Download - Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Page 1: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Lecture1: Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food

Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount of upper bound and three functions of food




Resolved product

Resolved productCell

Page 2: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

1. The safety rate is added and it is assumed recommended amount by the receipts and disbursements experiment for the average necessity amount. (Nitrogen equilibrium of protein and blood level of water-soluble vitamin)

2.The amount of the target that is appropriate for the prevention of the lifestyle related disease is chiefly requested from the epidemiologic study. Difficult resin solubleness material to experiment receipts and disbursements. Aging in aging society.Effect of long-term nourishment of disease prevention

The decision of Meal standard amount

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.16

Page 3: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Each index of dietary reference intake 2005 (presumption average necessity amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, and upper bound amount) and amount of mixing limit in nourishment place of nutrition function food

Noted that the amount of the target (lifestyle-related diseases prevention) is shown in figure

The concept of the probability was introduced. And, it changed from a necessary amount to recommended amount

Recommended amount


k o

f sh




of h




s by excess

ive in

takeHabitual intake




Presumption average

necessity amount

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.15

Page 4: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

●Estimated average requirement: EAR   Japanese amount of necessary mean value was presumed from the necessary amount   measured for a specific group according to the character and the age class. It is an   intake presumed to fill a necessary amount of 50% of people who belong to concerned   and the age class during a day  ●Recommended dietary allowance: RDA    It is an intake to which people who belong to a certain character and age class are    presumed that almost(97 ~ 98%) fills a necessary amount during a day during a day. As a    rule, it was assumed, "(2SD) of twice presumption average necessity amount + standard    deviation".

●Adequate intake: AI    It is a reasonable amount though people who belong to a certain character and age    class maintain an excellent nutrient state when a scientific basis enough to calculate a    presumption average necessity amount and recommended

amount is not obtained  ● Tentative dietary goal for preventing life-style related diseases: DG    It is an intake (Or, the range) that should be assumed that a present Japanese is an     immediate objective for the first prevention of the lifestyle disease  ●Tolerable upper intake level: UL    Almost all people who belong to a certain character and age class are the maximum amounts of the nutrient intake that might not cause health problems by an excessive intake

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.23

Page 5: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

           Receipts and disbursements of nitrogen (nitrogen balance)The nitrogen of a constant amount is exhausted regardless of the intake when the intake is few tho

ugh the amount of the exhaust of nitrogen is equal to the taken amount of nitrogen. The amount of t

he exhaust analyzes and measures Nyou. a is 12mg and passing skin (hair, dirt, and fingernail)10m

g in the amount of the nitrogen exhaust and the Japanese when the no protein food takes amount o

f lowest necessary to keep the nitrogen receipts and disbursements protein amount (number of nitr

ogen grams) and b in the third grade of junior high-school four-urine mg and during 58mgN/weight

kg/day. Because the amount of the exhaust during a day is constant, 2 other mg and urine creatinin

es N are used to presume 24 hour urinary output (2005 the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)



nt o

f ex



t nitro




Amount of intake nitrogen (g)

Urine creatinine N=0.6g( Constancy )

Vicissitude of protein

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.63

Page 6: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

There are a lot of protein energy dystrophies like dementia and the heavy main point nurser

Senior citizen's daily life activity ability and appearance situation of PEM

Daily life moving ability

Men (1,109)

Women (1,361)

The Ministry of Health and WelfareResearch on the senior citizen's nourishment management service

Page 7: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The mesurement standard for Measurement index for body composition element and nutritive evaluation

Body composition element Protein amount Index

Thickness of humerus sebum(TSF)Thickness of hypodermic fat

Serum albuminIron-binding capacity (transferrin)

Antigen reaction in skin

Humerus Sgecaco(AMC)Creatinine/height



Weight(%) Amount=13kg100









Page 8: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Thickness of hypodermic fat

   Thickness of hypodermic fat ( mm ) = TSF + SSF    TSF: Humerus progress side triceps ( mm )

It is said the thickness of the humerus sebum

    SSF: Thickness of dorsal scapula lower fat ( mm )

   【 Standard for judgment 】     Adult men   35mm ~ :  Slight obesity

      45mm ~ :  Middle level obesity      55mm ~ :  High degree obesity

     Adult Women   45mm ~ : Slight obesity      55mm ~ :  Middle level obesity

      60mm ~ :  High degree obesity  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare "The obesity person's nourishment guidance"

Nourishment evaluation index type

Page 9: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Nourishment evaluation index type

AMC: arm muscle circumference   AMC ( cm ) = AC - π× TSF ÷ 10     AC : The above arm girth ( cm )     TSF: Thickness of humerus sebum ( mm )   【 Standard for judgment 】      Japanese standard value : adult men 24.8cm                  adult women 21.0cm      The consumption of a stripe protein is judged

compared with the reference value.

         80 ~ 90 % : Slight         60 ~ 80 % : Middle         60 %以下 : Severe  

Page 10: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Pattern diagrams to understand presumption energy necessary amount

Presumption energy necessary amount

Risk of lack Risk of excessive

Risk o

f lack

Risk o

f excessive

Customized intake amount

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.18

Page 11: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Be careful not to intake calorie extremely and strive to keep the proper weight

Original figure:The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Page 12: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

What’s the doubly labeled water

  Method of presuming the energy consumed between th

ose accurately by drinking water including stability isotope

of harmless hydrogen and oxygen for human body, and ob

serving and measuring passage to which stability isotope i

s excreted for about two weeks into urine. It puts on the m

ask etc. , and some restrictions are able not to be receive

d, and to usually live. Therefore, presuming the average e

nergy consumption in the person's daily life becomes possi


(doubly labeled water: DLW)

Page 13: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.




Hydrogen’s isotopeHydrogen’s isotope Oxygen’s isotopeOxygen’s isotope

0.0149 0.0149 atom%atom%


0.204 0.204 atom%atom%


99.759 99.759 atom%atom%


0.037 0.037 atomatom



99.985 99.985 atom%atom%


1×101×10-15-15 atom%atom%


The theory of “The doubly labeled water” Natural existence ratio of isotope

Page 14: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The calculating method of the amounts of CO2 excretion

rH2O = TBW kHAmount of a decrease of heavy hydrogen

rH2O + 2rCO2 = TBW kO

Amount of a decrease of 18O

rCO2 = TBW(kO - kH) / 2knowing the amount of the carbon dioxide discharge

Difference of expression

TBW: total body water       kH : deuterium elimination rate    Only water ( slow )

kO : oxgen elimination rate     Heavy oxygen elimination factorCarbon dioxide + water

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.37

Page 15: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The advantages and disadvantages of kinds of the mesuring methods for calories

Advantages Disadvantages

Indirect method


・ low cost

・ The basal metabolic rate can be measured

・ Capable of measure RQ

・ 24 hours cannot be measured.

・ The restriction of the mask installation is received

Direct method Human Calorimeter

・ A strict measurement of 24 hours is possible

・ The restriction of a specific room is received

Doubly labeled

Water method

・ The restriction is not received

・ Easy collecting

・ The amount of the basal metabolic rate cannot be measured.

・ The change of this place comparison of the background is caused by the region

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.38

Page 16: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The attention for applying the individual to the reference value of nutrients

The problem will not be caused and, perhaps,

there is not an advantage either

Range that wants to aim (application to group)(Nutrient : Amount of presumption average necessity, recommended, standard, upper bound)

Upper bound

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

When an individual necessary amount is understood, the amount that corresponds to it recommends it. (It is noted that there

is a person who doesn't suffice with the human who suffices at equal cost. )



PresumptionAverage necessity



(shortage, excess)

Little amount that mustbe as long as usual

food is taken

Amount that mustbe as long as usual

food is taken

Absolutely avoid!

Be careful not to be shortage Be careful not to be excess

When an individual Necessary amount is not understood,

it recommends it around here. The almost everyone

is a sufficing amount. It is noted that it is

an amount that remains by the almost everyone

It is noted to give and to conceive danger of becoming an excessive

intake because of misleading person when taking it by

supplement .Amount that doesn't want to approach

Amount of intake

Page 17: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The warning in case of apply the group to the reference value

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

The person who enters this zone is reduced as much as


The person who enters this zone has that it is not

Range that wants to aim (application to group)(Nutrient : Amount of presumption average necessity, recommended, standard, upper bound)



standard Upper boundPresumptionAverage necessity

Amount of intake

Page 18: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Newborn baby

Baby Infant SchoolChild


The amount of the body moisture (%)

Urine (ml/kg)

Amount of necessary moisture (ml/kg)

Water metabolizing according to age

Insensible perspiration(ml/kg)Moisture loss from expiration and skin

Yasuo KAGAWA. “Easy nourishment study” KAGAWA Nutrition publishing, 2006, p.109

Page 19: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

It is assumption of treatment to normalize an inner environment that has fallen into disorder due to a whole body disease as much as possible

Improvement target of inspection value before artDensity of blood coloring matter12g/dlHematocrit value   41%Serum total protein   6g/dlThe electrolyte metabolism and weight are also important

  The operating room doesn't undertake the patient from the ward excluding the emergency because there is danger of the shock under the operation if these are low values

Recommended amount is not used for the in-patient






To surgical treatment

Lose weight of 10%

Choices of patient for whom furnishing of nutrition before art is necessary

Is the losing weight the one according to the

depression such as the Muscular depressions?

Is the patient in the septicemia or vicissitude stress situation?

Passing intestines, non-oral nourishment


Page 20: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

2  Often eat various foods in the balances

Original figure:The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Page 21: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Child student's meal situation investigation report































―   November, 1998 ―  National Agency for the advancement of Sports and Health

Comparison of intake(Junior high school, women)

Beans Milks Brightly colored vegetables

The figure is an appropriate intake level of healthy Japan 21

> 100g/ a day > 130g/a day > 120g/a day

Yellow means target value

Page 22: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

What’s Japanese foods?It was assumed the national nourishment investigation value and the salt 10g in 1970/a day in this research though the base of Jomon and the Yayoi period undertook the transformation by the Heian era and the Edo period. The diabetic is food before it increases suddenly after the brain hemorrhage decreases with the Europe and America food

Japanese style foodPyramid field chart: National Institute of Health and Nutrition the 85th anniversary

Chief director,Shou WatanabePainter, Taeko Takabe

Rice, the fish, the soybean, and the vegetable are assumed to be basic. Milk, the yogurt, and bread, etc. are contained. Used chopsticks, a knife and a fork as tableware

Original figure : National, health, and nourishment laboratory

Page 23: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

5  Fat, especially a lot of saturated fatty acids is contained. Be careful not taking animal fat too much.

Animal fat

Original figure:The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Page 24: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

An increase in disease by making of meal European-style

Men Women

Hyperlipemia(To Cerebral infarction

Cardiac infarction)

Hyperlipemia(To Cerebral infarction

Cardiac infarction)

Abnormal glucose

Tolerance(To diabetics)

Abnormal glucose

Tolerance(To diabetics)




per 1961 per 1961 Kyushu University the second internal medicine department Hisayama laboratory

Hyperlipemia:Total cholesterol

Comparison of 3 groups (40 or more) in Hisayama-machiAge


Page 25: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

7  Keep in mind to intake of brightly colored vegetables and seaweeds

SeaweedsBrightly colored vegetables

Original figure:The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Page 26: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Brightly colored vegetables intake(74% of target) of present vegetable intake 269.7g (77% of target)

56% of VA, 60% of VC, and 38% of potassium are supplied with the fruit and the vegetable.

5.42g from vegetable of food fiber 14.23g

Example of menu of vegetable 350 gram

Vegetable that wants to be

taken in a day

【 Breakfast 】  Grated radish 80g  Leek Miso soup 30gRadish : 4cm of thickness, about 80gLeek: 1 bunch about 100g

Including Brightly colored vegetable 120g

【 Lunch 】  (Putting suiting of fly) Chopped cabbage 40g Tomato 20g (Soup) Onion 20g Carrot 10g   Cabbage About 40g/a leaf Tomato About 150g/a piece Carrot About 130g/One Onion About200g/a piece

【 Supper 】Spinach dressed with sesami seeds 80gSweet vinegar of turnip 50g(Putting suiting of cooked fish) burdock20g

Spinach 300g/a bunchTurnip 80g/a pieceBurdock 100g/ One

Page 27: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Hateful food



13.8 13.7 13.4 12.4 12.010.0 9.8













nt Lee

k Carrot


ato C



Green Peas






「 Investigation of actual conditions result like child student‘s eating habits etc 」 (2000)

The child student who replied "I endure but eat" is

39.1% and who replied "I don't eat" is 11.8% in an

elementary school

Page 28: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Japan-U.S. comparisons of vegetable a person intakes

1985 1990 1995 2000

Japan USYear)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries“Table on Demand and Supply of Food”

Page 29: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The three functions of the foods

  1 、 Nutrition  2、 Taste  3、 Physiology The target of health food is t

o assist three functions of food and to do the maintenance improvement of health

EBN: To establish the scientific basis1 Targeting human body. 2 Examining a individual variation and a multi type. 3 Doing a long-term examination of Btens of yearLifestyle-related diseases prevention.Emphasizing the nursing prevention.


Page 30: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

6  Be careful not to intake salt and sugar extremely

Salt Sugar

Original figure:The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Page 31: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

What’s “Specially designated health food” What’s “Nutrition function food”

Classification and name of health-promoting food



Vitamin B1Vitamin B6Vitamin CVitamin E

Pantothenic acid

Vitamin AVitamin B2

Vitamin B12Vitamin DFolic acid


Calcium, iron


drug is Contained)

Specially designated health food

(individual permission


Nutrition function

food(judged from

Standard type)

Normal Food

(includingHealthyfood )

Health functional food

Page 32: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The five major nutrient : Sugar, Lipid, Protein, Vitamin, Mineral

The Sixth nutrient : Dietary fiber

The Seventh nutrient (Non-nutrient) : Polyphenol, Chlorophyll, Sulfur compound, Isothiocyanate(Sharp taste element)


Page 33: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Antioxidative activity

The main function of the foods

Red wine, Chocolate, Cocoa, Curcumin(Turmeric)

Antioxidative activity

Immunity control activity

Broccoli, Wasabia, Indicum

Mushroom, Yogurt, Squid inky liquid

Page 34: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

Generation and role of active oxygen


Ultraviolet raysCarcinogen

Water Anti Oxidant Biofactor


NormalSterilization and detoxifying processEnergy is producted

Aging and disease

ArteriosclerosisCancer etc


Page 35: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.


The polyphenol

Red Wine, Chocolate, CocoaGreen tea, Tea, Buckwheat, Black SesameBlack Rice, Purple Cabbage, Colored Phaseolus vulgaris

For anti-counterfeit,Anti-arteriosclerosis action,Aging prevention

Abundance foods

Strong antioxidative effect

Page 36: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The 12 food groups for preventing diseases


Gourd Asteraceae

Brassicaceae Liliaceae Solanaceae


Beans Cereals SpiceMushroom

Page 37: Lecture1 : Dietary reference intakes and the three functions of food Necessary amount, recommended amount, amount of standard, amount of target, and amount.

The purpose of intaked supplements

The advice as intaking supplements

Supplementing An insufficient nutrient

Improvement of symptom matched to purpose

Preventing disease caused by the dissatisfaction

Confirming the ingredients label

Keeping the intake amount a day

Consult the doctor in case of person who is treating