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  • 7/27/2019 Limbic Stress Release




    J.J.OBrien Lic.Ac.

  • 7/27/2019 Limbic Stress Release



    with J.J.O BRIEN.

    Balance is the golden key.

    Stop your stress switch. Stop the release of stress hormones into your blood stream.

    Reduce your stress levels. Rid yourself of stress, anxiety and depression.

    Enhance your life. Have a better nights sleep. Challenge emotional eating.

    How to finally conquer, stress, anxiety, depression and obsessions.


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    Im J.J.O Brien, the originator of the LSR Seminar and the LSR Anti-Stress

    Technique. In this manuel Im going to talk you through my technique, which

    will give you the ability to gain control over that part of your brain that is

    responsible for setting off your stress switch. This technique requires a bit of

    work, time and effort on your part. But, its not difficult to do and if you can

    apply yourself itwillbring results and itwillreduce your stress levels. I know

    this, because I once suffered from stress, anxiety and depression myself and

    I have used this method to significantly reduce my own stress levels by more

    than 95%.

    All I ask is that you take your time and complete the technique in the order in

    which it is presented to you, as if you were attending a live seminar. So,

    please could make sure that you have completed each section and fully

    practiced the exercises before you move onto the next section.

    Best Regards,

    J.J. O Brien


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    Welcome to the seminar. You are just about to embark on The Home Anti

    Stress Seminar. This is the seminar that will show you how to....

    Capture and to neutralize your own individual stress switch.

    Once you learn how to do this you will be able to...

    Reduce the amounts of stress hormones being released into your bloodstream and thus allow your body to bring itself to a more chemically

    balanced state.

    Reduce the impact of negative feeling in your everyday life, thereby

    reducing stress and stress related illness like anxiety and depression.

    Before we start it is important to know that, no matter what the causes

    of your stress are , it is scientifically provenbeyond doubtthat stress is

    areaction in your emotional brain ( amygdala) that triggers a release of

    stress hormones into your blood stream.

    It is the high concentration of these stress hormones that perpetuate

    anxiety, depression and the many stress related illnesses like high

    blood pressure etc. Its all to do with your limbic system, the fight and

    flight action and a part of your brain called the amygdala.

    Firstly let me say that this seminar is not about doing this for you, rather, the

    seminar will show you how to do this for yourself. And, once you have


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    perfected it for yourself you will be able to change your own individual

    reaction to stress. If you are ready to do this for yourself then lets continue.


    Another purpose of this seminar is to allow you to bring emotional balance

    into your life.

    Before I started this work for myself I though that, because I had suffered

    from anxiety and depression, I had to put things into my life, in order to

    achieve balance. I thought that I had to fill my life up on the positive side of

    the scales so that the depression didnt have time to go anywhere inside of

    me or into any of the holes in my psyche. But, of course anxiety and

    depression did go into the holes. And the reason it did is because my

    balance was lob sided due to my own negative stress switch going off.

    No matter what I put on the plus side of the scales, once the switch on the

    negative side of the scales went off, I was imbalanced in an instant. So, I

    worked on getting rid of the negative as well as applying the positive. I found

    that once I got rid of the negative that the positive became more powerful and


    I applied this way of thinking to both my own personal life and then in my

    professional life. I found that it brought faster results, facilitated emotional

    balance and brought about real and lasting change for both myself and

    eventually my clients.

    Be positive, think positive thoughts, by all means. But make sure that you getrid of negative emotional stress patterns at the same time. Emotion always


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    has the ability to override thought because the synaptic connections from the

    emotional brain to the thinking brain are far stronger that the synaptic

    connections from the thinking brain to the emotional brain.


    I saw stress as my own rotten egg, that one in every bus load , and it was

    my own bus that I was driving. I though that if I am the one who is driving the

    bus then I can get rid of the disruptive passenger. So I set about ejecting that

    disruptive passenger called stress. Once I had found a way of doing that,

    then I found that my scales were much easier to balance as I did not have to

    deal with my disruptive passenger, the stress switch, and it became easier

    and easier to enjoy all the positive aspects of my life.

    This seminar is designed to get rid of the disruptive stress passenger within

    you. Its your bus of life and once you learn how to get rid of your disruptive

    stress passenger then you will automatically find your own balance.

    Once you get rid of the negative then you will automatically be in a

    better position to accentuate the positive.

    So, before you begin, please make sure that yougo through the

    process in the stated order as if you were attending a live seminar. The

    advantageof this home seminar over a live seminar is that you can go

    over things as often as you want . The disadvantage is that you can skip

    around if you want to. Please dont skip around. The seminar is

    designed to give you information, knowledge and insights into yourself.


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    You need to build this knowledge and understanding as you go through

    the seminar.

    I highly recommend that you do take your time and then, take more time if

    you need it. You are doing this seminar because stress is likely to have been

    with you for a long time. So, dont be in a rush to complete the seminar. There

    are no prizes for completing the seminar in record time.

    Its a good idea to read this manuel in a quiet and relaxed space, preferably

    in the comfort of your own home and without any distractions.


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    Section 1

    Before you start here are a few other things to think about.

    STRESS is a reaction in your brain where your EMOTIONAL BRAIN, called

    The Amygdala, triggers stress hormones like cortisol and noradrenalin into

    your bloodstream. Its called the fight and flight action . Its not unique to

    humans as is also exists in the animal world. Its a primary instinct which

    gives us protection from danger. So, if you see a snake or a wild boar while

    out for a walk in the countryside then this part of your brain will allow you to

    react quickly and not pick up the snake or try to cuddle the wild boar as a

    small child would do. Its the learned emotion of fear that is the initial trigger

    for your Stress switch going off.

    Snake/Wild Boar = Fear and rightly so as both can potentially kill you.

    The stress hormone release allows you to react quickly and once the incident

    has passed and you have reached safety then you will begin to calm down

    your body will chemically rebalance itself in about three days. No harm done,

    as your body reacted appropriately to the situation. Your stress switch is

    meant to go off in this situation.

    However, if your stress switch is going off more than once every three to four

    days then your body never gets a chance to rebalance itself from the stress


    There are three major parts of you brain involved in this process.


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    Your SENSORY BRAIN ( Sensory Thalamus )

    Your EMOTIONAL BRAIN ( Amygdala )

    Your MEMORY BRAIN ( Sensory Cortex )

    So, you have an experience like seeing the snake or the wild boar , your

    MEMORY BRAIN visually knows that snakes and boars are dangerous, you

    feel fear and your SENSORY BRAIN picks up the fear and sends a message

    to your EMOTIONAL BRAIN.

    All this takes place in a split second. Your THINKING MIND gets BYPASSED

    and stress hormones are released into your blood stream for increased

    awareness and sensitivity to the danger.

    Now, heres the problem.....and this is what causes stress.

    The SENSORY BRAIN is set up to react instantly to a strong fear stimulus,

    no matter what the source of that fear may be.

    So, if you are afraid of or had had fearful experiences in normal life situations

    then the SENSORY BRAIN will react in the same stressful way as if you had

    seen a snake or a wild boar , stress hormones will be released in your blood

    stream and your thinking mind will have been bypassed. Your emotional

    memories take over and you end up with negative feelings followed by

    negative thought patters about yourself.


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    For instance, if any of the following cause your stress switch to go off then

    you are caught in the cycle of stress.





    Being Bullied

    Bank Statements







    Speaking your mind

    Giving your opinion


    Being Alone

    Saying No ( to that what you dont want)

    Saying Yes ( to your needs )


    Thinking about meals


    ......and many more of the normal situations that normal everyday life throws

    at you.


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    None of the above life situations merit a level of fear that causes the

    release of stress hormones into the blood stream.

    And yet, for many people, these situations do cause a stress reaction.

    That is because your emotional memory surrounding the incidents have

    educated your brain to react in a stressful way.

    To stop the stress reaction you will need to re-educate your brain to

    take the fear out of these situation and to react with normal cognitive

    functions in these situations as opposed to emotional fear based


    The diagram below shows what is happening in your brain.

    By using the technique you will be able to re educate your Sensory Brain to

    recognize the difference between a stress based fear and real fear.

    When this happens your brain will be able to take the Non stress Route


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    non-stress route




    stress route

    If your Sensory Brain has been conditioned to see and feel fear in normal

    situations then it is always going to take the stress route and this stress route

    means that stress hormones will be released and your thinking mind will be


    So, what you need to do is to re-educate your sensory brain to react normally

    to normal situations. This can easily be achieved in the real life situations

    with the LSR technique and you will gain the ability to change these real life

    situations from stressful to non stressful.


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    In order to stop the stress switch from going off in normal life situations you

    need to reeducate both your Sensory Thalamus and your Sensory Cortex to

    react normally in normal situations.

    Once you this then you will not have a stress hormone release and you

    will be able to think clearly and act rationally instead of acting with

    negative emotions and stress.

    Its what you do on a daily basis that counts.

    No matter what has happened to you in the past, you live in the present and it

    is the present that you need to sort out. You cannot go back and change the

    past, but you can change the influence that the past has had upon you.

    The important thing to remember is that you are not stuck in the past but you

    may be stuck with the past.

    Going over events of the past will only serve to strengthen the memory. As

    well as that, every time you go over a past memory you feel a certain amount

    of the original feeling as if it is happening to you today.

    If it is a pleasant memory there is no problem, but, if it is an unpleasantmemory then it brings back the unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, it is the

    unpleasant feelings that have more of an impact on your body than the

    pleasant ones.

    But, you dont spend every day going over old memories....

    Or, do you ?


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    In order to process them you need to bring the to the front of the mind and

    then extinguish them today, in real time and in the real situations that cause

    them today. You can process these negative feelings by dealing with them in

    a positive way.

    You will be able to do this once you learn the LSR Technique.

    Now I want you to ask yourself a simple question.



    These are going to be small thingsbecause your day is usually made up of a

    series of events that can make you feel good or that can make your feel bad.

    Make a list of all the things that make you feel bad about yourself and

    which give you that strange negative feeling in your body.

    These are the things that you will need to target in the here and now. These

    are feelings that send you into negative emotion and though patterns. You

    have lived with them for some time otherwise you would not be reading this

    right now.


    If you cannot think of the incidents that make you feel bad then take a day or

    two to observe yourself. Note down the times that you get invaded with bad

    feelings and note the circumstances that created the feelings.


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    Remember, once you get rid of the negative then your body will

    automatically respond to the positive and the law of cure will begin to


    Think of this process as akin to having a pile of rubbish to sort out. Every day

    the rubbish pile gets bigger because you pile up more rubbish than you can

    sort out in a day. This makes the pile impossible to sort out.

    Now its time to stop the daily rubbish from piling up,,,

    When you stop the daily pile up of negative feelings, this will allow you to

    chip away at the backlog . Once you start to chip away at the backlog it can

    only get smaller and smaller until it is gone completely.

    Stop negative emotions from piling on stress.


    It doesnt matter what has caused the negative emotions in the first place.

    There is nothing you can do about that now. Reading Stress D.N.A. may

    have transported you back to your childhood or to a time in your life when

    things started to go wrong. Its good to know what the causes are. There has

    to be a reason why an intelligent rational person like yourself has irrational

    anxiety and stress.

    But, repeating the pattern on a daily basis by letting these negative feelings

    invade you will only bring back and reinforce the painful memories that will

    keep you locked into the stress cycle.

    Let them go by concentrating on the present day.


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    Lets accept the fact that their is a cause and it is likely to have been the

    emotional influences of other people, circumstances, bad luck, whatever..

    The current fact is that you are a conscious intelligent being who is harming

    your body every day with stress and anxiety and it needs to stop.

    Identify your current negative emotional patterns.

    The answer is to identify what it is your are doing today that is reactive to the

    your past emotional experiences and throw out these negative emotional



    The purpose of the technique is to regain control of your thinking mind in that

    split second moment before your stress switch goes off in order to stop the

    fight and flight action from taking place. By doing this you will stop the

    release of stress hormones into your bloodstream and stop the negative

    emotional feelings that go with it. Stress hormones cannot be released while

    your thinking mind is the dominant decision maker. It is only the emotional

    mind ( the amygdala ) that can activate stress hormones.

    Once you learn how to do you this can eliminate that daily stress, anxiety and

    negative emotion.


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    Its a medically proven fact that when your stress switch goes off your

    thinking brain gets bypassed by the fight and flight action. Brain imaging

    technology has proved this beyond doubt.

    However, what I have discovered is that once you regain control of your

    thinking brain in that split second before the stress switch goes off then your

    amygdala cannot release stress hormones.

    No stress hormone release, no anxiety. No anxiety, no depression.

    I have worked out how to regain control of the thinking brain in that split

    second and that is a vital part of what my technique does.

    It is very easy and completely safe to do but you must do it in the right order.


    Shall we begin?


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    It is your existing emotional memories that created stress and set

    off the stress switch inside of your brain !

    Now, you are going to use your existing positive memories to

    neutralize your stress switch.


    Firstly, I would like you do a very easy meditation that takes very little time to perfect but iscrucial to the technique.This is something that I initially developed for people who have abusy lifestyle and is a superb way of meditating on your own anywhere and anytime thatyou like. And, once you have perfected it, it literally takes a minute.

    Before you start you will need to get a stopwatch or a minute timer that will emit asound when a minute is up.

    The purpose of this particular meditation is to process subconscious emotional memoryand to reduce the pile up a of unresolved feelings. It also teaches you how tocommunicate with your own subconscious and this is what you will need to do in the finalpart of the technique.


    1. On your own in a calm space, close your eyes for a few seconds and make sure thatyou are either sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Set your timer for 15 seconds and

    press start. Close your eyes and just get used to the sensation of sitting quietly with youreyes closed. Open your eyes when the fifteen seconds ends.


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    2. Now set the timer for 30 seconds and repeat the same exercise. Open your eyes afterthe thirty seconds.

    3. Now, set the timer for 45 seconds and repeat the exercise.

    These first three exercises are just to get used to the sitting quietly with your eyes closed.

    4. Now. Set your timer for sixty seconds. Before you start I want you to say these words inyour head.

    Can my subconscious please send images into my conscious mind.

    Repeat these words again..

    Can my subconscious please send images into my conscious mind.

    Once more...

    Can my subconscious please send images into my conscious mind.

    Start your minute timer now and allow images to come into your mind.

    Let random images come into your head. Don't think of anything specific beforehand. Justclose your eyes and let whatever images that appear in your head come into your mind.( Some people will have already begun to see images in step 1, 2 and 3. ) Once theimages come in, don't do anything with them. Just let them pass through your mind andobserve them as if you are watching a movie. Don't think of their meaning or try to analyze

    the images , just let the images come in for a minute at a time. Then let them go andforget about them.

    It make take a few goes to get it right but eventually your will see random images in yourmind. Do it as many times as it takes to get the images. Some people will see nothing atfirst but, if you persist then the images will come.

    This will teach you how to speak to your own subconscious and is a vital part in regainingcontrol of your thinking mind in that stress switch moment.


    Let images come into your mind.

    Just a minute at a time.

    Do it several times a day.

    It is most useful first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

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    To review...

    1. Calm space. Sitting down. Comfortable.

    2. Close your eyes and simply tell your thinking brain to let subconscious images comeinto your conscious mind. You can say these words in your mind before you start your


    Can my subconscious please send images into my conscious mind.

    3. Whatever images pop into your mind...just let them be.

    4. Do not think about the images, do not analyze the images. Just let them come into yourmind like photographs or a movie appearing in your head and let them exit your mind attheir own pace.

    5. Set the timer to stop after one minute and stop. On the first occasion you may need todo it several times or you may get it first time.

    I should take anything from an hour to a few days to perfect this meditation depending oncircumstances. Just make sure that you perfect it before moving onto the next stage.

    Once you perfected the One Minute Meditation the move onto the next step called TheMind Bridge.




    You can do it as often as you like. I recommend

    that you do it a minimum of six times a day and if

    you have a busy life then a maximum of once an



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    You will need a pen a some blank pieces of paper for this step.

    For this step I am going to ask you to generate images in your mind of iconic locations.

    Choose seven images from the list below.

    Generate the images in your mind. Do not google or look them up in books.

    You will find that each time you think of them, the same image will come into your mind.

    For instance picture Niagara Falls or any waterfall in your mind right now.

    Do you notice how an image has popped into your mind ?

    Now picture Mickey Mouse in your mind, now Buzz Lightyear or Woody from Toy Story orany cartoon character that you know.

    Now picture Niagara Falls again...

    Notice that it is exactly the same image, like a photograph. That's a Memory Doorway.

    Choose 7 images from the list below and make sure that each choice has a neutralemotion to it.

    So, if you had a bad experience at Niagara Falls then forget it and choose another image.

    Let your mind generate the image. Do not use photographs.

    Choose 7 images and then play them like a visual slide show in your head with a secondbetween each one just like a slide show on your computer but in your mind.

    Write them down and practice them until you can see the whole slide show in your headwithout referring to the written list . Its a bit like recalling the alphabet in your head butwith visual images. It does not matter what order you put the images in but once youdecide on an order then stick to it.

    Again the images must come from your mind.

    Here is the list. Go through the list and when you read each one let an image come intoyour mind. Some images will be clearer than others. Its best to choose the clearest



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    Choose 7 from this list and write them down.


    THE EIFFEL TOWER , in Paris, France.

    THE WHITE HOUSE , in Washington D.C.

    THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT , in London England.

    NIAGRA FALLS , in Canada.

    THE TAJ MAHAL , in India.

    THE GRAND CANYON , in the U.S.A.

    THE PYRAMIDS , of Egypt.

    MOUNT EVEREST , or any large mountain or mountain range.


    THE GREAT WALL , of China.

    SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE , in Australia.

    EASTER ISLAND , statues.

    THE ACROPOLIS , in Greece.

    THE COLOSSEUM , in Rome, Italy.

    AYERS ROCK , in Australia.

    THE VATICAN, in Rome, Italy.

    THE TERRA-COTTA ARMY , in China.

    STONEHENGE , in England.

    THE ARC DE TRIOMPHE , in Paris France.



    MACHU PICCHU , in Peru.

    THE KREMLIN , in Moscow, Russia.


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    THE ALHAMBRA , in Spain.


    You may also choose your own image if you are not satisfied with this list. If you do then

    please make sure that you do not look at a photograph first and make sure that the imagehas only a positive or neutral emotional association for you.

    You dont have to have seen these images in real life to have them in your mind. I havenever visited Egypt but I have a clear image of The Pyramids in my mind.

    The important thing is that the image comes out of your mind.

    Once you have chose the 7 images then write them down and number then 1 to 7.


    Image 1

    Image 7

    Image 6

    Image 5

    Image 4

    Image 3

    Image 2

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    Now play the images in your mind from 1 to 7. It should take from 10 to 15 seconds.

    Play the images in your mind as often as it takes for you to be able to play the imageswithout looking at your list. This can take anything from a few hours to a couple of daysdepending on a multitude of factors.

    The important thing is to take your time and to learn the images to the point where you canrecall them with the same ease as you say the alphabet or count from 1 to 10.

    To recap so far. You need to have complete these two exercises..


    For exactly one minute let random images come into your mind. Do not think about theimages, just let them pass through your mind. Stop after sixty seconds.


    Generate 7 images in you mind. Play the images in you mind like a slide show.

    Be able to recall the slide show with the ease of counting from 1 to 10.

    It should take between 10 and fifteen seconds.


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    Section 3


    It is very important to make sure that you have fully memorized the 7 images

    from the LSR Technique Part 1 before you start Part 2 here. If you have not

    then you are putting yourself at a disadvantage by attempting part 2.

    Please continue to do The One Minute Meditation as part of your daily


    Please make sure that you can see the seven images playing in

    your mind at least three times in a row before you continue.


    Stress is activated by negative memories that give you negative

    feelings about yourself. In this section you will need to find a memory

    that is the opposite to the memories that create your stress.

    Please take a few moments to search through your memory for a short

    fifteen to twenty second memory of a time or an event where you felt really

    true to yourself, without any stress or bad feeling. It could be a sporting

    moment as it was for me, or it could be when you passed a test, or stood up

    for yourself.

    Whatever the event you choose it must be one of your actual memories, it

    must be something that has actually happened to you or something that you


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    have been involved in.

    It must give you a confident and good feeling when you recall the memory.

    Positive Emotional Memory Movie.

    Your positive emotional memory movie can be any memory form anytime in your life.

    The most important thing is that the memory is a real memory of something that has

    happened in your life.

    The memory should be the opposite to that which causes you stress or negative feelings.

    I personally choose an indoor football game myself because it was the opposite to a

    number of incidents when I did not take the opportunity to go for what was in front of me. I

    remember one particular day when I was playing in two tennis finals and lost both. I can

    still remember the moment when I gave up in both finals. I never mind loosing, thats not

    what I am talking about here. What felt awful for me, was loosing because I gave up

    without knowing why. Something went off inside of my head that day and, once it had goneoff then there was no way I could get it back and it became inevitable that I was not going

    to play to the best of my ability. The same thing happened in job interviews, encounters

    with people in authority etc.

    Knowing what I know now, I realized that I had a negative thought pattern playing in my

    head during those tennis finals that told me You dont deserve this... However, if I had

    been able to stop the switch from going off then I could have countered that negativethought pattern with positive emotion and changed how I felt and thought about myself. I

    may still have lost but at least I would lost from in a positive way.

    So, when you choose your positive emotional memory movie, make sure that it represents

    the positive aspects of yourself. Some people like to call it their Zen Movie as there are

    certain days, incidents or periods in your life when everything just comes together in that

    Zen like way.


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    You can call it what you like as long as the memory brings good feeling.

    The movie does not have to very long, about 15 to 20 seconds.

    The purpose of the movie is to counter any negative emotion that your emotional brain

    may be experiencing and to neutralize a negative with a positive. Its like an emotional


    Please remember that it must be positive and have overall good feeling. For instance the

    day you stood up to the school bully is fine to use but the day you got revenge on

    someone is not good to use. Standing up for yourself is positive but revenge is negative.

    It has to be a real memory and it must still to this day make you

    feel good and positive even now when you think of it. I repeat the

    word feel.

    Make it about fifteen seconds long. Time yourself. Make sure it

    always starts in the same place and try to get it to finish in thesame place. For me it starts with the ball coming across and ends

    with my friends telling me that he could almost see my thoughts.

    Practice the movie in your head until you can play it with ease.

    It may change slightly as it progresses so make sure that it always

    starts in the same place. For instance, for me it always starts with

    the ball flying through the air and proceeds from there.

    The reason why it is important to have your movie starting in the

    same place is because you need to join together your 7 image

    slide show and your positive emotional memory movie.

    JOINING The Mind Bridge to the Movie.


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    This is very easy to do and just requires a quiet place and a little

    bit of concentration as your mind will do the work for you.

    Play the Mind Bridge 7 image slide show in your head and when

    you see image 7 just simply play your movie as if it were an extra

    image in your slide show. Your mind will just do it as long as your

    movie starts with the same image all the time.

    Practice this a few times until you can do both together as one.

    This is what should be happening in your mind.


    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    Image 4

    Image 5

    Image 6

    Image 7

    Positive Emotional Memory Movie

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    Now, play these two parts together in your head until they become one.

    Once you can do this then move onto the next section.


    This is the final part of The Technique.

    Before you attempt this please make sure of the following.


    Are you able to do this?

    Is your mind generating images when you use the meditation?


    Have you joined the two together and are you able to play them in your head.

    If not then you will still need to practice.

    If you can then lets move on.


    Before we continue, lets talk about how memory images are generated in

    your mind. I call them Memory Doorways. During my live seminars some

    people make reference to how computers work, as if we operate like very

    sophisticated computers. We are not computers or anything like computers

    because we have emotion and the capacity to feel emotion. Besides , it was


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    humans who created computers so when the design teams worked on

    computer memory, they would have subconsciously modeled computers on

    how human memory works.

    The memory doorway is the brains way of allowing memories to be filed awayand then accessed when they are required. For instance you usually do not

    give a second thought to most of the iconic images listed earlier and yet you

    are able to instantly recall them once you are reminded of them by simply

    reading their names.

    Think of other things like your old school, a neighbors house, people from

    history like Abraham Lincoln, Charles Dickens, Elvis Presley, Martin Luther

    King or old friends and relatives. Again when you think of any of these people

    you will find that an image comes into your head straight away.

    However, if I were to ask you to think about an emotion it is not as easy to put

    an instant image to say fear, anger, joy, jealousy, envy, grief etc. Our

    emotions are much larger than single incidents and it is the accumulation of

    single incident events that make up our emotional memory.

    To be afraid of an encounter with a snake is an appropriate learned fear

    reaction with which we can associate fear even when thinking about a

    poisonous snake. I can see a cobra appearing in head as I think about it now.

    The cobra in my mind is free and in a desert background, but, I have never

    encountered a cobra in the wild, I have never been ti the desert, and I have

    only seen cobras behind glass in the zoo. My image is probably something I

    saw on television or at the movies. I dont know exactly how and where the

    image was formed. But, what I do know is that it is stored in my subconscious

    and appears when fear of snakes is mentioned.


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    Its the same with other emotions. When I felt anger at the people who

    mistreated me at school it always brought up an image of the outside of the


    Grief for my uncle who died recently brings the image of his face in the coffin.

    Try it yourself right now, with emotion, and you will see how the feeling will

    generate the image. Dont upset yourself. Choose something that has a small

    flavor of emotion. For instance, I have long gotten over what happened to me

    at school and do not get angry when I think about the place. I have great and

    fond memories of my uncle, he lived into his eighties and accepted his death.

    But I can still see both images clearly. The difference now is that I dont get

    upset by the memories or the images.

    Choose a few memories and see how the images pop into your mind. You

    may find that it is more than just the snapshot image that you got from the

    Eiffel Tower etc. For me there is a little movement in both of the images I

    have mentioned above.

    Now you need to get the subconscious stress trigger image that is part

    of your stress memory. Heres how to do it !

    Please make sure that you are in a calm place. Preferably somewhere with

    neutral colors and decoration. The best place would be to sit and face a blank

    wall, preferably white or a solid neutral color. Have a jug of water with you in

    case you need a drink.


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    To do this exercise you need to have spent some time practicing The One

    Minute Meditation to the point where you able to get random images

    appearing in your head. If you have not done this and you have just kept

    reading this document then you really should stop and do the precedingexercises, otherwise you will be putting yourself at a disadvantage.

    A. The One Minute Meditation

    B./C. The Mind Bridge and The Positive Emotional Memory Movie.

    Start by doing the One Minute Meditation at least three times. Leave two

    minutes between each meditation.

    Now do the combined Mind Bridge/Positive Emotional Memory at least three

    times, again leaving two minutes between each time.

    This next exercise is only going to take less than fifteen minutes so make

    sure that you are not interrupted if possible. At the very least, switch off

    phones etc.


    You know that feeling you get when you are stressed. It a specific feeling and

    is the same feeling every time you feel stressed. Its a feeling that has been

    with you for a long time, so, you know you should know it well. It is usually

    accompanied by a sensation in a part of your body. For me, it made my head

    twitch and I would immediately begin to sweat. For others it is a feeling in the

    stomach, chest, back, a slight shake of the hand etc.


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    Generate that feeling now. Some people will be able to do it instantly, while

    others will need a little time. If you cant get the feeling then think of the most

    recent incident where you felt stress.

    Hold onto the feeling for a few seconds and then let it go. If you can t let it go

    then do the Mind Bridge/Positive Emotional Memory Movie in your head until

    the feeling begins to recede.

    Take some deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    Have a drink of water if you need to.

    Leave two to three minutes and repeat the above exercise.

    You see how it is the same feeling and the same physical reaction each time.

    Now, do it again, only this time when you feel the feeling and the physical

    reaction... say these words in your head.





    Now do the One Minute Meditation and within the first few seconds an image

    should pop into your mind. It could be anything. Some people


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    need to do it a few times until an image pops into their head. I doesn't matter

    what the image is as long as you have that stress feeling in your body when

    you ask for the image.

    Once you get the image then make sure that you can see it in your mind

    just like the 7 images in the Mind Bridge. You can stop the meditation oncethe image has appeared.

    Now, make sure that you can see the image as single snapshot.

    See the image in your head, now think of a few cartoon characters like Shrek,

    Mickey Mouse etc. Now look for the image again. It will appear in your mind,

    now ask for Mickey Mouse etc. again, then the image.

    Do this a few times until the image becomes clear in your mind.

    Call this new image MY SUBCONSCIOUS STRESS IMAGE.

    You dont have to analyze what the image means. It may make sense and it

    may not. People get all sorts of images from doors to pictures of a record

    sleeve, fairground attractions, tennis ball ( me ), goldfish etc.

    As long as you have generated the image while you were feeling that stress

    feeling then it is the correct image.

    This image is what your subconscious sees in that split second before

    your stress switch goes off. This is the subconscious image that is

    responsible for bypassing your thinking mind.

    Now that you have the image you can use it to divert your stress switchaway from your emotional mind ( amygdala ), thereby stopping the fight

    and fight action that is responsible for releasing stress hormones into

    your blood stream.

    Now, you must now add this image onto the start of your slideshow.

    Once you have completed this then the slide show will become your positive

    stress reaction and you will be able to neutralize your fight and flight

    reaction in those real life stress situations.


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    think about what happened just before the trigger went off.

    It always happens if someone raises their voice....

    Its worse when I start thinking about a certain colleague at work.. I wind myself up into a state by thinking about the same thing all the


    Whatever it is, even if you think it too small an incident to be relevant, please

    note it down. It is the small things that count.

    2.Have you fully practiced The Technique from start to finish and can you

    recall it in your head at will.

    Now you are ready to proceed and to make the technique work for you.


    The beauty about The Technique is that it can be used immediately as long

    as you have practiced it and can play it all the way in your head.

    You MUST ALWAYS start with the Subconscious Stress Switch Image and

    end with your good feeling movie.

    In the first few days you will need to practice the technique as much as


    Just like anything that you have learned , PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.


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    So, please keep practicing the technique from START TO FINISH at least 10

    times a day for the first three days. Please excuse me for repeating myself

    but, make sure that you always start the technique with your subconscious

    stress switch image and end with your good feeling movie. Play your movie

    all the way through in your head when you practice the technique.

    It is vital that you practice the technique at least once before you go to bed at

    night and at least once in the morning after you wake up. You need to do this

    because you are re-educating your subconscious and you will have greater

    access to your subconscious during sleep and just after you have woken up.

    If you take a nap during the day, then do the technique before and after your


    Make the technique be the last thing that you do with your mind before you

    go to sleep. Then when you wake up make it the first conscious action in your


    Some people with sleep problems may need to do the technique several

    times before going to sleep.


    For some people the technique will automatically work without you having to

    do anything. You will find yourself in a stressful situation where normally you

    would have reacted with stress and the stress will be gone. If that is you then

    you are the exception and thats great.

    But, for most it will take just a few days for it to start working in the real life


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    Before you start using the technique make sure that you are able to bring all

    of the images clearly into your mind.

    If any of the images are fading slightly then that is not a problem as long as it

    remains as the same image.

    If you are confident that you can play all the images and the movie in your

    head at will, without reference to your notes then you can start using the

    technique, If not, then you will need to go over it again until your are

    absolutely sure that you can play it all in your head.

    Now that you have learned The Technique, lets apply it to your real life

    situations that cause you stress.

    The Technique has been developed to work best in real life stress situation.


    If you have not already done so then start by making a list of the situations

    that cause you stress.

    Start with the small things, the habitual routines...

    The house is not tidy and it throws me into a spin.

    When you clean the house from that spin feeling you have experiencedstress and you will have noticed that it never leaves you feeling good about


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    and it is covered with a light tan leather top. It is sturdy and looks to have a lot

    of wear and tear on it. It has taken me just a few seconds to focus on the

    stool. It is enough time to make me stop and think.

    Now once you have diverted your thoughts... Start the technique and do it a

    few times in your head.

    That lethargic feeling will already have started to dissipate.

    Your thinking mind will re engage and the lethargic feeling will begin to

    disappear .

    Now, do that which you are putting off doing. It is usually a small thing like

    filing out a form or cleaning out that cupboard. Do it there and then. Do it now.

    You will find that once you complete the task it will give you a good feeling

    and you wont have that bad feeling that comes from wasting time.


    I get bullied at work all the time. I cant stand up for myself. Im just a


    These are negative thought patterns and you need to challenge them head


    Dont just walk up to your boss or work colleague and tell them that you

    are being bullied and that it needs to stop. That will just lead to a

    confrontation that you dont need.


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    The negative though pattern is caused by negative feelings within yourself,

    so, you need to confront the negative feeling within yourself to change the

    though pattern.

    You know that negative feeling, its been with you for a long time and now it is

    time to get rid of it by applying the technique in the real life situation.

    Now, in the past you will probably have have planned to stand up for yourself

    and even played out the scenario of how you will stand up for yourself in your

    head only to find yourself in the same situation again.

    Or, at night before you sleep you may have replayed a scenario that

    happened in the day and changed the events in your head to make you come

    out on top...

    There is no need to do anything like this any more.

    Heres how to deal with these situations.

    Before you go out or start you day, sit down quietly for a few moments. Take

    several deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    Do your One Minute Meditation three times to relax your mind. Leave two

    minutes between each meditation.

    Now, bring that bad feeling into your body in the same way as you did when

    you did the final part of the technique. As soon as you feel the feeling then

    play the technique in your head, all the way through to the end of the movie.Do this as many times as it takes for the feeling to leave you or reduce by


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    Dont think about what you are going to do when the next stressful situation

    happens. Just forget about it and get on with your daily life. Then when the

    situation happens you will find that the technique will come into your head,

    either immediately, or within a few seconds.

    Once you do the technique in the actual situation you will gain valuable

    seconds where you will be able to think and to respond in a way that is

    positive to you. You wont just blurt out your usual response but rather you will

    be able to think and to respond appropriately.

    Once you have stood up for yourself you may find that the other person is a

    bit shocked by your change of tone. It may be a little uncomfortable for a few

    seconds, but you are now in control of your thinking mind and you will have

    stood up for yourself. Again, dont rehearse this. Trust your thinking mind, it

    will know what to do in the real life situation.

    And, no matter what, even if it brings conflict, it will be a hundred times better

    than saying your usual yes when you mean no or no when you mean


    It may take you a few times to get this right so dont worry if you dont get it

    on the first attempt. I guarantee you that you will get it by the third time at the


    Once the situation has passed, do your One Minute Meditation to calm your


    Congratulate yourself and get on with your day.


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    then you will always assume the negative outcome. ( 9 times out of 10 there

    will be a positive outcome to worry )

    Reach a conclusion and give it a positive and realistic outcome and you will

    stop the worry cycle.

    Once you have digested your thoughts you will have a positive feeling and

    you can move on in your day.

    Beware of Your Thoughts

    There is an old Chinese saying...

    Beware of your thoughts, they may come true.

    I am all for positive thinking. It does bring results and you are more likely to

    achieve your goals if you apply positive thinking to your life.

    However, before you start thinking positively you need to eliminate any

    negative thinking. To do this you also need to make sure that your overall way

    of thinking is not infused with negative emotions. Because, what may appear

    like positive thinking can actually be negative thinking if the emotional

    emphasis is of a negative pattern.

    Lets take a common example.

    I am going to be successful, work hard and make a good life for myself.

    This is a positive statement that a lot of people will use a a modus operandi in



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    However, when you examine the emotion behind the statement you may find

    something entirely different...

    I am going to be successful, work hard and make a good life for myself......

    Because I dont want to end up like my father.

    Because I want to live the dream and no one is getting in my way.

    Because I am going to show them that Im not a failure.

    Because I hate this place I come from and I want to get as far away

    from it as possible.

    So, what appears to be positive thinking, is not positive thinking at all

    because it has negative emotional emphasis behind it.

    Emotion has more power over your thoughts than you realize and you need

    to make sure that your thoughts come from positive emotion.

    Take someone who has food issues.

    I am going to make sure that I eat healthily today. Ill have muesli for

    breakfast, I wont have that mid morning snack that I usually have. Then as I

    have to go out for lunch I will make sure that I choose the healthy option from

    the menu and have a starter rather than a desert. Then in the evening I will

    just have a salad and some fruit.

    Now, diet wise I see nothing wrong with what the person is eating. I totally


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    advocate a healthy and normal eating routine.

    But, as food is emotional you also need to have positive emotion in your

    thought structure surrounding food.

    The first part of this thought structure is positive. The it goes into negativity


    ...I wont have that mid morning snack... In this context the word wont has

    negative emotional emphasis. You are depriving yourself and thereby sending

    a negative emotional message to yourself.


    You can enhance positive thinking by using positive emotional emphasis.

    Thinking works, it brings results, it makes things happen. If you think

    positively, then positive things will happen, but if you think negatively,

    negative things will happen.

    Your mind and your thoughts are influenced by emotion, so you need to have

    the correct emotional emphasis on your thought structure for positive thinking

    to be more effective. Start by eliminating the negative and make sure that you

    have the correct emotional emphasis on key words.

    For example, I taught my children how to ride bikes in about an hour by using

    emotional emphasis and positive thinking. It's scary for a parent to let a child

    off on a two wheel bike on a hard road surface for the first time, because you

    don't want them to fall and injure themselves. However, I never mentioned


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    If you think that you cant achieve then you will never achieve..




    Start by identifying the pattern...

    Do you...

    You go over and over traumatic events of the past.

    Think about someone who has hurt you and you plan what you aregoing to do or say when you see them next...

    Get fixated on food and think about food all of the time.

    Constantly play the same memory scene over an over in you head like a

    movie that is stuck on a loop...

    Check the news all the time waiting for disaster and then play

    the scenes form the disaster over and over in your mind.

    If so then you are stuck in negative thought patterns.

    However once you have identified the pattern then you are in a position to

    stop it from repeating it.54

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    Its the small things that count. Its those little things that happen on a day to

    day basis and that go unsaid, never discussed , you just let them be for

    whatever reason...

    If they are giving you stress then you need to change the stress reaction in

    yourself and not try to change the relationship.

    So, when you feel that uncomfortable feeling that your partner evokes in you..



    Once you feel that uncomfortable feeling then do The Technique in your head

    a few times and you will stop the feeling from going inside of you.

    Do your One Minute Meditation...

    Now you can discuss what is really happening because your thinking mind

    will be working. Heres the best thing to say.

    I felt uncomfortable a few moments ago when you did, said xyz ...

    I need to talk about something that I feel in not right in our relationship...

    Pose a question as opposed to making a statement.

    This will start a conversation because you have been able to say how you

    feel and no one other than yourself knows how you truly feel. People can

    influence how you think but no one can tell you how you feel because you are


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    feeling it and only you know how you feel. So, if something make you feel odd

    inside then it makes you feel odd inside. Tell someone.

    You are more than likely to get a positive responses if you say how you feelwhen you feel it. No point in letting it build up as it can only come out as

    something else, usually resentment.

    Even if you get a negative responses like, What are you talking about...

    you will still have had a positive reaction as this will tell you where your

    relationship is ..

    Talk about it now...

    Do not let it build up indie of you or it will become something else.

    Annoyance will become anger. Anger will become fury...

    Rejection will become grief. Grief will bring isolation...

    Relationships are about communication and the most powerful aspect of

    communication is emotional but no one will know how you are feeling if you

    dont express yourself.

    Dont let it go unsaid. Say it in the moment and it wont build up.


    Every time I talk to my mother/father I am left with an empty feeling.


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    My sister still treats me like a teenager...

    My brother makes me feel uncomfortable in his presence.

    Your family are always going to be your family and there may be differences

    of opinions and ways of being among people from the same family. Okay...

    ...but, a family member, no matter how close has no right to cause you

    stress or to Make you feel bad about yourself.

    I have heard the expression ...makes me feel bad about myself , many

    many times in my clinical practice. This has to stop because it only leads you

    to that negative place where you start to damage yourself with food, alcohol,

    cigarettes etc..

    But, you need to change the stress reaction in yourself and not try to

    change the family.

    Apply the technique in the situation where you feel family stress and you will

    find that you will be able to stop yourself from picking up on the stress. This

    will allow you to observe what is going on as opposed to engage in the

    negative family dynamic.

    So, if your family is stressing you out, you need to see the bigger picture and

    in order to do that you need to have control of your thinking mind in the real

    life family situation. By doing the technique in real time you will gain the ability

    to put a fresh mind on the situation.


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    Some people throw stress around and pass it onto those around them. If this

    sounds familiar then it more than likely happening to you.

    You experience stress when you around a certain type of person or in a

    certain type of relationship. You know it has to be them that is causing your

    stress, because of how they make you feel. You know that you were not

    feeling stressed before you came into their presence. But, as soon as they

    appear then there is stress in abundance.

    And, they get away with it because they are usually unable or unwilling to

    admit that they are stressful people.

    You may even have challenged them on occasion only to be met with a

    certain look or a What are you talking about. Im not stressed, Im

    perfectly normal.

    Actually, when they say that they are normal they are telling the truth because

    that is how they are normally. Their normal condition is one of stress,

    narcissism, selfishness or the many other ways that cover up true feelings.

    They often appear at family gatherings or they may be present at your

    Sunday lunch. They lurk in factories and offices. They infiltrate sports clubs or

    they can be schoolteachers or shopkeepers. But, no matter where they

    appear in life they are usually oblivious to the affect that they have on other


    Once you start using the technique you can learn how not to be affected by

    these people. Use the technique when you come into their presence or

    before you know that you are going to meet them, phone them etc. and you


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    Dont forget to do your One Minute Meditation after any type of encounter.


    One of the most dangerous things that you can do in life is to indulge in

    fantasy and daydreaming. It may seem a harmless thing to do at the time,

    but, in actual fact, it is one of the things that can keep you locked into your

    emotional default patterns.

    Fantasy keeps you locked into your damaged emotional past.

    Fantasy perpetuates your negative stress habits.

    Fantasy stops your adult emotional development.


    Fantasy is part of our make up and it is a difficult to master. As children we

    use fantasy so that we can learn to integrate into the world that is controlled

    by adults. There is nothing wrong with a four year old wanting to be a mummy

    or a daddy and bossing their teddy bear around, or dressing up as a princess

    or a ninja warrior etc.. Its all part of the progression of life. As you get older

    you leave the fantasies of your earlier years behind and accept the reality of

    your life development.

    But, more and more people these days are holding onto to fantasy and letting

    it into their adult lives.

    Let me give you some examples....


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    G..... trained for the marathon for a full year. He was a good athlete as a

    teenager but lost interest due to a variety of factors.. He imagined himself

    crossing the tape at the end of the marathon alongside the professional

    athletes. He saw it clearly in his head, the cheering crowd, the televisioncoverage of the unknown thirty-something doing an amazing feat...

    Of course he did not finish beside the professional athletes. He finished the

    race alongside thousands of others. This made him feel awful about himself

    for having wasted so much time on an impossible dream and he sunk into a

    depression. It was the same depression that he had suffered in late teens and

    early twenties. In fact, when he talked about his life he realized that he had

    always used fantasy as a way of escaping from his feelings. Then when we

    talked further he realized that it was not his feelings in general that he was

    escaping from as he had a lot of different feelings. It was a specific feeling,


    He could not describe it but he knew it like an old friend/enemy and the only

    way he could get relief from it was to go into fantasy. He knew that the feeling

    was old and had been with him for a long time. I got him to identify the feeling

    and apply the LSR Technique each time he got the feeling. He stopped

    indulging in fantasy in a few days and his life began to change in the matter

    of a few weeks.

    A..... finds that when she is in a relationship she constantly looks around for

    someone better, more handsome, more interesting. The more involved in the

    relationship she gets the more the fantasy increases. She then has

    relationships in her head with people she meets briefly and even people she

    only sees on the train to work.

    She had lots of therapy and knows that the problem is one of a fear of


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    intimacy, but had failed to understand that she was perpetuating her fear of

    intimacy by indulging in fantasy. I asked her to stop the fantasy and she did

    so by applying the LSR Technique each time she went into fantasy. It took her

    a few weeks to fully get rid of the fantasy as she was in a daily habit of doingit. But, once it had gone she started to allow herself to feel intimacy without


    Her relationships with her family and those closest to her started to improve

    immediately and it took her a only few months to start a proper relationship

    with a non fantasy man. He was not the man of her dreams, but then he was

    the man of her reality.

    M.... puts photos of a supermodel on her fridge and dieted and dieted until

    she got to the same weight as the supermodel. She imagined how wonderful

    she would feel as she walked down the street looking like her fantasy

    supermodel. She never got that wonderful feeling when she walked down the

    street as no one other than the people she knew noticed her. Feeling

    despondent she put all her weight back on again. I asked her what feeling

    she expected to have once she got thin and she did not know. She just

    wanted to feel good about herself.

    We then examined why she put weight back on again and she knew exactly

    why as she felt bad about herself and just gave in to the bad feeling as she

    had failed to make herself feel good. She had this bad feeling all of her

    life and found that fantasy was the only way of getting rid of it.

    But, every time she failed at fantasy, the old bad feeling returned . M. was

    constantly setting herself up for failure and each time she failed she

    increased her own sense of lack of self worth. Even as we spoke she would

    interrupt me and say that If only I can stay thin, I would feel better. I asked


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    Most negative emotional patterns come from the subconscious and are not

    always easy to identify. They can be with you for years without revealing

    themselves as being of a dangerous nature.

    But, when you find the negative patterns and bring them into your conscious

    mind then you can eliminate them very quickly.

    Some people will just be able to stop by identifying the problem. If you are

    one of theses people then thats great. Just throw it out of your life and watch

    how much emotional freedom it will give you.


    Next, you need to create a Memory Doorway for the negative pattern in your

    conscious mind. The best way of doing this is to give it an image. Now, lets

    see what image we can give it.

    A Thief

    A Robber

    A Puncture

    A Leak

    A heavy Burden

    Chose whichever of these images that is clearest in your mind or choose one

    that you are more comfortable with.

    See the image in your mind.


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    and it need to go..





    Now, when you next go into the void state you will see the Void Image

    appearing in your head.

    Once this happens, leave a few seconds pass and then as a separate

    exercise, play The Technique in your head a few times until you

    come back to reality.

    N.B. Dont join the Void Image to the Technique.

    Always leave a few seconds between seeing the Void Image in your head

    and doing the Technique.

    Finish by doing your One Minute Meditation.

    Te LimbicStessReleaseHomeSeminar. End.


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    Limbic Stress Release Seminar


    I have listed questions that I have experienced at the end of my live seminars

    as I want the questions and answers to feel more like a conversation that a Q

    and A list. I have also tried to anticipate any other questions that you may


    Q. Is stress a medically proven condition.

    A. Yes. The top research facility is in New York. I recommend that you

    listen to a man called Joseph Le Doux as he is the most experienced in

    the field of The Amygdala. It is worthwhile reading his book, The

    Emotional Brain, which explains how the chemical reaction takes place inyour brain. Its a very interesting book and easy to read.

    Q. So, if it is a medically proved condition then why is it so difficult to treat.

    A. The action of the Amygdala stress hormone release is chemical and

    science is advancing more and more every day to correct the chemicalbalance of the body.


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    However, stress is largely caused by emotional stimulus and is

    influenced by how the mind works. The chemical treatment alone is not

    enough to treat the ongoing causal aspect of stress in many people.

    Stress has a wideranging set of causes, you might even say that thereare as many causesas individuals because everyone has a unique

    emotional profile. You cant design a treatment that is specifically tailored

    to every single individual.

    I have been in clinical practice for a long time and have many times

    witnessed these things first hand by observing my clients. With all of theseconditions there is one thing that seems to be consistent and that is the

    presence of the stress switch for people. I dont believe that you are born

    anxious or depressed. There is still no hard and fast scientific evidence to

    show that a rouge gene in responsible. Also, there has to be a reason for

    everything and I have yet to find someone suffering form anxiety or

    depression who does not have a history of stress in their life.

    Q. Is is possible to stop the stress switch even if you dont know why it goes


    A. That is the biggest advantage of this system. While it is better and more

    advisable to understand what has happened to you, the actions of the

    amygdala is still responsible for the activation of the stress switch and it is

    by stopping this switch from going off that allows you to to reduce the

    affect of stress on you.

    Q. Why is it so important to generate the images in my mind as opposed to

    you supplying images on a screen.


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    A Stress is activated in your brain from your own actual memories. Memories

    are created by using the neurological pathways in your brain and because

    it is a memory then it is already embedded in your brain. If I showed you a

    pre made slide show then you would have to create a new memory andreinforce it and you would need a lot of time to do this. By using your actual

    memories your brain is able to respond faster and more powerfully. It is

    your response to your memories that activate your stress switch and I have

    found, through experience, that it is more powerful to use actual memories

    rather than create new ones. Besides, if I showed you a slide show then

    your mind would have to create a new memory and it is not new memories,

    but old ones, that activate stress.

    Q. How long does it take to remember the images.

    A. It depends on the individual. Some people can instantly recall the images

    while others may take a few hours or even a few days. At the live seminarsome people can feel under pressure to perform and it can take until the

    following day before the even begin to remember. But, everyone gets

    there in their own time. You are under no pressure as you are doing this

    seminar by yourself. You can remember the first image without any

    problem so that leaves six. If you find it difficult to remember all the

    images at once then do the first two or three and practice these two or

    three for a while. the add in an image at a time until you have built it up to

    seven. The important thing is to make sure that you can remember the

    images in your mind and play them without any help.

    Q. What if I cant remember all of the seven images.

    A. This does sometimes happen for people. They get to say image 5 and get


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    tripped up. If this happens then replace that image and then start again.

    You can adjust things at this stage.

    Q. What if I cant remember 7 images and I only get to 5.

    A. You can only do your best but try for 7 as I have found this to be the best


    Q. Is this a form of hypnosis.

    A. Not at all, but, I can see why people ask this question. Hypnosis involves

    suggestion. There is no suggestion here at all. You are not asked to

    imagine anything and you are in complete control of your mind at all

    times. With Memory Doorways you are accessing your own actual

    memories as they exist now. You are not being asked to remember past

    trauma but to look at how the trauma is currently represented in your


    Q. Will it interfere with the working of the rest of my brain.

    A. By no means. In fact it will enhance your brain just as your brain was

    enhanced by learning when you were a child. It creates new

    neurological pathways in your brain. Also, if you notice I have asked you

    to visualize iconic landmarks from around the world. These images are

    generally neutral memories for people.

    Q. What if I have had a negative experience while visiting one of these


    A. In that case then please use a different image. You need these images


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    to be as neutral as possible.

    Q. What if I just cant think of a good feeling movie.

    A. This does sometimes happen to people who have experienced a lot of

    stress in their lives, especially recent stress. Your memories are there, you

    just need to activate them. Ask someone close to you, look through a photo

    album. Give your memory a positive stimulus to work with.

    Q. What if I cant get the bad stress feeling to come into my body.

    A. You dont have the full on version of the bad stress feeling, if you just get

    a flavor of the feeling it will be good enough as long as it is the same

    type of feeling that you when that feeling of stress comes over you.

    Q. If I am still finding it difficult to even get a flavor.

    A. Then think of the most recent incident where you get this feeling in real

    life and replay it in your head a few times until you get the feeling.

    Q. What type of image do I expect to get when I ask my subconscious stress

    imageto come into my mind.

    A. There is no standard image. It comes out of your subconscious so you

    will probably only have seen it in your dreams or it may be something from

    your past. For instance, I got an image of a tennis ball coming towards

    me. But, it came out of the dark and did not represent an actual memory. It

    was more of a representation of the dark part of my psyche. Other people

    have an image of something from childhood..

    I have come across people having of a popular record that came out the


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    eliminate the daily triggers that induce depressive feelings. Stress and

    anxiety lead to depression. Once you stop your stress switch from going

    off you can stop anxiety and when you stop anxiety you reduce the

    circumstances that lead to depression.

    Q. Whats the difference between sadness and depression.

    A. Sadness is a normal emotion and should be appropriate to the incidents

    that cause it. Its sad to hear about natural disasters where people die

    but, it should not make you depressed. If you loose someone close to

    you then it is normal to grieve but the grief should pass with time. If you

    continue to stay in sadness then you have become depressed.

    Q. Explain Memory Doorways again.

    Memory Doorways

    When you begin to learn the LSR Technique you will need to use Memory

    Doorways as a way of accessing your actual memories. This is a relatively

    easy thing to do. however, like any aspect of the human brain it takes a

    certain amount of practice.

    A Memory Doorway is the opening image that you see in your head when you

    are stimulated, either mentally or emotionally. With the passage of time you

    are constantly generating more and more memories and you cannot possibly

    remember all of them at once, so your brain has to store them.

    Your experiences of life and memories get stored away in the what is often

    referred to as the back of the mind . In computer terms a memory doorway

    is a sort of File Name to your memories.


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    ( N.B. We are not like computers! Its the other way round, computers are like

    us as we created them. )


    Memory is stored in your brain and is the record of mental and emotional

    experiences represented in your brain. There are many forms of memory that

    related to the various parts of the brain.

    There are long term memories and short term memories, sensual memories,

    emotional memories, but , all forms of memory are based on changes in

    synaptic connections within the neural circuits of each memory system. The

    strength of memory is highly influenced by emotion. So, the stronger the

    emotion at the time the memory was created the more impact the memory

    will have on you.

    If you have repeated experiences of the same type of memory it gets even

    stronger as it uses the same neural pathways. Thats why habits can be so

    hard to shift because they are created by repeated experiences and dig

    themselves into the channels in your brain.


    Memories are mostly activated by circumstances, especially emotional

    memories. You meet someone on the street who you havent met for a long

    time and the memories of your previous encounters come flooding back in an

    instant, even though you may not have thought about that person for a long

    time. The act of randomly meeting the person will have activated the

    memories. If, in the past, you have had positive encounters with that person


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    then you will find that the encounter will be a pleasant one.

    Nice to see you again, all the best now. You will be left with a warm feeling

    and your day and your mood will have been enhanced.

    However, if you had unpleasant dealing with this person then the opposite will

    happen and unpleasant feeling, or anxiety, anger or frustration will

    immediately invade you. Your memory will not be as clear and you may only

    remember a few of the nasty encounters with this person. You may respond

    in a variety of ways..

    Avoid the person.

    Speak to them and pretend that everything was okay on the past.

    Confront them.

    Be over nice to them.


    Your senses can activate memories, a familiar sound or song can bring back

    memories of places, events and even periods in your life.

    Then of course, you can activate memories by thought alone. Think of

    someone you havent seen in a long time, like an old school friend that you

    have lost contact with. Once you have activated the memory then you will find

    yourself seeing a single image of that person, like a photograph in your mind.

    You will notice an image coming into your head once you have decided on

    who you are choosing to remember. Once you start to remember your

    previous encounters with that person then the image will change as you

    recount the times that you have spent together.


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