Download - How to Build Your Audience

  • 1. Andy Hayes @andrewghayes How to Build Your Audience (without selling your soul or spending a fortune)

2. Building an audience is like sprinting a marathon, only to realize at mile 26 that youre just getting started. - @andrewghayes 3. The key to building a robust audience is understanding how your customer sees the world and WHY you fit into that picture. 4. Audience Building Starter Kit: Your Ideal Customer Profile Demographic version Classified Ad version Your Elevator Pitch A Story Your Customers Can Tell Others 5. WORK TIME! Define your ideal customer & WHY you. 6. You have to meet your customers where they are (maybe literally). Were all on a journey. 7. You can think of this customer lifecycle like a funnel. I call them tracks. 8. Funnel / Track Must Haves: Where your customer is starting from? What is their final destination is? What are the important stops/waypoints on the journey (with or without you)? Bonus: what comes after the final destination is reached? 9. WORK TIME! Diagram your customers journey and what is your relationship at each step. 10. Landing pages are where you make customers an offer and ask them to TAKE ACTION. 11. Landing Pages Must Haves: Killer Headline (catchy but also clear) Explanation of the Problem Explanation of the Solution Address Any Major Concerns An Ask to TAKE ACTION These apply to opt-ins too! 12. WORK TIME! Define 3 Offers -Problem, Solution, What YOU Need - 1 Must Be an Email Opt-In 13. 10 MINUTE BREAK 14. Content is the best a great way to build an audience. 15. Catchy Content Considerations: Good Headlines are crucial! Education vs Entertainment Consider the medium best for your customer and best for the material. Avoid the content hamster wheel. Stick to your strengths! 16. WORK TIME! 10 Content Ideas Headline, Medium, What is the Purpose? 17. If you build it, they wont come until you tell them about it. HUSTLE! 18. Hustle 101: Online + Offline You have to leave your comfort zone to find/meet new people who will follow you back to your community. Examples: Coffee Dates Guest Posting Trade Shows 19. WORK TIME! 5 Ways You Will Hustle. Be specific. For each, identify the win-win of the interaction. 20. Building a audience requires both a strong understanding of your customers journey, but knowing that youre on a journey of your own. 21. QUESTIONS? Tweet Me: @andrewghayes Email Me: andy @