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Machon Ma’ayanU P D A T E

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A Message From Rav K









FOR THE LAST seven weeks we have been counting. Painstakingly, carefully, focused on our goal, we have been counting one day at a time towards our finish-line: The holiday of Shavuot, the celebration of the giving of the Torah.

Somewhat strangely, the Torah teaches us the festival of Shavuot is celebrated upon the completion of our counting process. This counting of seven weeks, we are told, begins on the second night of Pesach, or as the Torah refers to it somewhat unusually, “mimacharat haShabbat”, on the day after the first day of Pesach.

This description is quite mysterious. First, Shavuot is the only festival in the Torah that does not have a specific date marking it. Instead, we can only “find” the holiday of Shavuot by counting our seven weeks after the bringing of the omer, the offering brought from the barley harvest,

the first crop to ripen in the spring.

Second, the Torah nowhere defines the holiday of Shavuot as the celebration of the giving of the Torah. The discussion of Shavuot only makes mention of the harvest and of bikkurim,

the offering of the first fruits. The central focus of Shavuot as we know it is completely concealed. Why does the Torah not explicitly associate the holiday of Shavuot with the giving of the Torah?

Many answers have been given to these questions, but I wanted to share a few thoughts that are perhaps most pertinent to us.

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch reminds us that

Shavuot is the celebration of both the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. Both were given on Sinai, and it takes both parts to create and form the Torah which illuminates and governs our lives. Therefore, he suggests, that every aspect

of the celebration of the Torah – from the date on which we begin to count, to the date of the holiday itself, and finally to the purpose of

the celebration – remain hidden in the Written text and are only recorded in the Oral text. Only those who embrace the Oral Torah, he suggests, can truly take part in the celebration of the complete Torah itself.

This idea of the linkage of the Written and Oral Torahs, the concept that the celebration of the giving of the Torah is something passed along in our Oral tradition and ultimately recorded by Chazal can help us understand some additional thoughts.

The Maharal, for example, suggests that an explicit association of Shavuot with the giving of the Torah would constitute a commandment to rejoice about our having received the Torah. After all, our holidays are days on which we are obligated to celebrate and be happy. Certainly the salvation from slavery commemorated by Pesach and the God-given protection of Sukkot in the desert, are to every person obvious



THEN & NOW Sierra Bahar

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PARALLEL LIVES Jordana Lebowitz




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1shavuot 2014

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“GRADE SCHOOL PREPARES you for middle school, which prepares you for high school, which prepares you for college. Seminary prepares you for the rest of your life.” This is what I told my parents when I convinced them to let me come to Machon Ma’ayan. I’m not sure if I even believed it though; having never had a Jewish education, I didn’t know what to expect. I did know that all my NCSY friends were going to Israel. I knew that if I were to go directly to a public university from high school that I would be lacking any inspiration. And I was told that coming to Machon Ma’ayan would help me grow as a person. Now that my year is drawing to a conclusion, I’m taking some time out to reflect on my experiences and see

if I have, in fact, “grown.” (Besides the obvious growth that takes place when you’re eating falafel twice a week)

The beginning of the year was very difficult for me. I had no family in Israel, I had never learned any Hebrew, and I wasn’t friends with anyone in my seminary before coming here. My Torah knowledge didn’t span far past The Prince of Egypt, so it was expected that I’d spend my year trying to catch up to 18 years of a Jewish education. I was always a relatively good student, but now I was in this humbling position where I needed a lot of help.

Meanwhile, I was terrified because I was told we were going to travel all across Israel having a tiyul once a week. Hello, people! Was I the only one who watched the news and knew that all of Israel was a war-trodden desert?

Reflections: Souless Soles Riki Engel, HAFTR High School

Reflections Julia Zeldovich, Wauconda, IL, Wauconda High School

Thousands of shoes of all sizeslocked away behind wiresgoing deeper and deeperinto darkness until they can’t be seen any longerAll black covered in dirt from the ground

Each shoe represents a person.A Jew.A soul.Potential to be, to change the world, to walk and exploreTo conquer.STOLENTaken away.

What’s a person who walks the earth

without a pair of shoes to protect him from the dirt?Vulnerable.Worthless.Poor.

Every single shoe was a part of a journey of a Jewish life.Step by step, day by day.The only difference is the shoe got to survive the torture,Got to be left alone, unbeaten, unrecognizedBut the feet it protectedThe Jew who owned them were left ownerless,Dead.Gone forever.

The shoes are now orphans,A pity case for our eyes to lay on,Wondering what kind of a person they could have belonged to.No longer able to leave footprints in this world.










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Israel Advocacy Rebecca Ruben, Portsmouth, NH, Berwick Academy

HAVING PRIDE IN one’s identity as a Jew, and the importance of developing a connection to our beautiful homeland were two of the most important values my parents instilled in my sister and me from an early age. Although I always had this passion for Israel, it was not until I came to study at Machon Ma’ayan, and had such incredibly unique experiences, that my perspective towards Israel has changed. Sure, I have experienced the typical touristy parts of Israel. However this year I have seen a new side of Israel, having had the opportunity to immerse myself in the culture. With experiences ranging from having a random bus driver wish me a “chag sameach” to unfortunately experiencing the terror accompanied with hearing a “tzeva adom” siren, my appreciation for my homeland has grown.

For eight years of my life, I had the privilege to attend a private, college preparatory school in rural Maine. Although I had many wonderful experiences at this school, the two biggest downsides were that there were very few Jewish students, and that the majority of the student body’s opinion of Israel was formed from what they had seen on the news. I remember so many different occasions where I would be caught in the middle of a political debate, and would be so

frustrated when my opinion would be completely disregarded, although I had tried with all my might to explain why I had such a passionate love for my people’s homeland. So many students at the school had a set view of Israel, and there was absolutely nothing I could say

to sway their opinions. Yet at the same time, I had not yet learned the best way to approach “making the case for Israel.” Everything I would try to share with them in a conversation was based on emotions, and they viewed me as trying to defend a country solely because my family lived there. No matter how hard I tried, I lacked supporting facts for my opinion, so who would take me seriously.

However, last week, I had the zechut to make the case for Israel over Skype to a senior English class at my old high school. When I was first asked to speak, I was incredibly nervous, given my high school experience. I remembered hearing that this particular course on the Middle East, focusing on the Palestinian and Israeli conflict through literature, was known for its incredibly pro-Palestinian bias. Nevertheless, after two long conversations with incredible faculty members on the Machon

Ma’ayan staff, I made the decision to at least attempt to make the case for Israel. I realized

the most important tool I received from my year at Machon Ma’ayan was my newfound confidence in my abilities to share my passionate love of Israel. Since I knew ahead of time that the class itself

had such a noticeable bias, I knew there was a chance the conversation could have gone many ways. The day before I Skyped in, I thankfully received an email with a list of questions I should be prepared to answer, ranging from:

“What’s your favorite food to eat in Israel?”

“Would you ever volunteer in the IDF?”

“Do your peers express sympathy for the Palestinians or their position?”

“Do you think there will ever be peace?”

Over the course of the thirty-five minute conversation, we discussed everything from how my favorite falafel stand is on King George Street, to the recent coalition agreement made between Fatah and Hamas. Although I feared that nothing I said would sway their opinions, I used every possible moment to share my emotional connection to Israel as well as many facts demonstrating the profound impact Israel has made on the world.

It was clear to me that through life changing seminars on Israel advocacy, as well as the opportunity to listen to some of the most inspirational speakers, Machon Ma’ayan does an incredible job bringing the history and beauty of this land to life. All of the experiences I have had at Machon Ma’ayan have not only deepened my appreciation and understanding of the uniqueness of our homeland, but have truly changed my definition of what it means to be a proud Bat Yisrael. Without the incredible knowledge I gained studying this year, I would not be able to successfully make the case for Israel. I am so blessed and grateful for all the amazing opportunities I have had at Machon Ma’ayan. Although it will be bittersweet to say goodbye to the incredible friends, faculty, and Rabbeim that I have grown from, I am much more prepared to share my deep love as a proud, confident advocate for Israel in University next fall.













grounds for joy, yet receiving the Torah might not appear to the casual observer as a reason to rejoice. Rav Amital zt”l continues that it was therefore left to the Jewish people, as a community and

as individuals, to reach this conclusion on our own: To appreciate and celebrate the privilege of Matan Torah. Simply put, such happiness cannot be legislated, it must originate with us.

Chazal therefore recognized and marked Shavuot as “zman Matan Torateinu” and thus the nation of Israel communally realized the joy of Torah.

However, it still remains for each of us to reach this goal individually. And indeed, it is often said that there is a bit of Shavuot in Yom Kippur, because the second tablets were given on Yom Kippur. Now, we can say the reverse as well; that there is a bit of Yom Kippur in Shavuot, being that a cheshbon ha-nefesh



3shavuot 2014

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I did not understand why I needed to spend so much time traveling or volunteering when I could do some “real” learning, the type that could only happen in a classroom. After about a week of classes, my little bubble was popped.

I think the Machon Ma’ayan catchphrase should be: Don’t just learn Torah, live it. Because that’s what we do here. We stood on the ground where David slew Goliath, we saw what the third Beis Hamikdash would look like next to the new light rail that borders the Old City, and we climbed so many mountains, just like B’nei Yisrael did when they took ownership of our land. They teach us about the History, Geography, and culture of Israel, and we’re taught how it all is relevant to Torah. The most important lesson I learned from the tiyulim is that an essential part of being Jewish is having a connection to Eretz Yisrael.

Being Torah observant is more than just learning some stories, it’s shaping your character and determining your values, then choosing to live by that code of ethics. Twice a week we get the

opportunity to do chesed wherever we so desire. I go to a nursing home and I help with a family on campus who lives in a caravan. This was so out of my comfort zone. Nobody in the nursing home spoke English; I had to make flashcards with transliterated Hebrew every week and discovered new forms of communication that we could share like singing Shabbos zemiros. Masudi, who I visit in the nursing home, has taught me what it is to be a selfless friend. As for the family on campus, I was put to dish duty and folding laundry. In such a small home a family of six can acquire

a lot of laundry and a lot of dishes. I never took on the responsibility of doing such chores in my home and never realized what a strain it has to be on my mother. The mother of the family, Liraz, has become like my older sister. While learning how to fold tights the right way we schmoozed about so much more. Between her explaining different ways to wrap my hair, to discussing Israeli politics, to arguing about what Rambam says about Women, I have learned so much in her home.

I can’t believe all the knowledge I’ve amassed in the classroom, too. I actually enjoy coming to class because when I get there my teachers are happy to see me and they’re happy to be there. My lessons are exciting, and

my teachers are hilarious. They’ve renewed my love of learning Chumash and Halacha. They are truly the

holiest people and I would be blessed to

TWO YEARS AGO. I was finishing junior year, and despite academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and lots of friends, I was unhappy. I was beginning to notice a lack of meaning and purpose in my life. And when I took a deeper look, everything appeared to be blurred by superficiality and my own self-centeredness, along with an excessive concern for other people’s opinions. Something was missing. There had to be more.

I began to look around. And with the help of NCSY, an amazing summer program called TJJ, and some encounters with some really incredible people, I was introduced to something I had never really known about: Torah. It had some of the answers I was looking for and I wanted to know more.

And then someone told me about this thing called seminary. A magical place in Israel where girls spend an entire year before college, growing through Torah and the land of our people. A year to figure out your life. It sounded incredible. An entire year of yarchei kallah, TJJ, and even more amazing advisors and rabbis.

I could just imagine all that I could accomplish, all the non-stop inspiration, all the growth that would just be handed to me. I could accomplish all my goals, learn all that I want to learn, and grow to become the person I wanted to be.

I arrived. I was overwhelmed by the change of environment, foreign people, and cafeteria food. But putting all that aside, I just wanted to start. I was ready to be inspired. And it was amazing. Every class I took had a new idea I never thought about, every shabbos was a high like never before, every conversation with rabbis, teachers, and friends was filled with passion of Torah and growth! Did I change yet? Am I ready to take this mitzvah on? Am I instantly a better person?!

But somehow, as routine became established, subtly my motivation became weaker. Sometimes, classes made me have to think really hard. What did it really mean, and how can I incorporate all these new ideas into my everyday life? I was getting exhausted. Sometimes none of the learning I was doing made any sense, and I didn’t

understand how to fit it into my life. Some days I would have preferred to lie in bed. Why did all this personal and spiritual growth take so much work? Why did I have so many ups and downs as opposed to the constant high I thought I would always have? It was clear that it is humanly impossible to maintain the freshness and excitement of a new experience. And boy was this disappointing.

What is the meaning of this? How do we function and achieve if we do not have constant inspiration? Why does inspiration seem to last so fleetingly, leaving hard work in its wake?

Perhaps the answer is in the question itself. We go to class, we hear an inspiring idea and we’re amazed. But it can’t end there. That isn’t going to generate lasting growth. We can’t acquire anything without work. Instead, on the mornings when we don’t want to get out of bed, we push and get out anyway. When we think we’re facing a challenge that is beyond us, we push harder and persevere. That is the work that Hashem expects of us. And then He

Then & Now Sierra Bahar, WL Mackenzie HS, Toronto Canada








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rewards us spiritually.

Indeed, in Parashat Behar, Hashem lists the rules and regulations of how shmita works, and poses the Jewish people with the challenge of keeping Shmittah. Next year, will be a shmittah year in Israel, and we must rise to challenge of safeguarding the mitzvah. Israel will be going through a struggle that it has not seen in seven years. We too, the students of Machon Maayan, will be faced with a new challenge as we leave the seminary environment.

We have been given a seed of Torah and chessed this year and we were able to plant and water it, however it is only just a bud. It has not fully blossomed into the tree that it will become. Our challenge is to take this bud with us wherever we go next year and continue to nourish it with the values and lessons we have learned here in Israel. It won’t be easy, and it definitely won’t be given to us on a silver platter, but as we continue to nurture this bud, overtime it will blossom

into a beautiful tree. This tree grows by the water that is our connection with Hashem, our love and passion for the land of Israel, our belief in the unity of the Jewish people and our ability to continue learning and be an inspiration to others.

It will be our responsibility to remember that change and growth cannot be artificially placed in our hands. In order to become the people we want to be, I have now discovered

that we have to work at it in order to earn it.

And it is my greatest hope that we learn to enjoy that work and effort, and continue to enjoy it long after our year at seminary.

Looking back, I consider the magical place I expected to find when I began my journey. I was wrong. This isn’t a magical place with instantaneous

success, immediate achievement of goals, and solutions to all the challenges of life. Instead, it has been the beginning of a journey of effort and growth that will continuously build our character and our relationship with Torah and mitzvot. And truth to be told, that’s more magical than anything I could have ever asked for.




have even half of their enthusiasm and Torah wisdom. Above that, their generosity is unprecedented. Every teacher puts in extra hours with us, and they’re always inviting all of the girls into their homes for Shabbos and the Chagim.

Over time, in my classes, I stopped trying to catch up to everyone around me. I started to learn because I wanted to, and I stopped being too proud to ask questions. I didn’t know what stood for, but one of my new תנ’’ךfriends would sit down and read it with me. No one ever made me feel inferior for not knowing the “basics,” and I picked them up quickly. At some point, for some strange reason, people started coming to me when they had questions on this stuff. And even stranger, I could explain it to them! I realized whether or not I had a similar upbringing, here in Machon Ma’ayan it’s an even playing field. I’ve never encountered a more diverse school; we have Beis Yaakov girls and public school girls, girls from New York and girls from Alabama and Colombia

and Germany, Ashkenazis and Sephardis. Everyone came here for the same reason I did; to grow.

Now that I’m looking back I see the massive amounts of growth. I don’t mean that in a cookie cutter sense. We came here a diverse group, and we are going to leave here as individuals. We’ve grown in Torah knowledge and understanding. Our love of Eretz Yisrael has influenced our love of Am Yisrael. Through chesed we’ve become more compassionate. Through our classes we’ve become more confident. Through our chavrusas we’ve become more open-minded. Through the friends we’ve made this year we’ve become a family and Machon Ma’ayan has become our home. I’m so thankful that next year, b’ezras Hashem, I’ll have the zchus to come back here for Shana Bet. Others are going straight to college, sheirut leumi (national service), or work. We’re all leaving here as mature young women who are proud to be Jewish and are ready to be the leaders of B’nei Yisrael.

Naomi Stanley, Northwest Yeshiva High School, Ridgefield, WA.

5shavuot 2014

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Parallel Lives Jordana Lebowitz


I, Jordana Lebowitz, 18 years old, hit snooze at 8:00 am in Toronto, Canada and drag myself out of bed. She, 7 hours ahead, does the same.

Straight away I text a friend and smile. So does she.

Parallel lives connect.

I throw on my brand new red shirt. She hates the colour red. The blasts of “Tzevah Adom” (“The Colour Red”) sound through her memory. It has been this way since she was four years old.

I brush my teeth, quickly do my makeup and grab a bite to eat. I wonder what the upcoming day will hold. She wonders if a rocket will fall on the way to school or on the way home. It happens on the way there.

I drop my phone and freeze in fear as I lean down to pick it up. I hope it is not broken. She drops to the ground as she hears the siren. Lying on her stomach

with her hands on her head protecting herself from the shrapnel, she shakes.

Parallel lives diverge.

I sit at my desk waiting for the clock to signal that an hour has passed and class is over. She hides under her desk waiting

for the third siren of the day to subside and the crash to sound.

I worry about being called on to answer a question that I slept through. She worries if her mother was struck just like her grandmother was.

I text my friends about accompanying me to a party this upcoming weekend while she plans for her friends to escort her home so she does not have to walk alone in the dark.

Parallel lives unmerited.

Finally, the school day is over and I walk home entranced in the music blasting in my

ears. She only wears one earphone. Her thoughts are somewhere else.

My friend comes over to watch a movie. Her boyfriend cannot. He is on the front lines. Instead, she watches a man’s body being taken away by an ambulance.

I yearn for excitement while she, for safety.

Parallel lives unchanging.

I snuggle up in bed. Tonight she will sleep in her bomb shelter due to safety warnings from the government.

I doze peacefully while she tosses and turns.

Adi Turgeman, 18 years old in Sderot, Israel, does not turn off her light as she climbs into bed. Tears are running down her cheeks. The television is playing in the background. Anything to distract her from the horrors she has faced today and the unknown of what will be tomorrow. Meanwhile, I sleep without a care in the world.

Two worlds left incomprehensible.

Jordana Lebowitz is a recent high school graduate from Toronto, Canada. While spending her year studying at Machon Ma’ayan she is interning at the Sderot Media Center as a student-journalist advocating for justice, peace and ultimately, change.

Machon Ma’ayan students recently toured Sde Boaz, an Israeli settlement minutes from Jerusalem in the the Judean Hills, established in 2002. They were able to witness the building of a peaceful and agricultural community in Israel from the ground up.

Mara Frei Goldblatt came to share her story with the students of Machon Maayan. In September of 1995, Arab terrorists broke into her home in Maaleh Michmash, stabbed her husband to death, took the life of her unborn child and left her severely injured. Everyone in the room was inspired as Mara candidly discussed the extremely painful journey that she endured and how she has emerged an emotionally healthy, strong woman. She left the students with many powerful messages of how to deal with adversity.








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COMING TO MACHON MA’AYAN I had one goal: Learn Torah. I was excited to learn more about Tanach, Halacha, and more about the Parsha But unbeknownst to me, learning meant a whole lot more than opening a Chumash or any other sefer. Coming from a non religious home and a public school background, this seminary was the place for me. They filled the gaps of Judaism knowledge that I missed growing up.

The atmosphere encouraged questions, and gave answers with depth on any and every issue. But it was much more than that. Upon my arrival at Machon Ma’ayan, if you would have asked me if thought

my year was going to affect me beyond the text of Torah I probably wouldn’t have thought so. But today, as I sit to reflect about what I have gained, it is so clear that the exact opposite is true.

I always had a basic knowledge of the Torah and the holidays, but there was certainly something missing. This year I reinforced my understanding and learned how to use my new-found knowledge and apply it to my life. The

stories, the lessons, and the concepts are more than just information, they are meant to inform all aspects of how we Jews live our lives, and I love it!

Indeed, I found real clarity as to how I

want to live my life as a Jewish woman. It isn’t only about keeping Shabbat, kosher, and the other Halachot, but I have learned that Torah is a real guide to life. It teaches us how to be the best we can possibly be, which is something my year here helped me realize that I truly want.

Beyond that, a major part of my year here has been developing relationships with the faculty and staff. I have been to almost all their homes for Shabbat and I have had the opportunity to discuss issues big and small with them, helping me develop perspective on a variety of issues. They have demonstrated both inside and outside the classroom how to live a Torah observant life in the modern world and guided me on how to be in certain environments and still stay strongly Jewishly committed.

This September I will be making Aliyah! I will spend my first semester as Shana Bet at Machon Maayan, and then continue my journey from there. It is clear that coming to a place seven thousand miles away from home without any family is going to be really hard. But I know that my Machon Maayan family will be there for me and support me in all that I do. With their support, my love of Torah and Judaism is greater than anything I could have imagined!

Reflections Sarah Edelstein, Park Vista HS, Boynton Beach, FL









(soul searching) is necessary on Shavuot to ensure that we genuinely rejoice in receiving the Torah.

Finally, the Midrash, commenting on the verse “In the third month from the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, on this day, they arrived at the wilderness of Sinai” suggests that the Torah is sending an implicit message, telling us that Matan Torah is not a historically bound event. Rather, every day we must feel as the though the Torah has just been given. This is why the Torah stresses “on this day” thereby teaching us that the words of the Torah must constantly be considered new to us.

In other words, we are not meant to view Matan Torah as a one time event. Instead, every generation must feel as though they have just entered into a covenant with G-d and that G-d’s words were just spoken to them. To stress this,

the Torah refrains from giving Shavuot a specific date and leaves the celebration of the anniversary of Matan Torah to be recorded by Chazal.

And in doing so, Chazal strike a beautiful balance between the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. Chumash emphasizes one perspective, the ongoing commitment in each generation to the receiving of the Torah, while tradition balances this message by emphasizing the other perspective, the historical significance of remembering that day, by re-living that event.

And therefore, Chazal instituted that we spend the entire Shavuot night engrossed in the study of Torah, re-living the experience of receiving the Torah at Har Sinai, just as we spend the night of the Pesach seder re-telling the story of the exodus from Egypt.

In short, all of our explanations rotate around the same axis. All recognize that

a true celebration of Shavuot warrants a deep connection and commitment to the words of Torah and the words of Chazal.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks sums it up beautifully: “I am a Jew because I cherish the Torah, knowing that G-d is to be found in moral meanings, in words, texts, teachings and commands, and because Jews, though they lacked all else, never ceased to value education as a sacred task, endowing the individual with dignity and depth.”

May this Shavuot be a day of celebration for all of us, a day of happiness and appreciation of the Torah that we have, and a day of commitment to our learning and growth. May we continue to find meaning, sense of purpose and fulfillment in everything we do.

With Torah blessings,

Rav Ira Kosowsky


7shavuot 2014

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RIVKA (KIMMIE) HUBERMAN ‘10 on her engagement to Avrohom Moshe Swartz

LEAH CINER VEFFER ‘07 on birth of a baby boy

SALI BLUM CHERNIAK ‘09 on the birth of a baby boy

ILANA BRANDT ‘09 on her marriage to Adam Bernstein

JAYME DACHS ‘09 on her engagement to David Chapler

AMY LEIFER ‘07 on her engagement to Barry Tabacznik

DEVORAH MILLER ‘11 engagement Yoel Marcus

HANNAH KAISER ‘11 on her marriage to Lee Gerald Mirowitz

REBECCA ASTRACHAN ‘07 on her marriage to Ariel Bernstein

RAIA (SHIFRAN) KLEIN ‘11 on the birth of a baby boy

MIRIAM CINER VEFFER ‘11 on the birth of a baby boy

TALIA KURNICK ‘10 on her engagement to Eli Weintraub

KAYLA GASNER ‘10 on her engagement to Eitan Rapps

SARAH STONE ‘10 on her engagement to Maor Berkover

ARIELLA KOSSIN ‘10 on her engagement to Mendel Lazaros

AVIGAIL MISHKIN ‘10 on her engagement to Moshe Rubinstein

TALYA HOMA ‘09, on her marriage to Isaac Shmuelowitz

MAYA ROSENBLUM ‘11 on her engagement to Reuven Tokayer

Machon Ma’ayan’s beautiful campus and classrooms

Machon Maayan is a life-changing year-in-Israel program for young women from a wide range of backgrounds. At Machon Maayan each student is valued as an individual and is encouraged to grow at her own pace, exploring our texts, people, and practices and thereby inspiring understanding and sincere dedication to Torah Judaism.

Just as the world rests on three pillars, so is our educational program built on formal classroom learning, community internships, and weekly Israel seminars. Through this combination of Judaic Studies classes, Chessed, and exposure to the people and the Land of Israel, Machon Maayan creates a supportive, nurturing environment in which each student can explore her Jewish heritage.

For more information on donating to Machon Ma’ayan, please contact Dina Blank at: [email protected] / 646-248-7029 or visit:

Mazal Tov:

Rav Ira Kosowsky Director

Rav Ben Tzion GoldfischerMashgiach Ruchani

Mrs. Meryl-Lee Avraham Assistant Director

Mrs. Dina Blank Executive Director

The whole school attended Ilana (MM ‘09) and Adam’s wedding in Israel

Finishing off our year of learning strong; preparing for Shavuot

8 machon maayan update