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  • Romanian HR Outlook Full results

    September 2013, Bucharest

  • Page 2


    Methodology 3

    Human Resources Strategy 9

    KPIs by Activity Type 15

    Sample Characteristics Companies' Profile


    Conclusions 23

  • Page 3


    Research method B2B Survey

    Target population HR Managers and HR Directors

    Data collection technique Computer Assisted Web Interviews

    Sample size : 87 respondents Responsible for: - Organizational Development: 67 respondents - HR Strategy: 73 respondents - Learning and Development: 73 respondents - Performance Management: 74 respondents - Recruitment and Selection: 85 respondents - Compensation and Benefits 75 respondents

    Fieldwork 11th of July, 2013 - 6th of September, 2013

  • Sample Characteristics Companies' Profile

  • 5% 16% 10% 9% 60%

    Moldova Muntenia Banat Ardeal Bucharest

    13% 8% 20% 60%

    Under 50000 50000-200000 Over 200000 Bucharest

    Page 5

    The majority of companies participating in this research are large companies from Bucharest.

    Base, N=87

    City Size

    Historical Region

    G 7. Approximately how many permanent employees (FTE) does your organization have? Please consider only the employees who work in Romania. /G 1. What is the county in which your organization operates? / G 2. What is the locality in which your organization operates?

    Number of Employees

    48% 52%

    under 250 employees

    250 or more employees

  • 9% 23% 66% 1%


    Small and Medium Enterprise

    Large Romanian company

    Multinational organization

    Public Institution

    Non-Governmental Organization/ civil society


    100% Romanian

    capital 21%

    100% foreign

    capital 63%

    Joint capital


    Page 6

    Capital Origin

    Most of the companies, Romanian or foreign, have the fiscal year identical to the calendar year.

    Organization Type

    D1. What do you consider as being a financial year within your company? / G 3. Which of the following forms of organizations best defines your company? / G 5. Which of the following statements best describes your organization?

    January -

    December 79%

    April - March


    Fiscal Year Division Base, N=87

  • Yes



    18% Don't know


    Page 7

    G 6. Which field does your organization activate in? / G 8. Approximately, which of the following categories does your organizations turnover for last year fit? / D1_p: Has your company reported profit for the previous year (2012)?

    IT&C, Auto and Finance are the sectors mostly represented in this research.

    IT&C or BPO 15%

    Auto industry 14%

    Banking, Insurance 12%

    Production (other than FMCG) 9%

    Media/ Advertising Agencies/ Media Professional services


    Distribution/ Logistics or transports 7%

    Pharmacy/ Health 7%

    Sales/ Retail 7%

    Constructions 5%

    Production of Food/ Beverages (FMCG) 5%

    Utilities/ Oil and Gas 5%

    Farming/ Forestry 2%

    HORECA/ Tourism 2%

    Other than these 3%

    Industry Type Company Turnover

    Companies with Profit



    46% More than5,000,000 euro

    Less or equal5,000,000 euro

    Don't know

    Base, N=87

    41% of responding companies come from 3 industries

  • Page 8

    Q 2. Please choose out of the following HR areas those which are included in the activity of the HR department of your organization :

    Organizational Development is the HR area least present within responding companies.

    HR Department Responsibility Areas







    Recruiting and Selection

    Compensation and Benefits

    Performance Management

    Human Resources Strategy

    Learning and Development

    Organizational Development

    Base, N=87

  • Human Resources Strategy

  • Almost all companies have budgeted Recruiting activities , followed closely by Learning and Development, but

    S1. For which of the following HR activities within your organization have you allocated resources from the HR budget in the financial year 2013? / S2. How is the HR departments expenses budget distributed in the financial year 2013 between each of the following areas?/ S3. For each area, please fill in on the right side of the window how the percentage of budget allocated for the respective area has changed compared to last year (is higher/ equal or lower)

    HR Activities by occurrence and budget allocation


    HR Activities Budgeted in 2013

    Share of HR budget for activity

    *Base: Respondents who allocated resources for the HR budget in the FY of 2013










    % Difference between

    companies with budget increase and budget decrease vs. 2012 N*=70













    Compensation and Benefits

    Internal Communication

    HR Administration


    Don't know/ No answer

    Learning and Development


    Performance Management

    Industrial Relations


  • +12









    % Difference between

    companies with budget increase and budget decrease vs. 2012












    Learning and Development seems to be a key HR activity, accounting for a quarter of the HR budget on average.

    S1. For which of the following HR activities within your organization have you allocated resources from the HR budget in the financial year 2013? / S2. How is the HR departments expenses budget distributed in the financial year 2013 between each of the following areas?/ S3. For each area, please fill in on the right side of the window how the percentage of budget allocated for the respective area has changed compared to last year (is higher/ equal or lower)

    HR Activities by occurrence and budget allocation


    HR Activities Budgeted in 2013

    Share of HR budget for activity

    *Base: Respondents who allocated resources for the HR budget in the FY of 2013


    Compensation and Benefits

    Internal Communication

    HR Administration


    Don't know/ No answer

    Learning and Development


    Performance Management

    Industrial Relations



  • 81%











    Compared to last year, companies focused more on Performance Management this year and less on Administrative tasks.

    S1. For which of the following HR activities within your organization have you allocated resources from the HR budget in the financial year 2013? / S2. How is the HR departments expenses budget distributed in the financial year 2013 between each of the following areas?/ S3. For each area, please fill in on the right side of the window how the percentage of budget allocated for the respective area has changed compared to last year (is higher/ equal or lower)

    HR Activities by occurrence and budget allocation


    HR Activities Budgeted in 2013

    Share of HR budget for activity

    *Base: Respondents who allocated resources for the HR budget in the FY of 2013










    % Difference between

    companies with budget increase and budget decrease vs. 2012


    Compensation and Benefits

    Internal Communication

    HR Administration


    Don't know/ No answer

    Learning and Development


    Performance Management

    Industrial Relations



  • 52%


    10% 10%

    less than 5% 5-10% 11-20% more than 20%

    Reflecting the profile of large companies responding to this study, the vast majority of organizations have an HR budget no higher than 10% out of the Payroll Budget.

    Page 13



    15% 12%

    less than 5% 5-10% 11-20% more than 20%

    S8. Approximately, what is the HR departments expenses budget of your organization in 2013 in relation to the total payroll budget? Please express it both as percentage and amount (RON). / S9. Approximately, what is the HR departments expenses budget of your organization in 2013 in relation to the total expenses budget of your organization?

    2013 HR Budget N*=33

    Percentage of HR budget out of payroll budget

    Percentage of HR budget out of total expenses

    Average Value - Relative to Payroll Budget

    Average Value - Relative to Total Expenses


    Treat data with caution due to small base size! *Base: respondents who give an answer, excluding dont know/ no answer

    Number of


    Number of


  • Turnover Rate is the HR indicator mostly monitored by responding companies.

    Page 14

    K1. What indicators do you use for measuring the HR department performance of your organization?

    General HR KPIs N=84 HR KPI Usage










    Turnover Rate

    Voluntary Turnover Rate

    Productivity per Employee

    Absenteeism Rate

    HR Ratio

    Number of Overtime Hours (expressed as FTE)

    Profit per Employee

    Other indicators

    I don't know/We don't measure it

    HR Departments use Turnover Rate

    almost twice more than Productivity or Profit per Employee.

  • Key Performance Indicators by Activity Type

  • The time needed for a recruitment is a metric companies use more than metrics related to cost.

    Page 16

    Recruitment and Selection

    K2. What indicators do you use for measuring the recruiting and selection activity?

    *Base: Those who work in companies that include HR strategy and Recruitment and Selection in the activity of their HR department

    KPIs Usage for Recruitment and Selection











    Average Recruitment Time

    Recruitment Rate

    Turnover rate 6 months from the employment date

    Internal Recruitment Rate

    Average Recruitment Cost

    Number of Interns

    Refreshment Rate

    Other indicators

    I don't know/We don't measure it

    Only 1 in 10 companies is

    monitoring the Average Cost per

    Recruitment differentiated by

    position (specialists, non-specialists, and


  • Training Rate remains the most used KPI in the Development area.

    Page 18

    Professional Development and Training

    K3. What KPIs do you use for measuring the Professional Development and Training activity?








    KPIs Usage for Professional Development and Training

    *Base: Those who work in companies that include HR strategy and Professional development and Training in the activity of their HR department

    Training Rate

    Total Training Cost / Employee

    Development Rate


    Other indicators

    I don't know/We don't measure it

    Up to 25% of the companies

    participating in this research are

    evaluating the Training Cost by

    position (specialists, non-specialists and


  • Almost half of the companies participating in this research use no Compensation and Benefits KPIs.

    Page 20

    Compensation & Benefits

    K4. What indicators do you use for measuring the compensations and benefits activity?

    *Base: Those who work in companies that include HR strategy and Compensation and Benefits in the activity of their HR department





    KPIs Usage for Compensation and Benefits

    Labor cost/ FTE

    Benefits cost/ FTE

    I don't know/We don't measure it

    Up to 23 % of the responding

    companies are evaluating the Labor

    Cost by position (specialists, non-

    specialists and managers).

  • A third of the companies doing OD activities are using a metric for measuring their employees engagement.

    Page 22

    Organizational Development

    K5. What indicators do you use for measuring the organizational development activity?

    N*=78 KPIs Usage for Organization Development







    *Base: Those who work in companies that include HR strategy and Organizational Development in the activity of their HR department

    Employee engagement rate

    Succession rate

    Talent Management Rate

    Planned Succession Rate

    Talent Utilization Rate

    I don't know/We don't measure it

  • Conclusions

  • Caveats

    Results should be treated with caution, as they reflect the responses of only 87 companies.

    The number of responses concerning the actual KPIs values targeted by companies were too few to allow us to compute a benchmark value. Except for the General KPIs of the HR Department, a third up to half of the companies do not measure any KPIs in specific HR areas.

    Page 24

  • Key Findings (1)

    Recruitment and Learning & Development are the activities most of the companies focus on, almost half (44%) of the HR departments budget being allocated for these two;

    Generally, in 2013 there has been an increase of the HR budget compared to 2012. Performance Management is becoming more important to companies in 2013, as this is the area recording the highest increase of budget;

    For 7 out of 10 companies, the HR department has a budget of up to 10% out of the Payroll budget, with a third of them having the budget no higher than 5% of the Payroll budget;

    Turnover Rate is the KPI most companies use, while the Profit per Employee is the one used least;

    Page 25

  • Page 26

    Key Findings (2)

    Most of the companies are looking in this area at the Average Time to Recruit, followed by the Recruitment Rate;

    On the other hand, the Refreshment Rate and the Number of Interns are KPIs that only very few HR departments use;

    Moreover, a quarter of the companies responding to the survey mentioned they are using no KPI in this area;

    Recruitment and Selection

    Professional Development and Training

    Training Rate and Development Rate are the KPIs which companies mostly use for monitoring and evaluating activities in this area;

    Although the Cost of training is monitored by 41% of responding companies, it is monitored overall, and not by the position type (non-specialist, specialist, manager);

    Still, a third of responding companies do not use any indicators to measure the activities performed on this area;

  • Page 27

    Key Findings (3)

    Half of responding companies are not measuring any Compensation & Benefits KPIs;

    Labor Cost/FTE and Benefits Cost/FTE are used by a 37% and 26% respectively, of the companies responding to the survey.

    Only few companies are also monitoring these two KPIs differentiated by position type (non-specialist, specialist, manager);

    Compensation & Benefits

    Organizational Development

    Just as for Compensation and Benefits, 1 in 2 companies answering to the survey do not use any KPIs to evaluate performance in OD;

    The Engagement Rate along with the Succession Rate are the metrics mostly used by HR departments;

  • Appendix Definitions used

  • Page 29

    General KPIs

    HR departments expenses budget = budget of expenses for services regarding/for employees, other than HR employees wages (e.g.: training, recruiting etc.); it does not include Occupational Health and Safety.

    Payroll budget = total staff expenses budget (base salary + other payroll elements + benefits + company taxes).

    KPI Name Computing formula Additional term definitions

    Profit per Employee = Operational profit (EBITDA)/ FTE Full Time Equivalent (FTE) = Measure of the actual time

    worked = No. of hours worked in a month/8 (standard

    workload). Productivity per Employee = Turnover/ FTE

    Turnover Rate = (Total Number of Employees who Left/ Average

    Number of Employees per Month)*100

    Total Left Employees = includes the no. of all

    employees who have left the company: voluntarily,

    involuntarily (initiated by the company, employees

    whose employment contract expires on term retiree, fixed term)

    Voluntary Turnover Rate = (Number of Employees who Left Voluntarily /

    Average Number of Employees per Month)*100 Employees who Left Voluntary = employees who take

    the initiative to end the employment

    HR Ratio = Total Employees with HR Responsibilities/ Total

    Number of Employees

    Total Employees with HR Responsibilities = include all

    HR departments employees, as well as the employees who are working on HR areas without technically

    belonging to the HR department in terms of

    administrative or HR cost center, e.g. trainer for sales

    team; DOES NOT INCLUDE specialists in health and


    Absenteeism rate = (Number of absent days in a month/ Number of

    days worked in a month)*100

    Absent days (not worked) = for illness, personal,

    unjustified, other reasons (excluding holidays, trainings

    organized by the company)

    Number of overtime hours

    (expressed as FTE)

    = Number of overtime hours per month /(number

    of working days*8)

    No. of hours worked over the standard 8 hours

    workload. It is monthly measured

  • Page 30

    Recruitment and Selection

    KPI Name Computing formula Additional term definitions

    Recruitment rate = ((Number of Internal + External Recruiting)/ Total

    number of employees)*100

    Internal Recruiting = recruiting from within the


    External Recruiting = recruiting from outside the

    company Internal Recruitment rate =(External recruiting/Internal recruiting)*100

    Refreshment rate = (External recruiting/Total number of


    Turnover rate 6 months from the

    employment date =(Number of Left Employees within 1-6 months/

    Total Number of Left Employees)*100

    Average Recruitment Time undifferentiated by position

    = Number of days spent for the recruitment process

    since the posting of the recruitment ad

    (internal/external) until the signing of the contract

    Average Recruitment Cost undifferentiated by position

    = Total Recruitment Cost/ Number of Positions


    Total Recruitment Cost= financial cost for recruiting:

    recruitment ad, agency fee, tests etc. (does not include

    the time of employees involved in recruiting process

    e.g. HR, Manager of the position etc.)

    Number of Interns =(Number of Interns/ Total Number of


  • Page 31

    Professional Development and Training

    KPI Name Computing formula Additional term definitions

    Total Training Cost/ Employee

    undifferentiated by position =Total Training Cost/ Total Number of Employees

    Total Training Cost = Training Costs +

    Administrative Costs (accomodation,

    meal, transportation, hall, equipment etc.)

    Training rate = Total Number of Training Hours/ Total Number

    of Employees Total number of training hours per year

    Development rate = Total Number of Trained employees/ Total

    Number of Employees

    Training cost /Turnover = Total Training Cost /Turnover

  • Page 32

    Compensation and Benefits

    KPI Name Computing formula Additional term definitions

    Labor cost/ FTE undifferentiated by position

    =Total Labor Cost / FTE

    Total Labor Cost = Base salary + Other payroll elements (e.g.:

    bonuses, commissions, overtime etc.) + Company taxes (all

    payroll expenses should be included)

    Benefits cost / FTE undifferentiated by position

    =Total Benefits Cost / FTE Total Benefits Cost = Benefits cost + taxes

  • Page 33

    Organizational Development

    KPI Name Computing formula Additional term definitions

    Employee engagement rate Engagement Rate is calculated by each

    companys methodology

    Succession rate = Number of Successors/ Number of Key jobs

    Succession rate depends on the Succession

    Policy of each company (number of successors

    per key job)

    Planned Succession Rate = ((Number of Existing Successors/ Number of Needed

    Successors per position)/ Number of key jobs)*100

    Talent Management Rate = Number of Talent Employees / Number of Key Jobs

    "Talent" Employee = specific for each company.

    The formula refers to all categories of Talent employees; e.g.: Employees with Potential,

    Employees with High Potential etc.

    Talent Utilization Rate = (Number of Talent Employees in key jobs/ Number of Talent Employees in regular jobs)*100

    Other indicators. Which?

  • Thank You!