Download - GIS Ketepatan Data - Week 9

  • 8/10/2019 GIS Ketepatan Data - Week 9


    Data Accuracy


    Precision & Accuracy

    Sources of Error

    Error Propagation & Cascading

  • 8/10/2019 GIS Ketepatan Data - Week 9



    Knowing the quality of the data is criticalto judging the applications for which theyare appropriate

    Ironically, error arises from one ofgreatest strengths of GIS - the ability tocollate and cross-reference many types ofdata by location

    Every time a new dataset is imported, theGIS also inherits its errors which reactwith existing errors in unpredictable ways

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    Precision & Accuracy

  • 8/10/2019 GIS Ketepatan Data - Week 9



    the degree to which information on a map or ina digital database matches true or acceptedvalues

    pertains to the quality of data and the number

    of errors contained in a dataset or mapincluding: horizontal and vertical accuracy with respect

    to geographic position attribute, conceptual, and logical accuracy

    the level of accuracy required for particular

    applications varies greatly highly accurate data can be very difficult and

    costly to produce and compile

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    refers to the level of measurement andexactnessof description in a GIS database

    precise locational data may measure position

    to a fraction of a unit precise attribute information may specify the

    characteristics of features in great detail

    precise data--no matter how carefullymeasured--may be inaccurate eg.

    surveyors may make mistakes or data may beentered into the database incorrectly

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    the level of precision required for particularapplications varies greatly engineering projects eg. road and utility

    construction, require very precise information- mm

    demographic analyses of marketing orelectoral trends can often make do with less,say to the closest postcode or CD

    highly precise data can also be very difficultand costly to collect

    carefully surveyed locations needed by utilitycompanies to record the locations of pumps,wires, pipes and transformers cost $5-$20 perpoint to collect

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    High precision does not indicate highaccuracy nor does high accuracy implyhigh precision

    Highly accurate and highly precise spatialinformation is not necessary for every GISapplication excessive accuracy and precision is not only

    costly but can swamp your application inextraneous detail

    Be aware also that GIS practitioners arenot always consistent in their use of theseterms

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    Additional terms

    Two additional terms are used aswell:

    Data Qualityrefers to the relativeaccuracy andprecision of a particularGIS database - often documented indata quality reports

    Errorencompasses both theimprecision of data and its inaccuracies

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    Positional Accuracy

    the expected deviance in the geographiclocation of a feature in the data set from itstrue location

    tested by selecting a random sample of pointsin the data and comparing their coordinates totheir ground positions

    U.S. Geological Survey Accuracy Standard:90% of all measurable points must be within

    1/30th of an inch for maps at a scale of1:20,000 or larger, and 1/50th of an inch formaps at scales smaller than 1:20,000

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    Attribute Accuracy

    the fidelity of the non-spatial elements of thedataset

    inaccuracies may result from mistakes of manykinds

    the non-spatial data itself can also vary greatlyin precision


    a precise description of a person living at aparticular address might include gender, age,

    income, occupation, level of education, andmany other characteristics

    an imprecise description might include justincome, or just gender

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    Logical Consistency

    how well logical relations among dataelements are maintained

    example: the edge of a property that

    borders a lake should coincide with thelake boundary

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    Conceptual Accuracy

    inaccuracies inherent in the conceptual designof the database

    users may use inappropriate categories ormisclassify information


    classifying cities by voting behavior wouldprobably be an ineffective way to studyfertility patterns

    failing to classify power lines by voltage wouldlimit the effectiveness of a GIS designed tomanage an electric utilities infrastructure

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    A comparison of elevation

    accuracies derived from DifferentialGPS and an airborne laserprofilometer
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    Sources of ErrorStage Sources of Error

    Data Collection

    age of data

    incomplete data coverage

    inappropriate map scales

    use of "surrogate" data in place of non-existent primary data

    errors in field data collection

    errors in existing maps used as source data

    errors in the analysis of remotely sensed imagery

    Data Input inaccuracies in digitizing

    inaccuracies inherent in the goegraphic features (e.g., "fuzzy" boundaries drawn as sharp lines)

    Data Storageinappropriate data format

    insufficient numerical precision

    unsufficient spatial resolution

    Data Manipulation

    numerical computaton errors

    inappropriate class intervalsboundary errors

    error propogation as multiple overlays are combined

    slivers created during polygon overlay

    Data Outputscaling inaccuracies

    output device inaccuracies

    instability of the output medium

    Use of Results

    the information may be incorrectly understoodthe information may be inappropriately used

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    Error Propagation & Cascading

    GIS usually involve operations onmanysets of dataInaccuracy, imprecision, and errormay be compounded in GIS thatemploy many data sources

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    propagation occurs when one error leads toanother

    example: if a map registration point has beenmis-digitised in one coverage and is then usedto register a second coverage, the secondcoverage will propagate the first mistake

    in this way, a single error may lead to othersand spread until it corrupts data throughoutthe entire GIS project

    to avoid this problem use the largest scale

    map to register your points often propagation occurs in an additive

    fashion, as when maps of different accuracyare collated

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    o cascading occurs when errors areallowed to propagate unchecked fromlayer to layer repeatedly

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    the effects of cascading can be verydifficult to predict

    can be additive or multiplicative

    vary depending on how information iscombined