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God Mercy me

God Mercy me by Leonie Huyzers

Copyright © 2008 L. Huyzers

Page 2: God Mercy me

God Mercy me

A Journey of theHeart and Soul

to everlasting Light

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God Mercy me:

Sin, Death, Darkness.

God Mercy me:

Christ, Light, Truth, Life.

Lamb led to the slaughter –

Lamb Sacrificed instead of me –

Holy Blood flowed.

God Mercy me.

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Dedicated to

the Glory of the One who gives Life:-

Almighty God Triune:

Father – Son - Holy Spirit.

To God my heart, to God my life,to God my spirit and my soul.

 Thank You for Your infinite Mercy.

 Thank You for my life’s blessings

in the Mother and Fatherthat You gave to me.

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I Pray with the whole of my heart

that this here written words

will be a blessing unto you,

and bring forth a stirring of Love

unto your heart,

and a longing unto your soul

between you and your God,

and that you will make Him

the choice and point of your heart.

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From God to me, from me to you.

A pressing of thought to word, a longing of deep.

In Spirit it took flight and came into being.

Heart Light, spirit soaring, soul cleansed.

A Life in the Light of God Divine.

Word of God, nest in my heart

and impress the image of

Jesus Christ on my soul –

all to the Glory of God Most High.

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God Almighty is the Beginning.

Life He is and the Light of Liferadiates forth from Him constantly.

He, the Word, forever True.

Giver of Life, Creator,

eternal God.

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God is God as He is;never changing, always the same.

Before time He was.Before - before He was.

He is – therefore no one else is before Himor above Him.

He was always before – before …Before Life – He was Life,

before Light – He was Light;before – before …

He is still and will always be –I Am.

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Creation by the Power of God’s Wordbrought forth Perfect Life.

Life from Life - Light from Light.God called me into being

by the Mighty Power of His Word.In Christ Jesus I’ll die and through Jesus,

God’s Son, I’ll surely live again. 

Psalm 33:6“By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the Breathof His mouth.”

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Creation is a declarationof a fraction of

the Fullness of God’s Might.Salvation through Christ Jesus

is a declaration ofthe infinite Love of God.

The whole Fullness of the Might of Godawaits those who havethe Key to Salvation,

Jesus who unlocked the door,to enter through the Gates of Heaven

into the Kingdom of God.

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A Savior came from Heaven aboveto save mankind from darkest self.

Brightest Star of Bethlehem –Light up the heavens and earth.

Show me the Way tothe Prince from Heaven born.

Light the Way tothe Redemption of my soul.


Matthew 1:23“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

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Word became fleshdirect from God the Father above.

Grace - Truth – Lovein His heart for all.

Pure and Perfect Holy Lambstaked out on the Cross.Precious Blood of Jesus

spilled on the altarto wash away all my darkest sins.

Purified by His BloodI now can stand boldly before God.

Righteous I am because ofJesus Christ, my Savior.

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Father God, crown mewith everlasting Joy by way of Christ.

By way of Christ,all the Riches of Heaven are my Gift.

By way of Christ,all my prayers reach the ears of God.

In the garden of prayer my soul meets with God and commune in perfect harmony, as one,

united by Jesus, the Christ,Son of God Most High.

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God I covet.The Lord my God I seek

and naught but Him.The Lord my God I want

and naught but Him.God is full sweet,God is full loving,

God is full gracious,God is full merciful.

God I covet and naught but Him. 

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Far beyond my comprehensionis the Love of my God.He raised me up to the

heights of heavento be there eternally with Him.

Christ Jesus my only way through to God the Father, for in Jesus,

the Life-giving Spirit,I am forever Pure to stand before God

in His Holy Presence.My eyes always set on

the glorious Light towards Truth. 

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It’s raining Love.God drenched my being in

the Blood of the Holy Lamb.Darkness turned to Light

and brought forth a rainbow.The warmth from the Beams of

Light radiates forththe Holy gathering

of the Three in One.

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Christ’s Love, a shroudthat keeps me safe from harm.God’s Love, indescribably great.

He gave His only Sonas a sacrifice so I can live.The Veil of the Temple tore,

letting in the Light.No more obstructions

between my God and I.A new beginning.

Light reaching for my soulto draw me close, whisk me away to that special

place where only God is.Christ made all things new.

My eyes steady on His Light.Whispers of Love

fill up my whole being.Darkness vanished from my soul

to reveal the reflection ofChrist in Light Divine.

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Long day of sufferingdraws to an end.

Blood, tears and despair.Pain, broken heart and broken soul.

Darkness; lost - forsaken,nowhere God.

Hands outstretched,dripping Sacred Blood.

 Lord, encircle my soul with Your Love.

 Death - darkness: sealed in a tomb.

 Grace of God:

Resurrection of Jesus Christ –a Seal for me.

Love - Light - Life!Alive!

Alive You are!

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Shadows creeping nearer still, overwhelming darkness pressing hard.

Sins of mankind eating Christ alive. 

Heart-rending cry from the Son of God to His Heavenly Father:“My God, My God,

why hast Thou forsaken Me?”(Matthew 27:46)

The cry of a lost soul lost in darkness.Christ Jesus became sin and God

turned His back on sin.For me He died, for me He Rose.

 My heart-gladdening cry:

My God, My God,Oh what infinite LoveYou have shown me!

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I bow down before my Heavenly Father,through Jesus Christ, His Son,

seeking His forgiveness for my sins.He takes away my transgressions

and puts it far out of sight, mind and reach.He clothes me in a pure white garment;

He specially made for me.He Anoints my head with the Blood of the Holy Lamb.

He touches down the Cross on my shouldersand knight me: a godly Child of God.

The Cross of no burden is now light for me to bear.He seats me on a throne in His Holy Presence,my name written on it with the Blood of Love.

He touches my eyes with His loving hands.I see the Bright Morning Star, the Light of Life.

I see the Holy Lamb of God.Love endured the Cross.

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Christ Jesus, the Lord, is risen!Rejoicing on earth

and Heaven above.Redeemer of souls,

the Key to the Throne.God Almighty, unspeakable Love.

King of angels, King of kings.King of man - our Glorious King.

Christ is risen and we shall rise too!In Him we are triumphant kings

and we shout:Victory over the grave!

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Raised to Highest Glory,Christ Jesus - Redeemer Pure.

At the right hand of God, the Father,my link to eternal Majesty

in the Kingdom of God.Highest Heaven, open up for me,receive my soul and set me Free.

I come to You my Savior,to soar on the windsof Your Love forever.

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Passion for Christ Jesusburns deep within my heart.

A Temple, a Dwelling-place I amfor God Most High.A place of Prayer

and for His Spirit to dwell in.O Blessed Redeemer,

You merged me to the Living God.My Hope and Faith isin Your Holy Sacrifice.

You are worthy of my Love,Heart and Trust.

Devoted to You I am unto eternity.

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Christ Jesus is the End.His Light shines through darknessto be my beacon to lead me home.

Alpha and Omega, the Key that unlocks the beginning of my life

and locks the end of my life,to be born anew

in the everlasting Lightof God's Love.

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I am closed in God’s Light. His arms of Love are enclosed around me and His breath of Life fills my soul with words of fulfilment: “It is Finished”. A Holy Love that devoured death. His Grace is all-sufficient for the Freedom of my soul. I am now called His and His alone, for He purchased me with Pure Red Love: A sacrifice of Blood to cleanse me for all eternity.  Revelation 17:14“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

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I pray that this book blessed your heart to overflow with Love and Praise unto God Most High.

Numbers 6:24-26“The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”

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Ephesians 1:6“to the Praise of the Glory of God’s Grace, wherein He hath made us

accepted in the Beloved.”

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