Download - How to use Microsoft Sharepoint :


How to use Microsoft

Sharepoint:By: Gary Feltman

Before we get started…

• Sharepoint is FUN• Sharepoint is EASY

• Objective: By the end of this presentation, you will be comfortable using Sharepoint by logging in, accessing documents, and sharing documents.



1) Getting Started/Logging In

3) Posting/Sharing Documents

2) Accessing Documents

Part 1

•Logging in to Sharepoint

Accessing SharepointHow to Open Sharepoint:

After you log in to your e-mail, click “Team Site” at the top

Accessing Sharepoint (continued)

Your screen should look like this

Click on one of these to enter your Sharepoint account

Accessing Sharepoint (continued)After you click on your PLC Sharepoint Link, you are in Sharepoint

Part 2


Accessing Documents• Click on the topic you want to access (on the left)• Click on the document you want to open• Click “OK” on Pop-up box• Your document is opened

Part 3

•Posting / Sharing Documents

Posting/Sharing documents

• Click “Upload” and choose “Upload Document”• Find your document, click OK

• You have uploaded (shared) your documentFUN FACTS• Sharepoint is not only for Word documents; it will hold

all types of programs (PPTs, Spreadsheets, PDFs, Smart Presentations, photos….etc)

For Advanced Users

Bonus tips for Advanced Users• If you log in to Sharepoint through your desktop portal, you

can upload multiple documents at once• You can also drag and drop documents from your computer• Once you paste documents, you cannot move them: you

can only delete and repost in a new place. Think about making a folder in the appropriate location before you take the time to post/share documents

• If you explore Sharepoint, you’ll find the program is not only for documents; also sites, links, lists, discussions, and groups/people.