Download - Intercontinental Learning Route 2011-2012 Call...3. Italy: Maremma-Amiata-Valdorcia (Toscana) 4. Italy: Langhe and Roero (Piemonte) 6. When and for how long it will be held? The Mediterranean

Page 1: Intercontinental Learning Route 2011-2012 Call...3. Italy: Maremma-Amiata-Valdorcia (Toscana) 4. Italy: Langhe and Roero (Piemonte) 6. When and for how long it will be held? The Mediterranean

Intercontinental Learning Route 2011/2012

“Weaving connections between territories in Latin America and the Mediterranean to establish a network of innovative initiatives

on biocultural diversity valorization”


September 26th – October 7th, 2011

Organization: Main Sponsors: Partners:

Page 2: Intercontinental Learning Route 2011-2012 Call...3. Italy: Maremma-Amiata-Valdorcia (Toscana) 4. Italy: Langhe and Roero (Piemonte) 6. When and for how long it will be held? The Mediterranean

Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

1. Presentation The Intercontinental Route 2011 “Weaving connections between territories in Latin America and the Mediterranean to establish a network of innovative initiatives on biocultural diversity valorization” has been conceived as Territorial Fabric aimed to generate relations between public and private actors from different territories and different countries allowing them to share common interests, adding it value and betting on their best socio-economic development initiatives. Moreover, the intent is to provide those territories with the opportunity of taking advantage of shared spaces to build altogether innovations of mutual interest based on the valorization of the characteristic biocultural diversity of each territory. By conducting a series of workshops, fieldworks, and visits to innovative experiences across the three continents, the participants can exchange experiences and local knowledge, obtain instruments, analyze determinants and identify opportunities for planning and implementing business projects, learning projects and shared investments, within the framework of innovating strategies in rural development among territories of Latin America, Europe and North Africa. Why putting Latin America and the Mediterranean on the same Learning Route on rural development? A Route along Latin America and the Mediterranean can result as effective considering the following factors: Latin America has a unique richness in natural and cultural diversity. Nowadays there

is a growing demand (especially in Europe) for all that is culturally different within the context of “alternative” tourism, the “autochthonous”, textiles, craftsmanship and gastronomy, among other aspects. Many of the current initiatives related to the promotion of these cultural assets are linked to social capital (indigenous communities, women organizations, afro-descendants people, small and micro farming entrepreneurships, groups of young talents, municipalities and rural municipalities associations…). The Intercontinental Route foster the participation of private sector entrepreneurs interested in investments and interchanges.

On the other hand, Europe and some areas of the Mediterranean reached an high level of rural development particularly in terms of decentralization and territorial valorization starting from panniers of typical products, characterized by an elevated quality and the innovation of practices. Nevertheless, in the implemented initiatives the deep involvement of the private sector is quite evident. Therefore, the management carried on in Europe (Leader and other initiatives) by rural development programs valorizing the cultural assets is really interesting for the Latin American private and public sectors and in particular for all those ones able to influence the decision-making processes in that continent. The interchange and the adaptation of the know-how to design, implement and manage public-private projects is one of the main objectives of the Intercontinental Route 2011.

This route will be divided in two parts. This call is related to the first part, the Mediterranean Course of the Route, including territories belonging to Spain, Morocco and Italy. The second part of the Intercontinental Route, the Latin America Course (Bolivia and Peru), is scheduled for April 2012. It is kindly suggested to participate on both the parts of the Route. However, applications to this call for participating only to the Mediterranean Course are allowed and welcome.

Page 3: Intercontinental Learning Route 2011-2012 Call...3. Italy: Maremma-Amiata-Valdorcia (Toscana) 4. Italy: Langhe and Roero (Piemonte) 6. When and for how long it will be held? The Mediterranean

Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

2. What are its objectives? 1. Opening new spaces and mechanisms of dialogue and cooperation between Latin

America, Europe and Africa, on innovative strategies for rural territorial development.

2. Knowing and analyzing experiences where the conservation and valorization of the

biocultural diversity constitute development alternatives useful for rural territories, while understanding the facilitating and impeding factors directly by dialoguing with the protagonists of these experiences, to overlook a possible diffusion and implementation of similar initiatives.

3. In particular, identifying opportunities at two levels: i) economic and commercial

entrepreneurships between public-private platforms situated in the different territories; ii) territorial governance.

3. What are the expected results? 1. A group of public and private leaders which, based on their own experience and the knowledge learned during the Route, will be able to foster and enhance change and innovation in their places of origin, advancing biocultural diversity-based valorization processes. 2. A small pool of innovative entrepreneurships on a bilateral (belonging to two territories/countries) or multilateral level (being part of different territories/countries), being able to attract different types of investments/investors. 3. In relation to the first objective, it’s intended to accomplish a mid-term interchange and cooperation program to develop a joint work among the territories to be deepened in the future throughout communication initiatives, territorial laboratories and other Routes in the way to make collaborative partners feeling convoked for a future project and to allow them getting ownership of it. 4. Issues addressed The issues the Route will be focusing on are: 1. Relevant entrepreneurships and articulating local strategies of natural and cultural

assets management as alternatives of development on the related territories. Access and obstacles to market entry and permanence for territorial actors, particularly to those ones valorizing products and services with territorial/cultural origin.

2. Inclusive experiences of territorial marketing, embracing social construction

processes and territorial brand achievement, geographical indications, (auto) certification marks, and new models of tourism based on conservation/valorization of local heritages, among others.

3. Initiatives aimed to establish positive relations between biocultural diversity

valorization, climate change adaptation and poverty reduction. 4. Construction of governance models, actors’ consensus, and public-private coalitions

beneficial to territorial development.

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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

5. Which territories and which experiences? The case histories and experiences included on this part of the Learning Route are located in the following territories:

1. Spain: Serranía de Ronda (Andalusia) 2. Morocco: Chefchaouen Region (Tangier) 3. Italy: Maremma-Amiata-Valdorcia (Toscana) 4. Italy: Langhe and Roero (Piemonte)

6. When and for how long it will be held? The Mediterranean Course of the Learning Route will be held along 12 (twelve) days, starting on Monday, September 26th and ending on Friday, October 7th 2011. 7. Who are the people invited to participate? Subjects particularly invited to participate:

1. Representatives of local and regional governments. 2. Entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs, producers, craftsmen, and touristic guides. 3. Technical and professional teams belonging to private and public institutions, or

working on projects and programs linked to rural territorial development. 4. Representatives of cooperation agencies and international organizations. 5. Researchers. 6. Communication Media specifically interested in documentary making.

The two Learning Route official languages will be Spanish and English. All the documents containing the information and the learning process, and the final reports will be edited and published on the two languages too. The participants will be provided with portable digital equipment to receive on field and on-class live simultaneous translations from the local languages (Spanish, French and Italian). 8. How much it costs? The cost for each participant is 4.500 USD and it covers all the expenses on the Intercontinental Learning Route itinerary and program related to the transportations (by bus, train, ship and airplane), the accommodations on single or double room, the full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner), the travel insurance, all the informative material and the learning process documents, the translation service, the local partners involvement and active participation in the learning process. The starting point of the itinerary and the program of the Intercontinental Route is the city of Seville, in Spain, to which the participants will have to come by their own means on Sunday, September 25th; the participants can return to their countries of origin, always by their own means, on Saturday, October 8th from the city of Turin, Italy. 9. How to apply? To apply every participant has to completely fill the attached subscription form out and send it, before Wednesday, August 31th, 2011 to the email address [email protected].

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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

10. For more information please contact: [email protected] . Timetable and Learning Itinerary

(Preliminary Version)

Date   Location   Activities   Time  

Sunday  25/9  Spain  


  Participants  gathering.  

  Route  and  participants  presentation.  Official  learning  

Route  start  with  local  authorities.    

Dinner  in  Seville  at  the  Convivium  Slow  Food  Sevilla  Sur.    

Hotel  overnight  stay  in  Seville.    



Monday  26/9    Spain  

Serranía  da  Ronda  

  Travel  from  Seville  to  Algaba  de  Ronda  (agro-­‐ecoturism  

country  house)    

Learning  Route  Introductory  workshop.    

Visit  to  a  Slow  Food  Community  (Arca  del  Gusto).      

Lunch  at  Algaba  de  Ronda.    

Visit  to  the  agro-­‐ecoturismo  Algaba  de  Ronda  (Learning  Route  Partner).  Socio-­‐economic  initiative  for  integral  management  of  the  cultural,  historical,  natural  and  agro  ecological  heritage.    

Dinner  in  the  town  of  Ronda.    

Hotel  overnight  stay  in  Algaba  de  Ronda.    







Tuesday  27/9  Spain  

Serranía  da  Ronda  

  Travel  to  Ronda.  

  Visit  to  Serranía  de  Ronda  Rural  Development  Centre  

(CEDER)  (Public-­‐private  Territorial  Management  Center).    Presentation  of  the  project  and  knowledge  exchange  on  experiences  of  Rural  Development  enhanced  by  the  European  Union  Leader  Programs.    

  Visit  to  the  historical  center  of  Ronda,  an  outstanding  

example  of  historical  heritage  management  as  an  economic  resource.      

Travel  to  Montejaque.  Visit  to  the  Al-­‐jaque,  Women  Cooperative  for  the  production  of  organic  agro-­‐food  products  preserves.  

  Travel  to  Cortes  de  la  Frontera  and  lunch.  

  Stopover  at  Cortes  de  la  Frontera  Visitor  Center  and  walk  

through  the  Natural  Park,  a  remarkable  example  of  








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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

natural  heritage  management  as  an  economic  resource.    

Visit  to  Nazarí  Village,  project  implemented  by  the  Rural  Development  Group  –  GDR  CEDER  Serranía  de  Ronda.  

  Return  to  Algaba  de  Ronda.  

  Dinner  and  overnight  stay  in  Algaba  de  Ronda.  




20:00    21:00  

Wednesday  28/9  Spain  


 Serranía  da  Ronda  


  Travel  to  the  town  of  Atajate:  mosto    museum  (wine  


Travel  to  the  town  of  Benalaría:  visit  to  the  main  municipal  valorization  initiatives  of  local  heritage  (museum,  agro-­‐food  cooperatives,  tourism  management).  

  Aperitif  Caña  y  Tapa  at  the  bistrot  and  delicatessen  shop  

“La  Molienda”.    

Dinner  at  the  Restaurant  Kabila  de  Bennaraba.    

Return  to  Algaba.    

Final  workshop  of  the  Spain  trail  on  the  Learning  Route,  with  key  territorial  actors  and  local  authorities:  knowledge  sharing,  weaving  relations  and  future  initiatives  planning.    

  Travel  to  Tarifa,  on  the  Spain  Southern  Coast.  

   Dinner  and  overnight  stay  in  Tarifa.    









Thursday  29/9  

Morocco  Tangier  

  Strait  of  Gibraltar  crossing  by  ship  Tarifa-­‐Tangier  

(approximately  55  minutes  cruise).    

Walk  through  the  medina  (old  center  of  the  city)  of  Tangier  guided  by  a  history  expert  (Learning  by  historical  heritage  conservation  and  valorization  initiatives).  

    Meeting  with  “Cinemateque  de  Tánger”  manager  (North  

Africa  pioneer  initiative  of  cinematographic  culture  promotion  and  intercultural  dialogue).  Debate  on  relations  between  culture,  migration  dynamics  and  development.    

  Meeting  with  Tangier-­‐Tetuan  Regional  Direction  of  

Agriculture:  display  of  national  and  regional  policies  for  territorial  development  based  on  biodiversity  and  cultural  identity:  i)  “Green  Morocco”  plan  to  support  the  quality  products  sector;  ii)  Rural  territorial  Dynamics’  promotion  for  the  socio-­‐economic  development  of  the  marginalized  areas;  iii)  Strategic  Plan  of  the  ministries  of  Agriculture  and  Tourism  for  the  promotion  of  products  of  quality;  iv)  Presentation  of  the  new  perspectives  raised  by  the  new  legislative  framework  recognizing  the  Geographical  





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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

Indications  in  Morocco  (held  by  national  officers  of  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture  in  Rabat).  

  Lunch  with  the  Regional  Direction  of  Agriculture  

(Learning  Route  Partner)  and  the  national  officers  of  the  Ministry.  

   Visit  to  the  Regional  Center  for  Investments:  debate  on  

the  possibilities  of  investments  on  quality  products  and  touristic  initiatives  in  North  of  Morocco.    

Visit  to  the  big  chain  mall  “Marjane”  and  conversation  with  the  general  manager:  How  to  integrate  quality  products  in  the  distribution  circuit  of  the  market  big  chains?    (Explanation  of  the  agreement  signed  between  the  corporation  and  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture).  

  Bus  travel  to  Chefchaouen.  

  Dinner  and  overnight  stay  at  Darechachaouen  Hotel.  











Friday  30/9  Morocco  



  Visit  to  the  medina  with  the  president  of  the  

Chefchaouen  Association  of  Touristic  Guides.    

Visit  to  the  exposition  “Casa  de  la  Memoria  Yebala”  in  the  Kasbah  of  Chefchaouen:  Center  of  Interpretation  of  Yebala-­‐Gomara  Memory,  which  aim  is  the  recuperation,  custody  and  revalorization  of  the  intangible  heritage  of  the  country  (project  implemented  in  partnership  with  Granada  Delegation,  Spain).  The  center  offers,  by  a  multimedia  interaction,  a  complete  vision  of  the  culture  unifying  the  Maghreb  with  Granada,  in  Spain,  through  the  compilation  of  a  catalogue  of  tangible  and  intangible  cultural  local  assets.  

  Meeting  with  the  mayor  of  Chefchaouen  in  the  City  

Council.  Presentation  of:  i)  City  Council  strategy  on  conservation/valorization  of  the  territorial  natural  and  cultural  heritage;  ii)  Chaouen  “Eco-­‐city”  strategy;  iii)  Chaouen  emblematic  community  of  the  Mediterranean  Diet  (project  for  the  establishment  of  a  local  high  quality  farmer  market);  iii)  Project  “Working  School”  to  facilitate  the  socio-­‐economic  integration  of  young  people  through  the  restoration  of  the  local  architectonic  heritage;  iv)  Regional  network  of  fortified  cities;  v)  Presentation  of  the  multidisciplinary  group  of  investigation  on  the  heritage  of  Yebala  country  (Northern  Region  of  Morocco);  vi)  Territorial  dynamics  Governance  issues.  

  Visit  to  the  center  of  the  Chaouen  rural  initiative  “Rural  

Houses  Network”,  also  local  products  shop.    

Typical  lunch  in  the  Parador  Hotel  (meeting  with  the  hotel  manager  and  display  of  the  corporate  policy  to  promote  local  quality  products).  

  Free  time  to  meet  with  the  local  craftsmen  and  possibility  





15:30  -­‐

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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

to  buy  typical  art  crafts.    

Meeting  with  the  platform  of  local  associations  actives  on  the  Moroccan  side  of  the  Reserve  of  the  Intercontinental  Mediterranean  Biosphere:  debate  on  the  role  of  civil  society  and  development  agents  in  conservation  and  valorization  of  territorial  natural  and  cultural  assets.      

Excursion  to  the  rural  house  of  Belota  (pioneer  initiative  of  agro-­‐ecotourism  in  the  region).  

  Stopover  by  the  Association  of  Chefchaouen  Beekeepers  

Cooperatives  headquarters:  presentation  of  the  Jbala  honey  valorization  initiative.  Obstacles  to  the  commercialization  of  local  quality  products,  marketing  strategy  adapted  to  Moroccan  local  products’  consumers  context.    Display  of  the  Association  of  Chefchaouen  Beekeepers  Cooperatives  Marketing  Plan.  Honey  tasting  

  Visit  to  the  rural  house  of  Belota.  Dinner  with  the  family.  

Details  of  the  agro-­‐ecotourism  and  environmental  education  project  in  Belota  area.  Presentation  of  “Farmer  Welcome",  network  of  agro-­‐ecotourism  initiatives.  Debate  about  the  concept  of  goods  and  services  basket.  

  Overnight  stay  in  Chefchaouen.  


16:30        17:00  





Saturday  1/10  

Morocco  Chefchaouen  

  Trip  to  visit  different  quality  products  cooperatives  Day  

program  organized  in  partnership  with  Slow  Food  Morocco  between  Ouezzane  y  Chefchaouen:  

 • Ouezzane  -­‐  APIA  Cooperative  (private  initiative  to  

sell  local  quality  products  in  shops  in  Rabat,  Casablanca  and  Belgium).  

 • Asjen-­‐Ouezzane  -­‐  Couscous  Cooperative:    Food  

Community  of  Slow  Food  Morocco;  meeting  with  women  producers  and  national  representatives  of  Slow  Food  Morocco.  

 • Olive  Oil  Cooperative  “GIE  femmes  du  Rif”,  pilot  

Project  of  women  entrepreneurship  and  first  cooperative  to  be  certified  as  organic  agriculture  and  Fair  Trade  in  Northern  Morocco,  meeting  with  the  officer  responsible  for  the  Support  Program  of  the  United  Nations  Industrial  Development  Organization  (UNIDO).  

  Lunch  with  GIE  femmes  du  RIF  officers.  

  Visit  to  dried  figs  production  cooperative  Jnan  Rif,  

meeting  with  the  rural  development  projects  coordinator  of  the  Moroccan  Agency  for  Social  Development.    

Visit  to  goat  cheese  production  cooperative  “Ajbane      


13:00    15:00  



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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

Chefchaouen”,  first  dairy  product  with  Denomination  of  Origin  in  Morocco.    

Return  to  Chefchaouen    

Final  workshop  of  the  Morocco  trail  on  the  Learning  Route,  with  key  territorial  actors  and  local  authorities:  knowledge  sharing,  weaving  relations  and  future  initiatives  planning.    

  Typical  dinner  based  on  the  Mediterranean  Diet  

Andalusia  traditional  music  and  Arab  poems  reading.    

Overnight  stay  in  Chefchaouen.    





Sunday  2/10    Italy  

Tangier  -­‐  

Madrid  -­‐  


  Travel  to  Tangier  airport.  

  Flight  Tangier-­‐Madrid-­‐Rome  (typical  slow  food  snack  in  

Madrid  airport).    

Landing  in  Rome.    


Overnight  stay  at  Fiume  Hotel,  located  in  Rome  historical  center  near  Via  Veneto.  





Monday  3/10  Italy  

Tuscany  (Grosseto)  

  Travel  by  Eurostar  train  to  Orbetello  (Grosseto,  Tuscany).  

  Arrival  to  Orbetello  Laguna,  on  the  Italian  Central  West  


Visit  to  the  Orbetello  Fishermen  initiative  and  Slow  Food  Bottarga  Presidium:  integration  of  activities  of  traditional  fishing,  transformation  and  sale  of  fish  products,  tourism  and  gastronomy.  Tour  by  boat  of  the  Orbetello  Laguna  and  demonstration  of  fishing  tourism.  Presentation  of  the  Slow  Food  Presidia  initiative  of  valorization  of  products  with  territorial  identity  held  by  the  Slow  Food  Tuscany  Governor.    

  Lunch  at  the  Fishermen  Restaurant.  

  Travel  to  Alberese  in  the  Maremma  National  Park.  

  Alberese.  Visit  to  the  new  headquarters  of  the  Slow  Food  

Foundation  for  Biodiversity  (Partner  organizer  of  the  Learning  Route).  Display  of  its  activities.    

  Visit  to  the  Granaio  Lorenese  of  the  Regional  Public  Farm  

of  Alberese,  entrepreneurial  innovative  public  initiative  of  agro-­‐ecology.  Meeting  with  the  public  farm  manager  and  the  President  of  Slow  Food  Tuscany,  the  Grosseto  Province  representatives  and  the  Local  Action  Group  (GAL)  FAR  Maremma,  publico-­‐privatee  platform  responsible  to  apply  at  territorial  level  the  European  









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Intercontinental learning Route 2011/2012 – Mediterranean Course

Union  Rural  Development  Programs  Leader.      

Visit  to  a  leather  workhouse  for  the  traditional  production  of  the  famous  Butteri  saddles    (Italian  cowboys  community  living  and  working  only  in  Maremma  territory),  meeting  with  their  old  extraordinary  culture.  Visit  to  the  Maremma  Natural  Park  on  the  seaside.  

    Dinner  at  agritourism  with  a  typical  barbecue  based  on  

Maremmana  Cow  meat,  promoted  by  the  Slow  Food  Presidium.  Tasting  of  Maremma  typical  products.  Meeting  with  a  local  cattleman  of  Maremmana  Cow.    

  Overnight  stay  at  agritourism  in  the  Park.  






Tuesday  4/10  Italy  


Tuscany  (Grosseto  and  


  Travel  to  Castel  del  Piano  (Mount  Amiata).  

  Castel  del  Piano.  Visit  to  the  Farm  La  Poderina,  producing  

extra  vergin  olive  oil  with  Seggiano  DOP  (Denomination  of  Origin  Protected)  mark  and  of  wine.  The  farm  is  member  of  the  “Community  of  Food  made  by  Renewable  Energy”,  project  of  the  Tuscany  Regional  Administration  and  part  of  the  Slow  Food  Project  Clean  Taste.  The  rural  entrepreneurship  is  energetically  self-­‐sufficient  thanks  to  a  photovoltaic  plant  and  a  biomass  plant  fueled  by  agricultural  activities  waste.  Olive  oil  and  wine  tasting.  Meeting  with  the  representatives  of  the  Consortium  that  brings  together  14  municipalities,  4  associations  of  city  councils  and  3  provinces  and  that  supports  the  public-­‐private  initiatives  based  on  the  use  of  renewable  energies  in  the  region.  Others  entrepreneurships  members  of  the  Community  of  Food  made  by  Renewable  Energies  and  representatives  of  the  Local  Group  of  Action  (GAL)  Senese-­‐Amiata  and  of  Slow  Food  will  be  attending  too.  

  Travel  to  Montepulciano,  enjoying  the  incredible  

landscape  of  Crete  Senesi  and  the  Artistic,  Cultural  and  Natural  Park  of  Valdorcia,  declared  by  UNESCO  as  a  Universal  Heritage  of  Humanity.  

  Montepulciano.  Visit  to  the  Consortium  of  Vino  Nobile  di  

Montepulciano,  one  of  the  most  important  associations  of  Italian  wine  makers  and  one  of  the  most  considered  all  over  the  World.  The  Nobile  wine  has  been  the  first  one  in  1980  to  receive  the  Denomination  of  Origin  Controlled  and  Garanteed  (DOCG).      

Lunch  in  the  historical  centre  of  the  town,  built  in  the  Renaissance    (1500).  

  Visit  to  a  producer  wine  cellar  and  meeting  with  the  

public-­‐private  association  Route  of  Vino  Nobile  di  Montepulciano  that  unite  wine  makers  with  cheese,  jams  and  olive  oil,  producers;  municipalities;  travel  agencies,  restaurants,  hotels,  agrotourisms,  country  houses  and  other  services  suppliers  around  the  Route  of  Wine.  







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Presentation  of  the  Routes  of  Wine  model  in  Italy  and  of  the  territorial  initiatives  promoted  by  this  Route.        

Travel  to  Lucignano,  medieval  village  dominating  the  Valdichiana  valley  towards  the  city  of  Arezzo.  

  Lucignano.  Meeting  with  Freetuscany,  no-­‐profit  

association  member  of  the  Organic  Consortium  Tuscany  Quality  and  of,  web  platform  for  the  interaction  and  the  direct  negotiations  between  small  producers  and  local  consumers,  managing  a  GAS  (Group  of  Solidary  Purchases),  active  in  the  provinces  of  Siena,  Arezzo  and  Perugia,  and  an  organic  bistrot,  Biocafé.  Meeting  with  the  president  and  presentation  of  the  initiative  and  its  experience  as  alternative  market  solutions  for  small  producers.  Typical  organic  products  tasting.  

  Final  workshop  of  the  Tuscany  trail  on  the  Learning  

Route,  with  key  territorial  actors  and  local  authorities:  knowledge  sharing,  weaving  relations  and  future  initiatives  planning.    

  Dinner  in  Terranuova  Bracciolini,  Canto  del  Maggio  

Restaurant  that  offers  traditional  gastronomy  with  territorial  identity  and  is  part  of  the  Slow  Food  Movement.  

  Overnight  stay  in  Arezzo.  







Wednesday  5/10    Italy  

Torino  -­‐  


  Travel  by  train  Arezzo-­‐Firenze-­‐Torino.  

  Arrival  to  Torino.  

  Dinner  at  Eataly  and  visit  to  the  lounge  of  the  thematic  

restaurants  and  of  local  typical  products  sale.    

Meeting  with  the  entrepreneurs  of  Eataly,  commercial  initiative  for  the  sale  of  typical  products  with  territorial  identity  made  by  Italian  small  producers.  Presentation  of  the  corporation,  its  structure  in  Italy  and  in  the  other  countries  (Japan,  United  States…),  its  peculiar  practices  of  selection,  purchase  and  distribution  of  products,  its  alliance  with  Slow  Food  and  with  other  big  companies.  

  Visit  to  the  Social  Cooperative  Pausacafé  that  

commercializes  solidary  products,  especially  coffee,  offering  a  job  to  the  detainees  of  Torino  prisons  in  partnership  with  small  producers  cooperatives  in  Guatemala,  Costa  Rica  and  Mexico.  Tasting  of  coffees  and  artisanal  beers  made  in  Saluzzo  prison.  

  Dinner  at  Il  Consorzio  Restaurant.  Presentation  of  the    

project  Alliance  between  Chefs  and  Slow  Food  Presidia:  a  network  of  chefs  which  promote  the  traditional  territorial  products.  Display  of  the  commercial  initiatives  supported  by  a  pool  of  big  corporations  (The  Glen  Livet,  







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PhilipSaeco,  Franciacorta…).    

Travel  to  Bra  –  town  where  the  Slow  Food  Movement  was  born  in  1986  –  and  overnight  stay  in  Pollenzo  Agency  (Historical  Guesthouse  of  the  University  of  Gastronomical  Sciences)  or  in  agritourism.      



Thursday  6/10  Italy  

Piemonte  (Langhe)  

  Visit  to  the  Eco-­‐museum  Sheep-­‐farming  in  Pietraporzio:  

project  of  revalorization  of  the  Sambucana  breed  sheep  and  promotion  of  the  cultural  heritage  of  Stura  Valley.  Presentation  of  the  project  Eco-­‐museums  of  Piemonte,  held  by  the  president  of  the  initiative.      

  Lunch  in  Pietraporzio.  

  Visit  to  the  Slow  Food  Presidium  of  Piemonte  Cow  breed  

meat,  the  Granda  Consortium  of  cattlemen  and  meeting  with  one  of  them.  The  project  of  bio-­‐digestion  of  animal  dejections  to  produce  energy,  implemented  by  Slow  Food  in  partnership  with  the  multinational  corporation  Marcopolo  Environmental  Group,  will  also  be  visited.  

  Visit  to  the  Regional  Enoteca  of  Barolo,  traditional  

excellent  wine  symbol  of  the  territory.    

Dinner  in  Alba,  the  city  where  every  year  the  International  Fair  of  the  White  Truffle  is  being  held,  other  product  of  excellence  and  international  ambassador  of  this  territory.  

  Visit  to  the  city.    

  Overnight  stay  in  agritourism.  



12:30    16:00  





Friday  7/10  Italy  

Piemonte  (Langhe)  

  Visit  in  Bra  to  a  COOP  supermarket,  one  of  the  biggest  

chains  of  Italy.  Presentation  of  the  initiative  of  Slow  Food  Presidia  fruit  and  vegetables  commercialization  in  the  mall  of  Piemonte  and  Liguria  regions.  Meeting  with  Ortofruit  Italia  Distribution  Cooperative  that  introduced  the  innovation  and  allowed  the  small  producers  of  high  quality  products  with  territorial  identity  to  access  the  big  distribution  chains  market.  

  Visit  to  the  University  of  Gastronomical  Sciences  in  

Pollenzo.  Meeting  with  the  Dean  and  with  some  students  also  coming  from  Latin  America  countries.  Visiting  the  Wine  Bank  project  at  the  University.  

  Lunch  ate  the  restaurant  of  Pollenzo  Agency.  

  Final  workshop  of  the  Mediterranean  Course  of  the    

 Learning  Route.  We  will  try  to  involve  Carlo  Petrini,  president  and  founder  of  Slow  Food;  IFAD  representatives;  Ford  Foundation  officers;  big  entrepreneurs  and  public  authorities  of  the  region;  the  






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University  of  Gastronomical  Sciences.  The  Learning  Process  will  focus  on  reflections,  exchange  of  opinions  about  the  Route  as  on  the  search  for  possibilities  of  weaving  relations  for  the  future  post-­‐route  and  plan  initiatives  to  be  jointly  developed.    

    Dinner  in  a  typical  restaurant  and  overnight  stay  in  



Saturday  8/10  Italy  


Participants  can  return  to  their  places  of  origin.