Download - Media props story board etc

Page 1: Media props story board etc

Photo shoot list:

Expensive car: I am using an expensive car as many associate RnB/Hip Hop artists as being

wealthy people, who like to show off how much money they have. The use of an expensive

car portrays a lavish, flashy lifestyle as well as symbolising the success of the artist.

Suit: Suits are usually associated with sophistication, success and a hard work ethic, all

things rappers would like to be seen as doing. By using a suit, it portrays the model as

thinking highly of himself, further portraying the cocky, high maintenance exterior many

male rappers have.

Black/ white plain T-shirt: When researching this magazine genre, I found that a simple

plain white/black T-Shirt was a common occurrence. It portrays a ‘thug like’ masculine image

of dominance and superiority, which is the look I am aiming to achieve.

Trainers: With male artist of this genre constantly keeping up to date with the latest trainer

fashion, the inclusion of them will further help to add to the ‘thug like’ image. And with

trainers also being fairly expensive, it also emphasises wealth.

Shoes: These will continue and emphasise the sophisticated, wealthy look that the suit

provides. By using shoes instead of trainers, it adds a sense of seriousness and maturity.

Big watch: Popular amongst male artist of these two genres, a big watch which usually

include diamonds, real gold etc. is a major portrayal of someone’s wealth, as artists are

willing to pay thousands for one. By including one it reflects talent and wealth, both things

artists of this genre want people to associate them with.

Sunglasses: Another item that was popular amongst male artists, and was almost

consistently used in the magazine covers I viewed. Inconspicuously adding a sense of

mystery, as they hide their eyes. The covering of the eyes, presents the artists as slightly


Belt: Many male R&B artists usually wear a belt with a big buckle which can be clearly seen,

as another sign of their wealth and being extravagant.

Models name: Alix Richards

Contact number: 07745731964

Page 2: Media props story board etc
Page 3: Media props story board etc

Storyboard- reason and meaning conveyed.

1. The reason behind this photo was that I wanted something simple and plain in colour. This is

so that when I added coloured fonts/ other pictures, the page wouldn’t look too cluttered

and it would be generally easier to work with. I also wanted it to represent the main selling

point of the magazine, which is the artist who would be featured on the double page spread

by showing him to be quite arrogant, and intimidating due to his seriousness.

Through the use of this photo, I was hoping it would convey not only the wealth (which is

further conveyed through his costume of a suit and watch), seriousness and an overall

intensity about the artist, through his serious pose and sunglasses which don’t allow you to

see his eyes, but also a professional feel about the magazine as a whole.

2. I chose this shot as I wanted it to promote his success and wealth, and give him the arrogant,

‘show off’, stereotypical attitude. By having the artist stood next to an expensive car, it

makes the extent of his success much more apparent to the reader. I thought by having him

wear a suit, rather than a snapback, big chain, plaint t-shirt and trainers, it would further

promote his wealth and his more mature attitude towards it. This is due to the fact people

will automatically take someone who is dressed formally, much more seriously as overall

they give off a much more professional impression.

Through this shot, I hope to convey the lifestyle of the majority of artists within the R&B/ Hip

Hop genre, via the use of an extremely valuable possession. Not only portraying talent, but

hard work and dedication also.

3. The reason I chose this shot is because it gives off an impression of someone who views

themselves as urban, but at the same time wants to be taken seriously by all. This is done

through the combination of a snapback, which is mostly worn by young people, and a suit,

which is stereotypically worn by mature men in a respectable profession. The wall

background is used to further enhance the urban image, as it is associated with being

outside or hanging around on the streets, as young people stereotypically do.

I wanted to convey both a look of being professional, yet still being in touch with his roots.

By doing this it makes him slightly less serious, but instantly recognisable as being a rapper.

4. I chose this shot as it has an intensity about it due to the black background and the close up

of the face. By doing this, it also adds a more personal intimate feel, and will make the

readers feel as if they know the artist on a more personal level, which Is why I chose for him

not to wear sunglasses.

I wanted to convey a serious, intense professional feel, which is why I wanted him staring

seriously directly into the camera. By having a serious face, I was aiming for him to convey

the stereotypical ‘urban attitude’, to ensure he fit in with the magazine genre.

Page 4: Media props story board etc

5. I chose this as it is a good representative of the genre. The costume consists of a chain, plain

t-shirt, jeans, sunglasses and a snapback. This image is very stereotypical, and is instantly

recognisable as to what genre the artist is representing.

Through this, I was hoping to convey an urban, ‘gangster’ feel. This is why I chose for him to

have a strong posture, to enhance his seriousness.

6. The picture has a very ‘street’ feel about it, with the costume choice and setting enhancing

the urban look. I thought by choosing to have the artist sat on the wall it automatically

would make the picture look more relaxed, and less slightly serious.

Through this I wanted to convey a more relaxed impression, and make it easier for the

audience to identify the magazines focus (the artist).

7. This shot was chosen as I wanted a photo that looked as if it had a story behind it. Enticing

the reader into wanting to read the content of the magazine. I was aiming for it to convey a

reminiscent, deep thought process. The costume choice was chosen, to ensure that he can

be easily identifiable as a rapper, therefore implying that the story will include information

on his past as well as his career now.

8. I wanted to include a more extravagant shot, just to ensure that the wealth of the artist is

apparent through the use of three expensive cars. By doing this, I wanted to make the

magazine look more professional and high end, by having an interview with someone

extremely successful. By having him wear a suit, it adds a sense of maturity to the picture,

and presents the artist as hardworking. It also presents him as being less cocky, than if he

was to have on casual clothes. This is why I hoped this image would convey maturity, hard

work and success.