Download - How To Deal With Sleep Apnea


How to deal with Sleep ApneaHow to deal with Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea?What is Sleep Apnea?A potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops

and starts.

Having Trouble in Sleep

Sleep Apnea SymptomsSleep Apnea Symptoms

Having Trouble in Sleep

Having Trouble in Sleep

If you routinely wake up feeling

unrefreshed, fall asleep during the

day, feel a decline in your mental

sharpness, notice yourself

sometimes waking up gasping or

out of breath every few minutes, or

have feelings of depression,

consider talking to your doctor

about a sleep study.

Having Trouble in Sleep

If you have OSA, your doctor may discuss treatment options with you – CPAP Machines and

their variations.

Having Trouble in Sleep

Be patient and determined.

It takes time to iron out the wrinkles in CPAP therapy, and you may not see the benefits immediately, especially if your body has a large "sleep debt" to make up. However, rest assured that your health and well-being will improve tremendously when your apnea is treated.

Having Trouble in Sleep

Snoreman Fresno –Snoreman Fresno – Dr McCormick Dr McCormick

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Having Trouble in Sleep