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Indian- American

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Facts and Statistics

*Location: Southern Asia, bordering Bangladesh 4,053 km, Bhutan

605 km, Burma 1,463 km, China 3,380 km, Neal 1,6!0 km,

"akistan #,!1# km

*Capital: Ne$ %elhi*Climate: &aries 'rom troi(al monsoon in south to temerate in


*Population: 1,065,0)0,60) *+ul #004 est-.

*Ethnic Make-up: /ndoAran )#, %ra&idian #5, 2ongoloid andother 3 *#000.

*Religions: indu 81-3, 2uslim 1#, Christian #-3, Sikh 1-!,

other grous in(luding Buddhist, +ain, "arsi #-5 *#000.

*o!ernment: ederal eubli(

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*:he di''erent states o' /ndia ha&e

di''erent o''i(ial languages, some o'

them not re(ogni;ed b the (entralgo&ernment- Some states ha&e more

then one o''i(ial language- Bihar in

east /ndia has three o''i(ial languages

indi, rdu and Bengali $hi(h are

all re(ogni;ed b the (entralgo&ernment- But Sikkim, also in east

/ndia, has 'our o''i(ial languages o'

$hi(h onl Neali is re(ogni;ed b the

(entral go&ernment-

*Central go&ernment de(ided that

"indi $as to be the o''i(ial language

o' /ndia and there'ore it also has the

status o' o''i(ial language in the


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Indian Societ# $ Culture"ierarch#

*:he in'luen(es o' induism and the tradition o' the (aste

sstem ha&e (reated a (ulture that emhasi;es established

hierar(hi(al relationshis-

*/ndians are al$as (ons(ious o' so(ial order and their status

relati&e to other eole, be the 'amil, 'riends, or strangers-

*All relationshis in&ol&e hierar(hies- /n s(hools, tea(hers are(alled gurus and are &ie$ed as the sour(e o' all kno$ledge- :he

atriar(h, usuall the 'ather, is (onsidered the leader o' the

'amil- :he boss is seen as the sour(e o' ultimate resonsibilit

in business- 9&er relationshi has a (lear (ut hierar(h that

must be obser&ed 'or the so(ial order to be maintained-

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%he Role o& the Famil#

*"eole ti(all de'ine themsel&es b the grous to $hi(h the

belong rather than b their status as indi&iduals- Someone is

deemed to be a''iliated to a se(i'i( state, region, (it, 'amil,(areer ath, religion, et(-

*:his grou orientation stems 'rom the (lose ersonal ties

/ndians maintain $ith their 'amil, in(luding the e<tended


*:he e<tended 'amil (reates

a mriad o' interrelationshis,

rules, and stru(tures- Along

$ith these mutual obligations

(omes a deerooted trustamong relati&es-

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'ust Can(t Sa# )o

*/ndians do not like to e<ress =no,= be it &erball or non &erball-

*ather than disaoint ou, 'or e<amle, b saing something

isn=t a&ailable, /ndians $ill o''er ou the resonse that the think

ou $ant to hear-

*:his beha&iour should not be (onsidered dishonest- An /ndian$ould be (onsidered terribl rude i' he did not attemt to gi&e a

erson $hat had been asked-

*Sin(e the do not like to gi&e negati&e ans$ers, /ndians ma gi&e

an a''irmati&e ans$er but be deliberatel &ague about an

se(i'i( details- :his $ill re>uire ou to look 'or non&erbal

(ues, su(h as a relu(tan(e to (ommit to an a(tual time 'or a

meeting or an enthusiasti( resonse-

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Eti*uette and Customs in India

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Meeting Eti*uette

*eligion, edu(ation and so(ial (lass all in'luen(e greetings in

/ndia-*:his is a hierar(hi(al (ulture, so greet the eldest or most senior

erson 'irst-

*?hen lea&ing a grou, ea(h erson must be bid 'are$ell


*Shaking hands is (ommon, ese(iall in the large (ities among

the more edu(ated $ho are a((ustomed to dealing $ith


*2en ma shake hands $ith other men and $omen ma shake

hands $ith other $omen@ ho$e&er there are seldom handshakesbet$een men and $omen be(ause o' religious belie's- /' ou are

un(ertain, $ait 'or them to e<tend their hand-

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i&t i!ing Eti*uette

*/ndians belie&e that gi&ing gi'ts eases the transition into the

ne<t li'e-

*7i'ts o' (ash are gi&en to 'riends and members o' the e<tended'amil to (elebrate li'e e&ents su(h as birth, death and


*/t is not the &alue o' the gi't, but the sin(erit $ith $hi(h it is

gi&en, that is imortant to the re(iient-*/' in&ited to an /ndian=s home 'or a meal, it is not ne(essar to

bring a gi't, although one $ill not be turned do$n-

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*%o not gi&e 'rangiani

or $hite 'lo$ers as the

are used at 'unerals-

*ello$, green and red

are lu(k (olours, so tr

to use them to $ra


*A gi't 'rom a man should

be said to (ome 'rom

both, he and his$i'emothersister or

some other 'emale


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*indus should not

be gi&en gi'ts made

o' leather-

*2uslims should not

be gi&en gi'ts made

o' igskin oral(oholi( rodu(ts-

*7i'ts are not

oened $hen


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  +ining Eti*uette

*/ndians entertain in

their homes,restaurants, ri&ate

(lubs, or other ubli(

&enues, deending

uon the o((asion

and (ir(umstan(es-

*Although /ndians are

not al$as un(tual

themsel&es, thee<e(t 'oreigners to

arri&e (lose to the

aointed time-

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*:ake o'' our shoes

be'ore entering the


*%ress modestl and


*"olitel turn do$n the

'irst o''er o' tea,

(o''ee, or sna(ks- ou

$ill be asked again and

again- Saing no to the'irst in&itation is art o'

the roto(ol-

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%here are di!erse dietar#

restrictions in India that ma#a&&ect the &oods that are


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*indus do not eat bee' and man are &egetarians-

*2uslims do not eat ork or drink al(ohol-

*Sikhs do not eat bee'-

*amb, (hi(ken, and 'ish are the most (ommonl ser&ed

main (ourses 'or non&egetarian meals as the a&oid the

meat restri(tions o' the religious grous-

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Relationships $ Communication

*/ndians re'er to do business $ith those the


*elationshis are built uon mutual trust and


*/n general, /ndians re'er to ha&e longstanding

ersonal relationshis rior to doing business-

*/t ma be a good idea to go through a third artintrodu(tion- :his gi&es ou immediate (redibilit-

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*/ndians re&ere titles su(h as "ro'essor, %o(tor

and 9ngineer-*Status is determined b age, uni&ersit degree,

(aste and ro'ession-

*/' someone does not ha&e a ro'essional title,

use the honori'i( title Sir or 2adam-

*:itles are used $ith the erson=s name or the

surname, deending uon the erson=s name-

*?ait to be in&ited be'ore using someone=s 'irstname $ithout the title-

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"ealth Issues*2alnutrition

*igh /n'ant 2ortalit ate*"oor Sanitation

*Sa'e %rinking ?ater

*Common %iseases

%engue e&er, eatitis, :uber(ulosis, 2alaria and "neumonia%iarrheal diseases, /DA/%S, "olio, abies, Can(er

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ender Roles and Statuses*7ender ro&ides the basis 'or a 'undamental di&ision o' the

$ork 'or(e, $ith erhas onl the lo$est dalabor Eobs andthe most modern ro'essions being regularl sta''ed b

eole o' both genders-


"atriar(hal is the $ord most (ommonl used to des(ribethe traditional /ndian 'amil and the gender relationshis

$ithin it- :his is true in all 'amil sstems e<(et the de'un(t

matrilineal sstem o' the Naar (astes in Ferala- ?ithin all

bran(hes o' induism, riests (an onl be male, though the

ma be bos- /n /slam, the leaders o' a raer grou aremales- /n Goroastrianism and oman Catholi(ism, onl men

(an 'un(tion as riests-

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*/t is said that a $oman must 'irst obe her

'ather, then her husband, and then her son@ this

seems to be the normal attern as she goesthrough li'e-

*:he oinion o' the male head o' household is

ese(iall imortant in the arrangement o'


*Sin(e it is the male head $ho ti(all (ontrols

the 'amil=s 'inan(es, it is he $ho as or

re(ei&es a do$r at the time o' a (hild=smarriage-

*Although older $omen ma be &er in'luential

behind the s(enes, the $ield little legal

authorit in roert and marriage matters-

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Marriage, Famil#, and inship

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*Although the di''erent regions and religions ha&e

(onsiderable &ariet in marital arrangements, the

arranged marriage is a traditional 'eature o' &irtuall

e&er (ommunit-

*2arriages that are not arranged b the (oule=s arents,

o'ten termed lo&e marriages, are looked do$n on as

imulsi&e a(ts o' assion-

*7enerall, the (ountr has t$o main tes o' marriageH

a north /ndian one in $hi(h the man must not marr a

(losel related (ousin and a south /ndian one in $hi(h a

(ross(ousin, $hether the mother=s brother=s daughter or

the 'ather=s sister=s daughter, is the ideal souse-

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*:he largest kinbased grou is the (aste, o' $hi(h

there are se&eral thousand-

*A (aste is an endogamous unit $ith its o$ntraditional o((uation and rank-

* /t is made u o' a number o' (lans, $hi(h are also

kinbased but are e<ogamous and o'ten

intermarring units-

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*/n'ant (are is almost

(omletel theresonsibilit o' mothers,

older siblings, and


* ?hen the mother $orks in

the 'ields or a 'a(tor, agrandmother (ommonl is

the (hie' ro&ider o'

datime (are 'or an in'ant-

A'ter about the age o' t$o,

older sisters send mu(h o'

their time in this a(ti&it-

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Medicine and "ealth Care

*/ndia has a tradition o' medi(al healing, tea(hing,

and resear(h that goes ba(k more than t$o

thousand ears to the t$o basi( medi(al treatises-*:oda the (ountr has 'our maEor medi(al sstems

as $ell as do;ens o' lo(ali;ed and tribal ones that

deend on herbal treatments-

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*:he oldest o' the 'our sstems is still $idel 'ollo$ed under

the name o' Ayurveda , meaning s(ien(e o' long li'e- /t is

highl de&eloed, $ith its o$n hositals, (lini(s,

harma(euti(al 'a(tories, and medi(al te<tbooks- /t deends

rimaril on non in&asi&e herbal treatments- :he diagnosis

and treatment emhasi;e a holisti( aroa(h-

*Sidda is a distin(t tradition that de&eloed in south /ndia and

'ollo$s rin(iles o' hsiolog (lose to those o' Aur&eda-

%iagnosis deends on a (are'ul reading o' the ulse-

:reatment is mostl herbal and s(hologi(al-

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*A third medi(al tradition is (alled Unani. :his sstem

(ame to /ndia $ith 2uslim tra&elers and $as de&eloed

under the atronage o' the 2ughals- /t emhasi;esholisti( diagnosis and treatment, but the theor o'

human hsiolog is distin(t-

*All three o' these sstems attribute disease to an

imbalan(e bet$een underling (onstituents-

*:he 'ourth and most $idel 'a&ored sstem is

biomedi(ine, or s(ienti'i( medi(ine- /t has been used in

the (ities 'or three (enturies and is ra(ti(ed in thebest hositals and training (olleges-

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