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Editorial 01-03-2018

1) Conspiracy (Noun) ndash साजजश

Definition a secret plan by a group to do something

unlawful or harmful

Synonyms plot scheme stratagem plan

machination cabal

Usage a conspiracy to destroy the government

2) Tampering (Verb) ndash छड़छाड़ करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle

Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Interrogation (Noun) ndash पछताछ

Definition ask questions of (someone) closely

aggressively or formally

Synonyms question put questions to cross-

question cross-examine quiz probe catechize

Usage would he keep his mouth shut under


4) Vendetta (Noun) ndash परजतशोध

Definition a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign

against someone

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Synonyms feud blood

feud quarrel argument falling-

out wrangle clash altercation dispute

Usage he has accused the British media of pursuing

a vendetta against him

5) Glitches (Noun) ndashखाजमयो

Definition a sudden usually temporary malfunction or

fault of equipment

Synonyms fault defect error

Usage a draft version was lost in a computer glitch

6) Haste (Noun) ndash जलदबाजी

Definition excessive speed or urgency of movement

or action hurry


speed hastiness hurry hurriedness swiftness rapidit

y rapidness


Usage working with feverish haste

7) Credibility (Noun) ndash जिशवसनीयता

Definition the quality of being trusted and believed in


trustworthiness reliability dependability integrity cha


Usage the governments loss of credibility

8) Evading (Verb) ndash टालना

Definition escape or avoid (someone or something)

especially by guile or trickery

Synonyms elude avoid dodge escape (from) stay

away from steer clear of

Usage friends helped him to evade capture for a time

9) Staggered (Verb) ndash लड़खड़ान िाला

Definition walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall

Synonyms lurch walk

unsteadily reel sway teeter totter stumble wobble

move clumsily

Usage he staggered to his feet swaying a little

10) Allegedly (Adverb) ndash कजथत तौर पर

Definition used to convey that something is claimed to

be the case or have taken place although there is no



reportedly supposedly reputedly purportedly ostensi

bly apparently by all accounts

Usage he was allegedly a leading participant in the

coup attempt

Editorial 02-03-2018

1) Laggards (Noun) ndashफिसडडी

Definition a person who makes slow progress and

falls behind others

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Synonyms straggler loiterer lingerer dawdler

sluggard slug snail delayer idler loafer lounger

Usage staff were under enormous pressure and

there was no time for laggards

2) Buoyancy (Noun) ndashउछाल

Definition a cheerful and optimistic attitude or



cheerfulness cheeriness happiness light-

heartedness care freeness brightness

Usage She is a buoyancy person

3) Undergirded (Verb) ndashसमथथन करना

Definition provide support or a firm basis for

Synonyms support back up strengthen

Usage thats a philosophy that needs to undergird

retailers business plans this year

4) Leeway (Noun) ndashअनिातगमन

Definition the amount of freedom to move or act that

is available

Synonyms freedom scope room to

manoeuvre latitude elbow room slack space room

Usage the government had greater leeway to

introduce reforms

5) Scrutiny (Noun) ndashसिीकषा

Definition critical observation or examination

Synonyms careful examination inspection survey

scan study perusal

Usage every aspect of local government was placed

under scrutiny

6) Lobbing (Verb) ndashि कना

Definition throw or hit (a ball or missile) in a high arc

Synonyms throw toss fling pitch shy hurl pelt

sling loft cast let fly with flip

Usage he lobbed the ball over their heads

7) Surge (Noun) ndashमहोरमम

Definition of a crowd or a natural force) move

suddenly and powerfully forward or upward


gush rush stream flow burst pour cascade spill ov

erflow brim over

Usage the journalists surged forward

8) Offensive (Ajective) ndashअपमानजनक

Definition actively aggressive attacking


hostile attacking aggressive invading incursive com

bative threatening

Usage offensive operations against the insurgents

9) Fortified (Verb)-फकलाबद

Definition provide (a place) with defensive works as

protection against attack

Synonyms build defences round strengthen with

defensive works secure protect

Usage the whole town was heavily fortified

10) Stalemate (Noun) ndashगजतरोध

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Definition a position counting as a draw in which a

player is not in check but cannot move except into


Synonyms deadlock impasse standstill dead

end stand-off draw

Usage last time I played him it ended up in stalemate

Editorial 03-03-2018

1) Impunity (Noun) ndash दड स मजि

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

2) Climes (Noun) ndash जलिाय

Definition a region considered with reference to its


Synonyms Temperature Humidity Altitude

Usage long holidays in sunnier climes

3) Confiscation (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the action of taking or seizing someones

property with authority seizure

Synonyms seizure impounding commandeering

requisition requisitioning appropriation

Usage a court ordered the confiscation of her


4) Deterrent (Noun) ndash जनिारक

Definition a thing that discourages or is intended to

discourage someone from doing something

Synonyms disincentive discouragement dissuasion

damper brake curb check restraint

Usage cameras are a major deterrent to crime

5) Fugitives (Noun) ndash भगोड़ा

Definition a person who has escaped from captivity or

is in hiding

Synonyms escapee escaper runaway deserter

refugee renegade absconder archaic

Usage fugitives from justice

6) Infirmities (Noun) ndash जनबथलताओ

Definition physical or mental weakness

Synonyms frailty weakness feebleness

enfeeblement delicacy fragility debility

Usage old age and infirmity come to men and women


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7) Forfeiture (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the loss or giving up of something as a

penalty for wrongdoing

Synonyms confiscation sequestration loss losing


Usage magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his


8) Enshrined (Verb) ndash परजतषठाजपत करना

Definition preserve (a right tradition or idea) in a

form that ensures it will be protected and respected

Synonyms set down set out spell out express lay

down set in stone embody realize

Usage the right of all workers to strike was enshrined

in the new constitution

9) Treason (Noun) ndash परदारगमन

Definition the crime of betraying ones country

especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the

sovereign or government

Synonyms treachery lese-

majesty disloyalty betrayal faithlessness perfidy

Usage they were convicted of treason

10) Usher (Verb) ndash भट करिानाफकसीको रासता फदखाना

Definition show or guide (someone) somewhere


escort accompany help assist take show see lead

show someone the way

Usage a waiter ushered me to a table

11) Simmering (Verb) ndash करोध की अिसथा म बन रहना

Definition show or feel barely suppressed anger or

other strong emotion

Synonyms be furious be enraged be angry be

incensed be infuriated be beside oneself

Usage she was simmering with resentment

12) Entrenched (Verb) ndash सथाजपत करना

Definition establish (an attitude habit or belief) so

firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely


establish settle ensconce lodge set root install pla

nt embed anchor

Usage ageism is entrenched in our society

13) Squandered (Verb) ndash गिाना

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonyms feud blood

feud quarrel argument falling-

out wrangle clash altercation dispute

Usage he has accused the British media of pursuing

a vendetta against him

5) Glitches (Noun) ndashखाजमयो

Definition a sudden usually temporary malfunction or

fault of equipment

Synonyms fault defect error

Usage a draft version was lost in a computer glitch

6) Haste (Noun) ndash जलदबाजी

Definition excessive speed or urgency of movement

or action hurry


speed hastiness hurry hurriedness swiftness rapidit

y rapidness


Usage working with feverish haste

7) Credibility (Noun) ndash जिशवसनीयता

Definition the quality of being trusted and believed in


trustworthiness reliability dependability integrity cha


Usage the governments loss of credibility

8) Evading (Verb) ndash टालना

Definition escape or avoid (someone or something)

especially by guile or trickery

Synonyms elude avoid dodge escape (from) stay

away from steer clear of

Usage friends helped him to evade capture for a time

9) Staggered (Verb) ndash लड़खड़ान िाला

Definition walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall

Synonyms lurch walk

unsteadily reel sway teeter totter stumble wobble

move clumsily

Usage he staggered to his feet swaying a little

10) Allegedly (Adverb) ndash कजथत तौर पर

Definition used to convey that something is claimed to

be the case or have taken place although there is no



reportedly supposedly reputedly purportedly ostensi

bly apparently by all accounts

Usage he was allegedly a leading participant in the

coup attempt

Editorial 02-03-2018

1) Laggards (Noun) ndashफिसडडी

Definition a person who makes slow progress and

falls behind others

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Synonyms straggler loiterer lingerer dawdler

sluggard slug snail delayer idler loafer lounger

Usage staff were under enormous pressure and

there was no time for laggards

2) Buoyancy (Noun) ndashउछाल

Definition a cheerful and optimistic attitude or



cheerfulness cheeriness happiness light-

heartedness care freeness brightness

Usage She is a buoyancy person

3) Undergirded (Verb) ndashसमथथन करना

Definition provide support or a firm basis for

Synonyms support back up strengthen

Usage thats a philosophy that needs to undergird

retailers business plans this year

4) Leeway (Noun) ndashअनिातगमन

Definition the amount of freedom to move or act that

is available

Synonyms freedom scope room to

manoeuvre latitude elbow room slack space room

Usage the government had greater leeway to

introduce reforms

5) Scrutiny (Noun) ndashसिीकषा

Definition critical observation or examination

Synonyms careful examination inspection survey

scan study perusal

Usage every aspect of local government was placed

under scrutiny

6) Lobbing (Verb) ndashि कना

Definition throw or hit (a ball or missile) in a high arc

Synonyms throw toss fling pitch shy hurl pelt

sling loft cast let fly with flip

Usage he lobbed the ball over their heads

7) Surge (Noun) ndashमहोरमम

Definition of a crowd or a natural force) move

suddenly and powerfully forward or upward


gush rush stream flow burst pour cascade spill ov

erflow brim over

Usage the journalists surged forward

8) Offensive (Ajective) ndashअपमानजनक

Definition actively aggressive attacking


hostile attacking aggressive invading incursive com

bative threatening

Usage offensive operations against the insurgents

9) Fortified (Verb)-फकलाबद

Definition provide (a place) with defensive works as

protection against attack

Synonyms build defences round strengthen with

defensive works secure protect

Usage the whole town was heavily fortified

10) Stalemate (Noun) ndashगजतरोध

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Definition a position counting as a draw in which a

player is not in check but cannot move except into


Synonyms deadlock impasse standstill dead

end stand-off draw

Usage last time I played him it ended up in stalemate

Editorial 03-03-2018

1) Impunity (Noun) ndash दड स मजि

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

2) Climes (Noun) ndash जलिाय

Definition a region considered with reference to its


Synonyms Temperature Humidity Altitude

Usage long holidays in sunnier climes

3) Confiscation (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the action of taking or seizing someones

property with authority seizure

Synonyms seizure impounding commandeering

requisition requisitioning appropriation

Usage a court ordered the confiscation of her


4) Deterrent (Noun) ndash जनिारक

Definition a thing that discourages or is intended to

discourage someone from doing something

Synonyms disincentive discouragement dissuasion

damper brake curb check restraint

Usage cameras are a major deterrent to crime

5) Fugitives (Noun) ndash भगोड़ा

Definition a person who has escaped from captivity or

is in hiding

Synonyms escapee escaper runaway deserter

refugee renegade absconder archaic

Usage fugitives from justice

6) Infirmities (Noun) ndash जनबथलताओ

Definition physical or mental weakness

Synonyms frailty weakness feebleness

enfeeblement delicacy fragility debility

Usage old age and infirmity come to men and women


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7) Forfeiture (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the loss or giving up of something as a

penalty for wrongdoing

Synonyms confiscation sequestration loss losing


Usage magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his


8) Enshrined (Verb) ndash परजतषठाजपत करना

Definition preserve (a right tradition or idea) in a

form that ensures it will be protected and respected

Synonyms set down set out spell out express lay

down set in stone embody realize

Usage the right of all workers to strike was enshrined

in the new constitution

9) Treason (Noun) ndash परदारगमन

Definition the crime of betraying ones country

especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the

sovereign or government

Synonyms treachery lese-

majesty disloyalty betrayal faithlessness perfidy

Usage they were convicted of treason

10) Usher (Verb) ndash भट करिानाफकसीको रासता फदखाना

Definition show or guide (someone) somewhere


escort accompany help assist take show see lead

show someone the way

Usage a waiter ushered me to a table

11) Simmering (Verb) ndash करोध की अिसथा म बन रहना

Definition show or feel barely suppressed anger or

other strong emotion

Synonyms be furious be enraged be angry be

incensed be infuriated be beside oneself

Usage she was simmering with resentment

12) Entrenched (Verb) ndash सथाजपत करना

Definition establish (an attitude habit or belief) so

firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely


establish settle ensconce lodge set root install pla

nt embed anchor

Usage ageism is entrenched in our society

13) Squandered (Verb) ndash गिाना

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonyms straggler loiterer lingerer dawdler

sluggard slug snail delayer idler loafer lounger

Usage staff were under enormous pressure and

there was no time for laggards

2) Buoyancy (Noun) ndashउछाल

Definition a cheerful and optimistic attitude or



cheerfulness cheeriness happiness light-

heartedness care freeness brightness

Usage She is a buoyancy person

3) Undergirded (Verb) ndashसमथथन करना

Definition provide support or a firm basis for

Synonyms support back up strengthen

Usage thats a philosophy that needs to undergird

retailers business plans this year

4) Leeway (Noun) ndashअनिातगमन

Definition the amount of freedom to move or act that

is available

Synonyms freedom scope room to

manoeuvre latitude elbow room slack space room

Usage the government had greater leeway to

introduce reforms

5) Scrutiny (Noun) ndashसिीकषा

Definition critical observation or examination

Synonyms careful examination inspection survey

scan study perusal

Usage every aspect of local government was placed

under scrutiny

6) Lobbing (Verb) ndashि कना

Definition throw or hit (a ball or missile) in a high arc

Synonyms throw toss fling pitch shy hurl pelt

sling loft cast let fly with flip

Usage he lobbed the ball over their heads

7) Surge (Noun) ndashमहोरमम

Definition of a crowd or a natural force) move

suddenly and powerfully forward or upward


gush rush stream flow burst pour cascade spill ov

erflow brim over

Usage the journalists surged forward

8) Offensive (Ajective) ndashअपमानजनक

Definition actively aggressive attacking


hostile attacking aggressive invading incursive com

bative threatening

Usage offensive operations against the insurgents

9) Fortified (Verb)-फकलाबद

Definition provide (a place) with defensive works as

protection against attack

Synonyms build defences round strengthen with

defensive works secure protect

Usage the whole town was heavily fortified

10) Stalemate (Noun) ndashगजतरोध

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Definition a position counting as a draw in which a

player is not in check but cannot move except into


Synonyms deadlock impasse standstill dead

end stand-off draw

Usage last time I played him it ended up in stalemate

Editorial 03-03-2018

1) Impunity (Noun) ndash दड स मजि

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

2) Climes (Noun) ndash जलिाय

Definition a region considered with reference to its


Synonyms Temperature Humidity Altitude

Usage long holidays in sunnier climes

3) Confiscation (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the action of taking or seizing someones

property with authority seizure

Synonyms seizure impounding commandeering

requisition requisitioning appropriation

Usage a court ordered the confiscation of her


4) Deterrent (Noun) ndash जनिारक

Definition a thing that discourages or is intended to

discourage someone from doing something

Synonyms disincentive discouragement dissuasion

damper brake curb check restraint

Usage cameras are a major deterrent to crime

5) Fugitives (Noun) ndash भगोड़ा

Definition a person who has escaped from captivity or

is in hiding

Synonyms escapee escaper runaway deserter

refugee renegade absconder archaic

Usage fugitives from justice

6) Infirmities (Noun) ndash जनबथलताओ

Definition physical or mental weakness

Synonyms frailty weakness feebleness

enfeeblement delicacy fragility debility

Usage old age and infirmity come to men and women


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7) Forfeiture (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the loss or giving up of something as a

penalty for wrongdoing

Synonyms confiscation sequestration loss losing


Usage magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his


8) Enshrined (Verb) ndash परजतषठाजपत करना

Definition preserve (a right tradition or idea) in a

form that ensures it will be protected and respected

Synonyms set down set out spell out express lay

down set in stone embody realize

Usage the right of all workers to strike was enshrined

in the new constitution

9) Treason (Noun) ndash परदारगमन

Definition the crime of betraying ones country

especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the

sovereign or government

Synonyms treachery lese-

majesty disloyalty betrayal faithlessness perfidy

Usage they were convicted of treason

10) Usher (Verb) ndash भट करिानाफकसीको रासता फदखाना

Definition show or guide (someone) somewhere


escort accompany help assist take show see lead

show someone the way

Usage a waiter ushered me to a table

11) Simmering (Verb) ndash करोध की अिसथा म बन रहना

Definition show or feel barely suppressed anger or

other strong emotion

Synonyms be furious be enraged be angry be

incensed be infuriated be beside oneself

Usage she was simmering with resentment

12) Entrenched (Verb) ndash सथाजपत करना

Definition establish (an attitude habit or belief) so

firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely


establish settle ensconce lodge set root install pla

nt embed anchor

Usage ageism is entrenched in our society

13) Squandered (Verb) ndash गिाना

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Definition a position counting as a draw in which a

player is not in check but cannot move except into


Synonyms deadlock impasse standstill dead

end stand-off draw

Usage last time I played him it ended up in stalemate

Editorial 03-03-2018

1) Impunity (Noun) ndash दड स मजि

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

2) Climes (Noun) ndash जलिाय

Definition a region considered with reference to its


Synonyms Temperature Humidity Altitude

Usage long holidays in sunnier climes

3) Confiscation (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the action of taking or seizing someones

property with authority seizure

Synonyms seizure impounding commandeering

requisition requisitioning appropriation

Usage a court ordered the confiscation of her


4) Deterrent (Noun) ndash जनिारक

Definition a thing that discourages or is intended to

discourage someone from doing something

Synonyms disincentive discouragement dissuasion

damper brake curb check restraint

Usage cameras are a major deterrent to crime

5) Fugitives (Noun) ndash भगोड़ा

Definition a person who has escaped from captivity or

is in hiding

Synonyms escapee escaper runaway deserter

refugee renegade absconder archaic

Usage fugitives from justice

6) Infirmities (Noun) ndash जनबथलताओ

Definition physical or mental weakness

Synonyms frailty weakness feebleness

enfeeblement delicacy fragility debility

Usage old age and infirmity come to men and women


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7) Forfeiture (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the loss or giving up of something as a

penalty for wrongdoing

Synonyms confiscation sequestration loss losing


Usage magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his


8) Enshrined (Verb) ndash परजतषठाजपत करना

Definition preserve (a right tradition or idea) in a

form that ensures it will be protected and respected

Synonyms set down set out spell out express lay

down set in stone embody realize

Usage the right of all workers to strike was enshrined

in the new constitution

9) Treason (Noun) ndash परदारगमन

Definition the crime of betraying ones country

especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the

sovereign or government

Synonyms treachery lese-

majesty disloyalty betrayal faithlessness perfidy

Usage they were convicted of treason

10) Usher (Verb) ndash भट करिानाफकसीको रासता फदखाना

Definition show or guide (someone) somewhere


escort accompany help assist take show see lead

show someone the way

Usage a waiter ushered me to a table

11) Simmering (Verb) ndash करोध की अिसथा म बन रहना

Definition show or feel barely suppressed anger or

other strong emotion

Synonyms be furious be enraged be angry be

incensed be infuriated be beside oneself

Usage she was simmering with resentment

12) Entrenched (Verb) ndash सथाजपत करना

Definition establish (an attitude habit or belief) so

firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely


establish settle ensconce lodge set root install pla

nt embed anchor

Usage ageism is entrenched in our society

13) Squandered (Verb) ndash गिाना

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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7) Forfeiture (Noun) ndash ज़बती

Definition the loss or giving up of something as a

penalty for wrongdoing

Synonyms confiscation sequestration loss losing


Usage magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his


8) Enshrined (Verb) ndash परजतषठाजपत करना

Definition preserve (a right tradition or idea) in a

form that ensures it will be protected and respected

Synonyms set down set out spell out express lay

down set in stone embody realize

Usage the right of all workers to strike was enshrined

in the new constitution

9) Treason (Noun) ndash परदारगमन

Definition the crime of betraying ones country

especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the

sovereign or government

Synonyms treachery lese-

majesty disloyalty betrayal faithlessness perfidy

Usage they were convicted of treason

10) Usher (Verb) ndash भट करिानाफकसीको रासता फदखाना

Definition show or guide (someone) somewhere


escort accompany help assist take show see lead

show someone the way

Usage a waiter ushered me to a table

11) Simmering (Verb) ndash करोध की अिसथा म बन रहना

Definition show or feel barely suppressed anger or

other strong emotion

Synonyms be furious be enraged be angry be

incensed be infuriated be beside oneself

Usage she was simmering with resentment

12) Entrenched (Verb) ndash सथाजपत करना

Definition establish (an attitude habit or belief) so

firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely


establish settle ensconce lodge set root install pla

nt embed anchor

Usage ageism is entrenched in our society

13) Squandered (Verb) ndash गिाना

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 05-03-2018

1) Wielded (Verb) ndashइठलाना

Definition hold and use (a weapon or tool)


brandish flourish wave twirl display flaunt

Usage a masked raider wielding a handgun

2) Allies (Noun) ---सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


3) Denied (Verb) ndashइनकार करना

Definition state that one refuses to admit the truth or

existence of

Synonyms contradict repudiate gainsay declare

untrue dissent from disagree with

Usage both firms deny any responsibility for the


4) Aftermath (Noun) ndashपररणाम

Definition the consequences or after-effects of a

significant unpleasant event

Synonyms repercussions after-effects by-product

fallout backwash trail wake corollary

Usage food prices soared in the aftermath of the


5) Retaliatory (Adjective) ndash परजतशोध का

Definition characterized by a desire for revenge

Synonyms Revenge

vengeance retribution reprisal requital recrimination

Usage fears of a retaliatory attack by the victims


6) Salvo (Noun) ndash उपलकषय

Definition sudden vigorous or aggressive act or

series of acts

Synonyms Sudden assertive forceful competitive

insistent vigorous energetic dynamic driving

Usage the pardons provoked a salvo of accusations

7) Surplus (Noun) ndash अजधशष

Definition more than what is needed or used excess

Synonyms excess excessive in

excess leftover left unused remaining extra

Usage make the most of your surplus cash

8) Tariffs (Noun) mdash दर

Definition a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class

of imports or exports

Synonyms tax duty toll excise levy assessment

imposition impost charge

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage the reduction of trade barriers and import


9) Protectionist (Noun) ndash सरकषणिादी

Definition an advocate of the policy of shielding a

countrys domestic industries from foreign competition

by taxing imports

Synonyms import barrier economic policy

Usage barriers erected by the agricultural


10) Indigenous (Adjective) ndash दशज सिदशी

Definition originating or occurring naturally in a

particular place native

Synonyms native aboriginal local original earliest

first initial

Usage the indigenous peoples of Siberia

Editorial 06-03-2018

1) Averse (Adjective) ndash क जिरदध होना

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed

to ill-disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


2) Contender (Noun) ndash परजतयोगी

Definition a person or group competing with others to

achieve something

Synonyms Competitor applicants aspirants

Usage a presidential contender

3) Assorted (Adjective) ndash जमजित

Definition of various sorts put together miscellaneous


mixed varied variegated varying various miscellane

ous diverse diversified eclectic

Usage bowls in assorted colours

4) Multipronged (Adjective) ndash बह आयामी

Definition Having several prongs (usually figurative of

an attempt attack etc) taking place on several different

fronts at once

Synonyms Multiple attack war

Usage a multipronged assault on the enemy

5) Oppressive (Adjective) ndashउतपीड़क

Definition inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment

Synonyms harsh cruel brutal repressive crushing

tyrannical tyrannous iron-fisted

Usage an oppressive dictatorship

6) Attributable (Adjective) -- कारण

Definition regarded as being caused by

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonyms bring about give rise to be the cause of

lead to result in create begin produce

Usage 43 percent of all deaths in Ireland were

attributable to cardiovascular disease

7) Implications (Noun) --जनजहताथथ

Definition the conclusion that can be drawn from

something although it is not explicitly stated


suggestion inference insinuation innuendo hint inti


Usage the implication is that no one person at the bank

is responsible

8) Cramps (Noun) ndash ऐठन

Definition painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or

muscles typically caused by fatigue or strain

Synonyms musclemuscular

spasm musclemuscular contraction pang twinge

Usage an attack of cramp

9) Fainting (Verb) -- मरमछछत होना

Definition lose consciousness for a short time because

of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the


Synonyms pass out lose consciousness fall

unconscious black out collapse

Usage I fainted from loss of blood

10) Scarcity (Noun) ndash कमी

Definition the state of being scarce or in short supply



shortage dearth lack want undersupply insufficienc

y paucity

Usage a time of scarcity

Editorial 07-03-2018

1) Infuse (Verb) ndash वयापत करना

Definition fill pervade


fill pervade permeate suffuse charge saturate imb

ue inspire

Usage her work is infused with an anger born of pain

and oppression

2) Rebound (Verb) ndash पलटाि होनापरजतकषप होना

Definition recover in value amount or strength after a

decrease or decline

Synonyms recover rally bounce back pick

up make a recovery make a comeback

Usage the Share Index rebounded to show a twenty-

point gain

3) Tantrum (Noun) ndash गसस का आिश होना

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Definition an uncontrolled outburst of anger and

frustration typically in a young child

Synonyms fit of temper fit of rage fit of

pique fit outburst flare-up blow-

up pet paroxysm frenzy

Usage he has temper tantrums if he cant get his own


4) Subdued (Adjective) ndash मातहत

Definition (of a person or their manner) quiet and

rather reflective or depressed

Synonyms sombre low-spirited downcast sad

dejected depressed low gloomy

Usage I felt strangely subdued as I drove home

5) Undercurrent (Noun) ndash अदषट परभाि

Definition an underlying feeling or influence

especially one that is contrary to the prevailing

atmosphere and is not expressed openly


undertone overtone suggestion connotation implicat

ion intimation

hint nuance trace

Usage racial undercurrents

6) Disenchanted (Verb) ndash मोहभग होना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

7) Protracted (Adjective) ndash फदघथकाजलक

Definition lasting for a long time or longer than

expected or usual

Synonyms lengthy Continued enduring

Usage a protracted and bitter dispute

8) Bedfellows (Noun) ndash जनकट समबनध

Definition a person or thing allied or closely

connected with another

Synonyms caller customer client inmate

Usage big business and politics were inseparable


9) Hamper (Noun) ndash टोकरीटोकनी

Definition a basket with a carrying handle and a

hinged lid used for food cutlery and plates on a


Synonyms basket pannier wickerwork basket

Usage a picnic hamper

10) Incumbent (Adjective) ndash अिलबी

Definition necessary for (someone) as a duty or



binding obligatory mandatory necessary compulsor

y required

requisite essential

Usage the government realized that it was incumbent

on them to act

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 08-03-2018

1) Ethnic (Adjective) ndash सजातीय

Definition relating to a population subgroup (within a

larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a

common national or cultural tradition

Synonyms racial race-

related ethnological genetic inherited

Usage ethnic and cultural rights and traditions

2) Prevailing (Adjective) ndash परचजलत हो रहा

Definition existing at a particular time current

Synonyms exist be in existence be present be the

case hold obtain occur be prevalent

Usage the unfavourable prevailing economic


3) Precarious (Adjective) ndash अजनजित

Definition dependent on chance uncertain


uncertain insecure unreliable unsure unpredictable

undependable risky

Usage he made a precarious living as a painter

4) Escalate (Verb) ndash तीवर करना

Definition increase rapidly

Synonyms increase rapidly soar rocket shoot up

mount surge spiral grow rapidly rise rapidly climb

go up

Usage the price of tickets escalated

5) Strife (Noun) ndash कलह

Definition angry or bitter disagreement over

fundamental issues conflict


conflict friction discord disagreement dissension va

riance dispute argument

Usage strife within the community

6) Reverberations (Noun) ndash परजतधिजन

Definition prolongation of a sound resonance

Synonyms resonance echo echoing re-

echoing resounding pulsation vibration ringing

Usage electronic effects have been added such as

echo and reverberation

7) Ignited (Verb) ndash परजिजलत

Definition arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation)

Synonyms arouse kindle trigger spark instigate

excite provoke foment

Usage the words ignited new fury in him

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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8) Massacres (Verb) ndash नरसहार

Definition deliberately and brutally kill (many people)


slaughter butcher murder kill annihilate exterminate


Usage thousands were brutally massacred by


9) Presumably (Adverb) ndash शायद

Definition used to convey that what is asserted is very

likely though not known for certain

Synonyms I assume I expect I believe I presume I

take it I suppose I imagine I dare say

Usage it was not yet ten oclock so presumably the

boys were still at the pub

10) Triumphalism (Noun) ndash अजभभत

Definition excessive exultation over ones success or

achievements (used especially in a political context)

Synonyms Awarding winning proved

Usage an air of triumphalism reigns in his


11) Impunity (Noun) ndash माफ़ी

Definition exemption from punishment or freedom

from the injurious consequences of an action

Synonyms immunity indemnity exemption from

punishment freedom from punishment

Usage the impunity enjoyed by military officers

implicated in civilian killings

12) Strive (Verb) -- परयास करना

Definition struggle or fight vigorously

Synonyms try try hard attempt endeavour aim

aspire venture undertake seek

Usage scholars must strive against bias

13) Apprehensive (Adjective) ndash आशकािान

Definition anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxious alarmed worried uneasy nervous concerne

d agitated

Usage he felt apprehensive about going home

14) Levy (Verb) ndash कर लगाना

Definition impose (a tax fee or fine)


impose charge exact demand raise collect gather

Usage a tax of two per cent was levied on all


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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 09-03-2018

1)Belligerent (Adjective) ndash यदधरत

Definitionhostile and aggressive

Synonymshostile aggressive threatening

antagonistic pugnacious bellicose truculent

Usage the mood at the meeting was belligerent

2)Fledgling (Noun) ndash अनभिहीन मनषय

Definition a person or organization that is immature

inexperienced or underdeveloped

Synonymsemerging emergent arising sunrise

dawning beginning

Usagethe countrys fledgling democracy

3)Earmarked (Verb) ndash जनधाथररत

Definitiondesignate (funds or resources) for a

particular purpose

Synonymsset aside lay aside set apart keep back

appropriate reserve keep

Usage the cash had been earmarked for a big

expansion of the programme

4)Enduring (Adjective) ndashजचरसथायी

Definition lasting over a period of time durable

Synonymslast live live on go on hold on abide

continue persist remain stay survive

Usagehe formed a number of enduring relationships

with women

5)Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition(of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonymsfull of filled with swarming with rife with

thick with bristling with charged with

Usagemarketing any new product is fraught with


6)Rhetoric (Noun) ndashअलकार शासतर

Definitionthe art of effective or persuasive speaking or

writing especially the exploitation of figures of speech

and other compositional techniques

Synonymsoratory eloquence power of speech

command of language expression way with words

delivery diction

Usagehe is using a common figure of rhetoric


7)Militaristic (Adjective) ndash सनयिादी

Definitionadvocating or pursuing an aggressive

military policy hawkish

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonymswarmongering war-loving warlike martial

hawkish pugnacious combative

Usagethe president and his militaristic administration

8)Perceptions (Noun) ndash अनभजत

Definitionawareness of something through the senses

Synonyms discernment appreciation recognition

realization cognizance

Usagethe perception of pain

9)Reluctance (Noun) ndashअजनछछा

Definitionunwillingness or disinclination to do


Synonymsunwillingness disinclination lack of


Usageshe sensed his reluctance to continue

10) Embrace(Verb) - गल लगाना

Definitionhold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonymshug takehold in ones arms hold cuddle

clasp to ones bosom

UsageAunt Sophie embraced her warmly

Editorial 10-03-2018

1) Embracing (Verb) ndash आललगन करनागल लगाना

Definition hold (someone) closely in ones arms

especially as a sign of affection

Synonyms hug takehold in ones

arms hold cuddle clasp to ones bosom clasp

Usage Aunt Sophie embraced her warmly

2) Flayed (Verb) ndash खाल उधड़ना

Definition strip the skin off (a corpse or carcass)

Synonyms skin strip the skin off technical excoriate

Usage the captured general was flayed alive

3) Bureaucratic (Adjective) ndash नौकरशाही

Definition relating to a system of government in which

most of the important decisions are taken by state

officials rather than by elected representatives

Synonyms administrative official procedural red-

tape governmental ministerial

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage well-established bureaucratic procedures

4) Lobbying (Verb) ndash पकष जटाना

Definition seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue

Synonyms seek to influence try to persuade bring

pressure to bear on importune persuade

Usage they insist on their right to lobby Congress

5) Euthanasia (Noun) -- इछछामतय

Definition the painless killing of a patient suffering

from an incurable and painful disease or in an

irreversible coma

Synonyms mercy killing assisted suicide physician-

assisted suicide

Usage Lethal injection has also been used in cases

of euthanasia to facilitate voluntary death in patients

6) Jurisprudence (Noun) ndash नयायशासतर

Definition a legal system

Synonyms Act charge case charter

Usage American jurisprudence

7) Stringent (Adjective) ndash कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting

Synonyms strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh

tough tight exacting demanding

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

8) Apprehensions (Noun) ndash आशकाओ

Definition anxiety or fear that something bad or

unpleasant will happen


anxiety angst alarm worry uneasiness unease ner


misgiving disquiet

Usage he felt sick with apprehension

9) Dignified (Adjective) ndash सममाजनत

Definition having or showing a composed or serious

manner that is worthy of respect

Synonyms stately noble courtly majestic kingly

Usage she maintained a dignified silence

10) Gauge (Verb) ndash नापना

Definition estimate or determine the amount level or

volume of

Synonyms measure calculate compute work out

determine ascertain

Usage astronomers can gauge the stars intrinsic


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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 12-03-2018

1) Scuttle (Noun) ndash जलदी जलदी दौड़ना

Definition run hurriedly or furtively with short quick


Synonyms scamper scurry scramble bustle skip

trot hurry hasten

Usage a mouse scuttled across the floor

2) Muddle (Verb) ndash गड़बड़ी करना

Definition bring into a disordered or confusing state

Synonyms confuse mix up jumble jumble

up disarrange disorganize disorder disturb

Usage they were muddling up the cards

3) Annulled (Verb) ndash रदद

Definition declare invalid (an official agreement

decision or result)

Synonyms declare invalid declare null and

void nullify invalidate

Usage the elections were annulled by the general

amid renewed protests

4) Ruse (Noun) ndash चाल

Definition an action intended to deceive someone a


Synonyms ploy stratagem tactic move device

scheme trick gambit cunning plan manoeuvre

Usage Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of

the house

5) Indoctrinated (Verb) ndash राज़ी करिाना

Definition teach (a person or group) to accept a set of

beliefs uncritically


brainwash propagandize proselytize inculcate re-

educate persuade

Usage broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating

the masses

6) Confinement (Noun) ndash परररोध कारािास

Definition the action of confining or state of being


Synonyms imprisonment internment incarceration

custody captivity detention restraint

Usage he was immediately released from his


7) Curtailment (Noun) ndash कटौती

Definition the action or fact of reducing or restricting



reduction cut cutback decrease lessening diminutio

n retrenchment


Usage the curtailment of human rights

8) Amid (Preposition) ndash क बीच म

Definition surrounded by in the middle of

Synonyms in the middle of surrounded

by among amongst between in the thick of

Usage our dream home set amid magnificent rolling


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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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9) Veracity (Noun) ndash सचचाई

Definition conformity to facts accuracy

Synonyms truthfulness truth accuracy

accurateness correctness exactness

Usage officials expressed doubts concerning the

veracity of the story

10) Ordeal (Noun) ndash करठन परीकषा

Definition a very unpleasant and prolonged


Synonyms painfulunpleasant experience trial

tribulation test nightmare trauma

Usage the ordeal of having to give evidence

11) Swayed (Verb) ndash बहना

Definition move or cause to move slowly or

rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to



swing shake oscillate rock undulate move from

side to side move to and fro

Usage he swayed slightly on his feet

12) Enclave (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a place or group that is different in

character from those surrounding it

Synonyms territory territorial dominion district

Usage the engineering department is traditionally a

male enclave

13) Outskirts (Noun) --- सरहद

Definition the outer parts of a town or city

Synonyms outlying

districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia

Usage he built a new factory on the outskirts of


14) Apocalypse (Noun) ndash क़यामत

Definition the complete final destruction of the world

as described in the biblical book of Revelation

Synonyms biohazard damaging deleterious


Usage the bells ringing is supposed to usher in the


15) Unanimously (Adverb) ndash सिथसजममजत स

Definition without opposition with the agreement of

all people involved

Synonyms without opposition with one accord with

one mind to a man as one one and all

Usage a committee of MPs has unanimously agreed

to back his bill

16) Hostilities (Noun) ndash शतरता

Definition hostile behaviour unfriendliness or



antagonism unfriendliness bitterness malevolence

malice unkindness

Usage their hostility to all outsiders

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 13-03-2018

1) Consignors (Noun) ndash परषक

Definition a person or company that sends goods to

someone usually the person who is buying them

Synonyms sender shipper

Usage All goods are carried and stored at the risk of

the consignor

2)Chinks (Noun) ndash दरार

Definition a narrow opening typically one that admits



opening gap space hole aperture break breach cr

ack fissure

crevice cranny

Usage a chink in the curtains

3) Foil (Verb) ndash जििल करना

Definition prevent (something considered wrong or

undesirable) from succeeding


thwart frustrate counter oppose baulk disappoint i

mpede obstruct


Usage a brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery

4) Evasion (Noun) ndash अपिचन

Definition the action of evading something

Synonyms avoidance dodging eluding elusion

sidestepping bypassing circumvention

Usage their adroit evasion of almost all questions

5) Edgy (Adjective) -- जचड़जचड़ापन

Definition tense nervous or irritable

Synonyms tense nervous on edge highly

strung anxious apprehensive uneasy ill at ease

Usage he became edgy and defensive

6) Deferred (Verb) ndash आसथजगत

Definition put off (an action or event) to a later time


Synonyms postpone put off adjourn delay hold

overoff put back carry over

Usage they deferred the decision until February

7) Rendering (Noun) ndash परजतपादन

Definition give up surrender

Synonyms give back return restore pay back

repay hand over

Usage he will render up his immortal soul

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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8) Avenues (Noun) ndash रासत

Definition a way of approaching a problem or making

progress towards something

Synonyms line path direction route

Usage three possible avenues of research suggested


9) Daunting (Adjective) ndash करठन

Definition seeming difficult to deal with in prospect



intimidating formidable disconcerting unnerving uns

ettling dismaying

Usage a daunting task

10) Fickle (Adjective) ndash चचल मनमौजी

Definition changing frequently especially as regards

ones loyalties or affections


capricious changeable variable volatile mercurial v

acillating fitful irregular

Usage celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle


11) Presumed (Verb) ndash पररकजलपत

Definition suppose that something is the case on the

basis of probability

Synonyms assume suppose dare

say imagine take it expect believe think surmise

Usage I presumed that the man had been escorted

from the building

Editorial 14-03-2018

1) Gruelling (Adjective) ndash भीषण

Definition extremely tiring and demanding


exhausting tiring fatiguing wearying enervating taxi

ng draining sapping

Usage a gruelling schedule

2) Refraining (Verb) ndash परहज

Definition stop oneself from doing something

Synonyms abstain desist hold back stop oneself


Usage she refrained from comment

3) Sloganeering (Verb) -- नारबाजी

Definition employ or invent slogans typically in a

political context

Synonyms catchphrase catchline catchword jingle

saying formula legend

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage at least he avoided vapid sloganeering

4) Myriad (Adjective) ndash असखय बशमार

Definition countless or extremely great in number


innumerable countless infinite numberless unlimited

untold limitless


Usage he gazed at the myriad lights of the city

5) Agrarian (Adjective) -- कषजतरक

Definition relating to cultivated land or the cultivation

of land

Synonyms Agriculture land Field

Usage Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian


6) Unflustered (Adjective) -- उततजजत नही होना

Definition not agitated calm and self-controlled होना

Synonyms Unruffled unconcerned placid

Usage she seemed surprisingly unflustered by the


7) Inconveniencing (Verb) ndash असजिधाजनक होना

Definition cause trouble or difficulty to

Synonyms trouble bother put out put someone to

trouble be a problem to disrupt be a nuisance to

Usage noise and fumes from traffic would

inconvenience residents

8) Emissaries (Noun) ndash दतो

Definition a person sent as a diplomatic

representative on a special mission

Synonyms envoy ambassador diplomat delegate

attacheacute legate consul plenipotentiary minister

Usage Envoy go-between intermediary

9) Caveats (Noun) ndash चतािजनया

Definition a warning or proviso of specific stipulations

conditions or limitations

Synonyms warning caution admonition monition

red flag alarm bells

Usage there are a number of caveats which concern

the validity of the assessment results

10) Efficacy (Noun) ndash परभािकाररता

Definition the ability to produce a desired or intended


Synonyms Adequacy competence effectiveness

Usage there is little information on the efficacy of this


11) Baton (Noun) ndash छड़ी

Definition a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an

orchestra or choir

Synonyms stick rod staff wand

Usage the conductor stopped the orchestra with a tap

of his baton

12) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

13) Imperative (Adjective) ndash आजञाथथक

Definition of vital importance crucial

Synonyms vitally important of vital importance all-

important vital crucial critical essential of the


Usage immediate action was imperative

Editorial 15-03-2018

1) Shattering (Adjective) ndash भयानक

Definition very shocking or upsetting


devastate shock stun daze dumbfound traumatize

Usage he found it a shattering experience

2) Incurable (Adjective) ndash लाईलाज

Definition (of a sick person or a disease) not able to

be cured

Synonyms untreatable inoperable irremediable

beyond cure

Usage even when the sick are incurable they are

never untreatable

3) Grapple (Verb) ndash हाथापाई करना

Definition engage in a close fight or struggle without

weapons wrestle

Synonyms wrestle struggle tussle

Usage passers-by grappled with the man after the

knife attack

4) Acclaim (Verb) -- परशसा करना

Definition praise enthusiastically and publicly

Synonyms praise applaud cheer commend express

approval of approve express admiration for

Usage the conference was acclaimed as a

considerable success

5) Perceived (Verb) ndash परभद होना

Definition become aware or conscious of (something)

come to realize or understand

Synonyms discern recognize become cognizant

of become aware of become conscious of

Usage his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth

6) Squandering (Verb) ndash फिजलखची

Definition waste (something especially money or

time) in a reckless and foolish manner

Synonyms waste misspend misuse throw

away dissipate fritter away run through lose lavish

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage pound100m of taxpayers money has been

squandered on administering the tax

7) Rivals (Verb) ndash परजतदवदवी

Definition be or seem to be equal or comparable to

Synonyms compete with vie with match be a match

for equal emulate measure up to come up to

compare with

Usage the efficiency of the Bavarians rivals that of the


8) Stinging (Verb) ndash ठग लना

Definition swindle or exorbitantly overcharge


Synonyms swindle defraud cheat fleece gull

Usage I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last

minute and got stung for pound4250

9) Averse (Adjective) ndash परजतकल

Definition having a strong dislike of or opposition to


Synonyms opposed to against antipathetic

to hostile to antagonistic to unfavourably disposed to

Usage as a former CIA director he is not averse to


10) Jettison (Verb) ndash असिीकार करना

Definition abandon or discard (someone or something

that is no longer wanted)

Synonyms dump drop ditch discharge eject throw

out empty out pour out

Usage the scheme was jettisoned

11) Clannishness (Noun) ndash खाजसयत

Definition inclined to associate exclusively with the

members of ones own group

Synonyms exclusive snobbish distant aloof narrow

Usage The clannishness of the mountaineer has

been the subject of much

12) Invincible (Adjective) ndash अजय

Definition too powerful to be defeated or overcome

Synonyms invulnerable indestructible

unconquerable unbeatable indomitable unassailable

Usage an invincible warrior

Editorial 16-03-2018

1) Allusion (Noun) ndash सकत

Definition an expression designed to call something

to mind without mentioning it explicitly an indirect or

passing reference

Synonyms reference to mention of comment

on remark about citation of quotation of hint at

Usage an allusion to Shakespeare

2) Diktats (Noun) -- िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms rule law code of practice

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

3) Chasm (Noun) ndash खाई

Definition a deep fissure in the earths surface

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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gorge abyss canyon ravine gully gulf pass defile

couloir crevasse

Usage a chasm a mile long

4) Swirl (Verb) ndash ज़लफ़

Definition move in a twisting or spiralling pattern


whirl eddy billow spiral wind churn swish agitate c

irculate revolve

Usage the smoke was swirling around him

5) Ousted (Verb) ndash बदखल

Definition drive out or expel (someone) from a

position or place

Synonyms drive out expel force out throw

out remove remove from officepower


Usage the reformists were ousted from power

6) Incessant (Adjective) ndash जनरतर

Definition (of something regarded as unpleasant)

continuing without pause or interruption

Synonyms ceaseless unceasing constant continual

unabating interminable endless

Usage the incessant beat of the music

7) Parlance (Noun) ndash बोलचाल बातचीत

Definition a particular way of speaking or using

words especially a way common to those with a

particular job or interest

Synonyms acrolect argot basilect cant


Usage dated terms that were once in common


8) Delinquent (Adjective) ndash अपराधी

Definition (typically of a young person) tending to

commit crime particularly minor crime

Synonyms lawless lawbreaking criminal offending

Usage delinquent teenagers

9) Looting (Verb) ndash लटपाट करना

Definition steal goods from (a place) typically during

a war or riot


plunder pillage ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle

steal from

Usage police confronted the protestors who were

looting shop

10) Reiterating (Verb) ndash बार बार दहराना

Definition say something again or a number of times

typically for emphasis or clarity

Synonyms repeat say again restate retell

recapitulate go over (and over) iterate rehearse

Usage she reiterated that the government would

remain steadfast in its support

11) Liquidate (Verb) ndash पररसमापत करना

Definition wind up the affairs of (a business) by

ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonyms close down wind up put into

liquidation dissolve break up disband terminate

Usage if the company was liquidated there would be

enough funds released to honour the debts

12) Eloquent (Adjective) ndash सििा

Definition clearly expressing or indicating something


expressive sensitive meaningful suggestive revealin

g telling

significant indicative

Usage the bus journey alone is eloquent of class


Editorial 17-03-2018

1) Outrageous (Adjective) ndash अपमानजनक

Definition shockingly bad or excessive

Synonyms shocking disgraceful scandalous

atrocious appalling abhorrent

Usage an outrageous act of bribery

2) Flouting (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition openly disregard (a rule law or


Synonyms defy refuse to obey go against rebel

against scorn disdain show contempt for

Usage the advertising code is being flouted

3) Modus operandi (Noun) ndash कायथपरणाली

Definition a particular way or method of doing


Synonyms method of

working method way MO manner technique

style procedure approach

Usage every killer has his own special modus


4) Slew (Verb) ndash झलना

Definition turn or slide violently or uncontrollably

Synonyms Abundance aggregation batch

Usage the Renault slewed from side to side in the


5) Realm (Noun) ndash कषतर

Definition a field or domain of activity or interest


domain sphere area field department arena

Usage the realm of applied chemistry

6) Rogue (Noun) -- दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

7) Disgruntled (Adjective) ndash असतषट

Definition angry or dissatisfied

Synonyms dissatisfied discontented aggrieved

resentful fed up

Usage judges receive letters from disgruntled

members of the public

8) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash वयजथत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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9) Aggravating (Verb) ndash उततजक

Definition make (a problem injury or offence) worse

or more serious

Synonyms distractive painful stressful tiresome

troubling trying worrisome

Usage military action would only aggravate the


10) Morphed (Verb) ndash बदला गया

Definition undergo or cause to undergo a gradual

process of transformation

Synonyms Modify Transform Alter

Usage the cute moppet has morphed into the moody

moll of the indie world

Editorial 19-03-2018

1) Provocation (Noun) ndash उकसािा

Definition action or speech that makes someone

angry especially deliberately

Synonyms goading prodding egging

on incitement rousing stirring stimulation prompting

Usage you should remain calm and not respond to


2) Tampered (Verb) ndash हसतकषप करना

Definition interfere with (something) in order to cause

damage or make unauthorized alterations

Synonyms interfere monkey

around meddle tinker fiddle (aboutaround) fool


Usage someone tampered with the brakes of my car

3) Obscene (Adjective) ndash अशलील

Definition offending against moral principles



shocking scandalous vile foul atrocious outrageous

heinous wicked evil odious

Usage using animals skins for fur coats is obscene

4) Deliberate (Adjective) ndash जानबझकर

Definition done consciously and intentionally

Synonyms intentional calculated conscious done

on purpose intended planned meant

Usage a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict

5) Blanche (Verb) ndash पील पड़ जाना

Definition to become white turn pale

Synonyms Recoil Flinch Pale

Usage The very thought of going made him blanch

6) Prevail (Verb) -- जीतना

Definition prove more powerful or superior

Synonyms win win out win through triumph be

victorious be the victor gain the victory carry the day

Usage it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion

7) Overwhelmed (Verb) ndash अजभभत

Definition have a strong emotional effect on


overcome move stir affect touch impress sweep

someone off their feet strike

Usage I was overwhelmed with guilt

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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8) Indisputably (Adverb) ndash जनरमििाद रप स

Definition in a way that cannot be challenged or


Synonyms decided decidedly definite assured

Usage what he said was indisputably true

9) Heartening (Verb) ndash खश होना

Definition make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms cheer up cheer raise someones

spirits encourage comfort reassure

Usage she was heartened to observe that the effect

was faintly comic

10) Debris (Noun) ndash मलबा

Definition scattered pieces of rubbish or remains

Synonyms detritus refuse rubbish waste waste

matter discarded matter litter scrap dross

Usage workmen were clearing the roads of the debris

from shattered buildings

11) Consensus (Noun) ndash मतकय आम सहमजत

Definition a general agreement

Synonyms agreement harmony concord like-

mindedness concurrence

Usage there is a growing consensus that the current

regime has failed

Editorial 20-03-2018

1) Granular (Adjective) -- अशदध

Definition characterized by a high level of granularity

Synonyms impure loose inferior

Usage a granular database

2) Plenary (Noun) ndash पररपणथ

Definition to be attended by all participants at a

conference or assembly who otherwise meet in

smaller groups

Synonyms full fully constituted general complete

entire open

Usage a plenary session of the European Parliament

3) Inevitably (Adverb) ndash अजनिायथ रप स

Definition as is certain to happen unavoidably

Synonyms naturally automatically as a matter of

course necessarily of necessity

Usage inevitably some details are already out of date

4) Faintly (Adverb) ndash धधलापन

Definition in a faint manner indistinctly


slightly vaguely somewhat quite fairly rather a little

Usage she smiled faintly

5) Clamour (Verb) ndash कोलाहल करना शोर मचाना

Definition (of a group of people) shout loudly and


Synonyms yell shout loudly bay scream shriek


Usage the surging crowds clamoured for attention

6) Fostering (Verb) ndash बढ़ािा दना

Definition encourage the development of (something

especially something desirable)

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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encourage promote further stimulate advance forw

ard cultivate

nurture strengthen enrich help aid abet assist cont

ribute to

Usage the teachers task is to foster learning

7) Pragmatic (Adjective) ndash वयािहाररक

Definition dealing with things sensibly and realistically

in a way that is based on practical rather than

theoretical considerations

Synonyms Matter-of-fact Utilitarian logical

Usage a pragmatic approach to politics

8) Allies (Verb) ndash सहयोगी दलो

Definition a person or organization that cooperates

with or helps another in a particular activity


associate colleague friend confederate partner sup

porter accomplice helper accessory abetter

Usage he was forced to dismiss his closest political


9) Nurture (Verb) ndash पालन ndash पोषण करना

Definition care for and protect (someone or

something) while they are growing

Synonyms bring up care for provide for take care of

attend to look after rear support

Usage Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-

knit family

10) Cavern (Noun) ndash गिा

Definition a large cave or chamber in a cave

Synonyms large

cave grotto hollow cavity underground

chamber gallery tunnel dugout

Usage the cave opens up into a fantastic cavern

11) Unaccredited (Adjective) ndash जनजषदध

Definition not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms unlicensed unaccredited unlicenced

Usage a mail-order degree from an unaccredited

correspondence school

12) Plausible (Adjective) ndash परशसनीय

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

13) Precedent (Noun) ndash जमसाल

Definition an earlier event or action that is regarded

as an example or guide to be considered in

subsequent similar circumstances


model exemplar example pattern previous

case prior case previous

Usage there are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 21-03-2018

1) Propped (Verb) -- सहारा दना

Definition support or keep in position

Synonyms hold up shore up bolster

up buttress support brace underpin reinforce

Usage the longest branches were initially propped up

with planks

2) Coalition (Noun) ndash गठबधन

Definition a temporary alliance for combined action

especially of political parties forming a government


alliance union partnership affiliation bloc caucus

Usage a coalition between Liberals and


3) Fragile (Adjective) ndash नाज़क

Definition easily destroyed or threatened

Synonyms tenuous easily broken easily destroyed

easily threatened vulnerable

Usage you have a fragile grip on reality

4) Mustered (Verb) ndash सकजलत होना

Definition assemble (troops) especially for inspection

or in preparation for battle

Synonyms assemble bring together call

together marshal mobilize rally round up

Usage 17000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill

5) Undeniable (Adjective) ndash जनरमििाद

Definition unable to be denied or disputed


indisputable indubitable unquestionable beyond

doubt beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt

Usage it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are

easier to train than others

6) Patchy (Adjective) ndash जिजचतर

Definition existing or happening in small isolated



uneven bitty varying variable variegated dappled

mottled speckled multicoloured

Usage patchy fog

7) Mainstreamed (Verb) ndash मखयधारा करना

Definition the process of becoming accepted as

normal by most people

Usage vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

8) Sympathetic (Adjective) ndash सहानभजतपणथ

Definition showing approval of or favour towards an

idea or action

Synonyms in favour of in sympathy with approving

of pro on the side of supportive of

Usage he was sympathetic to evolutionary ideas

9) Militia (Noun) ndash दश रकषक सना

Definition a military force that is raised from the civil

population to supplement a regular army in an


Synonyms commandos reserves soldiers

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Usage creating a militia was no answer to the armys

manpower problem

10) Sceptical (Adjective) ndash अजिशवासी

Definition not easily convinced having doubts or


Synonyms dubious doubtful having

reservations taking something with a pinch of salt

Usage the public were deeply sceptical about some

of the proposals

11) Dispiritingly (Adjective) ndash जनराश तरीक स

Definition destructive of morale and self-reliance

Synonyms enthusiasm depressing discouraging

Usage in a dispiriting manner

Editorial 22-03-2018

1) Crusader (Noun) ndash धमथयदध करन िाला

Definition a person who campaigns vigorously for

political social or religious change a campaigner

Synonyms campaigner fighter battler

Usage crusaders for early detection and treatment of

mental illnesses

2) Trimming (Noun) -- काटछाट करना

Definition small pieces trimmed off something


cuttings clippings parings shavings ends

Usage hedge trimmings

3) Uproar (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a public expression of protest or outrage

Synonyms outcry furore outrage howl of

protest protest protestation complaint objection

Usage it caused an uproar in the press

4) Circumspect (Adjective) ndash चौकनना

Definition wary and unwilling to take risks


cautious wary careful chary guarded on ones


Usage the officials were very circumspect in their


5) Disseminated (Verb) -- िलाया हआ

Definition spread (something especially information)


Synonyms spread circulate distribute disperse

diffuse proclaim promulgate propagate

Usage health authorities should foster good practice

by disseminating information

6) Distraught (Adjective) ndash वयाकल

Definition very worried and upset

Synonyms worried upset distressed fraught

devastated shattered

Usage a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for


7) Retrace (Verb) ndash िापस जाना खोजना

Definition go back over (the same route that one has

just taken)

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Synonyms Discover Search

Usage he began to retrace his steps to the station car


8) Prudent (Adjective) ndash जििकी चतर

Definition acting with or showing care and thought for

the future

Synonyms wise well

judged judicious sagacious sage shrewd advisable

well advised politic sensible commonsensical

Usage no prudent money manager would authorize a

loan without first knowing its purpose

9) Dystopian (Adjective) -- मनहस

Definition relating to or denoting an imagined place or

state in which everything is unpleasant or bad

typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded


Synonyms Imagination Fiction

Usage the dystopian future of a society bereft of


10) Detain (Verb) ndash परजतधाररत करना

Definition keep (someone) from proceeding by

holding them back or making claims on their attention

Synonyms delay hold up make late retard keep

(back) slow up slow down set back

Usage she made to open the door but he detained


Editorial 23-03-2018

1) Accusations (Noun) ndash आरोप

Definition a charge or claim that someone has done

something illegal or wrong


allegation charge claim assertion asseveration attri


incrimination imputation

Usage accusations of bribery

2) Oppressed (Verb) ndash जलम फकया हआ

Definition keep (someone) in subjection and hardship

especially by the unjust exercise of authority

Synonyms persecute abuse maltreat ill-treat treat

harshly be brutal to be cruel to tyrannize

Usage a system which oppressed working people

3) Rampantly (Adjective) ndash उगरता स

Definition flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms uncontrolled unrestrained unchecked

unbridled widespread pandemic epidemic

Usage political violence was rampant

4) Adversaries (Noun) ndash जिरोधी

Definition ones opponent in a contest conflict or



opponent rival enemy foe nemesis antagonist com


challenger contender

Usage Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-


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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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5) Atrocity (Noun) ndash नशसता

Definition an extremely wicked or cruel act typically

one involving physical violence or injury

Synonyms act of barbarity act of brutality act of

savagery act of wickedness cruelty abomination

Usage a textbook which detailed war atrocities

6) Stringent (Adjective) --- कड़ी स कड़ी

Definition (of regulations requirements or conditions)

strict precise and exacting


strict firm rigid rigorous severe harsh tough tight


demanding inflexible

Usage stringent guidelines on air pollution

7) Deployed (Verb) ndash तनात

Definition bring into effective action

Synonyms use utilize employ make use of avail

oneself of turn to account take advantage of

Usage small states can often deploy resources more


8) Slander (Verb) ndash बदनामी

Definition make false and damaging statements about


Synonyms defame defame someones

character blacken someones name give someone a

bad name tell lies about

Usage they were accused of slandering the head of


9) Cocktail (Noun) ndash एक परकार का पय

Definition a dish consisting of small pieces of food

typically served cold as a starter

Synonyms drinks wine

Usage we began with prawn and avocado cocktail

10) Scrape (Verb) ndash करदना छीलना

Definition drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or

other matter

Synonyms rake drag push brush sweep

Usage remove the green tops from the carrots and

scrape them

11) Sway (Noun) ndash एक ओर झलना

Definition a rhythmical movement from side to side


swing sweep wave roll shake movement oscillatio

n undulation

Usage the easy sway of her hips

Editorial 24-03-2018

1) Steer(Verb) ndash रासत पर लाना

Definition guide or control the movement of (a

vehicle vessel or aircraft) for example by turning a

wheel or operating a rudder

Synonyms guide direct manoeuvre

Usage he steered the boat slowly towards the busy


2) Endorsement (Noun) ndash समथथन

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Definition the action of endorsing someone or


Synonyms support backing approval seal of

approval agreement acceptance

Usage the issue of full independence received

overwhelming endorsement

3)Portends (Verb) ndash पिथसचक दना

Definition be a sign or warning that (something

especially something momentous or calamitous) is

likely to happen

Synonyms presage augur foreshadow foretell


Usage the eclipses portend some major events

4)Reminiscent (Adjective) ndash याद ताजा करना

Definition suggesting something by resemblance

Synonyms similar to comparable with

invitingbearing comparison with tending to make one

Usage her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military


5)Prone(Adjective) ndash परितत

Definition likely or liable to suffer from do or

experience something unpleasant or regrettable

Synonyms susceptible vulnerable liable inclined

given subject disposed

Usage farmed fish are prone to disease

6)Contingent (Adjective) ndash परासजगक

Definition occurring or existing only if (certain

circumstances) are the case dependent on

Synonyms dependent conditional subject to based

on determined by

Usage his fees were contingent on the success of his


7) Steep (Adjective) ndash बहत ढलआ

Definition rising or falling sharply almost


Synonyms precipitous sheer abrupt sharp

perpendicular vertical bluff vertiginous dizzy

Usage she pushed the bike up the steep hill

8) Homeward(Adjective) ndash घर की ओर

Definition going or leading towards home

Synonyms oriented orientated

Usage their homeward journey

9) Erodes(Verb) ndash कषजत पहचाती

Definition gradually destroy or be gradually


Synonyms wear awaydown abrade scrape away

grind down crumble dissolve weather

Usage this humiliation has eroded what confidence

Jean has

10) Mortgage (Verb) ndash जगरिी रखना

Definition convey (a property) to a creditor as security

on a loan

Synonyms contract debt

Usage the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Editorial 26-03-2018

1) Exile (Noun) ndash जनिाथसन

Definition the state of being barred from ones native

country typically for political or punitive reasons

Synonyms banishment expulsion expatriation

deportation eviction

Usage he knew now that he would die in exile

2) Coercion (Noun) ndash अिपीड़न ज़बरदसती

Definition the action or practice of persuading

someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms force compulsion constraint duress

oppression enforcement harassment

Usage it wasnt slavery because no coercion was


3) Insulate (Verb) ndash रकषा करना

Definition protect (something) by interposing material

that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

Synonyms wrap cover encase enclose envelop

swathe sheathe

Usage insulate and draught-proof your home

4) Counsel (Adjective) ndash सलाह

Definition advice especially that given formally

Synonyms advice guidance direction instruction

information enlightenment

Usage with wise counsel a couple can buy a home

that will be appreciating in value

5) Intrigue (Noun) ndash साजज़श

Definition make secret plans to do something illicit or

detrimental to someone

Synonyms plot hatch a plot conspire take part in a

conspiracy and make secret plans

Usage Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles

6) Betrayal (Noun) ndash जिशवासघात

Definition the action of betraying ones country a

group or a person treachery

Synonyms disloyalty treachery perfidy

perfidiousness bad faith faithlessness falseness

Usage the betrayal by the French of their own


7) Rebellion (Noun) ndash जिदरोह

Definition the action or process of resisting authority

control or convention

Synonyms defiance disobedience rebelliousness


Usage an act of teenage rebellion

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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8) Jeopardize (Verb) ndash सकट म डालना

Definition put (someone or something) into a situation

in which there is a danger of loss harm or failure

Synonyms threaten endanger imperil menace risk

put at risk expose to risk

Usage a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize

New Yorks position as a financial centre

9) Nascent (Adjective) -ndash निजात आरमभ होता हआ

Definition (especially of a process or organization)

just coming into existence and beginning to display

signs of future potential

Synonyms first formative inaugural initial original

and elementary

Usage the nascent space industry

10) Disenchant (Verb) - परभाि स छड़ाना

Definition cause (someone) to be disappointed

Synonyms disillusioned disappointed let down fed

up dissatisfied discontented disabused

Usage he may have been disenchanted by the loss of

his huge following

Editorial 27-03-2018

1) Indictment (Noun) ndash अजभयोग

Definition a formal charge or accusation of a serious



charge accusation arraignment citation summons

Usage an indictment for conspiracy

2) Vitiating (Verb) ndash जबगाड़ना

Definition spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of

Synonyms Abolish deny annul

Usage development programmes have been vitiated

by the rise in population

3) Plunge (Verb) ndash डबकी लगाना

Definition jump or dive quickly and energetically

Synonyms jump dive hurl oneself throw

oneself fling oneself launch oneself catapult oneself

Usage our little daughters whooped as they plunged

into the sea

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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4) Arbitrariness (Noun) ndash मनमानी करना

Definition the quality of being based on random

choice or personal whim rather than any reason or


Synonyms intolerance abandonment

Usage disparate peoples were forced together by the

arbitrariness of a colonial map-makers pen

5) Murkiest (Adjective) ndash शकासपद

Definition obscure or morally questionable


questionable suspicious suspect dubious dark myst

erious secret

Usage a government minister with a murky past

6) Innocuous (Adjective) ndash अहाजनकर

Definition not harmful or offensive

Synonyms harmless safe non-dangerous non-

poisonous non-toxic non-irritant non-injurious

Usage it was an innocuous question

7) Lozenges (Noun) ndash मीठी गोजलया

Definition a small medicinal tablet originally in the

shape of a lozenge taken for sore throats and

dissolved in the mouth

Synonyms pastille tablet pill capsule pilule

Usage throat lozenges

8) Abrasive (Adjective) ndash अपघषथक

Definition capable of polishing or cleaning a hard

surface by rubbing or grinding


grinding rubbing polishing coarse coarse-

grained caustic harsh mordant

Usage the wood should be rubbed down with fine

abrasive paper

9) Turf (Noun) ndash मदान

Definition grass and the surface layer of earth held

together by its roots

Synonyms grass lawn sod

Usage they walked across the springy turf

10) Infamy (Noun) ndash बदनामी

Definition the state of being well known for some bad

quality or deed

Synonyms notoriety disrepute disreputableness ill

repute ill fame loss of reputation disgrace

Usage a day that will live in infamy

11) Scuff (Verb) ndash खरोचना

Definition scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or

other object) against something


scrape rub drag brush scratch graze abrade rasp

lacerate chafe


Usage I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on

a paving stone

12) Fracas (Noun) ndash कोलाहल

Definition a noisy disturbance or quarrel

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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disturbance quarrel scuffle brawl affray tussle mel

ee free-for-all fight

Usage the fracas was broken up by stewards

13) Grudging (Adjective) -- अजनछछा परकट करना

Definition given or allowed only reluctantly or


Synonyms reluctant unwilling disinclined forced

half-hearted unenthusiastic hesitant

Usage a grudging apology

14) Spur (Noun) ndash पररणा

Definition a thing that prompts or encourages

someone an incentive


stimulus incentive encouragement stimulant stimula

tion inducement


Usage wars act as a spur to practical invention

15) Nefarious (Adjective) ndash करटल

Definition wicked or criminal

Synonyms evil criminal corrupt

Usage the nefarious activities of the organized-crime


Editorial 28-03-2018

1) Clutch (Verb) ndash पकड़

Definition grasp (something) tightly

Synonyms grip grasp clasp cling to hang on

to clench hold

Usage he stood clutching a microphone

2) Purge (Noun) ndash पररशोध

Definition an abrupt or violent removal of a group of



removal expulsion ejection exclusion eviction clear

ance clear-out discharge

Usage the savagery of governments political purges

3) Propaganda (Noun) ndash परचार परसार

Definition information especially of a biased or

misleading nature used to promote a political cause

or point of view

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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information promotion advertising advertisement pu

blicity advocacy

Usage he was charged with distributing enemy


4) Rogue (Noun) ndash दषट आदमी

Definition a dishonest or unprincipled man

Synonyms scoundrel villain reprobate rascal good-

for-nothing wretch

Usage you are a rogue and an embezzler

5) Colluded (Verb) ndash साठगाठ करना

Definition come to a secret understanding conspire

Synonyms conspire connive intrigue be hand in

glove plot participate in a conspiracy

Usage the president accused his opponents of

colluding with foreigners

6) Manoeuvres (Noun) ndash यदधाभयास

Definition a movement or series of moves requiring

skill and care


operation exercise activity move movement action

Usage snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres

on precipitous slopes

7) Exacerbate (Verb) ndash ख़राब करना

Definition make (a problem bad situation or negative

feeling) worse

Synonyms aggravate make

worse worsen inflame compound

Usage the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only

exacerbated the problem

8) Eschew (Verb) ndash तयाग करना

Definition deliberately avoid using abstain from

Synonyms abstain from refrain from give up forgo

forswear shun renounce swear off abjure

Usage he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

9) Savvy (Adjective) ndash सामानय बजदधिाला

Definition shrewd and knowledgeable having

common sense and good judgement

Synonyms shrewd astute sharp-

witted sharp acute intelligent clever canny media-


Usage Bob is a savvy veteran who knows all the


10) Meddling (Verb) ndash दखल दना

Definition interfere in something that is not ones


Synonyms interfere butt in intrude intervene

interlope pry poke nose busybody

Usage I dont want him meddling in our affairs

11) Divisive (Adjective) ndash बाटनिाला

Definition tending to cause disagreement or hostility

between people


alienating estranging isolating schismatic

Usage the highly divisive issue of abortion

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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12) Indulged (Verb) ndash जलपत होना

Definition allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

Synonyms wallow in give oneself up to give way to

yield to abandon oneself to give rein to

Usage we indulged in a cream tea

13) Agitations (Noun) ndash आदोलन

Definition a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Synonyms anxiety perturbation disquiet distress

concern trouble alarm worry upset

Usage she was wringing her hands in agitation

14) Refurbish (Verb) ndash निीनीकरण

Definition renovate and redecorate (something

especially a building)


renovate recondition rehabilitate revamp make

over overhaul restore renew develop redevelop re

build reconstruct remodel

Usage the premises have been completely

refurbished in our corporate style

15) Dampener (Noun) ndash हतोतसाजहत

Definition a thing that has a restraining or subduing


Synonyms complainer grouch moaner

Usage television and booze those twin dampeners of

the revolutionary spirit

Editorial 29-03-2018

1) Spooked (Verb) ndash घबरा जाना

Definition (especially of an animal) take fright


Synonyms horrific panic

Usage hell spook if we make any noise

2) Lacklustre (Adjective) ndash मद

Definition lacking in vitality force or conviction

uninspired or uninspiring


uninspired uninspiring unimaginative dull humdrum



Usage no excuses were made for the teams

lacklustre performance

3) Tailwind (Noun) ndash अनकल हिा

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Definition a wind blowing in the direction of travel of a

vehicle or aircraft a wind blowing from behind

Synonyms wind air current

Usage US economic growth had become tailwinds

4) Lucrative (Adjective) ndash लाभदायक

Definition producing a great deal of profit

Synonyms profitable profit-

making gainful remunerative moneymaking paying


Usage a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

5) Profligacy (Noun) ndash अपवयय

Definition reckless extravagance or wastefulness in

the use of resources

Synonyms reckless absurdity excess

Usage the government returned to fiscal profligacy

6) Feudal (Adjective) ndash सामती

Definition absurdly outdated or old-fashioned

Synonyms Antic Old model

Usage his view of patriotism was more than old-

fashionedmdashit was positively feudal

7) Patriarchal (Adjective) ndash कलपजत का

Definition relating to or denoting a system of society

or government controlled by men

Usage a patriarchal society

8) Diktat (Noun) ndash िरमान

Definition an order or decree imposed by someone in

power without popular consent

Synonyms Rule conventional law

Usage a diktat from the Bundestag

9) Strident (Adjective) ndash तज कठोर

Definition (of a sound) loud and harsh grating


harsh raucous rough grating rasping jarring loud s

tentorian shrill


Usage his voice had become increasingly strident

10) Deem (Verb) ndash समझना

Definition regard or consider in a specified way

Synonyms regard as consider judge adjudge hold

to be look on as view as see as take to be

Usage the event was deemed a great success

11) Punitive (Adjective) ndash दडातमक

Definition inflicting or intended as punishment

Synonyms penal disciplinary corrective correctional


Usage he called for punitive measures against the

Eastern bloc

12) Persuade (Verb) ndash राज़ी करना

Definition induce (someone) to do something through

reasoning or argument

Synonyms prevail on talk someone into coax

convince make get press someone into induce

Usage it wasnt easy but I persuaded him to do the

right thing

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | March 2018 | Based on ldquoThe Hindurdquo

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Editorial 30-03-2018

1) Armoured (Adjective) -- बखतरबद

Definition covered with or protected by armour

Synonyms armour-plated steel-plated ironclad


Usage armoured vehicles

2) Purged (Verb) ndash शदध करना

Definition free someone from (an unwanted feeling

memory etc)

Synonyms cleanse clear purify wash shrive

absolve free someone from

Usage his hatred was purged

3) Nought (Noun) ndash शनय

Definition The digit Zero

Synonyms None Nothing

Usage Sales rose by nought point four per cent last


4) Strenuous (Adjective) ndash जोरदार

Definition requiring or using great effort or exertion


arduous difficult hard tough taxing demanding exa

cting uphill stiff formidable

Usage the government made strenuous efforts to

upgrade the quality of the teaching profession

5) Breached (Verb) ndash उललघन करना

Definition make a gap in and break through

Synonyms break (through) burst

(through) rupture force itself through split

Usage the river breached its bank

6) Alleviate (Verb) ndash कम करना

Definition make (suffering deficiency or a problem)

less severe

Synonyms reduce ease relieve take the edge

off deaden dull diminish lessen weaken lighten

Usage he couldnt prevent her pain only alleviate it

7) Denial (Noun) ndash इनकार

Definition a statement that something is not true

Synonyms contradiction counterstatement

refutation rebuttal repudiation disclaimer retraction

Usage his pious denials of responsibility

8) Undermines (Verb) ndash कमजोर करना

Definition lessen the effectiveness power or ability

of especially gradually or insidiously

Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | March 2018 | Based on ldquoThe Hindurdquo

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | March 2018 | Based on ldquoThe Hindurdquo

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subvert sabotage threaten weaken compromise di

minish reduce

impair mar

Usage this could undermine years of hard work

9) Scramble (Verb) ndash सघषथ करना

Definition make ones way quickly or awkwardly up a

steep gradient or over rough ground by using ones

hands as well as ones feet

Synonyms clamber climb crawl claw ones

way scrabble grope ones way

Usage we scrambled over the damp boulders

10) Thorough (Adjective) ndash करठन सखत

Definition complete with regard to every detail not

superficial or partial

Synonyms rigorous in-depth exhaustive

thoroughgoing minute detailed close meticulous

Usage planners need a thorough understanding of

the subject

Editorial 31-03-2018

1) Defy (Verb) ndash चनौती दना

Definition appear to be challenging (someone) to do

or prove something

Synonyms challenge dare

Usage he glowered at her defying her to mock him

2) Uttered (Verb) ndash बोलना

Definition make (a sound) with ones voice

Synonyms emit let out give produce give vent

to issue come out with breathe

Usage he uttered an exasperated snort

3) Inciting (Verb) ndash उततजजत करना

Definition encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful


Synonyms stir up whip up work up encourage fan

the flames of stoke up fuel kindle ignite

Usage they conspired to incite riots

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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4) Sectarian (Noun) ndash सपरदाजयक

Definition a member of a sect


separatist dissenter dissident nonconformist free

thinker renegade recusant

Usage a Jewish sectarian who preached the

redemption of the Gentiles

5) Swathe (Verb) ndash लपटना

Definition wrap in several layers of fabric


wrap envelop bind swaddle bandage bundle

up muffle up cover cloak shroud

Usage his hands were swathed in bandages

6) Fraught (Adjective) ndash भरा हआ

Definition (of a situation or course of action) filled with

(something undesirable)

Synonyms full of filled with swarming with rife

with thick with bristling with charged with

Usage marketing any new product is fraught with


7) Persuasion (Noun) ndash अननय

Definition the action or process of persuading

someone or of being persuaded to do or believe


Synonyms coaxing persuading coercion

inducement convincing blandishment

Usage Monica needed plenty of persuasion before

she actually left

8) Plausible (Adjective) ndash सतय परतीत होन िाला

Definition (of an argument or statement) seeming

reasonable or probable


credible reasonable believable likely feasible proba

ble tenable

possible conceivable

Usage a plausible explanation

9) Appellate (Adjective) ndash अपीलीय

Definition (especially of a court) concerned with or

dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed

Usage courts of appellate jurisdiction

10) Aggrieved (Adjective) ndash करोजधत

Definition feeling resentment at having been unfairly



resentful affronted indignant disgruntled discontente

d angry

distressed unhappy

Usage they were aggrieved at the outcome

11) Intent (Adjective) ndash इरादा

Definition determined to do (something)


bent set determined insistent fixed resolved hell-

bent keen

Usage the government was intent on achieving

greater efficiency

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