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Page 1: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

الرحيم الرحمان الله بسم

�ها و� إن�~~ �خ�وات ~~ أ‘Inna and its likes

�ها و� إن� �خ�وات أ

�ن�: إ



ن�:� �أ ك

#ت�: �ي ل

�ع�ل�: ل

ف�يد� إن�� �يد. ت �و#ك الت


�ن� �ع�إ لل�

# �ي لت�

� �أ كن�

ف�ع� الخ�بر� �ر# م� و� ت #ص�ب� اإلس# �ن .هي تThey make the ism (noun) mansoob (accusative) take a fatha,

and make the khabar marfoo’ (nominative take a damma).

‘Inna brings about emphasis



Would that…. (Used for seeking something impossible or in which there is difficulty)

It is as if …… (for similitude or speculation)


I hope…(Used for hope or regret)

Page 2: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

ف�يد� أن�� �يد� ت �وك P. الت أيضا

�م#ت� �ن� ع�ل �د أ Pخال # ا .ضWم�ر�ي

�ح#و�: �ن�ن الله� إ\ي. ب ر�

�ت# م\ي قال� � أ �ه�دW. ك�إن ت م�ج#

م�ع#ت� �ن� س� . جاء� ما الم�د�ر\س� أ �و#م� الي

ف�يد� لك�ن�� . ت �د#راك� ت �س# اإل

Anna brings about emphasis also

�ح#و�: . رWغ�ف�و الله� إن�ن

�ي �أت . و ت �ع#د� قال� �ة� و ب و�ل� الج�م#ل� �ي ف�ي أ �أت إن� ت

�خ#رى �ف#عال� األ �ع#د� األ �ن� ب .أretfa dna ecnetnes a fo gninnigeb eht ta semoc إن�

alaaq dna �ن� sbrev rehto eht retfa semoc. أ

.drol ym si hallA ylireV

uoy ylirev dias rehtom yM era

.rekrow drah a

draeh I taht rehcaet eht ylirev.yadot emoc ton did tuoba sgnirb anikaal


gnivigrof-tfo si hallA ylireV

.lli si dilaahK ylirev taht wenk I

Page 3: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)


��ع�ل #د� �ل �ف�ي ج\ي ت sر� ج�و) م�ع#ناها و� الت ر#� (أ

ن�� �أ �ها ك . ل �يان� م�ع#ن

Conveys speculation Conveys similitude

ت�# �ي �ف�يد� ل �م�ن\ي ت #ل. ط�ل�ب� ه�و� و� الت ي �ح� ت الم�س#

Wح#و�: م�ح�م�د� �ه�دW ن ت P لك�ن� م�ج# حام�دا�س#ال ن�ك .

La’alla conveys hope, and its meaning is I


Ka’anna has two meanings

Layta brings about hope, and it is seeking the impossible and that in which there is difficulty.

�ف�يد� الظ�ن� ت #ه� �ي ب �ش# �ف�يد� الت ت

�ح#و�: ن�ن� �أ ج�ك د� الم�س#

س� ةWم�د#ر� .It is as if the masjid is a


�ح#و�: �ك�ن �ن �أ م�ن� ك.اليابان�

It is as if you are from Japan.

Muhammad is a hard worker but Haamid is lazy.

I hope that the teacher is in his room.

و� �ح# �ع�ل�:ن �ه�. ف�ي �س�الم�د�ر� ل ف�ت غ�ر#

Page 4: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

. ف�يه� ما و� Wر ع�س#

�ح#و�: ي�ل ) seeking of the impossible - ن ت�ح� الم�س� (ط�ل�ب�

�ي#ت با �ل �ع�ود�. ب�الش� ي

�ح#و�: ر� )that in which there is difficulty - ن ع�س� يه� ف� (ما

#ت� �ي �ون� ل�ي ل #ي P. م�ل #ها �ي ن ج�Would that I have a million pounds!

~~ ذ�و~~

) و� . م�ع#ناهاذ�و Wذ�و (صاح�ب P �ما م� و� م�ضافW د�ائ الذ\ي االس##ه� �ي �ل ورW ي �ض�اف�ة�. م�ج#ر� �اإل ب

Would that youth would return!

Dhu: its meaning is possessor/owner, and it is always mudaaf (possessed) and the noun which is next to it is genitive (majroor), by construction.

Page 5: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

�ح#و�: قال اق� ه�و� الله� تعالى:}إن� ن ز� �ة�الق�و� ذ�و الر�# �ي {ن�الم�ت

The different forms

ذ�وات� ذات� ذ�و�و ذ�و

Allah the most high says (translated meaning):

‘Verily Allah he is the sustainer, the possessor of might and power’

هذا الط�ال�ب�

#ذ�و ل �ع� م

هؤ�الء� ذ�و�والطsالب�

# ل �ع� م

هذ�ه� �ة� �ب الط�ال

#ذات� ل �مع�

هؤ�الء� �بات� الط�ال

#ذ�وات� ل �ع� م

For feminine plural

�ث� �لم�ؤ�ن لWج�م#ع

For feminine singular

�ث� �لم�ؤ�ن لد م�ف#ر�

For masculine plural

�ر �لم�ذ�ك لج�م#ع

For masculine singular

�ر� �لم�ذ�ك لد م�ف#ر�

These students (female pl.) possesses knowledge

This student (female sig.)

Posseses knowledge

These students (male pl.) posses


This student(male sig.)

posses knowledge

Page 6: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

�م#~~ �و و� أ ~~أ

�م#( �. أ �ف#هام ت ) ل�إلس#

�و( و� #ر�أ �غ�ي �. ) ل �ف#هام ت اإلس#

#ت� �ن #د� أ � م�ن� اله�ن �ح#و�: أ �م#ن م�ن# أتان�؟ باك�س#

�ح#و�: خ�ذ# ه�ذ�ا �ون �ك� أ ذ�ل

`Am is used for questioning (sentence)

Are you from India or Pakistan?

And ‘Aw is used for non-questioning. (sentence)

Page 7: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

Wة� #فW و� مائ �ل أ

Wة� #فW و� مائ �ل #ر�10 إلى3 م�ن# الع�د�د� م�ثل� أ �ن� ,غ�ي م�ع#د�ود�ه�ما أ .Wد م�ف#ر�

�ة مثال: ج� �مائ �ل#ف أو �لر� � �أ أ .�ةام#ر�

�ر� ه�ما و� �لم�ذ�ك . و� و� ل �ث� �ب� (األل�ف) ف�ي الم�ؤ�ن �كت و� (مائة) تأ. ال �ق#ر� ت

ال و ما

Take this or that.

Hundred and thousand

Hundred and thousand are similar to the numbers from 3 to

10, (in construction) except that theirم�ع#د�ود� (enumerated) is singular.

A hundred menA thousand women

And they are (used) for masculine and feminine

(enumerated). And the alif in مائة (hundred) is written but not pronounced.

Page 8: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

#فى �ن ( الماض�ي ي ).ال( ب� الم�ضار�ع� ) وماب�


�ب� ما �ت �ح#م�د� ك . أ #ت� ماالد�ر#س� �لى ذ�ه�ب . إ #ح�ف� الم�ت

�ب� ال #ت �ك �حم�د� ي . أ �ذ#ه�ب� ال الد�ر#س� �لى أ . إ #ح�ف� الم�ت

ف� �ق#بال. ح�ر# ت �س# اإل)س(


ج�ع��س �ر# #ر� ي P. الم�د�ي �ذ#ه�ب��س غ�دا �لى أ �ة� إ م�ك�ن# الله�. شاء� إ

The past tense is negated with ماand the present tense with ال

I did not go to the museum.

Ahmad did not write the lesson.

I am not going to the museum.

Ahmad is not writing (up) the


The letter of future tense س

The head teacher shall return tomorrow I will go to Mecca inshaa Allah


Page 9: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

ف� . ح�ر# #ل� �ف#ص�ي التا( �م

) أ�

مثال: �م# �ك �ة�؟ هذ�ه� و� الك�تاب� هذا ب ل م�ا الم�ج�

� ة� �ه�و�ف الك�تاب� أ �ع�شر� بم�ا و� ر�ياالت�

� �ة� أ ل �ة� �ه�ي�ف الم�ج� �الث �ث . ب ر�ياالت�How much is this book and this magazine? As for the book, then it for

ten riyals and as for the magazine then it is for three riyals.

�خ#و�ة� يا #ن� إ �ي �تابي؟ أ � ك �م� أ #ت ي� أ ه�؟ور�

#ر� و�ق�ع� إذا �ص#ب ض�م�ي �ص�ل ن �ع#د� م�ت #ر� ب �ين� ض�م�ي #د�ت# الم�خاط�ب ز�ي�ه�ما #ن �ي .و�او ب

�ح#و�: ن

The preposition of explanation‘As for’Example

Oh brothers where is my book? Have you seen it?

When the attached pronoun of nasb occurs after the pronoun

of second person, و is increased between them.

�م# pronoun - تof second person.

- ه� Attached

pronoun of nasb.


in و

Page 10: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

� # أ �ي أ �مر� �= ه+ ت �م� أ #ت �ي أ ؟ ه�ور�

�ث� ج�م#ع� �. الم�ؤ�ن �م ال الس�

�ث� ج�م#ع� و� � الم�ؤ�ن �م ال �ه� ع�الم�ة� الس� �ص#ب �سرةW. ن ك


ل�م �ار Wاتم�س# �ب اتWسي اتWطال

�ح#و�: خ�ل�ق� ض� الله� ن ر#� م#س� و� األ ماوا و� الق�م�ر� و� الش� .ت�الس�

�ه� ) م�ف#ع�ولWالس�ماوات�( #ص�وبW ب �ه� عالم�ة� و� م�ن �ص#ب ةW. ن �سر� ك

ة� د�خ�ول� � ه�م#ز� �ف#هام ت ).ال( على اإلس#

StudentsFem. pl.

CarsFem. pl.

BelieversFem. pl.

And the sound feminine plural; its sign of nasb (accusative case) is kasra.

Allah created the earth and the sun and the moon and the skies.

is an object it is in accusative case, and the sign of it الس�ماوات�being accusative is a kasra.

The entering of ‘the hamza of questioning’ on al.


Have you seen it?(Plural masc. second person)

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ل�ت# إذا ة� د�خ� � ه�م#ز� �ف#هام ت �س# ة� (ال) م�د�ت# على اإل ه�م#ز�(ال).


� �حار� أ �ح#ر�؟ ج�م#ع� الب �حار�آ= الب �ح#ر�؟ ج�م#ع� لب الب

#ر�آ) آل= ال+ أ( �وم�؟ جاء� لم�د�ي الي

�ع#داد� �ة� األ �ب ك .الم�ر�

Compound numbers

When ‘the hamza of questioning’ enters upon al, the hamza of al is made to stretch.

Is Bihaar (rivers) the plural of bahr (river)?

Did the headmaster come today?

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ة� األع#داد�� �ب ك �و�ن� الم�ر� �ك �ت . م�ن# ت �ين� ئ ج�ز#

مثال: Eleven

د� مثال: �ح� ر� أ ع�ش�↑ ↑

و�ل� الجزء� الثاني الج�زء� األ

ة� األع#داد�� �ب ك �ةW الم�ر� �ي #ن , فالج�زء� على م�ب األو�ل� الف�تح��ي والجزء� �ان �ان� الث ب �ح� الفتحة�. ي

�ة� األع#داد� �ب ك 19 إلى11 م�ن# الم�ر�

The numbers from 11 to 19

99 إلى11 م�ن# الم�ع#د�ود�P �ما دW دائ . م�ف#ر� Wص�وب# م�ن

First part Second part

Compound numbers are fixed (remain unchanged/undeclined) on fath so the first and second part like the fatha.

The enumerated, from 11 to 99 is always single, mansoob.

Compound numbers are made of two parts.

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د� �ح� ر� أ ع�ةW ع�ش� �س# P. ت �با ع�ون� و� طال �س# P ت .طالبا

�ة� األع#داد� �ب ك 12 و11 الم�ر�The numbers 11 and 12

11الم�ع#د�ود� كان : إذا12 و P �را �ون� م�ذ�ك �ك و األو�ل� الجزء يP الثاني الجزء م�ذكرا

مثال: Twelve Eleven

Male students Male students

د�في: �ح� ر� أ P ع�ش� �با #نا و طال ر� اث P ع�ش� �با .طال ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

مذكر مذكر مذكر مذكر مذكر مذكر

�ة� األع#داد� �ب ك 19 إلى31 م�ن# الم�ر�

The numbers from 11 to 13

99 students (male)

11 students (male)

If the ma’dood is masculine then the first part and the second part are masculine.

Masculine Masculine

Page 14: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

#فالج�زء� الم�ع#د�ود� كان إذا19 إلى13 م�ن ,P �را األول م�ذك�خال�ف� ي

�اني الجزء و الم�عد�ود� �واف�ق� الث الع�ك#س� المع#د�ود�. و ي�لمعد�ود� . ل �ث� الم�ؤ�ن

مثال: Thirteen Thirteen

Female students Male students

�ة� �الث ر� ث P ع�ش� �با عشرة� ثالث طالPة� �ب طال

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ مؤنث مذكر مذكر مذكر مؤنث مؤنث

feminine masculinemasculine


If the enumerated (ma’dood) is masculine, then the first part differs in gender with the enumerated (ma’dood) and the second part agrees with the ma’dood. And the opposite is in the case of the feminine ma’dood.

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ت�ي�ب�ي(ة� األع�د�اد� .الت(ر�

#ع�وتW هي و . و� م�ن Wع#ت� ن


�ي �. الد�ر#س�األو�ل الد�ر#س� �ان الد�ر#س� إلى الثر� .العاش�

Ordinal numbers


The second lesson, to the tenth lesson.

The First lesson.

And they are a qualifying noun and an adjective (i.e they act as n’at and man’ut).

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�ن�+ ل�= ألن� �ن�) من و .أ ) أخ�وات� (أ �ن� (إ

مثال: ج�ع� ة� م�ن� حام�دW ر� س� �ه� المدر� م�ر�يضW. �ألن

Hamid returned from school because he is poorly.

ج�ع#ت� �ن�ي السsوق� م�ن� ر� #ض�ةW. ألن م�ر�يI returned from the market because I am poorly.

�م� ل

�م� �ماذا. ل ? Why = ل



�م� ج#ت� م�ن� ل خ�ر�ة�؟ س� الم�د#ر�

�م� #ت� هذا ل ب ض�ر��د�؟ الو�ل

laam + anna. And anna is from the sisters of = ألن�


Why did you exit from the school?

Why did you beat this boy?

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�م�ه# #ت� : هاء� ل ك الس�

�م� ه#ل

Why? Haa of silence


� #ت� أ ب �د�؟ هذا ض�ر� الو�ل

#س� �ي ل

#س� �ي �ف�يد�ل ف�ع� : ت �ر# �ف�ي. ت #ص�ب� و اإلسم� الن �ن . ت الخ�بر�

�م�ه# ?Why ل

Did you beat this boy?





ك�ت� هاء� الس(

Page 18: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

مثال:#س� �ي � ل Pمر�ي#ض �بالط�ال .ا

The student is not poorly.

sر �ج� �باء� و�ي �د�ة� ب ائ . الز�

مثال:#س� �ي � ل #�ب �بالط�ال .�ضم�ر�ي

The student is not poorly.

�ه� �ن ورW ف�إ �الباء� م�ج#ر� �د�ة� ب ائ . م�حل\ ف�ي الز� �ص#ب� ن

ة ح�ذف� (ابن) ه�م#ز�The omitting of hamza in ibn.

�ح#ذ�ف� P همزة ت P و (ابن) خ�ط�ا �ف#ظا #ن� و�ق�ع� إذا ل �ي #ن� ب �م�ي و ع�لط�ه� ر# �ن# ه�و� ش� �ون� أ �ك واح�د�. س�ط#ر� على العلمان� ي

#س� �ي Laysa brings about negation. It makes لthe noun marfoo’ and makes the khabar mansoob.

Verily it is majroor with baa of zaa’ida (increase) in the place of nasb.

The hamza of ibn is omitted, in writing and pronunciation, when it occurs between two names (and its condition is

that the two names are on one line).

And it is made majroor (genitive) with baa of zaa’ida (increase).

Page 19: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

Example مثال:

. بن� حام�د� ع�ل�ي¼

�ح#ذ�ف� ال و ن� م�ثل� في الهمزة� ت �ه� �ابن : ح�س� �مام. ألن �م# اإل ل�ق�ع# �ين� ي . ب �م�ين� ع�ل

#ل� اسم� �ف#ض�ي التComparative and superlatives

�وعW هو و , و�ص#فW م�ن� م�م#ن ف� ن� على الص�ر# �ف#ع�ل�( الو�ز# ).أ


Ismu tafdeel: it is a diptote, (prevented from changing). It is a description upon the scale of

( �ف#ع�ل� .af’alu (أ

Haamid son of Ali

The hamza is not omitted in the example : ‘Hasan son of the imaam’, because it does not occur between two names.

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Wم , و هاش� Wل# #ه�. أط#و�ل� حام�دW ط�و�ي م�ن

�ة� ةW, و� آم�ن #ر� �ب� ص�غ�ي #ن ي ص#غ�ر� ز�� #ها. أ م�ن

�ع�جsب� ف�ع#ل� الت

ن� على هو �ف#ع�ل�( الو�ز# ).أ

مثال:جل� هذهذا , ما الر� Wط#و�ل� ط�و�يل

� ج هذا أ !ل�الر�This man is tall, how tall is this man!

Haashim is tall, and Haamid is taller then him.

Aamina is small, but Zaynab is smaller then her.

It is on the scale of ‘Af’alu.

The verb of astonishment/amazement.

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� �اه�ي الالنة

ال �ة �اف�ي الن

ة� هذه �ار� ي �ةW, ما الس� #ل �ج#م�ل� ج�م�ي �ار� هذه أ ي !ة�الس�This car is tall, how tall is this car!

�ه الم�ف#ع�ول� بThe Object

Example :مثال

�ه� الم�ف#ع�ول� الفاع�ل� الف�عل� ب

� أ آ ��بالط�ال ق�ر� �نالق�ر#The student read the Qur'aan

�ة ال �اف�ي �ة و الن �اه�ي الالن


The laa of negation and the laa of prohibition

object subject verb

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The laa of prohibition The laa of negation

ق� #ن� الف�ر# �ي �ن� هو الناهية ال و الناف�ية ال ب �ع#م�ل, ال النافية ال أ ت ال أم�ا

�ج#ز�م� الم�ضار�ع�. الف�عل� الناهية, ف�ت

�م� �خ�ي؟الل �ل� يا أ #ك �أ تWhy are you not eating oh

my brother?

�لى الأ �ذ#ه�ب� إ ت؟ #ع�ب� الم�ل

Are you not going to the playground?

�ذ#ه�ال #ع�ب�#ب ت . إلى الم�لDon’t go to the playground.

�ال �أك . هذا يا أخيل# تDon’t eat this oh my brother.

The difference between ال الناف�ية (laa of negation)

and الناهية ال (the laa of prohibition) is that verily the laa


negation does not have an affect, as for the laa of prohibition then it makes the present verb majzoom (take a


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(ما) الم�و#ص�ول�ة

The maa of connection

( �ها ما( �ن �م�ع#نى : إ �ذ�ي). (الشيء� ب ال


�ل� . أي ما آك �ل� �أك �ل� ت يء� آك . الذي الش� �ل� �أك ت


م�ل#� �أ �ل�ي ما ت Ponder over the following: ي

ام�ه�ا و ما أق#س�

ما � �ف#هام�ي ت اإلس#ة

�ة �ا ف�ي ما الن ما �ة المو#ص�ول

�ون� �ق�ول �م� ت ال مال�ف#ع�ل�ون�؟ ت

Why do you say that which you do not do?

#د�ي كتابWما ن . ع�I do not have a


�ر�ي ت ش#� أ #د�ماس� �ر�ي . ت

I will buy that which you want.

ف�ه�م#ت� ما.الد�ر#س�

I did not understand the lesson.

؟ما م�ك� اس#

what is your name?

هذا؟ماwhat is this?

It means ‘the thing which’

�ل� : �ل�ماآك �أك meaning I am eating the thing which تyou are eating

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�ع#ل�يل الم� التThe laam of motivation/justification


ج#ت� رل خ�ر� �ش# ج� الماء� ��بأ �غ#س�ل حام�دW خ�ر� ه�ه� �ل�ي و�ج#

�ص#ب� ) الم�ضار�ع� الف�عل� ن �ن# ب(أ

Making the present tense verb accusative with anna


ر�يد�� �ن# أ �ساف� أ �ة�. إلى �رأ #ن� م�ك �ي �ر�يد� أ �ن# ت أ

�ذ#ه� أخ�ي؟ يا �بت

Haamid left to wash his face.. I left to drink water.

Where do you want to go oh my brother?

I want to travel to Mecca.


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�ص#ب� ة� األف#عال� ن :الخ�م#س�Making nasb of ‘af’aalul khamsa

ة� األف#عال� :هي الخ�م#س� ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥

�ون� �ذ#ه�ب �ون� ت �ذ#ه�ب �ذ#ه�بان� ي �ذ#ه�بان� ت ي. �ين� �ذ#ه�ب ت

ف#ع� عالم�ة� sون� الر� �ذ#هبو :الن �ذ#هبا نت ن�ت�ي �ذ#ه�ب .ن�ت

�ص#ب� وعالم�ة� :ح�ذف�ها الن

�وا أن#: مثال �ذ#هب ت That you pl. go

�ف� و ال األلأ �ق#ر� ت

And the alif is not read.

�د�ة� و �ف� هذ�ه� فائ �ها األل �اق�ص�. ف�ل�و الف�ع#ل� في تظه�ر� أن ال الن�ف� هذه �ر�ى ال األل ق� ت �ه�ما. الف�ر# #ن �ي ب

You singular. Feminine are going.

They dual.

masculine are going.

They plural.

masculine are going.

You plural.

masculine are going.

You dual. masculin

e are going.

The sign of its raf’ is the noon and the sign of nasb is its ommitence, and the benefit of this alif is that it manifests in the naaqis verb (a naaqis verb is one which its root ends with an alif, waw or yaa). So if it were not for this alif you would not be able to see the difference between them.

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�د#ع� #أن ( نحو�: �د#ع�و أن#( ) و�وي ) اي

That he calls


ف�ع�كان�( �ر# م� ) ت #ص�ب� و اإلس# �ن . ت الخ�بر�


ف�وعW كان اسم #ص�وبW كان خبر� م�ر# م�ن

� Wدحام� كان �ي .Pاغ�ن Hamid was rich

Kaana makes the noun marfoo (nominative case) and makes the khabar mansoob (accusative case)

The information of kaana mansoob.

The noun of kaana marfoo’

The noun of kaana, in nominative case.

The information of kaana in the place of nasb (accusative case).

Page 27: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

ف�وعW كان اسم �ص#ب� م�ح�ل\ في كان خبر� م�ر# ن

س� �Wدحام كان �د#ر� .ي

Hamid was studying

#د� و �ف�ي P كان ت #ضا . أي �م#رار� ت اإلس#

:نحوح�يم Pراغ�ف�و ه�الل �كان .�ار�

Allah is oft forgiving , merciful

�زال� ال يDoes not cease

�زال� ال( �خوات� ) م�ن#ي #د� (كان), و أ �ف�ي . ت �م#رار� ت اإلس#


#ف� �ي �ك� ك �و#م� حال #ت� أخ�ي؟ يا الي �ن P ك م#س� م�ر�يضا� �زال� ال و� أ أ

#ض .Pام�ر�ي How are you today oh brother? I was ill yesterday and I do

not cease to be ill (meaning I still am ill).

�زال� ال �ه�د �د�أح#م ي ت .Pام�ج#Ahmad does not cease to be a hard worker.

Kaana also brings about continuation

�زال� كان is from the sisters of ال ي

kaana, and it brings about continuation.


Page 28: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

وف� م�ن# ) ح�ر#فWك( ر\ ح�ر� �ف�يد� الج� �يه� ت ب �ش# الت

�حو�: �ي ن .�تساع��ك ساع�ت ك� My watch is like your watch .

د� هذا ج� س��ك الم�س# .ة�م�د#ر� This masjid is like a school .

�د#خ�ل� ال و : أنا على الكاف� ت �قال� �ر. نحو�: ي �ه� الض�مائ أو# ك#ت� �ن �ها. أ ك

�ف#ي� �ن#( ب� المضار�ع� ن �ل�) ل �ق#ب ت �لم�س# �ن.ل #ص�ب� ل �ن الف�ع#ل� ت#د� و� الم�ضار�ع� �ف�ي ت

�ن#( #د� ل �ي �و#ك �ف�ي. نحو�: ) ت الن

The present tense verb is negated with #ن� to give a لfuture tense meaning. Lan makes the present tense

verb mansoob and brings about a negation with emphasis.

is a preposition from the genitive ك

prepositions, it brings about similitude.

The kaaf does not enter on the pronouns. Like, : it is

said: ت� �ك أنا# �ن ها�كه� أو# أ . I am like him or you are like her.

Page 29: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

�حو�: ن�ن# أنا . إلى �بأذ#ه� ل #د�ن� �ن ل

I will not go to London.

ج�ع�و #ل�ن �ر# �د� إلى ات �ل �ف�ار�. ب الكYou will never return to the

land of the disbelievers.

�س� سلم: (م�ن# و عليه الله صلى النبي قال �ب في الح�ر�ير� ل#يا �ن#ف� الدsن � ل #ب �ل ة�) رواه في ه�س�ي البخاري. اآلخ�ر�

�م# �م�ا و� ل ل

�م# �م�ا و� ل �ف�يدان� ل �ف�ي ت �ج#ز�ما ه�ما و الماضي في الن الف�ع#ل� ت� عالمة� و المضار�ع� م ة� األف#عال� في الج�ز# ح�ذف� الخ�م#س�

sون� �ع�ة� األف#عال� في و الن ب �ون. األر# ك sالس


�م# �م�ا and ل bring about negation in the past tense and they make لthe present tense verb jussive (take a sukoon) And the sign of the

jussive case (jazm) in the af’aalul khamsa (five verbs) is the emitting of the noon and in the af’aalul ‘arb’a (four verbs) a sukoon.

‘The prophet may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said : He who wears silk in this life will never wear it in the hereafter’. Narrated bukhari.

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�م# �و ل �ذ#ه�ب �م# ,ات �ذ#هبا ل �م , ت �ذ#ه�ب�ي #ل و ت).لم�اب( كذلك

�م# �ذ#ه� ل �م# ,#بت �ذ#ه� ل �م# ,#بي �ذ#ه� ل �م# ,#بن #بأذ#ه� ل( كذلك و ).لم�اب�

#ن� الف�رق� و� �ي �م# ب �ب# : لم#لم�ا و� ل #ت �ك , و� = ما ي �ب� �ت �ب# لم�ا ك #ت �ك ي�ب� = ما �ت يكتب). سوف (و اآلن� إلى ك

ة� األس#ماء� الخ�م#س�The Five Nouns

ة� م�س� الخ� ماء� األس�And they are:

And the difference between lam and lamma:lam yaktub = he did not writelammaa yaktub = he has not yet written (and shall write)

Page 31: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

, و� كذلك ح�مW أخW مالك: أبW ابن قال Wه�ن�ق#ص� و #ر� في الن ي . األخ� أح#س�ن�

ب� الخمسة األسماء و �ع#ر� وف� ت �الح�ر� م�ضاف�ة كانت# إذا ب#ر� إلى �ل\م ياء� غ�ي �ك .الم�ت


#ت� هذا ك�اأب أع#ر�ف� ك�و�أب أنا �ي ك��يأب ب

�م# إذا و �ن# ل �ك �ت# مضاف�ة ت �ع#ر�ب �العالمات� أ �ة� ب �ي .األص#ل

Wذ�وأخ أWب




in-law mouth


brother father

Ibn Maalik said: abun, akhun, hamun and like wise hanun, but leaving off the final on is better.

(ie, Hanun)

When the asmaa al khamsa are in idaafa, (other than being attached to the yaaa of mutakkalam), they decline by the addition of letters.

This is your father’s house.

I know your father.

I am your father.

And if it is not in idaafa (possessor and possessed construction) then it is made to

decline with its original signs.

Page 32: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)


��أبك أنت� أبW أنا You are like a father I am a father

ن� ) علىم�ر#ضى( �وعW ه�و� ) و�ف�ع#لى( الو�ز# م�ن� م�م#ن. ف� الص�ر#


Wيل� #لى ق�ت #حW ق�ت #رW ج�ر#حى ج�ر�ي ي أس� أس#رى

Marda ىÉم�ر#ض is on the scale of fa’la ف�ع#لى and it is a diptote (mamnoo’ minas sarf- doesn’t like tanween and kasra,) The sign of its kasra is a fatha.)

Captive sing.

Wounded pl.

Wounded sing.

Killed pl.

Killed sing.Captives pl.

Page 33: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

�ر�( ت �مWأخ# , و� ) ع�ل ��وعW ه�و� فار�س�ي . م�ن� م�م#ن ف� الص�ر#

#ر اس#م� �ص#غ�ي الت The Diminutive

#د( �ي م� ) هذاو�ل #ر اس# �ص#غ�ي .الت

�ص#غ�ير� و �ه� الت , و ثالثة� ل هي: أو#زان�

٢ ٣ ١

Wل# #ع�ل ف�ع�ي #ل ف�ع�ي #ع�ي ف�ع�يFu’ay’eelu Fu’ay’elu Fu’aylu

Wل# #ع�ل ف�ع�ي #ل ف�ع�ي #ع�ي ف�ع�ي

#د �ي This is a و�لdiminutive

And the diminutive has three scales, and they are:

ثالث�ة� على كان ماف8 ر� أح�

That which is (formed from a noun) of three


ب�ع�ة� أر� على كان ماف8 ر� أح�

That which is (formed from a noun) of four


ة� م�س� خ� على كان ماف8 ر� أح�

That which is (formed from a

noun) of five letters

Akhtar is a Persian name and it is a diptote (mamnoo’ minas sarf- doesn’t like tanween and kasra). The sign of its kasra is a fatha.)

Page 34: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)


تاذ�) يا ذ�ي ه�ي� ها( أس#Here it is oh teacher!

) : )ذ�ي ( ) ه�ي� ( ) هاإع#راب�

: يقول جل� ��ق�ول� , واذ أنا هاالر أة�: ت .ذ�ي أنا هاالم�ر#

#د �ي و�لA small boy A boy

WA humble slave A slave

#ر ه�ي ز�Wه#ر ز�

#ح �ي #ت م�ف�يم�ف#تاح

A small key A key

Wد�ق# ف�ن#د�ق �ي ف�ن

A small hotel A hotel

\بكتاب �ي �ت كA small book A

book) note book(

خ�بر �د�أ #ت م�ب ف� ح�ر##ه �ي #ب �ن ت

Information The preposition of alarming or making



The man says: ها أنا ذا (here I am)

and the woman says: ها أنا ذ�ي (here I am).

� و�لWدWد# #ع�ب �ي ع�ب

A small flower A flower

Page 35: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

#ث� اج#ل�س#( ي �شاء� ح� )تSit wherever you wish

#ث�( �ضاف� و� مكان� ) ظ�ر#ف�ح�ي �ة�, و إلى ي �قال� الج�م#ل في ي�ه� #ث�( إع#راب �ي�ح�ي #ن �ص#ب� م�ح�ل\ في الض�م\ على ) م�ب م�ف#ع�ولW ن#ه�, و� �ة� ف�ي �شاء�( الج�م#ل ر¼ م�ح�ل\ ) فيت #ه�. م�ضافW ج� �ي إل

�ق�د# الله� و�( �د#ت� ل )أم�وت� كBy Allah I was about to die!

�ت� الماض�ي الف�ع#ل� و�ق�ع� إذا #ب P الم�ث � ج�وابا �لق�سم و�ج�ب� ل#د�ه� �ي �و#ك � ت �الالم ق�د#. و ب

التنزيل: في نحو

#ن�( \ي �ون� و و�الت #ت ي �ق�د#..........الز� �ق#نا ل ل #سان� خ� )اإلنBy the fig and the olive…. Verily, We created man of the best stature

(mould( ,)At-Tin 95:4)

When the past tense verb occurs as an affirmation with an oath, it is necessary to emphasis it with a laam and qad.

#ث� ي is an adverb of place and it is attached to a sentence. And it is said ح�

its ‘iraab (declension) , ث�# ي is fixed on damma in the place of nasbح�

(accusative case) maf’oolun feehi and the sentence اء�Éش� is in the place تof jar, mudaafun ilayhee.

Page 36: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

#ف�يs الماض�ي الف�عل� أم�ا و� �د� فال الم�ن �ؤ�ك � ي �الالم تقول�.ق�د# و ب�ه� ما والله�( #ت أي ).ر�


)sق�ط��دا( و� بالماض�ي ) خاص , ولك�ن�أب �ل� �ق#ب ت الناس� P) بالم�س#�ع#م�ل�ون� ت �س# P( ي �دا �ي�ق�طsخ�طأ. ( هذا و الماضي ) م�ع�أب #ن ) م�ب

�ص#ب� م�حل� في الض�م\ على #ه�. م�ف#ع�ولW ن ف�ي


�ةهذه ( �ي #ن ي �ون� لم�ا الح� �ك �صs بالماضي ي �خ#ت فW و ت ) و� هي ظ�ر#P كما في المثال� �ها ماضيا .ج�واب

As for the past tense verb which comes as an negation with an oath then it is not emphasised with

laam and qad. You say ه�� #ت أي by Allah I did‘ والله� ما ر�not see him’

sق�طis specific for the past tense and P �دا .for the future أب

People useP �دا with the past tense however this is أب

incorrect. sق�ط is fixed on the damma in the place of the nasb case, maf’oolun feehi.

This is called the lammaa of heeniyyah (lamma of time). It is an adverb (of time) and is specific to the past tense (verb). Its answer is always in the past tense like what is in the example.

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ل#ت� لم�ا #ت� د�خ� �ي م�م#ت� الب ةP ش� �ح� �ةP رائ \ب ط�يWhen I entered the house I smelt a pleasant smell.

�ص�حs ال �د#خ�ل� أن# ي , نحوق�ول� على ت لم�ا( الناس الم�ضار�ع� �ل� #د� الص�واب� ) و�أم#رض الط�عام� هذا آك ن �ل� ما : ع� هذا آك

أم#رض� الط�عام� .

�ن�ى ض�مير� :الم�ثThe dual pronoun

�و�ي )ه�ما( ت �س# �ير� فيه� ي �ذك �يث� و الت �أن , و الت �ين� �ب للغائ, و �ين� , و للغائبت �ين� . للم�خاط�ب �ين� �ت للم�خاط�ب

The dual pronoun includes the masculine and feminine. It is used for the dual masculine and feminine third person and dual

feminine and masculine second person.

It is not correct that it enters upon the present tense (verb), like the speech of people ‘Lamma (when) I eat this food I become ill’ and the correct is: ‘ indamaa (when) I eat this food I become ill.’

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ف#ع� ض�م�ير �ص�ل الر� :الم�تThe attached nominative pronoun.

�ف� �ح#و�: األل ن

�ة� و , فاطمةاذهب خالدW و حامد �ت آم�ن .اذ�ه�بHaamid and khaalid went, faatima and Aamina went.

#س� ما �ي #سان� في ل � منه� اإلن �ج#ع�ل� أن# جاز واح�د إال #نان� ي اإلث�ف#ظ� فيه �ل , نحو: ما ب ماؤ� الج�م#ع� �ما؟أس# �ما,�و�ج�وه اغ#س�ال ك ك

#ه� و� �ه� م�ن � ص�غ�ت# تعالى: (ف�ق�د# ق�ول �وب �ما).ق�ل ك

�ع� #ب �ت �ع#ت� ي #ع�وت� الن �ع�ة� في الم�ن ب هي:.أم�ور� أر#

The adjective follows the qualifying noun (that which is described) in 4 matters. They are:


It is permissible to use the plural wording of things which are connected to a person, and can only be found in the singular

forms, when addressing two people. Example: اÉماؤ�م #Éما؟أس� ك What are your(two people) names? , ال �Éا�و�ج�وه اغ#سÉم� ك wash your (two people) faces, and from it, is his speech the most high: ‘ indeed your hearts inclined…’ (At-tahreem 66:04)

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�تعالى لله كله الحمد و تم

#ف� �ع#ر�ي #ر و الت �ي #ك �ن �ة واإلف�رادالت �ي �ثن , و التالج�مع�

�ير و التذ#ك�يث �أن الت


In masculinity and femininity

In definiteness and indefiniteness

In singularity, duality and plurality

In declension


٤ ٣


Page 40: Medina Arabic - book 2 (translated notes)

طاني.يالبر طلحة سلمان أبو الله إلى الفقير كتبهمجاهد أم� األخت ترجمته و