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Improving Web Forms - 6 Tips For Getting Better Results

If you know about any website then it might be sure that you are familiar with web forms. Well, if not, then there is no need to worry. Web forms are the web pages of any website, which help any user any types of actions online – sign-in, sign-up, order, contact and so on. Do you ever though that what all

of these types of web form have in common? The answer is they need to be filled out.

It makes no differences that what action you want your users to take, if your site’s web form are not

designed well to get the job done. If these web forms are not properly created, then you will not get the desired results. So, to solve this dilemma,

here are some strategies you should follow, which help in increasing the number of users filling out your web forms and getting the desired results.

Place your form notably on your website. If the form is important, don’t place it in the footer or on the different page of the website. Rather, include it on every web page in a location that the user can’t

miss it. The more it is visible to a user, the more it will have the chances to be filled by users.

Use Proper Placement

Use related theme and good design to help your form to capture attention. Try to make your form from the rest of your web page content, while still matching your website overall theme and design. Closely, pay attention to all the elements of your form, such as the input fields and the buttons. Use

easy and straightforward layout for your form that won’t confuse your users.

Design To Stand Out

If you fail to create a user friendly form for your users, then it might be possible that you will face

the risk of user’s abandoning it before they complete it. To solve this issue, provide appropriate field labels and use clear instructions on your form.

Also include additional information for any field that might not be clear to the user. Most

importantly, make sure that the form works properly.

Ensure Usability

While filling out a web form, if a user makes any mistake, then he/she should be provided with

proper error messages. Confusing error messages can easily frustrate users, which result in leaving

the form without completing it. So, it is very important to provide clear and useful guidance in

the event of an error.

Include Error Validations

One of the best ways to increase the number of users completely filling out the forms is to make

those forms as simple and short as possible. The less time your web form takes to fill out, the more likely

the user is to complete the process. Only consider what information is absolutely necessary and

eliminate other unnecessary fields.

Keep It Short

Another way to raise the number of users filling out your web form is to offer some attractive incentives.

For example, if you want that more users sign-up your email newsletter, consider offering them free

downloads, e-books, coupon or other enticing benefits that they will receive once they have

provided their email address.

Provide An Incentive

So, follow these above 6 easy steps to make your web form rock for your site and get the maximum number of submissions. Make sure that your web

form match your website design and looks the part of it.



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