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Handling Global Traffic in Future CMP NoCs

Ran Manevich, Israel Cidon, and Avinoam Kolodny.


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Electrical Engineering DepartmentTechnion – Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa, Israel

SLIP 2012

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Bandwidth Version of Rent’s Rule

B – Cluster external bandwidth.k – Average bandwidth per

module.G – Number of modules in a

cluster.R – Rent’s exponent, 0<R<1.

B = kGR

G = 16B = ∑

Greenfield et al., “Implications of Rent’s Rule for NoC Design and Its Fault-Tolerance”, NOCS 2007

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Rent’s Exponent Reflects Traffic Locality

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CMP NoC Traffic Follows Rent’s Rule

2D Mesh NoC

~Average of CMP parallel programs*

* Heirman et al., “Rent’s Rule and Parallel Programs: Characterizing Network Traffic Behaviour”, SLIP 2008

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2D Mesh – Packets Classification by Distance For illustration purposes, packets are

classified according to distances between sources and destinations.


Nearest Neighbor (NN) –Dist = 1

Local – 1<Dist<2+K/8

Global – Dist ≥ 2+K/8K=


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Fraction of global packets decreases in large systems

Rent’s exponent (R) = 0.7


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Dominance of Global Packets in BW/Router and Light Load Latency

Nearest Neighbor traffic is dominant in small systems.

* Zarkesh-Ha et al., “Hybrid Network on Chip (HNoC): local buses with globalmesh architecture”, SLIP 2010


In large systems:1.Global packets are

minority.2.Global packets

dominate BW/router and average latency.

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In large systems, global packets (minority):

Consume most of the network’s BW.Significantly increase average light load latency.

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Solution - PyraMesh

Overall hops-count is reduced.Average latency is reduced.

Average BW per router is reduced.

Hierarchical 2D mesh. Global packets are routed

through higher hierarchy levels.

12345678 hopsinstead of 14!



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PyraMesh - ArchitectureK – The size of the base

mesh.NL – Number of levels.NP – Number of pyramids on

top of the base mesh.

αi – Ratio between the sizes of levels i and i+1.

Ci – Number of routers in level i that are connected to a router in level i+1 along a single dimension.

K = 8, NL = 2, NP = 1αi = 4, Ci = 2

K = 8, NL = 3, NP = 1αi = 2, Ci = 1

K = 8, NL = 2, NP = 4αi = 4, Ci = 1

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Addressing – On each level i, node (X,Y)Base Mesh is represented by the nearest router in the North-East quarter:

Routing – XY:

PyraMesh – Addressing and Routing


,( , )1

, ;


i X Y i mmi i

X YAddress at a

at at

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Packets are distributed among levels i according to their travel distance (D) in the base mesh.

DThi – Distance threshold of level i. If D > DThi , the packet is directed to level

i+1. Example: DThi = 6, 12, 20

PyraMesh – Packets Classification

Highest Level Travel Distance

4 D>203 12<D≤202 6<D≤12

1 (Base Mesh) D≤6

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Area overhead,

Wiring overhead,

Maximum bandwidth per router*,

Average light-load latency* =




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Optimization Results Example of 16x16 System, R = 0.7

Throughput optimized PyraMesh:

Light load latency optimized PyraMesh:


D>8Packets distance thresholds



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Light Load Latency Performance

BMesh – The baseline meshScaled Mesh (SMesh) – Links wider than inBMesh by PyraMesh area overhead factor.

HNoC –

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Throughput Results, R = 0.7

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Our Contributions

The observation that global packets limit scalability of large systems.

PyraMesh – A novel framework for hierarchical NoCs design.

Characterization of Rentian traffic in large NoCs.

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Conclusions Global packets limit performance in

large (future) CMP systems.

PyraMesh – A novel class of hierarchical 2D mesh topologies.

PyraMesh handles global traffic in future CMP NoCs.

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Thank You!

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Related Work

CMesh J. D. Balfour and W. J. Dally. “Design tradeoffs for tiled CMP on-chip

networks”. International Conference on Supercomputing, 2006.

GigaNoC C. Puttmann, J.-C. Niemann, M. Porrmann, and U. Rückert. “GigaNoC – A

hierarchical network-on-chip for scalable chip-multiprocessors.” Euromicro DSD 2007.

Long Range Links U. Y. Ogras and R. Marculescu. “ ‘It’s a small world after all’: NoC performance

optimization via long-range link insertion”. IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst. 2006.

Hierarchical Rings on a Mesh S. Bourduas and Z. Zilic. “Latency reduction of global traffic in wormhole-routed

meshes using hierarchical rings for global routing”. ASAP 2007.

Hierarchical 2-Levels 2D MeshMarkus Winter and Steffen Prusseit and Gerhard P. Fettweis. Hierarchical routing architectures in clustered 2D-mesh networks-on-chip. ISOCC 2010.