Download - KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

Page 1: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

2 / 3 March 2018



WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UKShabbat commences at 5:28pm and terminates at 6:31pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:30pm

HASHKAMA 7:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur.

THE MINYAN 9:15amin the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Yossi Hurst. Rabbi Lawrence will speak.

SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00amin the Sephardi Synagogue, led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji.

MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15amled by Chazan Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Jack Greenwold. Rabbi Lawrence will speak.

Ki Tissa


5:30pm Mincha followed by Kabbalat ShabbatD’var Torah by Rabbi Laitner

Shabbat Morning8:30am: Sephardi Synagogue

Talmud Tractate Berachot by Rabbi Heller

Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum’s Shiur will not be taking place on 3rd March

9:15am: Youth Breakfast Banter Breakfast and Parasha Shiur

Benchers Cafe with Barry Colman

10:30 - 10:45am: in the Rabbi’s OfficeStudy Group with Rabbi Laitner titled

“ Insights into the Haggadah ”

Shabbat Afternoon12:35pm Early Mincha

3:30pm to 5:00pm Bnei Akiva

4:30pm: Daf Yomi Shiur in the Nemetnejad Room

5:30pm: Mincha followed by Shiur by Rabbi Nisan Andrews

6:31pm: Ma’ariv

There will be a joint Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite this week at the end of the Services sponsored by

Eleanor and Mark to celebrate Yossi’s Barmitzvah

Nicole and Neil Greenwold on the occasion of Jack’s Barmitzvah

Ian Regen’s Auf Ruf and forthcoming marriage to Judith Addleson

YOUTH SERVICE 9:45amin the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, under the direction of our Youth Director, Barry Colman.

כי תשא

THE KIDS’ MINYAN 10:45amin the Newman Room, Yrs 5 and 6

טז אדר תשע״ח

Mazeltov to Yossi Hurst and Jack Greenwold & families on their Barmitzvahs, also to

Ian Regen on his Auf Ruf and forthcoming marriage to Judith Addleson

Page 2: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

A Tale of Love and Chutzpah

This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells the tragic story of the Golden Calf. As you remember, Moshe was up Mount Sinai collecting the 10 Commandments and the children of Israel, insecure in his absence, prevailed upon Aaron to collect gold in order that they could build what became the calf.

Hashem is so angry that he threatens to bury the entire people and start afresh, a new nation with Moshe as their father. A lesser man might have seized this opportunity for ultimate kavod.

Moshe’s vigorous advocacy for the Israelites illustrates his passion and compassion as a leader, something we often lose sight of amidst all the drama of the miracles and all the laws.

Their dialogue atop Sinai teaches us many valuable lessons.

Once Moshe persuades Hashem not to destroy the people, Hashem responds, “I shall guide them to the Promised Land, but I shall send an angel to lead them in my place, for they are a stiff-necked people, and I might yet destroy them on the way.”

Hashem would keep close – but not too close.

The response of the children of Israel to this is that they go into mourning. They didn’t want an angel. They wanted God.

An amazing negotiation ensues, with Moshe not pleading for mercy but pressing Hashem for concessions…

“make known to me Your ways, in order that I can better understand you. And recognise that this nation is Your people!”

Hashem reassures Moshe, “My Presence will go with you…”

Not content, Moshe challenges Hashem further; “if Your Presence does not go along, then do not bring us forward from here; otherwise, how will it be known that I have found favour in Your sight?”

The chutzpah of it! How could Moshe begin to believe that Hashem would not make good on His promise that His Presence would lead?

Again, Hashem reassures Moshe. “Even this will I do!”

Still no thanks… Moshe challenges Hashem one more time; “show me now Your glory!”

With this, Hashem promises that His goodness will pass before Moshe for Moshe to sees his attributes, “A-donoy A-donoy E-l Rachum veChanun”, the Lord God, merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, but abundant in kindness and truth…”

This is a remarkable and compassionate revelation from a God who had been pushed to the limits.

Previously we had seen Hashem as strict in justice, jealous and angry. Now Hashem is revealed as merciful, compassionate and forgiving.

What catalyses the transformation?

Two things: Moshe’s humble love for his people and Moshe’s chutzpa in advocating their cause.

Fundamentally, Moshe appreciated how important it was that Hashem’s presence be imminent and not remote or delegated. The children of Israel needed to feel that Hashem was close. They needed to know that Moshe was walking with God; not as an independent operator. It had to be clear that Hashem, himself, was with them and that they had been forgiven.

The crisis had started because Moshe had been away and the people had felt abandoned. Hence, Moshe demands that the relationship not continue as a frosty distance but a warm journey together.

How often our fights and squabbles end with one side, asserting the moral high ground and demanding that the other follow with blind and unfeeling adherence.

Moshe teaches that redemption comes with rapprochement – when we are bold, showing tenacious love and opening our hearts with compassion.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence

Page 3: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

What! Pesach Already?According to the Talmud (Pesachim 6a) one should start preparing for Pesach, including learning the laws of Pesach, thirty days before the chag. The thirtieth day before Pesach is Purim!

Just as our houses fill with the assorted Hamentaschen, wafers and chametz products in our Mishloach Manot, we need to start thinking about cleaning for Pesach. Of course, eating the aforementioned goodies and washing them down with a Scotch on our Purim Seuda addresses the Mitzvot of Purim and Pesach in one fell swoop!

The origin of the 30 days is attributed to Moshe, himself, who began to prepare the people for Pesach Sheini on Pesach itself (ie 30 days earlier). Pesach Sheini was the opportunity for those who were ritually unfit to eat the Paschal sacrifice on Pesach, to celebrate a month later.

The Rashba (d1310) and Ran (d1380) two Catalonian Rishonim held that this halacha of preparation applied particularly to scholars so that they would be able to answer the many questions which they might asked in advance of the Chag. They also suggest that it is Pesach-specific. However, many understand it as having universal application. As a general principle, it is considered meritorious (but not necessarily a halachic requirement) to prepare oneself for 30 days ahead of each of the Regalim.

Amongst the observances commencing in this thirty day lead up to Pesach is Maot (Maos) Chittin (also known as Kimcha dePischa), a communal charity appeal to help the needy buy their matza.

Even in Talmudic times there were questions about non-dom status. The Talmud establishes that one has to be resident in town for 12 months in order to either benefit or to be required to contribute towards Maot Chittin. This emphasis on required contribution implies that the Maot Chittin is to be considered a tax, rather than a voluntary contribution.

Poskim refer to an edict in ancient Constantinople requiring Torah Scholars to contribute. Implicitly, they were exempt from normal taxes and communal levies, however the special charitable purpose of Maot Chittin and enabling every Jew to have matzah with which to celebrate freedom, distinguished this levy from others and no exceptions were made.

From thirty days before Pesach, we are required to be more careful about the chametz in our homes and

avoiding falling foul of the prohibitions upon us. We are no less enjoined to begin thinking of those less fortunate than us and our responsibilities to enable their affirmative celebration and positive participation in the Chag.

There are many different traditions regarding when we stop eating Matzah in advance of Pesach. The Matzah we eat at Seder should be new to us and warrant the Shehechiyanu blessing we say on the mitzvah of eating it.

The minimalist approach is to refrain on the day itself. The Possuk cited by the Talmud (Pesachim 4b) is “However, on the first day you shall remove all Se’or (ie Chametz) from your houses.” (Shemot 15:12). Given that this could not refer to Yom Tov when all Chametz must necessarily have been destroyed, it must be a reference to the day prior to the Seder evening.

The Mishna Brura (443:1) cites historic sources for stopping on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Others refrain from a full month before Pesach.

Matzah Ashira (Rich or Egg Matzah) is considered Chametz by most poskim and accordingly can be eaten during this period. Of course, one can’t rely on those poskim to eat egg matzah in the run up to Pesach and then ignore those poskim and eat it over the Chag!

Please do join us on Monday evenings after Maariv (7:30pm) in the Bet Midrash. With Rabbi Laitner and Rabbi Andrews we’ll be spending the next month getting ready for Pesach. Rabbi Andrews gives shiur at 7:45pm, Rabbi Laitner at 8:30pm and my halacha shiur is at 9:15pm till 10:00.

Thanks to Rabbi Andrews, Chazan Eli and R’ Yoel Lax for the wonderful tribute to the niggunim of Benzion Shenker last Motzaei Shabbat.

Thanks to Michael Kamlish for arranging the informative Sunday afternoon event on the Jewish servicemen and women of WW1.

Shabbat Shalom and Mazal Tov to our wonderful Bar Mitzvah Families.

Page 4: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

THIS WEEK’S HAFTORAH BY RABBI ANDREWS This week’s Haftorah from the eighteenth chapter of Milachim I (1 Kings) starts with Eliyahu (Elijah) bringing God’s message of coming rain to King Achav (Ahab). The connection to the Parsha seems to be most manifest in the second half of the reading. It is there that Eliyahu and Achav meet and debate who is the cause of the drought, and then the defeat of the priests of Baal in the contest to bring fire down from heaven.

A theme in both the Torah reading and the Haftorah is that the Jewish people had lost sight of the identity of God. In the Parsha, people declared the Golden Calf as “the God Who took you out of Egypt”. In the Haftorah, Eliyahu offers a choice between Baal and God, but, the people were silent and unable to choose. The prophet in each case had to prove and reinforce faith in Hashem.

The Jew’s inability to choose explains some aspects of the story that would otherwise leave us quite confused. Achav greets Eliyahu rudely every time he sees him and accuses him of being the source of the people’s problems via the drought. At the same time, he obeys Eliyahu’s orders, gathering the people and the priests of Baal to Har HaCarmel (Mount Carmel).

It is not that Achav and his subjects lacked belief in God or Eliyahu, it was that they believed in God and Baal. Eliyahu’s insistence on choosing between the two was so foreign to their perspective they could not respond.

This also helps us understand why Eliyahu mocked the prophets of Baal as they tried to bring fire on their sacrifice. It was not enough for him to win as this might only convince the people that God was the stronger of the two. He needed to be so overwhelming in his victory to erase the people’s connection to Baal completely.

If you find yourself at Kinloss over the course of the day, please stop by the office to say hello! I can usually be found there during the regular office hours.


184 Ballards Lane, N3 2NV

Shabbat 10TH March 2018

starting at 9.30amPlease email

[email protected] to confirm attendance

SHARED RE ADING GROUPOur next Shared Reading Group

will take place TUESDAY 6TH MARCH 2018

at 2:00pm

in Benchers CafeFor more information, please speak to:

Kate Fulton on 07801 911 481 or email [email protected]

Page 5: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells


7:30 - 10:00 pm

Finchley Synagogue, Kinloss Gardens, N3 3DU

Exhibits include;






fused glass

Sunday 28th january

with Scholar in Residence: Shani Taragin

Including Rabbis & Educators: Alex Israel, Ari Kahn, David Ebner, David Milston, Doron Perez, Menachem Liebtag, Moshe Taragin, Pesha Fisher, Rachelle Fraenkel, Reuven Taragin, Shani Taragin, Tova Ganzel, Yehoshua Grunstein… and more...

Moses Hess, Leon Pinsker, Theodor Herzl, Rav Kook, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Max Nordau, AD Gordon, Israel Zangwill...

Spring 2018 - Dates to Be Confirmed

with Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence & Rebbitzen Ilana Epstein

in conjunction with Mizrachi UK and US Living & Learning

Page 6: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells
Page 7: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

* Ian Addleson on the forthcoming marriage of Judith to Richard Regen. Mazeltov also Jean and Martyn Regen. Remembering Katy Addleson Z’L at this time.

* Nicole and Neil Greenwold on the occasion of Jack’s Barmitzvah. Mazeltov also to brother James and to grandparents Nora Isaacs and Marion and John Greenwold. Remembering Grandpa Ronnie Isaacs Z’L at this special time.

* Mazeltov to Yossi Hurst on the occasion of his Barmitzvah. Mazeltov to Eleanor & Mark along with Tzvi, Zahava and Shimon. Mazeltov also to grandparents Carol and Harry Hurst and Irene Mansfield and to great grandmother Betty Shifrin. Remembering the late Gerry Mansfield z’’l.

* Helen Kamiel on the birth of a grandson in Israel, a son to Jonny and Keren Kamiel. Mazel tov to sisters Ma’ayan and Ella, grandparents Esther and Sidney Grant, and all the family. Remembering Joe Kamiel z”l at this special time.

YOSSI HURSTMazeltov to Yossi on his Barmitzvah.

Yossi has three siblings Tzvi, Zahava and Shimon, and he attends JFS.

Yossi’s hobbies are football and guitar.

As part of Yossi’s Barmitzvah, he has raised over £1,000 for GIFT which provided 160 mishloach manot packages (which Yossi and his siblings

packed) for people in need.

JACK GREENWOLDMazeltov to Jack on his Barmitzvah.

Jack has a younger brother called James, and he attends Haberdashers’ School.

Jack’s hobbies include playing football for HGS Tigers, drama and music.

As part of Jack’s Barmitzvah, he has been packing food for GIFT and collecting football boots and football shirts to donate to Goods for Good, a charity that helps children in war zones and areas affected by natural disasters.

Page 8: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells

Pre-Purim British Museum Tour

Wednesday, 7th February

Pre-Pesach British Museum Tour

Thursday 8th March

Guide: Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum, Dean of London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS).

Pre Pesach British Museum Tour with Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum8th March 2018, £20 per person

We are offering you a unique chance to discover how the museum’s Egyptian artefacts can invigorate your Seder in unforgettable ways.

This tour shows you how to introduce Egyptology into the Haggadah and give a surprising historic angle to your Seder.BOOK NOW at



Monday evenings at 8.15pm

Marilyn Newman RoomContact

Josie Atias07890 676738

WEDNESDAY 7TH MARCH 2018 12:15pm - Parasha Shiur with Rabbi Nisan Andrews

1:00pm - Mincha 1:15pm Speaker - Rabbi David Mason in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash

Cost: £5, payable on the door, includes a light lunchor to book, please email [email protected] or call us on 020 8349 5269


this Shabbat at


in the Kinloss Suite


Page 9: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells


Express Yourself! Shabbat Ki Tissa

Breakfast Banter 9.15am in Benchers Café – Breakfast and Parsha ShiurYouth Minyan 9.45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash

Year 11 Shabbat Lunch 12.30 – 3pm in the Youth Flat

Learn2Lead – Mental Health with JAMITuesday 6th March

For youth in years 9 & 10, alternate Tuesday nightsOur A* leadership programme resumes with incredible speakers, workshops and presentations from

some of the country’s leading educators. £60 per person/year, 2 year programme.

Recognised by Duke Of Edinburgh Award for Skills Bronze & SilverRegister at

Learn2Volunteer continues Tuesday 13th March

Bat Mitzvah ProgrammeThe Kinloss Bat Mitzvah programme provides an opportunity to share engaging Jewish experiences and help to develop and strengthen a personal sense of Jewish identity through activities and discussion on

ancient and modern ideas.Stream a) Text based learning programme exploring leading female figures in Jewish history.

Next Tuesday, 7th March 7.30 – 9pm in the Nemetnejad RoomStream b) Informal learning programme exploring Judaism for teenage girls.Next Session: Tuesday 14th March, 7.30 – 8.30pm in the Nemetnejad Room

For further information and to register please visit

Daf YummyThursdays during term time

Join us every Thursday evening from 7.45 – 9pm in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrashas we tuck into fresh Pizza and learn the ‘Daf’ in Gemara Succah and topical Jewish subjects

Girls and Boys years in school years 8 - 11£5 per person, includes Pizza, chips and drinks

Shabbat Lunch in the Youth FlatYear 9 - 10th March

Club 78 is Going Ice-Skating!Saturday 10th March

8 – 10pm @ Alexandra Palace Ice RinkBook tickets at

£10 per person

Kinloss Club is Going to the MoviesSunday 11th March

5 – 7pmNemetnejad Room at Kinloss

£5 including pizza supperBook your tickets at

Rabbi’s Monthly MunchJoin Rabbi Lawrence for Davening, breakfast and a morning schmooze!

Sunday 18th March - Second Shacharit 8.15am in the Liora Graham Beit HaMidrashParents and boys & girls in years 7 & 8.

Pre-Bar Mitzvah boys are encouraged to bring tefillin with them.

Save the Date! Survivor DinnerFriday 20th April

School Years 9 - 13

Tribe Year 10 Learn2Lead New York Trip1st – 9th August 2018

For further information and to book please visit www.tribeuk.comShabbat Shalom

Baz, Chaz, Micholi and Amalia [email protected] 07792 460091

Page 10: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells



* Security Team 8. If you have any queries, please speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031, or email [email protected]

* Susan Sperber Kosky, David Elek, Ruth Warrens and Rochelle Belmont of The Welcoming Committee

* Adrienne Sussman, Sheila Forman, Judy Krais, Eve Kugler, Claire Lesser, Alicia Lewis, Valerie Selwyn, Billi Silverstein Kiddush Rota Team

Max Bloom (8) Samuel Hart (2)Jack Clyne (7) Chaim Zeloof (6)Tali Stock (6) Oscar Gradel (7)Eliana Suchet (4) Jude Marks (3)

Mazeltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week:

9:45am Games Room in the Newman Room with Rav Melachi0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Kinloss Suite Foyer Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor)School Years 3 - 4 - with Dina Sufrin in the First Floor ClassroomsThe Kids’ Minyan - with Rav Melachi in the Newman RoomYrs 5-6 Children’s Services from 0-School Year 6 will start at 10:45am. All Services to be followed by a Kiddush.

SERVICES see front שבת)page)

Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri

Shacharit 1 7:30am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am

Shacharit 2 8:15am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am

Sephardi Shacharit 8:00am 6:45am 6:45am 6:45am 8:00am 6:45am

Mincha 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm

Ma’ariv Mincha/Maariv5:35pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm

Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:40pm


We will be screening “THE PHYSICIAN (2013)”When nine-year-old Rob Cole felt the life force slipping from his mother’s hand he could not foresee that this terrifying awareness of impending death was a gift that would lead him from the familiar life of 11th-century London to small villages throughout England and finally to the medical school at Ispahan. Though apprenticed to an itinerant barber surgeon, it is the dazzling surgery of a Jewish physician trained by the legendary Persian physician Avicenna that inspires him to accept his gift and to commit his life to healing

by studying at Avicenna’s school. Despite the ban on Christian students, Rob goes there, disguising himself as a Jew to gain admission. Gordon has written an adventurous and inspiring tale of a quest for medical

knowledge pursued in a violent world full of superstition and prejudice.

£3 members, £4 non-members. Refreshments provided.

ANIM ZEMIROT CLUBwill not be taking place this week

it will resume as normal next week 10th March

Page 11: KOL KINLOSS אשת יכ NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE Ki · A Tale of Love and Chutzpah This week’s Parsha is Parshat Ki Tissa, which tells


SUNDAY 08:00am Daf Yomi (NR)

MONDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 09:30am Ace Fitness (MN)19:45pm Beit Midrash Programme (BM) 10:00am Mother and Toddler Group (DH)

14:00pm Film Club (NR)19:30pm Ivrit Discussion Group (NR)20:15pm Pilates (MN)

TUESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:30am Friendship Club (DH)08:30am Shaarei Teshuvah with R'Andrews (BM) 10:30am Bridge Club (PS)19:30pm Gemorah Shiur with R'Andrews (BM) 14:00pm Shared Reading Group (BC)19:30pm Learn2 Lead (NR) 14:00pm Super Soccer Stars (DH)

20:00pm Ulpan Ivrit (MN)

WEDNESDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler Group (DH)08:30am Rambam with R'Lawrence (BM) 12:15pm Lunch and Learn (BM)19:30pm Bat Mitzvah Programme (NR)

THURSDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 18:00pm Table Tennis (Ladies Gallery)19:45pm Daf Yummy (BM) 19:00pm Advanced Ivrit (MN)

FRIDAY 07:40am Daf Yomi (NR) 10:00am Mother and Toddler Group (DH)

BC = Benchers Café NR = Nemetnejad RoomBM = Liora Graham Beit Midrash DH = Nissan and Rifka Deal HallMN = Marilyn Newman Room PS = Persian Synagogue

Kinloss CaresUSCC Induction Training Session Wednesdays, 7th and 14th March

from 7:30pm – 9:45 pm Please note that participants are required to attend both sessions.

This basic training is for all new volunteers and explores the role responsibilities and purpose of the work of volunteers. It provides an understanding of issues such as

confidentiality, validation & empathy as well as communication & listening skills. Please contact Rochelle on:

0208 349 5263 [email protected] you would like to book a place or would like further details.

KI TISSA STATISTICSMitzvot: 9 of the 613 Mitzvot, 4 positive and 5 prohibitionsVerses: 139 (10th longest of the 54 Sidrot) Words: 2002 (5th longest)Letters: 7424 (8th longest)Haftarah: 39 verses (6th longest of the 80 Haftarot) Today’s second aliyah is the longest in the Torah for Levi.


Sidra 540 352 484

Haftarah 567 369 1160

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FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERSRabbi Jeremy Lawrence: 07501 895 124 Rabbi Nisan Andrews: 07407 764 854

Shimon Gillis, Director of Operations: 020 8349 5264Shul Office: 020 8346 8551

Tuesday 6 MARCHMichael Berger FatherEdith Breskin HusbandLeonard Coleman FatherVivienne Crespi-Gulgoz MotherSylvia Fisher FatherSylvia Fisher HusbandLorna Gimmack FatherCorinne Nemetnejad FatherDolores Zeid Father

Thursday 8 MARCHMax Bernstone FatherZena Gerstler BrotherDavid Karp MotherLeonard Klahr MotherTheresa Shefras FatherStewart Shrank MotherZena Syder FatherJeanne Wilson Mother

Wednesday 7 MARCHClara Cohen FatherSheila Cohen MotherBrian Hornick WifeJarvis Lebetkin MotherMarian Miller FatherMarie Prager HusbandGordon Ross FatherBernice Walzer Mother

Monday 5 MARCHLorna Bennett MotherAlessandra Corin FatherTrevor Gee FatherLynda Horn MotherDavid Judah BrotherTrudie Lewis SisterGordon Ross MotherPam Silver Mother

Sunday 4 MARCHGeoffrey Azizollahoff FatherMartin Azizollahoff FatherSusan Conroy FatherRuthea Fisch FatherLucia Kaye MotherEleanor Kirsh MotherBarbara Klinger FatherMarian Miller MotherMoshe Nurtman FatherDennis Posener MotherMaureen Sander FatherValerie Selwyn MotherAnthony Tischler FatherHeather Weichselbaum Mother Friday 9 MARCH

Ashley Brodin MotherLeonard Coleman SisterHarold Ellis MotherMahin Hakimian FatherPauline Harris MotherSonia Hirsch Mother

Shabbat 3 MARCHAnthony Artman MotherPaul Joseph FatherRuth Joseph HusbandRuth Warents Mother

BEREAVEMENTS:* Regine Ellis, Jacqueline Musikant, Moise Benbaruk, Raymonde Tiefenbrun, Yvonne White, Lillian Averdy on the passing of their mother Rosa Benbaruk Z’L* Mark and Gary Cailler on the passing of their mother Diane Heller Z’L* Janet Shelley on the passing of her son Adam Jacques Z’L

TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS:SUN 25 MAR 12:00pm in Bushey in memory of Walter Toubkin SUN 25 MAR 13:30pm in Waltham Abbey in memory of Dinah ChowcatSUN 15 APRIL 10:00am in Bushey in memory of Alan FoxSUN 6 MAY 11:00am in Bushey in memory of Seymour Kraft

If you require help or support, please call Rochelle on 0208 349 5263, or email

[email protected]. All messages treated in the strictest
