Download - Manukau Bus Station Project Information Boards Low Res Oct 15

  • 8/20/2019 Manukau Bus Station Project Information Boards Low Res Oct 15


    Manukau Bus Interchange

    Transforming the heartof Manukau• The Auckland Plan identies

    Manukau as a future MetropolitanArea – the gateway to southAuckland

    • The Manukau bus interchange willbe a key transfer station connectingbus users from the region to otherbuses and the rail network

    • The Civic building car park (betweenDavies Avenue and Osterley Way)will be transformed to a 23-bay businterchange (21-saw tooth bays and2 parallel bays)

    • Allows for regional buses inthe future

    • 13 of the 15 bus routes plannedfor Manukau will terminate at theinterchange

    • The interchange will serve as a vitallink connecting local residents andbusinesses to the rest of Auckland

    • It will have a ticket ofce, a customerservice area, staff ofce spaces, apassenger waiting area, conveniencekiosks, a drop and ride area, taxiparking, real time information,24-hour security and toilets. Future development for Manukau city centre.

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    Manukau Bus Interchange

    New Public TransportNetwork for south Auckland• Trains and buses every 15 minutes

    from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week

    • Papakura to Otahuhu via Manukau

    (along Great South Road)• Supported by a network of connector

    routes every 30 minutes. Routes fromManukau to:

    • Onehunga via the airport

    • Onehunga via Mangere

    • Otahuhu via Clover Park,Chapel Downs and Otara

    • Botany

    • Manurewa via Totara Heightsand Auckland Botanic Gardens

    • Papakura via Homai, Manurewa,Randwick Park and Takanini

    • Otara• Manurewa via Homai and Clendon

    • A new peak only service for the WiriIndustrial area and one serving theEast Tamaki Industrial area connectingwith Manukau and Panmure.

    Residential 1

    Residential 1 Residential 2

    Residential 2 Residential 3

    Residential 3

    Activity Area 1

    Activity Area 1

    Activity Area 2

    Activity Area 2

    Activity Area 3

    Activity Area 3

    Direct service option:Many infrequent overlapping routes (Auckland now)

    Model 1Connective network option:Fewer routes, more frequency (Auckland future)

    Model 2

    Residential 1

    Residential 1 Residential 2

    Residential 2 Residential 3

    Residential 3

    Activity Area 2

    Activity Area 2 Activity Area 1

    Activity Area 1 Activity Area 3

    Activity Area 3

    Principles of the New Public Transport NetworkThe New Public Transport Network is designed to be simpler, have an all-day frequency and have better connectivity.The current network tries to connect many locations with many other locations at low frequencies, as in Model 1.We are moving to Model 2 which has fewer routes but higher frequencies. The point at which the lines intersect inModel 2 illustrates where a connection would happen.

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    Manukau Bus Interchange

    Proposed features:• Taxi parking

    • Drop off and pickup area

    • Real time passenger information

    • Waiting lounge

    • 24-hour security, help points and CCTV

    • Universally accessible

    • An architectural look and feelincorporating local and cultural history

    • Address operational needs, includingthe volume and movement of busesto and from the interchange and thewider network

    • Customer service area

    • Ticket ofce

    • Space for convenience kiosks

    • Toilets.

    Interchange building looking from the Putney Way/Davies Avenue intersection.

    Looking down from the council Civic building from Osterley Way.

    Convenience kiosks area looking inside the interchange building from Davies Avenuetowards Osterley Way.

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    Manukau Bus Interchange


    building indicative

    Garden beds with lowplanting at entrancesof building

    4m footpath Raingarden

    2.5mkiss ’n’ride / taxirank

    Existing kerb and carriageway retained –new line marking to dene as pick up /

    drop off zone / servicing / taxi stands



    2.1 existingcar parking


    Putney Way• Putney Way between Davies Avenue and Osterley Way will be upgraded on the

    southern side as a key connector road between Manukau city centre and theinterchange

    • Stormwater management with rain gardens

    • Bike parking racks and rubbish bins.

    • Footpaths will be widened to a minimum 4 metres on the southern side of thestreet. This will be further widened at various positions to provide space for streetfurniture and public waiting

    • Better street lighting.

    Putney Way.

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    Manukau Bus Interchange

    Construction phasesStage 1 – Recongure southern carpark• Form new access

    • Recongure carpark layout including median strips

    • Recongure pedestrian access from Osterley Way

    and Davies Avenue• Recongure infrastructure including lighting,

    stormwater, CCTV and payment facilities.

    Stage 2 – Enabling works• Site clearance

    • Civil utilities works

    • Bulk cut and ll earthworks including preload.

    Stage 3 – Building and operational areaconstruction• Construction of building

    • Construction of bus operational area platform

    • Construction on Davies Avenue canopy.

    Stage 4 – Finishing works• Form entrance and exit road crossings• Landscaping

    • Putney Way and Davies Avenue streetscaping.

    Stage 1RecongureSoutherncarpark

    Stage 2Enablingworks

    Constructioncompound inclsite access

    Stage 3Building &operationalareaconstruction

    Construction phases.

    Stage 4Finishingworks


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    Manukau Bus Interchange

    Potential futuredevelopment option• The new Manukau bus interchange

    represents a great opportunity for anadjacent mixed residential and commercialdevelopment that makes the most of theproximity to major public transport routes

    • Added convenience and amenity of beingclose to public transport will make it easyfor people to live and work

    • Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) isworking with Auckland Transport on initialplanning relating to the development

    around the new Manukau bus interchange• Panuku will work with a private sector

    partner to deliver the mixed usedevelopment

    • There are two areas available forcommercial and residential use measuringapproximately 6000sqm and 1100sqm

    that have the potential to deliver around50,000sqm of mixed use space that couldpotentially include at least 200 apartments

    • Panuku is working closely with AucklandTransport to ensure all elements ofdevelopment, such as pedestrian andtrafc ows, storm water run-off are wellintegrated with the bus interchange.

    Council Civicbuilding

    Future commercialdevelopment

    Future commercialdevelopment

    Bus interchange building

    Putney Way

    Osterley Way

    Davies Avenue

    Davies Avenue

    Manukau Instituteof Technology andManukau train station

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    Manukau Bus Interchange

    October –

    November 2015

    February –April 2016

    December 2015

    August 2016

    November 2015

    to January 2016

    October 2016

    February 2016

    August 2017

    Public engagementperiod

    Enabling Works

    Feedback analysisand report

    Main constructioncommences

    Developed design

    South AucklandNew Networkimplemented,temporaryinterchange bus

    stops on PutneyWay and Davies Ave

    Update ondeveloped designand enabling works

    Completionand opening

    Indicative timeline

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  • 8/20/2019 Manukau Bus Station Project Information Boards Low Res Oct 15


    M an uk a uB

    u s I n t er c h an g


    P u t n e yW

    a y

    B u s o p er a t i n g

    ar e a

    C o n v en ien c e

    k io s k

    C on v eni e nc e k io sk

    K i o s k

    K i o s k

    T i c k e t s

    T oi l e t s

    T o ile t s

    To ile ts

    T o t r ai n

    s t a t i on

    Davies Avenue C an o p yf or

    p e d e s t r i an s

    C onv eni en c ek i o s k

    R e gi on al b u s w

    ai t i n g ar e a

    S t r u c t ur e

    • C an o p y ov er D

    avi e s Av en u e

    p e d e s t r i an cr o s s i n gwi l l

    pr ovi d e c on t i n u o u s pr o t e c t i onf or p e d e

    s t r i an s c onn e c t i n g

    t h eM

    an uk a u t r ai n s t a t i on an d t h e b u s i n

    t er ch an g e

    • D

    avi e s Av en u e

    p e d e s t r i an cr o s s i n gm

    a y b er e al i gn e d

    t o

    pr ovi d e e a s y p e d e s t r i an a c c e s s t o t h e b u s i n t er ch an g e

    f r omM

    an uk a u

    t r ai n s t a t i on

    • B u s i n t er ch an g e

    b ui l d i n gwi l l pr ovi d e

    s h el t er f or

    p e d e s t r i an s w

    al k i n g al on gP u t n e yW

    a y ( s o u t h er n

    s i d e ) .

    L a y o u t of f a ci l i t i e s i ni n t er ch an g e

    b ui l d i n g .

    L a y o u t of f a ci l i t i e s i ni n t er ch an g e

    b ui l d i n g .

    P r o p o s e d t em p or ar y b u s

    s t o p s ( wh i l ei n t er ch an g e

    i s un d er c on s t r u c t i on ) .




    T R AI N

    S T AT I O


  • 8/20/2019 Manukau Bus Station Project Information Boards Low Res Oct 15


    M an uk a uB

    u s I n t er c h an g


    D e s i gnf e a t

    ur e s of i n t er c h an g e

    b ui l d i n g

    • S aw- t o o t h l a y o u

    t s i mi l ar t o

    t h eH

    ami l t onT r an s p or t C

    en t r e an d H

    am b ur g C en t r al B u s S t a t i oni n

    G er m an y

    • R o of pl an e s r unni n gi n

    an or t h - s o u t h

    d i r e c t i on , d e s i gn e d t o pr ovi d em

    axi m um am o un t of n a t ur al l i gh t

    • P r om

    o t i n gi n t ui

    t i v e or i en t a t i on an d w

    a y- n d i n g

    • D

    e s i gn e d t o enh an c e

    t h e s en s e of s p a c e

    • I n cl u s i on

    of l o c al c ul t ur al an d h i s t or i c al r

    ef er en c e s

    • I n t er ch an g e

    a c c e s s wi l l b evi aP u t n e yW

    a y t o pr ovi d e e a s e of a c c e s s t oM

    an uk a u t r ai n s t a t i on

    • S t or mw

    a t er r un of f f r om t h e b u s b a y s an d b u s m

    an o e uvr i n g ar e awi l l b e

    t r e a t e d t h r o u gh r ai n- g ar d en s

    l o c a t e d wi t h i n

    t h e b u s i n t er ch an g e

    ar e a , pr i or t o d i s ch ar g e t o t h ew e t l an d s i nH

    a ym anP ar k .

    M an uk a u S t a t i onR o a d

    P u t n e yW

    a y

    O s t er l e yW

    a y

    D avi e s Av e

    M an uk a u S t a t i on

    R o a d

    O s t er l e yW

    a y

    D avi e s Av e

    P u t n e y W a y