Download - Legend of Korra- Growing Pains sample



Written by

Andrew Biando

Andrew [email protected]




The silence in the room is palpable. TENZIN, spiritual leader of the air acolytes, sits at the head of the barren table, legs crossed and face rested in complete serenity.

His daughters, JINORA and IKKI, follow their father’s example, while his son MEELO sleeps in a light daze. Sleeping or not, they all share in their father’s expression of harmony.

A loud grumble breaks the silence. The monks open an eye to see KORRA, spirit of the planet reincarnated in human form... Failing desperately at meditating. Another obnoxiously loud grumble erupts from her stomach.

KORRAAll right enough! Can we please eat already?

Tenzin is completely stoic in the face of Korra’s usual energy. He answers in an even tone.

TENZINMeditation is good. It calms the mind and gives us order to chaos. Even babies find it soothing.

True to his word, his youngest at one year of age, ROHAN, sleeps soundly, curled up in his lap.

KORRAYeah, but you feed that thing by the hour.

TENZINBabies need to eat. It’s for their health. We, however, may choose to use restraint. Try it Korra, perhaps you’ll find an appreciation for it.

Korra takes a deep breath, readying for a new round of meditation. She lets out all the air in one loud sigh.

KORRANope, can’t seem to get find that quiet place over the sound of my stomach growling.

TENZINReally Korra, rushing through life will only get you so far. You must learn take a breath now and then. It will help in your studies and...

PEMA, the living embodiment of motherly love, enters, arms full of steaming bowls.


The children snap to life. It’s as if their mediation was only a hibernation to keep their mind off how hungry they were. Ikki and Meelo both ride a sudden blast of air to their mother, and savagely grab at food.

Jinora gracefully stands, retrieves the food and bows to Pema. Pema pats her head lovingly. She slides a bowl over to Korra. She readies her chopsticks.

TENZINNot yet Korra. You have not finished meditating.

Korra stares daggers into the older man.

PEMAOh, let her eat. It’s good to have energy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull Rabbitfrog.

She teases the serious man by ruffling his beard. Tenzin quickly runs his fingers through it, forming it back to its natural point.

TENZINAlright, I suppose.

She opens the bowl, preparing for what should be an all out war between food and mouth. The bowl reveals only a few steamed leaves of cabbage.

KORRAWhere’s the rest of it?

TENZINThat is the rest of it. It’s called fasting. It’s a good way to learn restraint.

Meelo take his chance while Korra is distracted. The little boy uses his Airbending to push the bowl closer to him and...


KORRAOh, no you don’t!

Korra strikes back with her own Airbending, pulling the bowl right back. The two erupt in the classic game of “tug-o-bowl.”

PEMARemember when we were like that?

TENZINI was never like that.

PEMAOh, you weren’t always Mr. Serious. I remember a young man who used to juggle in the park every day just to impress a certain girl...

Tenzin’s face remains static as ever, but his ears don a tinge of bright pink.

TENZINI was practicing my bending.

PEMAMhm. Well, it will be nice to visit home and get away from all this bending this weekend.

Tenzin chokes on a cabbage leaf. He coughs it down.

TENZINThis weekend?

PEMAYou were taking me to visit my parents in the Earth Kingdom. You didn’t forget, did you?

TENZINOf course not! I’m so exited to see your mother again...

PEMAGood! Who’s the baby sitter?

A flying bowl of cabbage lands on Tenzin’s head. He looks deeply disturbed by his new wig of leaves.

Rohan wakes from the clatter, hesitates, then decides to cry. Pema scoops him in her arms.


PEMA (CONT’D)And that marks the end of dinner. How about you get cleaned up, and I’ll take care of this. Come on kids, bed time!

The children follow their mother out of the room as Tenzin picks the cabbage off his bald head. Korra begins to pick up the bowls, but Tenzin stops her.

TENZINKorra, a word?

Korra comes face to face with her Airbending teacher, only to burst out laughing. He still has a piece of cabbage lodged in his beard.

KORRAYes, Lieutenant Green Beard?

Tenzin notices the greenery and quickly flings it away, quieting the Avatar with a stern look.

TENZINI have a favor to ask. Normally I wouldn’t do such a thing... but... Well, it’s just that, I’m in a rush and...

KORRAJust say it already!

TENZINI need you to baby sit the kids for the weekend.

KORRAI have Fire Farrets practice! Why didn’t you get anyone else to do it?

TENZINWell, a lot was happening with Amon and the council then, and time simply slipped by.

KORRAYou completely forgot about it.

TENZINYes. It’s not something I look forward to.

KORRAWhy not?


TENZINWell, her parents seem to be under the impression I stole her from their home.

KORRAWell did you?

TENZINNo! I simply asked her if she would like to accompany me to the air temple for a day trip.

KORRAA day trip several hundred miles away from her home.

TENZINI had an air bison, so I could have... This isn’t the point! I just need you to watch the kids tomorrow.

Korra crosses her arms, never one to miss an opportunity.

KORRAYou know. Pema has been talking about this trip a lot. She’d be let down if you couldn’t find someone to look after the kids and had to cancel.

TENZINIt won’t come to that, you’ll do it, won’t you?

KORRAWell, I don’t know. I’d need to have energy to baby sit, and your beard decided to eat my dinner.

TENZINI can always make you a new...

KORRAI hear the Earth Kingdom makes a famous leechi pie...

TENZINAre you black mailing me for pie?

KORRAI wouldn’t call it blackmail... but hey, if you want to reward me for a long hard days work with a pie, who am I to stop you?


The two lock eyes.

She’s won. Korra extends her hand.

Tenzin looks away in a huff, but shakes it, making the deal official. He stomps away.

KORRA (CONT’D)Good doing business with you! An make sure it’s still warm when you bring it back.

Tenzin only answers in a grunt, much to Korra’s satisfaction.


An AIR BISON is packed, ready for a long trip. The kids say their good byes to their parents, as Korra helps lug the last items on to the animal.

TENZINCareful with those. They are...

With a grunt, she pulls a slab of stone from the earth, knocking the baggage into the Bison's harness.

TENZIN (CONT’D)...Gifts for Pema’s parents. Yes, well. Korra, are you sure you can handle this for the weekend?

KORRADon’t worry about it! They be fine. It will be a piece of pie, right?

She winks in the most obvious way. Tenzin quickly, but quietly nods. He mounts the Bison.

TENZINKids, behave for Korra. Yip-yip.

Korra and the kids wave as the Bison takes to the sky.

Korra’s cheery expression sours into stern smugness.

KORRAAlright, here’s the rules. There will be no fighting, no loud playing, no friends over, and no leaving the island. Oh, and no distracting me during practice.



As if on cue, the bending brothers BOLIN and MAKO arrive.

KORRAWell since I couldn’t go to practice, I brought the practice to me.

JINORAIsn’t that breaking your own rules?

KORRAYou’re right. Oh wait. I’m an adult, the Avatar, and I’m in charge. So no! I make up the rules.

MAKOWe don’t have to practice, if it’s too much trouble.

BOLINOr we can help you baby sit! It could be fun!

Mako clearly doesn’t agree.

KORRADon’t worry about it. The kids won’t be any trouble.

Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo attempt to escape their overlord. Korra stomps her foot and a wall of rock cut off their path.



A baby’s cry echoes from inside.

JINORAI think it’s time for Rohan to eat.

MEELOI think he pooped.

IKKIYou should go change him!

KORRAMako and Bolin can handle it by themselves. Since they agreed to help.


Both Bolin and Mako regret their decision, but turn obey. Korra bends down to come face to face with the little miscreants.

KORRA (CONT’D)I know what you’re up to. And it’s not going to work. I got my eye on you.

An even louder cry comes from the house. This time it’s not the baby’s, but Bolin’s.

MAKOKorra! A little help here?

A lingering gaze.

KORRADon’t move a muscle.

She runs to help, and the kids disappear on gusts of winds. She sighs, deciding to deal with them later.


Korra enters just in time to see Mako and Bolin thrown to the ground on their butts.

KORRAWhere’s Rohan?

Mako points to where they flew from. Korra follows the direction to a super powered Rohan floating, clearly bending the air around him. Rohan giggles and sends a blast of air Korra’s way.







The Flying Bison lands into a well kempt lawn that looks like someone hand cut each blade. In fact, that’s exactly what was happening. As the large animal comes down from the sky, a BUTLER with a pair of scissors, scuttles away.

He regains his composure, grass still sticking out of his hair.

BUTLERMistress Pema. We have been expecting you. But not in such an... Unexpected mode of transportation.

The last comment was aimed directly at Tenzin. Tenzin’s eye twitches.

TENZINI would have thought the Bourgeoisie family would have appreciated the rarity of an Air Nomad...


MÉRE BOURGEOISIE, decked in furs of every animal one can buy, rushes Pema. Mére kisses her on both cheeks.

MÈRE BOURGEOISIE (CONT’D)It’s sooooo good to see you again! We didn’t expect to see you so soon.

PEMASky Bison's are still the fastest way to travel.

MÈRE BOURGEOISIEAnd the most dangerous! Really Tenzin, you couldn’t travel in a Satomobile like a normal person? It’s much more safe then this.

She points condescendingly behind her towards the Bison. The Bison licks her with his giant tongue.

Now her face is filled with disgust. Mére quickly squeegees off her face.


PEMAWhere’s dad?


PÉRE BOURFEOISIE, a portly man squeezed into a suit fumbles to them, huffing and puffing.

PÈRE BOURGEOISIE (CONT’D)Darling... So good.. To see...

PEMADaddy... You shouldn’t have troubled...

PÈRE BOURGEOISIENo trouble, my dear, no trouble at all. Shall we retire to the den?

MÈRE BOURGEOISIEAs long as the beast remains outside.

PEMAOf course, the Sky Bison is too big to fit inside anyway.

MÈRE BOURGEOISIEI wasn’t referring to the Bison.

The family walks ahead.

Tenzin’s expression is neutral, but his eye continues to twitch. He breaths, and calms. Pema is concerned.

TENZINPema? What’s wrong?

PEMADo you think the kids are OK? It’s just been so long since...

TENZINI’m sure they are alright. Korra is the avatar. There’s no need to worry.



Korra flies out of the air temple. She lands in a heap on the ground. Anger shifts to shock when she sees IkkI, Jinora, and Meelo set sail for Republic City behind her.
