,>Ni~"' _ ... <ilj""" <!~_I_"'__,._ ~s ..____

p:..-"'-- .....,...-_.~

Dr. p..tuTru"e, 89 .1*-...-.11"' l yo",;,.IO.!heh<.pUllmhrshomr­

kJVI,n of T.-. llillJ*Dr . Trol"" bcCl mc .. id.. ly

"n o"rltbrO\lghOllt IM coutllieIlIrmmIsoflhc~ dunn&

Ihcmany ~hc 'OCr"¥ed .. m­lCrof Ihc MVChrufMaoSnJJ. 1hccc-lc-brMed mobilc- fl... IRg s ·... yunlloflhcl'.....f<Gld land'TUh:r ·cu!05isA...""'iatinn

l1Ic-son of I no.-th..a>l coa Mfi<Jlerman.Dr.Troak.- .....rl.cdfnlltl"'l)'hoodwithhi'falhcr.>iC',:urinl lhenh,,,,al.alndor ...+'.>nrrlllWage"flb~all lhelimck..... ingthe oJ;:ilbofli.Jling.rnanag..m.nl,eavigencn and ",aman,h,p, It.earne10 commandhi, ""-n vco<""lsinthcfioJ-ayaOO<bill&the I9.'A'lssailcdk)thesealft"hcry . lnl~J.

he join ..d th. N.... foundl andf.om;uyUrli laOO....--l""","",*tnil l~2

Wbc-.. he relum ..d 10 N..w ­

foundland.hc-pun:haocdMO\/o1l............... the lol-wB.&Pd1ala'lheT..rry loloNlRdlhcNo,­L Co.. raJ . Dr. TrOl"" .1..,co mmandc-d the f.mou. X,-l ...His i..liQl.lI.. krlO"' Ic-d, ,, of tM

Snft><tC~ bM;8tItInp . KIHor:aLn­

Snt Gc#lk""'-:J-.15 rorJ-.2l~

n...~. """"Z2_~",.. _ t.-., af~__."Ilo_fIIl "-"'~._

'-_.. . ..Gcdt_ • ......- ..-- ___ for_..Gcdt_ ...__aI('l'IlIlL

....-.. ........ _ ..._"' ....~.D<_afu.--,­

=-:::....~.a;:.·.. NF.AI~..".AA -I02•. _l.IaMft&)-

~~~7.;;1 • .\ t .. 7J1.- E-<noil;,..,....... __ _ ...._...._el ~.._ _~ ........,....- ......_-, .....--............

ElJrTo.: o..-ws..- (;"'",KS: Nadinc Osmond

RDOlu. n ,..,..... 1<....,Sonia8,GIooocr ·Je.Gnhoon

SlwoIIGray 0 Pni:rMnml . KmberIy \":DoroaId . I_ M~

GiIII~ o Diana~

ClA_ _ :II "PH""""",,,~Rr-



CorrectionsLnIhe<Jbil..-yofDr.'Jbornil,VlllO:f\lC'urrar!(~.DecI I.

l<m)refto:n:ncc- isnwklolU)·alblSfmm""' ....... goirtgW>asdlol­.-ship .. SirW,lfm:lGn:nlCUCoIIcgo:JnC......-B~ TheflChobl'·<hipis~lylldnurti*'TcdhylO:lllltheComerBrouk~of

theC".ol\ereofthc Softh Al/anti<: Any drwfionsSCTlt1<' Me....:n llinl<'ndcdlOrtha! IICh<JIar,bip w,ll t-.:forvoarded 10C"ONA

AIM>. in the ",-'hulAr1>hip ....1IU" <It the <ame-im IC. Gary I~numewa, referred III a' Memllriar , former l'Omptrol1er. l ie wa" thea.'<;<lCia'econlplroll..r


work. ~A perccnl.g" ba.e , ... .tainlygOllCOIIlllf lhcprovincc,pankularlyltllhr:U.S,in lhcla"few y..ar<. l>ulthi.y.:ar men ofou r gra dua l" gOI wo . k inl'.wfulln<lland.lI flen g.l1ingfull-time hou",~llb<ough nOI full·lime pem,anenlj.JOs "

TlJc Canadian Nu"",. Assoc­iatio .. re<.'.nllyre ln ", d a ' tudypred icting • nu.~ing .honage.-rbebaby .....-nco_approtlCft.ingmiremenrandnu....... g.-ner.a1lydon·l ........ until M .w said Dr.Lamb. HI.. other I*b of Canada'"-""'C'rJUl"i"'kitoob.m·labkIOfil1ll1rhcirt.pJl$ba:....-tho::applicanl pool i. OOwll. bul inl'...-foundl. nd .... . tillhu.about I...oapplicanhfor eve1)'

a\-aiIable 'f'Ol-Hlbcd,,~ornolnlhMn......•

ingislWf)' Iabor-nwkcete-Mi­liv .. cere er. and thai ne,lti....~inlhcmediaaboullayoff.

and job 'Ire...ffeCl pol ..nlialslutknt'.Shc.lsosaid lh.t ••women hav.. moved into m.nylrIditional malccarcc-n. this hashad . n df..ct on tb .. numberof yo ung wllme n apply ing 10

numn g.Conver sely. nuninl sti ll

seem s to attract r..w male' .although the percel\l~ge <Ifmale' ludenls ha. inched up loahoul15 per cc-n1.

HW.. may w.ll ha~.total..a

loo k al 1III. rc~TUiuTlenl and ......whal artr1"l, rTIIIes or .. 'hal rum,them away. BuI iI is va)' gmwlycNltgi",.w

As she prqwcd 10 1eIl>-e MerT)­mal beforeCbri~ Dr. Lambloot,;edt.:k,,'nbw.f..1I01lM

thet...m cffon Ih.l wc-nl imo

pl'OIre'~ made "" lhc SdI..ol ofl'~OYt:I''''_fi\IC~

"1 kncJoo, for ...". if .lroud'idlocol w


1UdI .............. Dr. 8rootI:r .....lCnl.ive".o.p:ricnl:cia~_ofll1<J/lerl .-toYr...~inN<lnny_..........,..of ~



J)r.S. KWlnftT.-..Onwloc, "~"'1m­


.......... wrmnillce bdinic:al r-:occ..-.-. rorlhe_ ofllrcail~.• <:o:>-aUIIh... and eliilor.The JUldcl.......ilIhcpubl..tal and~

IhroooPIheC__~A........-iaIio... lc.nttJI. Thi!.

JIIUIIWll_ lRIIiad undcr lhc c..Ji. B.-.C~

Inlli.lb"" oflkaldlc...sa.

Ur. J. """, h ..han . &nnomi<..~ 'fICRI o.1tJb:f to

[~Iy<f]inlhclJkr.u"""'-hen:he p,,,,\ectum.in__~-andpu/>licli"""""I"~.rudcnbo

He w"'" the", al lhe in.'ilalion <lr the I:"'~"">mic.

hlocali,,,, and Research OJf1"",ium. a gn...!, lhaIindU<leslheEur..,ia FooOOali,,,,. the W"rldRilnkand theS.", .. Foondali<ln. II'I"-"l""",i'lnl/lunUlmunill/lgnod.uaIC .. lkltmsinmoderna.""">mi<·' .Thep.ognomi,... """" &l the l'a1i<:o\a1 Un"'eJ'i!y uf Kic'o- ·MnhylaAcalcmy.

1h'. G............ KOO..... Cbcmisrry.lIao .-dcdj*tiaI~ suppM from the c.n.bl C.............for !he InlenlMional Uniool of Pure and AppliedO>trniotry -.m-.on,thr lIIIldl~S~umDllNoYelArornalio:sbo:mlhdd"'A..... in--"'a,..niodr..u~ '- '-IIJIp..-.l.Quca·sCruood. The _


""\\'cnowrunthe ...hole~byd.<tancc-andlhereareaboul2OOstudcnbno..-inthep:JOl·R....bachdo. prograTl\. mo'l pan­nmc.~ saodDr Lamb, nr!lUlIdWIIlasIycarlhcochoolharl usfirR1...-0 posI· R.... badlc-Ior pad........ -hodid their whok program bydi<WlCc-

In ler m5 of r......rch and... hnlarly aetivily, Dr. Umb saidthe Scb<K,l (If Nu", ing is bourn·ing on the inlema lional ocenc.Amajllrpmj«t in nur<ing ed uca_tioni s'Jf1gninginVielnamunde.the !eatI.r<hip ofDr. Lan Gi.n.and ju st recenllya nursmg edu­calion program rnr l ndon..,ia.under Ihe lead .. r5hip o f KayMallhcw •• wa. approved fo rfunding

11Ii, fall 1'_. , ia ned moreg. ant.pp IlCi t ion. thin ev.. r,.., there·. Ior,pngOll .. .... 11... onltoina research .w uidDr.Lonb.

AllbouJhpc-nnallCftlnnploy­"""'lRthen&llWlllpufnsionis,Iill hard lo obl a,n ill Ibi.p. o_iace. Dr , Lamb nid th.s<:hool"s grad ualu11'. I ..tling

Aftcr five ycar.... dircctorof Memorial ' , School ofNursing . Dr. Mariann ..

Lamh has moved 10 Q ue..n ' sUniver<ily lulak.up lhepo,;i liOl1of a,,,,ci~le <lean "f health sci­..nce' and <li.-...;" .. of lhc Schll"lof Nur<IIlI .

It· .bc.nahu'yfiv.y.ars1'0' Dr. Lllmh. who h..wed uplhe 5, hoo l d u. in, a period ofmajor cbang .. , All nun,ng stu­dent . in Ihe prnvinee are nowwort;in gtowudsat.:hdorofnun,na del"" from MemorialThi. co ili bo rn ive prog.ami..vol v.. M..mori al . Ih.. StJohn'. HeallhCare Corporalion. nd lh.. \\I .. " .. rrl H... hb C.r..Corp'....OII.

- A ll nun.ina studcIIIsaretmi­

\'C'nIty~ """' ''-;Il ''''

ale .. -ilhI bachclorof nursin,fro m Memon.l .although lheym. y h.v. do ee th .. rr nursing<XlIlf'!In.theCc-nlref... l'uningStudicsll Llltlcdale College inSt. Jo hn's. o. l he W.. 'ternR..gio n.1 School of Nu"ing inCorncr Bm.>k.H ,he said

Dr. Lamb is pleased thatNe wf llundl and is line of theCanad ian pro vine.. , which hasled the way in ",,!uiring a bachc·lor'. degree fnr all new nurse s."Back in 19M2lhr: nu",i ng pro­fe...~ion in C;madaidenlif,ed thencedfo.allillosc-.nleringth..prof......ionlohcpreJ*cdallhcbect:a1aureatc-Ic\'C'l by the tum ofthe cc-nIUQ. We prqwcd for dialby offc .. ng a ~pec,.1 ma"ersOUUUl:hproJrlRlto Oludc nli inCornu Brc.. ~ to I ..t t .. ach ers~.bodt .. '"-~

AlHMhcracc ompll, h,"",nl irlthe latf", ~ ... thede\.,,1opo­rMJlI e r eu p'''l -RN blChclorCO\lr.... fo. di .l anC.. deli_ eI)' .

I'hilCao;nfllI. "A."bcalinvilcd lD~.peol

cdilDrfa. lpOCiIlIioaIe ol lhe jwmal DHlll SAdot••which ... DloaaIOIIcJIIIitIDw~~ 1D

dalh.dylIIt _~Mr. c.-... CWI\'lII·

IyWlllflkUarl"' ~-.cnliMmDhip " Ihe Momunol~C_.The"'''''''~''.~.y .......... __hidI Mr, e.vattill ......,um illW--.-.O.C falhe 19lb__~r:I""

A................ONIhF~_~1'*"->IlIll~ ..Griefnl~..Co..cmp:nry S<"~" Mr. C.-vahi.II is. doaoraI.,...didue •• lhcchnicall"ychoIogypr<>Jnm .. 1heV"\'rNlyols..kaIdrA"&IL

\1..n....'b«"al....... Vi.....JAns,SWGCm:elvcd .,.... frt-.n!heNMo.f,-..ndbnd and lindor Alt..Councilin"'l'l" ," of!hepnl<loctionofa~'ofwor\

RnIty ,., ............V,.......Art>,SWGC. w,,"ajuror f,.. !heCanada ClIUI.:;I, rev"' ing granl pn""""l, f,.. nn"-""""-"' llfl"I"nOna Onl..frornl',l\'. 3·7, Sheal ,p;u'licil""cdin .",,,,!, •• bihil~H1a1 GillieryClIn"".it...in hedco<.."",.N,ll " in Nn"cmberand ~1C'd a Icc­lUn:OIIall IlIldnalureal the)'OOlhconfel'eocc <lfCaluYXIcclrhral"", ... No>-, 10.

Nursing director proud ofschool's accomplishments


1h'.\lurnyll.f1nollur, OIcmislry. bas becn _ ardcdS1$.OfrorntheGom,:Gkbd-Scicncc-andTccll­rdlc''''''''Eurupcan Pannm. .d.. :OOn<XlR'rnlDlOeolthe~of Uruwnitie:sand CoIIepofe-la.The .....iDouppultDr. M..myirlhD~WJIhOn. GcorMaronHaa+arq: and A.vDa1 SImm ofTI'JIdnll.NorQy, 'Thar..,...m will cmpIoy._of-m.--Rar.-rNo:roprobcra:alllyinolalblillDr.8rootI:r·• ........,. ... -.:Iy .......~IhaI....n.thr~~of.... mccalt.

Gaeeue • Jm , 8, 1'198 3

End of an affair with a Hart ~IN BRIEF

New fines for parking violations ~dlecollectiwtwpin­

increlationship.- M,.'Jllonw,said. '''nu.tenwi.'eillreeme..l_pins b'both wdex..-

Ed Browlle. pres ident ofNAP£Local7405.~1lte

importllt« ofthecorKiliatlon"'-dinn:achi"Itbc:ICnlal, ...e-""I1lccooci lialionboard .....in'l ru me nla l in setllina lhi.agreemc nl.-he said. "from he'"....e an: lakin g the agree ment 10

' '' .. memhers .''Dctail, ofthe argrmnml'NiIl ",~

be "'Iea<ed UnIil the agn:ement israufJedby h:lIit ~tetmriaI'.8o.-d

oIRqenlsandNAPEL.:caI74CJ5Al1IIifOClllion "'Ole is e~p«ted 1O


Memurial Uni-.en.ily andthe Nev.bnIInd A"'U:­au"" of Publ ic Em­

pIoyee5Local7~, ..-hich~_~·I)()Dlrucb's..

~ ... ledftcaI ....._. Meloorilll"s~..d

Marinc InsI' rute, ha.... reaclt.:da-....-Tbe alrffmenl was reacltcd

IMe MondayniglM;wilhth:as<i5­tance of a co nci lia l io n boardL'haired byA lan A...-t=.-' . lI lahorrelali'm, u""SlIltant

Raelenel1l< 'mas.lhell..iver­, ity'. negolia!nr.saidlhal-he wII<pIcaoed II 1erIUIIi""agm=en! ....._....

- 1I"sal""ays bclterlO reach ancgotiMcd"""lemcnlbec:ausei'

Data liberation o n campusAs Mcmonal U'IIivcniIyis a member of th: DrIIa~ !-.<'C.facall). >IUdenb..d.utfha""a:oesslOaiII Stm.<ococ .....'. publi<~forltD"te:aeltin:g:aro,..,..,..,.iL

At-o:n. Aumca- Wocd 'bps. DrIIanJ \Iedoa~ wtIIhoMa'PC"ilII~1OIl1hal .. ·iIIiDu...... :e ..yoneirne=.lCdIOSllll'''1ne-la·.dala. ....eOz;aherClIfIalhanRlI~><JU'IXSufdala.

ErnIe Huyko frum Stali,tic' ranada and Wendy Walkin, fmmCarIct<.. LJni"ee, ,ly "'ill be \i'ilina Me'nnrUllJan. 12·1.;and ....,11 preS'"''the Dl. land"'lkabouthov.-'Stali"icsC"""'laandOlher<lata"llln:..'c;mbcll'oC<Jfor",-earchinb"lltgraduale,mdlloo.,rj:r..Jua",dw<SL'S

1lIe"' ....illbcth""''''''',i"", for '".Jdconts. fa..-ulty and ""If l1>c fINgoe' aIicad M"nd.ay.lilll. 12. 9;.'lIa-m,·12p,m.. 1IIthe Health SdencoCcntrc.n...,fel'C'l'lCCDiningR""""2757·II.and ..iIlI0Cu.,,,,,ullI1nlUnttyhclIhh.........'ng.pn.ma..;'..doll...-heahh lCtICnrdatcdtopi<.."

Agmer>Il ......"""r.. the lfllllllc.nru- f Ity."'..se...,and'>lalf .. iJlbeheldTuoday.Jan.I3.9-IUOa.m.lltth:bl>nr}.RoornL-IOItl

AndIllCl't .. -.IIbcasc;;,;ion ..lIha~"""",,...,Jan.l3fromLlO·

4p.m..1hcs..n... ofRu<.irao.Adn-...~f..-'~~R,..... «JJI

Ifyou .. t<JtaddJborllllinlormlltion."-1 Mo. Wood. 737.1I!N2._.d.~nuu:a.,or.the\~UlnryinIheQEIIUnry

Billions and billions servedTltrfederal""cmmenI"'iII~SJl>illioninloaf"'Ol"l"C':l Mlllennlllm


posl.>C<.~JDdary students. CI10lIgh rur ",..."mably·"i'ed gr.mts f"r n"""tIlan J(.~tn) ,' udcnl< a ycar. lber;I"l>r rcl"" g""" m to ",y that a til\,,1

d.c isionon tlio-si,.. oftliehmdwilldcflmd"n tlio-slateofgllvemmen.\fmanoo' ll!o il apfllUlll.iles the end of the fi>al ycar March 3\.lt could hcll!olow",S1I>iIli<... andashighasS4hiliwlD

Prime Minister Jean Otmicn u.....eiled lhe idea of a Millenn,um~., Sqvmher. At ttIlIllime. p ............offlCialsi~ itoould~ancado"menlfundofal'ooulSlbillion.prodocinsaonuai

l'l!QImSofSf6.70million.B.. wi" pwemmenI oomiIiermg f,~ thc~ fmm

bothth:fund'.apuland--...c.lheteaUdbcSJOOrnillialin pnncI­

J.-l1Pd ....lIionsll'llftininlaesccli<tluNd-.aly

New year, new student presidentTltrC oonciIol Sludem·U nion .... _pmIidenL

Formervil:epn::s.iOenlurernalKciIhC1artelakesO'VCl'fromGlenn&:k ....h" .....gned hi., JIO"Ilion in Deccmhercrll"l! meW..-.alR:an'J<,.

Mr. Clarl<cha.,1Iionghistory in s100m t union p'~itia.1-k ......' elc..1CdMarinc ln'litut e .t udenlunioo prc, i<lcnt f"r 1994- 1995. lhen e!e..-tcdvicc:-presi<Je1l1 (uc<:utivejoflheCSU in the Spring of 199t>,hcf' lre k.. ­ing the CSU presidenlial raceIUMr.S",,:kIasIMarchThat""_·ltheend.~.

In a by.flcction held in O<:tobel'. Mr. CIatlc re1umed 10 the p<"-" of.upm;idclll(n«Uli...e)afterCllJll unna llte lllOSl\lOlCsinaf",ldol

NAPE Local 7405and Memorial reachtentative agreement

Research record ed on videoae-rdI in..mn, the o..:e. Scomce e- _ k--.-~ ""thc EastporlPminsula is recorded tll .IQ.nunulc ....... prcp.edby


The -at _described ina Dcumba' istaIe-otth:~.Toricw thcvidl!o,eateaa~F4Dbm.


upfrmlS.'Mwdl.lheoldfines"U'ClI<lIdnnrina illcpl


p.tillcplly..dIaUth:et.a:e...,p:Ilina. 1idd.he said. CD' hopes th:~..-ilI lQj lO rc--r



with chanp illlrtdloed by the Ciry of S!.kim'. in1997. Parkina fine<011the St. John·. campu• .-e 1lIi11\ower than city fine:s.addcd Mr. Gillingham.

The d"mgcs could incn:a.-.e the amllllnt Memorialwl....1.,in fInes, but only ifdrkTrmce i.um-lJccess­fIlL .udMr.(jilli..glwn. lf fcwco- til.·kd.."'"' is......."'\'CtIUCC(lUlddc:aea>eA~ Ii."'of new fme:s""iUbc pllbhshedin

the~ ifo.<Ueorth:~"OIcanbe

d:'IUinedbyea1lin&CEP. ...

.........."We try 10"""" all thai in filc.

b«ause ",mc 'irnc in tbe rutun:." wncbudy i.' go;ng tu bc doing athco.i,oranbonorsdis.""""io"ur""ani 10 wnte an article or aL-!lap­Icron snowckanng in St, John',III ee IE 20th cawry.- -he Yid",Ih a laugh. "andlhi... ill bc..-hIIIheynm1-81,1:""~ahoha<qESrl


~"""~r/~­Jt-d-L nJ .. e:UI:nIii"" wIoc:_....othR:Jrd ....


ina.gn:M'inc¢Off- &umd.-m.,or f..... . theold\ibraoy.~.-e

~ "'T mespecially proud lltat mytirncinCNSooincided wnh t"""maju rcontriblliions." she 'a id" Oeginning ""i!h AgnellO·Dell'.headship. CNS has lruly Il«n acen tre for Ne "' foundla nd andLabrador bihliogrllphy. lnl9115,lhe Uni...,.,..i tyofTororMo Pft-sopubl ished ThrBlblio , rapln- ofNr "'fo• ..Jla"d.a l.. 'o- ...olu~odlolarly1ll'Ol"k<:ompikd by lob.O·Dea-.llalr:rediJedby~

Alcunder. the assistanl head oflhe cenlft. ee lime.

"In m:mt yews, Jo.n Ri...--cy,Iheprcscnl as.islllJlthead.hlIsheen....".,..:.iling a toibliopaplly ofLilalions ofperiodic.allite:r!lnlre ...Ne""fullndlandand~...."

Ms, flart said lbe olber majoracc ompli, hment aslhe crCll·uon or en erct n e. to parallel

the book couecnce. This~Iancd abolll 19 110 wilh~.-cy Grm" II1e .. lhefirslarcluyj~.

- Hcrmar..-cllous .. ortba..b«ncilmcdonaodc,~~rro;nbyRen


~h. H..n .. ,II", .... Iw1I t...­atlenl,onlUhc:r""iUwrilinjl:pnlje<.1.,,\\/hiko.Jleha-"irillClla nwnherof..ho.lfI'oltliesandI'ocms,shri,n,>lllll'\lollasthe aulhorol Iw.. "hio,ra­phic,-"ffid",n.1 AgalhaOwi~ d1oll1l<1mo. ~ Life,.IId Tillie, of Min Jan"Marpk.publi-hedml985•and TMuj, Ti_.o{#k>nlkP,,, publil.hedin


~~-~---_.... Chri,.ie".book••nd 'bonSlorie>.invo lvmglhe'lC' ''''·o_.

"Th al 10 me i' li ke play~:·she.;aid

HOIh b'o"k s hav e go ne in lomany reprint••nd diITcrenl edi­lionshavchecnlran,lalcdimo


Ms, Han •• ,d thee'ta tc ofAgahaCJri;6ej,vaypl'OWCtiYC'O\Ud>e~inla~h.

Afler ,he ",rOle the T"" boo ..... M....~. M H.1<Ul-c.nedthec:oca· who_w-r:t..nxepuvc_

-Hr_t.:l. .... ..d.~orn.."ShulupnlJO-.y, Vw,a o' , do Ih i. : - u plaiMd MsHan . "But I kepi nn with il"""""""'il ....ao; ....il fun.~

She finishcd Ihe ho.x>k. and sentit 10 Dodd Mead. Ch rh lie'sAmerican pubhsher""bich likedthe manu""ript !IO lTIlICh. il owt acopy lo Chri. tie·. daughter andeslate o...eneer Ro... lind Hid esVthogranledpc:rmisoio... for publi ·~

M •. Hut !'lad,,'1 inlendcd 10wr*Ptlirot. buI M.. Hds in'*'lMs.Hart lO hcr Nllte ill ~_

and Ulpd h:o"1O_il.Shc ha .. pbnalO_ "",,",


Recmdy . M.. HIn hIlSdone alolol~ ...,MinaHublw'd.

...ho ....enl 011 an e . ped il ionlhrough Labrador in 1905, andwrolC a book on herad\'enfum.. A"I_'s~yTh""'lIhU.ww..'1l


Sl:ill. she' s "'''- ""yi''t! whathcrnexl pro;e..:twil1bc. .."

FlI'IeS for p.kinc offencn. on ampus wiU m.eFeb. 1·AnlonIthrdlaltrlft-f1D5loro.piredmrw:n ...-ulincr'ea«efn..-nSlOlOSI2..~

...nhouta>'abdpennil..-iU"""f;OUS20,upfn..-nSlo. ... thrfint: b'J*kinI:inaopaozdosipadb'disablcdpmolD;.r.,.frmlWIOS.'iO.&1"UdioclOManria Gillifllham. assislallt lllMlqa" of Campu:sEnf~and Patrnl

\\Ihile thesc lidds a:oount r...abolllllO per oenlof all ti<.'kcI., i..ucd by CEP. said Mr, Gillingham. allfines an: ill<.,,",ingby atlea<t $1. The higge>;ijump....iII~forparkingiliegailyinlihospilldemergencyarea.fire lane, kaling woe . bus "'up or in a desig­naled druf>·uff area.11losoeIrar"~.iu.. , ,,,,ill oowtoSIlnI*,"->bS45. up frmlS IO.

'Ther-e.-e mm. mNllIS for lhe inneased fines, .udMr. GiIIiIlJham. The firsl is thr toSl of -ang a ticUIba~TltrprovincialDo:p.unmtol Ju.tio%

&r D.wlo SOM.onlOl

Thc pass,n, of ' 99 7brou,hl" ,lhlllhcffldo(Annc Han 's

_.""-ioflheCenln:furSeoo.iourollaldSwdiel.inthe Queen Elilabclh II

""'"'Ms.llart. ""ho.tartedwork ""ilh Memorial',lihr.u)' In lY72""hcnapwl'lime pu,iti"n opened atCSS."..,k early "'tiremenleffecu\·elan. I. lY9H.lo<.UlCa1lJalConh:o"o""n",Ti!·inglPd~il


...asl""atedonlhethirdnooroflhe-old-Iibrar)...... the HC'IlriclU HM\'ey---~lnlhooed.y!..,-_Mo.

H.1. "peupIe""'" 1heaR­lrecouldhn... -..:dlelohehe;,a lIice .e rendlpity for..,,,,archers, Ho,, ·e...er, astune_by,~be<:arnena.-n.sary

IOckll<C!hc'hl,:k< fortheproleC­tion of an increasingly ...aluableoolko.:ti<...,"

The "" nl", had slanedin I%.'...·;111 "three or fOllr she l...e'· ofh,d .... shc.ud.B) 1972, the 001·b:bon~ol.-ound20,(m

...olumes. Today, il'.gro"'11 to

.... 10.(.Dwlum=s.....'henApe.O·Dea,thccm­

lIT'sftrothead.mim:lill197b,..... HIn OYa'.

eNS mo ed inlo lhe QueenE1izabcttt 11 Library in 1982. AIfiNthc_Iibrw}'1ttrtledhkt:~an crtormOUlI amowt' of space,­. he said . No..., Ihere ' s hardl yenoug h room 10 hoose the bur­gco.llIingu~1c><.1ion

M, . Harl Sllidlbalformerllni."""i ,y lilJnlrianMargam.Wiliiams.m CWTerll librarian RidIanlElliswen:utmnely SllppUrti"" of CNSR1 h1t\'ealklWCdillOdeYeklpinlO.. impunanl colloaDt.

-wereally ha\'C'been able. onbehalf ot thr~. lO bcx:oole

a ...... pla)'Cl'in~boJb........ anddo.....meIIB~_1o'*"'foundbnd nJ utndor.-

Tltr colle:tion isbuill lhrou&h.........~-Wekecp~a11 ofthr

Iimeb'Olher__~ shesaid.

"'Onc thilll llral:is iJnpManl lOus ... is llral:_ Iike lo collecla kJ(of ephemera l .tuff,-.he said"E\'erythin g th~1 e...erybody elsew....ldlhrn""a""~y."

ThaI indudeoe...erydtingfnlffi


4 Gazt'n~ . J~. 8, 1998

1M "''''''''''''11 .......'~rst!IM &Jtlrd<lfRtlltnlJ ,,·,11 bt inln>J.l'di'lrw.."'j,....W. "!11tt GltIetlc....

Meet the board

m«ttbt»c n«d'lhrovlhthe-"'........-~ ho .. ort'ntheco-OP pr1)!TI.mcomrdir«tly ,nlO<,:orlliId ... iththemarkdpb<%oo.~ .~r imm~dilldy ho ...· thllrnad.cq:Jbce~Io"">ludmb

and ....... the!>t*ofthe maRet­place afftX1> our 'lutknls.-hr...oo.-\\1ulrlheCla''''.IIIldca!.wilh lhr Icarnm, of ,prcifi,'.J;;ill",...edcaJ ...,th1hcadaptahtl­II)'oflhosc,lilh"

'Iltr BarhcrAward i,no, MrCrich lon·. fj"l a...ard fromCAFCE. ln 19'11. ht:=rivNl aCA FCE service award for hisinvol~"'"""'t ....ith thr tlrgani/...it...-of .....hich hr ....a.afoundin'

memberllr>di ... fiNtsecrt'tary_iltCt'il.e>tahli.JI..rnt.'OI in 197J In 1980. he ""<&'; pm;idml o(CAK'Eand In 19',11 he beca me a foundin, mrmllerofCAKE AtIIIltit:. He i.\currmJyco·dwr of tt.. 1998llltiunalCAf'CEconfermoebeinahcldinSlJohn·...

Prt~r Youn,. fOfTOCr dir«tor of co-operltiveeducatDl.McmorialWdthr8arto:fAw.-diolfillinllribute to Mr. Cric ht""', comm lllne ni 10

oo-operIIIi\'t:educIOOlt."'Th.. i•• r«OInition by propIc from ICTOU

e-boofAJldy·.lr:aIeNlipabilitic:t..hm;opllll'dIto: tmnendoui ...... 1hIIIAndy bmp 10~1cnKna-

Mr. CridIott _his. COfmUlil)' inYuhmlmt hIiaOOhclpedbim~lodlcdcvdopmealolc:o­

opfducaboa.~IcrrmaL Heisaforrner~'"

Ito:SlJolwl·'Btwdol T.-.f........~O(IhrAlIInticPro>Ta::e·,OI.nhcrofCorr.Tna:andhe ilClifTent ly a membe r of the Emp loy men tInlllalives Advisory Board of the YM/,(\\'CA, MrCricht... conl;nues 10 work I'loo-ordinlh" in dlcr lCulty of Busincss Administralion" C&<IfI""l i, 'red"""'i,>nulflCC. ....

Co-opu1Iti~ fducaboa pro­

,ram' ha~~ lon, beeaamoaB M~morial L'ni.

\U"IOly•• .crona .......... ad,ltI.1b


calion at M~morial ha' oft~n

r~:.",'ednaIK.....l aedalm.MO>.Iraxnlly. A~ Cndllm - """ ofthrf..-.....lo::r.o(ro-or cWcatioo lllMrmorial _ m....,niz.cdbythrCanaoJtan A :ial.ion for Co-opcntti,-c.hlucalit>nf, .. hi,corNri­butiooto1heaoJvltl1CC........ntofco­opera livr education in CanadaThr lJart>er Award. named aftrrho no rary Mr m", ial gradua l~

AIt>erlS, lJamcr.... "'prcsenll:tl1oMr.C rid llt>nin N,wcmhcr, "",,",Cri<laon

A me~hanic. 1 ~n,inr~r by profess ion . MrCrichwn fiN"" involved in Memorial' . co-opere­ti~educationpmcrams", lmwhmheW3.'\ hllN

bydlcF.-ullyo(F...,;Ilt'lCriIll"·co-ordi_,Soooalter.he --.J ...-ortintl for Mc:morilII'lthm St:1I"01ofau.._AtM1 II11SU'MXJD.~ ...... _1O


C~ "'llb I ~ory co-openIi~~edueatlOtl

~Mr.~widhe .... ~lOIdOlldlcbmrfia,of~veeducation.


1fltW .......... lOlIlindlNrythlnlhr~-he


wytto:..&ilklotto:TCIll.world.lfotnIlhr ...tJokidca<ll........,fducaboa_verydynanDcand etfct;.



Wllh dlc u oeption"' l\IloO lIhon bn:ab 1O......n inindusuy.Mr. Cril,:"">nhas httn .....llh thrFaculty ofBu. i"." s Admini" ralion .inc~ 1973. He ""id hisknowIcdF O(i ndu"'Y haloheen esscntiali" alk,....i..,himlountlmtand tt..ncc:d,ofthr marketpl""" and

Crichton receivesnational recognition

Corn~r 8rt .. ,k.·, NancyKdl y "- httn a ltNlOe0(lhe Prat:~ "nc~ 1977.

work~d .. a marriag~ lic~nc~

i!."IItt ft.. fi..-eyean and ...odedb"10yan.derk. ... lto:provin­c:ialau1 .. Concr Bnxc. She "­borena mrmber of the C ily ofC_ Brt.... apJai blwd.ma199olandlhrchlir"'tto:Hun.IResoun:a~'do",nrnlC~

h:wd"'~1ina1995. Ht7i n~ol~~_ in the communityindudn ,0- ~urt:Illi..-e posi­lion, .. 'ilh Ihr Intr rfailh Homrfor s.,niorCilil~n, Au. iliary.VId<Jl'ianOrdcrofN...,;csHorneSupp~f'rusnm.andtt..Canad-­

iane- St~ commitlee' onflWtlily~

A briqinm.llluctNlto_·mnllbmtftMBtxudtf1kgnlls..

Appointedby me ministerof Edocatioo.Roger Grimes..onOct.24.1997 .

Han~y Sho" is a. MountPurl hu'lnc...'man whoh.. tH:~n prr .. d~nt of

Nu-way Kitchrns Ltd. since19<Xl. prnid~nt of Hor izo nLaminalC' ud. ,incr 1989 and~,idcnt of HDS In~C'lmenl'

lJd."'1U 1'190. Mr. st.lItscntft1on the ~\«utl~r council of theN~ ...fO'lllldland and LabradorHtlmcBullden~trom


thrre yun. trea,urer for fouryean and national director furusee y~lIn. Hr i, a mcmber ofth~ Mounl Purl Chamber ofCommrrc~. lhr Manufael urenandF~Canala(NfId.)and

a,.,....""""intheM"""flllClUm:lRi~ H«r pmgnm


Seasonal skitSp.on,... lto<t_I(.aI!>yOu.vlO'lUond f......hP~~O·Rt-olty_1I'ld~.Sp.oni"';j"il •• ".lI~It..F ..... hondSp.on,... ~'.Chri,tm •• P.lIy 0..:. S, f . cutty, .t.n.nd 8r<>d.. udt-n.. p.t lli< i ~.!«l in lhemut'i<ull"'.t ~""'"h"'.tured """". ""'ll. , oI<~•. rt'<>d I"K' . ndc.,oI. inr......,h,Sponioh., rman.ndfngh... . G....... ind uoJo.dthtodt-.n ol . "' DrT~,...... ~ Murphy 'Ole doo.n 01 . lI. Or. I,m BloOd, .nd 'Pf"'ial'u....~O<.CIari<RooIoIlttesct..ololMuoK:

o SITffANI F1UJ)f .RE.<;, VIs.uaI Art, SWGC. JW­licipated in a ,roup uhibilion at th~ NalionalWtJlt1t'll',An MU-salll\,....'Mngton. D,C.; haloa solonhioo..aalIto:Ano:mi.""GoaIloryinOlicago.IIl.:an:la puupemibilion.1to: Mtl\t:UfTl of MuJem An in"-Ie1iroCily

o DR. COU" HIGGS.Sdu" o(PIl)-.icII~andA'hle1ic·· I·~ea~tationalthesecond

'-rnmonaIConfm:nccOllthoRPoflrdn........,m DisahthlteloCOIllIedTheRiJhltoR...-reat:ionand Sport_ M.....''''I From Words 10 Action.. andlIlllCherenlllkidAtJvanancthc Righboflrdi\'iduabw«h~l1wllllllhinlmlllionllDe>dupmcnt.-e BEATY POPESCU and SHAWN O· HAGA!'O.VMIIIAfb.SWOC.pm.e:r.uJ"ar..e. ... emibitionof_ VoUb. E-. F.dFGalIory. St.JoIm.... Ate.1 7-Sq:t. 28. M"O· Hapn Ilolo~in . puup

exhibition of ""..-en N~.....fOtlndland artists entilledDi'iCOVt:f)' ....hich ...,.di""...yed ........ghoutAI1anticCAladaoo fill. Asolo u hihitionof her worli:; op:ncdDec. 8 in ooojunt.1ion....iIli thc OJlClling o( the CanerBruokMu.o;cumInd AnJlives. The eAAibition. mtilledGtlblin.fmmthrSea. is avisuaJexploratiunoflhcRay of Islands, Nnd., and thr Bay of Island_. N~w

7"""'"e KA1l-ILEEN Sf:l.l .ARS. V~'lIaI Arts, SWGC. par­ticipatcdinlto:pottp ~.\hibrtionThrarrumMWJdj -

lllr Manon MC<:'llUlAllantic An bhihilMJrl. ....hlChop:ncd • tt.. Ek.a~ertttd An Gallt:ry. Fmkrit.,. ...N.8..inNt~.

o ROBERT SIlEA SWdo:nt DevdoprncM. pn,,~tdetlIto:IiJIIo:ooo,"presauions:c.a:r~,,"GIohtI~•.,thcs..inlIC<ut.dknAw.:_..O(Nc..-fotnIIIldandl.ir.ltbp"'irUII~

St.Jd1I· ...ro;.w.7;0Iilft:n·~tiIaaft•• f!ImcoM.ri.ft.. e-~~Ioo...tnclllncSdIt... Ro.d Edut:aIon Confc=oce. Corner Bn.....Dec . -4;and The Career Devc1opmcnt: JtltIrtIeY_l...iW'Md.T_ArruIcfn!l....~~

In Cm.lI, to the C...-tian AwxilllOtl of C_F.olucan_~OIDio....~TtlnJlllD,QrL.Det:. lo.

o DR . SUS AN TIRO!'OE. School of Ph Yil cal&Iucalionand AlItIeOc...pll<: a pm.aulion to theNIIIionIIReuealionandPlrtsA"',...,:illion~R~h Syml'O' ium. in Salt Lake City. Utah. ino..1tJbcf enlitlod A,,<imiIatiunIrtdConnict; Lei"""E..pm.nee in Ito: Li""" ofSouth A...... Adlllc!lcena.in

""""""o DR. JIM WYSE, Ruoines._ Adminis.ntit>n. JIK''CTlll:tlaplflel"mtilled lssuesin lnfortlllllit>nSysto:m<MKnKgement in Auannc Canad. ; R~sllh. fmm IPrt:limiOllr)'Eumination, at thr Atlanlic St:1....Jh of

Bu.i """" con (~rcncehdd in Frcderieton ,N.B., inClt.1tJll<%.

"""Vel' ha~c lunind the trip ifi'f haln ·.heenf.. thc f.:tlhlloneofthc~

lall~U fr om th~ Un i~enity o f Brit i,hCol umN .... UBC, -we dean of~-apa.n-;isL

-Hebe....hall:hcJWUblcm .. .. andh~lprd m~ out ...here he cOll ld .~

(lMefntm,ly• ..-ofl:hc L"BCTqIfesat­tM!va weft lakin, L.iam; imteId. they_a1I......,do.y<:}'dinc.anantibiobc.)

Back. borne in 51. John.... "I .. Kin,.... IbIcIO ...her~expcricna in

-~-A wed. ..... I fdI bke I _ in c........n.,bk.e I badeotJeeSlOrnadl,couIdn' tIkq>.IIld I _ I balloIlIII:ne5_No-rm~andl needlllleasl;lmllOlndeep.....

The menw dioorden >he ~,perimccd


ansaltof mdkJtptinc~ m,c.

tion.OinicII~ nJpoyd'Iooio ""'Ye

IlftIIbllmcd Olltto:lWJ.Bodallb.KiDc andllb.I'tny-Maidrnent

pomtOUl lhlllODCoft:hcir~ .. thc

sitlJledol.afeof the druB-Jt·'~rna:

YooedJy.~ofbody~ OI' Olher

fa:uo. The~hli btx:a knowalO_

benhddccbin bbor-..y.......aa; ....~for-pcopk..-idl~of


ki&ley.b 'oft or aniia: di!eaooe. andr.. ........-And wiU CarOI Kin, con un uc: in llcrjob1MYotIca.n· . Ie1ODChaI~,~

.... youoff.~ >he gys philooophiclll y, "milht h.I~~ I hard time loinl 1lIck toJlldil, thottgIt - andlthink I"U fuod. 4d·fClall tnalaria m:attncolif l'm O'Cl"b1Iv&inllo~tnalariaZ<JOC.- ...

Grenfell appointsact ing principal

p...... MilnR:Mierha!.bomlfllP'lll*daUl(l pm.cipllrils.. \\-dfmiGRnfell

~inCorrErBn.....~IIE~Dr, KM)' BIIldoa .fJO

_auncdIhcJQilialolpresi­*- ofm-,an Ul\i~ inKdooona,BC

A-.:hcorntruncch.o..Mnapp'illed b "'*'.1 a nrw pn;p.l.ilanwdInle...-ifluni-.il)puli.:y.

\l r. F_ In ...... appoinledlO\~· .~sh~in

19'71 andmcwed IoC<nlI:TBn. ...wilhlho:.IJlt!Iin&,..-the"""""""in19'7~_ Siru tIIilI nrre. Mr. Fowlerhoshd d thl:l" ",itioll of coordin..­kS,Ikpiutn lC:flt of English. and in19'12\l1• • aPP<'in te d G re n fe ll',

vifx.priro.ipillDI'. ro rnD..nicls.helldoftho:

Di,'i,;OIIof So.;illl Science. will. et h ~ice·l'fin"ip. l in theinlerim,He i. beinll ~placed as

head of Soc tal Science b)' Dr.Jobn Ashtnfl

'The ~'OI.kg" has al , initiat ed a

committee 10 ,dec o.Ii=I".- ofAdministration and Finance, "positiooleftviIIo:anlwiththcdl:pw·

rure of P..uic;" Hil!billJl, Dr. Paul

WJ1son lw. hecn """",,led ~ng

direaorinlhe inlenm, ....

Gcurlte . Jrn.8, l9Q8 5

Recruitment inthe (very) Near East

Bv JlAN GaNw.! \\ 'heIl lhe visulllItlo propma_

E"".P&" year. and. "-If. ~b.-:nd.~Yeb~.MertIOllIllUn,ven.'ly hu Men Iicip* in Ihc 0..:. I oprnmc"lI.:

"'nxnlllln,offlCenand ....martpllery. Bi!lIql·sCoIeJrinfOl'Tllllion8hnutlhelllli~Iy"1 on~RaKlIhcGftr#dlr.:-

...... Ihc....nd. ForWlllleJllDllWRlo, utI)' mrmbersdttided this "115M~lhcurlb-",u...-I idaloppgrtunitylOtalkdilU1lyb

~ may &1UalIybe p-.:r PO""'.u:ra._-amlelIInu:hcloGblnnl:. BrnKb Rl>W(:-BartIm, the BJ.tl·

Dr.Roy Ho«aerilCllrRNlyhead op', an 1eaI:her• ....: "PVlSiislO f...ofFi","Am.SirWllfmlGmlf~11 ,-.h:rodloololinlbe....uo~~

College, lnthal~'l)'.hi:~ her[JW1\, Dr,~evmually_

tr.velledtoSI. John·, lopromOie Or.Rooy_ IOMoInPearlSenia High,f'nnI:eofa...armes.sofGn:nfdl"vOOaI""nl~degRes. W" Collegillle. GU<1t.aga..-.d B<lod1IO..preadlhelli. =ep6on w~ wiIm\, lIl ... ylhe\e;W.'JlIll'k-inghi. \IlIORIllho- lhepn'tf'Jlll .....lhe_COII!It.m\hu,i<NIlM .imilar initialives inlhet'uture lIe y' "udrnt, were intne!llCdin wltalhi:hild k'

Gerard Cu rt i. of Vi.ual Arts. who has been ....y and a.skedmany in'i ghtful questions

asked 10 take re'pt ," , ihility fur the BfA recru il- ' 'The hig thing i' comhaling the lack of aware·met a d fort,. explaine d. " We did a survey of art ne"," he ""id "[ l1i. trip wa__ definitely one:of the

tea<;hers in the pro vi nc~ about a ycarand a half bcncc l~:ruitingprograml\we·vedoncinSI.JoIIll·,. 1

ago. A !>Cary pe rcen tage of thosc peop le didn't wuuld like IO_-.chertripoext year

~,'enlttowwehadavi,u.aIU1.program.letalone ·~fuUywe·d~illongerandheahlclOvi'"

any dcWlsaboul il.- ...neoflhe ........ weCOIkln·'readllhisllip... =-

YOUR LETTERSSalary not 10"'" end

- UNIVERSITY WATCHA .uunplitt8 of lUli~'t'r:Jil)' f lorin unfoldi ng acrou Canada

Telephon e 737- 2143

Want to be noticed?Advertise in the



r....... ,f PI:la' Morm (-'.VIcIoriIICoI Ims.forlhol:mal­ter. live. her oommenb OG

CBC Rad io ) ""oul d care '0nplam further ll'>eir IUlCmenl$

Ihal Prnidml Dr. Anl'MtrMay' .w.y ""fall, lOWW lhe low endofcompenoation.R

In informati on provide d byMemorial' . Comhincd Financia lStatement. and SupplementaryS.:bedub (M..m JI ,1997) ,pre5­idential . alarie .a..ailabl efromO!hcruni..e",itie s of comparable,iz e r.nged from a low ofSI27.000to a high of S20J.OOOperannum Pnttapo my ariIJuneticis """y .but u S«mS tome Dr.May'5SISS,O:llper fllllUl1\,llOI lOmmion his inIe:ralI-l1a: ...... and~ca' allo...-ance.~him

_tbe lOp. 1lO?Throu gh the nal ilmal M "' S

-.Ii&. we ha ..... n:oeatIy lamed... _.....,.oflhe~ofSi_ Fr. "" Uni...enity inBuruby. B C.• is only .boulSISO,lJOperamum.In alilim. 1

~da<d.of""~~inl aJl m.- in Onlario~_thaaSlOO.lXJ) per

aan.m from the pub lic purse.rdeaKd ill the Spring of 1996..-.b lhal lhcpm.idmU.of bochtbel1nivcnily ofT<JRrlIO andlhcllDivmily ~Weiaemo.uio-...

sm.o()per >-,.TIM: Directory of Canadi an

lIrIiv=iIir:a (Jl slF~I<J%.91)

k;tbef<Alwingemolrr.ndata:I )Mcmorial (Fall '9S) - 12,882fulI.time. JJ9 1 pWHinx: 2) Simoo

Frasn Uni..U'Sily('9S··96I­10,9J6fulki1ne.lI.M7~-lIDtE;J,U..nauy of T....... ('94- ''JS)- JS.6lJ full-lime, U.211Opart-lime;.nd 4) lin,~eni ty ofwesternOnurio C9ol- ''JS122.mfuI.cime, 6,lll6lWt-On1t.Now mew.dd quc b (flilc !QTCIirneO'l'Cl'tbeadLlal m..qhellnl~

ties of simil. r co mplnity IIld~RblI. amininun. ... ",,_

denls means more faculty.1TlOR'.m...JIs.. divi'<ions.t.ga- hudgetstomanage ,and .oon. lf so . itappears that our presidenl ill doingn:lMi\ldywell,Canheotillhe .:m­sido::ml_lhc ' '1l1wmd?''

Now,don 'lget me wron g. Idon't~Dr,May""" sa1ar'y,

and we should ronvt'Iend him bhi. signiflCallt dooa tiooi 10 this~Gndtoows, lha.....1iItIean:c:p. ~ wbal . "'¥CnIty prt:Si­

dentd<a. buIilaP"JWllyljobwidI .. oaerouslrll<Ulllof~


iI-~.lhefanthll... OWll<df~"~"-*,.

lei' cal pmny lbii SIl.y inbrn.tioaiau:flallliAeldincllWftl'abccItn:Yellialanddiolultq. AndIO~ Dr.May·iSlllryWJdt

-compmsalion fOl" hu. , ,,,=,,," andlabor~"-«IIIivea.~_lI,perhIf'"

you know not wh. 1 you do.~lO euend such.~

""' lO faruJry.lhc "1ow md~rom­

pemalDt"W<JUIdhe ..~rr.n of corNdcnhlemagnrtude


Dr. Jon ChurchM«lici ....

Year 2000 but:: _ • pruWnn.


TORONlO - The P'J"U"l of lheUni..eni.,y of TOl'OllCOh&'i I""""pmoalOconsuIt ...tlmhe·S!oot­ingfor. bilofinformaOoa-or)s: irIfmmDln <Jllhia..

ProfeooorJ ad Gonic: of eb;·tric.l and comput~r engineeri nghas bun appoimed 10 the M WpG'jilion ofpro..us" s adviser 00

infonnalionlechnolo gy.reponsthe U ofT B~lInjll

Theunivenil)'hashecnmakingsubstantial investments in inf'mJIl­tion lechnologyrecently.moslnotably lhrw.gh a commitment roupgndelhcuni~'sf~

backbone, e e crea tio n of IheInform . tion Co mmons . nd lhe~~newdnirtilft.

li ve m.....gement .n d ",ude nl..-",..,.1t·squiIe~tlw.1tae

and fIlture: initillheslllOvefOi'...ard-in .... inleped m..aann.­saidProvoslAdclSah.

\\ 'hi le lJlher univenlllel bavechief illform.lioll offic~n or~of~Uof

T is ... oidi nlcnalinl.u.;h ....authoritative figur~ ",bo ldma.1r.eaJldecisionsonaJlthinllseIectrorOc.Gm1esaid.

Ml thi nlpeopleshouldappre_

date thi s role is . d..ilOry. nolTq Ulatory.R Gorrie said . Rln pan

thisreflecu U ofT's decenUllI·ization and the need to do thinpinamore oollegiaJ and coliabo­rati..e 1TUlDl>eT rathcr than drrect­ingfmmthe centn: ,"

Gome will he looking III"""' .ing techn ol ogy moee uniformcome ttUdnigtwon Dec. J I. 1999The year2OOJ is~ro<::au!ie

ha..cc ...ith many computer pro­grarnsthlllrodedllleslNngatypi·calliixdigilrode thallqinsYoilhlhe1l!;atwodigiu.oilhc>-,.mis­laI1r.erIIynxcpi.zinctbcyear20 11• 190t


reasons Gorrie hopes 10 ha..e a_so.de:nlmxl"dsyswmiaplacein the llleK' ooupIe of yean. ~


1ysImIIaftadyll!lll:lhcku.....rodeandtbciulwllellOlln.'fttylo­Iem ...i llsooabecaul,"UP.he... y•. -You may see some pro­parmia diffc:l-ml~hu1

I doa ·'thin1r. thlII will be a majorproblem tor theuni..ersi ly .. a...tdc...he said.

I'riiooy percentof uni~l!'r'Slly

xr-1~slay aad nnd ......... InB.C._ sun .,y

V1CfO R1A- ~fi~ ever SUt·..ey of B.C. uni..ersily graduatesfi..e years aftergradualion ohows90 percenl ofthcm ha~e " li. fy­ingjobs thai pay well. re:porueeUni..ersi ty of Vtctoria paper the

Rill g . Of the reml inillglOperce:nl. lh!:majOOtywen: ei lt>erinIOmemher form of po.I·a.e<;.ondary educatioaOl'hadvolua·wily widldn...'n from ll'>e IabOIforce. The unemploymen l ralefor Ihe gr.du.'e. ""15 J,I percalI-lessthaahalfthep!"O\'lD­ci.alnileof nmepercnl.

"'The reSl,l]ls of Ihis .uueysbooo"thalauai'"CnIl)IeduI;alioapr epa re . ,r.dua lu IOpl,lUl,lell'>eirCareflloab Ind enricheslheirlives,RSlid UVlCf'IaidmIDr . David S lro ng. "An ever­whd ming majori lyofrupun·denb spoke positively abouI how

th ei r uni ~ enily ea pe rienceenhanced both their skills . ndtheirpol~ntia1 "" indi..iduaJ....

"I'm pleased with the re:sllitsofthis survey," said Education, Skillsand Trai ning Mini st er P.ulRamsey ina ne..... relea.-.::. "Nino:lYpercentofgraduates ....y ao::lfiooworir.inB .C. ThatspeakJ \'OIUn>eOlal>oIJI lhc highqua1ityoflheedu·wino they rece ived ao::I demon·WIles thai uni..enities~,

an ucdlomlinvestrnc:nt for B.C."""",,-

RewarrlI oould be nitical for................twJFAX - 1I'5liU 1eIChinI­oIdq_tricb.

ThM·s....... Halifu~·inl prof and his n ......il 'es are

doill' as they Rpl1y _tlhR


leb::eclobaf .......~lhc~N~

Pr. bir Buu i. de ..e lopinlaew Ic:ch...logy thai could hringabouIaqlWllumleapinlheeffi·ciellC)lot ccel-eesedpower em·era tionarouadthc globe. Alpre:·.., nl.roa1 i. u..... euen.i..elytocreate pow er, It is allo con . i.!­end • major culprit in the onsdot gjobalwerrr ung.

Ra.su·.n:search.fundedhy thcNlIIUra1Sciencesao::l&gineerin gRe.s.ean:hC.....ncil. in..ofves ba.icprinciples of thermodyn amics. atnnch of phy sico thai deal. ""ithhcalre:1mons.Dalbousiea.....,~

thcfe",uni""",i lies in lhe worldS1udy inglheeffic ienc:yofooal.......

While Iicimlisu. eo..iroamnI­talimwpoliticalleaden-SUf:abJd:p:nr..-.mill&......,fKliioeruia:ca'boadioUdea.majCJrcoastitumlofgrttMousoeJun.\\ 'he:nbsil fueb sud! _ ,...liae..lcoal." tuned, carhon ...·



the flClthalooaJishumedindli·ciently using JS·year-old Ieo;h·noloJy, oays Ba.w.. mechamcaJengi neer.t DalTech ....ho hubeeameardlin,clean-coallc:ch·nol ogi n for more IhAn ''''0"'.....Traditional coaJ-huming Ic:ch_oolOlY still used in No..a S<:OIiaand OloO'tpartsofthe world is. almost . JS pe r cem efficient. Forevery three tuns of ooal bunted .two Ions are wasted . Onl y OMlon is con..ertroinloelocuicitySuch i"" fflCieacy contn bulel '0the aellJOIl and release of poren­'ia llyclim.le-changinggrffn·-.....B-Jtmpes.lrWgeoenDOIIofco.l- bumilll 'echnololY ""illeoabIeialt.lsuieslObum_coaI.mon:effkiepllyand •• k>wn-

6 GazetttloJnt.8,l998

IN MEMORIAMSIR ROBERT AITKEN, oword"d onh o n or o ry doclor of lowl d"g r" "from Memoriol in 1961



DR . GARRY COWAN, ° foculty

member inft>e O"pol1ment of Biology,


oword"d on hononlfy docto r oflows degr_ from Memo.... l in 1995.


oward"d on honorory doctor 01 lowsdeg .... from Mernoriol in 1993

JOAN HAIRE , On "mploy"" of th"Depol1m"n1ofT...hn;col~

LUKE HISCO CK, ° retired m"mber ofthe Corpentry Unil in th" Depol1m,,'"of~ocilili.. Monog""",'"

DR . HARRY KIEFTE, 0 un;." .. ity

r"s"orch prof"lIor ond mol"culor

physicist in If>e o..pol1m"nt of Physicson<! Physicol Oceonogropby.


olumnulond g<t.duot""lud,,nl of

Mernoriol Uniwlr$iIy.

OR. EU IOn T.MERRICK 111, ........,rded on

hono<orydodor 01 I"" "rs deg .... fromMernoriolin 19B5

OR. NICOLAI MUMM. e postdoctorol

fellow ot M"moriol'. Oc .... n Sci"nc".Ce ntre in logy Boy,

DR. NORMAN PETERS , oword"d on

h o n or o ry d o c lo r 01 low. d "gre " by

Memorioli n1 9 75.

OR. GltEG O RY 1. POWER, oworded on

honorary doctor 01 lows fro m Memoriol

in 199 5


stud"nl in the ~o""lty of Science

011. "'- E {TEDI SH"'-mll.. orth.. o-di~tond dinicol ol.neiol" prol"..or in Ih"

focultyof Medicin"


deg ... In:>mMemoriolinl992

• om.line A. Kl!nnedy.a masIer',scudenl in com­munilymoxlicine",M"""'"a1.w.. nomillllledforlhe 1997 RI>odeoScbolanhip for NewfoundlandM,. Kennedy !ladcomple!edaBA ineconomiCllWilh a biology minor.l Memorial . She began adoctoraIeineconomi<:lllCb.f<JltlinOt1otler I991


~~~":cc':fJ~~.".Sludie,. Hi, appoinl

• Dougl •• Roche, fOf'll'lCl'CanadianAmbassadorfordi_~landafonnerMP,pn;sentedlhe

1997 Da.id Alennder Le<;lureal M.morial. Hi,topi<; for the 1«1"'" """ S.(eP....ge;ntolh.2hl Century: T he Unil.d Nalion,' QU.'1 forPeace. EqU.hly.lustice. De. elopment

FEBRUARY• A distinguished member of Memorial Uni.......itywas appoinled Jie~lenant-go.e'n"r a( New ·fuwIdIandandLatndor. Dr.A. M. Houoe.I""""lI·oeistandf'l:(:(JlJtillldworidleaderintelemedici...and distance edl>Calion, IOolr O\'ft'ulheJlro"ince',newQua:n'I~~inearlyFemlary.

• A finoncialam. requiresmong I<adenbip......,..benoflheunivenityCQn\ll\\ltlity......-etoldtluringtwo talk. by t""ptesi"""lof lh. Uni.etsity ofMai... atOrono.Dr,Fmlaick Hutehinsonp""apoblic~foIlowedbyadiocussion""lhe

futureoflhe uni.,.....;ryin general.

) ·Thefedtnlbudgeldeli.eredinOna""aFeb.lgwas labe lled. ~.tayingtbeeootse"budgetby theLiber al gavemmenl, but it actually cont.ined agrealdealofnew.fOftbeuni.ersitycommunily.illCludinllnew funding for research infl'aslnletll1'eand ... wtaxbreabfotst<>d.m•.

.l1>eGene1i,Centre. a facihlyto belphigh·rechbu.i ....... get.wted,wasnfflCiallyl.ullChed""Feb. 17.Lo<oa<ed mSperocer Hall on Ihe uni""r

1i(YI Jr.kilO'J CIflI(JUJ. ~ (rrJfa tim C!/Urop"'neuro acce>. touni.""ity..-.peni", and a net ·wol'kofmenlol'l andconsullanlllhatcanhelplhemlaullChknowledge-lwedbusine....

MARCH• Memo'i al Un i,er.ity of Newfoundlandlaunchedlbe larg.stfund-rai,ingcamp.aignin itshistoty on March 2.'l.1he uni.etsily aim, to I'ai",$SO mi llion for improved'ludcnt oc.. ices andfacili!ies, """",,,h and.d'o larshipo -$2.'l mil·lioni. to be <ai<edfrom tM ori_ale_. andtbepr,,.illCi"gll"ernmenlsaid il would malchthat a"'o,mt. How•• er.duringlheofficiaJ lounclloflhecamp.aign. Premier Brian Tobin anOl>tlIlCMIhal l"" S".emrnent wou ld matcb ra ised fulldsdoliar-for-OOIlarheyondthe$2.'lmillionwgel

• Glenn B.,ck m".ed into the bigofrJce all""Council of lbe SlUdenl'S Union. Durinillhe CSUelection held Ma", h 1l -12.Mf, Beck wonwith1.723'0lCI. amarginofJll2voteso'l'errunningmate Keilh Clarke. Mr. Beck ""II .worn in II Sludenl union presidenl April I

• Ken Carter wos re·el.Cled pr.,id.nloflheGradWlle Sludenl'. Union on Man:h 20.bul .....•eralmembenoflhi,year',GSUexeculivcwereeleciM 10 represenl lbeir peen for lbe fil'Sllime

;~I~l=-u~~~~~:~'B::~~~i~::::';champion.hip. b.gan in Halifu March I ~ .

Memorial's men'. leam wa. imme dial e lykl'KlCkedout of lbeaclionby lbeAcadia Aa"menby IScoreof8~·75

• Afl"r Ihree years of co ilaboral i.e work. theLabradorlnuil As,oc;ati"" and the Schoo l ofSoc ial Work developed a special diploma pro·gram in ,oc ial work lhal wi ll b. offered inLabradorinlhrec-w•• kblock'lolnuitpeopl.already wOf'kinginlh.fi.ld

APRIL. 11Ie board ofdirectotsofMemorial'.Cenlre forCold Ocean Resource. En gineerin g appoinledJlKli!hA. WlIittick .. pre,idenl and chiefe,ecu·Ii"" afrJcer. M, . Whi ni<;k h.. been • member of

the"'niormanagemenlteamalC-COREforO\'eJfISyu ...ndh.. beenin.ol'edinbu,in...de.elopment, '-"CUling funding for progr.m.,policy de""lopmentand financial management

• Economic can.~h.nl' from kelnd .i. iledMemori al'. FlICulty of Bu.in ... AdminiltralionApril2S OS pan ofathree-d ay lripto .t"dyNewfoondl and' s fai l"re. and .~cce.... in rei. ·liQIIto oconom"'de.e1"l'mem.

. 0000 ofArt. Or. ferry MUflIhy~me ""'-Olllf

onnual Foculty nf Art> l'ubl ishing Fair Apri l 171hro<>ghouttheaftcrnaon.vi.itlnwerein.iledlObrow",throughjow'naJs.~baoI<s.l.,..

1ltreS,andelectrooi<;publishing. inc!oding OII-li...joumoIIandnotablehomepages

'Senateappro\'<Oll aBAinhillOricalllll<belforSirWilfredG=fell College. Tbe ... w degree i.differ­enl from the BA;n hillory offered in Sl. John'.Srudents wbo opl for lhe BA in hillorical .wd iesfromG=fell must take al leasl four o:ourse. inearly Wwern ci.,.;lizalion and at IeMtfour in laIr:rWeotem e,per;enee

MAY• Appro~imately 1,800 degree. weno awarded al. ight .....iorIsofco'w..catiun dli. Ipring. 'fhe SirWilfred GmIl eIlCollqe ....""'ofspring con'"""lioo_heIdMay9andlhetemaining ....... ses·,ion,were held May 28·30 in SL John' .. Honorarydegmeswereconferred upon Roch Canier.An...Meredi lhBarry. Hel. n Fogwill PoneI'. DarrylDiamond Fry. Wilhen H. Hopper. OliO Georse

• Two M.mori.I'lud.nl'. Peter L.ngdonBotwood. and Bany Hidl of Comer Brool. warde<lprtstigiorJu> Rod>ermr:reFellowships.graduatefellowship'lft.a1ued at betweenS7SandS1OO,OOOo""rltllmyeaf',""hichC<WCl'Scostofgraduare.wdy in lheUniled Kingdom

• Sir Wilfred GmIfell College·, ... w StudenIAnnex_offi<iaI1yopcned May g durinaapus.widecelebrauOII.1henewfoci lilyi,lhel.ng iblere.ultofTheOppomlnityFundondflfStof!hrtlefocililieslObewmpletedllJlllfloieampaign·.goaltoimprove.ludent~

• Memorial'. Depan......tofOlemimyOIIeaceptionalvisilOr May 14 wltenDr. JudiIhK.Howamorrive:d . Sheislhe 19lh Job visiuncf...ortolhedepamTtenlmsho:boktoaSirCltristopltenon Foondalion Fellowsllip for 1997fmmlbe Uni.....ityofDurham,l.'.ngland

• MemoriaJ Uni. "",i ty added a"''''' credertiiurepertn ire a(pragr.m, -thedip lnm.

info.-mat ion techool ogy (IT). Tbe new proJ'was oppro'M II the MIY 13meetinll ofSe

·llW.. perlIIpIlhemostentert.siningP'ratte.er given. John Monim.r,lhecre.torolfarnous RllmpOleoflhe8.alleycllarocter.keptReidl"healreaodienceinstitd>esdwinghiltalk May 3O.1hencwe~", laW)'erand pla}'\\flp"".presentaliorIliIJedla""mL-.

JUNE·ThousandsofdelegalelJl<>'.l"'<l intoSLloIm·,headed for Memori .... N<>rthA"""",""I..gathering of ocoderniain lhehumaniliesond•odallCiencesbeg.n. Th e 1997Conllfe..l.eamed Societies (lhe Le.neds}bepn May Jlcontilllleduntil lune 14. Appn>ximately 100ratellCldernicconferenceowerebeldconcumdwingthis lwo--weekperiod.Muny partic:ipIrItIresent disciplines wilhin the FlCIllty of Arts,wa, in'lrumen lal in bri ngi nglhe Learned '


• The Jobby nfM""","aJ's medical school IIHcaIlhScien<:eoCcntrewuobuzzwitllanJune l u app.-oximale ly gO gr aduales andlguests gllll=al to awail lhe~ol

.mu andcen ific.te1duringlbeSchoolof ClinuinlEducalioon·.annual gf3dualioncerernoar,

• Memorial' . f ibre'Oplic .ysrem wa, 10

~~:::~ ~e::o:'~"'d~~I:~::.nO~nl~~=Tec hno logy (IT) [nnoul ion , locatedotN.. ional M~_m of Ame rican Hi'kltY.



....... . Ca .....da dona ted S500 ,000 0 "

Sep! . 11 _ o Voungl.. fIOYGt ....

A-.:hproera ondo ..... .--rchchair, .... NSt~c......ooChoir

in ""--' in so.nc.and Envir-ino

Io"k of Montr...1 -........t USO .OOO_ .... _m..-..on ......20


donated USO.OOO designon.d to tt.e.-U~c.mr.,onDec.l .

SmithKlin. 8eecham Pharma donaled$150,000 on Sept .15 to 011;11 in lhe_b1i1h......mof .. .-pror.e.uonhip;.,bioIogicol p$J'Chiolry in Ihe FCIC:I,IltyofMM!iO,.

Th.lron Or. Campon)' of Canadadonol.d S650,000 o~.r a fi".y.arperiod on Oct . 26 . U50,GOO will Is.used to_bIith ochoIor$hip$to benefitlobrodo. ItvOentl ond S400,000 willb. .... . d 10 ••Iobli.h a Communityl.eaminge-.inlabrDdor-City.





s.-ral COf"J'O'"- clono<s an-.-.d~--..non.inl997

VoiYy'l ...., Nicbl e-..., limHcIdoncrt..t $1 .000,000 __ a f;.,..­

peria!lans.pf. 22. n..........,.wiI Is.dnded -a. a ..... .--ch doeririn-tto...-....s -the~Choir

DECEMBER• Memonal ond !he ,....emmenl of 0...... .....


·H~y 8esl t.. boen ow>insed dim:\<Jr of "

Ll brodo. Inui ''' I. of M.mo ri. 1 Uni~...ily.Inclledin Happy VIlley.Qoooe BIY. Lalndor.

• M. morill "", .i .nlDr, Anh u. MlypraenledschnlorshipslOmany oflbe 182 ... tnllCelC hol.. ·. hip .....inne .. d"rin •• e. r. mony in lh. R. id"""""Dec. I. -=


AI..,. R•• Mutplly ..... formally l'OICOJIlircd forhi. life lirneaehiuemenl' injou.n.h.m.nd


·AlofOet.'I,_.... ,.. ... h... lOI""c1."K~~noconk,JfMIes-.l

~_~~They ... abo"""lbI:Irpa..-.I.I... llfic..... ......t>on ...~ ......... otrieMoI~otrnarb..

·Aflerll.y...... priDCip.lofSi.Wilf~

G",nf.1I ColI••e in Come. Brook . Dr, K.lyBlndorl1leadedwmlOlaI<."pher ...... jobup",.idenl of Ok"n.,"n Uni~.nily Coli••• inKcJow.... B.C.No~. I

• A 101m from lh. C.nl r. for Ac.d.mic IndMediI Sl\ld....l Memorial .....ill •• ainbe .hooI·in. five pail1 of Sol\lr<!ayniJltt Se.I-HI...kl bu·kelball , The differenoe .. _f... 1991.98Ibe ill be be.amcd up 10 Ibe Anik E·]la l.Uile . Froralhen:. lhey'll be n.ll.ble f...,"""""...ywhen:w1lh.oalb1cdil;ll..

• The pI9viaciaI-.l fedcnI.....-_.-.cI1D ......... U,fHnil... tor.. _1iMof_~ltatcrneardlfKlhry.d>c

ace.. kinoccl C... ,", &ad s n o.OlIOfor ..1<I_...h.",1e""I.,f ..ilil)' .11'" M. ,, _-· SI....... w!Iofai loorcltlioChr\stmas ..llbeablc:1O_1D1be.u¥Onicyia,..."illheymcellh. new .equ i•• ",.nll.nd e..ndlllOU_lIyPMscdbySenacc

• Memori.1 . i.ned In ••re.m.nl ...ilh lh.Depanrnml of Fislleries ond Ocean, In Icuc IIIe

CCGS """'. M Ull<!U' In .uppnn marine min·in. and reourch.tlho Marine In.. ;l\IlC

• The N......fn"ndllnd Ind Labr.-lor H.ri ....

=~o:.";;""~I:i::7he·I~::IOCO:~IVMlabIe• .-ide ..... oIinformallonll ... lhe .....lUI'Y.cPsftllld..........,.ot .. proo-irlcc• Al lbe Allulic C.....-li." O",ploso.h,p••MetnoriaI'IIlUdeaIDebaliIl,SorietyQfllwed.....,-compeotias.iIIdosdiIItlbe_lrDphy.

Ol.lOBER• Prof. KorynB uller. GeoanPh y.•ndDr. JosephCh.... in.k i. Hi.lory. eoeh receiHd the"",.ideM'. A.....ord. forDl .. in.",shed Teach", •.Raceivi... lhe~·.AwordfOlClulstandmlR..-dI ........ Dr. Brad. V...... PIlysics; DrRoyOooiae.EaJmeeti"lIlldAppbedSciellce;....d D•. C•• oly_ H.n. MllSie . Uni~.nily

R-.d:I Pnlf....mipo ...............w ID Dr. ..~~.-lAppbedSaaooe.1IId

Dr. Ropr",---.Goopapfty.• Dr. CoDrl Hagt .... appoiIIlIId.. __


Al!Ikaa. rqJlacIna ""I Dr BlllRcddeL

• Ro.er Grim mioill.' of .d ...IIO" •

... _""ed new Ippoinu ... 1IIJ 10 lhe BGord ofRe...... ""0cl-24 NItIII!d I(l 1-',...._... : Ed..-Ird Ro berlS. Q ,C.. ehai .; BrenduI'Iddock. Sl. John' , ; Nancy K.ll y, Comer BrooIr.;Shiro " DUIlIn , Mounl P.lrl; HI....ey Shon.Moonl Pearl; Dr. Geora;ina Heel..., Gnad Fill ..Willd ;G.i l Aylward, St.John'.; Ind InanPin Stephenville

· Durin. F.lI COOvocaliOll ]997........ dislin .... Khodprof.-n .............. lhemlep«rf,..,.,~,......, Dr."" Sri".. Dr.Jobll Hew-. Dr.J,,_Orr. Dr. PIIlIick O·~. Dr. a-e: w....Ooll,Dr.s..""'~_Dr .R«at'",...,."'""1'-_

SEPTEMBER• ....specilII~.. SqIl-I • • .........,.dodcJrol ...... dqftc_c:ooferred .. V....FiIlSllsc>pclorur.lbefonnerplaiOcalotkelaJrd.... lhefnl_ .. wortdllaaorydcacd.-.~hoadol.ooomtry.Th!opociaIODII_


.oenesolconf=nces.,...-leCIlhi.Y"'" .. panoIlhopuvin<:e·.c.bot~~~

. Nove1i01 K.~in Major ..... rwned M.morilli·.Alumnu.of lhoV.....

·AwlIhc..... """forIbeSChoolofPlly.icalEducaIion-.lAshletics-._ ..... f..bIyisboIiolt-.....l·UqPond,<III~··Sl.

JotIIl·Ie...,...n.:~ .... ~~fur._ ...... blhc~forllMOll,.....

:-- 1_ oIfn-,...~_ _ bbe ..,.-01

•• NortI......., ..Bom,cw­.-..Unob\Pol:orl.

.... GordaIpwe.w.mwelcunelO1,lDlpoapll!OIIA.,.2 ... fintputD:

8 Gazette e Jan. 8, 1998

DEANS' AND DIRECTORS' LISTSMemorial University salutes the follow ing students who have excelled in their programs of study.

In recognition a/ their ach ievement , thei r names have been added to the appropriate deans ' and directors ' list.




BA c m :LOR OF EDU CATlO:'ol (P RI:\tARY)



BURTOt",LllnaBUSSEY.Chri'linaCANNlt"G.DawnCARNELL, DawnCHAULK. Tamm~OAWE,Alli"'"DEWLlNG,SonyaRSflER,WaDdaGAlWAY. JohnHALL. Nancy

ANDRE WS. SabrinaBAGGS,SheriBARR E.1T, Nal<clI aBEST, JenniferBILL, Kimberle yBLAN CHARD, Ml1lld)'BOWLES,RhondaBULL, ChristintBlnT,M llf' haBUTI'O N, ReneeCH L:RC HILL, ReneeCLA RKE,Ca",lynCO LUNS,VlCkiCO RNECT, Vane....FITZG ERAL D, Kimberle yG ILLIS,StephanieGREFJ ..EY. lenniferG REEN ING, Nancy


~~~~.'~~~aLEW IS. DonnaMERCER, PamelaMILLER. TrinaMILLS , DeanntMONK . Bradl~~


HO BBS,J enniferJEWE R,ShelleyKISS, TaraLANE,F D.BoydLAVALLE E, KristaLEE, Andreal.EE, TinaLEWIS, PatriciaLOWE, Jenni ferMENCHEmDN, CindyMOLLO Y, KrisliMOOR E, S..."",MORRISS EY, LeanntO MAN, RenataO ' [)ri "Coll,K ""'nPARD Y, ColleenPAYNE, AndreaPF.c KFORD ,PauJ eUe

PIoTI EN, L..oi'POND. DaphnePOR"ffiR, AndriiREm, Juli~

ROSE, TracyRYAN,Michel1eSLANEY. AprilSMA U.WO OD. TracySMITH, CharleneSULUVAt".KarhloenTO NN,J enniferWAL~ fl, Kerri

PELLEY, Lw ",PENNEY. ArlenePHILPOTI, TmaPITCHER , Karhl) nPOW ER. Cy nthiaPOWER , ShannonPOWER ,S herriPRITCHETT,SandySfl EPPARD,NancySO O KNAN AN, Fkll'tt'lC(STO YLES, NatashaUPSfl AU.,NicoleVEITCH , SusanWALL, MarieW ILlCOTI, SherryWIU ..MOTf, Angela

AB BOTT, MichelleANDREWS. Lw"'"""ANTlE-JohnARES,E1izabelhBARNES,SherryllOYD, DerrickBl:RDEN, KalrinaBL:RKE,Rrian

~~~~~:~~.~';herCLAR KE, KimberlyCLAR KE, Lauraa UNEY, RhondaCOISH, KeJlyCO RBETT. <-"he')'1CROC KER,ShelleyClm..ER.,JohnDANNAWY. Y", mintDEL RIZZO . G iampieroOOBHIN, JoonnDOVE, PatriciaDUNN, DianaEARLE, JercmyEASON, PamelaELlI OTT, Ja"""FOS S. ShawnFl:REY , DavidGREE N, Deanne

BARNES ,NadintBLUNDON , Deni'"CR ANN,CaroIy nGRE ENING , Robyn

IlILLIER,AnrhooyHISCOC K,DerclHOREN. John!lOUSE,TrinaHOWELL, Denni'HOWSE, KellyII::NKINS,IknaKAVANACiH.AmyKO HLM AN, DanaLEE,SnnyaLONOOt".JenniferLO NG, PauleiteMAD DIG AN, A. Leah _

MAHONEY, ChoeryIMA RSHALL fleid iMAYO,DennisMCC ANN, KevinMCC ARHtY, DeanMaJR EAL, An<\relo.'MCISAAC, WendyMERCER ,Dougla"MOULTON , JeffreyMUND EN, LynnNE VILL, Jennif..­O' CONNElL, SleVenO' l..EARY, GregOSBO RNE, NlUIQPARSO NS, Annette

lANE-GREE.'1WCK )() ,J ""'l"" lineMAY,M arieMURPIlY , AngeJitaRALPH, C..,!o<IJI<Jl'I




ST UCKLESS, MarionTAYLOR, Chri, lineTO BIN, DavidVO KEY,SoonWALSH . lindaWEIR, Darre nWElLS, Joo ineWHEEU,R,Daw"WISEMAN, RodneyYET MAN,Clw'lene

SPRA CKUN, PenniSQUIBB .Su,""TUFF, Chri st inaW1LTSHIRE, Kara

CANDOW, Srer""n




BLUNOON, AndrewLA MBERT, Parrilli aMERCER , BrianMOORES, Corw~n

--APi'A[X)(),Chanda:liBA KER, KellieBROD ERS, HughBUC KLE, RonaJdBURRY,LoriCHOSE, Phile monCOA DY, MichaelDAVIDSO N, Fr.ser

--BAR11.ETI, AllisonBISHOP,Sleplwli~

BLYDE, M, Deni.",Burr, Nicol leCHAPUN, Christa

CLASS OJ' 2000MURDEY, And", wNICHO LL, ShawnRIVF.RS, Nid toiasSESH ADRI, Jagan


DURNFOR D, Edw ardElLSWORTH, Coon ""FRENCH . Ken nethruREY,DouglasJ-V RLAN, AnitaGARDINER, RitaGRAINGER, Alice P.

COlliNS,Madon naEDNEY,GaryFELTH AM.Pawa_LynnruDGE,W endyHISCOCK. Melanie

WHm,ChristopherWIlliAMS, David

HAN, Xi'""'JiongHENDERSON, Li' .... lle

HOBEIKA, Chri Sli""HOUGl-ffO N, TomJACO BS, MarilynJOR DAN, Kimberl yKEEPING,r..; ...LEWIS , Kei1h

KENN F.DY.EdmuooLUDLOW, Shir leyMARCH , S" sanMERCER, AnllelaMURRAY,Katheri""

CR OSS, Sha wnENNIS, leahHISCOCK . JohnLUSH, SoonMOR RIS, Jona than P.NEWELL, Mark

U U, Cl>nnjianLUSCOMBE, Tarnmy LMA NOR ANJAN, D, MNEAL,J ames DNOLAN ,JohnO 'BRIEN ,SoonO ' REILLY, DariaPEA RCE, J""""

NOLAN ,OwkntO 'KEEFE, M. """",O ' REILLY, GlendnPARSO NS. MIII'joriePENNEY,N ancy

CLASS OF1998NEW HOOK , Jeffre yO' DEA ,JohnPARSONS , ToddPAYNE, MarkRAU'H, DavidRYAN. William


PO WER, B", ndaRA.lAGOPAL AN, ThuppalRALP H,F reemanROBERTSON, Anh ur CSI~HA, Amil

SMITfl ,P aulSONG,Qing

REID, RobertROSSmR, MarySLADE,NonnaSLAN EY. AngelaSPARKES, Rhonda


STENHOUSE, IanSUCIU, FJoareaTARTE, lroI ielWEIR,J acq ueli neWUAYAWARDHANA,Geek iyanage D

ruCKER, GadWALSH . CarlWHrrn,Vanes>o




POWER , Jacqueli nt


' An odditioolOlhe li" pre, iou, lyp"bJ ished


CLASSor 2000

Glurlte . Jan.8 ,1998 9


FAcm,n' OF MWICINED EAN'S Ll'IT 1996-97

FIRSTYEAR- Cuss o r 2000

SF.CO'!) Y E.-\R - CUSS OJ' 1999

Tuum YEAR- Cuss or 1998




B"'KEK.K .. mB,4,KER."",,"'nBRAKf..l:'.tnnI(UIS!'Y,M",hollc


~~~=PE.....~EY.,..P1"'E.o.lnlr­POIll"ER.l-.oREID. Kelly

CUSSor 1999


ROIII1ITS."'"ST1.iCKUSS.0aUdSYMO~DS.......\l,4,\Io.SOLR.Ailolrno­\loAlXER."'"'-'o\loIGIIT.K ....UBSLfY.,..,.,

Pl-JlRY.LJ.lePURY.1Uryn BARRO'ol.M S.B.......





BAKEIl.. L. onCAM'.1IE. JullnCOUI SS. GoraldCOSSAR. JctI.-.yCRJT(ll . ShmctU .. llraJlc-yDALtU N, I-UIaFllY. NoncyGREEl£Y. Pad

BARRON. T.-nyIlE!'SON. Cod»­BENSON.K-.8Ll·~LJELJ... Will.­

BRO\loX &<.k)CA........1SG, lM<UR"",,","-

Cuss or 1998

GRWHT HS, BorryHAPGOOD. Gilli""HAIUUNGTO N. J•...,JEWER.J ... nif...KELLY.C-OIhi:ri...,Lo\RK1N. T......MARRIE-EdwardMAS1F.R.S.GlenMCCAKIl-IY.Julio

CLASS or 1997


DR"""' ....""""""-""'"FO'AoUlt.~

HIGGL...S .....uosruc ....

MISKf U ... Deni",NAGLE- C'hri>lopherPITff. N. Li..SIMMOr-oDS.SeanTAYLOR.T"ddWOOOMAN, Juh"WOOUS.Cyndrio

O·BRlfJI; . .....,PARSONS. YaIau.P1!'O"E"DInid


FmiRTI:I Y EAR - CI.ASS 0" 1997

GAR IAi'i I), J".:clyn HUSA. Reg'n.( ;RAIIAM. Wendy MCC ARRO N. Jonelf ARDY. N,,,,,,,n NOWAK.lu>lyn.


.......'- FACUI.TYor SCI ENCE DEAN'S LI ST 1996-97


.\DD£TIA.s.tll..1h""'lDllEWS.",.",...AC.K«pnBAII£Y.SeoIIBAKER.llealllerBAKI'R. Kam!BAKER.K ri....BALDWIN, I.;..BARRETI. ~:ri,

BARRETI , I~""BARRETI. r ......14BEA UIl.IJ'A IR I~ r",·ilc



'""""'"IlL\Cl(wrx)[).GellItr.-yBlL ....'DOS.s.troEl()KS~:u.WdoIo;,.



IlRADBl'RY.R_BIlAOG.~UA""_'""",,"e­BROMl,EY.S­Bl"SGAY. SIYroaeBl'R KE.~

Blll1ON . G>r.-y8lll1ON. Do, ..Ill.TT. Do. idIll.TT. 00ucI­BLTION. a.n..........BYRNF. PoIri<:kCASE,M onhewCASHIN,M oryOlAULK. Dan.o-AUCUIN.llrionBARRETT.KonBAR1F.R.J_Il Il£S, T_ yIlLl JSOON.o--....1ICL\N1l . ",-,IIOUZA... . K-.

'OM>. """8REF.N .~

IlLltRY. K...una_""-<me ....0IIPM A... . 1'qolLUtK.T_

CHII'MA.". ShmiC'HISl£1T. M...__I

CHmAL. KieraaCLl. RKf.,N-.-,cnf-l-'EY.J_COLBOURNF...M,,","~


(:OLl.l~S. Il."",,""

CONWAY. NicoleCOOK. Dan",1

~~~~~~~~...,("ROSS. K~n




"""'......R.:DGf.,Ha-d)oR:U.-EltTON.Ka.:dIfU REY.Andr<-wGARrn;I::Jl.SlephnIGFJJRGE.l.i1idseyG I~GHAM. Denn"(iO!.l.t>p, AIi"'"GOSSE-AnnaGRIFFmJS, Joseph


rou."""'"CONNORS . b Ut(XltIiSTANllNf., I, Nax>MBS. 1ltdeyax>M1lS.l ry

ruu. ''''OO=~EVANS. DombyRDII~. LisIl

GL\vr-"F.,V---,"­GOI..-l.DISG,KnouHA...."l.ON.K-.HA.' l\1'.Bl.:RY.V'"


IIALL. Thorn.ooHARRIS. S..-onIIARlHlY . .........IIEALEY. A,.IlEA L£Y.BnanIIEfH :RNA:".P aulIlENllIl.Y. L,...III('K EY. I,. mn<IIO[,OEN,CIwi,1l01JJ:JWAY.Kri,ti1I00P£R,Angclo1I0Il.WOOO.l(an,nIfO!.r-oSU.LAl1i"",H!.'NT.Cor.-yHYNf.s.K..uyHY~l'.S.Sola


:~~~~~~IF.s."O ......JORDA. ShemJOY.A'"KAVA.......GH. ...-......KURUY. """"""KfLlY......KENl\'EDY.JoocpIIKE....SEDY.R_KK:ENn':K.AUaKITClI t:N . KadwyIILo\HEY. Dond lLAKE. B....LAWLOR. Jenn,r...LEAR. StqlhmLFF...Eri<:I£C.c:'f.,K i,.LEWIS.ktm'f..-

HARNIoTI .st......."'ore. """",HATCIIER, I-UIaHAYM AN. u..n.HF.MIiON. K-.HEWTTT. Ro&.idHILL ......IIOU.-ETT.T....HOUSE, I...:HlNT. T..,..~l'..S.1vIJy

KfLly. ne-KfOI..X3H.\l....

"""' .....

I£WIS."-ri...USTlfOR."F~ Kn....LlJCAS.SIrJIbmLlJDI,OW.K...-hMAC"KEN7JF...ShelIaMACKl r-oNON. Juoq>hMANNING, AIi"""MANOClIA.Anoop

~~~~I;~~l ~ri:~"~MC<·ARTlly . n ,,»l opher

~i:~~~ll;'~~:lf'hrtMf-.R(l'R.Kri-uoMFRrER.S 1e11cMlu.s.I....MIU.S.Jennif...\lOK.Ca.-d..\lORGAS.DInidMORGA".KiJnbI)

~J:~';:'tr.Mt:RPHY.Me'­ML·RRAY.COIIryNAGLt.,"-lraNASH...........NOEL V..-L"'ORMA.... B.­NORRIS. ModNORRlS. M......O' BRIL".T..,..ouvaOrUtoOSIlOR."F~SooYm

PARAI.M 'bPARDY. Jr:tuufwPARDY. s.....PARSONS. Ai""'"PARSONS. Mic 1P1iOOl.E.M ic 1


MUTREY. laNOBLE.J-ferO·8RJEN.M.pmwO· !'OE1U..l.on


P£NYr'ELL M...-i&Pl'.PPt:R....... onPERRY. MaryPIC"KETI. KnryPIKE. Kry'"PIKE-StephaniePOIRIER. Ju."nPOIJ .OCK , (1)<ry1POf'OV IC,Moril'POTTlE,lte.ol....POwr.R.1..uomo.POWER.M'"RAHMA .... Adorno.RllS, Mo:.iloodRElD.a-l1cR1WE-ClaftROBBI~S.Met­RODGEJl:S.T~



SI.sGl.I:.'1UN."-"draSLo\[)f...CyMtaSL\DE. ........Ll""'"SLo\NEY.o.rleneSNOW. JohnSPARKES. Jul.SPARKF.5 . Sanar.SThAD .l.ori

PARRILL, NoncyPICKEIT• .loIcnePlNS!:'.NT, T..y.PlTIlot AN. Mm.lP\JRCELlMRAN ou..L,f.nlaRA....OF.U......RIDffiUT .........RORans. s-..RUSSEll..wc.d)'SAlIt'ol>EJlS. ......SfBllY.N'"SMTTllTnidy""""'=. ....

STlUSGER..S.......S1lJCJQ.ESS.s....SllKKlLSS. TonSruCKLESS.TeriSl'I.uVAN.Shon"o"SWf.ENEY. T~....TAYLOR.o..n.UTFORD.JodyTlIOMI'S(lN , And~",

I"IIOMPSON. Timolh~nl( ) Il.I'J'~('hri'"na

Tlu.EY.Jo:<o:phTI;RSEIl..M..-ioVATCHER.s.._VI"«"EI'<T.I.«--A....,\l1\lIAl'.UonWADIIAWA~.........'oI.AOHW.....I..­'oI."LSH.GdbenWARO.D-<)'......RRE.O';.Gcrdo'oI.EU.s.Gf*­WELLS.s..""....'ELSHMA.... Eoda\loHEEl.EIl~

....lUIT.""­_wn._WIUJA.\lS.........WIUJAMS.ScacIWOU'E,LceW·~ XiJ>&:

WOCJOLf\,o,;D.MaryW()(J()LO.ND. M.rthntYOUNG.D.-ryl


""""'''''WHITE, s..."'illlTI.~



10 Gmrlte • J..n. 8, 1998


How does a child's mind work?8YScNA8 Gl.o\I(R

MenoW EducaDon prof ,......". Dr.JullllO·Sulli ..... Io.e., .. udi lll,..th,h,ldrcn-bul.hill_be


...,.. ...... 1heirl>Wtlmnloi.....-k..Weof1nl thltifyou_i~in

........uu"'you illtindilealoierlOlcamand

..tually Ieam" fa.\Ier, h lhi. lnJe~ :O;u,"'tIclt!Itn.-.tal.'lll'llmllO..wdio:so::oodu<:1cdbyDr,O'Sull"""oandnchcrre;earrher;

M... ll ul I"" "uJ"""n\'oI.'ingy""ngc·hil·dm1 dcmo.,"'O\T~lC thal intem;t has a negati.edl<:<,'I"n y.-.unj!. ,hild'en. ,,,mplete!y theurJll''' tet"....-hat l''''yhel ie,'eand to....-halm.-.,I pe"ple helie"e." nplained Dr.(r~ulli • ...,.lldo.linj!. that e\ll:fllhree-y.......>k\.o.ml.....-m.ean.·h"'l1herthi'

Wilh funding frum NS ERC and theN.u.lPllIulCfWy~DrO·Sulb....,

.. doi"llha<.i<:m;ean:h...~ti.. dnoelup­1I1CfI.Hel"le'aIdlbtle.~~1ll

Chi ldlen·. Belich flbout U.nl-TermMelTlOl)'. and (h'e"omin, Po,'eny_Promotmautcno:yIII Childrnfrom u...'bo;;orno:FamiIics..Hel"~focmcs ... dne~

.. htIldoduldrmbelj.,"eaboutholO'lhe"0"-11 m'lId ••00k. ho....lid arelnm.ebehd.. -JhoIO'dothcirbebef,infIuena::thewlN'nilll?M\Io~"alulflboultht~of

ha"llI """""""" in the """"'-~...,;"j Dr.O·Sulhan.."'Partof lhe KaIednoonak to.bnnIinI~:h""lul:Yi'*>lhe'lClJoubathall


............. theyare illlClnlftltheywillleamhetteland Ie"", """". Bul lhe fao.1 of lhelIIIll\C:IiIo thallllCdun'le\Ul koowif lhalis"",,;II all, C'en.ainly the effccrsof inte=l ...y"unlt,h,ldrl:n·. lcaming are llllt ... stnUglH·(,.......lInla-llIat ..

AW.1Ugh hermoean:hi.\theorelicallydri ·.enand ro.c lIII atImtpt tu<:VlJ1Ctlp ....ith ",~u·

tiun!. u' everyday prllhlem<;,Dr. O·Sulli. """ rn-'Cd that..... happen\lObethclypeof......n'lo'hefe.a1thuugf1 it isthco:lll:fjcally~·

..n, tht findinp llCrele>'anl lOdlildrerl' s~m-~ ..sduJI.~

So. huw. hcI-~1XJI'Ilb:ted?

Wlao to lheKlloolslndp~",llools

amund thtJ"""W.'Candmool~ thtdlil<ftn

irMJhelinmy ...n .., bd-.n thlee Mdflhalfllld niDe yeanoklflDd n is lhc~

Go.... _ ...n_~.. O'SuI"" ... _h.. mond.........'-

...-hcre_dothc~w""".....t~"'I)Jli. ho...'e~er.... ,OIkinlhi.area ha" rea tlyCIIe\pet'iment1to'Ollkl ..... l\SOf*btoit. makftdllld l' mlbdthal lotud...;thL IForgwc ldal"!UlOily_ ...haldlildn:'n lPI","",yflOOnllcdb)'thtfll"!thalC\'Cf)"hcl~ thc~oI~,....hIco onc.e~enlhrcr-year--old•. h... claboraleOIllXlplllion.Forc.umple.dothc)·heticw beliekabuul ...... tta-minds......-tllldthalththirdcr)'llU...nthtn-nyou·Umncm- IM.e l>elieh influence ho••e Ihink.hcr?On<:c1', 'Ceoubl rshedthew bebcfs, rhm n:mcrrl>crand Ieam.~

IIU_k 1 s.ccond time and loot at the She sa,d be, re.car,h i. ,mponant.."1ua1effn:tlhMlhcirO\S'neffonh» ... bcauocitli>e>usabetler~of

rhc.~.~ thc ....... JIft"CM-Dr. O·SuI Il,an. ....-ho arne III Me1llunal ~For a lXlITIf'Iclc piaw'C abour Ie.1unI-

inI9ll7• ..udoncofherbiggellduller.,esis _ IOaslr....hMitisthilpeopehel~IOf,nd .... Y' lOgclY"""ldlikRnlO,;om. rng.huw thcy-.:r. ... thllt helidmuni,ale 10 her ...haI they belie~e .bou, andundt:r whalwrditionsthcya:r ... it.~

law<tho:irmilllhvrort. 01 . O ' Sulli ' ln sa id hel 'eufll~h i.~1"'vclO findw.Y'thal don·t rely he,*,,- alreadyhenc fllin, lheco:omrrunil)'

il y ,.. thcusc oflan~M\hcWd "Mo", ~lam.;allcd up""often w<;OllSllhfora

of Ihe le.l in, lhat I do. e ' lxdally ....uh number "f ,o.em me nl and ,,,mmunilyy"ungchiklrcn.involvestoy.andpil"1u"," ageno:;"';he1'CinSl. John·.andelscwbcn:and"tl"""",,·verbalmea.,u=,llo.echil· 1lJese g,"ul"',,",usuallyuyingloplll "'''''''dr'eniUld .....ning ....ith themLreslly enjoy pl...gn.unin pllll.'Cfor,hiklren.«llI1C1hingUlIrying III de.elop method. Ihat lhey u n help ....i!h learning or reading dc.ek,pment. [UI'IIJc.nland.lIan<J.>.oollOO.croaJme!h,:.isfor f,ndthcscpoul"' ill""l up"" pct:1lIc likemea_urin g their beliefs ahoul bow thei, me hcclUSCthey anl 10 he (amiliar ....ilhmilllhvrort.~ ....harll~hasw ..yalJUur leamingor

Thcdc>-dopmentalJl")'ChologNsaidhcl- readi"l drveqJmcntfor eitta d'lildrm who~indlildrm·s 111ind:lohcpnv.1lenshc rome from middleor upperincm1ehoolClS_fl~~.tht Uni\'Cf!oilyoi ordlildrm ...flOb.. inpoycny.MWatan Onc.1oinlhe..-ly 19l1OL "'o;wrdin , to Dr. O·Sulli nn. , ovent-

1lIis~ofinquiry ..... rda&i>dy _ men tflDdsoo:iel:yare increfl.inaly uSlnawhe n I be,.... my ~uar'h ill. , Iad uflle fin,lin,. lhal , ornefrom i.e ~flKb

lIl.'hool~ said Dr. O·Sulli , '•. ""SinI:c Ihc:n. like hen 10 impro \'C soo:i C!duf;a,tional


"""""~The work on ,hildren from 10 .. ·

,n,,,me familie,. fOf uample., ahodc"gned lofldd 101heory. As yo.. 'an,ma"ne. """"of lhc theory on~aJ,nlde'c1"pmenlndO<l,hildrtn·.l>chef.ahout ~fldin, ha\ ",me from Uppel .ndm,ddle-da" ,hildren. so il h.,n·' lIcen"'elle.;tabli\hed ...helhCl'OfOO(IhN:lheo­relkal model. aho apply '0,hildren ....110h\e in JlI,,'eny"

Cun,idcringhCl' feeling, un lbe imp"r­lalll."Cof ba_k=an:h.ili,n· t'urpri,ingthat 0 " O'Sulli ,' an i, C1d ledHlxmt therccenlC'llah li, hmentof lhe Centrc (",the"'pp1ical~",,,fDeveloplllenlal s.:ience

"T he goa l (orlhi, ,ent'e i, 10 br ingt,.,.el hCI'ba., K:re"""",hers from aruu nd theuni.eoity. all of ...'hnm do re-ear,:h ... ,th~hiklren thai i. theoretical ly...nented. butwhooc-finding.can be u'Cdf,.. theherl"·ment of ,hildren in the commun ity buthhere in Ne ...·foundl.n d ..nd an"" tbelXlWltry.~shc \fIid enthus .......... lly

Dr,O·Sulli'.....lloi,ro-diftcl,,,,thenew l'CIItI'e ... ithpsydlolocy profe-. Dr.Mart. Howe. said the t:nIlrc ,.." ,~.I)



alllllllhcrofp<qJlcin.lhe .... wn>ry ...ho_



IOIfthatoreallyhelp!lU\ll:1lftakllofthcprograrmandoervicc:sfOldlildrm,nutjIMinedll' aUon but al", in heal llt a.nd inthtle, al ' Y"em. Thi s i. """"'Ihin, tha' lheallllltry really nr.edo;~

A lot ufsupplllt from many pcuJlIe Iw;been an importanl comp"nent in 0,()·~ulli••n· s 'e.ean:h. Withou l it••hesaid.lhework ....ouldnolgetdllne

~ I h.ve had Ircmend"u , , upp" rt fromlhe provtn ctaj govem me m.v she _aid" The ~ rl n l for the cbudre n o n childp""ert)' .fnr eumple.l o;onsiderthal g<W·em menl WI., insuumental in helpin , methere . r . e had . lol:of suppon fromthc....hooI ro.m and prachooIs. Everyw",,",I' ve aone. I· ...e hfld support. especiallyfrom all the pumts. You _ IlOC abIt to

do wort li te mine IlJIIeu you ha>'etllalSllI101 a.x>penboR-M =.

news & n=o"-te=s _

....... ~lnfraolnt<1l1~rundincl""l'l:Jllll'

"" ......~ ..behddbr.-:b-.....- ....~_ol~and~ T......, ..~_~'--Sdao:a.-l..~Aual_dSI~\...-.... ............_ .. "" -'0 """ 1""..1ApilI9\l8kJM.dI JI.)'llI.~.,40p:r_ol .., be..-I."__~moad. Thc,....<6IId.hot.-SltlfIl'.SU.UIl}p:r_whicII..,"" _

ol .... ,..... b~.u.- .......- .Fd>.2lI _atl"'~...........b.\otayll.~.~ ...

........ "",........b~~..... ..-..ryol...

f',,_.....- ...... ""' ....""""'"...........,.......--..-.......-..tG:6ol·""'l.fh'tf~7J7./12jI.,.MMil........


~~~:~":~::r:: ~~.:~~~ ~:=c......De"ClopmcnlAwonlsPmgrarn...,in.itcd f,.. the l~9'l flS<:alycar,

TIIl'P"'IfWl\ ;. ..,lIlJ·..__ttdk' lh".e who",,,,,hi nanlR'l llf'tt>dydim; t!y urindim;tl~ ",la''''' 10 lhe e.ploouinn.dtwl .."mcnl nr fln1du<-1iunaf off""....,oiland ... l'undinl isl<SUi<1edlO theco"• .,raue nd,nlad.aACed,hon

~~:IO==in!CIIChill.'.... pph".I;""f....... :ond


~~a::::-:in'OClccl'OII iC.CorporaI_i''''''''aan:qucusforaa..:-cl~... lilIIJIPm1-tI.......~ics_ ..~Thca:apnl__ --.... ..-~ eua.l .....apoWiry ~


='c:''=:'::::~..... -.:h. RFIIIic:n:>ek<:aoie.iate cllC<:h yC..... ofrauc- n Gtb8 '....... O.lS-micron CMOS.~d:)rI1Iff~_""",,,n~

~ .... fnt-.nc. Thcdea6­hnc fnr~ .. Fcb, 6

\ 'lsililtJhumllnU w. r~IIo.. , hip"llrUni,....;ry alW""""invi""'Wi·clti"", rnl Vi.it in, IIllmanilie.FeIIow"'ipo fntlhe l'l'lll.9'la:ademi<:ycar. Thc rdl<~...,~.

oryand_ lenlt*fnta pcOO:lal ku......... """,--,llu Cll'P'>fIUnity ..

~~- ~.......~~ _.....1)WlI<u.-.dIP"'fI'dS.tndtaonol....- .......... orill. ....-.--....-~~aI...=..-='~:=i~RCSCfIfdlQroup..,U ~

---..,. ~..........................lisll,a'COIlI«1...i,hi-.li.idll.h..........................s.--.~rcp...

~-::.adh..,fOfapphClti ...

l.~lS r ,.......TIoeSonll lJantieT",aryO!Ju·ilaaeo...illcc .. thct:1oollallacl ModeraSoci<Cyoftcn '"h\<d-.l-.-.e.-.. .......~inthe...ncl ......CCMS pdot otuda. no- pdur cud­in...,des'I_ 'olCh_~._

......... al thcacMncelfc<ual

::,:=r~,::~e;:=ood lO""nulaltl""l'mlllC.... Io tU..remedial ""hun. ~ellow . are bein,ao;:ept<din. nllmhero t .......ilken'ironmentaI andri..l •

::: :=:i>~;"~i::...mu..ional~is Feb.2lI

Hanlin« ..-.do fou.....tlonThc Bonq:Rc..dlFouno:ID>II.pr<>­wb.-d up kJUlJXll iIo,""",",aI_ ............. fnt lhe ........_althclrlaCaldl wIlhIIp<CltIl -.....~

.-'-"'" p ......m--."' 1IlOdo-__ "''--~-.Ibo........................... pro­;..:ais"'a_"'_~.""'"


....., .. "".- kJ_~



"'N"'ro ""'-<cd Slult)o -.- ..n.c"'rilhlllClieaadGeo_tryof

=-~'11~~~dcMs-.:lruent PhD·s"""'"""",,,,IiIWlcial __ sftouIdappl)'by

Fct>. 2. Thc dtadh nc fnt"'C'\lnIbIlnfntlhe Sludy~"Mayl

}·..., .I ?C"wtdliln . ·l>lIndal lonf" rnlri ri kRC"Cll rch (nU RI -dietelic ba.'>Cd

""'""'-}....,.1.lRoy.l (:On~leOrPh)'drl.n. andSurIKII.SOrCa.ad. _ K.J,R

"'h.27T1IynoW r .,l· -...-.:bfdloow1lup: .......

""'""'-}·.-b. 28M~morifll - So<oial 50:1(""'" ..Humanihes R""" • .., h Council , ..mtIlrantl \ll •• I va""j,.. intenll­Ilonal "'p"'",nl ali"" s nd pl pt'pre­,~nlilion al.chola, ly merlinl').ani' tid erelli~e I ,ant. comptllti<JI.re,e lKh inf' "Sl''''lure in la"e lOd

Gaz ette . Jm . 8, 1998 11

Sundlly.Junuur) '1IO"'"nlnl .....pU"n _ Sir Wilfrt<l O",.f. U

~"": :~:':.::l~.~":=;:~w~(]n,nfeUCDl""'pnnt<;<>llocti<>llllllloohclpri,_pnnlcolle<:"'-from2-4p.m.• tb<pIIcry.1lM:c'-'_ .... -.1 Fdo. I. GaUety -. ....T_~ ", S-y fromll ..... "'5p,..

~l""".<JI_dI:oiip<db.....­...:n_.......... 1l>eoe--._~"_..,~iro __..........~~doev::'~~-...- ...._.-.-do>dop­_,......... .. .....,..,Ferwri_........... &J1,(oJU or -.: _ •

............F--.aISor WIlfftalGlatdlC'*te.~.. _

~b"Ro:Ie-W.... Safety'-..... C__ TloeL:<U>e.~.,..;B

~~\l~~~~~be 1~y-.cl._ ... "'cunpIeOedll>eRo:l(''' .. ~12_or ... ..., ...... 'oIenI, .. ,............"Iy.I'..-""""' __ or'"

reli'lte<.,'<>MactCommun'tyF..ducauon_C.....,., Rol_ . R""", 271. SWGC or loypbonr"".I7-l1U'

CO II.SEII.tlll.OOKS. W_GreN\:lICoIqe. ..~""'Iho c..- ....

-~... -- ... ",-""",

TO~lh'• •enalile. lhel<>c<' .."llha"e'o"' ''rk equall y ....e ll iD fulleolol. blac k-.nd·1Ittuoe.Dfhbck-t onecolor.IIIl'MI-"'be _ ­. ' '' e 10 be pall of abillboanldi.p.ay or. , mallwbtidiMy ..... 'oole!lelbead

II ""lllll.ve 10 reproduce-oIl a phot:"copier.pnn1inSp",,",,sarHIsi lk·screen.We·dp,,,fellh.lyouuse aoombinationoftbeunive"'lycohn -d,.,et.ivld.blackand ....hite

Gellc:t1lI ,uidelines for sile and use of vuh­.idi.ry I"sos ue specified in our GraphicSI..nd..,-dsManual :rderenceeopiesare.vail·aIlle al Universily Relaliol"jA-IO"!4lor chedthe We....' le: wwv"mun,calunivrel

De' ;gn, need m M bee.mera·ready qualtlyThe v,inninl en lly wi ll be ref ", ed by OUI• .-.ph>C.r1t'<lslllld.. ilIbe _'ned by \le~



H . JO HS ·S~"., n". _ _ 0Iri0a0pba'"'J'\I<;>i~ .__....,. ol""'-onol_apbod.. _

_iI> ~.lb<ftapo-..... ,..... ---Tlooy.... .. ""-ol .. u ~""

~~~:-.:';.a(~.IoIoa·.Ano..c-..C__ J__ ll

1'nr,,..,,...., . F~C.... - II:__

s-dojo. FeI>.a. do<AGSL For ...... 20 y-._~•• SotpI>roo..,lkfolk""""'e"""",,,.... 1<wea(lhoproo_..,'·~1hrooPpoi.'in.. d,,,iactin in Ihri, Iori,b', cbalkypaleno._paaanoof,qeoac;oalllllqu.nycluudformo.fof'-'UI,C_ i, • .rn... ofJOacrylic poim'..... primanly ,'If bi<l<>ri< -' c.-

=:~=:.~..c:AAIli--, ........ __ ....~oI"".eAI _. "'-- _ "*--Y'.~of.........~_~ _

~-- '~o-- F~ .".,.. )4a: O"F.

.......... 1\ow F.J-J . -~ .... s-doJ.F<h..19i1l.... AGNL r-Filapmcl.,ew",.-.,.."...,. ...............­.... 01... .-,.__.~·.

......__ of __ """""'''''_n..oIlho oI -

......... I'itllI>:...,. ....~fAyo1 .....

:=:~=:::.-:...-.z=....u.from .......... ..-vcn ..".; "" 1hio_<iolIo.'aIIIl<.nlt,Tht.-....IlIIl-.ycld...c ...."""'" .............. hiIhIY~~-.of_Heoitnot<"-~1u~~

-:- - -::---,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - ;tl:::'~~M":


Logo contest deadline extended

Deadli ne: Jan. 19,1998.Suhmi .....ion.'ilquerie!;: Annher;a~ Uommittee I,.OJ;O Contest.du \ "ict" ria Collins. Dhkionufl'nh'trsit~ Relations. A·I02-1

T~deadh~ for·1oso~ ccldnl-

::~7:;:I't9,hitlOry h., been

III1m. MCfIlUnllIcelebraInSO)"Qri'"dqrec-gnntinsillSl'lulioo.ThtfolJo.."ingye.iI marb t~ 7~tb ..nni\-enu'y of the foundin! oftheunive ...uyandthe2-'itbanni\'enaryofS"Wiltred(~nfdIC"lkse

Tbe universi1y i.lookina for a logo 10.OCOmp..M lhet ....lJyear1lofcelebra'ion. This iswhere you <;umein. Anyone in tbe universitycommunity - f... ully. 'Ulff lIIId'tudenl' - iseligible tn enter. A l'.~h prj1>: of $250 ....ill toe.,..,.,ded to lho creator of the beMidea

Your logo ....ill he u...d on.U promolional.infnrma' i,m. l .nd recruitment materials pro­<b;ed 'nm.... llOlo ye...... _ lIa.<oofL:Jl1m.lrnerbeadand " ... ' .... lIllemo.

~ classified


"--- Pul!II< Ildb~Sta<J.ue.r..-dIu<Ullinu<M..s.y"""' ....... _""-"""'P'" f.,..,.._orId IlJffrom-'11:JO....... IhoUnry........ L- IOI/>.~,.;u..b<._ __ from l:JO_

I,... .... Sdo 01e-....--:..b"'--~R....,«l31

" "'- lW'iday. J .... l ...... n.: s......y.... poc.-...- "...-- ...... lI.-l IoIIo~

..."", ThoSollc.lfWloryolBo--. Boy~ ................._._....-.-.--~!:.:.:~._.._ ...rw.- .&p.allH-. ~ _ -...r.


Sund.., . J. n.11I....lb..ks ManorIaI·. 0IaIEI0·.

""' ... --.lpmo...... o.ItnBic ........---- _ ....""" "" ....... 1~. 2 p- m.

..-.((Imfortable one-bfO room --"mft1t in~~,E.ostO'nd bcabon.Off·.tffttpafkjng , OU~ spKiou •.S51Smonmty. POU. Cont«t 139- 7981 00~.ua.mun .U1

_ fof _ lo~oo~<tudMts. loUItf!d~. newly_ed. two-btdfOQfl"lS, !WO

~toaIcon»' Ioo'.Jng0Ul_ IIwNmlWS.furras/'>ed. hot_... hNtIng,S700P""monIh.'-'and loghliddfd.~JMI.l . Phone 722-2872....~bur"JOlOw on~AolId , ao... to llw~ CJuto. odNl .-~. ...... .....-.on ..~1Dt

SS5.SOO. ... .t31 -10&l

12 Gautt~ . Jan.8, 1998

clpaperl. asip- -' lr)'i.. ,I bfc.

Nooor.sira mvenal LOglll twjhnncy, r~ de>pIuIf..-compIclea5MlIIlIvaslIy.

Fi n t of III,.ttend ,ngcl....

m.nu how painfulObYiou. ly.if lhere'•• clIIIIOldoflniDsqucenncoa (. my R.... profeMbecnkDc:M1llO..,.)thM·S

. i!lI. Just as 10001"YOl=ninding)'(U'dflltispail"'idt1tlcpricccl .......v=dyyw'Umakt:iI-


""wlOspcllyOll rownftl",itrrl:theSllldeMClI:IIII"eil,Iiso. sign Ihl t yo u.rt~iathelllli~

rience. lfsuch ,mporWll_ beinl:!iddnal thcn lhaIIyindicalel )'UU'~bern(

1fIIin&:hardonolhcrlhin prnlirclynew royou,andp

lifc-..cManci"lAnd ull ilDltely. a1lhool

the biJPI clicht , keep mIyou Iool like you'rrIoviRjliCcondofthl15l.tistics lmaybe in lime you reilly wiIlt~ other old .WKlard i. I

telling yourseIr.lories Iboofamous pcopIewhofailal 5

they ended up m.slcringEi nste in failed math! WC hurchi ll fa iled Engli.1Murphy, um, er, Ih . had bdays'

lftltey could c1imbthesonaJEverrstsyoucangettanoIhersemeslersafeand tl

Kalh/u n l.iPfN' i.-<tp.,snodmI.<tIk<tJtsN~~"".

CAlli Jan Tc1: (709) 753-77FIII: (709) 753·00.~, 51. ,Jo h n',

. 10'!l0b'OffSe_(0ct_l,~I.,·

. 10'!l01Or~Tenn (c:n,",5.w,'

, 10'!l0b' ~n'X Rooklt~

Student View

"The fines t rooms at the best prices

The more you learnthe less you know

L atcl.Y l've m n*OIldmDg wllyII .. IhI' the:

rTItft Dme I spend ",nl­iDg plPCn .... lIIn'Kl·,1lI 11111~ the lessl

fed 1 kncJwlbouI ..y­tIuaI, And ......y of myfrimdlwtoohio~bortt

h~fe for more Iha DtllA'e~~~simil.fecl­







... anesthetic, Alld I don'tthiDtanyuneootlolallypirwoscbdC.lIII5Clpetltlsfc:diac-whc!Ix:rthey'n: ..~ swdmIorliving . home ..-illt I mom ,,-110SliUimn5 1tlcir shirts. (Don'1 lootIlmelJkcthlt!) bthis pli n, tItissuua:&Ie. ........ if 51i1 ab<u? Wd l.aroJIdin I IODr.Calta1nePrnnryof the PsycholosY department, itkilldofi5 ,

" Your univenit y educaucndlould give yOll the Ibility 10 goout and Rudy on )'OIII'own,~ shetold m~ in I phone int~rview,

n:mindin a me of III th~ moIivI'tionll talks I'v e eyet heard IUdliked " And ifYOU'l\'fccling. 'Mygoslt, ldon·tlmowany!hing.'aftcrYOll've been Sludying and doingyourA'scarch,thal's a gOXld thing "

"""'-"Wha l you' re developing i.your etitical.bilily,".hesaid" And in the process of doing lhalyoubecomc:JTJIIChrTltftailicalofyourself,"

Whew. I ncedal thaI. I lItink IkncwalJofthalSllllfonce. Butof

councillOllostundcr lbarTlgc

__ ........ __ .lIl~c....-.~.lIl...e-b

........ SUJft.boI .... WcIi1<"-lllom .,.........s..n. ...........dthe....,...j.,.-d-.'-I_IooeIirop lhe~a.-ItI~

Currie, o-d M<Yp\ _!IoIrd.~ P Iltod (ono:J'bo, Itdlood~, ...~.ondbny.~.

b«n to the Thom~n Centre once.~ H id TIn y.M~_"'Wejustdon'thiovcthetimrIOIakeJllll'lin

thethingsonC.llDlfU5,andthey_ lllJ(p1blicizedhm­verywell.~

In Comer Brook.Mr . MacDonald ..ys the nur.oingstudmts00 hiovcI 5IroI1gi&ntiflC&tiooVoithCirenfcll"Alotofuspattici~inintrwmlllll ~I'''fUandl.llke

pan in CSU activities. I even ran for the CSU - 1didn't win, but I plan to tty again "

Annelle Denny. associate dire ctor o f the BNCoIlah<r.11ivc~atlhewestemsite, saidnur;ing



"Ourprogramcouldn'tsurviveinisolationtromthe M~morial program , We wlnt to he: panor theIaJgerlcamingenvironmenlM

When students Ipply to the nursing program II

Memori.l Ihey do not know where the y will he:placed. " 1 thooJht everyone would be at the MUNcampus because dW' s~ you Ipph.cd Io, " ..idMs. Southwdl. '"Then l aot l phonc call lci ling methIll_placcd.LittIedIIc,"

Appticns_askaIlOli:lI siIosinorderclpdcr.c::rD:andlllllignt'd~lOlheirllllkin&.'tid<dIle

_myllinlch.>iccbut~·swhlftl _pla:cd."1IIid

Mr, Mapn.~ ....... I'm &lidI'm hm- , I bke theIImICclCl:JfmIQIy.~

o.:.pi1ethennsporta&ioDprobIemI.thelillkdlleuudcnlS Yo'Cfe 1IIWli....... in pnisil!gthe Untre forNwsilcStudia."liUilhefe. iI' l¥Cf)'por.--IlrldltIIft·sl!ImIICcI~"_Ms.MIqlIy.

0assmMc Rick Tuffe IlJfftS. 1bc inalNctonhm-_~~lhcywiUbmdowr'*'k·


But..... lboy_lIbdxdwiltllheirpwpm,!heceeeefor Nuning SIUdia llIIdmu do _ish thMManoriIi~_IIllft_ItIIIIhcy.klO,_

~lIbiI:nb.~·", ....~.MUN~~_Bnda:.ornt.."'oet.d~order·


NlniIlcS&ldies ..... orderlhmlill.~

If~tri ~KcidlP'mdlm:*banlkPcdWlclastudyroom.!heHoailhScimcae- .... eumtime. "Wc'A'~ Uaivcnify Mnin, dudelllJklO,_t.oe.ric/lI lOlIIICd.- ........"

On trlIoction . the lirUnblc lItldmts ......t!hal.....y clthcir pobk:ms wme from bc1n&a poonecrella. '1l' s goinJlO be rough for us1tlc ",ide WIYthrough bcuUliC",'~'A' the fint el.n," H id MsSouIltwdl '1bc dl!:lelbdlind uswillbcrdtl.~

n.,. ON... fo r Nwnin, Stlldi" ..'i l/ ~ """""6,=~~;;:~ IO SowItconHall ""fomt L _

-.­", lhe _ .... It.." ....t School 01 Ny",,,, .'-"'ed,__ O"""ylU....tdo_ tind.o ..............

~woo';clooely !;oIWiIlrede::--Ccl.'"_lhebo<+oelord P""I"_

Memorial's nursing studentsspread out over three sites

... StWlONGAAy

TWO)Un IlO 1tlcnumber of .....

m,wdenu llUr1lnJ l bIchc oflIunin,pro,rllrla' MemOli11


ImIIjor pl!ysica~M1tlc Sdlool

of Nunillg, bec:aule the m"jonty ofthosocllNdmb _twcdoff..:ampua.

In St. Joha'.. thM~thMl20.-n­.. ilIIlIeIa_.thee-forN.....Studin in lillledlie Colqe In ComerBn:d;.-.:Jl!ln" 50cI Memorilll·s .....Jld.t' Ire ,, ' 1M W"t~"' Rel lOftl lSchcoIcl N.......

It·s.u~clthecollllxnlivc.....procrwn.-hdl..-iUoeclilnew.-w:sand'- widl" t.:be!or', dqmc by !heyea 2(Xl). II ..... adwvcd throuah theco-opamoa of ,,~. the St. Joha'JHeMh CIR Corp;nlKa -'!he WCIIm\_c..~

1lle ldml nllU.lllOn .-m, lhe pro­Jt'-RlHY L1'sb«. a terrifio;Juceeu""''hllfte--olvedilluulycollabonlivcpropwn.Rsaid KMtame Daley. darMor

cltheCmftbSlftIIIISIudia.MF...,ultyatlll thrfflocauOfIJhad

inpIaiJlkltheiWaoptty·l'rarne'*ork-'objICll:U_cl !hepropnL"

III Comer Brook , the dtledOl" of the'AA:slmIRqionaI SchcoIof Ntning:1ioor.dI lhll thc new propamil....king:1fld.~ fw&hl-IIIn:JlIIIYIOFlII-*"" -'

IrldwcknewwellllllhetailUCCS lOoIJcr lldepee,"wridlindl.~·~·ve IllWllyslllll l go"d

-.-tir1I ~v.ithSirWdfm.lGomfdlColIcgc"

Stoomb l'llvcroocrrno

But ...tlilcthooRineh.JeofthecotlabonlivcnuningprogrtIII1 ll1r l' le&wdwith how it' J going, mJning SlU­dcntJ located off-campu J hive some concerns, For.tudent.I' LiulcdlicCollrge,transpon81ion i• •majoris5IIe

'lhebusliCsllIrnota!waysreli.ble," said JuliaSouthwell. OI\Cof eight second· year Linledele st...OenlllwholalkaltotheGautl~, "Sometimes ii'S \tUYhodic: -for~ulllplconTuesdaynighttherr'sonly

onehourbelWtlenthetlmecll'lorsfini.hM Littlcdalc.ndwh~n we have 10 get to the Health SciencesCentrefor rnic:robiolocY Iahoratories."

No mancr wllll site they _ .. nun ing .tudmlll

hiovc10 do I lot of trlvclling IOgd tohollpitals fordinicil _ork . David Mor lln. who live . onm sh..... lC1' ROlIdandoftcnwllluro Littlcda1e ­whidl ilonWlllerfordBridgcROlld -uystrlYCIis


Nlnin&UIIdent:s III CornerBrooIr.hIve 10001101cllI'IOVinalrOlOlloo,lIthouahthcirsilcison/y.15nmu.ewalkfromGmlfdlColJcrc.BIII-.dtflObus.walbI&sthcon/yoplioll.

"A kl cl Sllldcl:efind illlffialll IOFl t-:t .-1 fofl_ .. ere tryinl tc lela btls 1C"ia: ,~ said DavidMad)olllld. a aecond-~ dudcnt at the Westenl

RqionIIScb:JolofNlninc-1lliip.-__ ~1..J

I DadJdocy cone • Gra*I k>aoMdby llU5inc

CllIftC. ThMOIlIy......,.IO...--ID .. bld.but~didrnd..,~ltledlllllD . R,_.........TrIllIpJrtIlimIiI""'IheCllllyillue .... 1lUdentsIre eOlKCrncd lbout. At tbc eellrn for NunilllSludicI,-.senacbl·tfld,lutofidmtifJcllio:.-widIthe mIiII cmlI'W- "'\ItIrpaycsu feel. tu r~<dy