Download - Lecture: Modeling intracellular cargo transport by several molecular motors

Page 1: Lecture: Modeling intracellular cargo transport by several molecular motors

Modeling intracellular cargo transport by several molecular motors

Melanie J.I. MuellerSchool ‘Modelling Complex Biological Systems‘, Évry 2010 May 7

Harvard University Physics Department

Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces

Page 2: Lecture: Modeling intracellular cargo transport by several molecular motors

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces,


Palace of Sanssouci,‘le Versailles prussien’

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• Tasks of intracellular transport

• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

• Molecular motors are cool nanomachines

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Imagine……billions of tiny machines inside your body……a thousands of the thickness of human hair……designed for a variety of functions…

…science fiction?

Selvin, The Scientist Cover 2005

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Motors - biological nanomachines


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Motors - biological nanomachines

Linear motors: move stuff inside cell

Kinosita lab

Rotary motors: ATP synthase makes ATP = cellular energy

Schmidt lab

• here: 50 r.p.m. • can do 8000 r.p.m


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Linear motors in muscles


Fibre bundlefibre



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Myosin motorsMyosin head

Actin filament

Energy supply

Linear motors in muscles

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Fibre bundlefibre



Linear motors in muscles

contraction animation

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Linear motors in cells • Cell = chemical microfactory

Albertset al., Essential Cell Biology

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Molecular motors

= cellular nano-trucks:

• walk rather than drive

- 'Roads': cytoskeletal filaments - 'Fuel': ATP - Cargos: vesicles, organelles …


Vale lab

Travis, Science 1993

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How good are motors?

• velocity = 800 nm/sec 8nm

• Are motors fast?

• 1 step = 1 m instead of 8nm

→ 100m/sec = 360km/h

→ racing car speed

→ 100 steps/sec !!

Vale lab

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• Tasks of intracellular transport

• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

• Molecular motors are cool nanomachines

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African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)

• only frog with clawed toes

• size ~ 1cm

• African frog… until late 1950s

• widely used in research

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• Pigment cells containmelanosomes (vesiclesfilled with black pigment)

Nascimento et al (2003)

African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)• can adapt skin colour to background

• Melanie: from latin/greek: dark

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How to change colour

Aggregation movie: Pedley lab (2002)

Dispersion movie (16min): Borisy lab (1998)

Nascimento et al (2003)

Dispersion(MSH, caffeine)

Aggregation (melatonin, adrenalin)

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How to change colour

Molceular motors transport melanosomes along microtubules

Rogers, UCSF


Aggregation movie: Pedley lab (2002)

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Scales of melanosome transport

Molceular motors transport

melanosomes along


• Cell radius ~ 20 μm


• Melanosome size ~ 0.5 μm → time to diffuse 20 μm ~ 30 hours

• Melanosome velocity v ~ 1 μm/s → time to travel 20 μm ~ 20 s

(Similarly: other vesicles, organelles, proteins, mRNAs...)

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Linear molecular motors

• Molecular motors = nanotrucks

Travis, Science 261:1112 (1993) (2008) (2008)

• Motor size: ~ 100 nm → nanoscale

→ Stochastic (Brownian) motion→ Unbinding from filament ('fly') after ~ 1 μm

• Motor velocity: ~μm/s


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Scales of motor transport

Kinesin motor : Melanosome transport:

- Velocity v ~ 1 μm/s

- Cell diameter ~ 15-50 μm

- Unbinds from microtubule after 'run length' ~ 1 μm

- Velocity v ~ 1 μm/s

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Motors work in teams

• In vivo: 1-10 motors transport a single cargo

Ashkin et al. (1990)


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• Tasks of intracellular transport

• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

• Molecular motors are cool nanomachines

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• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

One team Two teams Three teams

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A team of motors

• Cargo transported by N motors

• Model: 1) Model for a single motor

2) put motors together

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Modeling molecular motors • Good model depends on scale

~ 1 -100 nm: - protein structure - stepping mechanism

Hancock lab Mandelkow lab

~100 nm – many μm: motion along filament

~ many μm – mm: interplay directed

and diffusive motion

Lipowsky et al. 2001

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π ε

• bind to filament with rate π• walk along filament with velocity v• unbind from filament with rate ε

• Melanophore transport: Lengths: many μm

→ protein stucture irrelevant (≤100nm)Times: many sec

→ step details irrelevant (≤0.01s)→ motor unbinding relevant

• Motor can


Modeling melanosome transport

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One team of motors• N=3 motors transport a cargo

Klumpp et al. 2006

• Stochastic binding and unbinding of motors:

• Rate for unbinding of one motor= ε if 1 motor bound

• Rate for binding of one motor= (N-n) π if n motors bound

• Velocity: independent of n

if 2 motors bound if n motors bound

= 2 ε= n ε Master equation for

binding and unbinding

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• Distance covered until cargo unbinds?


µ¼²¶N ¡

Mean run length [μm]

Motor number N

• Run length distribution:

One team of motors

N=1 → 1 μmN=2 → 4 μm N=3 → 14 μmN=4 → 65 μm N=10→>1 m


Klumpp et al. 2006• Mean run length:

à xb


i R ¡ zi e¡ zi xb

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One team of motors• Experiments? Need:

- cargo with several motors → latex bead in kinesin solution

- racetrack

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The racetrack1) Gliding assay:

3) Fix micotubules

5μmBöhm et al. 2005

2) Apply flow:

Direction of flow

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One team of motors

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One team of motors• Velocity is independent of kinesin concentration

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One team of motors• Put latex bead in kinesin solution

• Problem 1: How many kinesins on the bead?How many can reach the microtubule?→ Average number ~ kinesin concentration

• Problem 2: Number different for each bead → average with Poisson distribution

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One team of motors• Run length distributions for 9 different kinesin concentrations

• 2 fit parameters: binding rate π, concentration constant c0

→ allows to convert kinesin concentration to motor number

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Melanosome transport

• Run length with 4 motors: 65 μm


• Cell radius ~ 20 μm

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Frictional forces

→ Friction force in cytoplasm ~ 1-10 pN

• Melanosome size: 0.5 μm

• Cytoplasm is very crowded → friction force Ffriction = γv

• γ depends on cargo size r large size r → large friction γ

Goodsell, Our molecular nature


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π ε

• Under load F: force-dependent parameters


π(F) ε(F)

Motion against force

• Velocity v• Binding rate π• Unbinding rate ε

• Motor characterized by parameters

• Experimentally: optical trap

Visscher et al., Nature 400: 184 (1999)

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• Velocity

Motion against force

Stall force

Load F [pN]Carter et al. 2005

Velocity [nm/s]

Melanosome friction force

Velocity [μm/s]

Load F [pN]

Stall force FS

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• Binding rate independent of force

• Unbinding rate increases exponentially with force(Kramers, Bell)

Schnitzer et al. 2000

~ 1/unbinding rate

Load F [pN]

Force scale: detachment force. Kinesin ~ 3pN

Motion against force

Load F [pN]

Unbinding rate [1/s]

~ exp[F/Fd]

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• Motors in a team share the force:

F → F / (number of bound motors)

Motion against force

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Force-velocity relation:

Forced unbinding

• Motors share force: F → F/n

Teams have larger forces with larger velocities

Average number of bound motors:

Motion against force

Melanosome friction force

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Motion against force Velocity depends on the number of bound motors

→ stochastic switching between velocity values

→ velocity distributions have several maxima

Levi et al. 2006

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• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

One team Two teams Three teams

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One team is not enough

• unidirectional cytoskeleton


+ +

+ + +

+ _

• Motors are 'one-way' machines:kinesin → plus enddynein → minus end

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One team is not enough

Steinberg labtime [s]

trajectory [μm]




+ +

+ + +

+ _

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Ashkin et al., Nature 348: 346 (1990)

0.1 μm

• Two teams of 1-10 motors

One team is not enough

• How does it work?Why no blockade?

trajectory [μm]

time [s]

~ 2 μm/sas for one species alone

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• Hypothetical coordination complex

Coordination complex

• mechanical interaction

or tug-of-war?

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• Hypothetical coordination complex

Coordination complex

• mechanical interaction• Tug-of-war model:

- model for single motor- mechanical interaction

or tug-of-war?

Tug-of-war(tir à la corde)

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One team of motors

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Two teams of motors2 motors against 3 motors:

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Two teams of motors

• Opposing motors act as load, motors share force

• Independent motorswith single motor rates


π(F) ε(F)

• Newton's 3rd law → n+ F+ = n–F–

• Plus and minus motors move at same velocity: → v+(F+) = v-(F-)

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→ random walk, Master equation

Two teams of motors

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Types of motion

Minus motion

Slow motion

Plus motion• Stochastic motion → probabilities• depend on motor properties

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• Instructive: symmetric case:Plus and minus motors only differ in forward direction

Motility states

• E.g. in vitro antiparallel microtubules

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'Strong' motors: switching between fastplus / minus motion

Intermediate case:fast plus and minusmotion with pauses

'Weak' motors:little motion

motor number

trajectory [μm]

time [s]





motor numbermotor number




Motility states

trajectory [μm]

time [s]

trajectory [μm]

time [s]

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Motor tug-of-war

Blockade, slow

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Motor tug-of-war

Blockade, slow fast

Unbinding cascade → no blockade, fast motion

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Motor tug-of-war• Unbinding cascade → only one team remains bound• Unbinding cascade

• Bidirectional motion with stochastic switching

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Tug-of-war simulation

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‘Nice’ motor properties• Fast bidirectional motion requires unbinding cascade

• Motors must pull opposing motors off the filament:stall force Fs > detachment force Fd

Fs ≈ 6 pN Fd ≈ 3 pN


• Motors must drop off the filamentunbinding rate ε0 ~ binding rate π0

ε0 ≈ 1/sπ0 ≈ 5/s

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plus, minus

plus, minus, pause


4 plus and 4 minus motorsde







stall force Fs / detachment force Fd


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4 plus and 4 minus motors

• Change of motor parameters ↔ cellular regulation



n co


nt K



stall force Fs / detachment force Fd


Kin1cDyn cDynKin2 Kin3


• Sensitivity → efficient regulation of cargo motion

Biological parameterrange

plus, minus

plus, minus, pause


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Asymmetric tug-of-war

In vivo: dynein and kinesin→ net motion possible


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Asymmetric tug-of-war→ 7 motility states (+), (–), (0), (–+), (0+), (–0), (–0+)

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Comparison to experiment • Motors with large stall force

Steinberg labtime [s]

distance [μm]Experimental trajectory

time [s]

distance [μm]Simulation trajectory:

→ looks very much alike→ good comparison: data with statistics

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Comparison to experiment• Bidirectional transport

of lipid-droplets in Drosophila embryos

trajectory [nm]

time [s]

Gross et al., J. Cell Biol. 148:945 (2000)

• Data from Gross lab (UCI):

- Statistics on run lengths, velocities, stall forces

- effect of cellular regulation (2 embryonic phases)

- effect of 3 dynein mutations

→ Tug-of-war reproduces experimental data within 10 %

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Comparison to experiment• Bidirectional transport

of lipid-droplets in Drosophila embryos

trajectory [nm]

time [s]

Gross et al., J. Cell Biol. 148:945 (2000)

• What we learn:

- no coordination complex necessary

- different cell states (embryonic phases): net transport direction regulated by changes in run times

- mutation in minus motors affects minus AND plus motion

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Why bidirectional motion?

Why instead of ?

• Search for target• Error correction

• Avoid obstacles• Cargos without destination• Easy and fast regulation

• Bidirectional transport of cargo and motors

Why instead of ?

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• Why motors work in teams, and• How to model transport by motor teams

One team Two teams Three teams

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Cellular road network

microtubule filaments= highways

nucleiWittmann lab

actin filaments= side roads

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Cellular road network

microtubule filaments= highways

nucleiWittmann lab

actin filaments= side roads

Ross et al 2008

for long-range trafficof kinesin and dynein

for short-range trafficof myosin V and VI

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Melanosomes have three ‘legs‘ • Melanosomes are transported by






along microtubules

along actin

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Melanosome transport

Rogers et al 1998


aggregated melanosomes

disrupt microtubules

1 hour later

dispersed melanosomes

disrupt actin

1 hour later

→ transport on actin keeps melanosomes dispersed

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Myosin as a tether

• Myosin can also diffuse passively on microtubules [Ali et al 2008]

• Myosin walks actively on actin

• Myosin acts as tether → enhances cargo processivity

• Model: moving kinesin, diffusing myosin.

Can fit data.

• Prediction: Run length increases exponentially with number of myosins



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Motors work in teams

Why teams?

Why not work with one strong motor per direction?

• Robustness: one motor may fail• Easy regulation

• large run lengths• large forces• bidirectional motion

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Molecular motors work in teamsto accomplish intracellular transport:


• Stochastic models can help to understand transport by teams of molecular motors

Molecular motors are cool nanomachines

• 1 team: increased range, force, velocity

• 3 teams: switch highways ↔ side roads

• 2 teams: bidirectional, easy to regulate

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Thank you

Yan Chai

Stefan Klumpp

Janina BeegChristian



Thank youfor your attention!

Reinhard Lipowsky