Download - Jesus and the Samaritan  · Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020 Hands-On Activities

Page 1: Jesus and the Samaritan  · Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020 Hands-On Activities
Page 2: Jesus and the Samaritan  · Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020 Hands-On Activities
Page 3: Jesus and the Samaritan  · Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020 Hands-On Activities

Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020

Hands-On Activities for

Bible Application Story Point: Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe.

Key Passage: John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Toddlers – Two’s

Activity: Water Play!

Provide your child with a shallow plastic bin with an inch of water. If you don't have a plastic bin, use a sink or bathtub. Give your child small cups, spoons, or pitchers, and invite them to scoop and pour the water. Be sure to keep towels handy for cleanup!

Say: Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman about living water, the Holy Spirit. Jesus cared for people. Many people believed in Jesus!

Three’s – Kindergarten

Activity: Celebrate Diversity

Draw a big heart on a large piece of paper. Write the story point above it. Help children cut out people images from magazines and glue them inside the heart. Encourage chil-dren to look for people different from themselves. Repeat the story point as they work. Display the poster.

Say: The Samaritan woman was surprised Jesus spoke to her because He was a Jew. Jews did not like Samaritans. But Jesus is different from other people. Jesus loves all people, and He came to give everyone a free gift: salvation from sin. What makes people special? People are special because God made us in His own im-age. All people are made in God’s image, no matter what color their skin is, where they are from, whether they are a boy or a girl, or how talented they are!

Story Point: Jesus loves all people.

(continued on next page)

Page 4: Jesus and the Samaritan  · Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020 Hands-On Activities

Gospel Project Lesson 4 · Jesus and the Samaritan Woman · May 31, 2020

Hands-On Activities for

Bible Application Pg. 2 Story Point: Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe.

Key Passage: John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.


Grades 1 – 4

Activity: Bottle Flip Review Game

Give each child a water bottle. Invite them to take turns flipping a bottle of water, try-ing to land it upside down on its lid or upright on its bottom. When a player lands a flip, ask them a review question. Correct answers earn 5 points for an upright bottle and 10 points for an upside-down bottle:

Where were Jesus and His disciples headed? (Galilee, John 4:3)

In what land did Jesus and His disciples stop at a well? (Samaria, John 4:4-6)

Who came to the well when Jesus was there? (a Samaritan woman, John 4:7)

What did Jesus first say to the woman? (“Give me a drink,” John 4:7)

Why was the woman surprised that Jesus was talking to her? (Jews did not associate with Samaritans, John 4:9)

What did Jesus say He could give the woman? (living water, John 4:10)

What kind of life did Jesus say living water brings? (eternal life, John 4:14)

Who did the woman think Jesus was? (a prophet, John 4:19)

Who did Jesus tell the woman He is? (the Messiah, John 4:26)

Who heard the woman’s testimony and believed? (many Samaritans in her town, John 4:39)

Say: Great job, everyone. When you leave here today, remember that Jesus offers something better than physical water; He gives us Himself. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe. We can worship Him as Lord and Savior wherever we are.