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There is a real concern that by the middle or the end of the 21st century human activities will have changed the basic conditions that have allowed life to thrive on earth. These basic conditions include the earths natural climate and the depletion and manipulation of its natural resources. Such expansion (since the Industrial Revolution) and creation of new establishments began, on a small scale, to effect the environment in many ways. The first element of the environment that was immediately effected was forests. Massive deforestation occurred, and still does so today, as land was cleared to make way for new towns. Moreover, many construction projects also used wood from trees, not to mention other commercial uses, such as paper, and fuel. Deforestation may not have been deemed a huge problem during previous centuries, but it has become more prevalent now, given the ever-increasing consumption of the nonrenewable fossil fuelscoal, oil, and natural gas. (The Second Great Transition, Chapter 13, pp. 288)

OVERPOPULATION CAN EASILY BE RESOLVED THAN INDUSTRIALIZATIONOverpopulation can be easily resolved with enough education and awareness. While Industrialization cannot be easily resolved because technology has already became part of our lives the day the people started using technology and its hard to take that away from people and tell them not to depend on technology. Which is why Industrialization is much damaging than overpopulation because factories and buildings uses technologies in their businesses and these factories and buildings contribute to the air pollution, noise pollution and their wastes are burned which can affect the thinning of our ozone layer and can cause global warming.

INDUSTRIALIZATION CAN DAMAGE THE ENVIRONMENT MORE THAN OVERPOPULATIONIndustrialization refers to the development of machine production of goods and new energy resources.Cars or vehicles are one example of a product of machinery. Most cars have a typical combustion engine that burns fuel for energy, which results in the production of a wide variety of harmful chemicals like carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas that humans produce; the EPA estimates that carbon dioxide makes up 82 percent of all human greenhouse gas production. It is responsible for trapping heat within the atmosphere and contributes to climate change issues.Car engines also produce a wide array of particles that are directly harmful to human and animal health. Hydrocarbons and particulate matter can cause breathing difficulties and long-term diseases. Many hydrocarbons are known to be carcinogens, which means they cause cancer.In cities with high road traffic, smog is often an issue in the summer. Smog is caused by sunlight interacting with ozone and carbon monoxide in warm conditions, which is why smog is worst in the summer. Ozone and carbon monoxide are both produced in substantial amounts by most cars.