Celebrants: Father Victor Ray · 2019. 3. 3. · 8 th Sunday in ordinary time March 3, 2019 Volume...

8th Sunday in ordinary time March 3, 2019 Volume 3, Issue # 9 Celebrants: Father Victor Ray Associates: Father Robin Whitlock It’s very easy to find fault with things and people. For instance: I like eating at the Ritz, but all those waiters standing around give me goosebumps. there goes the Jones family, late again for Mass and walking down the aisle to the front seats so that everyone can admire how well they dress. everyone likes Helen, but she talks too much about her family the paper man arrives early enough in the morning, but he doesn’t throw the paper up to the front door. No matter how good a person or a thing may be, it is easy to find some fault with them. And while it is easy to find faults in others, it is just as easy to overlook our own faults. Or as Jesus says in today’s gospel: “We see the speck in another’s eye, but we don’t see the log in our own.” And notice the difference, a speck compared to a log. A little fault compared with a really big one. Why are we like that. Is it because we are naturally jealous? or envious? or basically negative and critical? and we have lived with our own faults for so many years that we have grown accustom to them, or perhaps have never known that we had the problem? Today’s gospel from St. Luke follows immediately upon his beautiful explanation of unconditional love whereby we are to love even our enemies. This kind of love is not natural. It can come only with the grace of God and as a result of much work and effort. But this is precisely the challenge of today’s gospel for each one of us. To be so positive of all other people that we can accept them for who and what they are, that we can overcome those occasions when we tend to misjudge others, that we can stress the good in others and hope they can do the same for us. It sounds like a kind of Christian utopia, doesn’t it? But Christ came to change the work, to transform the world according to the will of His Father. Today’s gospel is a challenge, a bold challenge for each one of us followers of Jesus. Father Victor Ray Wisdom From Father Victor Ray

Transcript of Celebrants: Father Victor Ray · 2019. 3. 3. · 8 th Sunday in ordinary time March 3, 2019 Volume...

Page 1: Celebrants: Father Victor Ray · 2019. 3. 3. · 8 th Sunday in ordinary time March 3, 2019 Volume 3, Issue # 9 Celebrants: Father Victor Ray Associates: Father Robin Whitlock It’s

8th Sunday in ordinary time

March 3, 2019 Volume 3, Issue # 9


Father Victor Ray Associates:

Father Robin Whitlock

It’s very easy to find fault with things and people. For instance:

▪ I like eating at the Ritz, but all those waiters standing around give me goosebumps. ▪ there goes the Jones family, late again for Mass and walking down the aisle to the front seats so that

everyone can admire how well they dress. ▪ everyone likes Helen, but she talks too much about her family ▪ the paper man arrives early enough in the morning, but he doesn’t throw the paper up to the front door. No matter how good a person or a thing may be, it is easy to find some fault with them.

And while it is easy to find faults in others, it is just as easy to overlook our own faults. Or as Jesus says in today’s gospel: “We see the speck in another’s eye, but we don’t see the log in our own.” And notice the difference, a speck compared to a log. A little fault compared with a really big one. Why are we like that. Is it because we are naturally jealous? or envious? or basically negative and critical? and we have lived with our own faults for so many years that we have grown accustom to them, or perhaps have never known that we had the problem?

Today’s gospel from St. Luke follows immediately upon his beautiful explanation of unconditional love whereby we are to love even our enemies. This kind of love is not natural. It can come only with the grace of God and as a result of much work and effort. But this is precisely the challenge of today’s gospel for each one of us. To be so positive of all other people that we can accept them for who and what they are, that we can overcome those occasions when we tend to misjudge others, that we can stress the good in others and hope they can do the same for us.

It sounds like a kind of Christian utopia, doesn’t it? But Christ came to change the work, to transform the world according to the will of His Father. Today’s gospel is a challenge, a bold challenge for each one of us followers of Jesus.

Father Victor Ray

Wisdom From

Father Victor Ray

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• March 3, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

• March 5, Tuesday, 7:00 pm, House of Ministry Meeting in the Narthex

• March 6, Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Mass -Ash Wednesday

• March 8, Friday, 6:30 pm – Stations of the Cross

• March 9, Saturday, 11:00 am – Celebration of Life for Louise Annie Fichter in the Chapel

• March 10, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – First Sunday of Lent

• March 15, Friday, 6:30 pm – Stations of the Cross

• March 17, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – Second Sunday of Lent

• March 17, Sunday, After Mass – St. Patrick’s Day Feast • March 22, Friday, 6:30 pm – Stations of the Cross

• March 23, Saturday, 10 – 1 pm, - Walk the Block for Hunger 2019

• March 24, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – Third Sunday of Lent

• March 29, Friday, 6:30 pm – Stations of the Cross

• March 31, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – Fourth Sunday of Lent

• April 2, Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Narthex, House of Ministry Meeting.

• April 5, Friday, 6:30 pm – Stations of the Cross

Let’s Pray For:

Abrams, Al

Dawn and Morgan

Fichter, Louise + Hartwig, Bill

Hickman, Bp. Peter

Judi and Larry

Kovar, Lyn

Little, Ron

Marx, D.A.

For all of our Parishioners

that follow us through

Electronic Media. Prayers

for your specific request that

you have sent us.

For all those that need a

Prayer, Raise, your Right

Hand Toward Heaven and

know that the Parish of Saint

Teresa of Calcutta Catholic

Community is beside you in

your Prayer.

The Daily Prayer of Saint Teresa

Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with your spirit and

love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of You.

Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in

my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin

to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others. Amen.

Meeks, James

Obuchowski, Essy

Ray, Father Victor

Retke, Wayne

Spano, Dee

Talboom, Mark

Villafana, Ivy

Warner, Bill

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This Weeks Chuckle

Upcoming Celebrations



For all those Celebrations that I have missed, Forgive Me and I sincerely hope they were all Wonderful. Wishing you all the Happiness and Repeat of your Special Day!

For more detailed Church information, read the STOCCC Gazette which is found on the

Website: www.stoccc.org or the APP: Saint Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Community












Caleb Stout 3/3

Maria – Elena Whitlock 3/8

Patrick Ellingham 3/16

Jim Villafana 3/24


Jon Laubscher and Bill Schwartz 3/6

Jennifer and Dan Stout 3/13

Ivy and Jim Villafana 4/8

Please follow along with the Mass by viewing the Blue

Booklet found in the Pew Pocket in front of you.

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* March 8 until April 12th – Fridays, Station of the Cross at 6:30 pm

* April 14 - Palm Sunday Mass, 10:30 am

* April 18 - Holy Thursday Mass, 7 pm followed by Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament in the Altar of Repose in Room #108. Parishioners will be encouraged to

sign up in 1/2 hour increments for prayer through midnight on Thursday and from 8 to

11:30 am on Good Friday. Sign up sheet will be posted in April.

* April 19 – Holy Friday - Communion Service at 7 pm

* April 20 - Easter Saturday Vigil Mass at 7 pm

* April 21 - Easter Sunday Mass at 10:30 am






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Page 6: Celebrants: Father Victor Ray · 2019. 3. 3. · 8 th Sunday in ordinary time March 3, 2019 Volume 3, Issue # 9 Celebrants: Father Victor Ray Associates: Father Robin Whitlock It’s

Reading 1 SIRACH 27:4-7

When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear;

so do one's faults when one speaks.

As the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace,

so in tribulation is the test of the just.

The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had;

so too does one's speech disclose the bent of one's mind.

Praise no one before he speaks,

for it is then that people are tested.

Hear what the spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God

Responsorial Psalm PSALM 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16

R. Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High,

To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.

R. Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

The just one shall flourish like the palm tree, like a cedar of Lebanon shall he grow.

They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.

R. Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

They shall bear fruit even in old age; vigorous and sturdy shall they be,

Declaring how just is the LORD, my rock, in whom there is no wrong.

R. Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.


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Reading 2 1 CORINTHIANS 15:54-58

Brothers and sisters:

When this which is corruptible clothes itself with incorruptibility

and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality,

then the word that is written shall come about:

Death is swallowed up in victory.

Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?

The sting of death is sin,

and the power of sin is the law.

But thanks be to God who gives us the victory

through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters,

be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord,

knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Hear what the spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks Be To God

Gospel Acclamation


In the be-gin-ning was the word of God. And the Word was with God and was God.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt a-mong us, And we be-held His Glo-ry___ .


The gospel of the Lord has come to us.



Gospel reading

In the be-gin-ning was the word of God. And the Word was with God and was God .

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt a-mong us, And we be-held His Glo-ry.


The gospel of the Lord has come to us.



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Gospel LUKE 6:39-45

Jesus told his disciples a parable,

"Can a blind person guide a blind person?

Will not both fall into a pit?

No disciple is superior to the teacher;

but when fully trained,

every disciple will be like his teacher.

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye,

but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?

How can you say to your brother,

'Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,'

when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye?

You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first;

then you will see clearly

to remove the splinter in your brother's eye.

"A good tree does not bear rotten fruit,

nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit.

For every tree is known by its own fruit.

For people do not pick figs from thornbushes,

nor do they gather grapes from brambles.

A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good,

but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil;

for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks."

This is the Gospel of the Lord

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Question of the Week:

In what ways do I speak or act without

integrity? What must I say or do at home

or in my community to bear good fruit?

Can I make a commitment to doing

something fruitful throughout Lent?

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VIII Domingo Ordinario

Primera lectura Sir 27, 5-8

Al agitar el cernidor, aparecen las basuras; en la discusión aparecen los defectos del hombre.

En el horno se prueba la vasija del alfarero; la prueba del hombre está en su razonamiento.

El fruto muestra cómo ha sido el cultivo de un árbol; la palabra muestra la mentalidad del hombre.

Nunca alabes a nadie antes de que hable, porque ésa es la prueba del hombre.

Segunda lectura 1 Cor 15, 54-58

Hermanos: Cuando nuestro ser corruptible y mortal se revista de incorruptibilidad e inmortalidad,

entonces se cumplirá la palabra de la Escritura: La muerte ha sido aniquilada por la victoria. ¿Dónde

está, muerte, tu victoria? ¿Dónde está, muerte, tu aguijón? El aguijón de la muerte es el pecado y la

fuerza del pecado es la ley. Gracias a Dios, que nos ha dado la victoria por nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Así pues, hermanos míos muy amados, estén firmes y permanezcan constantes, trabajando siempre

con fervor en la obra de Cristo, puesto que ustedes saben que sus fatigas no quedarán sin recompensa

por parte del Señor.

Evangelio Lc 6, 39-45

En aquel tiempo, Jesús propuso a sus discípulos este ejemplo: "¿Puede acaso un ciego guiar a otro

ciego? ¿No caerán los dos en un hoyo? El discípulo no es superior a su maestro; pero cuando termine

su aprendizaje, será como su maestro.

¿Por qué ves la paja en el ojo de tu hermano y no la viga que llevas en el tuyo? ¿Cómo te atreves a

decirle a tu hermano: 'Déjame quitarte la paja que llevas en el ojo', si no adviertes la viga que llevas en

el tuyo? ¡Hipócrita! Saca primero la viga que llevas en tu ojo y entonces podrás ver, para sacar la paja

del ojo de tu hermano.

No hay árbol bueno que produzca frutos malos, ni árbol malo que produzca frutos buenos. Cada árbol

se conoce por sus frutos. No se recogen higos de las zarzas, ni se cortan uvas de los espinos. El

hombre bueno dice cosas buenas, porque el bien está en su corazón, y el hombre malo dice cosas

malas, porque el mal está en su corazón, pues la boca habla de lo que está lleno el corazón".

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Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and holy, tried and true

With thanksgiving, I'll be a living. Sanctuary for You

It is you, Lord. Who came to save

The heart and soul. Of every man

It is you Lord. Who knows my weakness

Who gives me strength. With thine own hand

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and Holy, tried and true

With thanksgiving I'll be a living. Sanctuary for you

Lead Me on Lord. From temptation

And Purify me. From within

Fill my heart Lord. With Your holy spirit

And Take away, Take away all my sin

Lord prepare me to be sanctuary. Pure and holy, tried and true

With thanksgiving, I'll be a living. Sanctuary for You

Lord prepare me to be sanctuary. Pure and holy, tried and true

With thanksgiving, I'll be a living. Sanctuary for You

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Please join us for Fellowship.

Have a Blessed Week!

Bulletin Submissions due by Thursday at Midnight.

Email to: [email protected] or by calling Bill Schwartz at PH: 727-350-3778