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2012 SALPN AGM Everything you want to know Everything you need to know

Election Time! Meet our nominees and find out

more about each of them

Committee Reports A look back

A look ahead

Auditor’s Report Details on page 7

Champion LPN Marlene Cleveland

April 2012




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SALPN Council

Council MembersPresident Rachel Kennedy, LPN

President Elect Pauline Mason, LPN

Members at LargeZone 1, West Wrangler Hamm, LPN

Zone 2, North Karen Disiewich, LPN

Zone 3, Saskatoon City Gwen Coburn, LPN

Zone 4, Regina City Erin Ward, LPN

Zone 5, East Janice Wagner, LPN

Public RepresentativesTony Linner

Marjorie Bell

Bonnie Hartman

SALPN StaffExecutive Director Colin Hein, RN

Registrar Cara Brewster, LPN

Assistant Registrar Bonnie Downes

Practice Consultant Lynsay Donald, LPN

Communications Consultant Travis Pool

Investigator Della Bartzen, LPN

Office Manager Adele Kohlenberg

Administrative Assistant Stephanie Kavas

Table of Contents







Staff & Council Photos

Executive Directors Report Colin Hein

President’s MessageRachel Kennedy

Registrar`s Reports

SALPN Conference & Annual General MeetingRegister today!

Committee Reports

Mental Illness...A Barrier To So Many Things In Life by Dr. Austin Mardon

Member at Large Nominations Nominees

Auditor`s Report

Highlighting a Champion LPNMarlene Cleveland

Sally Pyn Questions & Answers

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2011 SALPN Staff & Council Members

Staff & Council

SALPN Council & Executive Director SALPN Staff

Top (left to right): Cara Brewster, Marjorie Bell, Janice Wagner, Travis Pool, Erin Ward, Colin Hein, Tony Linner, Bonnie Hartman, Wrangler Hamm, Gwen Coburn Bottom (left to right): Karen Disiewich, Adele Kohlenberg, Pauline Mason, Rachel Kennedy, Lynsay Donald, Bonnie Downes, Stephanie Kavas

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The President’s Message Rachel Kennedy, President

Another year has flown by and I’m happy to say it has been a busy and productive year at the SALPN. We have taken the time to look closely at ourselves and have reviewed and updated our bylaws which will be presented for your approval at this year’s Annual General Meeting. We are reviewing our policies and we have developed a strategic plan to keep us moving forward to better serve our membership in providing the best care to the residents of Saskatchewan.

The province is also moving forward and many of us are facing changes and challenges in our workplaces and our communities. Following a comprehensive provincial survey regarding the state of healthcare, in October 2009 Tony Dagnone presented his recommendations to Health Minister, Don McMorris. This was referred to as the patient first review. The first recommendation focused on patient and family centered care and stated, “That the health system make patient and family centered care the foundation and principal aim of the Saskatchewan health system, through a broad

policy framework to be adopted system-wide. Developed in collaboration with patients, families, providers and health system leaders, this policy framework should serve as an overarching guide for health care organizations, professional groups and others to make the Patient First philosophy a reality in all work places.”

What does this mean for you? What does this mean for the professional nursing bodies in Saskatchewan? I believe this means we need to stop looking after ourselves and start working together. We need to strive for collaborative practice settings where all providers are utilized to the best of their abilities. We need leaders in our communities to step forward and bring new and innovative ideas to the tables to focus the limited healthcare dollars on patient and family centered care. I know that the LPNs of Saskatchewan have a great deal to offer in the new future of healthcare, and the SALPN wants to work with you.

Over the next year look forward to the SALPN to introduce some new and exciting ideas to help you. We have our new liaison positions and are always looking for LPN’s to be that bridge between the office and the frontline nursing. We are developing leadership education and are hopefully creating our own challenge to encourage leadership and innovation in the area of patient and family centered care. I look forward to seeing how these develop but I’m most excited to see what ideas can come from our membership.

I hope to see many of you at our Annual General Meeting and Education Conference in Saskatoon this spring, We have an inspirational keynote speaker and some interesting and informative concurrent education sessions as well as the important work at the AGM. While you are there, please take the time to come to speak to myself and your council. We are your organization, elected by you to regulate the LPN’s of the province to ensure they provide the safest care possible to the residents of Saskatchewan. Your council needs to hear from you! What information you provide us helps keep you up to date with your education needs and also you are our eyes to frontline nursing across the province. Your voice is important.

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

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Executive Directors Report 2011 Colin Hein, Executive Director

Throughout the past year, the SALPN staff & council have remained committed to our strategic vision and plan. The priority goals, which were established in September of 2009, have been essential in creating and defining the direction as set by council. Currently council is working to establish a new strategic plan with long and short term goals reaching into 2014. As with most strategic plans we have compiled a lengthy list of successful initiatives that are currently in process or have been completed. Highlights of 2011 include the completion of our bylaw revisions (will be taken to the membership in spring of 2012), new Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice developed & the LPN SALPN liaison program has been created. Council and staff remain committed to excellence through public protection, regulation and the promotion of safe, competent and efficient patient and family centered care.

Strategic Objectives

1. Improve client outcomes and professional practice through strategic collaboration 2. Achieve high standards and consistency through mandatory competencies 3. Advance professional practice through membership and public awareness 4. Leverage technology to better serve our members 5. Build and model organizational effectiveness

1. Improve client outcomes and professional practice through strategic collaboration

The SALPN works collaboratively and strategically with colleagues, partners, provincial and national programs, groups and colleges to ensure the SALPN is involved in key initiatives which impact LPN practice. The SALPN has employees and members participating and attending in these discussions that impact healthcare in Saskatchewan and Canada.

Some of the key collaborative groups the SALPN are involved with: SRNA, NNAS (National Nursing Assessment Service), CCPNR (Canadian Council of Practical Nurse Regulators), Ministry of Health, Provincial Nursing Council, Sask. Surgical Initiative, NIRO, Health Canada, HRSDC, Foreign Credential Recognition Program, SIAST, ACCC (Association of Canadian Community Colleges), CACCE (Canadian Association of Continuing Care Educators), Women of the Dawn First Nations Awards, Sask. Police Association, U of S, and the U of R.

SALPN and SIAST have been successful in a partnership to acquire funding from Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration services. This project will assist SALPN and SIAST to better verify and assess credentials of Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) seeking licensure with the SALPN.

SALPN staff with the assistance of LPN colleagues and LPN stakeholders have been involved nationally in the creation of 4 core documents which will be completed in 2012/13. The four

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Executive Directors Report 2011 (continued)

documents (Entry to Practice Competencies, Requisite Skills and Abilities, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice) will add to the national exam blueprint to assist LPN regulators in Canada to ensure we have National standards.

Practical Nurse Regulators do not currently have consistent national requirements regarding the information required to determine an IEN’s educational comparability to a Canadian and/or provincial education standard. The development of a common set of national competencies for entry to practice as an LPN in Canada will contribute significantly to the ability for regulatory bodies to assess an applicant’s competency for licensure to practice in any province or territory in Canada and will provide increased clarity for the IEN regarding the role of the LPN in Canada. Articulating the requisite skills and abilities for the profession will assist both the internationally educated health professional and the local applicant when considering their personal suitability for practical nursing as a career in Canada.

2. Achieve high standards and consistency through mandatory competencies

2012 will see the completion of the final Mandatory competency (Health Assessment). To date, the majority of Saskatchewan LPNs have successfully completed this requirement. SALPN will continue to ensure LPNs in Saskatchewan have the training, knowledge, skills and abilities to remain a viable partner in Saskatchewan health care.

3. Advance professional practice through membership and public awareness

In 2011 SALPN initiated a public survey to poll the public on common health care issues and the LPNs role in the province. These results will be released in early 2012 and from initial reports they appear to be positive.

A great deal of time is spent on membership and public accessible communications. The Hand in Hand has been updated to reflect the current membership needs. In addition the SALPN web site contains all SALPN related material, information, forms, current events and news related to LPN practice in Saskatchewan. The SALPN staff continue to tour the province speaking with students, LPNs, managers and the public on leadership, role and scope of the Saskatchewan LPN.

4. Leverage technology to better serve our members

SALPN staff has utilized the Alinity data base for online registration and information management for the past 2 years. This past year the staff has initiated the process to expand & include additional features to assist in the Counselling, Investigation, Discipline and Membership Audit Processes. Online registrations have simplified and streamlined the registration process ensuring accurate data base information.

The online registry is available via the web site for LPNs, employers and the public to inquire regarding a SALPN members practicing status.

5. Build and model organizational effectiveness

SALPN staff & the Policy Development committee has completed the preliminary review and revisions to the Regulatory and Administrative bylaws. The bylaws which will be taken to the 2012 AGM have been updated to reflect the current SALPN practices, technologies and Code of Ethics for the membership. We have consulted the Ministry of Health and stakeholders in this process and will continue to do so to ensure there is broad participation and acceptance of these bylaws.


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Registrar’s Report From January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011

LPNs by Status Members New in 2011

Status Number Source NumberPracticing 2971 By CPNRE – SK trained 119

Non-Practicing 78 BY CPNRE – foreign trained 15

GLPNs 9 Reciprocity1 107

Re-entry Program – out of province2 1

Re-entry Program 4

Total 3058 Total 246

Reciprocity - Registrations Verification Requests from out of province from other Jurisdictions3

Jurisdiction Number Jurisdiction NumberBritish Columbia 19 British Columbia 6

Alberta 60 Alberta 36

Manitoba 9 Manitoba 6

Ontario 12 Ontario 6

Nova Scotia 2 Nova Scotia 1

Quebec 2 Newfoundland 1

USA 3 Prince Edward Island 1


Total 107 Total 63

1 Includes non SK trained LPNs granted licensure through the Licensed Practical Nurses Mutual Recognition Agreement. October, 2001

2 Out of province trained LPNs who had let their license lapse3 Jurisdictions receiving requests for a reciprocal licensure from SK trained LPNs must verify their

status with the SALPN. Not all requests for verification result in the issuing of a reciprocal license in the other jurisdiction.

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Auditor’s Report Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Statement of Financial Position Year Ended December 31, 2011


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Auditor’s Report Statement of Revenues and Expenses Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Statement of Changes in Net Assets Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Notes to Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Notes to Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Notes to Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Notes to Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Wages and Benefits (Schedule 1) Year Ended December 31, 2011

Professional (Schedule 2) Year Ended December 31, 2011

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Auditor’s Report Administrative (Schedule 3) Year Ended December 31, 2011

Occupancy (Schedule 4) Year Ended December 31, 2011

Developmental Projects (Schedule 5) Year Ended December 31, 2011


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Education Committee As the new chair of the Education Committee I am pleased to present this report. 2011 has seen the implementation of the LPN Liaison positions. There is currently 50 workplace Liaisons throughout the province. Their primary function is to keep the lines of communication open between SALPN and LPNs in their facilities. We are in the process of developing a plan to implement leadership sessions to LPNs, assisted by the liaisons to organize facility boardrooms, etc. If you think you might be interested in a Liaison position contact the SALPN office or check the website for more information.

The Continuing Education Portfolio has seen a small revision. We have added the category of Mentorship, for an 8 week regional program you will receive 3 points.

Our committee was handed the challenge to create a new provincial Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice documents which will be presented to the membership in 2012. Another was to develop the process to create and implement a Public and Membership survey. The Public survey was delivered and completed in December and the Membership survey will be sent out early 2012. The results of these surveys will aid us with our strategic direction. Something we are working on and to look for in the future is a Patient and Family Centered Care challenge for LPNs, more details will be available at a later date.

We continue to look to the members for interesting stories and LPN champions to highlight in the Hand In Hand Magazine. If you have a story or article to share with us or work with someone who deserves to be in the spotlight please let us know.

Members: Pauline Mason (Chair), Brenda Wyllchuk, Allison Lanz, Karen Disiewich, Tina Sentes, Colin Hein, Lynsay Donald

Awards & Recognition Committee The Awards & Recognition Committee is excited to have four practicing members attending the Saskatchewan Institute of Health Leadership (SIHL) program offered at the University of Regina. It is a great opportunity to build on leadership qualities and collaborate with other disciplines of the healthcare sector. We encourage you to consider taking part of opportunities such as this.

As always, we have our Mentorship Award, LPN of Distinction Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Honorary Member Award. Please take the time to nominate someone who has made a difference to the nursing profession. All information and nomination sheets can be found on the SALPN website (

The committee is presently working on another award, focusing on individuals and workgroups who are leaders in their workplace. Keep a close look on the website and Hand-In-Hand for more details.

We are proud to recognize every Licensed Practical Nurse delivering exceptional care to the people of Saskatchewan. Thank you for all that you do.

Members: Wrangler Hamm (Chair), Janice Wagner, Nadine Dubeau-Chan, Bernadette Mooney

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Mandatory Competency CommitteeThis Committee is an advisory committee reporting to the SALPN Council. The Committee meets by teleconference to provide advice to the SALPN on the implementation of the mandatory competencies. Committee activities include but are not be restricted to: recommending strategies for promoting mandatory competencies, monitoring implementation of the competencies, reviewing and providing feedback to SIAST regarding the criteria for challenging and/or PLARing courses, and advising the SALPN Council on potential solutions.

It is my pleasure to chair this committee with representatives from the provincial government, the health regions, SIAST and the unions. This year we lost one of our union representatives, Al Chaisson and as I am writing this report we do not have a replacement. Al was a valuable member of the committee and his input will be missed.

The deadline for the Health Assessment 227 mandatory competency is rapidly approaching and we have been focusing on how to get as many LPN’s as possible to get the required education. Information has been given to the health regions so they can reach their individual LPN’s and the SALPN office has been making phone calls to all LPN’s across the province. Information is provided to these LPN’s to help them make a decision regarding the mandatory competency. I encourage all LPN’s who wish to access this education do so as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss the deadline.

Finally I wish to personally thank those LPN’s who choose not to get the education for all the professional nursing care they have provided the citizens of Saskatchewan over their licensed career. You will be missed.

Members: Rachel Kennedy (Chair), Lynn Digney-Davis, Linda Wasko-Lacey, Diane Harrison, Margot Hawke, Gillian Oberndorfer, Gloria Fingas, Tammy Brown, Cara Brewster, Colin Hein

Policy Development Committee The Policy Development committee is made up of the SALPN President, the President-Elect, a Member at Large, the Executive Director, the Registrar and the Practice Consultant. This committee is responsible for identifying, reviewing and developing draft policies and position guidelines on issues of interest to the SALPN.

In the past year this committee has been working hard with legal council to review and revise the SALPN bylaws, and I am happy to say that we will be bringing the final draft to the membership for approval at the upcoming AGM. The committee has also started work on reviewing our policies and also has started to look into updating and/or revising our competency manual. These are both items that will continue to take up the committee’s time into the next year.

Members: Rachel Kennedy (Chair), Pauline Mason, Erin Ward, Colin Hein, Cara Brewster, Lynsay Donald

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Nominations Committee The Nominations Committee was appointed by the SALPN Council in August of 2011.

Our first meeting was held in September of 2011 where the committee developed the vision statement that directs the work of the committee, “Recruiting knowledgeable people to represent the best interests of the SALPN”.

As well, we developed a strategic plan to guide us in fulfilling our committee obligation.

Our first interaction with the membership was at Professional Development Day. We were very pleased with the interest shown regarding the SALPN Council and SALPN Committees. It was evident by the number of LPNS who came to our display table that there is a desire to learn about the SALPN, as well as become more involved with the SALPN. To note, 93 LPNs visited our display table.

Since then, we have put our plan into action by contacting the membership regarding the zone 2 and 4 elections and updating election information on the website. We have also had numerous conversations with LPNs across the province, from the far north to the south, recruiting potential candidates for the electoral zones.

These conversations are most rewarding. They give us the opportunity to educate you regarding your regulatory body, the SALPN. Most importantly, we know we have left you with an opportunity to expand your horizons, grow professionally and lead.

We have formed a database of prospective LPNS who have expressed interest in sitting on SALPN Committees as well as running in next year’s election. This year, we have several candidates running in the election.

We will be giving a presentation at the SALPN Annual General Meeting to give you more information regarding the SALPN Council and Committees. We look forward to meeting, learning, sharing, and growing with you.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the LPNS for putting their names forward for the upcoming election as well as committee participation.

Members: Cynthia Gutek (Chair), Al Chaisson, Kari Pruden

Events Committee It has been another busy year for the Events Committee. After a successful Professional Development Day in Saskatoon, we began the process of planning our SALPN Conference and Annual General Meeting. This year it will be in Saskatoon at TCU Place on April 24th and 25th. We are very excited to bring you our keynote speaker, LeAnn Thieman, author of Chicken Soup for The Nurses Soul.

We have already begun planning the next Professional development Day which will be held on October 23rd at the Travelodge Hotel in Regina. We are always interested in what you, the members want to see. We are always trying to incorporate the feedback you give us into our events. So please keep filling out the evaluations we provide.

We look forward to seeing you.

Members: Erin Ward (Chair), Gwen Coburn, Bonnie Hauser, Kathleen Gessner, Lynsay Donald, Colin Hein

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Discipline Committee A self-regulating profession, such as licensed practical nursing, is authorized by law to license individuals to practice as LPNs and to regulate the conduct of LPNs by establishing rules of practice and standards of conduct. A self-regulating profession has the responsibility to ensure public safety and to protect the standing of the profession from any harm caused by the conduct of its members. These responsibilities are met through a complaint-based disciplinary process, which is set out in The Licensed Practical Nurses Act, 2000. Under that process, any complaints made by members of the public or the profession concerning an LPN’s practice are investigated by the Investigation Committee to determine whether there is evidence of professional misconduct or professional incompetence. If there is such evidence, the Investi-gation Committee will recommend to the Discipline Committee that it hear and determine the complaint. The Discipline Committee holds a formal discipline hearing for the purposes of deciding whether the member is guilty of professional misconduct or professional incompetence and if the member is, then deciding upon the appropriate penalty for that misconduct or incompetence. A discipline hearing is open to the public and is conducted in a way that ensures that the member is treated fairly. Members have the right to fully participate in a discipline hearing in defense of the complaint made against them.

In 2011, the composition of the Discipline Committee changed due to the departure of two members whose terms had expired. We are grateful for their dedicated service and contributions of Kathy Ogle, LPN and Andrea Zavislak, LPN. The Discipline Committee welcomes new members appointed by Council, Terry Chretien, LPN and Brenda Ballagh, LPN.

Although the Discipline Committee heard and decided many complaints in 2011, the vast majority of complaints made against members were resolved through alternate dispute resolution (“ADR”) without a hearing before the Discipline Committee. In 2011, the Discipline Committee held six hearings and issued 10 decisions, which included five decisions for complaints heard in 2010 (a decision is outstanding in relation to one complaint heard in 2011). All of these decisions involved complaints of professional misconduct and many of the decisions dealt either with LPNs having worked without a license or having breached ADR agreements.

Summary of Discipline Committee Decisions in 2011

Practicing without a current license: In three separate discipline hearings, LPN’s Crystal LaSwisse, Nola Bastian, and Darla Tedford, were found guilty of professional misconduct for practicing without a current license (each had worked as an LPN after the expiry of their annual license). All three LPN’s failed to attend and participate in their hearings. Each of the LPN’s were subject to the following penalties: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) an order that the member’s employer be notified of the Discipline Committee’s decision and orders; (iii) that the member be permitted to continue to practice on the following conditions: (a) completion of the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course available through SIAST; (b) payment of a fine (the amount of each fine was dependent on the number of shifts the LPN had worked without a license and amounted to $200 per shift worked); and (c) payment of $1500 in costs to SALPN (reflecting only a portion of the actual costs associated with the investigation and hearing); and (iv) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order, by the dates indicated.

In a fourth hearing, Janice Taylor was also found guilty of professional misconduct for practicing without a license, however, Ms. Taylor attended and participated at her hearing, also having cooperated with the Investigation Committee to arrive at an agreed statement of facts and proposed penalties. The Discipline Committee accepted the following proposed penalties: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) that the member be permitted to continue to practice as an LPN on the following conditions: (a) that she complete the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course; and (b) pay $1000 in costs to SALPN; and (iii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order, by the dates indicated. The Discipline Committee had determined that the jointly proposed penalties

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were appropriate in this case, even though they were somewhat more lenient than those imposed on the other three LPN’s, because Ms. Taylor chose to cooperate and participate in the hearing process and there were no clear and compelling reasons to decline to accept the penalties that were jointly proposed.

In these decisions, the Discipline Committee noted that there were a large number LPN’s who had practiced without a license as a result of failing to renew their annual licenses for 2010. This was the first time the Discipline Committee was required to consider and make a ruling on this issue. In doing so, the Discipline Committee made particular note of the fact that it considers this type of misconduct to be of the utmost seriousness and that in the future, more substantial penalties could be ordered for such misconduct.

Breaches of ADR Agreements: Gladys Shewchuk was found guilty of professional misconduct for failing to comply with the terms of an ADR agreement in which she had agreed to take two courses through SIAST, specifically, the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course and the Phar 264 Administration of Medication course. The Discipline Committee accepted the penalties that were jointly proposed by the member and the Investigation Committee: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) that the member be permitted to continue to practice as an LPN on the conditions that she complete the to courses by a specified date and pay $1000 in costs to SALPN; and (iii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order, by the dates indicated.

Melissa Leung was found guilty of professional misconduct for breaching an ADR agreement she had entered into with the Investigation Committee. Specifically, she had failed to complete the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course and a Physical Assessment course, and provide copies of performance appraisals conducted by her employer. Ms. Leung did not attend her hearing. The Discipline Committee imposed the following penalties: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) that the member’s employer be given a copy of the Discipline Committee’s decision; and (iii) an order immediately suspending the member’s license to practice until such time as she fully complies with the following conditions: (a) completion of the two courses she had agreed to complete under the ADR agreement; and (b) payment of $1000 in costs to SALPN.

Nicole Cyr was subject to a complaint of professional misconduct for her failure to complete the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course and a HIPA course, by a specified date, in breach of an ADR agreement she entered into with the Investigation Committee. Following a discipline hearing in which Ms. Cyr attended and participated, the Discipline Committee found her guilty of professional misconduct for her failure to comply with the ADR agreement, but only with respect to the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course. The Discipline Committee found that there was no evidence that a HIPA course exists and it was sufficient that Ms. Cyr had reviewed and familiarized herself with HIPA on her own. As penalties for the professional misconduct, the Discipline Committee ordered: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) that the member be permitted to continue to practice as an LPN on the conditions that she complete the Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics course by a specified date and that she pay $500 in costs to SALPN; and (iii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order.

An LPN was found guilty of professional misconduct for failing to comply with the terms of two ADR agreements she had entered into with the Investigation Committee. Specifically, the LPN failed to make two payments of costs to SALPN, each in the amount of $200, by a specified date. The Discipline Committee accepted that the penalties that were jointly proposed by the member and the Investigation Committee were appropriate and ordered: (i) that the member pay $400 to SALPN, representing the costs she had agreed to pay under the ADR agreements; (ii) that upon payment of the $400, the member is eligible to obtain a license to practice and may continue to practice as long as she complies with a number of very specific conditions that relate to her attendance for group and individual counselling and her compliance with the counsellors’ recommendations for a period of one year (unless the counsellor recommends discontinuation on an earlier date or is otherwise unable to provide the member with further counselling); and (iii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order. In this case, the Discipline Committee took the unusual step of issuing

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a direction to SALPN that it not publish this decision (or any portion of the decision and orders), without first masking the identity of the member. In nearly all cases, the names of LPN’s subject to discipline are published, a practice that is common to most self-regulating professions. In this case, where the evidence included highly sensitive personal information about the member, the Discipline Committee took into account the member’s cooperation, display of remorse and commitment to counselling, when deciding that the nondisclosure of the member’s name served a greater interest than the interest in deterrence that would be served by publishing the member’s name.

In another case, a complaint was made concerning an LPN’s theft of prescription medication from her employer. The LPN had been convicted of theft under the Criminal Code. The member and the Investiga-tion Committee had entered into in the agreed statement of facts and a joint submission concerning appropriate penalties. The Discipline Committee found the LPN guilty of professional misconduct. For the most part, the Discipline Committee accepted the jointly proposed penalties as appropriate. The Discipline Committee ordered: (i) that the member be permitted to continue to practice as an LPN on the conditions that she continue to attend for individual counselling and follow the recommendations of the counsellors and that she submit to random drug testing upon SALPN’s request, for a one year period; and (ii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order or if she fails a drug test. In light of the very sensitive personal information shared by the member, the Discipline Committee issued a direction to SALPN and the member’s employer that they not publish the decision without first masking the identity of the member.

Other decisions: Maria Larson was found guilty of professional misconduct for failing to properly administer and chart medications, and for having made a decision about medications that is outside the scope of an LPN’s practice. The Discipline Committee ordered the following penalties: (i) a formal reprimand; (ii) a direction to review any workplace policies and procedures dealing with the administration of medications and proper charting practices; and (iii) an order that the member’s license be suspended automatically if she fails to comply with the conditions in the order.

Members: Angela Zborosky (Chair), Marjorie Molsberry, Terry Chretien, Brenda Ballagh, Tony Linner

Counselling & Investigation Committee A self-governing profession, such as licensed practical nursing, is authorized by law to license individuals to practise, and then to regulate the conduct of those licensees by establishing rules of practice and standards of conduct that are enforceable through a discipline process. A self-governing profession must above all ensure public safety, but it must also protect the standing of the profession from harm done to it by the inappropriate actions of an individual member and it must be fair to the member in question, as the member’s livelihood is at risk. SALPN, as a self-governing profession, is governed by The Licensed Practical Nurses Act, 2000, which provides a legislative framework that is intended to respect and balance these sometimes conflicting interests.

In 2011, the SALPN Counselling and Investigation Committee received a total of 67 complaints. The complaints fell into three broad categories: practising without a licence; failure to respond to an audit request from the Registrar; and practice complaints.

Practising without a licence

Practising as an LPN without a licence is a breach of ss. 22(1) of the Act, which states, “No person shall practise as a licensed practical nurse unless that person is a practising member.” A breach of the Act is professional misconduct, as defined in s. 24 of the Act.

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The Registrar made complaints concerning 16 members who appeared to have practised without valid licences as a result of having failed to renew their licences on time. Of these, one complaint was dismissed because the member had not in fact practised during the time she was without a licence.

The remaining 15 complaints were all resolved by means of an ADR agreement, under which the members accepted a formal reprimand, undertook to renew on time in future, and paid costs of $200, in addition to any other fee that might have been levied for late renewal.

Failure to respond to an audit request

Failure to respond to communications from SALPN is professional misconduct because a failure by a member of a self-governing profession to respond to his or her governing body tends to harm the standing of the profession, contrary to s. 24 of the Act.

The Registrar made complaints concerning 31 members who had failed to respond to the Registrar’s audit information request. Of these, 13 complaints were dismissed because the members hadn’t received the letter (9) or had in fact responded (4).

The remaining 18 complaints were all resolved by means of an ADR agreement, under which the members accepted a formal reprimand, undertook to provide the requested information within 30 days, and paid costs of $200.

Practice complaints

SALPN received 20 outside complaints in 2011. Of these, 8 were dismissed, 6 are currently being investigated or considered by the Committee, and one will be proceeding to a Discipline Committee hearing in May 2012.

In early 2010, a complaint was made alleging that Nola Bastian had failed to renew her licence on time and worked without a licence. In March 2011, the Discipline Committee found her guilty and ordered, among other things, that she pay a fine of $1600 and costs of $1500. As she has not made any payment to date, another complaint was filed against her and collection proceedings have been initiated in court.

A complaint was made against an LPN in January 2011 regarding some medication errors. This issue has been resolved by means of an ADR agreement.

Three complaints from 2011 went to hearing before the Discipline Committee and have since been the subject of orders (Pamella Quintin (formerly Dickson), Nicole Cyr, Melissa Leung). (See the report from the Discipline Committee for details.)

Members: Greg Wagner (Chair), Della Bartzen (Investigator), Peggy Preston, Shirley Wirsche, Cindy Kress

Page 27: Hand in Hand Newsletter


Member At Large Nominations

Zone 2 - North

Karen DisiewichVision Statement

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to sit on the SALPN Council as a Member at Large for Zone 2. I have thor-

oughly enjoyed this time. My knowledge has increased immensely. Given the opportunity to sit on the SALPN Council for another term, I know I will increase my knowledge even more. This will enable me to educate LPN’s in my Zone the importance of SALPN. I feel that I have a lot to offer to the Council as well.

I feel that LPNs must embrace the challenge of increasing our skills/education. It is the LPN’s professional responsibility to make sure our knowledge, skill and abilities are adequate for the facility in which we work. Roles of health care providers and times are always changing therefore the LPN profession must change so was can provide safe patient care. We must remember that Nursing is a life-long experience. We are in a time of prosperity which often presents us, as health care providers, with more challenges. LPNs must be prepared to provide ethical, competent safe care. LPNs must work collaboratively with other health care providers. We must respect each oth-ers’ scope of practices and work as a team.

Professional Biography

I have been in the nursing profession for almost 37 years. I have worked at the Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert for all of those years. During those 36 plus years, I have worked on the Surgical unit, the Pediatric unit, the Float pool and the Dialysis unit. I started my nursing profession as

a CNA then I became an LPN and now I am presently working on achieving my diploma status as a Practical Nurse. Nursing has been a very rewarding occupation and I can honestly say I love my profession. I take great pride in being a mentor and a leader for my peers. I also sit on the Policy and Procedure Committee.

Personal Information

I have been married for 34 and half years to a wonderful supporting husband; Wally. We have 2 sons, Kelly and Bradley, a wonderful daughter in law, Morgan and a lovely grand-daughter, Ella. I am the treasurer for the PA AAA Midget Mintos. I love the game of hockey. I spend most of my winters attending the Raider and the AAA Minto games. In the summer, I enjoy going to Rider football games and going to the lake.

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qualitysummit.caSummit Partners:

April 17 & 18, 2012Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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Page 28: Hand in Hand Newsletter


Zone 2 - North

Valarie SpencerVision Statement

Since 1993, we have watched our people & responsibilities change. With these changes, I’ve watched manage-

ment struggle with scheduling & patient assignment, so it has always been my wish to see all LPN’s have the same basic education so that everyone knows what an LPN can do. I feel we are on the right track as an association.

Professional Biography

I have worked in Turtleford for the past 25 years. We are an integrated facility covering all aspects of patient care. I’ve been president of our local SALPN commit-tee, centered out of North Battleford and I’ve done a lot of work with the JJE.

Personal Information

I live with my husband of 25 years on the family farm. We have 3 children and are expecting our first grandchild. I love to travel. I am secretary of the local Church Board. I enjoy camping and volunteering at the local rink.

Zone 2 - North

Lyndsay McCallumVision Statement

As LPNs, we continue to grow as health care professional with a wide scope of practice. Others in the health care team may

not be aware of your education & skill. I believe in fair treatment for all and want LPNs across Saskatchewan working full scope to their ability. As a member at large, I plan on bringing educa-tion to the northern communities on this long standing issue.

Professional Biography

I gained the LPN certificate from DTI 2007 in Saskatoon. Immediately after graduating, I returned to my hometown of Buffalo Narrows where I obtained a casual position at the LaLoche Hospital for 2 years. Following that I took a challenge and applied for a temporary Home Care position in Buffalo Narrows and was awarded the position. While in this position, I was able to learn & grow as an LPN in a community nursing setting at a full scope practice. There I gained extra education including phlebotomy, foot care, and PICC line med admin. Presently I returned to LaLoche Hospital and also accepted shifts at the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Ile a la Crosse.

Personal Information

I am an LPN to the northern communities. I believe I am a caring, courageous, confident and dedicated individual who is willing to accept challenges. Some of my interests are cooking, baking and of course spending time with my family.

Member At Large Nominations

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Zone 4 - Regina

Nancy HansonVision Statement

My vision for the LPN profession is an ever changing one; one that is constantly evolving. Whether it be continu-

ously developing our skills and education or just better informing others what an LPN is, ideally all of the above.

For me, getting the opportunity to be on Council would provide me with a much better understanding as to how our profession works from a totally different perspective. I also believe that I would be able to offer my own knowledge and experience. I would love the chance to share the learning experience that this would bring. I believe that this would make me a better LPN.

Professional Biography

• 1998 – Graduated from the SIAST LPN Program, I have worked as an LPN since.

• 1998 – 1999: Pediatric and Emergency Department at the Pasqua Hospital

• 1999 – 2005: Family Medicine unit at the Pasqua Hospital

• 2005 – Present: Emergency Department at Pasqua Hospital

I have taken part in the creation of “Preprint-ed Physicians Orders” and a CHF pathway”. I have served on a “Patient How” and “Releasing Time to Care” committees.

Personal Information

One of my biggest personal interests is education, of myself and others. I am a SALPN workplace liaison. I have precepted numerous practical nursing students. I have taken part in a Canadian Practical Nursing Exam writing session and am currently enrolled in the Saskatchewan Institute of Health Leadership Program.

Zone 4 - Regina

Lynn St. OngeVision Statement

I am proud to be an LPN. We are leaders that coach and mentor others. We are a valuable resource in the healthcare system. I am

a caring, positive, hardworking individual that wants to be that strong voice. I believe in lead-ing by example, by respecting each other’s uniqueness and working as a team. We need a collaborative practice for all nurses to successfully work together to enhance our patient outcomes. Education is important to me and helps me grow as an individual. This is only one form of knowledge. I believe knowl-edge comes from every aspect of life, with new experiences and opportunities to grow as an individual. Being on Council, I would listen, learn, contribute and share the knowledge that I will gain to the membership

Professional Biography

I graduated as a CNA in 1984. I have seen many challenges and changes throughout my 28 year career. I have always worked full time at Wascana Rehabilitation Center. I love working there. I call it “My home away from home”. I have been upgrading throughout the years and currently working towards my diploma. I have recently been appointed to the Rural Restoration & Continuing Care Strategic Planning Steering Committee for Patient & Family Centered Care. I am looking forward to being involved with this committee, to learn, to listen, and to contribute.

Personal Information

I have been married for 28 years and have two sons, aged 26 & 24. I love spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy reading in my spare time.

Member At Large Nominations

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Marlene Cleveland’s nursing career began in 1978. She says her thirty two years have been nothing short of enjoyable. Marlene works as an LPN in the Sun Country Health Region and has spent most of her working years in long term care, but has obtained a variety of work experience in a multitude of areas such as acute care, integrated care, and home care. Marlene is also an instructor in the PART program. During a phone call from Marlene to the SALPN office her fantastic approach towards the profession and positive attitude regarding continuing education was noted and prompted this article.

Marlene has been a wife to her husband Laural for thirty two years, has raised three children, and is currently enjoying five beautiful grandchildren. They make their home in Bengough, Saskatchewan. Marlene’s mother graduated from the nursing program at the Grey Nun’s Hospital almost thirty years to the day of Marlene’s graduation. Her mother inspired her to enter the nursing profession and continue a family tradition. A tradition Marlene’s daughter has also continued with her work as a continuing care aide.

Marlene describes a very fulfilling career and says she simply enjoys and is passionate about nursing. Marlene’s manager has described her as “extremely enthusiastic”and “Bright and cheery. The residents look forward to her arrival”. Marlene has found great joy in the people she has met throughout her career and the various types of care she has participated in.

When asked to provide thoughts for new and upcoming LPNs Marlene said, “Congratulations for entering health care. Follow your heart and follow your dreams. Don’t lose sight of why you entered nursing.”

On behalf of the SALPN council, staff, and membership we would like to thank Marlene for the inspiration she provides to fellow LPNs and we wish her all the best for the remainder of her practising years.

Champion LPNMarlene ClevelandHome town Bengough, SaskatchewanEmployer Sun Country Health RegionYears of Experience 32 years

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April 24th & 25th • TCU Place • Saskatoon, SK

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AGM AgendaApril 24th

7:30 am - 9:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 am - 9:00 am Welcome & Greetings

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Coffee Break at 10:30

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Lunch & LeAnn Thieman Book Signing

1:15 pm - 2:30 pm

2:30 pm - 2:50 pm Coffee Break

2:50 pm - 3:50 pm

5:30 pm Cocktails

6:00 pm Dinner

7:00 pm Awards Banquet

Evening Entertainment

LeAnn ThiemanLeAnn will inspire all staff to: • Balance their physical, mental, and spiritual lives • Identify factors contributing to “burn-out” • Create skills to balance home and work life • Mentor and support all team members • Bring positivity to the workplace • Reignite their passion and recommitment

Roger Boucher With a charismatic blend of wit and charm, and a passion for magic, Roger Boucher has been amazing audiences around Canada for nearly a decade.

Concurrent Sessions • Health Quality Council

“Setting Priorities: Making Improvements: The Patients Voice” • AIRGAS Saskatchewan:

“Sleep Apnea” • Multiple Sclerosis Society:

“Multiple Sclerosis” • Alzheimer Soicety of Saskatchewan: Alzheimer First Link Program

Concurrent Sessions • Health Quality Council

“Setting Priorities: Making Improvements: The Patients Voice” • AIRGAS Saskatchewan: “Sleep Apnea” • Multiple Sclerosis Society: “Multiple Sclerosis” • SALPN Bylaw Revision Overview

Page 33: Hand in Hand Newsletter


AGM AgendaApril 25th

7:45 am - 8:45 am Continental Breakfast

8:45 am - 9:00 am Welcome & Greetings

9:00 am - 10:30 pm

10:30 pm - 10:50 pm Coffee Break

10:50 am - 12:00 am

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch & Nominations Committee Presentation

1:00 pm Annual General Meeting

Exhibitor List

Alzheimer Soicety of Saskatchewan Arbonne

Dorothy Pearl Uniforms Regina Qu’Apelle Health Region

Health Canada - Canada Vigilance Program CUPE

Saskatoon Health Region Prairie Oxygen Ltd.

SIAST - Continuing Education

Soap Cutts


Dalmar Lynds Dal Lynds works in a busy emergency room in rural Saskatchewan collaboratively with LPNs, RNs, Paramedics, and Physicians. Each shift Dal assesses, diagnoses, and treats a variety of illnesses and conditions that LPNs across Saskatchewan are encountering regardless of the area they work. We will join Dal in the nursing process and explore four separate conditions encountered regularly by health care professionals.

Concurrent Sessions • Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan: Alzheimer First Link Program • SIAST: LPN Adjunct Clinical Instructor Program overview • SALPN Bylaw Revision Question Period • WINN - Nursing the Future

Page 34: Hand in Hand Newsletter


LeAnn Thieman 2012 SALPN AGM Keynote Speaker

By sharing Chicken Soup stories, and those from her own 30- plus years of nursing, LeAnn increases retention as she encourages, uplifts and honors nurses. Twenty percent of nurses leave their jobs because of stress, which affects morale, staffing ratios, and your bottom line. With stories from Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul LeAnn shares sage advice with compassion and humor, to feed their souls, lift their spirits, and give tools to “CARE 4 ME”! I Help nurses stay happy, healthy and hopeful.

LeAnn will inspire all staff to:

• Balance their physical, mental, and spiritual lives

• Identify factors contributing to “burn-out” • Create skills to balance home and work life • Mentor and support all team members • Bring positivity to the workplace • Reignite their passion and recommitment

Page 35: Hand in Hand Newsletter


Dalmar Lynds 2012 SALPN AGM Keynote Speaker

Dal Lynds is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner practicing in the emergency department of Battleford Union Hospital, Saskatchewan. Dal completed a Bachelor of Physical Education degree in Athletic Therapy at Acadia University in Nova Scotia. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Alberta, and worked as an RN in the Sturgeon emergency department in St. Albert, Alberta for 6 years. He later completed his Masters degree in Nursing as an Acute Care Nurse Practitio-ner with a focus on emergency medicine. He gradu-ated from the University of Alberta in 2007. He has taught in the U of S Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner program and serves as a clinical preceptor to Nurse Practitioner students from many university programs throughout Canada.

With a charismatic blend of wit and charm, and a passion for magic, Roger Boucher has been amazing audiences around Canada for nearly a decade.

Introduced to the art of magic while attending university, Roger has created and developed a one-of-a-kind show that delights and thrills all who experience it. From mind-bending card effects to stunning visuals using a variety of simple, everyday props, Roger has something for everyone. Whether you require a stage act geared towards a large audience or an intimate, in-your-hand close-up performance, Roger molds his show to suit his audience, making it personal and interactive.

Roger Boucher Awards Banquet Entertainer

Page 36: Hand in Hand Newsletter


Mental Illnesses…A Barrier To So Many Things In Life Written by Dr. Austin Mardon

We lost a good friend at Christmas. She was one of the first people in my parish to make friends with my wife when she came to Canada. We’ve watched her youngest son grow up, and I have tried to be a positive male role model for him. She was a single mom with 9 children. On Christmas Eve she had a massive heart attack and died three days later. She has left behind a family in total shock, grieving for the woman who was both mother and father to them all.

These things are especially difficult around the holidays. Our parish had three funerals this week. It can’t help but make us take a look at our own mortality. My wife and I both had close encounters with death when we were younger, so I suppose that has also made us more in touch with the idea that death can take you at any time. For myself, I know that I will have a shorter life expectancy than most because of my Schizophrenia.

On average, the life expectancy of someone with a serious mental illness is 25 years less than the general public. The medications that I take for my Schizophrenia are quite toxic. They can cause nasty side effects that can include extreme weight gain, damage to the liver and diabetes. That is a tradeoff I am willing to make for stability and sanity. Surviving with a mental illness can take all your time and strength, with nothing left over for the routine medical conditions that pop up as we age.

When someone with a history of mental illness enters the emergency room, there can be some serious roadblocks to appropriate care. How can a doctor trust a person’s description of their symptoms when hallucinations are a major part of their illness? Those with serious mental illnesses often self-medicate, and can be labeled as “drug seekers” on their medical records, so when they enter the ER, they may be ignored at first.

That’s what happened to a dear friend of my wife’s. She had bipolar and a history of drug-seeking and abuse. When she entered the ER with severe chest pain, the doctors thought she was just looking for pain medications. By the time they took her symptoms seriously, the pneumonia that was causing the pain was beyond their ability to cure. She was listed as a victim of the swine flu epidemic two years ago, but her mental illness was a contributing cause as well.

Those with mental illnesses are often poor advocates for their medical care. Some of the illnesses actually cause one to have a fear of doctors and medications. Something like making a doctor’s appointment or picking up a prescription may seem like a routine, easy task for most of us. When you take psychiatric medications, easy tasks can seem like running marathons. Doctors can find us difficult to deal with, unpleasant even, and sometimes will rush through office visits. That can lead to missing important symptoms. It may also be difficult for a patient who is having reoccurring chest pain to recognize it as such if they routinely have phantom pains caused by their illness. Those on heavy doses of psychiatric medications may also be so sedated that they won’t feel a symptomatic pain that would send most of us running to a doctor.

Even when someone like myself is being treated in a hospital for something as serious as a heart attack, they may not get state of the art care. Sometimes they are afraid to consent to invasive procedures. Health care professionals are much less likely to establish a trusting relationship with a combative or abusive patient. The ultimate cruelty of the illness is that we can struggle for decades sometimes to regain control of our lives only to lose them at too young an age.

As we continue to grieve the loss of a good woman of faith taken from her family way to early, I can’t help but wonder how many more of my friends will be taken too soon.

Catherine is a student at Newman theological college and Austin Mardon received the Order of Canada for advocacy for the mentally ill. They both attend St Alphonsus Parish.

Page 37: Hand in Hand Newsletter


Ask Sally Pyn:

My employer is asking me to wear a name tag displaying both my first and last name, but I am

not comfortable with this. Do I have to comply?

Nursing professionals should introduce and or identify themselves with a first and last name along with professional designation. (Licensed Practical Nurse or LPN) LPNs are self regulating professionals and are accountable to the patients they serve, their employers, and the profession.

Accountability is a standard of practice of the LPN. An LPN cannot be accountable and anonymous simultaneously.

Nursing professionals are among the few professionals able to engage in practice without disclosing a full name. Teachers, doctors, lawyers, and police officers are fellow professionals obligated to identify themselves with a last name. Nursing professionals can ask

themselves, “Would I hire a lawyer with only a first name on his business card or sign?” A first and

last name identifies the practitioner as the educated professional they are and calls for the respect they deserve.

The SALPN encourages the use of a name tag displaying your first and last name with professional designation. Be proud of who you are and the care you provide.

Questions or inquiries can be sent to [email protected]

Page 38: Hand in Hand Newsletter


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Page 39: Hand in Hand Newsletter



Page 40: Hand in Hand Newsletter

2012 Annual General Meeting

Registration Form Date April 24-25, 2012 Location TCU Place (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) Member Fee $200.00 (Fee is non refundable) Non-Member Fee $300.00 (Fee is non refundable) Student Fee $20.00/day Banquet Ticket $40.00 (Fee is non refundable)

For Guest Room Reservations Contact: Hilton Garden Inn 90 – 22nd Street East Saskatoon, SK. (306) 244-2311 or 1-877-782-9444 Block code name: Saskatchewan Association Of Licensed Practical Nurses This is a scent free event.


Registration Number



Postal Code

Phone Number

Dietary Restrictions

For Students Only

Day(s) you will be attending? April 24th April 25th Banquet Ticket? Yes No

Method of Payment

Credit Card No. (Visa / Mastercard)

Expiry Date

Or you can contact the SALPN office at: 700A - 4400 4th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 2M7 306-525-1436