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Infection Unit 12

Adonis K. Lomibao, R.N.12/19/11

Page 2: Infection Unit 12 Adonis K. Lomibao, R.N. 12/19/11.
Page 3: Infection Unit 12 Adonis K. Lomibao, R.N. 12/19/11.


Spell & Define key terms Identify most common microbes &

characteristics List links in chain of infection List the ways infectious disease are spread Name & describe 5 serious diseases

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Objectives Cont.

Identify cause of important infectious disease Define spores & explain how they differ from

other pathogens Describe common treatments for infectious

disease. List natural body defenses against infection Explain why patients are at risk for infection.

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Organisms-living beings Microorganisms or microbes-tiny organisms Nonpathogens-microbes that do not cause

disease Pathogens- disease causing microbes

-Grow best at body temp, limited light, moisture,food supply, & oxygen.

Infection- pathogens invade the body & cause disease.

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4 types





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Simple one-celled organisms Named according to shapes & arrangement Shapes:

-Coccus- round or spherical

-Bacillus-straight rod

-Spirillum-spiral, corkscrew,slightly curved

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Bacteria Cont.





-clusters:staphylo- Colonies-groups of growing bacteria

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2 kinds:

-yeast:single cell budding forms of a fungus. Can affect mouth, skin, & feet

-molds:can cause infections in the lung Parasite: an organism that lives in or on

another organism without benefiting the host. Immuno-suppressed patients at risk

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The smallest microbe Come in a variety of shapes Classified by:

-type of DNA or RNA

-clinical properties Common viruses include:

Hepatitis,Herpes,HIV/AIDS,chickenpox, influenza, common cold,p.156

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Once-celled organisms that live on living matter

Classified by how the move...i.e. Whiplike tails, hairlike projections.

i.e. Malaria S&S:Diarrhea, Dysentery(lower bowel

infection), encephalitis

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The Chain of Infection

Certain conditions exist for infection to occur COI Includes:

-Causative agent:pathogen that causes disease

-Reservoir or source: where the pathogen can live & reproduce

-Portal of exit: manner in which the pathogen leaves the body

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COI Cont.

Method or mode of transmission:manner in which the pathogen is carried to another person

Portal of Entry: manner in which the pathogen enters the body

Susceptible host: a person who will become ill from the entry of pathogens into the body

Object of Infection control is to DISRUPT the chain of infection!!

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Causative agent

Microorganism that can produce the disease in humans

Most common causes:





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Reservoir or source

Where pathogens can survive May or may-not multiply in reservoir Four common reservoirs:


-Insects & animals


-Fomites:objects that can be contaminated with infectious material that contains the microbe.

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Human Reservoirs

2 types;

-Cases:people with acute illness with S&S

-Carriers: persons who can give a disease to others. May not have S&S or know of infections.

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Portals of Entry

Organisms enter through:

-breaks in skin or mucous membranes

-respiratory tract

-genitourinary tract

-gastrointestinal tract

-circulatory system


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Portals of Exit

Leave the reservoir of host through body secretions

POE Include:

-excretions or resp. tract or genital tract

-draining wounds



-blood & body fluids

-Saliva & Tears

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Transmission of Disease

Spread of infectious organisms may happen in 3 ways:

-Airborne Transmission

-Droplet Transmission

-Contact Transmission

-Vector Transmission

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The person who harbors infectious organisms. Person does not have enough resistance to

agent Infection develops when organism penetrates

the body, begins to multiply, & causes damage Risk factors are conditions that indicate a

problem may develop.

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Types of Infections

Local: confined to one area..i.e. Boil or abscess

Generalized: i.e. pneumonia in the lungs Systemic: widespread through bloodstream

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Body Flora

Microbes that live in and on our body surfaces Healthy individuals lives in harmony with flora Balance may be disturbed by:


-normal flora that become pathogenic

-flora from on body area to another

-drugs that upset balance and allow one to flourish

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How Pathogens Affect the Body

Microbes act in different ways to produce disease:

-Attack & destroy cells they invade

-produce toxins that harm the body

-cause sensitivity responses called allergies

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Body Defenses

Intact skin Mucous membranes-sticky & trap foreign

materials Cilia-propel mucus out of body Coughing & sneezing Hydrochloric acid Tears

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Internal Defenses

Fever Phagocytes Inflammation Temperature Immune response

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Immunity The ability to fight of disease caused by

microbes Antigen- pathogenic microbe that enters the

body Antibodies- provide immunity to disease

caused by that antigen Immunization: Vaccines protect against

specific pathogens Immunosupression: the body's immune

system is inadequate...more likely to develop infections.

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Bacterial Infections

Diagnositic: Culture & Sensitivity Antibiotic-antibacterial drug. Common bacterial infections include:



-Streptococcus A

-Escherichia coli

-Pseudomembranous Colitis(C. Diff)

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Microscopic reproductive bodies that are responsible for the spread of some diseases.

Can survive in a dormant form until conditions are ideal for reproduction

Difficult to eliminate Examples:


-C. Difficile

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Viral Infections






-Sever Acute Resp. Syndrome


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Survive by feeding off another human or animal


-Head Lice:spread by direct contact.--Nits(eggs)

-Scabies:caused my microscopic mite.Spread by in/direct contact

-Bedbugs:bites cause painful rash

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Healthy diet Get enough sleep Keep your body clean Live in a clean environment Avoid smoking & substance abuse Learn how to cope with stress

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