Download - Jerraganda Vol 18 No 47 110615

  • The Newsletter of Jerrabomberra Rotary RI District 9710

    Volume 18 No. 47 Guest Speaker

    Olivia on RYPEN Meeting 846 11 June 2015


    ROMAC Baby Fitz arrives safely and settles in

    As scheduled our ROMAC mum and bub arrived on Monday evening (8th June) and have settled into Vickis

    place. It was hoped that Mum Freda and Baby Fitz would be able to meet members at the recent club

    meeting. Unfortunately as often happens with medical procedures and tests the plan has had to be

    changed a little. As such they could not make the meeting.

    All is still progressing but a little slower than first expected. Vicki has advised that following an MRI of the

    tumour on Thursday afternoon it has been determined that baby Fitz is not as critical as earlier thought.

    Everything is very positive from the test results, however he will now wait for a week or so before the

    operation. Freda and Fitz will stay with Vicki over the next couple of weeks and await the advice of the

    operation date, which may come with only 24 hours notice.

    After the operation Fitz will need to be in hospital for at least a week and possibly 2 weeks due to the

    danger of infection. He will then need to convalesce at Vickis for a while. So it looks like they will be with

    us for another 5-6 weeks at least and possibly longer.

    WIN TV are covering the story and will be doing progressive photos of Fitz before and after the operation

    to produce a documentary story.

    It was a great pleasure that one of the staff at Jerrabomberra School

    donated a stroller/pram in very good condition. The attached photo

    is of mum and bub and the stroller. Freda is delighted with it especially

    as she can take it home with her. Freda is settling in well however we

    will have to see how events play out before we know how much

    further support we can provide to Vicki, Freda and Fitz while we are

    in the waiting stage. We reportedly have enough baby gear and a

    lifetime supply of nappies.

    On the ROMAC front itself, Margie Abbott (wife of Prime Minister

    Abbott) has accepted an invitation to be the ROMAC Patron. This

    coming Thursday (17th June) morning Margie will be in Canberra and

    hopes to meet our new ROMAC family at the hospital.

    Weekly Headlines

    Welcome to Issue Number 47

    of the Jerraganda.

    The countdown is on to the

    end of the Rotary year with

    this issue being the third last

    issue of the Jerraganda for me

    as editor. Advice has been

    received that Chris H has

    volunteered to be our next


    In this weeks issue we have a

    further update on the

    progress with our ROMAC

    baby and a lovely photo of

    Freda and Fitz with their new


    The summary of meeting 846

    includes a report on Olivias

    attendance at RYPEN, and our

    caption completion winner

    from last week is announced.

    Well done Chilly.

    We also continue our brief

    look back at the past year

    focusing on the months of

    November 2014 through to

    February 2015.

    Unfortunately no market

    report this week. Seems

    someone forgot could be a

    fine at the next meeting.


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    Meeting 846 11 June 2015

    President Paul got the meeting going by inviting Cathy to read the Charge to Australia followed

    by David Bailey who gave the Toast to Rotary International.

    Guests for the evening included Antons wife Rosemary and family of Olivia,

    Laura and Liam.

    Apologies for the evening had been received from Chilly, Colin, Carolyn,

    Mez, Pam, Terry, David S and Jon.

    Presidents Report

    President Paul welcomed guest speaker Olivia and her support team (mum Rosemary, Laura, and Liam).

    The President then gave a brief summary of the combined Board Meeting which was held on Wednesday 10th

    June, with the incoming Board members attending the last outgoing Board meeting to provide continuity of

    discussions across the two Rotary years.

    President Paul then continued on his favourite subject of the month, that being news of the progress of our

    ROMAC baby, baby Fitz. Fitz and his mum had arrived safely late on Monday evening and Paul, Sandra and Vicki

    had met them at the airport. They have settled in at Vickis place. Unfortunately they could not join this weeks

    meeting as baby Fitz had undergone an MRI at 4.30pm and was recovering from the anaesthetic. It was planned

    for the operation to remove the tumour on Friday 12th, but looks like this will now be delayed as the MRI results suggest not as

    critical as first thought. Glenn will be keeping members informed of the progress through regular emails. Paul noted that the

    hospital fees are covered under an agreement with ROMAC and the surgeons fees have been waived. Rotary Insurance also covers

    club members during the period of support to bay Fitz and his mum.

    President Paul finished his report by advising that he had determined not to have an official disbursement evening this year, but

    instead to write to the recipients of the disbursements for the year, and deposit monies directly into their bank accounts. Paul will

    be announcing the disbursements at next weeks meeting.

    Executive Reports

    Secretary Glenn had nothing to report for the evening

    Treasurer Jon had opted to miss the meeting in order to work on the club accounts. He requested, through

    President Paul, that any outstanding invoices/payments be brought to the treasurers attention and actioned

    before the end of June.

    Directors Reports

    International Director Chilly was away and had nothing new to report.

    Club Service Director Mez sent in a Nil Report from her sick bed. Youth Director Peter welcomed Olivia who would be speaking to us tonight about her

    recent experience attending the RYPEN program at Mogo. Peter also mentioned that the

    NYSF applicant Leah had been interviewed and was considered a highly suitable candidate

    to attend District selections at the end of July with the clubs support.

    Community Service Director Jan was quite quiet tonight, reminding members of their

    Bunnings BBQ commitments on the 13th June, and thanking everyone in the club for their

    support on Community projects during the year.

    A German Moment

    An excited Hannah took the floor to deliver her weekly German Moment but had to start by telling everyone

    that she had finally seen a Koala in the wild while at Tidbinbilla with Sue and Paul at the weekend. Hannah also

    reported that she had acquired a large wombat (stuffed toy) that was very cute, did not eat much and was very

    clean. But she is not sure how she will get him home to Germany may need an extra seat on the plane. For the German side of the moment Hannah talked about her home and her garden. Clearly Hannahs parents

    are very proud of their house and garden, and Hannah described the great stone work he Dad does in building

    parts of the garden and sitting areas, and the lovely flower beds that her Mum maintains. Hannah also described her room (which

    has its own balcony), and the outhouse where the dogs used to live which has its own kitchen and toilet. The garden also includes

    several fruit trees (cherries, plums, apples and walnuts). Currently Hannahs parents are hosting a Youth Exchange student from

    New Zealand.

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    RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) is a 3 day camp for 14 to 17 year old boys and girls. The

    aim is to communicate to these young people a series of ideas, problems and social experiences which

    will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards, and also to broaden their horizons

    culturally, socially and academically .See for more information.

    At Thursdays meeting the clubs most recent attendee at RYPEN for 2015, Olivia, provided a most interesting account of her

    experience over the 3 day weekend camp.

    Olivia really enjoyed the weekend and said she had learnt a lot about herself and how to interact with

    other people in group situations. She had also learnt about leadership and communications and

    identified areas where she could improve her approaches when working in groups.

    Olivia found arriving at the camp quite daunting as she was one of the younger ones and did not know

    any of the 40 plus attendees or the RYPEN staff. However she was quickly made to feel at home and

    everyone was basically in the same boat so people quickly got talking to each other and settled in. By

    the end of the three days Oliva had a few new friends to stay in touch with.

    Olivia also mention that there were some excellent guest presenters who talked about social issues and

    their personal experiences. The food was also apparently very good, especially the desserts!!

    Olivia thanked the club for sponsoring her attendance, she really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend RYPEN to others.

    It was noted at the end of Olivias talk, that she had delivered her entire account very confidently and without any notes or props.

    For a 14 year old this was impressive.

    General Business

    Uniforms PP Paul advised that the order for the new long sleeved rugby style shirts had been

    placed with WorkinGear. Expected delivery in 2 weeks.

    Changeover Jan will be finalising numbers and doing a seating plan on the 15th June, so please

    make sure you have advised Jan of your attendance and paid. There are 54 people currently confirmed.

    Bowel Care Lizzy confirmed with the four members assisting with BowelCare money collection

    that the collections should be done in the week commencing June 29th. Good idea to call the

    chemist before going to ensure the money and unused kits are ready for collection.

    Weekly Meals Sue J suggested that there should be some discussion with the meal supplier regarding how

    the quality of the food can be improved as the standard is steadily dropping. Sue J suggested perhaps we

    could agree with the supplier on the menu rotating say 4 dishes. Lizzy asked that members email any

    suggestions to her and she will approach the supplier. Next weeks meal will be coming from the Jerra Chinese

    Restaurant for a change of scene.

    Joker There was no Joker this week.

    Fines There was no fines session this week.

    Attendance Attendance Officer Lizzy gave the longest ever explanation as to how she calculates attendance.

    Among her many considerations were the fact that the incoming Board had met on Monday for

    a planning session, and the combined Board meeting was held on Wednesday. This meant that

    several members had attended up to 3 meetings during the week. David B, who was officially on

    LoA was also in attendance, and we had a lot of guests, that should count for something. Just as

    everyone was falling asleep, Lizzy announced an attendance figure of 122.5% and once again

    (surprise, surprise) the President was required to shout Port and Baileys.

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    Caption Competition

    Last weeks caption competiton winner was Chilly who submitted the following caption.

    psss, hey does it look like were intelligent??????

    Chilly will receive a nice bottle of wine for his winning contribution.

    Olivia entertaining the crowd

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    Apologies to readers but there was no Market Report submitted this week.

    Perhaps Glenn, Glenda or Chilly can give us a verbal report at the coming Thursdays meeting.

    6 June 2015 Glenn and

    Glenda, and , Chilly

    Tables ??

    Bags ??

    Water ??

    Cook Books ??

    Cooler Bags ??

    Donations ??

    Total ??

    Details as provided by the Market Master (April 2015 Roster as amended)

    Market Roster

    Date Members

    20 June Jon, Carolyn, and Chris

    27 June Mez, Bev, and Anton

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    Looking Back over 2014-2015

    Following on from last weeks Looking Back photos for the months of July October 2014, this week we cover the period November 2014

    through to February 2015).

    Hannah turns Sweet 16

    A visit to Bottles of Australia, where there were a few printing errors!

    Unexpected guests drop into the

    Christmas Party

    Will gets his Blazer

    Hannah goes to her Formal

    Australia Day

    NYSF Hosting

    The Christmas Do

    A Quiz Night

    Guess who

    Rotarys Birthday

    A visit to ACTSport

    Australia Day promotion

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    The Last Page


    Meetings Social & Special Events Date Description Date Description (Contact)

    18 June The Non Disbursement Night 14 June Bunnings BBQ

    25 June No meeting (see Changeover Dinner on 27 June) 19 June Juniors on Watch Awards

    27 June Changeover Dinner (in lieu of meeting on 25 June) 27 June Jerra Rotary Changeover Dinner

    28 June District Changeover Lunch

    30 June Hall Rotary Changeover Dinner

    * Compiled from information provided by the Program Mistress (Club Calendar April 2015)


    In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentoring the development of the new club. (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President).

    Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 26 members.

    Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years, and we now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm).

    (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club Newsletter and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and some not so good suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name Jerraganda and David Stevens was the successful designer of our club banner. The design incorporated a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate adjacent to the Community Centre. Both the Jerraganda and the Club logo have evolved to keep pace with modern times.

    We have always been, and continue to be, a vibrant and fun loving club providing valued community service, both locally and internationally. Our motto is,

    Doing Good and Having Fun

    BOARD OF MANAGEMENT - 2014-2015

    President Paul Robey

    President Elect Mez Mulvaney

    Vice President Paul Roger

    Secretary Glenn Wahlert

    Treasurer Jon Wells

    Club Service Director Mez Mulvaney

    Community Service Director Jan Pettigrew

    International and Foundation Director Robert Chilman

    Youth and Vocational Service Director Peter Jarvis


    David Bailey, PHF. PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP

    Robert Chilman Paul Robey, President

    Cathy Hobbs Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP

    Carolyn Hackett Paul Roger PHF, PP

    Colin Hobbs, PHF, PP Sue Roger

    Chris Hunter, OAM, PHF, PP Pam Spencer, PHF, PP

    Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP

    Sue Jarvis, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP

    Bev McKay Glenda Wahlert, PP

    Bruce Miller Glenn Wahlert

    Liz Mulvaney, PHF Jon Wells

    Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF, PE Ian Wholohan


    Alex Alexander Vera Alexander

    Anne Davis Vicki Still

    Liz Miller


    Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Incorporated

    PO Box 8, Jerrabomberra NSW, 2619

    Email: [email protected]

    Meets Thursday 6.15 for 6.30 8.30pm Jerrabomberra Public School (Staff Room)

    Attendance & Apologies

    LIZ Mulvaney by 12 Noon Tuesday T: 0448754274 E: [email protected]

    Newsletter Contributions

    Paul Roger T: 0418 786945 E: [email protected]