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TRG and Cut off connections: A frame analysis of

„Flashmeetings“ between Malaysian and German


Eileen Lübcke

ITB, University of Bremen

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2I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Culture – the search for the deep turtle

“the danger that cultural analysis, in search of all-too-deep-lying turtles, will lose touch with the hard surfaces of life – with the political, economic, stratificatory realities within and which men are everywhere contained – and with the physical and biological necessities on which this surfaces rest, is an ever present one” (Geertz 1973, 30).

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3I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Frame Analysis by Erving Goffman

• A frame is the shared interpretation of a social situation by all participants

• In each situation framing takes place but which frame is in use will become visible only in the situation.

• As acting subjects individuals will not only follow norms and to meet the normative expectations of their interactional partner,but want to achieve the acceptance of their frames by others.

“Like a layer of an onion the shared culture is only one frame that must be addressed. There exist more framing options which are specific to situation, position, group or event within these frames” (Hettlage 1991, 416, translation EL).

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4I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Changes of frames through New Media

„When to Make it Public or Private: Contextualizing Sexuality in Online Chat“ (Myketiak 2008).

• Sex-related talk in a chat with clear non-sex policy

• Women greet online friends (both male and female) with explicit sexual comments (e.g. I spank you all)

• Men avoid any sexual oriented comment

Reinterpretation with regard to frames and framing process

• A sexual frame is used for informal greetings

• Reference to most intimate social situation is used to express intimacy with friends

• Active framing by the women neglect sexual aspect of the frame in use

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5I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Focus of research

• To what extent cultural differences of the participants do lead to a break down of frame?

• To what extent the medium in use does lead to a break down of frame?

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6I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

The setting

• Videoconference between Malaysian and German phd candidates

• Background: 4 engineers, one psychologist, 3 male, 2 female

• One Malayen, two Chinese, two Germans• Topic: qualitative research methods• 5 sessions with varying topics, 1-2 hours long

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7I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

The medium Flashmeeting

– Flashbased videoconference application of the Open University of Bristol, UK

– Audio-videochannel with one floor concept

– Additional chat channel and emoticon channel

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8I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Misframing because of technology

Fang 01:05:02 <says nothing> Fang 01:09:37 <says nothing> Fang 01:12:05 sorry came in late Fang 01:12:10 why am i alone? Fang 01:12:53 something wrong with my access? Fang 01:14:00 we'll get in touch later. bye for the moment. Fang 01:17:21 <says nothing >

Corinna 01:51:10 bye, was an interesting discussion Lang 01:51:16 Yes Lang 01:51:33 should continue some other time, may be in office, hehehe Anna 01:53:02 I was disconnected again Anna 01:53:05 we finish? Anna 01:53:28 hmpf. .,-)

Reliability in Analysis, 29.9.2007

Case studies, 29.6.2007

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Frame analysis – breakdown of frame through the use of abbreviation

Eileen FANG Anna Corinna LANG Mohd

Short text 1 6 2 2 13 0

Emoticons 11 1 11 12 5 0

Turns in Chat 235 75 104 163 142 0

Fang 01:16:58

eg of diff between Malaysian & German on trg - M regard trg for jobs, but G look at berufsprinzip; M companies treat trg as liabilities while still strong 'trg culture' amongst G companies.

Eileen 01:17:21 what is trg? Lang 01:17:52 Training Lang 01:17:56 i guess Corinna 01:18:36 dont understand what Fang means either

Triangulation, 5.7.2007

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10I.R. 9.0 Copenhagen 2008 Eileen Lübcke © ITB Universität Bremen

Frame analysis – formal and informal addressing

Eileen 00:30:04 (----) and ahem (----) yes, Mohd I can hear also your voice. what about Anna, Corinna, and Lang, Ahe (-)

lang 00:30:26 i can hear everyone Mohd 00:30:28 oh Mr. Lang and Corinna I cant hear their voice at all,

I can see the face of Christian but not Lang Anna 00:30:33 i hear everyone Corinna 00:30:37 i can hear mohds voice interrupted

mohd 01:55:41 very good discussion but I still in favour if Mr. Fang with us lang 01:55:42 u should made it longer time Eileen 01:55:57 o.k. good point. Corinna 01:56:09 hope Mr. Fang wont mind

quantitative vs. Qualitative research approach, 15.6.2007

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• Breakdown through use of abbreviation• Misframing and breakdown through technology• Frame maintanance strategies:

– Emoticons

– Explanation of behaviour

– Ignorance

• Technology alters in this situation more the communication than the cultural differences

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