Download - Learning Resource 17788 · 2017-10-09 · tr. tnms al tor Ths he he The is he wtere an tut tas a tts tts O' try y n. timry ARAWA ct re rc t to a i' O SCILhCL uS cners 'to c. Fran


Learning Resource Unit Standard 27788 Credits 5 / Level 3 REAL - Rotorua Education Alive

Identify and explain the history of, natural attractions and significant sites in tourism

Did you know, Whakarewarewa, the site of the Living Village is one of the oldest examples of tourism in New Zealand. Much of the Bay of Plenty is within a triangle if Geothermal activity. ask your guide about the story behind how the regions activity was created.

Key points to listen out for while with your tour guide

• Penny divers • People being carried over the river to visit the village • Ask when the European first started visiting the village? • What are the names of the main geysers in the village?

Do you know what causes Geysers? Rain and water seep into the lower permeable rock The water travels in underground rivers called aquifers When the water reaches the hot rock or Geothermal areas it is heated causing it to rise to the surface and burst out of the earth causing a geyser

What are some of the ways geothermal energy (heat) is/has been used in day today life in the village ?

What are the penny divers at Whakarewarewa?

How could the Geysers be protected? The local council brought in a law to stop local people living in Rotorua from tapping into the geothermal energy as it was causing a strain on the system and geysers were going to sleep.