Download - Have the issues raised by celebrants, during the ... Web viewWas the ceremony script well-presented/did it feature full contact details ... Did the celebrant welcome the mourners/family/guests


Nett Furley, Consultant for Ceremonies Network Structure Project

Recommendations for Humanists UK Ceremonies Board August 2017 meeting

Contents Page Number

Summary of outcomes against original brief 2

Section 1 - Progress of Interim Recommendations from October 2016 3

Section 2 - Additional Recommendations made since Oct 2016 that have been approved internally and now being actioned


Section 3 - Recommendations that still require approval prior to October 2017 Conference


Have the issues raised during the consultation that led to the creation of this project been addressed?


Appendices 14

Role description for celebrant network support coordinator and process for recruitment

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator – Keeping Standards High and Resolving Problems

Proposed Accreditation Observation Form

Terms of reference for local celebrant groups

CPD Fund application form for regions/nations

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Handbook Contents

Review of Accreditation Observations

Summary of all recommendations


Summary of outcomes against original project brief

The following table highlights the original brief and how that will have changed by the end of this project. These are the summary headings. Detailed recommendations have been made to facilitate this and are described in the document.

Initial brief given to ceremonies network structure project: The result at end of project

To restructure the celebrant network into a two-tier system of

regions/nations and local groups. All celebrants would be

allocated to a region/nation based on the UK Government

system of nine English regions, Wales and Northern Ireland,

with the Channel Islands being combined with South West.


To appoint an existing celebrant as Coordinator for each

region/nation, whose primary function is to ensure the

effective operation of local groups within their region/nation

including provision of support to individual celebrants

In Progress. Will be complete by

end October

That existing local groups will be allocated to a region/nation Adopted

To ensure existing and new local groups are accessible to local

celebrants and have sufficient members to allow useful work to

be done together, but not so large that meetings and

collaboration is difficult to manage.

Adopted – with no definition of

a minimum size of group, as it

up to them, as long as it is

supportive and effective in

relation to CPD etc.

That local groups provide social contact and mutual support for

local celebrants, hold regular meetings at least twice a year,

with brief records kept, some standard agenda items,

collaboration on joint promotions, marketing initiatives etc.,

keep local celebrants up to date, arrange local CPD, arrange

annual peer reviews

Adopted – with the exception

that groups can set their own

agendas and are not required to

use a template. However, a set

of core topics are encouraged

That local group leaders will work on voluntary basis, leading

the local group & organising meetings

Adopted – now called Local

Celebrant Group Organisers

That regions/nations may organise a regional/national

“mini-conference” which is more accessible to celebrants as a

way of increasing attendance of annual celebrant conferences.

Adopted – in that

regions/nations have been

encouraged to arrange


region/nation-wide CPD

and will be supported to do so

Section 1

Progress of Interim Recommendations from October 2016

The following recommendations were agreed in 2016 and have since been/are being actioned

Recommendation Progress

Project structure Extension of the pilot This was extended for another year till Oct 2017

CPD Defined

New form - reflective

Training team programme


Lessons learnt and Q&A pages

CPD Fund

Experienced celebrant on course

The CPD policy has been reviewed and updated and more clearly defined.

A new form (found in celebrant handbook) has been produced that better reflects the competencies being developed and encourages reflective practice

The training team have developed some CPD sessions and continue to explore more that could be available to regions and individuals

E learning films will be developed at the next celebrant conference by filming CPD sessions and will be available on website.

There is now a Q & A page on the celebrant website that answers those commonly asked questions.

A CPD fund has been committed to, for regions to bid into. Form has been created for regions to use from October. Needs to be put in place

A quarterly ‘lessons learnt’ still needs to be


set up learning from CPD returns and other feedback

The principle of inviting an experienced celebrant onto each training course has been agreed but still needs to be set up and actioned.

Peer Reviews Defined – 3 yearly, each ceremony type

New Form

Training for celebrants

Trainers as resource to carry out PR

Peer Review policy has been updated and 3-yearly Peer Review Observations are now required for each ceremony type

The Peer Review form has been updated to reflect the structure of a ceremony and to clarify competencies assessing against

Training is now being offered by Humanists UK for any regions/nations that would like CPD on how to best peer review and manage difficult conversations. Several have already taken this up.

Trainers are now available to carry out Peer Reviews where a celebrant has tried all other avenues, but not been able to get someone to do their peer review

Recruitment Review of Policy- open market

Reduced Face to Face

Reduced process


The recruitment policy was reviewed and updated to reflect an open market.

The process has been reduced and face to face interviews have been changed to skype interviews

A marketing plan is now being developed with input from the pilot Coordinators about areas of need

Local Celebrant Provided all celebrants with All celebrants have been informed of which


Groups information about local groups

region they are in and with details of local groups near them

Accreditation Linked to


● Peer Review

● Fee/ Levy

● Engage with the network

Explore external accreditation

Review Levy

CPD, Peer Reviews and payment of (new) fee is now clearly linked to accreditation and reaccreditation.

‘Engagement with the network’ is not yet being insisted upon, but has now been defined and is part of the next set of recommendations.

External accreditation has been explored and the result is that a quality mark will be pursued this year

The levy has been reviewed and replaced with a fee structure

Handbook Updated and issued to all celebrants and on celebrant website

A new Celebrant Handbook has been produced and circulated to all celebrants.

A system has also been devised that will capture any suggested changes for the next update next year.

Section 2

Additional Recommendations Made Since Oct 2016

The following have been agreed between Oct 2016 and July 2017 and are now being/ been actioned

Local Celebrant Groups

1 The name of people who organise or host the local celebrant group meetings will now hold the title Local Celebrant Group Organiser, whether it is a virtual, face to face or skype meeting



1 Mentor training to be held on rolling programme around the country to demonstrate commitment to supporting regions. Training will be open to all celebrants, whichever region it is held in (not confined to that regions celebrants):

London and South East

North East/ Yorkshire & Humber

South West

North West/NI

Wales/West Midlands

East Midlands/Eastern

2 Training to be held at least three times a year until we have sufficient Mentors in place

3 Mentors are required to have done at least 6 ceremonies in their ceremony type before being trained/asked to be a Mentor

4 Email to Mentor confirming which Trainee each Mentor is allocated to, to include:

• Outline of current training programme

• Link to new Mentor Handbook and Trainee (mentee) Handbook

5 Only celebrants who have been trained to be Mentors (by Humanists UK or Humanist Society Scotland HSS) to be asked to Mentor

6 Celebrant Network Support Coordinators to be involved in the process of allocating Mentors (this will involve them working with Coordinators in neighbouring regions to ensure Mentors allocated as geographically close as possible to trainee). Final decision remains with Humanists UK office.

7 Mentors explicitly asked to review the way a trainee/probationary celebrant conducts themselves at family visits (role description)

8 Mentors are expected to ensure trainees are invited to a local group (or regional/national) meetings

9 Feedback about Mentors required from trainers as well as trainees, at end of each course if there are issues or concerns (as per current policy)

Accreditation Observations

1 Clarity will be provided to all celebrants to ensure an understanding of the process for probationary celebrants arranging an accreditation observation i.e. that it needs to be arranged through Humanists UK office and only carried out by an approved accreditation observer.


2 A new accreditation observation form (appendix) has been developed, so it is in line with Peer Review Observation form, using the ceremony structure and competency framework as its guide

3 All Celebrant Network Support Coordinators will be provided with an up to date list of Accreditation Observers in their region so that they can make recommendations for other celebrants who may be considered by Humanists UK for this role.

4 Training team member requested to carry out Accreditation Observations when a local Accreditation Observer cannot be found after three requests by Humanists UK office

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator role

1 Standards of Practice and maintaining standards defined

2 Resource requirements and management framework defined

3 New Role description, person specification and terms of office agreed

4 Role will be reviewed each year to ensure the growth of the network will not make the role unmanageable

5 Recruitment timetable put in place and recruitment in all regions/nations is in progress – with interviews held in the relevant region/nation

6 Coordinator Handbook being created and introduced (see appendix for content summary)

7 Information needs for Coordinators agreed and put in place, as below:

Humanist UK will provide four times a year:

1. An up to date list of celebrants in their region/nation including:

● New Trainees (i)with start date of course they have been accepted onto ii) whether new to network or existing celebrants


● Trainees given probationary accreditation status

● Celebrants given full accreditation

● Celebrants who have left the network

● Celebrants who have been de-accredited (as not paid levy, done CPD, peer review etc.)

2. List of who current mentors and accreditation observers in the region/nation are

3. Date of all their celebrants last CPD return and Peer Review return

Virtual Panel

1 As the panel has grown without much strategic direction, but rather celebrants just added to it as they showed an interest, it is recommended that the Virtual Panel adopts a new profile and that the new membership has more of a rationale as follows:

Virtual Panel membership is for three years

The following celebrants are automatically members:

● The 11 Celebrant Network Support Coordinators

● Head trainer(s)

● The current celebrant members of QAC and of MAC

Membership also needs to ensure representativeness of:

● Age

● Region

● Culture

● Ceremony type

● Recently trained and long-serving celebrants

● Highest and lowest performing (number of ceremonies) celebrants

● ‘Local Celebrant Group Organisers’ once Ceremonies Network Support Coordinators have been appointed


1 The Celebrant Handbook needs to be regularly reviewed to reflect a changing environment. To that end, we all need to take responsibility for keeping its standard as high as possible. Therefore, a facility has been added to the celebrant website where all celebrants can make suggestions about changes to it


1 The complaints policy and procedures has now been reviewed and updated. It is included in the latest Celebrant Handbook and is being used by QAC. It will be further reviewed in the coming months

Section 3

Recommendations requiring approval prior to Oct 2017 Celebrant Conference

Overall Structure and Regional Boundaries


1 The proposed structure using the government boundaries should be adopted. There will be 9 Regions and 2 Nations that will each have a Celebrant Network Support Coordinator appointed.

All celebrants will be allocated to a region or nation for administrative purposes. They will be titled:

● Northern Ireland

● Wales

● North West

● North East


● Yorkshire and Humber

● East Midlands

● West Midlands

● Eastern

● South East

● South West

● London

*While the boundaries are fairly artificial for celebrants when marketing or carrying out ceremonies, they are useful in terms of making connections with other regional organisations such as NAFD or local government. While some of the regions are geographically very broad they are only used to allocate celebrant network support coordinators and administratively this works as well as any other boundary. The one region that makes least sense in terms of identity is the South East and so consideration was given to breaking this up and ‘allocating’ celebrants to other regions, but this would have made administration too complicated.

2 Celebrant Network Support Coordinators must communicate with each other to ensure they are picking up the issues for all their celebrants, cooperate when allocating Mentors, arranging Peer Review Observations etc.

The key part of the structure for celebrants is the Local Celebrant Group they belong to and this may be across the regional boundary. It is important that local celebrant groups provide a celebrant with what they need, wherever it is located. It is important that Coordinators support all their celebrants whichever group they belong to.


1 To review remuneration of Mentors as part of 2018 budget process. There is no evidence that remuneration is a barrier to celebrants becoming Mentors, but if done well the role is quite time consuming and has not been reviewed in relation to remuneration for a while.

Continuing Professional Development - CPD

1 CPD sessions to be arranged by groups on different times of day and different days of week to ensure as many people can attend as possible

2 Those regions who previously had region/nation-wide meetings to use at least one a year for 10


3 Encourage Local Celebrant Groups to have CPD on every agenda

4 Celebrants are encouraged to attend CPD sessions at the annual celebrant conference, however not everyone can make it and so Coordinators should consider asking workshop leaders to provide sessions in their region/nation

5 That the need for a credit type system be reviewed in 2019 as we develop our standards as a network.

*Culturally the network is not ready for a CPD fixed credit type system, but may in the future want to aspire to one. Discussions have included: How would we allocate credits to activity? CPD should somehow be quantifiable in order to ensure standards are being achieved if linked to accreditation. Is it a way to distinguish ourselves from Independents? Decided FDs do not really choose us because we are part of Humanists UK but rather because we are reliable and available etc. So, who would this have credit with? We already have enough to mark ourselves as different e.g. accreditation, individual, insurance, peer review. Requiring more bureaucracy will put more celebrants off. Quite onerous to introduce and how would it be enforced

6 Humanist UK recommend that celebrants start to record the number of hours of CPD they have done each year and therefore a column has been, to the right of the CPD form, that states how many hours has been spent on each activity to encourage celebrants to aspire to this.

Local Celebrant Groups

1 Local Celebrant Group Organisers consider using these suggested agenda items for each meeting to ensure consistency and transparency

● Welcoming of new trainees and probationary accredited celebrants


● Peer Reviews

● News from Humanists UK

2 Local Celebrant Group Organisers to share their minutes with their Coordinators so that they keep up to date with the issues locally


*There was a suggestion that minutes be shared with the Head of Ceremonies. This is considered to be too bureaucratic, especially now it is the role of the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator to gather information about issues in the region

3 Celebrant Network Support Coordinators support the establishment of any Local Celebrant Groups that meet local celebrant needs. This needs to recognise that ‘one size’ does not fits all. Groups may include:

● Day time meetings

● Evening meetings

● Weekend meetings

● Rotation of all the above

● Skype meetings

● Google groups

● Virtual Groups (Humanists UK can support the setting up of these)

● Rotating chairs

● CPD only sessions

4 Celebrants are not required to be a member of a Local Celebrant Group, but do need to demonstrate an engagement with the network in some other way in order to meet the requirements of accreditation (see engagement definition in ‘Accreditation’ recommendation section below)

5 Celebrants can be members of any local celebrant group – it does not have to be geographically located within their region or nation. They can also be a member of as many groups as they want

6 The number of local celebrant groups in the pilot regions/nations has increased as a result of the support that celebrant network support coordinators have provided. This support will be provided by the coordinators now being appointed in each region/nation. It would be useful to review the impact of this in 2018 to see if celebrants feel they have better access to a local celebrant group

7 The Terms of Reference for local celebrant groups in the appendix will be adopted by the Network

Peer Review Observations

1 Coordinators to ensure there is a system within their region/nation to support the carrying out of Peer Review Observations e.g. google maps, databases, coordination

2 Regions and nations to make use of the offer of Peer Review training from Humanists UK, so that every celebrant feels confident to carry them out and gets the most from being Peer Reviewed

3 Humanists UK to consider Peer Review of family/couple’s meetings, once the current Peer Review Observations arrangements have settled in. Suggest this is done in Autumn 2018. Home visits are a


crucial part of what celebrants do and we need to ensure we are constantly reflecting on how we conduct ourselves in them.

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator role

1 An interactive map showing all celebrants in the region will be made available to the Celebrant Network Support Coordinators, as a visual aid to planning support for local celebrants, monitoring areas that may need recruitment drives, considering where additional groups may be valuable etc.

2. The Celebrant Network Support Coordinator role will be evaluated at least every two years, by asking local celebrants for feedback on how the role has supported them

3 A Handbook will be available for Celebrant Network Support Coordinators, to support them in their role. This will be reviewed annually. See appendix

Accreditation Observations

1 A revised recruitment process and person specification is recommended for recruitment of new Accreditation Observers (see appendix)


1 Celebrant Network Support Coordinators to provide Humanists UK with postcodes of where there are gaps in celebrant numbers and which are priority areas for recruitment. This way Humanists UK can provide support/carry out recruitment drives


1 An addition needs to be made to the accreditation requirements, to include the need for celebrants to be engaged with the network. Definition of what engagement means for inclusion in the Celebrant Handbook below

2 A celebrant could be engaged with the network in a number of ways. The following are examples of engagement: It is the responsibility of the celebrant to demonstrate that they are engaged:

● Attending a meeting of a local celebrant group (or participating virtually in that group if


they are not able to attend due to distance)

● Participating in the Humanists UK online celebrant’s forum

● Attending the Humanists UK Celebrant conference

● Attending/developing local celebrant CPD sessions

● Part of a Humanists UK project to develop the network

● Demonstrably active link with at least one other celebrant

● Member of a celebrant Facebook page

● Responding to emails, phone calls, consultations of Humanists UK/projects/local celebrants/coordinators

● Giving and receiving Peer Reviews

● Mentoring Humanists UK celebrants

● Carrying out Accreditation Observations

● Member of a Humanists UK Committee/working group

3 Important that every celebrant is encouraged to have a professional email address (‘silly’/informal email addresses reflect poorly on the Humanists UK, as well as the celebrant). It is recommended that the address (available to all accredited celebrants) is used. It is recommended that a review in Autumn 2018 considers whether this should be a requirement of being accredited.

4 QAC need to define what the Appeal Process is for when Humanists UK decide they will not be re-accrediting a celebrant

Have the issues raised by celebrants, during the consultation that led to the creation of this project, been addressed?

The study that the Ceremonies Board commissioned in 2014 revealed what the concerns of a significant number of celebrants were. The following considers, in the view of the Project Consultant, whether this project has addressed those concerns.

Original issues Response

Not all celebrants have access to

a group which meets their needs

The number of local groups in the pilot regions/nations has

increased as a result of the support that celebrant network

support coordinators have provided. This support will be

provided by the coordinators now being appointed in each


region/nation. It will be useful to review the impact of this

at end of 2018

Operation of groups varies

significantly so there is

inconsistency in facilities

provided to celebrants

The role of the local celebrant group organisers is now

defined. A suggested set of core agenda items is now

provided. Programmes of CPD are now available to local

celebrant groups. The local celebrant groups will be

supported by the celebrant network support coordinators. A

list of local celebrant groups is now available to all celebrants.

Groups are encouraged to hold meetings at different times

and venues to allow wider attendance

As a result, there is variation in

the appeal of group membership

and attendance at meetings

As above

Some areas have local groups,

some have regional/national

ones, and some both; this can

lead to confusion about roles

Terms of reference for local celebrant groups are now

available. Regional and nation-wide groups are not an

expectation of the new structure, but are encouraged for

certain CPD activity. The role of the celebrant network

support coordinator is now clear and will help to clarify roles

and purpose of all celebrant groups locally

Role of groups in offering CPD

varies widely

The CPD policy is now clearer. The CPD resources available to

regions/nations/local celebrant groups have increased

Variation in geographical

coverage can demotivate more

remote celebrants

The new recruitment policy, alongside the new marketing

strategy will encourage more celebrant recruitment

hopefully. The role of celebrant network support coordinator

will provide support to any celebrant feeling isolated


No role description for group

coordinators – each does it


Local celebrant group organisers role description is now in

place, which still allows for flexibility in each area to reflect

local requirements. Celebrant network support coordinators

role description has now been standardised and is being

recruited to in every region/nation

Some groups don’t seek a

relationship with the wider

celebrant network or BHA staff,

making it harder to get a

complete picture

There will now be a requirement for all celebrants to be

engaged with the network, which includes Humanists UK. The

definition of engagement (see recommendations in above

section) allows flexibility in how each celebrant interacts, but

they are required to interact. Local celebrant groups

organisers are expected to share notes from their meetings

with their celebrant network support coordinator

Evidence of a small number of

groups being unwelcoming to

new members and developing

restrictive practices

The role of the celebrant network support coordinator will

encourage a more open structure within their region/nation

and also provides a route for individuals to make informal complaints and/or seek support to address this where it happens.

The Humanists UK Code of Conduct and Standards of Practice

States the standard expected of all celebrants and will be

used as part of the complaints process if individual celebrants

are acting in non- humanist ways

No obvious way for affected

celebrants to address these issues

The Humanists UK complaints policy and procedure has now

Been updated and provides a clear route for complaints. The role of celebrant network support coordinator will also provide a means to address these issues, as well as trying to prevent them happening in the first place by encouraging standards of practice.

Mentoring quality varies a lot The mentoring policy and procedures has been reviewed and


Across network

updated. The number of training sessions for mentors has

been increased. The role of mentors clarified

No consistent approach to

management of peer reviews

The Peer Review Policy and process has now been reviewed

and revised and implemented

Ad-hoc engagement with key

partners, particularly in the

funeral industry

One of the roles of the celebrant network support

coordinator is to be the face of Humanists UK in the

regions/nations, or to ensure someone in the region provides

this role on behalf of the region. They will link into the Head

of Ceremonies so there are consistent messages across the


Appendix 1

Role Description of the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator

The Celebrant Network Support Coordinator oversees, and takes responsibility for, the consistency of support to celebrants in their appointed Region or Nation.

Key Tasks and Activities

● With the aim of ensuring that every celebrant has access to a local celebrant group work with local celebrant group organisers, to ensure the effective operation of local groups, attend at least one meeting a year and receive minutes

● Support the Humanists UK Ceremonies team in celebrant recruitment, including


monitoring recruitment needs in the region/nation, informing celebrants about new trainees.

● Liaise with celebrants who do not attend meetings to see if non-attendance is due to problems with local celebrants’ groups or from preference to not be part of a group

● Where a need has been identified, support celebrants to establish new local celebrant groups, whether physical meeting places or virtual groups.

● Maintain an overview of mentoring activity and availability in the region/nation and in response to requests from the Humanists UK Ceremonies Team, allocate mentors to trainees and encourage celebrants to train as mentors.

● Facilitate the flow of information and views between Humanists UK and region/nation celebrants

● Coordinate, liaise or respond to Humanists UK consultations with celebrants in the region/nation as required

● Attend the annual celebrant conference, ensuring celebrants in the region/nation are informed of its content and outcomes

● Ensure there is a voice of Humanist Ceremonies in the region/nation, managing relationships with key external organisations that are organised on a region/national level, e.g. NAFD, SAIF

● Encourage local groups to access the latest CPD materials and ideas● Encourage local groups to hold meetings at least twice a year which cover

recommended topics● Ensure that the region/nation is represented at PR opportunities e.g. local or

regional press, radio, TV etc.● Remind all celebrants in the region/nation of their responsibilities to be peer

reviewed at least once every three years for each ceremony type.● Be the first point of contact for complaints from celebrants about the operation of

the local celebrant groups and inform and involve, where appropriate, the BHA Head of Ceremonies

● Keep accurate records of activity in the region/nation in a format requested by the Humanists UK


This role will be home based. The appointment will be as a Consultant on a self-employed contract, to be reviewed annually. The role will be advertised at least every two years. However, the current Consultant can re-apply.

Each Consultant’s contract will be reviewed annually. On the anniversary of the appointment the role will be reviewed as below:

1. The role description will be assessed by the Head of Ceremonies (in liaison with the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Consultants) to decide whether it continues to be fit for purpose, and may be adapted in line with changing requirements. At this time, a change may be made to all Consultant role descriptions or for a specific Region/Nation to reflect local differences.


2. The Consultancy role may be opened up for re-advertisement in a single Region/Nation or for all Regions/Nations on each anniversary (or at any time during the contract by mutual agreement). The Humanists UK does not need to justify the re-advertisement of the contract but reasons could include:· Changing skills or experience needs of the Region/Nation· Unsatisfactory delivery of any part of the work programme or role description responsibilities by the Consultant or the Consultant not being able to fulfil the role any longer

Fees are £1,800 per annum; and paid monthly (1/12th of fee) on receipt of invoices. Attendance at the Humanist Ceremonies Conference is mandatory. The costs of attendance, accommodation and travel for the conference will be covered by Humanists UK.

All reasonable, and agreed, expenses will be paid for travel for work carried out in this role, upon the provision of receipts.

Reporting and Support

● Network Support Coordinators are accountable to Head of Ceremonies who will provide the equivalent of line management support.

● Consultants will provide the Head of Ceremonies with a monthly report during the first week of each month, using the template provided.

● Consultants will meet with the Head of Ceremonies twice a year as a group. One of those meetings will be arranged during the Celebrant Conference weekend, as the Network Support Coordinators are all required to be there.

● Each Network Support Coordinator will have a one to one, possibly via Skype meeting with the Head of Ceremonies at least once a year.

● Consultants can seek additional meetings, phone or email support from the Head of Ceremonies as required.


All candidates are requested to complete the application form and provide a supporting statement describing how they meet the person specification. Applications should be returned electronically by email with the subject ‘Celebrant Network Support Coordinator’ to xxxx by 09.00 on xxx.

Candidates will be assessed against the person specification. Candidates short-listed for interview will be notified by xxxx. Interviews will be held on xxxx, by the Head of Ceremonies, the Network Structure Project Consultant and Head of Operations at the Humanists UK offices (39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB).

Following interviews references will be requested from two Humanists UK Celebrants from the same region/nation before any appointments are made.

Person Specification


Candidates must meet the following person specification in order to be considered for this role

Essential Criteria

Measured by:A (application); I (Interview); R (references)

Humanists UK Accredited Celebrant for at least two years A

Live and conduct ceremonies in the region in which the application is made A

Can provide evidence of continuing, relevant CPD since accredited A, I

Good verbal and written communication including an open, consultative style A, I

Good organisational skills A, I

Excellent administrative skills A, I

An understanding of mentoring, peer review, and peer support A, I

Experience of creating and presenting written reports A, I

Competent IT skills including the use of Word, Excel, internet A

Experience of, or ability to handling complaints A, I

An understanding of fair recruitment processes A, I

A commitment of the values of Humanists UK A, I

A commitment to the development of the celebrant network A, I

Ability to build strong relationships with a wide range of stakeholders A, I

Ability to advocate on behalf of the Humanists UK and local celebrants A, I, R

Holds trust and respect of colleagues in region A, R

Commitment to inclusivity, equal opportunities and fairness A, I, R

Prepared to try out new approaches I

Have had no category 3 complaints upheld by Humanists UK (BHA) in the last two years


Appendix 2

Celebrant Network Support Coordinators – keeping standards high and resolving problems

The role of Celebrant Network Support Coordinator is a consultant to the Humanists UK. The relationship between the Humanists UK and its consultants is that of a contract for services, and no employment relationship is implied. However, it is important that the organisation is able to maintain high standards across all areas of its work, and it is also important that consultants should enjoy making their contribution to this work.

The role of the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator


A Celebrant Network Support Coordinator will be appointed by Humanists UK for each Region/Nation in line with the Celebrant Network Structure. The role is to oversee, and take responsibility for, the consistency of support to Celebrants in their appointed Region/Nation.

This is a consultancy role on a self-employed contract. It is a home-based and will receive a fixed fee for delivery of all parts of the Role Description issued to the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Consultant with their contract.

Each Consultant’s contract will be reviewed annually. On the anniversary of the appointment the role will be reviewed as below:

1. The role description will be assessed by the Head of Ceremonies (in liaison with the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Consultants) to decide whether it continues to be fit for purpose and may change in line with changing requirements. At this time, a change may be made to all Consultant role descriptions or for a specific Region/Nation to reflect local differences.

2. The Consultancy role may be opened up for re-advertisement in a single Region/Nation or for all Regions/Nations on each anniversary (or at any time during the contract by mutual agreement). The BHA does not need to justify the re-advertisement of the contract but reasons could include:

• Changing skills or experience needs of the Region/Nation

• Unsatisfactory delivery of any part of the work programme or role description responsibilities by the Consultant

• The Consultant not being able to fulfil the role any longer

Reporting and Support

• Celebrant Network Support Coordinators are accountable to Head of Ceremonies who will provide the equivalent of line management support.

• Consultants will provide the Head of Ceremonies with a monthly report during the first week of each month, using the template provided.

• Consultants will meet with the Head of Ceremonies twice a year as a group. One of those meetings will be arranged during the Celebrant Conference weekend, as the Celebrant Network Support Coordinators are all required to be there.

• Each Celebrant Network Support Coordinator will have a one to one, face to face meeting with the Head of Ceremonies at least once a year.

• Consultants can seek additional meetings, phone or email support from the Head of Ceremonies as required.

Process if there are concerns

● If a Celebrant Network Support Coordinators Consultant is dissatisfied with any aspect of their contract or work programme they should:


1. Initially explain their dissatisfaction to the Head of Ceremonies, and suggest ways in which this could be addressed.

2. If that does not resolve concerns then a meeting with the Head of Ceremonies and the Director of Community Services should be convened.

3. If after this the dissatisfaction remains unresolved, and the Humanists UK is unable to resolve any grievance, then it may be inappropriate for the Consultant to remain in this role and the contract may be terminated as per the agreed terms and conditions.

• If the services a Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Consultant delivers do not meet with the BHA’s standards or are not in line with their contract, the below procedure will be followed:

1. The Head of Ceremonies will raise concerns with the Consultant in an email in the first instance and be clear about how they expect the concern to be resolved or else seek further information.

2. If this does not address the concern then the Consultant will be required to meet with the Head of Ceremonies to further explain the concerns and suggest ways in which these could be resolved.

3. If the concerns are not resolved following that meeting, then they will be invited to meet again with the Head of Ceremonies and the Director of Community Services to discuss the matter further.

4. If the Consultant’s work still does not meet with Humanists UK standards or the terms of the contract then the Humanists UK will stop using the Consultant’s services and will terminate the contract as per the agreed terms and conditions. If it is deemed that the concerns amount to a breach of contract then the contract may be terminated with immediate effect.

• If the Humanists UK receives a complaint about a Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Consultant’s services, then Humanists UK Complaints Policy and Procedures will be followed.

May 2017

Appendix 3

Proposed Accreditation Observation Form

To be returned to [email protected]

Name of celebrant being observed

Name of celebrant observing (only approved Humanists UK Accreditation Observers to complete this form)


Date of observation

Ceremony type

Date celebrant completed training for this ceremony type


Notes to observer:

1. After the ceremony provide feedback to the celebrant on all aspects of the ceremony

2. Tick the Yes/No boxes as appropriate.

3. Make record your observations, particularly where you have answered 'No' to any question.

4. Ask questions about any area it was not possible to observe.

Please note that the following questions reflect the competencies (detailed in the Humanists UK Competency Framework, which can be found on the Humanists UK website in the celebrant area) and the professional standards (as described in the Celebrant Handbook) expected of all celebrants.

If ‘No’, please add a comment

Did the celebrant arrive early and prepared?


Was the celebrant’s appearance appropriate for the ceremony and did they display the BHA/Humanists UK badge?


On arrival, did the celebrant speak to the venue staff and check any music and logistics were ready for the ceremony?


Did the celebrant welcome the mourners/family/guests appropriately?


Did the celebrant make themselves known to the speakers and ensure they were prepared?



Did the celebrant begin the ceremony appropriately, and with confidence and authority? Did they introduce the couple/deceased/family/themselves?


Was the content of the ceremony creative/flowing/reflective/making use of music/read appropriately?


Did the ceremony reference Humanism in an appropriate way to the audience?


Did the celebrant perform confidently/make good eye contact/speak clearly/project their voice/use pace and pause/have a warm manner/perform expressively?


Did the celebrant acknowledge and support the speakers appropriately?


Funerals – was the committal appropriately stage-managed/was the use of wording appropriate?


How did the celebrant deal with an unexpected incident?

Was the ceremony ended with clear signposting/with authority/warmly?


Was the celebrant available after the ceremony to talk to guests/mourners/families/the couple?


Was the ceremony script well-presented/did it feature full contact details/the Humanists UK logo?


General observations and areas of particular skill

Areas that require attention/action


Suggested areas for further development of skills (CPD)

Recommendation to progress to full accreditation

Yes No – please state reasons and necessary actions/areas for improvement before next accreditation observation take place

Appendix 4

Terms of Reference for Humanists UK Local Celebrant Groups

Local Celebrant Group Organisers role:

This is a voluntary role taken on by a practising celebrant and will take responsibility for

leading and organising local group meetings in line with below. Local Celebrant Group

Organisers may well decide to job share, rotate chairing of meetings etc. How they

organised themselves with be up to the local group, deciding what works best for local


Local Celebrant Groups will aim to:

● Provide social contact, mutual support and the opportunity to talk about any issues for all local celebrants who wish to be part of the group.

● Hold regular meetings at least twice a year, sending agendas out before meetings and sharing notes of meetings with their Celebrant Network Support Coordinator so s/he can keep track of issues arising in the region/nation

● Collaborate on joint promotions, marketing initiatives etc., as and when appropriate

● Keep local celebrants up to date with what is happening locally, regionally and nationally, including discussion of important information shared by the


region/nation’s Celebrant Network Support Coordinator

● Arrange local CPD activities, usually in conjunction with meetings, drawing on a library of CPD materials and workshops being developed by Humanists UK staff and Training & Development team

● Discuss how to best support local celebrants to arrange their Peer Review Observations and keep the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator updated on progress, requesting support if needed

● Provide the Celebrant Network Support Coordinator with information s/he requires to carry out their function for the benefit of the whole region

Suggested items for Local Group Agenda

1. Minutes from previous meeting 2. Apologies - with consideration of reasons for any local celebrant’s non-attendance at

meetings, with a view to aiming to make meetings as accessible as possible3. Updates on newly trained local celebrants, ensuring they have been invited to meetings4. Training and Development – including CPD5. Progress on Peer Review Observations of local celebrants6. Discussion of information received from Humanists UK and Celebrant Network Support

Coordinator7. Promotion of the network locally


Appendix 5

Application to Humanist UK for CPD Funds 2017

Region/Nation Amount applied for from Humanist UK for this CPD activity? £Date of planned CPDHow many people expected to participate in this CPD activity?Breakdown of total cost of this CPD activity?How will balance (if applicable) be paid for?Name of Celebrant network support coordinator (who must make application)Date of application

Please describe below the CPD activity you are planning and which Humanist UK celebrant competency it relates toCompetencies Description of planned CPD

ActivityHow will this CPD activity improve practice of celebrants

Length of activity*

Humanism Being and commitment to Humanism/Humanism and ceremonies

Leading ceremonies Arrivals/Opening of Ceremony/Content and structure/Endings and departures/Script Presentation

Creativity and innovation

Music and literature/Drawing from Life

Self-management Self-discipline and organization/Self presentation

Communication Listening/Questioning/Public Speaking/IT/Written

Inter-personal skills Confidence and etiquette/Building Rapport/Giving and Receiving Feedback

Office use: If not approved, 1

Approved/not approved reasons/actionsName of approver Date of approval

Appendix 62

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator Handbook

Summary of contents

1. Role description of a celebrant network support coordinator

2. Terms of your Contract

3. Keeping standards high and resolving problems

4. Payment of Invoices

5. What celebrants can claim for

6. Where to find key documents

7. Local groups

8. Data will receive each quarter from Humanist UK

9. Calendar of key events

10. Template for Coordinators Monthly Reports


Appendix 7

Celebrant Network Structure Project Nett Furley – Project Consultant Draft at May 2017

Review of Humanist UK Accreditation Observers

An Accreditation Observer is a Humanist UK Celebrant who acts on behalf of the BHA to observe a probationary celebrant conducting a wedding, funeral or naming ceremony, in order to decide if they can progress to full celebrant status.

The report from the accreditation observation will then be used by the Humanist UK training team to decide whether to formalise the status of the probationary celebrants to full accreditation as a Humanist UK Celebrant.


Issues arising from project Recommendations Process for arranging an Accreditation Observation Becoming an Accreditation Observer Appendices

Application for to become an Accreditation Observer

Accreditation Observation Form

Issues arising during celebrant network structure project

1. Probationary celebrants and mentors or other experienced celebrants not understanding the process to gain full accreditation. Many have reported to me they thought mentors could do this for instance and have in fact carried one out not realising it was not valid

2. Lack of consistency in way observations are carried out. Not in line with peer reviews, for instance.

3. Missed opportunities as coordinators or local group organisers do not know who is or who isn’t an Accreditation Observer

4. Probationary celebrant not being able to find someone to observe them



1. Ensure all celebrants understand the process for probationary celebrants arranging an accreditation observation i.e. that it needs to be arranged through BHA office and only carried out by an approved accreditation observer

2. That the new accreditation observation form is used, which closely mirrors the peer review form, using the ceremony structure and competency framework as its guide

3. That all coordinators have an up to date list of accreditation observers in their region so that they can make recommendations for other celebrants who may be considered by BHA for this role

4. Training team carry out Accreditation Observations when a local Accreditation Observer cannot be found after three requests by BHA office

Process for arranging an Accreditation Observation

This will be described in an email to all trainees who are awarded probationary accreditation. This will be copied to the probationary celebrant’s Mentor

1. The probationary celebrant should discuss with their Mentor whether they feel ready to be formally observed.

2. The observation will take place after the probationary celebrant requests one. The timing of the observation should be determined by the probationary celebrant feeling ready. However, it is not advised that this should be requested until at least 5 funerals/2 weddings/2 namings have been conducted. Ideally the observation will take place within six months of gaining probationary accreditation for funeral celebrants, 12 months for wedding and naming celebrants.

3. The probationary celebrant then needs to contact the BHA training team by phoning or emailing the BHA office, to request an observation. The information they will need to provide includes: date and time of ceremony to be observed, type of ceremony, venue of ceremony. If details for more than one ceremony can be provided and as much notice as possible, it increases the likelihood of finding an Accreditation Observer who is available.

4. The BHA office will then inform the probationary celebrant once an Accreditation Observer has been found. The Observer will make contact with the probationary celebrant so that arrangements for meeting on the day and information to be provided beforehand, can be discussed.

5. The Accreditation Observer will then observe the probationary celebrant on the day, observe all aspects of the ceremony and then discuss their assessment directly afterwards, using the Accreditation Observation Form as a guide. This will include any suggestions for improvement, CPD etc.


6. The Accreditation Observer will send the completed form to the BHA within one week, copied to the probationary celebrant, with recommendation for full accreditation or making suggested conditions before consideration of full accreditation

7. The BHA will write to the probationary celebrant within two more weeks, informing them whether they will then be awarded full accreditation as a BHA celebrant, or whether they need to undertake any actions to progress to this.

8. Once full accreditation is awarded the BHA will inform the celebrant how to access all BHA resources available to celebrants

Becoming an Accreditation Observer

1. Any Celebrant can be considered to become an Accreditation Observer by:

a. emailing the BHA training team at BHA office or by speaking to one of the lead trainers

b. responding to annual or ad hoc adverts with the network seeking interest from celebrants wanting to consider becoming an Accreditation Observer

c. being recommended by a Trainer to the lead trainers if the celebrant meets the criteria

2. Celebrants will be asked to complete an application form (see appendix) for this role and submit to the training team. Applicants will need to meet the following criteria:

· Be an experienced, practising celebrant for at least a year and have conducted at least 10 funerals/6 weddings/6 namings

· Have been a member of BHA for at least two years

· Have skills in recording contemporaneous information

· Have good reporting skills

· Be able to work to fixed deadlines

· Be able to assess against a fixed set of criteria and competencies

· Be able to provide positive feedback to probationary celebrants

· Be able to manage difficult conversations

· Be committed to the BHA values and policies in relation to Ceremonies

· Be willing to travel within their region


3. The training team will seek feedback about applicants from BHA trainers and staff in relation to the applicant’s interaction with colleagues, any complaints received, efficiency of return of levy and accreditation payments, general interaction and involvement with BHA. This will be documented as part of the process

4. Applicants who meet the criteria will be invited to meet a BHA training team staff member a trainer for an interview. This may be held by Skype

5. Once applicants have been appointed they will join a register, held by the training team, and asked to conduct accreditation observations as required. Where possible this will be within their own region to keep costs to a minimum. Accreditation Observers are reimbursed £75 per observation and travel expenses on submission of completed observation reports and receipts for expenses. Appointment as an Accreditation Observer does not guarantee work, as this will depend on availability and number of celebrants that need to be observed

6. The list will be reviewed annually to ensure that Observers are still members of the BHA, are still practising celebrants, have no complaints against them and are still willing to be in the role.


Appendix to accreditation review

Application Form for BHA Celebrants who want to become Accreditation Observers

Celebrants applying to become Accreditation Observers

Person Specification measured against Interviewers comments

Name and address and contact phone and email

How long have you been a member of the BHA?

Have been a member of BHA for at least two years

How long have you been conducting ceremonies and how many ceremonies have you conducted?-Weddings-Funerals-Namings

Be an experienced, practising celebrant for at least a year and have conducted at least 10 funerals/6 weddings/6 namings

Please summarise your experience in recording information – in particular contemporaneously

Have skills in recording contemporaneous information

What experience do you have in producing reports, in particular regards an individual’s performance/competency

Have good reporting skills Be able to assess against a fixed set of criteria and competencies

Please describe the principles of providing positive feedback on an individual’s performance

Be able to provide positive feedback to probationary celebrants

What experience do you have in managing difficult conversations? Please describe your approach

Be able to manage difficult conversations

Describe your ability to work to other people’s deadlines

Be able to work to fixed deadlines

Why do you feel it is important to provide a structured

Be committed to the BHA values and policies in relation to Ceremonies


approach to Accreditation Observations?

What distances are you prepared to travel in order to carry out an Accreditation Observation?

Be willing to travel within their region

Signed and dated

Office use only

Application form received (date)

Feedback from BHA staff and training team – re complaints, levy payments, interaction with BHA

Form assessed against person specification by (name) of BHA Training Team and invited/not invited for an interview

Date of interview and names of trainer and training team member interviewing

Types of ceremony approved to observe

Date approved to be an Accreditation Observer and listed on register

Appendix to accreditation review

Accreditation Observation Form


To be returned to [email protected]

Name of celebrant being observed

Name of celebrant observing (only approved BHA Accreditation Observers to complete this form)

Date of observation

Ceremony type

Date celebrant completed training for this ceremony type


Notes to observer: 1. After the ceremony provide feedback to the celebrant on all aspects of the ceremony2. Tick the Yes/No boxes as appropriate. 3. Make record your observations, particularly where you have answered 'No' to any question. 4. Ask questions about any area it was not possible to observe. Please note that the following questions reflect the competencies (detailed in the BHA Competency Framework, which can be found on the BHA website in the celebrant area) and the professional standards (as described in the Celebrant Handbook) expected of all celebrants.

If ‘No’, please add a comment

Did the celebrant arrive early and prepared? Yes/No

Was the celebrant’s appearance appropriate for the ceremony and did they display the BHA badge?



On arrival, did the celebrant speak to the venue staff and check any music and logistics were ready for the ceremony?


Did the celebrant welcome the mourners/family/guests appropriately?


Did the celebrant make themselves known to the speakers and ensure they were prepared?


Did the celebrant begin the ceremony appropriately, and with confidence and authority? Did they introduce the couple/deceased/family/themselves?


Was the content of the ceremony creative/flowing/reflective/making use of music/read appropriately?


Did the ceremony reference Humanism in an appropriate way to the audience?


Did the celebrant perform confidently/make good eye contact/speak clearly/project their voice/use pace and pause/have a warm manner/perform expressively?


Did the celebrant acknowledge and support the speakers appropriately?


Funerals – was the committal appropriately stage-managed/was the use of wording appropriate?


How did the celebrant deal with an unexpected incident?

Was the ceremony ended with clear signposting/with authority/warmly?


Was the celebrant available after the ceremony to talk to guests/mourners/families/the couple?


Was the ceremony script well-presented/did it feature full contact details/the BHA logo?


General observations and areas of particular skill


Areas that require attention/action

Suggested areas for further development of skills (CPD)

Recommendation to progress to full accreditation

yes No – please state reasons and necessary actions/areas for improvement before next accreditation observation take place


Appendix 8

Summary of all recommendations

Agreed Oct 2016 Agreed Oct 2016 – to July 2017 To be Agreed

Project Structure Extension of the pilot The proposed structure using the government boundaries should be adopted. Title of Regions and Nations agreed

CNS Coordinators must communicate with each other across boundaries

CPD Defined CPD sessions to be arranged different times of day/week etc

New form – reflective

Regions with region/nation-wide meetings to use at least one a year for CPD

Training team programme Local Celebrant Groups to have CPD on every agenda


Coordinators to ask conference workshop leaders to provide sessions in region/nation

Lessons learnt and Q&A pages Annual review of the need for a credit type system

CPD Fund for regions/nations A column added to CPD form encouraging at least 20 hours CPD

Experienced celebrant place on each



Peer Reviews Defined – 3 yearly, each ceremony type

CNS Coordinators to ensure local system to support the carrying out of Peer Review Observations

New Form

Offer of Peer Review training from Humanists UK to all regions

Training for celebrants Review in 2018 of Peer Review of family/couple’s meetings

Trainers as resource to carry out PR

Recruitment Review of Policy- open marketReduced processReduced Face to Face

CNS Coordinators to provide postcodes where gaps in celebrant numbers/priority areas for recruitment

Need relating to Marketing

Local Celebrant Groups Provided all celebrants with information about local groups

Name change to Local Group Organiser

Suggested agenda items for each meeting

To share minutes with CNS Coordinators

Suggestions made of how to vary type of meeting to widen access

Membership not compulsory but need to engage

Membership can be cross boundary

Terms of reference defined


Review structure 2018

Accreditation Linked to● CPD● Peer Review● Fee/ Levy● Engage with the network

Explore external accreditationReview Levy

Definition of what engagement means for inclusion in the Celebrant Handbook as requirement of accreditation

Encourage every celebrant to have a professional email address

In 2018 review requirement to have ongoing training - as per HSS contract with their celebrants

QAC to define Appeal Process for when decision not to re-accrediting a celebrant

Handbook Updated and issued to all celebrants and on celebrant website

Facility set up for celebrants to make suggestions about changes

Mentors Mentor training to be held on rolling programme around the country

To review remuneration of Mentors as part of 2018 budget process

Training to be held at least three times a year

Mentors are required to have done at least 6 ceremonies


Email content to Mentor confirming Trainee allocated to

Only trained Mentors to be asked to Mentor

CNS Coordinators to be involved in the process of allocating Mentors

Mentors asked to review trainee conduct at family visits

Mentors to ensure trainees invited to local celebrant group meets

Feedback about Mentors required from trainers

Accreditation Observations

Clarity of process A revised recruitment process and person specification is recommended for recruitment of new Accreditation Observers

New Form

CNS Coordinator to have list

Training team to do as back up

Celebrant Network Support Coordinator

Standards of Practice and maintaining standards defined

Interactive map showing all celebrants in the region available to CNS Coordinators


Resource requirements and management framework defined

Role to be evaluated at least every two years, by asking local celebrants for feedback

New Role description, person specification and terms of office

Handbook available for Celebrant Network Support Coordinators

Role will be reviewed each year

recruitment of Coordinator in all regions in progress

Coordinator Handbook created

Data needs of Coordinators defined and set up quarterly

Virtual panel Membership policy revised

Complaints Policy and procedures reviewed and updated