Download - Lunar Nodes and Compatibility - · PDF fileLunar Nodes and Compatibility ... The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun (from our point of view

Page 1: Lunar Nodes and Compatibility - · PDF fileLunar Nodes and Compatibility ... The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun (from our point of view

Introduction to Astrology Online Video Course


Lunar Nodes and


Lunar NodesThe lunar nodes are easy to spot in your chart – they look like horseshoes both the right way up and upside down – and are always exactly opposite each other.

The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun (from our point of view on Earth).

The North Node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic going north, and the South Node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic going south. The two points are always directly opposite each other, and they are nearly always retrograde.

The South Node shows what a person did in a past life; it shows what he or she came into the world able to do – the things in his or her life that feel easy or comfortable. So, for example, if a person has the South Node in the 7th house, relationships are easy and comfortable to them.

Use what you have learned about the signs and the houses to extrapolate meaning about the nodes in your chart. For example, if your North Node was in Aries in the 10th house you could say very simplistically:

This person will fi nd happiness and fulfi llment when they live life on their terms (Aries) especially when it comes to their career (10th house). However, if they have their North Node in Aries in the 10th house,

we know they must have the South Node in Libra in the 4th house, since the

nodes always oppose each other. That suggests they may fall back into living more co-dependently than is good for them (Libra) and focusing more on their personal life

(4th house) than their career.

node GLYPH

North Node South Node 1234567890-=

Moon's PathMonth

Sun's PathYear

South NodeX


North NodeX


X = where the orbit of the moon crosses the ecliptic

Page 2: Lunar Nodes and Compatibility - · PDF fileLunar Nodes and Compatibility ... The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun (from our point of view

Introduction to Astrology Online Video Course


Lunar Nodes and


Note that you really do need to think about the whole chart to get a true picture, but this give an idea of how to work with the Nodes.

Also note that, if you compare your chart with someone else’s and one of their planets is on one of your Nodes (you can tell this if the degrees are the same – e.g. their Sun and your North Node are both at 23 degrees in Gemini or both at 16 degrees in Virgo) then it’s said that you have a very karmic relationship. To have one person’s Saturn in the same place (same degree) as someone else’s South Node suggests a relationship

which has gone across lifetimes and is an unbreakable bond!

Where your planets conjoin (i.e. are on the exact same or very near degree) with someone’s North Node, the relationship is likely to be challenging in a healthy way. Where they conjoin someone’s South Node, there could be a sense that it’s easy and comfortable, but it’s not going to stretch you and help your soul to grow, or help you to evolve as much as you might like. Sometimes it’s hard to get away from someone if you have your Sun or Venus on their South Node.

Now that you know about degrees and aspects, it’s going to be much easier for you to work out how well (or not) you are likely to get on with someone. To work this out, all you need is their birth date. Having their birth time and place will give you even more detail, but of course it’s not always possible to get that information from someone early on in a relationship. If you have their birth date, disregard the Moon and their Rising Sign (since they are totally dependent on the time and place of birth) and then…

1. Look at your planets’ elements and theirs. Remember: Fire and Air go together well and so do Earth and Water.

2. Look at your Suns – these represent your egos. Are they compatible or clashing?

On the Subject of Compatibility

Page 3: Lunar Nodes and Compatibility - · PDF fileLunar Nodes and Compatibility ... The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun (from our point of view

Introduction to Astrology Online Video Course


Lunar Nodes and


Introduction to Astrology Online Video Course

Here is an easy-reference guide for you about which planets get on with which, but remember, there are a lot of other factors to consider when looking at compatibility. ‘Yes!’ means very well, ‘Nice’ means pretty well, ‘Meh’ means a bit indi� erent and ‘Clash’ being, well, a clash!

3. Look at your Venuses – they show how you love and what you love. Are they compatible or clashing?

4. Look at your Jupiters – these show how you have a good time. Are they compatible or clashing?

5. Now look at the degrees for even more info. For example, does your Sun sextile or trine their Venus (compatible) or does it square or oppose it (clash). Check

between all the planets, remembering to leave the Moon and Rising Sign out if you don’t have an accurate time or place of birth for the other person.

6. As you can imagine, a clash between your angry Mars and their unpredictable Uranus, for example, is going to cause issues! Whereas if their Venus and your Jupiter are in harmony (or vice versa) you are far more likely to make beautiful music together.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagi Capri Aquar Pisces

Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh

Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice

Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash

Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice

Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh

Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes!

Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh

Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice

Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash

Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh/Nice Yes Meh Nice

Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh

Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes! Meh Nice Clash Nice Meh Yes!











