Download - Lucerne Elementary School District RFQ Professional... · 2019-12-05 · 2. General SOQ Submittal (Per Sections II and III): Please note only one General SOQ submittal is required

Page 1: Lucerne Elementary School District RFQ Professional... · 2019-12-05 · 2. General SOQ Submittal (Per Sections II and III): Please note only one General SOQ submittal is required

Lucerne Elementary School District

Request for Qualifications Package

For Professional Services Consultants

Prepared by:

Caldwell Flores Winters

6425 Christie Avenue, Suite 270

Emeryville, CA 94608

815 Colorado Blvd., Suite 201

Los Angeles, CA 90041

Page 2: Lucerne Elementary School District RFQ Professional... · 2019-12-05 · 2. General SOQ Submittal (Per Sections II and III): Please note only one General SOQ submittal is required

Table of Contents

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Professional Services Consulting Firms ........................... 3

SECTION I. PROGRAM BACKGROUND ..................................................................................... 3

SECTION II. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – All Disciplines............................................................. 4

SECTION III. GENERAL INFORMATION – All Disciplines ............................................................ 7

SECTION IV‐A. SCOPE OF WORK – Project Inspection Services (I.O.R.) .................................... 9

SECTION IV‐B. SCOPE OF WORK – Soils & Materials Testing & Inspections Laboratory ......... 12

EXHIBIT A – INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 18

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The Lucerne Elementary School District (“District”) has adopted a Facilities Implementation Program designed to improve academic achievement. As part of the District’s reconfiguration of the educational program, several modernization and construction projects are currently in Programming and Design.

The District is committed to adapting existing facilities to support the new educational configuration. As such, the District desires to engage one or more firms to provide professional services to support the development and construction of planned improvements. The services are to be provided pursuant to and consistent with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, the California Educational Code, and all California Department of Education, Office of Public School Construction, and Division of State Architect requirements for the construction of school facilities.

At this time the District is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to interested firms to provide professional services related to the work summarized above. Selected firms will be qualified with the District to enter into a

Master Agreement with the District for the provision of specific services over a set period of time. Once qualified, firms selected will execute a Master Agreement with the District and shall be authorized to perform project‐specific scopes of work under a subsequent work authorization. Each work authorization shall be authorized pursuant to a fee proposal provided by the firm and consistent with the Master Agreement.

The District is currently seeking to qualify firms with the following disciplines:

1. Project Inspection (I.O.R.)

2. Soils & Materials Special Testing & Inspections Laboratory

All interested firms should review and respond to all general instructions and general information items outlined in Sections II and III below. Additional specific requirements for each discipline are included in Section IV below. Please note that any firm proposing to provide services for more than one discipline, must submit a general response (per Sections II and III), and a separate specific response FOR EACH DISCIPLINE that is being proposed.

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Firms electing to respond to this RFQ shall submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). All SOQ submittals should be reviewed for accuracy before submission to the District’s program manager. The District will not be responsible for errors in any submittal. The District reserves the right to reject any and all submittals, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the submittals, or to request further information.

Responses to this RFQ shall be submitted no later than November 26, 2019, 1:00 pm. Attn: Varun Inapuri, 815 Colorado Blvd, Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Three (3) paper copies are required in addition to a digital copy on USB flash drive and digital copy delivered via e‐mail to Varun Inapuri and Scott Burkett at [email protected] and [email protected]. Digital copies must be received by proposal deadline. Questions should be directed to Varun Inapuri via email at [email protected].


The Statement of Qualifications submitted in response to this RFQ should contain the following basic information about the company:

1. Cover Letter: Confirmation of firm’s understanding and compliance with all stated requirements and clear list of disciplines firm is proposing. (1 page max.)

2. General SOQ Submittal (Per Sections II and III): Please note only one General SOQ submittal is required for firms proposing multiple disciplines. (5 page max.)

a. Company Information: (1) Ownership structure, (2) Management structure & key contact information, (3) Office locations & contact information, (4) Number of years in business, (5) Professional licenses and certifications held by company, principal(s), or staff, (6) Number of years working on K‐12 DSA projects, and (7) Summary of company’s litigation history involving school districts and/or school projects.

b. Discipline Information: Brief description of the company’s area(s) of expertise, including list of school districts where company has performed similar scope of work within the last 5 years. Please include reference name, telephone, and email for each district. If multiple disciplines are proposed, please indicate which disciplines were provided to each listed district.

c. Insurance Information: Sample insurance certificate showing all types of coverage currently held by the company, and coverage limits for each. Please ensure professional liability errors and omissions coverages are clearly stated. Please include sample endorsement forms for additional insureds, waiver of subrogation, auto endorsement, etc. See Exhibit A for insurance requirements.

3. Specific SOQ Submittal(s) (Per Section IV‐A thru F): Please note that a separate and complete “Specific SOQ Submittal” is required for each discipline proposed. (15 page max. – per discipline)

a. Company Expertise & Experience: Summary of company’s expertise in discipline proposed, including (1)Number of years providing specific discipline to K‐12 school projects in California, (2) Summary of K‐12 school projects with similar scope, (3) Summary of company’s strengths and values that demonstrate why your company is the best choice for the District in providing specific services. Please do not repeat information included in Section 2.b. of General SOQ

b. Discipline History: The number of years the company has been providing professional services for specific discipline to California K‐12 public school districts. Please include summary of five projects where your company completed a similar scope of work within the past 5 years, including brief scope description and contract value.

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c. Licensed Professionals: Resumes of the licensed professional engineers and/or other certified professionals that will be providing service to the District, including type of license, date of issue, and expiration date.

d. Fee Schedule: Proposed fee structure for providing the services described herein upon request by the District, including fixed fee for the scope items defined in Section IV, with a break‐down of hourly rates and unit price fees in the event the District requires additional or alternate services; the proposed fee structure shall include all required travel and incidental costs.

e. Sample Proposal: Copy of complete project proposal from one of the five projects listed in item (b.) above, indicating scope of services proposed, proposed fees, schedule of services, and exclusions.

Responses should be formatted to effectively address these issues in as much detail as necessary, provided that the completed submittal is limited to no more than 20 total pages (10 double‐sided 8 ½ x 11 pages) for a single discipline, with an additional 15 pages allowed for each subsequent discipline proposed. Firms must submit their response by providing three (3) complete hard copies, and one digital version, to the following address,

Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. Attn: Varun Inapuri 815 Colorado Blvd., Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90041

Digital version of submittal must be submitted with hard copies as a single file in PDF format via flash drive, and email (use of Hightail, DropBox, ftp link or similar service for large file transmittal is acceptable) to Varun Inapuri and Scott Burkett at

[email protected] & [email protected]

All submittals, both hard copy and digital must be received by no later than November 26, 2019, at 1:00pm PDT.


The following is a timeline, subject to change by the District, for the RFQ process and the proposed work:



November 11, 2019 RFQ Publicly Posted November 26, 2019 RFQ Responses Due November 26 – December 3, 2019 Review of Submittals December 4, 2019 Notification of Selection December 11, 2019 Board Approval of Prequalified Firms


Each SOQ will be evaluated based on factors including, but not limited to:

Fee competitiveness (Entity’s range of fees/profit, not a guaranteed maximum price).

Ability to meet project schedules established in the RFQ and by the District.

Ability to provide exemplary service as the District’s Consultant, including the identification and profile of key personnel assigned to these projects.

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Ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively with architects, contractors, the Division of the State Architect personnel and District staff.

Demonstration of expertise in construction issues.

Training and experience of key personnel.

Exhibit experience, expertise, and knowledge of the public school construction process.

Demonstration of Entity’s expertise and experience with the School Facilities Program (SFP), Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), State Allocation Board (SAB), Division of the State Architect (DSA) and Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issues on State‐funded projects, and good working relations with State personnel to assist the District in assuring a successful Project.

Staff capacity, depth, and current workload.

Quality of the Entity’s prior services.

Stability, reliability and continuity of the Entity.

Location of the Entity’s office to the Project site and District Office.

Other considerations deemed relevant by the District.

A company selected for inclusion in the District’s qualified list will be asked to enter into a master agreement with the District. Once master agreement is in place, a prequalified company may be asked to prepare a project‐specific fee proposal for the provision of services as described within this RFQ. Based on satisfactory negotiation, a work authorization will be presented to the District for approval. Obtaining prequalified status and entering into a master agreement does not constitute a guarantee on behalf of the District for work to be assigned to a company. Work is guaranteed only after a proposal has been accepted, and work authorization approved.

Upon approval of a work authorization and issuance of a Purchase Order, the selected company shall commence work at an assigned school site immediately, and have all contract deliverables prepared and submitted to the District within the time described in the Purchase Order, or as otherwise agreed upon in work authorization. The selected company shall work under the direction of District Director of Support Services; his Designee; and the Architect of Record as necessary to provide a complete contract deliverable suitable for Design or Improvements at an assigned site.

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Submittals must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the RFQ. Any response to the RFQ not submitted in accordance with the requirements of the RFQ will not be considered. Email PDF of submittal no later than required due date and time. It is the Respondent's responsibility to ensure its response to the RFQ is received by CFW on or before the time and date specified. Late proposals will not be accepted nor considered, no exceptions.


The District reserves the right to cancel or revise in part or in its entirety this RFQ. If the District cancels or revises this RFQ, all Respondents will be notified by addendum. The District also reserves the right to extend the date responses are due.


By submitting a response to this RFQ, the proposing consultant acknowledges required insurance types and coverages as indicated in Exhibit “A” attached. All costs of obtaining and maintaining required coverages throughout the duration of all binding agreements and work authorizations are the sole responsibility of the consultant.


All questions about the meaning or intent of this RFQ shall be submitted via e‐mail, to Varun Inapuri ([email protected]) by November 14th. Please place “Lucerne ESD RFP-Q” in the subject line. Replies will be issued by addendum and E‐mailed to all parties recorded by the online plan room as having received the RFQ documents. Questions received less than 5 business days prior to the submittal due date of November 26, 2019 will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written addenda will be binding.


1. Public Record. All responses to the RFQ become the property of the District’s public records and as such, might be subject to public review.

2. Non‐Discrimination. The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, ancestry, medical condition, disability or gender in consideration for an award of contract.

3. Drug‐Free Policy and Fingerprinting. The selected Consultant Entity shall be required to complete any and all fingerprinting requirements and criminal background checks required by State law and shall also be required to complete a Drug‐Free workplace certificate.

4. Costs. Costs of preparing a response to this RFQ are solely the responsibility of the Respondent. 5. Limitations. This RFQ does not commit District to award a contract, to defray any costs incurred in the

preparation of a response to this RFQ, or to procure or contract for work.

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The District will have the need to procure professional services from a certified DSA inspector consultant as projects are developed to ensure that the work performed in the field is in accordance with DSA approved design documents. The project inspector will be required to monitor all construction activities, review RFIs, change orders, and submittals, and to confirm that construction activities were performed satisfactorily in accordance with approved design.

The Project Inspector’s Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Possession and maintenance in good standing of all classes of required DSA Project Inspector’s Certificate issued by the Division of the State Architect.


Familiarity with the project scope and approved drawings and specifications.

Preparation of all required forms for DSA, the Architect and the District.

Participation at all preconstruction meetings.


Performance of project inspection in accordance with Sections 4‐211, 4‐333 and 4‐341, Title 24 Part 1, 2016 California Building Standards Administrative Code.

Daily site inspections with reports to inform Contractor, Architect, District and DSA of non‐conforming work and corrective steps required.

Monitoring of daily construction progress relating to the construction schedule, T & M work required, weather delays and like activities.

Verification that all required materials sampling and special inspections are coordinated with construction activities, performed in accordance with project requirements and properly documented.

Tracking of Record Drawing updates by the Contractor. Prompt filing of all periodic reports required during the construction process.

Attendance at periodic job meetings and visits by DSA and District personnel.

Review of Requests for Information generated by the Contractor. Observe and document discovered conditions and inform Contractor, Architect and District of such conditions.

Review of periodic pay requests generated by the Contractor.

Review of proposed change orders to verify that such work falls outside of the project scope.


Confirmation of operations and maintenance manuals, warranties/guarantees, and certificates.

Compilation and completion of all documentation to assure DSA close‐out with certification.

The District may select one or more Entities to perform the Scope of Work listed above.

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As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work products to District:

All DSA required reporting, processes and procedures.


All DSA required reporting shall be delivered to the District concurrent with the submittal to DSA, and pursuant to DSA required timelines. The final inspection report (DSA Form 6) shall be completed and electronic filed within 30 calendar days of the notice of completion.


All inspection services shall be performed by a certified Project Inspector recognized as such by the Division of State Architect, and accepted by the Architect of Record and the District.


It is understood that the District, or the Architect on the District’s behalf, may reproduce the Consultant’s report(s) and/or diagram(s) without modification and distribute the prints in connection with the use or disposition of the property without incurring obligation for additional compensation to the Consultant. The original drawings shall remain the property of the District.


Precision of the inspection reports and other documentation shall be in accordance with the professional standard of are to be expected of professional DSA inspectors Certified and Approved by DSA.


The Consultant shall indemnify, defend and save the District, its Board of Education, officers agents, and employees harmless from any and all claims damages, losses, causes of action and demands, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, incurred in connection with or in any manner arising out of the consultant firm’s performance or failure to perform any duties contemplated by this Agreement.

As the consultant firm is not an employee of the District it is understood the consultant and their employees are independent contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any contractual relationship between the consultant and any of the other consultants or material suppliers for the program, nor shall anything contained in this Agreement be deemed to give any third party any claim or right of action against the District, the consultant which does not otherwise exist.

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We look forward to receiving a submittal from your firm. If you have any question regarding this RFQ, please contact:

Varun Inapuri at (805) 209-1989 (office), (972) 837-9325 (cell), or [email protected].

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The District will have the need to procure professional services from a licensed soils & materials testing laboratory and special inspection consultant as projects are developed to ensure that the materials, means, and methods utilized in the field are in accordance with DSA approved design documents and Title 24 and its referenced standards. Consultant shall be responsible for verifying that such materials are manufactured, fabricated, assembled, and constructed in accordance with the approved design.

The Soils & Materials Testing & Inspection Laboratory’s Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to, the following:


The Consultant shall be a qualified L.E.A. Firm as recognized by the California Division of State Architect

The geotechnical portions of this project shall be performed under the direction of a Geotechnical Engineer, which shall be the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. A technician with a nuclear gauge shall perform density and moisture testing in the field during grading, utility trench backfilling, and pavement operations utilizing ASTM D2922, D3017, and ASTM D1556 methods. Laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture determination shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D1557 or D698. Asphalt pavement placement and testing shall be performed in accordance with Caltrans methods.

The CONSULTANT may perform special projects as requested by the DISTRICT, including but not limited to, geologic and seismic hazard investigation services, soils investigation and foundation recommendation services, geological engineering investigation and environmental site assessment services. The services may include Phase I Environmental Site Assessments ("ESA"), Preliminary Endangerment Analysis ("PEA"), Supplemental Site Investigations ("SSI"), Removal Action Workplan ("RAW), asbestos and lead paint in soil investigations, organochloride in soil investigations and toxicology studies, any removal or remediation action, and other State regulated processes, and evaluations of compliance with Education Code Section 17213.

CONSULTANT may provide other professional services, including but not limited to, meetings with governmental agencies e.g. Department of Toxic and Substance Control ("DTSC"), and consultation with other parties.



Perform a site reconnaissance, review the geotechnical engineering report for the Project, review the drawings, and prepare a transfer of geotechnical engineer of record responsibility letter.

Project management, consultation during construction, and preparation of daily field, foundation excavation observation, and final grading reports.

Ensure that soils conditions are in conformance to soils report.

Foundation inspection.

Caisson, drilled piers or driven piles inspection.

As‐graded soils reports.

Observations and testing during site clearing and mass grading.

Observing the foundations excavations for structures. Observation and testing during backfilling of utility trenches.

Observation and testing during backfilling around retaining walls.

Observation and testing during subgrade preparation and base rock placement in asphalt paved areas.

Observation and testing during asphalt concrete placement.

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Perform the following Sampling and Testing of Materials and Testing of Work‐in‐Place as may be required by the DSA Testing and Inspection Listing, and as required by the DISTRICT. The Testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM test methods and California test methods as appropriate. All Laboratory testing shall be accomplished in a DSA‐certified laboratory: o Soil, Aggregate & Asphalt o Maximum Dry Density o Expansion Index (ASTM D4318) o R‐Value///Sand Equivalent o Sieve Analysis (ASTM C136) o Hveem Stability o Asphalt Extraction (ASTM 2172) o Hardness and Abrasion o Atterberg limits (ASTM 4318) o No. 200 Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422) o Specific Gravity C127lC128///Asphalt and Asphaltic Concrete Gradation (ASTM C136) o Asphalt and Asphaltic Concrete Specific Gravity (ASTM Dl 188) o Asphalt and Asphaltic Concrete Stability & Flow Marshall (ASTM Dl 559) o Asphalt and Asphaltic Concrete Abrasion (ASTM C131) o Asphalt and Asphaltic Concrete Unit Weight (ASTM D2726) o Asphalt Cores


Observation and testing shall consist of visual observation of earthwork activities and taking field density and moisture tests for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with the contract documents and tests as required by appropriate DSA Form 103. Such observation and testing shall not be relied upon by others as acceptance of the work nor shall it be construed to relieve the contractor in any way from the contractor's obligation and responsibilities under the construction contract.

Specifically, but without limitations, observation and testing shall not require the technician and engineer to assume responsibilities for the means and methods of construction nor for safety on the jobsite. Consultant's performance of its work shall not result in safety hazards on the site.


Types of Inspection Services Provided. Inspection services shall be provided for concrete, prestressed concrete, reinforcing steel and prestressing steel, batch plant, insulating concrete, lightweight concrete, field sampling (slump, air entertainment, unit weight and yield tests), concrete coring, proof testing (installed epoxy & nonshrink grout bolts) and proof testing (installed wedge and expansion anchors).

Laboratory Review. The CONSULTANT shall review the proposed concrete mixes in its laboratory for conformance with the specifications.

Tests to be Performed. The CONSULTANT shall perform the following tests: o Concrete Compression Tests

Concrete Cylinders (ASTM C29) Concrete Cores (ASTM C39)/ Lightweight Concrete (ASTM C495) Insulating Concrete (ASTM C332)

o Concrete Flexural Tests Flexural Test (ASTM C293lC78)

o Steel Reinforcing

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Tensile (ASTM A61 5) Bend (ASTM A61 5)

o Concrete Aggregate Conformance Test (ASTM C33)

(Sieve Analysis, Deleterious Substances & Soundness)


Prior to the pours, the CONSULTANT shall inspect the reinforcing steel placement to determine that it is according to plans and specifications. The CONSULTANT shall check:

Bars. Size and spacing of bars.

Splices. Location and length of splices.

Clearances. Check clearances.

Cleanliness of Bars. Observe cleanliness of bars.

Spacing tolerances. Confirm spacing tolerances.

Steel Support. Proper support of steel with ties.


During the pours, the CONSULTANT shall be on site continuously, as required by code, to monitor placement. The


Bar Displacement Determine that no bars are displaced during the pouring.

Cleanliness of Steel. Observe cleanliness of steel.

Placement. Determine adequacy of placement and vibratory equipment.

Delivery Rate. Determine proper delivery rate of concrete and monitor batch times.

Correct Mix. Determine that the correct mix is being utilized.

Slump. Monitor slump of each truck.

Temperature. Record temperature of air and concrete.

Cast Cylinders. Cast cylinders for compression tests at the specified frequency.

Air Checks. Perform air checks, if required by specifications, during concrete placement.

Anchor Bolt/Dowel Installation. Observe anchor bolt/dowel installation operations to determine hold depth, embedment and cleanliness, as well as materials and workmanship. The CONSULTANT shall inspect to determine that all dowels are installed in accordance with contract documents and/or manufacturer's requirements.


The CONSULTANT shall transport all samples to CONSULTANT'S laboratory for compression testing in strict accordance with ASTM requirements. The CONSULTANT shall distribute compression test reports to the appropriate parties.


Grout and Mortar Mixes. The CONSULTANT shall review the proposed grout and mortar mixes in CONSULTANT'S laboratory for conformance with the specifications.

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Masonry Wall Prisms. During preparation of masonry wall prisms, sampling and placing of all masonry units, placement of reinforcement, and inspection of grout space immediately prior to closing or cleanouts and during all grouting operations.

Laboratory Tests. Laboratory tests shall include: o Masonry Compression Tests

Mortar (UBC 21 ‐ 16)//Grout (UBC 21 ‐ 18lASTM GI 01 9)

Masonry Prism (ASTM E447) Masonry Cores (ASTM C42)

Shear Tests ‐ Masonry Cores (UBC 2405(c)4.C)

Dry Shrinkage ‐ Masonry Units (ASTM C426)

Sample Pick‐up & Delivery

o Steel Reinforcing Tensile (ASTM A61 5)

Bend (ASTM A61 5) Steel Tagging, Pick‐up and Delivery

o Concrete Aggregate Conformance Test (ASTM C404)

(Sieve Analysis, Deleterious Substances and Soundness)


The CONSULTANT'S duties shall include the following:

Review mill test certifications of block and reinforcing steel.

Inspect to determine size and spacing of dowels.

Inspect to determine that cleanouts are provided for high‐lift grouting methods.

Inspect proper lay‐up of block units.

Inspect reinforcing steel prior to grouting.

Inspect dowels, anchor bolts and inserts to make sure they are in place and properly secured prior to grouting.

Inspect to determine proper consolidation of grout.

Check that curing requirements are being followed.


Inspection Services. The CONSULTANT shall provide inspection services for the following:

Field Welding

High Strength Bolting

Metal Decking

Welded Stud Connectors

Fabrication Shop

Non‐Destructive Examinations, Fabrication, Field Testing. The CONSULTANT shall provide the following Non-Destructive Examinations (Field Testing) in strict conformance with ASTM standards:

Ultrasonic Examination

Magnetic Particle Examination

Liquid Penetrant Examination

Radiographic Examination

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Non‐Destructive Examinations, Fabrication Shop Testing. The CONSULTANT shall provide the following Non-Destructive Examinations (Fabrication Shop Testing):

Ultrasonic Examination

Magnetic Particle Examination

Liquid Penetrant Examination

Radiographic Examination

Laboratory Tests. Laboratory tests shall be performed on the following:

High strength bolts

Hardness Test (ASTM A325)

Tensile Strength (ASTM F606)


As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work products to District:

All DSA required reporting, processes and procedures: One hard copy and one electronic copy.

Weekly inspection reports: One hard copy and one electronic copy.


All DSA required reporting shall be delivered to the District concurrent with the submittal to DSA, and pursuant to DSA required timelines. The final inspection report (DSA Form 6) shall be completed and electronic filed within 30 calendar days of the notice of completion.


All services shall be performed by qualified personnel under the supervision of a professional licensed or otherwise qualified by the State of California to practice the applicable engineering discipline, and the document(s) submitted shall bear the licensed professional’s seal and statement to that effect. All inspection services shall be performed by a licensed professional inspector recognized as such by the Division of State Architect, and accepted by the Architect of Record.


It is understood that the District, or the Architect on the District’s behalf, may reproduce the Consultant’s report(s) and/or diagram(s) without modification and distribute the prints in connection with the use or disposition of the property without incurring obligation for additional compensation to the Consultant. The original drawings shall remain the property of the District.


Precision of the soils and materials testing and inspection reports and recommendations shall be in accordance with the professional standard of care to be expected of professional engineers, geologists, and inspectors licensed to practice in the State of California, and acceptable to the Architect of Record and the Division of State Architect.

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The Consultant shall indemnify, defend and save the District, its Board of Education, officers agents, and employees harmless from any and all claims damages, losses, causes of action and demands, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, incurred in connection with or in any manner arising out of the consultant firm’s performance or failure to perform any duties contemplated by this Agreement.

As the consultant firm is not an employee of the District it is understood the consultant and their employees are independent contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any contractual relationship between the consultant and any of the other consultants or material suppliers for the program, nor shall anything contained in this Agreement be deemed to give any third party any claim or right of action against the District, the consultant which does not otherwise exist.


We look forward to receiving a submittal from your firm. If you have any question regarding this RFQ, please contact:

Varun Inapuri at (805) 209-1989 (office), (972) 837-9325 (cell), or [email protected].

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I. Insurance Requirements. Consultant shall provide and maintain insurance, acceptable to District Superintendent or District Counsel, in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant, its agents, subcontractors, representatives and/or employees. Insurance is to be placed with insurers authorized to conduct business in the State of California and with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A, as rated by the current edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey 08858.

Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance:

A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as:

1. Commercial General Liability coverage of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate and one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence, per project.

2. Auto liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). 3. Insurance coverage should include:

a. owned, non‐owned and hired vehicles; b. blanket contractual; c. broad form property damage; d. products/completed operations; and personal injury.

4. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the laws of the State of California. 5. Abuse and Molestation coverage of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence and five

million dollars ($5,000,000) aggregate. 6. Professional liability (Errors and Omissions) insurance, including contractual liability, as appropriate to the

Consultant’s profession, in an amount of not less than the following:

Accountants, Attorneys, Education Consultants, $1,000,000

Failure to maintain professional liability insurance is a material breach of this Agreement and grounds for immediate termination

II. Other Provisions. Insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain the following provisions:

A. All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this Agreement shall be endorsed and state the coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by the insurer or either Party to this Agreement, reduced in coverage or in limits except after 30 days' prior written notice by Certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to District

B. General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Abuse/Molestation Coverages.

1. District, and its respective elected and appointed officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds (collectively, “additional insureds”) as respects the following: liability arising out of activities and/or Services Consultant performs; products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by Consultant; automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Consultant, and Abuse/Molestation. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to additional insureds.

2. Each policy shall state that the coverage provided is primary and any insurance carried by any additional insured is in excess to and non‐contributory with Consultant’s insurance.

3. Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.

4. Any failure to comply with the reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to any additional insured.

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III. Other Requirements. Consultant agrees to deposit with District, at or before the effective date of this contract, certificates of insurance necessary to satisfy District that the insurance provisions of this Agreement have been complied with. District may require that Consultant furnish District with copies of original endorsements effecting coverage required by this section. The certificates and endorsements are to be wet signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. District reserves the right to inspect complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time.

A. If any Services are performed by a subcontractor, Consultant shall furnish certificates and endorsements from each subcontractor identical to those Consultant provides.

B. Any deductibles or self‐insured retentions must be declared to and approved by District. At the option of District, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self‐insured retentions as respects District or its respective elected or appointed officers, officials, employees and volunteers or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, defense expenses and claims.

C. The procuring of any required policy or policies of insurance shall not be construed to limit Consultant’s liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and requirements of this Agreement.

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OWNER: Lucerne Elementary School District 3351 Country Club Drive Lucerne, CA 95458


Professional Services: (1) Project Inspection & (2) Soils & Materials Testing and Inspections Laboratory


The Lucerne Elementary School District (“District”) is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services including the disciplines of (1) Project Inspection, and (2) Soils & Materials Testing & Special Inspection.

The District desires to engage one or more firms to provide pre‐construction and construction services for the program. The firm(s) should have extensive experience with the Office of Public School Construction (“OPSC”), the Division of the State Architect (“DSA”), the California Department of Education, the Uniform Building Code (“UBC”), Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, California Education Code, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), and California Division of Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Cal‐OSHA).

The selected consultants shall be required to adhere to California Labor Code section 1770, et seq., and shall pay its building trade contractors based on the prevailing wage rates, which are established and issued by the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”). Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc.'s ("CFW") and the District's principal offices, and will be made available to any interested party upon request. It is also the consultant's and any subcontractor’s duty to employ registered apprentices for the work contemplated under this RFQ and any accompanying contract to the extent required by Labor Code section 1777.5.

Please be advised that pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. Furthermore, no contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. The project(s) contemplated under this RFQ and any accompanying contract will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. The District reserves the right to not enter into any contract if the consultant and/or the subcontractor(s) are not properly registered. The successful consultant(s) must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against on the basis of age, color, race, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual preference, marital status, and shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Three (3) paper copies and one (1) digital copy, of the Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted no later than November 26th at 1:00pm at the following location:

Attn: Varun Inapuri, Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc.,

815 Colorado Blvd, Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90041.

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Varun Inapuri

Asst. Program Manager

Caldwell, Flores, Winters Inc.

1901 S. Victoria Ave., Ste. 106

Oxnard, CA 93035

Office: (805) 201-1989

Cell: (972) 837-9325

Email: [email protected]