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Page 1: Intro to Taxonomy


Page 2: Intro to Taxonomy

Evolution has created an

enormous diversity, so how do we deal

with it?

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Branch of biology that involves identification, naming, and classification of organisms

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SYSTEMATICS is the science that deals with identifying, naming, describing, classifying of organisms and establishing the phylogenetic relationship of different species

NOMENCLATURE is the science of naming organisms

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Binomial nomenclature • Developed by Linnaeus, a Swedish

naturalist • Names are in Latin, formerly the

language of science

• Binomials - names consisting of two parts • Genus and Specific epithet (species)• e.g. Homo sapiens• Homo sapiens

• 1 species not 1 specie

Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

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Specific epithet for organisms may be derived according to a number of criteria

1. HABITAT e.g. Ipomoea aquatica (kangkong)

2. LOCATION e.g. Loriculus camiguinensis (Camiguin hanging-parrot)

3. PRINCIPAL e.g. Rosa alba CHARACTERISTIC (white rose)

4. NAMES OF PEOPLE e.g. Nyctimene rabori  (Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat)

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Scientific name of a species is BINOMIAL eg Oryza sativa (rice)

Scientific name of a subspecies is TRINOMIAL

e.g. Buceros hydrocorax hydrocorax

(Rufous hornbill found in Luzon

and Marinduque)

Buceros hydrocorax mindanensis

(Rufous hornbill found in  Dinagat, 

Siargao, Mindanao and Basilan) 

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• The names of species and subspecies are followed by the name of the author, the person who first described and named the species or subspecies

• The author’s name is neither underlined or italicized

• e.g. Felis domestica Linnaeus Felis domestica L.

In some cases, the author’s name may be in parenthesis as in chico,

Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen

It means that Linnaeus has described the chico in a genus other than the one it is now placed. Van Royen is responsible for transferring the species into the genus Manilkara

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The abbreviation "cf." is used when the identification is not confirmed.

e.g. Rhinolophus cf. philippinensis

The abbreviation "sp." is used when the actual specific name cannot or need not be specified.

e.g. Sphenomorphus sp. Sphenomorphus sp.

The abbreviation "spp." (plural) indicates "several species

Rana spp.

Rana spp.

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Classifying Organisms

The Linnaean hierarchy:

1. Kingdom

2. Division/Phylum

3. Class

4. Order

5. Family

6. Genus

7. Species

Ta xo no m ic C la ssific a tio n o f M a n Ho m o sa p ie ns

Sup e rking d o m : Euka ryo ta King d o m : M e ta zo a Phylum : C ho rd a ta C la ss: M a m m a lia O rd e r: Prim a ta Fa m ily: Ho m inid a e G e nus: Sp e c ie s:

Ho m osa p ie ns

Sub sp e c ie s: sa p ie ns Evol u


di s

tanc e

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System of Classification

2-Kingdom Scheme3-Kingdom Scheme5-Kingdom Scheme6-Kingdom Scheme8-Kingdom Scheme3-Domain (Superkingdom) Scheme

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System of Classification2-Kingdom Scheme Animalia Vegetabilia

(Aristotle) (Plantae)

5-Kingdom Scheme Monera Protista Animalia Plantae Fungi

(Whittaker, 1969)

8-Kingdom Scheme Archaebacteria Eubacteria Archezoa Protista Chromista Animalia Plantae Fungi


3-Kingdom Scheme Protista Animalia Plantae

(Haeckel, 1866)

6-Kingdom Scheme Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Animalia Plantae Fungi

(Woese, 1977)

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ASSIGNMENT: Exercise 1

QUIZ: English meaning of Greek/Latin

words/ word parts