Download - Hacking clever: The value of mindmapping in the classroom

  1. 1. Hacking clever: The value of mindmapping in the classroom.TumblrLily Kotze t: @LilyKotze
  2. 2. (Y)ou and I were taught to use only half, or 50 %, of your brain's mighty tool-kit. We were, literally, trained to be half-wits!Tony Buzan, Mind Map Handbook
  3. 3. (W)ords, |l|i|n|e|s|, num63r5, logic, and sequence. ... They represent your brain's 'left-brain' skills and do not include any of your 'right-brain' skills, which enable us to r yh comprehend h t m, colour and s p a c e, and to daydream. Tony Buzan, Mind Map Handbook
  4. 4. pinterest
  5. 5. Edison Great thinkers
  6. 6. Einstein Great thinkers
  7. 7. NewtonGreat thinkers
  8. 8. Da vinciGreat thinkers
  9. 9. What do all these notes have in common?picturesPinterest
  10. 10. What do all these notes have in common?codesL. Kotze
  11. 11. What do all these notes have in common?connecting lines
  12. 12. Humans are part of natureWhy shouldn't our learning relate and reflect nature?Tumblr
  13. 13. What if our brains were like a library ? Tumblr
  14. 14. A very disorganisedone. Katie King Flickr
  15. 15. This is your brain without mind maps. Katie King Flickr
  16. 16. With mindmapping, a large amount of information is filed in perfect order, and you experience phenomenal data-retrieval.Tumblr
  17. 17. The best part? The more you learn, the more you remember!
  18. 18. 1Tools
  19. 19. 1Tools2How to
  20. 20. 1Tools2How to3When?
  21. 21. 1Tools2How to3When?4Benefits
  22. 22. 1ToolsBlank, unlined paper.Pinterest
  23. 23. 1ToolsBlank, unlined paper. Colour pens and pencils.Pinterest
  24. 24. 1ToolsBlank, unlined paper. Colour pens and pencils. Your brain.Pinterest
  25. 25. 1ToolsBlank, unlined paper. Colour pens and pencils. Your brain. Your imagination.Pinterest
  26. 26. How to make a mindmap2Start in the centre of the page. This allows you to spread out your ideas and express yourself naturally.Pinterest
  27. 27. How to make a mindmap2Your central idea: image in the middle of the page. A picture is worth a 1 000 words. An image keeps you interested and focused.Pinterest
  28. 28. How to make a mindmap2Colours Exciting to the brain, energize creative thinking, colour association.Pinterest
  29. 29. How to make a mindmap2Connecting lines Help with association.Keep them curved The branches pull more attention when they are not straight.Pinterest
  30. 30. How to make a mind map2One keywordLimiting keywords multiplies power and flexibility in mindmapping, and act as triggers for new thoughts and ideas.Pinterest
  31. 31. How to make a mindmap2Images Use images throughout. If a picture is worth a 1 000 words, then 10 = 10 000!Pinterest
  32. 32. 3 When do you use mind maps? Tumblr
  33. 33. 3 When do you use mind Communication and presentation maps? Tumblr
  34. 34. 3 When do you use mind Negotiations maps? Tumblr
  35. 35. 3 When do you use mind Planning maps?Family events, weekly activities, telephone calls, meetings, preparation of school work...Tumblr
  36. 36. 3 When do you use mind a book Reducing to one page... maps? When studying, or reading a novel.Tumblr
  37. 37. 4 Benefits of mindmappi ng Boost creativity
  38. 38. 4 Benefits of mindmappi Save time ng
  39. 39. 4 Benefits of mindmappi ng Solve problems
  40. 40. 4 Benefits of mindmappi ng Concentration
  41. 41. 4 Benefits of mindmappi and ng Organisingyour clarifying thinking.
  42. 42. 4 Benefits of mindmappi ngPassExams/tests: with a good grade, remember better, study faster and more efficiently.
  43. 43. 4 Benefits of mindmappi ng See the whole picture.
  44. 44. 4 Benefits of mindmappi Plan. ng