Download - Lecture 1

Page 1: Lecture 1


June 3, 2010

Page 2: Lecture 1


� A digital computer manipulates discrete elements of information and these elements are represented in binary form.

� Operands used for calculations are expressed in binary number system. Operations are carried Operands used for calculations are expressed in binary number system. Operations are carried out by means of binary logic. Quantities are stored in binary storage elements.

� The purpose of this discussion is to review various binary concepts as a frame of reference for future detailed study of digital logic systems.

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NUMBER SYSTEMNumber Representation

� General representation of a number from a base-R system



aj : coefficient with possible values of 0 to r-1

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, aj : coefficient with possible values of 0 to r-1

i : place value

r : base/radix

� A number expressed in base-r system has coefficients multiplied by powers of r


+a-1r-1+a-2r-2+.. +a-(n-1)r-(n-1)+a-nr


Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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NUMBER SYSTEMCommonly Used Number Systems : Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal

Type of Number


Base/radix Possible Values

of Coefficients

Binary 2 0, 1

Octal 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, Octal 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Hexadecimal 16 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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(Base 16)


(Base 8)


(Base 2)


(Base 10)

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

NUMBER SYSTEMCommonly Used Number Systems : Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal












4401004Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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NUMBER SYSTEMArithmetic Operations

� Arithmetic operations with numbers in base- r follow the same rules as for decimal


� Only the r allowable digits are used.

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

� Only the r allowable digits are used.Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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NUMBER SYSTEMSample Problems

� Write the first 20 decimal digits in base-30, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100,

101, 102, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122,

200, 201,…

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

� Add the following numbers in the given base without converting to decimal(1230)4 + (23)4 = (1313)4

(135.4)6 + (43.2)6 = (223.0)6

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Base-10 to Base-2, -8, and -16

� (41.6875)10 = (101001.1011)2

� (153.513)10 = (231.406517)8

� (35.75)10 = (23.C)16

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, � (35.75)10 = (23.C)16

Base-2 to Base-10, -8, and -16

� (1010.011)2 = (10.375)10

� (1101011.1111)2 = (153.74)8

� (1011001011.1111001)2 = (2CB.F2)16

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Base-8 to Base-2, -10, and -16

� (673.124)8 = (110111011.001010100)2

� (630.4)8 = (408.5)10

� (261.12)8 = (B1.28)16

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, � (261.12)8 = (B1.28)16

Base-16 to Base-2, -8, and -10

� (306.D)16 = (1100000110.1101)2

� (1A.B)16 = (26.6875)10

� (F2E.A)16 = (7456.5)8

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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� Convert the decimal number 250.5 to base-3, base-4, and base-7.(100021.1111)3



Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, (505.33333)7

� Convert the following numbers to decimal(12121)3 = (151)10

(8.3)9 = (8.33333)10

(198)12 = (260)10

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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� Convert the decimal number 250.5 to base-3, base-4, and base-7.(100021.1111)3



Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, (505.33333)7

� Convert the following numbers to decimal(12121)3 = (151)10

(8.3)9 = (8.33333)10

(198)12 = (260)10

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Integer Representation (Complements)

� Complements are used in digital computers to simplify subtraction and for logical manipulations.

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

� 2 types of complements for each base-r system:

� r’s complement

� (r-1)’s complement

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Integer Representation (Complements) The r’s Complement

� Given a positive number N in base-r with an integer part of n digits, the r’scomplement of N is defined as rn – N for N

≠ 0 and 0 for N = 0.

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, ≠ 0 and 0 for N = 0.Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Decimal Numbers

10’s complement of 52520 is = 105 – 52520 = 47480

10’s complement of 0.3267 is

Binary Numbers

2’s complement of 101100 is = (26)10 – (101100)2= 1000000 – 101100= 010100

2’s complement of 0.0110 is

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) The r’s Complement

10’s complement of 0.3267 is= 100 – 0.3267= 0.6733

10’s complement of 25.639 is= 102 – 25.639= 74.361

2’s complement of 0.0110 is= (20)10 – (0.0110)2= 1 – 0.0110= 0.1010

2’s complement of 10.001 is= (22)10 – (10.001)2= 100 – 10.001= 1.111

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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� Given a positive number N in base-r with an integer part of n digits and a fraction part of m digits, the (r-1)’s complement of N is defined as rn – r-m – N.

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) The (r-1)’s Complement

N is defined as r – r – N.Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Decimal Numbers

9’s complement of 52520 is = 105 – 100 – 52520 = 99999 – 52520 = 47479

9’s complement of 0.3267 is= 100 – 10-4 – 0.3267

Binary Numbers

1’s complement of 101100 is = (26)10 – (20)10 –

(101100)2= 111111 – 101100= 010011

1’s complement of 0.0110 is

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) The (r-1)’s Complement

= 100 – 10-4 – 0.3267 = 0.9999 – 0.3267 = 0.6732

9’s complement of 25.639 is= 102 – 10-3 – 25.639 = 99.999 – 25.639= 74.360

1’s complement of 0.0110 is= (20)10 – (2-4)10 – (0.0110)2= 0.1111 – 0.0110= 0.1001

1’s complement of 10.001 is= (22)10 – (2-3)10 – (10.001)2= 11.111 – 10.001= 1.11

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Integer Representation (Complements) Subtraction with r’s Complement

� Add the minuend M to the r’s complement of the subtrahend N.

� Inspect the result obtained in step 1 for an end carry:

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes, end carry:

� If an end carry occurs, discard it.

� If an end carry does not occur, take the r’scomplement of the number obtained in step 1 and place a negative sign in front.

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Using 10’s complement, subtract 72532 – 3250

Using 10’s complement, subtract 3250 - 72532

Integer Representation (Complements) Subtraction with r’s Complement

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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NUMBER BASE CONVERSIONSubtraction with r’s Complement

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Using 2’s complement,


1010100 - 1000100

Using 2’s complement, subtract

1000100 - 1010100

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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� Add the minuend M to the (r-1)’s complement of the subtrahend N.

� Inspect the result obtained in step 1 for an end carry:

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) Subtraction with (r-1)’s Complement

end carry:

� If an end carry occurs, add 1 to the least significant digit (end-around carry).

� If an end carry does not occur, take the (r-1)’s complement of the number obtained in step 1 and place a negative sign in front.

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) Subtraction with (r-1)’s Complement

Using 9’s complement, subtract 72532 – 3250

Using 9’s complement, subtract 3250 - 72532

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Integer Representation (Complements) Subtraction with (r-1)’s Complement

Using 1’s complement,


1010100 - 1000100

Using 1’s complement, subtract

1000100 - 1010100

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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� Binary codes

� used to represent any discrete element of information distinct among a group of quantities

� Binary codes merely change the symbols and

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersBinary Codes

Binary codes merely change the symbols and

not the meaning of the elements of information that they represent.

� In representing a group of 2n distinct elements in a group, a minimum of n bits must be adopted.

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersBinary Codes

010 010000100110010100102

010 001000010111010000011

010 000100000000001100000


504 3210242184-2-1Excess-3





Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

101 000011111111110010019

100 100011101000101110008

100 010011011001101001117

100 001011001010100101106

100 000110111011100001015

011 000001000100011101004

010 100000110101011000113

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersBinary Codes: Error Detection Code







Even ParityOdd ParityMessage

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic












Page 26: Lecture 1

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersBinary Codes: Gray Code (Reflected Code)







Reflected CodeDecimal Number

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic












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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersBinary Codes: Alphanumeric Codes

� 6-Bit internal code“A” 010 001 “1” 000 001

“B” 010 010 “5” 000 101

� 7-Bit ASCII code“A” 100 0001 “1” 011 001

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

“A” 100 0001 “1” 011 001

“B” 100 0010 “5” 011 101

� 8-Bit EBCDIC code“A” 1100 0001 “1” 1111 0001

“B” 1100 0010 “5” 1111 0101

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� Register

� a group of binary cells used to store and hold binary information

� A register with n cells can store any discrete quantity of information that contains n-bits.

Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersRegisters

quantity of information that contains n-bits.

� The state of a register is an n-tuple number of 1’s and 0’s with each bit designating the state of one cell in the register.

� The content of a register is a function of the interpretation given to the information stored in it.

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

Page 29: Lecture 1

Given a 16-cell register:Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersRegisters



� State: (16-tuple number) 1100001111001001

� Content:

Binary equivalent (50121)10

Alphanumeric code (EBCDIC) C, I

Excess-3 code 9096

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersRegisters: Register Transfer

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Codes, Storage and RegistersRegisters: Register Transfer

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary Logic

� Binary Logic

� is used to describe, in a mathematical way, the manipulation and processing of binary information

Consists of binary variables and logical Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

� Consists of binary variables and logical operations

� Variables are designated by letters of the alphabet such as A, B, C, x, y, z, etc. with each variable having only two distinct values: 1 and 0

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary LogicDefinition

� Binary Logic

� is used to describe, in a mathematical way, the manipulation and processing of binary informationBinary Codes,

Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

� Consists of binary variables and logical operations

� Variables are designated by letters of the alphabet such as A, B, C, x, y, z, etc. with each variable having only two distinct values: 1 and 0

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Number System

Number Base Conversion

Integer Representation

Binary Codes,

Binary LogicLogical Operations

� Three basic logical operations are: AND, OR, and NOT

Binary Codes, Storage and Registers

Binary Logic

� Truth table

• a table of all possible combinations of the variables showing the relation between the values that the variables may take and the result of the operation