Download - Getting A Permit Teen Driver’s Guide

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Getting A Permit: Teen Driver’s Guide

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Teen driving is more risky.

Teens usually get hurt and have higher

rates of crashes than other drivers.

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What can be done to prevent these crashes ??

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Do not worry !!!

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The state of CA has already issued a teen

driving guide to help parents and teenagers.

The teens will prepare themselves according

to that guide to get the keys of the car.

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Consent of both parents and teens

Complete knowledge on traffic laws

Complete driver education training

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Successful completion of written test

Completion of supervised driving at

least of 50 hours

Successful completion of driving test

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Obey the traffic laws

Strictly follow the restrictions on driving

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No driving between 11PM and 5AM

Cannot transport passengers under age 20

unless escorted by a parent or guardian or

a certified driving instructor

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This program contains:

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Parent’s role:

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• Make yourself well informed about the

California Driver Handbook

• Deliberate the terms and conditions of the

driving contract to your child

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• Make your child acquainted with driving


• Give proper instruction on high risk driving


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What is high risk driving situation??

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• Driving under the influence of alcohol

• Crossing the speed limits

• Night driving

• More no. of young passengers


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• Driving in poor weather condition

• Using the distracted devices like

cellphone & music players

• Driving when tired

• No use of seat belts

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Age Restrictions:

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151/2 years old

16 years old


Eligible for a learner’s permit with driver’s education

Eligible for provisional license having driver’s education


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171/2 years old

18 years old


Can apply for a provisional permit without any driver’s education

Can apply for a driver’s license without any learner’s permit

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