Download - Managementul activelor software

  • Agenda

    What is SAM?

    Benefits of SAM

    New types of SAM engagements


    Software Asset Management

    Mihaela MIHAIEPG SAM Manager


  • What Is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

    SAM is a global industry standard

    ISO/IEC 19770-1

    Endorsed by Microsoft and many others

    ITIL best practice guide on SAM

    All of the infrastructure and processes necessary for the effective management, control, and protection of the software assets within an organization, throughout all stages of their lifecycle.

    SAM is an integral part of the control framework for any well-run organization

    Following SAM best practices results in better information for decision making and a higher degree of operational excellence; ultimately driving long-term business value.

  • SAM Can Help Companies

    Control Optimize Grow

    Regain control of


    Reduce technology conflicts and increase stability

    Manage legal liability

    Help protect and secure IT infrastructure

    Improve back-up and recovery plans

    Save money

    Consolidate license purchase points

    Improve negotiating position

    Improve system, user, and help desk performance

    Optimize efficiencies

    Increase standardization

    Better market


    Better budget predictability

    IT best practices that drive business value

    Insight into company assets

  • SAM Program Value Adds

  • Engagement

    ApproachFocus on enabling long term capability and best practice adoption

    Promote and deliver resources, tools, knowledge, and training

    Work through partners to deliver better business intelligence and analytics

  • SAM Baseline Review

    Inventory deployed software Match installations with licenses a detailed report on your current state


  • SAM Baseline Review

    Collect information and review

    policies and proceduresIdentify improvement opportunities

  • How well are software

    assets managed today?

    Where do




    What adjustments

    need to be made.

    The Path Forward

  • Cloud-ready Engagement

    Todays technology trends are sparking opportunity

    70% of CIOs will embrace a cloud-first strategy in 2016.

    Moving data and business processes to the cloud offers several advantages over a traditional enterprise IT environment. Transform your datacenter while reducing cost, complexity, and non-compliance risks.

    A cloud strategy should address cost reduction, increased agility, and improved scalability

    A Cloud-ready SAM engagement is a crucial

    first readiness step.Understanding the current environment and future roadmap is critical to

    determining the right path. You first need to know what software you already

    have rights to, starting with a comprehensive application inventory.

    Based upon this, you can:

    Develop your adoption strategy

    Identify required characteristics of remaining applications

    Prioritize and identify candidates for the cloud

    Adopting SAM principles eases the application inventory process, identifying license and usage patterns.

  • SAM supports cloud readiness

    Process discipline helps reduce corporate riskEase of purchasing and deploying cloud services can lead organizations to unanticipated results:

    SAM best practices can facilitate cloud adoption by providing the systems, processes, and management structure so organizations can make the right strategic decisions to achieve their long-term cloud goals.

    Over-provisioning can occur when users receive services they dont want or need.

    Under-licensing can occur when services are added or consumed but not accounted for in a centralized way.

    A mix of on-premises and cloud solutions can cause confusion; not all on-premises solutions have cloud options available.

  • Best practices for cloud readiness

    Fully define your goals. Organize around long-term organizational


    Build internal alignment. Management, IT, Procurement, and other stakeholders all play a part in creating an environment for success.

    Avoid surprises. Increase awareness of all impacts of cloud adoption, including changes to licensing and budgeting.

    Take control. Ensure needed processes are in place internally.

  • SAM for SQL Workloads Engagement

    The datacenter is the hub of everything you offer your business.

    With software asset management, or SAM, you can gain the insights into your SQL environment you need to:

    Align SQL Workloads to better meet future needs.

    Transform your datacenter while reducing cost, complexity, and non-compliance risks.

    Modern SQL environments can be very complex.

    A SQL Workloads engagement can help an organization:

    Identify underutilized SQL Servers.

    Optimize workloads to avoid unnecessary costs.

    Gain clarity about their IT environment.

    Align IT, procurement, management, and other activities around organizational goals.

    Create the necessary processes for improved governance.

    Reduce risks associated with non-compliance.

    Develop a solid foundation for future evolution of the IT environment, based upon a clear understanding of the existing infrastructure.

  • Use SAM to

    help optimize SQL Workloads

    Adopt best practices to optimize SQL workloads:

    Limit the number of CPUs and cores for increased cost


    Consolidate workload instances and databases

    onto fewer servers to reduce licensing costs.

    Isolate production vs. development environments.

    Consider moving to dedicated Host Clusters

    licensed via Enterprise for unlimited virtualization.

    Strengthen policies, increase standardization

    and gain insight into company assets while

    improving internal licensing communication.

    Establish a solid foundation for achieving future

    organizational objectives based upon a clear

    understanding of your SQL environment.

  • Virtualization SAM Engagement

    A Virtualization SAM Engagement provides customers with a strategic virtualization

    strategy by assessing existing virtual environments and identifying opportunities to

    optimize virtualization.

    Customers are looking to invest in server, desktop, or application virtualization to: Reduce costs

    Improve business continuity

    Increase business agility

    The simplicity of adding and accessing virtual servers and desktops can lead

    organizations to unanticipated results: Over-provisioning can lead to under-utilized virtual machines and significant license responsibility.

    User device connectivity to virtual machines and applications can create additional license complexities.

    Licensing of virtual environments can be more complex than physical environments.

    Benefits of a Virtualization SAM Engagement Increase the business value virtualization can provide based on an

    analysis of your current virtual environment.

    Helps you to strategically plan for virtualization implementation.

    Provide increased security through further server consolidation.

    Maintain control of existing virtualization environments.

    Implement policies around virtualization management.

  • Virtualization SAM Engagement

    ROI Analysis: Consider how virtualization can impact your bottom line.


    ExpenseSpeed of













  • Recommended

    policies and

    procedures for virtualization

    Configuration planning

    should be completed prior to

    deploying virtual servers to

    support controlled


    Company policy should

    address the use of bring your

    own devices (BYOD) and

    remote access.

    Corporate log in credentials

    should be employed to

    access the virtual desktop or


    A SAM manager or auditor

    should be assigned to

    oversee the configuration

    planning process.

    The IT department should

    maintain an inventory of all

    VMs regardless of if they are

    active or archived.

    Establish a solid foundation

    for achieving future

    organizational objectives

    based upon a clear

    understanding of your Virtual


  • Non-production Environments SAM Engagement

    Modern non-production environments: characterized by change.

    It can be difficult for an organization to:

    Understand how non-production systems are deployed, developed and tested upon, decommissioned, and rebuilt

    Get a clear picture of the organizations software footprint

    Understand the licensing subscriptions available

    Understand who needs to be licensed

    Benefits of a Non-production Environments

    SAM Engagement: Gain a better understanding of how developer tool licensing works

    Receive value from your licensing investments

    Reduce costs through operational efficiencies

    Incorporate standardization across management of company assets

    Improve internal licensing communication

    Establish a solid foundation for achieving future organizational objectives

  • Non-production environments SAM engagement

    Report on

    key findings



    We will review with you:Non-production vs. production: Discuss differentiators between non-production and production environments and updates to product use rights (PUR).

    Common licensing mistakes: Review common over-licensing and under-licensing mistakes.

    Licensing options: Walk through challenges of managing licensing and licensing options available.

    Best Practices: Review best practices for navigating the non-production environments, managing software licensing subscriptions and consolidation of non-

    production environments.

    Policies and Guidelines: Based on our findings we will have a good understanding of how we can help your organization create policies for managing

    your non-production environments going forward.

  • Under-licensing mistakes that are commonly made

    Buy Cheap, Use Expensive

    Buy Few, Use Many

    Expired MSDN

    Unlicensed Outsourcing

    MPN Benefit Misuse

    Incorrectly LicensedNon-production

    Customer uses more products than they purchased and fails to order/True Up

    Customer without active MSDN subscription uses latest version of product

    Customer uses outsourced development workforce internally and neither party pays to license those users

    MPN partner uses MPN licensing to provide software development services and/or exceeds MPN benefit entitlement cap

    Customer uses MSDN software on Development/Test servers without licensing all users reaching those environments

    Customer uses higher product edition(s) than they purchased and fails to order/True Up

  • Over-licensing mistakes that are commonly made

    Buy Expensive, Use Cheap

    Buy Many, Use Few

    Wasted MSDN

    Overlicensed Outsourcing

    Wasted MPN Benefit


    Customer purchases Premium and/or Ultimate editions but Administrator fails to assign and users cannot access

    Customer uses fewer products than they purchased and fails to deploy or renew down, renews unused software

    Customer with an active MSDN subscription does not take advantage of new version, Office production* and Azure use rights

    Customer uses outsourced development workforce internally and both parties pay to license those users due to miscommunication

    MPN partner qualifies for MSDN benefits but does not take advantage of them

    Customer purchases or renews more MSDN subscriptions than are needed in order to license all users reaching those environments

  • Cybersecurity SAM Engagement

    You cant protect what you dont know.A Cybersecurity SAM Engagement provides a view of what software is deployed to identify areas of potential

    risk and high-level guidance on cybersecurity programs and policies to help enable good IT software asset


    Benefits of a Cybersecurity SAM EngagementEstablish a solid foundation for securely managing software assets that promotes

    good cybersecurity preventative practices in a holistic, integrated way.

    Become better prepared in order to build a resilient, adaptive IT infrastructure that

    can respond to threats.

    Support an effective defense against attacks through added policies

    and controls.

    Decrease costs from data loss, fraud from theft, loss in revenue, labor, support,

    employee downtime, cost to locate and reinstall lost data, customer support, and

    negative impact to reputation.

  • Frequently install security updates for all software. This is the simplest, and perhaps most effective, way to protect an organization

    Keep anti-virus software active and up-to-date. Run frequent security scans.

    Whenever possible, use the newest versions of applications. They typically have much stronger security features.

    Manage Active Directory roles and access. Validate the configuration management of applications to ensure there are no security gaps.

    Monitor what software and devices employees bring into the workplace and the network environment. A successful BYOD program needs to take into account data security risks.

    Carefully manage the supply chain. Understand threats that can be introduced in procurement, configuration, exception management, and disposal.

    Deployment Considerations for a Secure IT environment

  • Pirated software puts computers and data at risk.

    Only devices with genuine Microsoft software get important software updates needed to operate reliably and protect from malware often found in counterfeit software.

    Tips for safer shopping

    Make sure you are getting what you paid for. Buy from a reseller you trust.

    Use a secure payment method.

    Beware of Product Keys sold separately.

    The best way to get everything you expect up front is to buy genuine Microsoft software preinstalled on a new PC or from an authorized reseller.

    Genuine Software

  • Managing vulnerabilities

    through proper patch


    Topics covered by SAM Policies and Processes

    Example policy: Laptops, workstations, and servers

    must be configured so that they will not auto-run

    content from removable media, like USB tokens (i.e.,

    "thumb drives"), USB hard drives, CDs/DVDs, FireWire

    devices, external serial advanced technology

    attachment devices, and mounted network shares.

    Aligning Active Directory

    to the current threat


    Creating and managing

    an authorized software

    media library

    Establishing protocols to

    secure devices

    Instituting proper

    permission management

    Training Employees,

    vendors, and others

    accessing organizational


    Addressing change


  • Mobile Device Management SAM Engagement

    Use a Mobile Device Management SAM Engagement to:

    Leverage mobility to increase your competitive advantage

    Increase productivity and security while controlling costs

    Be informed: know who is using what and how

    Tailor your mobility strategy to securely meet your organizational needs

    Align licensing to actual usage

    Become empowered to make the right decisions for the organization with an accurate picture of mobile device use.

    Mobility is the new normal.

    Change is being driven by the proliferation of consumer devices, the flexibility provided by the cloud, an

    explosion of data, and a natural shift as people adapt to an always-connected world.

    While there are many benefits, there are also concerns for both user-supplied and company-owned

    mobile devices. Top concerns are security and licensing optimization.

  • Deployment Considerations

    Selecting the right management platform now includes looking at how well it matches your mobile device management needs and objectives for the organization.

  • Licensing Considerations

    User Device Location

    Is the user covered by the

    Microsoft Core Client Access

    License (CAL) Suite or the

    Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite

    on a per-user basis?

    Is the user the single primary

    user* of the device?

    Can the organization easily

    identify the primary user of the


    Is the device covered by the Core

    CAL Suite or Enterprise CAL Suite

    on a per-device basis?

    Is the device running a qualified

    Microsoft operating system?

    Is the device a qualified device or a qualified third-party device?

    Is the device accessing a virtual

    desktop infrastructure (VDI)?

    Is the device owned by the

    employee or the organization?

    Will the user access the software

    on the corporate premises (on-


    Will the user access the software

    remotely from outside of the corporate premises (off-site)?

  • Topics covered by SAM Policies and Processes

    How much control do

    you want to maintain

    over user-owned


    Example policy: The IT department reserves the

    right to approve accessibility or refuse

    connectivity for any personal devices that do not

    meet security and software requirements as

    defined by corporate policy.

    What constitutes

    acceptable use of

    corporate IT resources

    on user-owned mobile


    How are devices


    What data and apps can users access?

    What are the minimum security controls that are


    Can you identify the

    employees, vendors, and

    others accessing



    How effective is your security awareness


  • Benefits of a strong SAM process

    PCs / Users

    Servers / CALs Devices

    A strong SAM process helps control all

    licensing across the hardware life cycle

    Complex IT environments and licensing

    options drive risk of license mismanagement

    Take Inventory: Find out what you already have.

    Get Organized: organize all your software licenses and documentation.

    Create Policies & Procedures: Establish standards and guidelines for all phases of the hardware and software lifecycles

    Maintain your SAM Plan: Keep your plan current through regular spot checks, inventories, and employee training.

  • Next Steps and Q&A

  • Software Asset Management.Implementare si recomandari ulterioare

  • Planul de proiect

  • Operating System Name and Version Installation count Percentage

    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 2 1%

    Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise 16 5%

    Microsoft Windows XP Professional 133 39%

    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 42 12%

    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Edition 2 1%

    Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 114 33%

    Microsoft Windows Vista Business 32 9%

    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional 2 1%

    Total 343 100%

    2 216 0



    42 42

    2 2

    114 114

    32 322 21









    Installation count Invoices

    Instalari Windows vs achizitii

    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Microsoft Windows XP Professional

    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Microsoft Windows 7 Home Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

    Microsoft Windows Vista Business Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional

  • Recommended Hardware Upgrade To Minimum

    Increase System RAM 114

    Increase Hard Disk Free Space 24

    Upgrade Graphics Card 33



    Client computer readiness for Windows 8

    Ready for Windows 8

    Not Ready for Windows 8

    Insufficient Data

  • Solutii de securitate






    Instalari solutii de securitate

    System Center Endpoint Protection

    Kaspersky Enpoint Security

    Microsoft Security Essentials

    AVG Antivirus

    Avast Antivirus

  • Realizarea unei baze de date cu toate informatiile descoperite in cadrul procesului de SAM si actualizarea datelor din acest centralizator ori de cate ori sunt realizate modificari

  • Responsabilizare utilizatori

  • Implementarea unui sistem unitar de codificare a tuturor PC-urilor in retea, de exemplu: Locatie-Departament Initiala Prenume&Nume

    Implementare Microsoft Active Directory pentru toate PC-urile si inlocuirea licentelor de tip Home cu versiuni Professional pentru integrarea tuturor statiilor in Microsoft Active Directory

    - Management centralizat al politicilor de securitate implementate;

    - Reducerea costurilor de exploatare prin folosirea noilor facilitati de administrare si de optimizare a traficului de


    - Automatizarea setarilor de securitate;

    - Securizarea implicita a noilor servere ce vor fi integrate in infrastructura informatica;

    - Administrarea utilizatorilor si resurselor se face de la o singura consola;

    - Controlul strict si monitorizarea accesului la resurse;

    - Definirea unor politici globale pentru utilizatori si pentru statiile de lucru;

    - Restrictionarea utilizatorilor;

    - Single sign-on pentru utilizatori;

    - Prevenirea modificarilor configuratiei desktop de catre utilizatori.

    Active Directory

  • - Management centralizat al politicilor de securitate implementate;

    - Distribuirea aplicatiilor si sistemelor de operare;

    - Software Update Management. WSUS integrat;

    - Inventar software si hardware cu istoric;

    - Evidenta frecventei folosirii aplicatiilor;

    - Raportare detaliata;

    - Upgrade usor pentru sistemele existente si instalarea de la zero pentru noile sisteme;

    - Suport pentru diferite tipuri de client (desktop, notebook, server, mobile);

    - Descoperirea sistemelor vulnerabile si non-compliante cu politicile organizatiei.

    Implementarea unei solutii pentru managementul unitar al statiilor de

    lucru in retea System Center Configuration Manager

  • Poate fi instalat pe 5 device-uri ale aceluiasi utilizator;

    Drept de downgrade inclus pana la orice versiune;

    O singura cheie si un singur kit pentru toate licentele achizitionate;

    Licenta poate fi transferata catre noi utilizatori;

    Dovezi licentiere: contract, confirmare comanda si factura de achizitie.

  • Windows Server Standard 2012 permite instalarea a 2

    licente Windows Server in

    mediul virtual

    2 licente Windows Server 2012 achizitionate 4 licentein mediul virtual.

    Cheie de activare unica;

    Nu exista COA;

    Contract nominal;

    Costuri apropiate de celeOEM.

    Licentierea SQL per core vapermite accesul la server a unui numar nelimitat de utilizatori, fara a mai fi necesara achizitionarea Client Access License pentru fiecareuser/ device

    Migrarea aplicatiei in Azure

  • Pasii urmatori

    - Actualizare portal Software Asset Management si incarcarea documentatieiaferente. Definirea unui responsabil din partea companiei pentru update regulat;

    - Solutii licentiere pentru produsele instalate fara dovezile de achizitie;

    - Suport implementare procese agreate.