Download - His and Kens

  • 8/14/2019 His and Kens


    #01 Ring Knowing that Kensei disliked romance and mushiness, Shuuhei had been surprised to find a ring box on his bed one evening - but when he'dturned to ask Kensei about it, the latter only grumbled, It's not for your finger, idiot!

    #02 Hero The moment Shuuhei heard the white-haired man order Tachikaze , a

    new hero had been born for him.

    #03 Memory Over the years the memories of each other had faded but Shuuhei made sure that his counterpart would recognize him right away after all why else would he have worn a 69 tattooed on his cheek?

    #04 Box Whenever Muguruma taicho donned his hollow mask Shuuhei could not decide whether the white-haired man opened or shut the lid over his soul.

    #05 Run Shuuhei loved running his body rushing past the scenery, the wind

    brushing through his hair, his lungs burning but running from a 'masked' Kensei put a whole new spin into his favorite sport, especially when he considered justwhat would happen to him if he didn't make it to the agreed goal first...

    #06 Hurricane It was their first holiday together in the Real World and they had been looking forward to a week of relaxation, sex on the beach as well asgoing hiking to a still active volcano but apparently duty never ended and they found themselves rescuing ryokas from the unleashed forces of a hurricane instead.

    #07 Wings Deep inside, Kensei was very grateful that his hollow form came without wings; it was already bad enough that his fukutaicho worshiped him as his

    saviour, there was definitely no need to address him as his guardian angel.

    #08 Cold Sometimes the rage coming from his mask let Kensei's blood run cold but the memory of a certain smiling black-haired young man was enough to push thehollow back where it belonged in hell.

    #09 Red At first it was puzzling, later on it became annoying; Shuuhei's new taicho would glance after anything red, redheads like Abarai in particular seemedto attract Muguruma's eye; the whole behavior stung Shuuhei much more than hecared to admit, until one evening Kensei mentioned that his hallow associated redwith prey's blood.

    #10 Drink Who would have thought that Shuuhei's 'clubbing' tour in the Real World with his friends would end him up having his head held above the loo byMuguruma taicho?

    #11 Midnight When Shuuhei was little, it was always at midnight that he remembered his saviour with a little prayer and a silent thank you; recently

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    though, fate had bestowed him with countless opportunities to express hisgratitude every night until morning come.

    #12 Temptation After Kensei was re-established as taicho, him and Hisagi had been eying each other warily every day for months and every time their gaze lockedand their breath hitched, there were only two words on their minds: soretemptation.

    #13 View This view alone was worth being back for, his new black-haired fukutaicho bound and gagged on his dark mahogany desk could a man wish for a better welcoming gift?

    #14 Music One evening Muguruma ordered Hisagi to meet him at the senkaimon to the Real World and then he took him to a dark, overcrowded and noisy place calleddisco... and Shuuhei's concept of music was forever changed.

    #15 Silk Neither man had hair like silk and their marred skins would never

    inspire such association - that made them savor the silken bonds all the more atnight.

    #16 Cover All things considered they lived a life filled with harmony, their work ethics were similar, they had the same deep loyalty for their division, theywore the same tattoo and had tastes alike when it came to sex but they would probably never settle who got to have the damned cover.

    #17 Promise When they crossed paths again, Kensei had to grin, pointing at Shuuhei's face, Is that an offer or a promise?

    #18 Dream At times, Shuuhei would wake up and wonder whether that fateful night had been but a dream until an arm pulled him close and he saw silver white hair shine in the moon light.

    #19 Candle When Shuuhei had brought candles home from shopping one day, Kensei had mockingly inquired whether he had turned into a romantic girl; the cries andmoans later that night though were anything but girly-like.

    #20 Talent Whenever Muguruma watched Hisagi fight, he had to admit that he had lots of talent; whether he had seen that already in that young kid back then was

    everyone's guess secretly, he liked to think so.

    #21 Silence Only when an accident with a Menos had left Shuuhei temporarily deaf did he truly appreciate the previous countless hours training with his newtaicho in complete silence; improving form and style as well as learning to readeach other and establish mutual trust; the latter came really in handy in dailylife.

    #22 Journey - Every time they engaged in their favorite game called journey to

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    the treasure groove , things became very intense; breathing turned to panting, movements became erratic; it seemed unfair to Shuuhei though that they had pickedtheir tattoos as starting points his journey was so much shorter than Kensei's...

    #23 Fire During one of their more intimate moments Shuuhei had asked whether the hollow inside him made his blood run cold and Kensei had chuckled, shaken his

    head and replied that its spirit rushed through him like liquid fire.

    #24 Strength Concerning strength: Muguruma possessed it in either form, his mind was honed into a sharp blade and there was little which could bring him downonto his knees, little, except for that one particular look from those chocolateeyes.

    #25 Mask It never ceased to amuse Kensei that he wasn't the one who wore a mask all day a mask of responsibility, strength and resolve that was more Shuuhei's expertise, whereas he was just a monster.

    #26 Ice Muguruma liked introducing food from the Real World to Hisagi and one day when he had put a frozen box onto the table and quickly left to fetchsomething else, Shuuhei upon recalling former food lessons , immediately put the box into the warm oven in order to defrost its contents; from that day on Kenseialways referred to ice cream as hot milky soup .

    #27 Fall To some in Seireitei his hallow mask represented a fall from grace but to Muguruma's division and his fukutaicho it stood for strength, skill andsafety.

    #28 Forgotten Now, after their break-up, it had become kind of obsolete and thus the box harbouring two platin rings became covered by dust and forgotten.

    #29 Dance After his initial visit to a Real World disco thanks to his new taicho, Shuuhei caught himself blushing madly whenever he heard music what the ryoka labeled as dance, had been bordering on pornography to him; nevertheless theimage of Muguruma taicho dancing had made it to the top of his favorite fantasies right away.

    #30 Body Both of their bodies were alike in carrying scars, one man on the outside predominately on his face, and the other one on the inside - on his once

    unblemished and unsplit soul.

    #31 Sacred Their identical tattoos represented something very sacred between them; so consecrated that they wouldn't even allow a healer from the 4th to touchthose patches of skin.

    #32 Farewells Thankfully, Hisagi had already used up most of his lifetimes' goodbyes during his youth, now that he was under Muguruma taicho's command heenjoyed focusing on all the remaining 'hellos' every morning.

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    #33 World When he was younger, Shuuhei's world had consisted of a few fractured memories from a moonlit night, but now his world had a name, sharpfeatures and a warm body.

    #34 Formal - His fukutaicho was quite formal when on duty but Muguruma

    selflessly bore the hardship of coaxing him out of that state every time they metin a spar.

    #35 Fever Fever always left Hisagi weak and craving salty food, and he knew that Muguruma was aware of it; that still didn't really explain the two packagesof salt in front of his door, bound together by a red ribbon, coming with thewritten order to get well soon again.

    #36 Laugh As strange as it sounded it was his new taicho's laugh that made Shuuhei fall in love with him, and not a childhood memory dimmed by a hundredyears.

    #37 Lies Once Shuuhei had tried to dig up information on the man who had rescued him that night but all he met was a wall of silence; years later when theyhad met face to face again, Shuuhei would realize that even silence can lie.

    #38 Forever They wouldn't talk about forever, men like them just didn't do that but unspoken didn't mean not understood.

    #39 Overwhelmed - One thing Kensei really liked about his new fukutaicho was that the young man always maintained a level head, never feeling overwhelmed by a

    situation how Hisagi reacted behind the closed doors of their bedroom, though, was a different story.

    #40 Whisper The sound of Kensei's hollow voice when he whispered dirty nothings into Shuuhei's ear never failed to produce the same heady exhilarating thrillinside both men pleasure heightened by the illusion of danger.

    #41 Wait When asked whether he had waited all those years for Muguruma, Shuuhei would always reply that he hadn't but that he'd hoped for a chance toproperly say thank you.

    #42 Talk It was amazing just how much a man could talk without saying a single word; Muguruma had perfected that art and over the course of excruciatingtraining, he made damn sure that his new fukutaicho as well as his entire divisioncould decipher him with ease.

    #43 Search Whenever Hisagi was drowning in self accusations in regard to Muguruma's past whereabouts and why he had never searched for the white-hairedman, his new taicho would gruffly point out that during those years he had neverwanted to be found.

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    #44 Hope There were many hopes in regard to the winter war; Shuuhei's hope was showing the traitor the error of his ways, whereas Kensei's hope focused on how tobest pay Aizen back.

    #45 Eclipse An eclipse of the sun was a very rare occurrence, thus many had gathered on the hills outside Seireitei to watch the spectacle; oddly enough,

    while he stood next to his new taicho, Shuuhei did not felt the sun darkening evenone little bit.

    #46 Gravity Whenever Muguruma taicho switched into his hollow form, the world around him became distorted - gravity increased, all high sounds muted into deepbass, the air itself became thicker and even the sunlight seemed to be absorbed byhis massive form.

    #47 Highway Kensei had a guilty pleasure and it took Shuuhei ages to worm it out of the white-haired man; later he cursed his curiosity when he found himselfon the back-seat of a bike rushing down a highway.

    #48 Unknown Muguruma's hallow didn't have a name but for Hisagi to call it the unknown was taking it a bit too far, it had a face and a voice after all.

    #49 Lock There was much both men had locked up in their hearts over the years and when they met again, they spend the first few days in more or less totalsilence; that much was needed to retrieve their respective keys again.

    #50 Breathe - The moment Shuuheis' eyes had locked onto the tattoo on the imposing chest of the white-haired taicho, he felt as if all his breath had been

    stolen from his lungs; even now, a hundred years later, he still hadn'trecovered...