Download - Issue 34 – Calling - (4 November 2010)

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Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, On Friday night the College hosts its Celebration of Excellence. This is the premier formal event on the College’s calendar where we have the opportunity to acknowledge the events of the past year and congratulate those who have attained outstanding results in a number of different areas across the College. I extend an invitation to all members of the St. Patrick’s College community to attend this special event. It begins at 7.00pm in the Callan Centre. Also over the last couple of weeks we have hosted the Trimester 3 Co-curricular Assembly and the Cultural Awards Assembly. Both of these events acknowledged the achievements of many students in both the sporting and cultural areas. I congratulate all students on their involvement and achievements in all the co-curricular activities. 2010 has been very successful both with involvement and results and I am confident that 2011 will build on these excellent results. My thanks also to the staff, parents and other coaches who have assisted throughout the year. Thankyou very much. In recent months discussions at The Parents and Friends meeting have occurred regarding uniform, honour pockets and the Calling. Following input at these discussions some decisions have been made regarding 2011. Firstly, students in Years 10, 11 and 12 will wear long pants during Terms 2 and 3 and at formal College events. Students in other year levels may also wear long pants if they wish. Other possible uniform issues will be examined in 2011. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are entitled to apply for an Honour Pocket. There is currently a criteria for Honour Pockets, however, the range of possible eligible criteria has expanded over time and the current eligibility criteria needs reviewing. To this end an Honour Pocket committee will be set up in 2011 to draft a new eligibility criteria. Expressions of interest will be called early in 2011. Finally, the issue of the Calling has been discussed and whilst opinion regarding a hard copy or electronic copy has been split, a decision to provide an electronic copy only in 2011 has been made. This decision was mainly based on environmental considerations, however, time and cost of printing hard copies were also factors. In 2011 the Calling will be emailed to families (providing we have your email address) and hosted onto the College Website on Thursday afternoon. A small number of hard copies will be available at the student office. The building program is progressing and despite some delays due to the weather it is hopeful that the project will be completed for the beginning of the 2011 year. The top floor is currently under construction and this will be followed by the completion of the roof. Over the next couple of weeks we should see some significant progress with the building. Finally this week, Monday morning will see the College host the Year 12 Farewell Assembly. This is a significant event. This is an opportunity for the College Community to say thankyou and well done to the Year 12 students. I encourage all within the St. Patrick’s College Community to attend this event in the Callan Centre beginning at 8.45am. The ‘Guard of Honour’ is one of the highlights of the year. Have a great week. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

4 November 2010 No. 34

Celebration of Excellence Friday 5 November

Commencing at 7.00pm in the Callan Centre

Celia Lashlie CD’s $20-00

Please contact the Main Office on 3631 9000 to book a copy

by the 12 November

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Frank Torrisi

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This is the last week of normal classes for our Year 12s. It is important that they finish positively and calmly. As always the Seniors help set the tone for the rest of the College. We have worked with the Year 12s to emphasise this point. We believe that students must maintain their focus on their final assessment as significant changes can still occur with their Senior results. A series of activities have been planned to allow appropriate celebration of the achievement of finishing 12 years of studies. We believe this must be done appropriately. Yesterday the House Deans led the Seniors in the concluding phase of a Rite of Passage program. The Year 12 students were acknowledged at farewell House Assemblies today and on Friday will be involved in a Docudrama to support them as they enter the adult world. On Monday there will be House breakfasts, followed by farewell Tutor Groups and then a highly emotional Farewell Assembly from the College.

These are very significant and appropriate ways for the Year 12s to celebrate the end of their classes and to be acknowledged. All Year 12 families are reminded of the need to finalise tables for the Graduation Dinner with Mrs. Sandra Fowlie in the Student Office. House Transfers: Students who are moving into the three new Houses in 2011 will receive an exchange sports shirt (1 only) when they hand over their existing sports shirt. To assist in this process Julie Bowden in the Uniform Shop has requested that students visit the Uniform shop and inform them of their shirt size for 2011. Hair: Last week I wrote in the calling requesting that families check the length of their son’s hair and make the necessary arrangements to have their son’s hairstyle meet the College guidelines. I am however disappointed that I am

asking boys to have a haircut this week. The guidelines are in place to maintain the standards that are expected from all members of our community. I remind all students that their hair needs to be combed in a style that is appropriate for school.

House Shield – Congratulations to Ryan House for winning the overall House Shield. Their second place in the House Choir was enough for them to gain the Shield for a third year in a row. The competition continues to get closer with four different Houses winning a competition this year. Well done to all the House Deans and the House staff for the motivation they provide to every individual student in their House. I again thank you for your support in maintaining these standards.


As I have indicated in previous weeks, Years 7, 8 and 9 students will be issued with a Netbook computer at the beginning of the school year in 2011.

These computers will be rolled out to students in the first week of the school year. Students will be addressed in year levels, where they will be given information regarding the care of the device. Students will also be given guidelines regarding the use of Netbooks.

Students will be encouraged to use the Netbook to complete assignments, assessment tasks, homework or other

school related work. Students will be able to configure the device to link to home wireless connections.

As the Netbooks will be a valuable resource, students will be required to take great care with them. It must be stored securely and transported safely. Whilst on school property the Netbook will need to be always in the student’s possession. If not in use the device must be kept in the protective case which will be supplied by the College. This case will fit into the student’s school bag.

It will be the responsibility of each student to charge the Netbook each night ready for the following day. We are fortunate that most students have mobile phones and as such are quite used to charging a device each evening. The Netbook is in the same category as charging will also be required every night.

I will talk next time about some of the software which will be loaded onto the computer. Once again I am sure you share our excitement about this magnificent educational innovation.

Chris Campbell

Tue 9 Nov 9.35 12.00

O210 Indon (Written) E208-9 Biol Orals

1 hour 3 hours

Wed 10 Nov 8.50 8.50 12.00

CC History CC MultiStrand CC Marine St

1 ½ hours 1 ½ hours 1 ½ hours

Thu 11 Nov 8.50 8.50 8.50 12.00

CC Geography O210 Indon (Aural) C201 Music CC Physics

1 hour 50 mins 2 hours 2 hours

Fri 12 Nov 8.50 8.50 12.00

CC Chemistry S1M1 12A Engin CC Leg St

2 hours 1 ½ hours 1 hour

Mon 15 Nov 8.50 8.50

CC Maths A CC Maths B

2 ¼ hours 2 ½ hours

Tue 16 Nov 12.00 12.00 12.00

E208 Economics E209 Maths C S1M1 12B Engin

70 mins 2 ½ hours 1 ½ hours

Wed 17 Nov 8.50 S1W1/2 Furnishing 1 ½ hours

Year 12 Exam Timetable

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David Gardiner

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CELEBRATION OF EXCELLENCE – 2010 has been a real test of character for St. Patrick’s. Come along Friday night and celebrate the remarkable achievements of the year.

• 6.30 pm for a 7.00pm start in the Callan Centre • Formal evening – all students to wear ‘greys’ uniform, including ties and blazers. • Jazz Ensemble outside of the Callan Centre at 6.30pm • Audience call at 6.55pm • Night of awards and entertainment. • Night to conclude at 9.00pm


Order forms for the following photos taken on October 15 are available in the Student Office: Year 12 Group Photo College Principal and College Leaders AIC Chess Junior A AIC Chess Junior B AIC Chess Open A AIC Chess Senior B BIS Chess AIC Chess Junior A CIC Debating Team SPC Combined Band Junior Theatresports Intermediate Theatresports Senior Theatresports CIC Public Speaking Team Chemistry Titration Team 5 A/B/C Basketball 6 A/B/C Basketball 7 A/B/C Basketball 13 A/B/C Basketball 14 A/B/C Basketball 15 A/B Basketball 16 A Basketball 1sts Basketball 2nds Basketball 3rds Basketball

CIC Cross Country AIC Cross Country CIC Athletics AIC Athletics CIC Tennis—Junior 1/2/5/6 CIC Tennis—Junior 3/4/7/8 AIC 13 A/B/C Tennis AIC 14 A/B/C Tennis A/B U15 Tennis 16A & 16B Tennis 1st IV Tennis 2nds & 3rds Tennis Tennis Age Champions U14 AFL U16 AFL AIC Premiers Waterpolo U13 Waterpolo U14 Waterpolo U15/U16 Waterpolo Open 1st Hockey Golf

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Mark Mewburn


Anger: All of us experience it. It is helpful to realize that anger can be our friend or our foe, depending on how we express it. Knowing how to recognize it and express it appropriately can help us to reach goals, handle emergencies, solve problems and even protect our health. Failure leads to lots of problems! A useful site to view: Holiday Activities: Career Exploration. Do you have an interest in the world of Media? Like to improve your confidence, speaking

voice and communication skills? One day course - Monday, 17th January 2011 Two day course - Wednesday 19th & Thursday 20th January 2011 Media Potential - School holiday programs for students aged between 13 - 17. Channel 7 studios on Mt Coot-tha in Brisbane Get a hands-on practical approach in a professional television studio by experienced lecturers including host of: The Great South East, Sofie Formica. Limited places available. For further info: or 3511 3455

CHILL OUT program is offered in Brisbane during holiday periods for young people aged 10-17. Keep an eye out for this offering on: Coming Careers Events • 20th Nov - UQ Bay Fest at Moreton Bay – 10-3pm - 34099058 • 20th Dec – UQ Options Evening – St Lucia Campus • 21st Dec – Real Decisions at QUT – Garden’s Point campus – 10 – 2pm

Mark Ellison “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Have you ever wondered about the incredible miracle of your own existence – the overwhelmingly complex set of events that converged to create the exact moment of your conception – the billions of tiny, insignificant events that might have taken place, to prevent your very being? Perhaps you have wondered about this in regard to your own children. Bruce Barton once said “sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things ... I am tempted to think ... there are no little things.” As a big Simpsons’ fan I love to show students the episode where Homer travels back to the time of the dinosaurs and kills a mosquito, and on returning to the present finds that the world is completely different because of the chain reactions that one insignificant action created. While the Simpsons have been guilty at times of exaggeration, I whole-heartedly believe in the message of that episode. Ever since I was very young I have always wondered about the phenomenon we know as the ripple effect, or the butterfly or domino effect, whereby every word, thought and action, no matter how big or small, sets off chain reactions in all directions which completely alters the course of history. I am always baffled when people say they cannot change the world, because every one of us changes the world every minute of every day – with every thought, every word, every action, and every in-action. As Harry Diamond said “when a lot of people do a little, it’s a lot. When a lot of people do nothing – it’s nothing”. The majority of our daily acts we could say are neutral – we have no idea whether they will create positive or negative circumstances days, weeks, or even centuries into the future. However, when we intentionally choose to

make our actions positive, “the social sum of everybody’s little everyday efforts, no doubt releases far more energy into the world than do rare heroic feats” (Robert Musil), and “each time a man (or woman) stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he (or she) sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance” (Robert F Kennedy). Our challenge then, is to choose in every moment of every day, to make our ripples ones which will change the world for the better. The power of the ripple effect was a major theme of the Year 11 leadership retreat last week, and particularly the power our ripples contain when we are given positions of leadership. As teachers we often remind ourselves that our role is “not to fill a bucket, but to light a spark” or “to plant seeds”. Our task is not to transfer vast quantities of knowledge to students, but to encourage, inspire and equip them to enhance the world around them and to set their own ripples off into the world. Obviously this sentiment holds true for parents, friends, and indeed, for students themselves. The theme of tomorrow night’s celebration of excellence in the Callan Centre is based on Edmund Rice’s great quote: “have courage; the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on”. As teachers, as parents, and simply as human beings, we must believe in this great saying, and remind ourselves of it often. We must believe that the seeds we plant, the sparks that we light, and the ripples we create, through the things we do today, will grow and develop in the hearts of our children, and in those around us, years into the future. In this way we

build the Kingdom of God, as so beautifully described in Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed – the smallest of all seeds which grows into the largest of trees. One last quote to finish:

“We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.” – Archbishop Oscar Romero

. Ripples in Action I would like to pass on the story of Cooper Smith – a family friend of one of our students. Imagine the ripples this 5 year old boy with cerebral palsy created last Sunday when he walked 1 kilometre (using a walking frame) to raise money for children in Cambodia who cannot go to school. Cooper’s goal was to raise $500, and so far he has raised almost $13 000 which he will deliver to New Hope Cambodia when he visits the country with his family later in the year. If you would like to support this amazing young boy please visit

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DIRECTOR OF SPORT—LUKE DONATINI On the sporting field, as in life, we constantly see those who are leaders and those who are followers; this to me is what makes sport (as with life) so interesting – who is prepared to ‘step up’. It is sometimes easier to follow and just get the job done quietly (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that) but it is often harder to lead. When one sets out to lead the way they often ‘put themselves out there’ and are open to be criticized and targeted. When a sportsman takes this role and leads (together with hard work and application) he can ultimately become a true champion and the accolades will follow, but when he fails when taking the lead, he is often criticized for taking such ‘risks’. I believe that St Patrick’s College Sport is now at the cross roads where we need to make that decision - to lead or to follow. To strive for better or be happy with where we currently are. This week sees the culmination of the 2010 SPC sporting year and it has been a wonderful year for sporting achievements to date. We have seen sport at St Patrick’s College really start to ‘come of age’ and for the most has been warmly embraced by the students, staff, coaches, parents and wider community in general. However, it is now the time, I believe, to take that next step and start leading. 2011 may throw us many challenges, leave us open to some criticism as well as the need for us to ‘take some calculated risks’ but I am confident that we as a sporting body and community are up to such challenges and ready to lead the way in CIC sport, AIC sport, District sport, Regional representation and beyond. We have proven that we can be successful and competitive in almost every sport and as such I am confident that we can build on the successes of 2010 and look forward to bigger and better achievements in 2011. I believe that St Patrick’s College being ‘the best kept secret’ is no longer and now the secret is

well and truly out. To maintain and progress with all our sport we must embrace what we have done, build on it and definitely not rest on our laurels. We look forward to this next chapter of SPC Sport, watching it grow and witnessing what we can achieve in 2011 and beyond. Personally, I see this as ‘exciting times’ for our great College and its ever improving sporting program. 2010 St Patrick’s College AIC Aggregate Results by Sport • Cross Country – 1st • Volleyball – 2nd • Track and Field – 3rd • Basketball – 4th • Tennis – 4th • Swimming – 5th • Cricket – 6th • Rugby – 7th • Football – 8th 2010 Outstanding Achievements and Premierships • 13A AIC Volleyball Premiers • 3rdVI AIC Volleyball Premiers • 2ndVI AIC Volleyball Premiers • 7A CIC Football Undefeated • 14A AIC Football Undefeated • 12 Years CIC Cross Country Age Champions • 13 Years AIC Cross Country Age Champions • AIC Cross Country Aggregate Premiership • 12 Years CIC Cross Country Age Champions • 16 Years AIC Cross Country Age Champions • 13A AIC Basketball Premiers • 15A AIC Basketball Premiers • 16A AIC Basketball Premiers • 2ndV AIC Basketball Premiers

• 16B AIC Tennis Premiers • 16 Years AIC AFL Premiers • Open Hockey Zone 5 Premiers Our CIC championship sporting season finished with the following aggregate results: • Track and Field – 2nd Overall • Cross Country – 8th Overall • Swimming – 4th Green Division (10th Overall) Congratulations on Recent Success • Kurt D’Amico – selected into the Queensland All Schools Track and Field Team to compete at the National All School Championships in Melbourne, December 2010. SPC Cricket Coaches We are calling for anyone within the St Patrick’s community who is interested and wishing to coach cricket for our College in 2011 to contact our Ryan Schultz (SPC Coaching Administrator) and pass on the following information: • Name • Contact details (phone numbers, e-mail address etc) • Cricket Coaching Experience • Coaching year level preference • Blue Card Details (If you have one. If you do not we can arrange for your application) • Shirt size All interested coaches can send the above information to: Mr Ryan Schultz – [email protected] Ryan can be contacted on 3631 9045 during College office hours.

SPC CIC and AIC 2011 Cricket Sign On

The sign on for all 2011 CIC Cricket and AIC Cricket was held last week on various lunchtimes. Should any student have missed this sign on, they are to see Mr Ryan Schultz to

register their name and have it added to the list.

All students wishing to play cricket for St Patrick’s College in 2011 are asked to sign on so that number of teams for 2011 can be established.

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The SPC Water Polo boys played their final round against the Water Polo stronghold of Iona College. While this was a difficult round in terms of recording wins, the boys valiantly showed their skills and determination against teams with numerous representa-tive players. With the season over for another year, I would strongly encourage all Water Polo players to get involved with SPC Swimming for 2011. The extra fitness in the pool is truly beneficial come Water Polo season next year. Read the Swimming article in the Calling for more information. Still keen to play Water Polo? SPC has a relationship with the Northside Polo Bears club who train at Albany Creek Leisure Centre. For more information on playing opportunities outside of the school competition, please contact Polo Bears President and SPC contact Tony Dal Bon at [email protected]. Thank you to all the parents for coming to support the boys and providing transport home from trainings and games. Without you, the sport would not exist. Good Luck in 2011.


St. Patrick’s Swimming in Season 2010/2011

Swimming training has commenced for 2010/11 and already we are having large numbers of boys training very hard to drop their times and get the most out of their swimming. Whether you are an elite swimmer looking to train with some of Australia’s and the world’s best coaches in Ken Wood and his staff, or just someone who is looking to improve their fitness, please come down and get involved. Swimming times for Term 4 are as follows: TUESDAY (SANDGATE POOL): 6:15am – 7:30am WEDNESDAY (REDCLIFFE POOL): 5:45am – 7:30am THURSDAY (REDCLIFFE POOL): 3:45pm – 5:00pm There will be buses to take the boys to school after morning training and a bus take the boys to Thursday afternoon training at Redcliffe. Parents will need to drop the boys off to morning training and pick up after Thursday training. Could all boys please wear their St. Pat’s swim caps and bring swim fins if they have them. The College has purchased a limited supply of fins for the boys but we will run out, particularly in the bigger sizes. If any boys are interested in becoming involved with extra training, or holiday training at Redcliffe, please see me or contact the ladies at the pool during training. There are a range of squads and lessons available ranging from stroke correction and technique work, right through to elite national training squads. The coaching here is the best available. The swim camp this year runs from Sunday the 9th of January until Wednesday the 12th of January and is at the Gold Coast Sports Super Centre, Runaway Bay. The cost for the 4 days is $305.00. This includes all meals, use of state of the art training facilities and accommodation. The cost has risen this year due to the Sports Super Centre increasing their prices. Over the course of the 4 days, the boys will be training up to 3 sessions per day, plus engaging in a mini-lifesaving carnival, trips to the beach and the movies. Every year places fill very fast for the camp, so if interested please contact Ms Donna Day at the front office as soon as possible. Letters are available at the Student Office for collection.



Due to technical difficulties with the production of the Showcase DVD, they are currently not available for sale

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Uniform Shop SHIRTS FOR EXISTING STUDENTS GOING INTO NEW HOUSES – These orders should have been completed by now if a shirt is required for the start of next year. WATER BOTTLES FOR NEW HOUSES now available for $6. HELP NEEDED BACK TO SCHOOL TRADING 9am – 2pm 12 TO 22 JANUARY 2011 – If you think you may be able to help next year please let me know at the shop or phone 36319055. I always confirm the week before trading starts as circumstances may change. THANKYOU to the ladies who have volunteered for Saturday 20/11 9am-2pm. SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR FOR YEARS 7 & 8 & CORE MATHS STUDENTS available from the shop for $27. Last trading day for this year Thurs 25 November. Trading Hours term time Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am-2pm, Thurs 7.30-11.30am.

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Sport Support Group

The St Patrick’s College Sport Support Group is a family group of volunteers that works tirelessly for the good of our young sportsmen and the improvement of their facilities to better their enjoyment and success in their chosen sports. On Monday 8th November at 6.30 p.m. in the College Board Room, entry via the main door of Morven Building and down the passage, we are holding our AGM. Each year there is ‘a changing of the guard’ as parents of Year 12 students depart and new parents ‘take up the slack’ for the coming year. All executive positions are open. This is a special invitation to all those good parents who do well in supporting your son/s in various sports offered by St Patrick’s to come and be part of a dynamic Group that tries to make a solid difference, and succeeds. Thanks! Br Chris Pritchard—Secretary





All orders will be available for collection on TUESDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Jack Steven’s Room.

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Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Rotunda

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 9 November Lochie Riordan, Chanakya Dhiman, Daniel McLaughlin

Thursday, 11 November Lochie Riordan, Chanakya Dhiman, Daniel McLaughlin

Thursday, 11 November Richard Harris, Sean McMahon,

Brenton Cole, Tyson Bullock, Michael McMahon

Saturday, 13 November TBA

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date  Helpers 

Fri          05/11  Evelin Liddell, Fiona Prince, Joanne Casey 

Mon      08/11  Lorraine Durigon, Leanne Basile, Emma‐Jane Baker 

Tue        09/11  Cally Egerton, Louise Stringer, Vicki Wolstenholme 

Wed      10/11  Sue McPhillips, Michelle Rossi, Sandra Appleby‐Lake, Judith Ringer 

Thu        11/11  Andrea Massey, Liz Dittbernor 

Fri          12/11  Susan Mobbs, Sue Fuhrmeister, Trisha Willis, Carolyn Harmen 

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Lost Property Hat embroidered with name ‘D. Lucas’ Spray Jacket embroidered with name ‘Weekes’ Spray Jacket with name Patrick Squire Blue Esky with a Thermos Flask inside Spray Jacket embroidered with name ‘Louis Steedman’ Spray Jacket embroidered with name ‘Wieland’ Hat embroidered with ‘E. Harvey’ Spray Jacket embroidered with name “Turk’ Grey Pullover size 16 with name ‘Browning’ on the label Lost BMX Bike Helmut Grey Pullover with name Steven Pettigrew on tag Grey Adidas drawstring bag with Smash Pencil Case, Diary and Glasses belonging to Tyler Caruana TI-30XB Calculator belonging to Robert Peredo Yr 8 Lost Basketball singlet lent to a Year 9 or 10 student at the Ipswich game. Hat embroidered with ‘R. Browning’

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November 5

Year 8 Core A Exam / Yr 12 Docudrama / Celebration of Excellence

November 8

House Breakfasts / Yr 12 Farewell Assembly

November 9

Year 12 Exam Block

November 10

Year 12 Exam Block / Year 8 Immunisation

November 11

Year 12 Exam Block

November 12

Year 12 Exam Block

November 15

Year 12 Exam Block / Year 9 Shop A Test

November 16

Year 12 Exam Block

November 17

Year 12 Exam Block / Year 9 Business Studies Test

November 18

Year 12 Graduation / Year 9 Graphics Test

November 19

Year 7 Retreat / Year 9 Core A Expo