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  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


    Im Cat.

    We are born alone, we live alone and we die

    alone. Everything else is just an illusion.

    Alison Alejandro

  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


    Hi, Im Cat, Im Annie, Im Deb, Im Mia but I wish Id be Annaand Im Sue

    I want to be beautiful, the type of beautiful that takes your

    breath away, is it being skinny so much to ask for? Is it being

    accepted by this society as good as they promised it would be?

    As I self-harm Im called Cat, as I am an anxious girl Im called

    Annie, as I am depressed my name would be Deb, as I am a

    bulimic Im named Mia.

    As I want to suicide, I shall be called Sue.

  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.



    Prologue .


    My daily life(Deb) .

    2. My first time with


    3. My first time with


    4. My first time with


    5. This aint real!



    Wish Id never grown


    7. Death at my


    8. Sue

    9. Epilogue


    The first time that I knew something about my best

    friend from elementary school -years after we hadlost touch - was to hear that she was actually in the

    networks of self-harming. This totally shocked me, I

    already had heard about other girls from my school

    doing it, but the thought of the little girl in school

    being so depressed just turned me down.

    I started to investigate about this with the girls who

    self-harmed and where close to me. Luckily, they

    opened their hearts to me and I realized those words

    should actually be heard by everyone to raise

    awareness on this social problem that has become

    like a virus on teenagers.

    Within my investigations I discovered that these boys

    and girls parents where the only ones who could

    make a real change in these peoples lives. It is

    important to make also parents raise awareness

    about how important they are to their child, and how

  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


    they can damage his or her life just by not taking

    enough care of their offspring.

    When I had the task to make a mini book about

    whatever we wanted, it just came out, it just totally

    came to my mind this was the opportunity that I had

    to make this important theme be heard. My intention

    over here is not to make a full analysis of the book,

    because thats something the reader should discover

    by himself/herself.

    But it is important to emphasize that the purpose of

    writing this book is not to make people feel

    compassion about girls who self-harm, who are

    bulimic or have any other problems that the girl of

    our book has. The purpose is to make people reflect

    about the importance of this delicate issue. They are

    not crazy, they are just not feeling ok. By taking their

    own words and experiences I want to present the

    book Im Cat based in real facts and as crude as

    reality is.

    Additional Information:

    Catmeans self-harming

    Anaand Miaare anorexia and bulimia

    Debmeans depression

    Anniemeans anxiety

    Suemeans suicidal

  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


    Im Cat.

    Chapter 1

    My Daily Life

  • 8/11/2019 I'm Cat by A.A.


    I dont think that people actually understand how self-hate

    works, you just cant stop. Its even worse when you are hiding

    it with a smile. Its like people always are seeing you without

    actually looking at you, hearing at you without listening.

    Anxiety has become into a thin scream of fear trickling through

    my mind, it encouraged cuts, a channel into which all other

    thoughts are drained.

    It isnthard to imagine how my daily life is.

    Today I woke up, and it was like I had been dead for a long

    time, for my whole messy life. Dead inside of this alive awful

    body, I wish Id be actually dead.

    I dont eat in the morning, I just take a shower while watching

    yesterday scars, it wasnt a good night, my mother and I

    fought. Shes never at home in the morning so I can get a rest

    of her strong personality. After all these years with her, I have

    learned that we live alone and we die alone, everything else,

    love, friendship, family those things are just a freaking

    illusion. And just when you think everything is going to be fine,

    which means you are safe to trust and love again l ife will hit

    you like a ton of concrete.

    Everyone will be broken at some point of life, and so often, it

    will hurt like hell.

    I am a quiet girl, a shy one, but Im going insane. I am anything

    but simple. I wanted to love myself, but how could you love a

    monster? How cold you actually even look at someone like


    I walk to school everyday, though I could take the school bus, I

    prefer to walk and get lost in my thoughts. I actually get a

    strange route to get there. Everyday I see the same old man

    exercising since her wife died, the same officer walking like if

    theres nothing else more important than being early at work

    and the same street dog looking for food in the trash, I used to

    feed that dog when my mother took me to school when I was

    about five, when my father died she said What are you

    waiting for? Dont youhave legs? Im not taking you.

    Nobody does. Nobody looks at me. Nobody cares about me. If

    I die, nobody would actually cry.

    My mom used to be happy once, but when I was turning 13,

    my daddy died. My mommyas I used to call hergot broken,

    she got very mad at me, like if I was just a huge, hard rock in

    the way of her life. I did not understand what the hell was

    going on between us, we used to love each other.

    She used to love me.

    Mamma started to smoke after my daddys death. See?

    Everything is just an illusion. Nothing good exists in this

    nonsense of life.

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    Being alone is the best selfish thing you can do in this stupid

    life, in that way you will never hurt anybody, and nobody will

    hurt you. It is been proven for all these years.

    Just look at me, Ive totally messed up my mothers perfect

    life, I wish instead of my dad I was the one whos dead. I

    understand why she hates me, daddy wouldve never died if it

    wasnt for me, daddy saved my life.

    Why did he? Maybe he never thought that my life would be so

    miserable without him.

    Hes the only thing I miss about love. With him I was happy,

    but happiness is just an illusion.

    Chapter 2

    My first time withCat

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    I remember once I was crying while cooking dinner. I really

    wished her to come and say: Baby its okay, everything will be

    fine, were gonna get over this But what Ive got wasnt

    exactly like that.

    Are you crying?she said tenderly with a voice that made me

    happy, that calmed me down. I turned around with tears in my

    eyes, so wet. Now that I think it more carefully, I must have

    been so ugly at that moment, so stupid, so ridiculous.

    What the hell are you crying for?!she yelled and got me

    scared, so miserable.

    Mommy, I just - I said crying louder, so freacking broken.

    No! I couldnt care less about you crying! How could you

    actually be sad? The only thing you have to do in your life is to

    study! You dont know what pain is! she turned around

    furiously and left me behind.

    In that moment I realized that mommys girl was already gone,

    instead I felt like theres a part of me that didnt grow up, that

    is hidden inside of me. Shes just depressed I thought - I

    have to be strong for her. Even though she yelled at me everyday I resisted crying, holding everything deep in my heart. Like

    if I was spending a lifetime stuck in silence, afraid I would say

    something wrong. I held it in like for a month.

    Until one day I couldnt keep doing it anymore.

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    - Die! Thats what you should do! Why do you do this to

    me? Get away!

    - Mommy please just this time dont hate me

    I felt it coming, I saw it coming and suddenly I have to tell it

    to myself that mamma is gone , I m alone, Im alone, Im

    alone. Im alone I am alone

    And its the only thing I have for sure.

    I got desperate , I got into my room, closed the door

    furiously while listening to my mother yelling at me, and I

    stayed in front of the mirror, my face looked so haggard with

    the tears all around massaging my face with fire. I am mad atme, I hate me, I have to punish myself because it is what I


    I break the face in the mirror looking at me by throwing it to

    the floor, theres a lot of mes now looking at me, with that

    awful look of a crying sad girl, all I want to do is to hurt myself,

    I feel I need to I feel I need to Cut.

    I slowly pass one of the pieces to my right hand, Ive heard

    about this before, Ive seen girls who self-harm I know itswrong but they should have done it with a good reason,


    I take the piece of mirror to my right leg, and I take the

    sleeping dress out and then without looking I make my first

    cut I look at it, Its just like a hole in my skin, and then its

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    getting full of blood, I sadically smile to the unstoppable

    bleeding, I smile a lot, like I hadnt done it a long time ago I

    feel free, like everything is going through that blood,

    everything is going out from my body and out of my mind,nothing else matters than this moment of peace, and I want it

    to last, so I make my second cut above the first one, but this

    time I look at my leg while cutting, God, it feels so nice, it feels

    so free.

    I feel free.

    I am calmed down by now, Its hard to remember Ive been

    sad about such an stupidity like that. Mamma yelling its not

    going to be something strange for the rest of my life. I got into

    the shower, still bleeding out, When I turn it on, a lot of water

    with blood starts to flow all around me, and I feel nothing

    about that, I just stay there looking at my blood painting the

    pure water, just like as my fathers death did to me, it painted

    my pure heart with dark black.

    I deserve this, I really do, and nobodys gonna stop me from

    punishing my body.

    I get out of the shower totally cleaned up, I do not feel guilty

    about cutting my leg, I feel guilty about my birth.

    Theres another freacking mirror in my room, its a nice room.

    For a 10 year old happy little girl.

    In the other mirror I can see myself as I was born, naked,

    totally naked. And I hate it, I start to notice that I have no good

    shape. My legs are too fat, like if they do not even have

    enough space between them, my arms, God I hate them, andmy face is so rounded.

    And of course there it is, my stomach I hate it, I really do, I

    am such a horrible girl.

    Tears come out of my eyes. And I feel I actually need to do it

    once more, I need to cut my other leg to stop crying, because I

    have to be strong.

    I hate myself now.

    I cut so deep that blood is all around my floor and I have to

    clean it up and throw it to the garbage like if I was just having

    my period or who knows what the hell else.

    I wait until the blood stops going out, and all I have in my skin

    is a big and deep scratch. I went to my bed to sleep, Im so

    calmed down by now, that I can sleep after a long time.


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    Chapter 3

    My first time with Mia

    Two months have passed since I adopted Cat in my life, and shes

    still here, shes still being me and shes everything I have by now.

    Today we changed classes, and at lab class something very exiting


    I met a boy today, a cute one, the one that takes your breath away

    and lifts your feet off the ground. Hes my partner for lab practices

    and I will be with him two hours per week, the most exciting hours

    of my life. He has brown deep eyes and blond curly hair, hes very

    tall and has a beautiful voice, Im pretty sure hesa singer.

    We were assigned our seats by the teacher, and when I saw him Im

    pretty sure my heart stopped for a second.


    Hihe said with a smile, OMG! Is killing me!

    - HeyI replied

    The teacher started to explain the class. And we were supposed to

    start working.

    - Can you do that for me? I dont feel like working today he

    said with his cute face and with a wink. Those two gestures

    totally made my day.

    - Yeah, sureI said with a smile, a real smile. Like the ones I

    used to have when my daddy lived.- Thank you darlinghe said, touching my chin softly.

    - SureI said again with a smile.

    I worked almost everything, and when the class finished he touched

    my head and said thank you.

    His name is Xavier Brown, he is very popular because of being at the

    football team and for being with most of the cute girls of school.

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    As good moments never last forever his girlfriends appeared when

    we changed classes, they are all cute and popular, and of course,

    they all love Xavier.


    Hey Chiara, I saw you talking with Xaviersaid the queenbee. As Im not used to socialize with anyone, I turn around

    and start walking awayhold on hottie! We dont want to

    be mean!

    Wait, they dont want to be mean? And Im Superman? Yeah

    sure, keep talking. I stare at her. This is so creepy I cant believe


    - Weve seen youre cute and since today Xavier talked with

    you maybe you could spend some time with us, come to myhouse todayshe said giving me a paper with an address.

    - Thank you. And my name is Andrea.

    I turned around. Is this actually happening? I am not the kind of

    girl whos noticed. As I said, its just a waste of time being like

    that. Should I actually go? No. Im definitely not going with the

    popular girls.

    I have all my classes, and I walk to my house, I need to think, so I

    get the longer way to get there. I was lost in my thoughts until I

    heard the thunderous beep of a pink Jeep with some girls and

    two boys, one them is Xavier the other one is a popular boy

    called Matt and the girls are the ones I saw in the morning.

    -Hey hottie!the queen bee saysget in here! Lets go to my


    - No, thank youI keep walking until that voice inside my mind

    makes me stop.

    - Come on, Andrea! Its Xavier, and hes asking you to go with

    him in the same car.

    Then I think -My mother is going to kill me if I go out without

    asking for permission, but well even if I ask Im pretty sure she

    wont give it to me. Wait Am I actually considering this?-

    Xavier gives me his hand, and I stop thinking and just get into

    the car.

    Strangely it feels like if they were taking me to my house.

    I spent the trip right by Xaviers side, listening to the blondie

    conversations everyone has here. And they are actually all

    blond, Im the only one with brown straight hair, everyone e lse

    has blond-curly-perfect hair. I feel out of tune in here, but I have

    Xavier here. When did I start to care so much for him? I just met

    him this morning! Im so stupid.

    When we got into the huge house of the queen bee Sandy, the

    servants welcomed us like if we were from the family, everyone

    smiles, I just feel weird. All these servants are actually smiling at

    me, and they are not dressed as servants would be dressed,

    their clothes are like if its too cold inside. And actually it is, it is

    as cold as it would be in the park that is close to my house, Im


    The queen bee walks us all to her living room, the way to get

    there is illogically longer than someone could imagine it should be,

    but all the walls are perfectly painted, all the walls are perfectly

    decorated, I touch them, and electricity goes through my body while

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    I blink and as I close my eyes I see my own house, but when I open

    them again, Im in hers. I cant stop touching the walls, they all feel

    familiar, horridly familiar.

    What am I doing here? Why did they invite me? Why is Sandy sorich and perfect? Why do I care about this whole thing?

    - Do you drink?a voice interrupted me, its Xavier extending

    a beer to me with a cute smile, hes actually being kind with

    me. But why? Is this real? This was just so fast that I cant

    believe it I have to leave I have to leave. I stand up and

    say No, thanks. I have to leave to

    - Wait!Xavier said standing up tooIf you dont want the

    beer just say it, but stay pleaseeverybody stopped talking,

    and I feel like I have to drink that freaking beer.- No, dont worry I say sitting peacefully by his side, smiling

    Give me that beerI say taking the beer and starting to

    drink, it tastes like nothing.

    - Do you smoke?After a while, he asks me.

    - No I ve never.

    - Try it - Said the queen bee defiantly.

    - No If she doesnt want to its okay right, Matt?says

    Xavier appearing like the good guy.

    - Yeah, sureSays Matt without giving importance to all of


    - OkI sayIll do it.

    I take a deep sip of the cigarette and I start coughing like if I was

    dying. Everybody laughs and I look at them ashamed.

    - Dont worry, its always like that the first timeSays Xavier

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    I give a smile when I hear this, and everybody laughs again. After a

    while boys have to go to a practice, and now its just the girls and I.

    Dinner is served. I eat everything, and also the girls do, but they eat

    even more and more how can they be fit if they eat so much?

    After we finish Sandy asks: Okay whos gonna be the first? We only

    have twenty minutes before its too late

    Everybody except for me put their hands up.

    - Youre not doing it? Then how can you be so thin? Jennifer

    asks surprisingly, but Im even more surprised because she

    thinks Im thin.

    - Im not that thin I say.


    So, you are not a bulimic?Sandra asks.- No, Im not I say in surprise.

    - Dont you feel guilty with all that food inside of you? Well, I

    do, Im going Sandy says.

    It never occurred to my mind these girls puked to have

    those cute bodies . They all get up and go to the restroom.

    Maybe just because of curiosity, I would go with them to the


    They all start to take their toothbrushes as it was something

    natural and first it goes Jennifer, she pukes a lot, itsdisgusting. Then it goes Sandra, disgusting. Now the queen

    bee also does it, her friends holding her hair.

    - You should do it also, you know? It aint that hard, you will

    feel freesays Sandy.

    - Youre gonna tell me that you actually like all your body?

    Jennifer says while she brushes her mouth.

    I actually dont like my body, I do not feel good with it.

    - I gotta goI say.

    - We chose you because he likes you, but hes just too stupid

    to say anythingSandy says before Im already too far awayto listen to her voice.

    Xavier likes me? Im not caring about all this Im leaving I

    dont want to be with people, that is what I have chose.

    When Im home I receive my mothersslaps in the face, also

    some hits that leave my skin marked, I dont really care about

    what she says and I just get into the restroom of my room.

    Youre gonna tell me that you actually like all your body?Those

    words stay in my mind killing me. I actually feel uncomfortable

    with my body. But I want to eat I really want to eat because

    Im sad. So I get into my kitchen and start eating almost

    everything in my refrigerator. I eat a lot. I get into my room

    again and watch myself at the mirror, I get naked and I watch it

    again, its awful, its disgusting. I feel I have to do it. I feel I need

    to do it.

    But I just need so much strength to do it that I must google it

    first, automatically appears in my

    screen, and I get into it. Its just so depressive to watch such a

    website like that one. But I keep reading and I find a comment

    with recommendations.

    Take your toothbrush and touch the bell of your mouth for

    about three times, your body will react with that.

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    I turn off the lights of my room, my mother would hear nothing,

    shes downstairs as always with her cellphone, I suspectshe has

    got a new boyfriend or something like that.

    I put my hands on the board of the toilet, its cold, very cold andIm shacking, I look at the tooth brush and I slowly put it into my

    mouth. I cry, I cant do this, Im not strong enough to do it, but I

    have to be. Im still shacking and everything gets colder in here.

    I put the toothbrush deeper at my throat and accidentally touch

    the bell and I feel my eyes getting red, my eyes should be very

    red by now, like when you accidentally do this while washing

    your teeth.

    I want to be beautiful, the type of beautiful that takes yourbreath away, is being skinny so much to ask for?

    - Remember those words?A voice in my mind tells me.

    Now, I have enough courage to do it. It has to be like getting a

    vaccine, right? The fastest the easiest.

    I do it fast. I put the toothbrush deep into my throat and touch

    the bell about three times. My eyes get very red and I start to

    throw up, the first t ime just a little part of my meal gets out, like

    if my body rejected to take it all out. But as I repeat the processeverything gets out, and my bell hurts. It hurts a lot, I actually

    start coughing, and I cough some blood.

    Now Im also Mia.

    Today I woke up with a good mood thinking about Xavier. But When

    I stood up and felt the emptiness in my stomach I started to get

    depressed. Was it a mistake to do what I did yesterday? Am I doing

    it again today? Am I doing it again for the rest of my adolescence?

    Am I doing it for the rest of my whole life?

    I dont want to eat any breakfast today, but I feel like Im about to

    faint so I went to the kitchen and took some milk and bread.

    At the instant that I swallow the food my body starts to deny it and

    making it go back disgustingly, but I swallow it again and it feels

    heavier than normally it should feel.

    Luckily it is too late and I have to go, I turn around and I do not look

    at Mia in the mirror.

    When I get downstairs I see a note on the fridgerator I had to travel

    for work.

    - Shes traveling a lot for work now, huh?I think loudly.

    As I was about to open the door I hear the beep of the pink jeep.

    - Hey hon! We came to see you!Sandy says.

    This is so creepy, they might not have good intentions.

    I just get in there without saying a word and they are all laughing,

    are they always together? Even in the mornings? Its too early for

    them, I have always known that they get to school kind of late, didthey get here early just for me? This is so strange

    Sandy is actually taking a route that looks like the one that I always

    take. I can see it, there is the old man running, but hes running

    with his wife. She actually never died? I got some wrong news?

    Maybe all this time she was just sick, or perhaps he got another old

    woman to love. And theres also the officer, but hes walking , and

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    hes not dressed for work, did he get the day off? Wait hes

    walking to his family, he has actually got a family, huh? And the

    street dog? Maybe Im about to see the street dog. Maybe hes


    So, Andrea how you doing? Jennifer interrupts mythoughts, and as Im about to answer I hear the jeep and I

    see that we have got to school.

    - Ok, baby. It was nice to see you, bye! Sandy says and I

    open the door. This is strange.

    As I get out of the car I notice I never said a word while I was there.

    - Thank youI say with a smile. Maybe they are not that bad,

    right? Maybe its safe to trust them

    By the way, I wonder how they got my address.

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    Chapter 4

    My first time with Annie

    My address.

    How did they get it? They searched for it? I think about that all day

    long. I mean If they searched for my address they might not be

    bad, right? I never listened to what the teacher said, its like if I wasfalling asleep And then I open my eyes as the teacher yells at me.

    - Mrs. Johnson, go to the restroom please, and wash your

    face, you look like a dead girl, youre getting me sad

    everyone laughs, they always laugh at me.

    I want to skip this class, so I get in the toilet and after a while I hear

    high heel steps getting into the bathroom and some voices start to

    talk. I recognize them as the queen bee and her slaves.


    Oh, I hate her!Sandy starts- Yeah, I also doSandra saysshes a bitch, because of her I

    will have to attend summer school!

    - Just like that?Jennifer asks. I dont want to get out of the


    - Yeah!Sandra repliesWell, not like that She said that If I

    get a sixty in the finals she will let me go, but do you think

    Im actually gonna make it?

    - Yeah, sure you will, darlingSandy says laughing.

    I hear their steps getting off the bathroom, and I slowly andsuspiciously open the door of where I was.

    - Oh honey, you where in there?I hear Sandys voice and I

    turn around.

    - Oh, you were still here? Maybe other people went out the


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    - YeahSandra says laughingWe were talking about the

    bitchy teacher of math, I hate her.

    - Yeah, Im sorry I heard that I say.

    - Doesnt matter says Sandra.

    - But wait, Im good at math, I can help you if you want, at the

    end of the next period which is near the recessI say.

    Maybe its good to open my heart again.

    - Really, you would do that for her?Sandy says.

    - You are so kind!says Jennifer.

    - Thanks darling, I though my vacation would be ruined just

    because of this chicken mind over here.

    - Well, I have to goI say smiling and Sandra hugs me, its

    actually something I havent got in years, one hug.

    They are so nice.

    I pay attention for the rest of this hour, and at the next one I see

    Sandy, Sandra and Jennifer walking to the classroom, and I smile at

    them, they do not smile me back. Maybe they didnt noticeme.

    Yeah, its just that. I pay full attention to this hour and as the bell

    rings I get to Sandras sit.

    - So, hey girls! Here I am ready to helpI say with a smile

    - What?Sandra says putting a face of disgust.


    I mean, you said you had bad grades in math at therestroom, dont you remember?

    - Are you nuts?Says Jennifer hugging Sandra like if she was

    protecting her.

    - I dont know how the hell you heard that, I thought we were

    alone thereSandy says mad at me.

    - But I talked with you!I say in a loud voice. Now everyone

    notices we are talking, and they all start to watch.

    - What the hell is going on with you freak? We dont know

    you, you are someone very unimportant to talk, why in the

    world we would speak with you?!?!?Sandy says.

    - But girls...I say about crying. I feel broken hearted.

    - Shut up and get a life! We are not your friends! Dont you

    dare heading back a word to us!Sandy yells at me and I run

    away as everybody looks at me scared.

    I run a lot until I get out of school. In the back of the whole

    building, nobody except for the ants and the frogs are in here. I

    just sit in the grass and start crying. I trusted them and they did

    this to me?

    I take my legs and start to tremble. Everything is coming to my

    mind now like a dark rain. My dad, my mom, when I used to

    have friends and this year of crap... Every single word is in my

    mind, rolling and poking me.

    I have been dead for a lot of time, for my whole messy life.

    Everyone will be broken at some point of life, and so often, it

    will hurt like hell.

    I wanted to love myself, but how could you love a monster?

    How could you actually even look at someone like me?

    I sadically smile to the unstoppable bleeding.

    Anxiety has become into a thin scream of fear trickling through

    my mind, it encouraged cuts, a channel into which all other

    thoughts are drained.

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    I feel free.

    When I turn it on, a lot of water with blood starts to flow all

    around me, and I feel nothing about that. I just stay there looking at

    my blood painting the pure water, just like as my fathers death did,it painted my pure heart with dark black.

    I deserve this, I really do, and nobody is gonna stop me from

    punishing my body.

    Can you do that for me? I dont feel like working today.

    Ok baby. It was nice to see you, bye.

    Sandra hugs me.

    I tremble even more, I feel I want to cut myself, but I have

    nothing around me to do it, so I just scratch my skin as hard as I

    can, taking out a lot of skin, watching blood coming, and then I

    just tremble even more, I think about everything, and I scream

    while I pluck my hairs out of my head. I cry a lot until I fall asleep

    there in the grass.

    Im Annie now, huh?

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    Chapter 5

    This aint real!

    When I open my eyes again I hear the bell ringing and my stomach

    hurts of hunger, its getting dark, and the bell is not for students, its

    just the bell that rings all day long.

    Ocean Side High School is empty by now, and I have to get inside ofit to get my stuff.

    Every single step I take echoes in my sense of hearing. Its cold in

    here and I breathe humidity between the walls, food grime on the

    floor, and boys transpiration in the showers.

    I get my purse and I get out of my classroom walking again outside.

    Everything is calmed down here, and its getting darker and darker.


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!I hear a loud feminine laughbehind me. I turn around scared, its like someone just

    laughed in my ears.

    Theres nobody in here, I look everywhere, and theres nota single

    soul in this place. It might have been my imagination. I keep walking.

    - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Its frenetic. Now I actually

    hear it like it was in my back. I dont want to turn around, I

    really dont, but I do it by instinct. I slowly turn around.

    And there she was.

    Thats my best friend I think.

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    And there she is. A thin girl, a very thin girl smiling at me. She could

    have been very pretty, she has long legs, dark hair and blue

    translucent eyes. Shes smiling a lot, she has dark circles above her

    eyes, I can see her bones perfectly, she has a perfect body. People

    might think she is too skinny, but shes not, she looks perfect,


    - Who are you?I ask loud like if theres a lot of noise around


    - Somebody who knows youShe says.

    - Whats your name? I ask.

    - My name is Andrea, just as youShe says smiling even


    - Why are you here? You are from my school?


    No, I am not. I am somebody who knows you. Im your best

    friendShe says like if I couldnt remember her.

    - I have no best friend, and I have never got oneAs I say

    this, its like if I was fixing myselfwith a knife in the heart.

    - How can you not remember me, Andrea?She says

    walking two steps closer to me.

    - I have never seen you beforeBy now, shes getting to the

    light, and her hair looks a little bit like mine.

    - I know what you didshe says radically with a face of

    disgust stepping back to the darkness.- You know nothing about me, I dont know you and you dont

    know meI say trying to explain myself, now my head is


    - Yes, I do know, I was there with you Andreashe says

    opening her eyesToday, all those scratches you did in your

    arms, all that blood, all those thoughts. I understand you

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    How does this girl know that? Nobody was there with me, I was


    - No, I never did thatI say denying it.


    Dont try to lie to me Andrea! She yells closing her eyes,smiling, she walks about four steps closer to me.

    - But I was alone! Its impossible you know something like

    that!I also yelled so scared. How does she know all of


    - Because I know everything about you, I told you, I

    understand you. Its okay. I also know what you did to him

    She says walking even closer to me, getting to the light. She

    looks like me, but very thin.

    - To who?I say walking two steps towards her.


    I know what you did to your fathershe says laughingits

    just so fun!I fell into my kneesI know what you did, and

    its okay sweetie it sounds like my mothers voice.

    - I did nothing to him! I swear! It wasnt my fault! I yell at

    her, crying!

    - Yes, you did babyshe says with a low voicesh, sh, its

    okay, I know what you didshes getting even closer to me.

    Shes standing in front of me, she has my face, she has my

    eyes, she has my mouth and she has my smile.


    I did nothing to himI say crying lowerI swear I didnt.She tenderly takes my face in her cold hands, her cold hands

    like death. Smiling at me, always smiling at me, she looks so

    happy, like shes about to say something grateful.

    - You killed your papa.

    I gasp and I push her away. As I touch her, my body trembles and I

    get cold. I run away again to my house, in the shortest way I have. I

    feel like shes following me.

    I feel like shes looking at me.

    I hear her laughing.

    And now I hear my mother laughing.

    I have to hide somewhere and I open the door of my house as I see

    her smiling at me in the street in some cool clothes I could never use

    because Im too fat for them.

    I lock the door as better as I can, and my house is empty and dark. I

    get upstairs very fast.

    And I open the door of my room. Xavier is in there talking with my


    I get inside and close the door.

    - Shes following me I say to them, they both turn around

    Shes following me and you are not real.

    - What are you talking about my sweetheart?My dad says

    and I start to cry, I thought Id never hear his voice again,

    even if its my imagination, Im happy to hear him.- Nothing daddy, its nothing, I just

    - Oh my God, whats going on baby? why are you crying?he

    says standing, I cry even more, even if its my imagination, it

    feels just so real. And I want to cry as much as I can with him




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    - Daddy, its just that Ive missed you so muchI hug him and

    I feel the same heat of his body, its just so familiar. If this

    aint real, I want to alucinate for the rest of my life.

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    Chapter 6

    Wish Id never grown up

    Im not alone. Daddy is here, and I feel happy about it. Xavier is

    looking at the window. Ill talk to that girl, everything is going to be

    fine, he said.

    I feel happy. The only thing that is making me worry is that I fallasleep and my hallucination is over. I know this is not real, I know I

    have to wake up, but I dont want to.

    - Do you know that girl?Daddy says.

    - No papa, I dont, I found her and she started to say awful


    - What did she say?

    - She said that I - I look downshe said that I killed you

    there you know, in the accident we had.


    Oh God! That is such a lie, you know that, honey? She justwants to provoke youThats what he always said

    whenever I fought with someone at school.

    - Daddy, why did you do that to me?

    - What baby?

    - Why did you not live for me?I start crying again.

    - Because I love you baby, and you are my treasurehe says

    touching my face, he starts to feel cold, but I dont care.

    - But my mom got so mean when you died, she makes my life

    miserable by nowI say mad.


    Imagine that I never saved your life over there, that I didnt

    push you off that street and you died. My life would have

    been so miserable, too.

    - You could have got other kids with my momI say.

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    - No, I dont think we actually could have done that, I would

    have never been happyhe says looking at me - Im sorry

    about what has happened to you these years, Im sorry I

    cant helpyou.


    I just wish Id never grown up.

    - Its something we all have to do baby, Im sorry I also cant

    help with that.

    - I know daddy, you are not real nowI say slowing down

    This aint real!

    I close my eyes and they both disappear. But I feel happy that

    hes fresh in my brain, Im happy I could hear his voice, even if

    that wasnt real. I know that also Andrea, the girl from school

    wasnt real. Also the queen bee and her slaves were not real

    when I saw them talking at me, I understand it now.

    I start to laugh.

    I laugh so much that I close my eyes. Xavier wasnt real! Nothing

    was! Im laughing so much!

    And when I slow down and open my eyes shes there sitting by

    my side, and she gasps and then laughs, I also laugh.

    - I also wish Id never grown up! she says.

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    Chapter 7

    Death at my door

    She said her name was Andrea but her first name is Ana.

    She says I have to exercise a lot to be like her.

    She says I have to be strong and stop eating so much.

    When I met this girl named Ana it was strange.

    But now she always tells me Im fat and shows off her perfect body.

    I met this girl named Ana and shes my friend.

    The first time I saw her I got scared.

    But I dont have to be scared anymore because shes my friend.

    Ana is not real, no, shes not. But I trust her.

    Im not alone anymore because Ana is always with me.

    Ana Andrea is taking me to death.

    Im so thin now that you could get scared.

    Ana Andrea says its okay.

    But people is taking me to the hospital like if they care.

    I say no! As Ana Andrea says Im okay!

    And they say but you faint!

    I have nothing else to say.

    I can see its very sunny today.

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    Your mom is coming, they tell me.

    I say its impossible, she might be overseas.

    Hey, baby my mother says.

    It looks like she cares, I guess.

    Shes dying, they tell her.

    I know, she answers with tears in her eyes.

    But not yet, we are saying goodbye.Chapter 8


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    After everything that happened, my episodes of schizophrenia

    because of my mothers mistreats, me self-harming almost every

    day because Ana mistreated me and my malnutrition, my mother

    got scared. And she and her boyfriend came every day to see me

    and stayed with me a lot of time. My mother asked for forgiveness

    and I said she wouldnt have to worry, that everything would be

    fine. But my heart is still hurt.

    I got some treatment to stop seeing Ana, and they always ask me if I

    still see her. I always say that I dont because Ana says that ifI say

    the truth bad things are going to happen, my mom is gonna be mad

    at me again and my dad is going to die.

    I still see my dad sometimes. I know my Ana and my dad are not

    real, but I want to see them, so I dont take my medicines.

    It might sound bad, but I prefer to hallucinate all my life than loosing

    my dad again.

    And the thing is that I can see him everytime I want now, and my

    best friend Ana is always with us, I do not feel alone, and whenever

    they are not with me, Im with my mom and her new husb and Harry.

    Shes behaving pretty well. I feel happy about my life now.

    Yesterday I heard my mom was pregnant. Yesterday I remembered

    all thats been written in this book. Yesterday I wrote this bookbecause Ana said its important that people know.

    Yesterday I realized I have nothing to worry about. My life is perfect,

    I can see my mom, dad and Harry, and they are all happy. I am not

    alone because Ana is with me and she promised not showing off her

    perfect body when shes with me.

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    Yesterday I realized it was time to leave.

    Yesterday I knew it was my time to die.

    The thing is that I got so tired of living that I just want to stop doing


    Today I bought 30 amphetamines, 30 sleeping pills and a good

    bottle of vodka.

    Im suiciding today, and I feel happy about it.

    I just feel my life is already done.

    Im becoming Sue tonight, I think.

    By now its about twelve oclock and everybody in my house issleeping. I slowly open the door and get outside with Ana and my

    Daddy, they both say Im making the right decision, so they are

    coming with me. I walk a lot, until I get to a cheap hotel. I rent a

    room in the highest part of the old building. Its about ten floors.

    Im nervous, but luckily Im leaving this diary to my mom and Harry.

    Im just gonna drink the 30 amphetamines and the thirty sleeping

    pills with the vodka while standing at the window.

    The pills are making the rest.


    When I heard Andrea suicided it was about three a.m. and my heart

    just stopped.

    I couldnt believe it, I just simply couldnt. My husband and I drove

    as fast as we could to the Nightingale hotel that was located in a low

    place where we could have been robbed, but of course, we never

    cared about that.

    There were a lot of policemen and a yellow tape was around part of

    the area.

    I knew she was going to be there since the first moment. I knew it

    would hurt me to see her lying there on the floor, but I walked to


    - My baby!I said with a gasp with tears running down from

    my eyes.

    - Its probable that shedied before crashing to the floora

    policeman said.

    I felt broken for about a year, and of course I lost my baby.

    They gave me Andreas diary but I didnt havethe courage to read it

    until today. It was my fault, I know that.

    When Andreas daddy died I fell into depression, it was when I

    traveled and my current husband discovered I was sick that I got


    But I never noticed how bad Andrea was until she got so thin and

    they sent her to the hospital.

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    She seemed to be so defenseless, lying there in the bed of a hospital

    with a lot of wires and about to die.

    Then, I promised myself I would fix this and Andrea would never die.

    I promised myself to give her a happy life. And I took her to all thedoctors I could and loved her as much as I could.

    But now I see that it was useless. I never took enough care of her,

    and she still hallucinated.

    Doctors said that if I would have noticed before that she was

    depressed, she would have never got to that point.

    I made so many mistakes that I regret now.

    My mistakes cost Andreas life.

    The End.

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    How much can you damage

    your kid?The book shows how a girl got in the

    networks of self-harming as her

    mother never payed attention to her.

    The question is, how much can you

    damage your kid by not paying

    attention to him or her?

    Andrea is a girl who has lived a live in

    depression and has no attention from

    her mother who got traumatized

    since her husband died in an accident

    saving Andrea.