Download - Its Learning 1st Tutorial Booklet

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Its LearningGetting On

Connect to the internet and type in the address bar.

When you first log on it is useful to test your computer’s compatibility with the programmes you will require. To do this look at the bottom left of the screen and click on browser test. Click on start test and follow any on screen instructions for uploading appropriate programmes (anything from Sun or Java or Active X controls are OK to add)

The top left hand box allows you to select a site; you should select Accrington and Rossendale CollegeType in your username and password (case sensitive) and make sure that Secure is bold. Click Log in.

You wil be asked to enter your email address on your first visit.

Once logged in you will see the college home page; which has a list of the courses you are registered for (you will be added as a participant by the course designer)

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The first Tab we will look at is My Settings; this allows you to amend your personal profile and add pictures if you wish.

Settings (Used to change your details and password)Click on the tab and select Change Details


Enter your personal information.This is what other people will see if they look you up in the system so only put in what you want them to


Want to put a picture in? You will have to find one and upload it first.

Click on Upload fileIf you have pictures already stored on your computer or disc, browse to find it; if not you will need to find and save a picture first.

Once selected click Upload file. The dialogue box will close and you will see a link in the picture file window.

Once you have added all your details click Save and your profile will be stored. Click on View Your account information to see how it looks.

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This window shows you a list of the courses (areas of Its learning) that you have access to. Simply click on one underlined titles to go there.

Once in the course you will see a list of folders and files down the left hand side and the current bulletins on display in the centre. Have a browse around the screen and see what’s available.

Most items are set to open in new windows so you can go back to the main screen by closing what you are looking at.

To go back to the course screen simply click the Course tab at the top.

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Creating a Course and Adding Content

Go back to the Course screen.

Click on Add Course

Give your course a title (don’t worry about the other labels at the moment) and click Save

Add a title, add the information, select a time span, click save and you’re finished!

See next page for details of how to do this!

First of all we will add a bulletin

Click to add bulletin

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Just type your title in here

You can publish now or set a date for it to start

You leave it on forever or set a date for it to come off

Hover over these icons to see what they do

Click the arrow for more options

Bold , Italics, Underline, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Re-do, Insert picture, Insert web link, insert link to other file, change font colour, insert symbol

Alignment, sub and superscript, indents, bullets, tables

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Try It

Insert a table of two columns and three rows. (This will pop up in another window)

Click into the first cell and type a headline for your bulletin Highlight your text and change the colour Change the font size (size three is about equal to 12) Click in the next cell down Click to insert a picture A new window appears – if this is your first time you will need

to upload pictures to this file first – once uploaded click on the picture you want to insert

Click into the last cell Type your text for the bulletin. Click save Click back to courses and select your course to view the

bulletin If the bulletin is too wide go back to your bulletin by clicking

on the title and select edit. Click in the empty cells and press the space bar; this will

widen the spare cell and move your text narrower. Save again and see how it looks.

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