




22 MAY- 6 JUNE, 2019



In cooperation with:



Wednesday, 22 May 2019


Gathering with the Advisors of the Teams Participating in the VII Edition of the ICC Moot Court in Spanish

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance


Meeting with the Advisors of the Teams Participating in the VII Edition of the ICC Moot Court in Spanish

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room 0V. 1.47

- Héctor Olasolo (Spain): Chairman, Ibero-American Institute of The Hague for Peace, Human Rights and

International Justice (IIH, The Netherlands); Chair in International Law, El Rosario University (Colombia);

Senior Lecturer, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- Vanessa Bonilla (Colombia): Coordinator of the VII Edition of the ICC Moot Court Competition in Spanish, IIH

- Ricardo Izquierdo (Venezuela): Public Information and Outreach Section, Registry of the International Criminal


10h30-20h00. Preliminary Rounds of the VII ICC Moot Court. Day I

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75. Rooms 0V 2.06 & 0V. 2.08

Thursday, 23 May 2019

10h30-20h00. Preliminary Rounds of the VII ICC Moot Court. Day II.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75. Rooms 0V 2.06 & 0V. 2.08

Friday, 24 May 2019

8h00. Departure to the International Court of Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

10h00-11h00. Opening of IX Ibero-American Week of International Justice (invitation required)

International Court of Justice. Carnegieplein 2, Great Hall of Justice

- Mr. Héctor Olasolo (Spain): IIH; El Rosario University (Colombia); The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- H.E. Mr. Philippe Couvreur (Belgium): Registrar, International Court of Justice

- H.E. Ambassador Mr. Piet de Klerk (The Netherlands): Ambassador for International Organizations, Ministry

of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

- Honorable Judge Olga Herrera Carbuccia (Dominican Republic): Judge, International Criminal Court

Speakers Introduced by Ms. Sonia Robla (Spain): Head of the Public Information and Outreach Section, Registry of the

International Criminal Court

Music by Mr. Santiago Cimadevilla (Argentine): Bandoneon

11h00-12h00. Reception (invitation required)

International Court of Justice. Carnegieplein 2

12h00-13h30. Free Time for Lunch

13h30-16h00. Guided Visit to the International Criminal Court (only for participants in the VII Edition of the ICC Moot


Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, Conference Room

17h00-19h00. Meeting with the Advisors of the Teams Participating in the VII Edition of the ICC Moot Court (the results

of the preliminary rounds of the VII ICC Moot Court will be given in this meeting)



The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room 0V. 1.47

Monday, 27 May 2019

7h45-8h15. Registration for the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

8h15. Departure to the International Court of Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

9h30-10h30. Guided Visit to the International Court of Justice

International Court of Justice, Carnegieplein 2, Great Hall of Justice

10h30-12h00. Meeting with the Representatives of Hague-Based International Organizations

International Court of Justice, Carnegieplein 2, Great Hall of Justice

12h00-13h00. Guided Visit to the Permanent Court of Arbitration

International Court of Justice, Carnegieplein 2, Great Hall of Justice

13h00-15h30. Free Time for Lunch

15h30-16h00. Registration for the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

16h00-20h00. Presentation of the Works of the Research Network Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice Published in a

Special Collection by Tirant lo Blanch Publishers (Spain), the IIH (The Netherlands) & the Joaquín Herrera Flores

Institute (Brazil/Spain)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV. 1.53

16h00-18h00. Panel 1 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Contemporary International Actors: Ethics

vs Power in International Relations - Volume 7 of the Collection Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice

- Mónica Rocha (Mexico): Foro de Justicia Internacional, A.C. (Mexico): Instituto de Investigaciones Estratégicas de la

Marina Armada (Mexico), Co-editor

- Mario Urueña (Colombia): Gran Colombia & El Rosario Universities (Colombia), Co-editor

- Miriam Dermer-Wodnicky (Colombia): Gran Colombia & El Rosario Universities (Colombia)

- Charlott Back (Brazil): Joaquín Herrera Flores Institute (Brazil)

Panel Chaired by Fernando Xavier Bucheli Vargas: Ambassador of Ecuador to the Netherlands

18h00-18h30. Coffee Break

18h30-20h00 Panel 2 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: National Justice and the Fight against

Transnational Corruption

- Demelsa Benito (Spain): University of Deusto (Spain)

- Paulo Adib Casseb (Brazil): Prosecutor, Military Criminal Jurisdiction (Brazil)

- Carlos Castresana (Spain): Lawyer, Ejaso Law Firm (Spain); former Director of the International Commission

against Impunity in Guatemala (CIGIC)

Panel Chaired by Asier Garrido (Spain): International Court of Justice

Tuesday, 28 May 2019



8h30-9h30 Opening of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

- Piet Willems (Belgium): Faculty of Management, Safety and Law, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- Clara Esperanza Hernández Cortes: International Law Clinic, El Rosario University (Colombia)

Romina Catera (Argentina): Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; IIH Board Member

- Renan Villacis (Ecuador): Director, Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties, International Criminal Court

- Sylvia Steiner (Brazil): Judge, International Criminal Court (2003-2016)

Speakers Introduced by Sonia Robla (Spain): Head of the Public Information and Communication Section, Registry,

International Criminal Court

Music by:

- Yussif Barakat (Ecuador): double bass

- Marco Bernardi (Italia): saxophone

9h30-10h15 Keynote Speaker of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: The fundamental role of human

rights in reparation proceeding for victims of international crimes

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

- Luz del Carmen Ibáñez Carranza (Peru): Judge, Appeals Section, International Criminal Court

Keynote Speaker Introduced by Sonia Robla (Spain): Head of the Public Information and Communication Section,

Registry, International Criminal Court

10h15-10h45. Break. Coffee & Tea.

10h45-12h45. Presentation of the Video Documentary The Prosecutors (Directed by Leslie Thomas, 2018) Followed by a

Debate on Investigating Gender International Crimes (Sponsored by the Embassy of Chile to The Netherlands)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

- Daniela Kravetz (Chile): International Justice and Gender Expert

- Alejandra Vicente (Spain): Head of Law, The Hague Office, REDRESS

Panel Chaired by Maria Teresa de Jesús Infante Caffi (Chile): Ambassador of Chile to The Netherlands

12h45-13h45. Free Time for Lunch

13h45. Departure to the Grotious Center on International Studies of Leiden University (The Hague Campus)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

14h30-17h00. Semifinals of the VII ICC Moot Court

Grotious Center on International Studies of Leiden University (The Hague Campus), Schouwburgstraat 2,

Rooms: A2.01, A2.02, A2.03, A2.04 & A2.05 (second floor)

18h00-21h00. V Annual Meeting of the Coordinators Group of the Research Network Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice

coordinated by the Ibero-American Institute of The Hague (invitation required)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV. 0.39

Wednesday, 29 May 2019



8h15. Departure to the International Criminal Court

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

9h30-12h15. Final Hearing of the VII ICC Moot Court

International Criminal Court. Oude Waalsdorperweg 10. Courtroom 1

12h15- 13h30. Reception and Closing of the VII ICC Moot Court

International Criminal Court. Oude Waalsdorperweg 10. Reception Area

13h30-16h00. Free Time for Lunch

16h00-19h00. Presentation of the Works of the Research Network Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice Published in a

Special Collection by Tirant lo Blanch Publishers (Spain), the IIH (The Netherlands) & the Joaquín Herrera Flores

Institute (Brazil/Spain)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.53

16h00-17h00. Panel 3 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Panel on Plural and Differentiated Models

on the Conception and Application of Justice based on Deliberation, Acknowledgment, Reparation and Emancipation - Volume 6 of

the Collection Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice

- Edgar López López (Colombia): Saint Thomas University (Colombia), Co-editor

- Marta Palacio (Colombia): University of Barcelona (Spain)

Panel Chaired by Meritxell Regué (Spain): Appeals Section, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court

17h00-17h30. Panel 4 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Panel on Justice and the Question about the

Victimized Other: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Dialogue with Theology – Volume 5 of the Collection Ibero-American

Perspectives on Justice

- Maria José Caram (Argentina): Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina), Editor

Panel Chaired by Juan Pablo Calderón (Colombia): Appeals Division, Chambers, International Criminal Court

17h30-18h00. Coffee Break

18h00-19h00. Panel 5 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Function, Elements and Reach of

Community Justice in Ibero-America – Volume 8 of the Collection Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice

- Charlott Back (Brazil): Joaquín Herrera Flores Institute (Brazil/Spain), Co-editor

- Hector Olasolo (Spain): IIH; El Rosario University (Colombia); The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Panel Chaired by Magaly Bobbio (Argentina): Appeals Division, Chambers, International Criminal Court

19h00-20h30 Panel 6 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Towards the Establishment of a Latin-

American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA)?

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.53

Initial Presentation by:

- Alejandro Kiss (Argentina): Office of Public Council for Victims, International Criminal Court

Commentary on Draft COPLA:

- Sylvia Steiner (Brazil): former Judge at the International Criminal Court (2003-2016)



- Ania Salinas (Chile): Pre-Trial Division, Chambers, International Criminal Court; Human Rights Specialist,

Interamerican Commission of Human Rights

Debate Chaired by Magaly Bobbio (Argentina): Appeals Division, Chambers, International Criminal Court

Friday, 31 May 2019

14h00-16h00. V Annual Meeting of the International Law Clinic with the Office of Public Counsel for Victims (OPCV) of

the International Criminal Court (this event can only be attended by the members of the International Law Clinic, which

is organized by El Rosario University (Colombia) and the IIH, in cooperation with the OPCV)

International Criminal Court. Oude Waalsdorperweg 10.

Monday, 3 June 2019

8h30-9h00. Registration for the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice (only for those that could register the

week before)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

9h00-11h00. Panel 7 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: The Legacy of the International Criminal

Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia with respect to the Crime of Genocide in the 70Th Anniversary of the Genocide Convention –

Volume 9 of the Collection Ibero-American Perspectives on Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

Part 1: Origins, definition and evolution of the crime of genocide since the 1948 Convention

- Hector Olasolo (Spain): IIH; El Rosario University (Colombia); The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Co´-


- Eirene de Prada (Spain): Vasque Institute of Sociology (Spain), Co-editor

- Ricardo Izquierdo (Venezuela): Public Information and Communications Section, Registry, International

Criminal Court

Part 2: Critical Analysis of the Contributions of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in relation

to the application of the crime of genocide

- Jose Ricardo de Prada (Spain): Judge, Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT): Judge, Penal

Chamber of the Spanish Audiencia Nacional

- Enrique Carnero Rojo (Spain): Legal Officer, Office of Public Counsel for Victims, International Criminal Court

- Piergiuseppe Parisi (Italy): University of Trento (Italia)

Panel Chaired by Romina Morello (Argentina): External Relations and Cooperation Officer, Registry, International

Criminal Court

11h00-11h30. Coffee Break

11h30-12h15. Panel 8 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Essays Selected in the VII Edition of the

Blattmann, Odio Benito & Steiner Essay Contest on International Criminal Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

- Restrictive Notion of Command Responsibility in the Colombian Transitional Legal Framework, by Angie Katherine

García Atehortúa, Lawyer in charge of attention to gender violence at the Department of Security, Coexistence

and Justice of the City of Bogotá (Colombia)

- The Massacre of Social Activists in Colombia, by María Fernanda Maldonado Arcón (National University of

Colombia, Colombia)



Panel Chaired by Vanessa Bonilla (Colombia): El Rosario University; coordinator of the VII Edition of the Blattmann,

Odio Benito & Steiner Essay Contest

12h15-13h00. Panel 9 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Critical Studies Selected in the II Edition of

the Contest on Critical Studies on Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

- Analysis of the Charter of the United Nations in the light of the postulates of the text "Zum ewigen Frieden" by Immanuel

Kant, by J. Nayib Campos Salazar (Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Costa Rica)

- Queer Analysis of the Rome Statute, by Nicolás Eduardo Buitrago Rey (El Rosario University, Colombia)

Panel Chaired by Stefania Marassi (Italy): The Hague University of Applied Sciences

13h00-14h00. Free Time for Lunch

14h00. Departure to the International Commission for Missing Persons

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

14h45-17h00. Guided Visit to the International Commission of Missing Persons (ICMP) and Practical Session on How to

Elaborate a Draft Internal Legislation to Search Effectively for Missing Persons

Koninginnegracht 12 (La Haya)

Visit guided by Deborah Ruiz Verduzco (Mexico), Head of Civil Society Initiatives Departments / Interim Head of

ICMP´s Program in Colombia

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

8h30-12h45. Issues concerning Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition with respect to Gross Violations of Human

Rights in Ibero-America

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

9h00-10h00. Panel 10 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: The Tension between Foreign Investment

Protection and Land Return to Victims of Forcible Displacement in Colombia

- Laura Victoria García Matamoros (Colombia): Vice-Dean, El Rosario University Law School (Colombia)

- Enrique Prieto Ríos (Colombia): Director of the Research Office, El Rosario University Law School (Colombia)

Panel Chaired by Laura Dupuy (Uruguay): Ambassador of Uruguay to The Netherlands

10h00-11h15. Panel 11 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: The Experience of the Intergenerational

Dialogue in the Parishes of the Archdioceses of San Salvador: May It Be an Effective Measure to Overcome Policies Promoting


- Roberto Carlos Alfaro Lara (El Salvador): Human Rights Protection Office, Archbishopric of San Salvador

- Héctor Olasolo (Spain): IIH; El Rosario University (Colombia); The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Panel chaired by Eduardo Toledo (Argentina). International Academy of Nuremberg Principles (Germany)

11h15-11h30. Coffee Break

11h30-12h15. Panel 12 of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice: Analysis of the Coercive Measures Imposed

on the LGTBI Population by the Judgments Issued by the Tribunals for Vagrants and Thugs (Tribunales de Vagos y Maleantes) in

Spain between 1954 and 1970



- Guillermo Portilla (Spain): Chair in Criminal Law, University of Jaen (Spain), Author of the Book

- Oswaldo Zavala (Ecuador): Special Assistant to the Registrar, International Criminal Court, Commentator

Panel Chaired by Antonia Pereira de Sousa (Brazil): External Relations and Cooperation Officer, Registry, International

Criminal Court

12h15-12h45. Presentation on Policies and Applicable Law on LGTBI Population in Argentine (Sponsored by the Embassy of

Chile to The Netherlands)

- Lorena Sosa (Argentina): Human Rights Institute of The Netherlands; Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

Speaker introduced by Yanina Berra Rocca (Argentina): Embajada de Argentina ante los Países Bajos

12h45-13h45. Free Time for Lunch

13h45. Departure to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

14h30-16h30. Guided Visit to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Johan de Witlaan 32

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

III Polyphonic Day of International Justice

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Speakers’ Corner

9h00-10h00. Opening

- Rajesh Rawal (United Kingdom): Member of the Board of Directors, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- Francesca Lave (Ireland): Student Representative, Member of INVICTUS Student Organization, The Hague

University of Applied Sciences

- Héctor Olasolo (Spain): IIH; El Rosario University (Colombia); The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- Ingrid de Beer (The Netherlands). Head of the Department on Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

the Netherlands

Music by Leonid Nikishin (Russia): Violinist

10h00- 10h45. Keynote Speaker:

- Ekaterina Trendafilova (Bulgaria): President, Kosovo Specialist Chambers

Keynote Speaker Introduced by Michael Vagias (Greece): European and International Law Programme, The Hague

University of Applied Sciences

10h45-11h15. Break. Coffee & Tea.

11h15-13h15. Panel on Outstanding Issues on the Implementation at the National Level of the Geneva Conventions in their 70th


- Kasim Balarabe (Nigeria): Jindal Global Law School (India), O. P. Jindal Global University

- Mykola Gnatovskyy (Ukraine): Chairman, Committee against Torture of the Council of Europe

- Katayoun Hosseinnejad (Iran): Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran (Iran)



- Dalila Seoane (Argentine): Observatory on International Humanitarian Law, University of Buenos Aires

(Argentine); Civitas Maxima (Switzerland)

- Shichen Tian (China): PhD candidate at Wuhan University, Captain (retired) & former legal advisor for PLA

Navy and the Ministry of National Defense

- Lachezar Yanev (Bulgaria): Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Panel Chaired by Klaus Rackwitz (Germany): International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Germany)

13h15-15h00. Free Time for Lunch

15h00-16h00. Debate with the Panelists by Geographical Region

Rooms Speakers’ Corner, OV2.02, OV2.04, OV2.06, OV2.08, OV2.10

16h00-16h15. Break

16h15- 17h00. Preparation of Participants’ Contributions (in groups)

Rooms Speakers’ Corner, OV2.02, OV2.04, OV2.06, OV2.08, OV2.10

17h00-18h00. Presentation of Participants’ Contributions (in groups)

Speakers’ corner

Panel Chaired by Andrés Sánchez Sarmiento (Colombia): International Law Clinic, El Rosario University (Colombia)

18h00-18h30. Closing Remarks

Speakers’ corner

- Koffi Kumelio A. Afande (Togo): African Foundation for International Law. Former Judge at the ICTY and ICTR.

Conciliator and Arbitrator before the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

- Karina Sibliska (Russia): Member of ILSA Student Organization, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Thursday, 6 June 2019

9h00. Departure to the International Criminal Court or for The Hague Conference on Private International Law

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Main Entrance

Group 1:

10h00-12h00. Guided Visit to the International Criminal Court

International Criminal Court. Oude Waalsdorperweg 10. Conference Room

Group 2:

10h00-12h00. Guided Visit to The Hague Conference on Private International Law

The Hague Conference on Private International Law, Chuchillplein 6B, Conference Room

12h00- 14h00. Free Time for Lunch

14h00-16h00. Free Time to Prepare the Group Presentations on the Conclusions of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on

International Justice

16h00-17h30. Presentation on the 2018 Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, followed by the

Latest Jurisprudential Developments on the Notion of Comprehensive Reparations in the Inter-American System of Human Rights

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.47

Group discussions will take place in different rooms. Each speaker will set out the main views held in the geographical area from

which he/she comes from. Participants in the event can choose which debate they would like to be involved.



- Paulo Abrao Pires (Brazil): Esecutive Secretary, Interamerican Commission on Human Rights

17h30-18h15: Closing Lecture:

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.47

- Felipe Michelini (Uruguay): President of the Executive Board of the Trust Fund for Victims of the International

Criminal Court

18h15-19h00: Presentation of the Latin American Network of International Law Journals (RELAREDI) and the following

International Law Journals that are part of it:

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.47

- ACDI: Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional / Colombian Yearbook of International Law

- ANIDIP: Anuario Ibero-Americano de Derecho Internacional Penal / Ibero-American Yearbook of International

Criminal Law

19h00-21h00. Presentation by the Participants of their Conclusions on the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International


The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Room OV.1.47


*To register for the VI Ibero-American Seminar on International Justice, please write before 7 May 2019 to:

[email protected]

Information about the life streaming of some of the activities of the IX Ibero-American Week of International Justice:

It is possible to follow the live streaming of the Opening of the IX Ibero-American Week of International Justice through

at the facebook of the Ibero-American Institute of The Hague:

It will also be possible to follow through this link the different sessions of the VI Ibero-American Seminar on

International Justice