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Christopher Ugwu <[email protected]>

"Help, they want to fire me"

** elisha ** <[email protected]> 17 March 2016 at 08:07

To: Christopher <[email protected]>

"The enemy comingtoo fast, too strong!"

"I have been praying at midnight and I have seen Godrestore my marriage and do so much in my life.However, I am in a lot of debt which is crippling me..."


Hundreds of this type of panic emailshit my inbox every day.

If I had to respond to them one by one, there willbe no time to do anything else.

So we deal with them step by step in the 7 Lessonsof the Prayer Academy ... and beyond.

For those who are not able or willing to sign upfor the Academy (or the rest of the programs), we stillgive them whatever help we can.

Such as the "7 Furious Prayers" for the month.

You might be wondering:

Are those 7 prayers up to the same"notorious" standard as the Prayer Academy?

Of course. Of course.

Many testimonies come in daily as a result of those prayers.

Praise the LORD.

Here's the most recent example:

= = =

I just want to thank GOD for your emails which I have been

receiving since October 2015.

For a very long time things have not been going to well for meboth at my work and in my private life. I suffered rejection and

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delayment to the point that I got so frustrated. At the beginningof February 2016 I started praying at the midnight hour and usingthe 7 furious prayers for February.

One prayer point "I silence every evil voice speaking againstmy favour in Jesus name"  really did it for me. I prayed the7 prayers aggressively and consistently and before the end of

February, I was appointed amongst all the other workmates in thewhole department to attend a high level conference with delegatesfrom different countries - which our country was hosting and theallowance was very huge and attractive.

- Mulima, Zambia

= = =

Praise the LORD.

Now, if she is wise, she will take part ofthat allowance and "invest" in the Prayer Academyso she can learn NOT just how to receive blessingsbut also how to SUSTAIN and KEEP them from being stolenby the enemy.

That's how to avoid the panic messages I showedyou at the top of this email.

Please notice how I use the word "invest" when I talkabout the Academy.

Thousands of believers have told me this is hands downthe best investment they've ever made.

According to them, nothing else comes close.

The Prayer Academy ... with its step-by-stepcoaching, guidance and daily interaction takes thingsto a different level.

It puts the prophetic wind at your back...which means answers come FASTER than normal.

And helps you to stay the course ... without quittingout of discouragement.

Here's an example posted to the Members' OnlyPA Forum just last night:

= = =

*** Visa Testimony in 4 Days ***

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I want to use this medium and opportunity to thankthe God that answers prayers, the God of Elisha Goodman andFiresprings Ministry. The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:3

"The vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end

it shall speak and not lie; though it tarry wait for itbecause it will surely come, it will not tarry. "

In October 2015 we had a serious immigration challenge inthe country where we reside. All efforts to regularise ourstay proved abortive. We handed everything over to the Lordholding onto his promises in Ps 105:13-25; Exod 3:21; 12:36;Ps 5:12. We stayed positive all through the challengebelieving God for a miracle.

Fast forward to February 22nd 2016, I joined the Prayer Academy.

It was the beginning of greater things to come. I engaged likenever before as if my life depended on the prayers(it actually does) and after the prayers will engage in prayerof agreement with my husband.

On the 26th of February, 4 days after joining the PA our visawas granted. Glory be to God.

Secondly, we embarked on a building project since Novemberand projected our moving in by December. It never happened but6 days after joining the Prayer Academy (on the 28th of February

2016) we gloriously moved into the house. All glory be to God.

Thank God for His mercies; Thank you elisha for teachingus how to pray targeted prayers. God bless you immensely.

-- Sister NM

= = =

How does this happen?

Recently I sent out an email entitled:

[SURPRISE GIFT] What's the difference...

... featuring 2 emails written by the sameperson within the space of 2 months.

There was a KEY hiding in there (which will berevealed in a future email).

Once you see that email, it will be clear whythe prayer bullets work for some and not for others.

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To join the Prayer Eagles' Academy...

You will find all the details are here(if you've never joined):

Please say this with me:

"I will not be bought off.""I will not sell out.""I will not quit... in the name of Jesus"

Be An Overcomer



Congratulations to all those signed upfor the Prayer Academy.

That is your VISA to the Members Forum.

If you know anyone that the enemy is beating blackand blue BUT HAS NEVER JOINED ---

Please tell them to hurry here and HERE(before we take down the page):

For 2016 Prayer Academy Bulletin:

  Marriage feeling like hell on earth? Go here:

** How To Join The Next Prayers - No Credit Card Required ** 

As part of an unusual experiment we’ve partnered with

Western Union to allow you to make payments and join the next

program from the comfort of your phone, go here now: 

Join from Your Phone And Pay in Your Local Currency! 

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ail - "Help, they want to fire me"