


The Dover Printing Company,rUBLI8HEB3 IKK l'BOBIETOBB.

OfHae on Blftokwell Street next door toTiia Hationtl TWon Bank.



O n o Y e a r , - - - - - - - $ 2 . 0 0

S i x M o n t h s , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 01 ' i i r o i i l a o u t b H , - - - - - - - 5 t )

A D V E R T I S I N G B A T E S .


» 1 5 0 * 1 7f.


1 Inoh.3 "S "4 "5 "

1 Column.

$ 6 00 $10 00


•« «-AN8IO» IKH18K.

Corner of Blackwoll And ftaasoi BU.


I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.Bones and CarrlagGB to Let.









DOVE11, N. J .




Ibolunn llio MANSION IIOOSEand Depot,)DOVBK, N. J .

Tho placo liaa Iccn entirely rellttml In a m'atmaimiior. LADIES' ami OlIlLDUEN'B HALRCUTTING A SPECIALTY.



Cor. Blacliwell and Sussex Bts.DOVER. N. J.





DOYER, N. J.Hncclal nfllco lionrB on HuturikvB from 6 A.

M. 111112 M. IT-tr




Dry Goods



Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drilltlio best its thecountry.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

tnnudfrom Enropo,




A T T O M E Y A T L A W ,IilLY



w.Counsellor at Law,


Olfico lu tlin National Onion Htnli Building3liMar»it>T.ST.,





BUILDERS,D o v e r , KT. «T»






hBBalwBj-a em luiul a full anil fresh etocliofBtiudanl jjiioilsat


It ilocsn't pay to expf-Timeiit with Hour. ARIIyour grocer lor tho famoim

VIOLA BRAND,Mil tike no otlirr. II in al»aj> s o i i d - n a berelied iiiion every time. HanrterBOi, on tinsono brand lncna.e.1 h i . Hour tr.Oe 5(10 » . i


Isaac N. Doty & Go.MARKET ST., NEWARK,


begin extensive improvements

and alterations at once. To

find room within which to do

the necessary work, we will

close out our entire stock of






keeping Goods at REDUCED

PRICES. Remember we are

not going to remove from pres-

ent quarters, but will enlarge

them to such an extent as to

accommodate our rapidly in-

creasing business, and until

improvements are completed

all styles of Dry Goods, Fancy

Goods and Trimmings will be

sold cheap.


159 &1G1 Market St.,

Newark. N. J.




taken and materials fnrnlebfld.

Slate Roofing

With better facilities I am enabled lo puton SLATE HOOFS cheaper tlian over usingnone bi t the befit quality of slato and em-ploying flrst-olaiia tnocboniea lean guar-antee material tnd work in every purtion-Ur. Tai Sheathing Pelt always en html

Dated Ootober 15th. 1680.

Spring Dress Goods!Boat line of Dress Goofls

and. Trimmings at



T.. DOVER, 1C. t.

BOAfiD BY THE DAS OR WEEK.Anplo uconmodriloni to puminnol and

tranaient Boariera.TBBM8, M.BO PEB WEEK,

STABLING AND BOARD FOB HOUSES.Cftrtinft o[ »]) kiDdi donA.

7J-, W.I . WEBB. Pwprtrtor.

•CC a wwk In jour own town, n m u arfl |l$ 6 6 W5l f~* JUMma H. H u u i r a i » .P l J > l l » * ! »










Bone Dust, Gnano, Poudrette,LAUD PIASTER, £c.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.GOAL.

STOVE, EGG, CHESTSUT.i l m ra»y bo addressed through ttiopoit

Ofllco Lock Doi 28, or loft at A. Beemer'toffioeiu]ilsctwoll8t,, now EatBOX, o rBt tbeyud .

BIACEHMITH'B COALooniUntljon btnd.

LrnEUBDruu. I l.riucu.



KAxuTurnmnu of





THE HuLscribor ban opnnucl a n<>w yard nearthe onrnor at DL1CKWELL AND

BKKUBK 8U., and in prepared to funiisli

ami nil ottxrn irk in lili lint Cimliry loir(hwtt f,n.mtu ami nutrblcj poste. With.Itnoiics aid rmsunulIn imwt I foullit t l i s tUan satisfy tin. piillic




Queenstown, Liverpool,

Norway, Sweden, &c,OH

White Star Line,

Imniin Line,

€unnrd Line,

National Lino,

State Lino.AIBODIIAKTS isfQcJ at lowest rates, piy-

alilonnjwliurij In England, Irulami, Scotland,Norway t,i Htvetlon. In ton nation clmorfuil}1

given at any time in regard to iiiovtimontH ofYcsselH of ilic abovotinos.

E, Lindsley&Son, Agents.





OLOTHfIS made to order,

OLOTEES cleaned and pressed,

CLOTHES repaired.

S&" A call will convince tho

public that ho intonds to givo aatis-

factiou and remaiu in Dovor.


SUSSEX St. GROCER,itill c<>iiliinir» lo 1«: «p n full and frcHh nutii-

titj or

Groceries and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS.foreign (.ml domtHlif, the bvnt gnulofl ofCANNED GOODH, iir.d nil HU^IUUM of lliiiliouaebold in h'w lino.

Caro will always bo token to necure goods)of tlia beet quality imd e<|»al pains to m\\them nt the luont rennnunblo luttrgini con-i t t itb tbo purcbasiug jtrico, HUSSEX

r tbo cornnr of Blnckwoll, Dover.


WAGONS!Brewsier Side-Bar Buggies !


Platform Spring Wncoufi Andall lending style* made to urilcr.

We make n »i.. (inlly of KIKST3LASS CUSTOM HOItK andgiiiiranit-e «m' work to equal illDUIIAIIILITY uud I I.MSI1 thebest city uimiiifiictiire.

eiinirius in nil brandies.



PAINTER """DECORATORii propired for tlio Hpririft Trade nitli Hie

groattat stock cva Been in Duvur of

Wall Papers, Borders,

Dados, Ceiling Decorations,

everjtliing in that tioo, fompriaini? huu-d ot now *nd ulectnt deBigna, from LhoBpcnt to the contlWt, and reprcBuniinKiiriiinitH of t!o'.th.rH iti vsluo. A viow of tliis

Block will conTiucy any tint I am the larfiOBtilealcr in Northern Now Jersey. I lia«! nude

KemontB with tlio msnofioturora for tnumber of jab Inti of papers, wliiob I

.,ivo left over from previous yeirs, in soldand flat, wliich I can ifllt lor twenty.flro percent, below the tegular prices.

I .live eDKiRed K Bmt-clana papcr-a>ngcr,for that work exclusively, and feol confidentof givinff the faltoal aatiifectiou.

Also t K»at lino of


o] ever; doacriptioa,made In any aizq to order

Oil Paintings and Chromos,

STATUABT,Center Pieces in Plaster

of Paris,f neir doiigna, and maoy other artlolos foi-[OQBO Dewration. Animmensalinocf

Stair and Floor Oil Cloths

OF NEW PATTEIIH8; Table Ooien, Wlmloo8hadea and FlxtoTfif, All ot the lateat audmoitlODrorad deilgnl. FrewolliJ, Oraiplni!and raloUng dons In Ina W a i t auto of Clioart. I hare Jual rateind •• «otam a hm atunploiorireiooei. BIONapalntod lootdtrID eierr atylQ and form. DUIIDR Kith tbDmannlactoron direct and JnirobMlBg pjla.load mi paint b j llie Ion, l u s t b u onavtilelto Uko oonttaoU at the ionvat flgnna, wbllo 1perform the work in tl» boat manner.

Cor. Bluk.all k Xam Bli . Direr, N. J.


DOVEB, N. J .rVFFIOB adloialag thi Dow lumber Oon-I I pitiy'tmill. Oontrsoii taken, udplans,i m u U t t i i «nd materials nr «very Mod ror-alibedfcrba,iait«a. Jobbing lipecUltf.

SLATE ROOFING.fflaU (arollhed from tto bout qmrrtMby

ibB imill quioUl; or ear lottl, and laid, It do-nrid, br eiperfcnwd workmen at low ret H,


Spring GoodsTHAT

RODERER & HEAGANliiivo btHin tl.iily i-ocoivinR for ilio past inontli from Now York and

ICitritorn iiiiimif.'UitonoH hits si\*olluil oiiv fitock of

BOOTS AND SHOESto enormoiiH proporlious, such leading waljes us




and dozoiis atlior equaliy celebrated manufacturers have fiirnialiodtLoir quoto to secure our establialtmont in tho lead ifcjbas always main-tained, As monnEaoinrers ounelves wo stnnd in tlie;front rauk. Thoelegance and durability of our own mate has earned for ua a leadingreputation for over a quarter of a century. It would be impossible togive a description of our immense stock, but the public are earnoatlyinvited to call and examine the elegant styles ami excellent quality ofour goods mid the attractive prices wo are offering them at


OPP. D., L. & W. E. R. DEPOT,DOVF.R, N". J.







Celebrated Sun Chop Tea, only 60c, per Ib.fwl.l oulyattlinBtiirouftliaNow Vorlt auil Ctilnn T.ffi Co., Duver, N. J. It U a uow crop te» of lliroolllliiln ixiHKi'asltiR excellent iinalitlm of liOdy Ulld llllVOF, CkWi ill Ictt, frUBll Mil fraftTMlt In LtnU >Ud CUI1am! .-iiTc-il bf imr nl Mm \»-M imckatfi on Hie Islnnd uf Fornitwa. Wo gun ranted til in TEA t» be 8R gnuAiiiiyyoiiiiii Ijtiyii) StirrLs Conuty forltO ceiitH.IVo «iiaramuo tu (,-i vo you cnttrfl natiiifaetlon In COFFKF.S! ami TEAS BotwItlmmidlTiB that Wo filvo yi]>rti«it. If ffondti arc not naltafMitiirj iilmwo ruEiirn tliom »«d you sliall Uvo your :nnnoy tiark.



PATTERNS^in Sntin, Black Sorgo, Fliumol, Latlies Cloth, or imy otbot Fabric, or

for a lino pair of





in groat Titiety in BOIOH, ami a groat nsBortmmt ot


Whitlock SL Lewis,NO. 6 NEW BLOCK,

COR. BLACKWELL and MORRIS STS.Almy« on bant\ « t»U line of C.ltOCEI'JEB AND 1'HOVIBIONH,












C.S. JENSEN,Dyer wid Carpet Werner, wonld annonnofl to the oitiiena ot thla plaoa ani vioiuity t lat

be will meet all thotr wants .a dyeing and oarpot weafing.

- d i e s Merino and Otehfflere Draws, Shawls and Oloaka a specialty • ana all liinda offabrics ue neatly olnnned, dyed and finished QontlBmen'a garments, coata, pants andnets cleaned or dyed and neatly nnlsh«d without ripping. By denning and dyeing fadedand worn clothing they might be made oarrie abb for a long Udts.

C A R P E T -WEAV1KG I-HtvTino the Tety bast Looms for List and Baa Carpet,wdtventbinn fitted up for flirt-claw work, I think I ean deliver what the ltdfea n u t ,tiler the? ban taken tho tronble to oat md saw tbeir rags nicely, & good rag carpet. Ikeen tbe vorj best warp for my cuBtomors and all oidtra an Bltmdtf to with oaro, Chr*pet ram dyed any coloi. A rearonnWo price paid for carpet ragj. Onrpet on hina forS B T P I I M of bMtum In the OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHUBQH, OOB. BUOKWELLAND PEO8FEOT BTE, DOVBE, K. J. • . M - _ .

I>mr,N.J.,Bei>t90Uul8n. C- S- JENSEN-• . • > ; < • . . ' • ; - • • . . ' . , - • •

ON THE PORCH."No, not 'good niglit,1" the nnudenitld,

For I am woary walking (TJic |l«hto aru out HDII all in lied;

We'll not disturb tbom tftlkitig,DX'B OD tbo door-»toDe sit and rant,The night go cool is groirlug,

Tbo moouligiit dies along the Woat,

Tho rivor brociie ia blowing."

Jane roaos o'er tbo footpath bendThat .emit up to tbo portal,

Tim drowsy odori mix and blondWith drcau-llfu more Ihm mortal

A itiw drop fiotn tlio Illio dripsAmi Talia vith tilvor Unklu.

Or wan it gcDtly-mcotiiig lifm,

Aud ojes, not ileirs, lliat twinkle T

A rLyllimio csdoiicc IHIB the air,Of merry iriokatu Binuiug,

Tho dull and epniilo Bhoxt ua wlioreThe fireflies swift aro winging.

Tlio night, in sympathy with loro,Doll mortilfl BIDOP ia giricKi

But ligbtfl for ua tlio BUre aliovoForlovo Alonols liWog,

flooll IOTO m over void or apceclt;Tho scout uf dewy treason,

Or languid liautls Uiat otliora rcaotiA niCBingo brlLg that blutsoa.

So gilniit wano tlio liotn-a of nigUtUntil, with laggard naming.

The east is tinged with nicely l!BUtTbiit brlugo Ilia breeze of moriiing.

" Mo, not 'good iiifekt/ ioto, bu t ' good mornOold Hpa, but wnnnor kisios,

Wtrnt life-plain of lho night were born,Wb&t Joya tbo dead world misitoa t

Tim fottiiDoi Jolnod Bummur utgt t ,BeDoath tlio damp Sana roaog,

And baiids tlion joined in troth mil plightHttalloling unifl l ib OIOBOB.

Yet, on tlio porch of life wo Btood,Witb all tbs world boforo ua;

Arouud as droatus ot oowlng good.Aud lope'i Urlfitt bloEsomx o'or m.

But laia. we will not my " good-nifilit,"Tljoagh Time his Bigua bo glvlug,

We'll kiss again at morning light,ror.OVC flloDGaSllflDg.


FOR THE HEATHEN.Yep, I want to rburoli ono day'Witii gome moony—bytho way,I'd boon atvlng from my pay

Fur somo Bocke;

But alio Hat aorosa tUo aliilo,Aud sbo sunned me witii & smllo}So I placat) jii.r littto ptlo

In tlio box.OOCABIOHAL

Tho Ice-Pitcher More Falal thanAlcohol.

Jinny who regard thouaeof wiaoa andliqm rs us injudicious or wicked resort toa stilt moro dnngeroua iodutgance andflit their stomachs with iced water orother cold bovorogoa containing no stimiliiut. If rum has alain its thousands,

icu bus sluiu its tea tbousatids. Tbe icepilchor docs nob breed quarrels in IIOUBOliolda, not lend to murder and other

iBB by mmideniug tbe brain ; bat itpamlyzes tlio funotions of tbe Btoroaoh,

annnolly bills more people ia theUnited States than can be counted utho victims of alcohol, and the habit ofdrinking from it grows upon tlio thirstylip like the nao of liquor. In hot weatherwe see tlio slaves of the iced cap placingit to tlifiit mouths eyery few miauteathroughout the day. It is the cause oftho larger part oE tlio disease that afflictsthe better classes of tho American people.

Them iti too much driukiug in tbiicountry ol all kinds and at all seasons ;but especially in onr dry climate, underItie temptafion of a parched mouth andtbe oppressive beat, tbo consumption offluids is absolutely astonishing; anddrinking, especially of iced water or>tlior equally cold liquids, does not in

nny manner quench tbe fever thirst.Such drinking only aggravates the diffi-culty aud ministers directly to a longtwin of diaeaBM most diffloult of core,

A bit of dry cracker ia the mouth willdo mare to moisten it and to relievethirst than a quart of icod fluid . t a t eventhis is unnecessary if the suflererawillhave a little patience. Drinking ia aUmoat wholly a matter of habit, and &little resolution will HOOQ enable any onein tolerable health to pass tbe hottestday from his breakfast to bin lunch, orHe dinner,withoutimbibiagflald of anykind. Wo bave practised this methodfor jears, and are thus enabled to keeptolerably cool at long hoars of work inonr ordinary attire, while many aroundus, digested of all dispensable garments,are deluging their Btoraacbs every fewminutes from the fancet of the coolerami perspiring from every pore, aro" pouring out their strength liko water.If tbe baMt of drinking is too Btrong tobe broken, let tbe victim indulge in warm

Mil of iced fluids, and take but littleat a time, lengthening the intervals asmuch as possible. But it is praatlcubleto do without this constant guzzling,and tho effect of snob abstinence on thegeneral bealtli can hardly be overesti-mated.—JV, Y, Journal qf Commerce.

"MoslThar." ;During the march of McClelWs ariny

ip the Peninsula, from Xarktown, a tallVermont soldier got separated from hisegi ment, and was trudging along

through tlio mud, endeavoring to over'tako it. Finally, coining to a crossing,lie WRS puzzled as to which road lieshould talie; but on seeing on« of the"natives" his countenance lighted opat the prospect of obtaining tbe desiredinformation, and he inquired: "Wheredoes ibis road lend to?" "To belli"waa the sarlyanswer of tbe "native."" Well," drawled the Termonter, " judg-ing by the lay of the, laud, and the ap-learance of the inhabitants, I kalkerlatei'ni moat tiiar,"

The Chief End- or Youth.Sundny schoal class—"Why did God

make yon, Sammy ¥"" Far to come to Sanilay school,"" No ; (hat's not quite it. Next.""For to be kind to jer pirente."" That's a portion of' i t ; but there 'is

Btill more,"

'' I know I" ezolaimed little Johnny,mapping MB fingers to attract the atten-tion of the teacher.

Well, what ia it, Johnny?""Why, fur to go to the grocery."—

& S Journal

Thsj Come High, But—Sometimes it ia not judicious to be

too particular in locating local occur-rences, so we will merely nay that tbefollowing conversation was heard in acertain stare in Oil Oity i

A young lady was lookiog at somehosiery, and asked the blushing clerk :

How do jrai salt these I" at the sametitno holding up before him a loop; pairof nebra colored ones, .

"Those are worth 96 a pair," he an-iwered.

" Oh, my 1" twittered the giafly crea-ture. " They oome pretty bigb, don'tthey!"

"Y-y-jes," stammered the bashfulyouth; "th-th-they coma p-pre*prettyiiigb, ha-ha bat joa*re tall, joa know/

PRESERVING FRUITSAt this season houHikeepaiH can lay

ap a toothsome supply of fruit forWinter at email expense sod with batlittle trouble. Bottling anil canningfroit are two different operations, al-though they ore often confounded witheach other. Putting up fruit in g lbottles on wide-mouthed jura witb eithercovers or corku and tautening them downwith, rnbber rings to secure them fromthe air, or hermetically sealing tUem

itli aorta dipped iuto a mixture of tal-low and beeswax after they are driveniuto the bottle is called "bottling." P u tting frtiit into tiu cans soldered dowutightly is"cunning." Tho fiist processis much superior to the latter as glassalways a bettor receptacle for add fruitsthan tin. Cherries, raspberries, blaokberries, gooseborties, blueberries andhuckleberries can all be bottled with per-fect success by tlie following proem :

B tbe bottles or jars iato a kettleof cold water after filling tbem full with'rait and sugar iti these proportion*Fill the jars half fall of berries, then adda heaping tablespoon fill of granulatedsugar and fill to the brim with fruit, andadd anotlior tableepoonfal of the sugar.Screw on the cover slightly aud boil thejars for tea minutes. Tlien fill ap eaohjar, the frait having fallen considerably,from tbe conleuta of one of the jars andscrew dowu their lids closely. Terneaoh jar bottom side upward and 1st it

smain BO for aa hour. This will show'hetlier tbe Jar is air tight, as if it is nob

it will leak out some of the juioe on tbeberries, and it also helps to expel tbo air.Tighten each jar again, and put them

In & dark, cool place; or pack inboxes. Fruit pot np in this mannerretain Its flavor perfectly for years, andwill make delicious short cakes, tarts orpies for the 'Winter aa well as sweet meatsfor the table.

Cherries should be atoned before theyare bottled and a few stones added to

ivor them, Peaches (should bo preserv-ed when a little hard, nud tlie yellow va<rietiitt possess more of tlie pecalim penohflavor and ara generally preferred to tbewhite varieties excepting for preparing•• brandj peaches," when " MorrisWhites " are nsed. The atouo iocroaeoathe peach flavor, and if the peaches arapreserved iu halves, two or three stonesshould ho added to each jar. Poor boil-ing water over tho peaches and tbBBkinscan be removed more easily. For pick-ling poaohes the f azsy skin should bereiuoml by rubbing tliom with a crashtowel. Prepare a syrap for peaobes,pears or plums by taking half a ponadof sugar to every pound of frait. Melttlie eagar iu a little water, and pat in thefrait and scald it thoroughly so tu to ox-pel the air. Ten minntes of slow boilingwill soften tha frait safScioptly. Putthe glasB jara iuto a pau of warm waterwhen yon begin to molt tbe aagax Fill*iug tlie jars with hot water is sometimesdons, bat they can bo used more expedi-tionsly 11 no water is placed in them.Wbon tbe fruit is done, put a silvertablespoon into the jar you will first fillanil skim out tbe frait and fill tho jarwith the spoon in it j then remove it toanother jar. Ti l s will prevent the jarafrom cracking. Fat the cover upon each

Da soon as it Is filled and lift it oat ofthe paa of water aud set it upon a wettowel, folded in tliiok folds, upon the

ible. Screw <3own tbe Ud tightly. Ittakes two persons to bottle fruit qniokly.

Peaches, pears and plnms make deli-oions pickles, whiob are often more rel-ished than when preserved. Do not to*move the shins, bnt after rnbbing thafuzz from the peaches put two or throeeloves into each and three or four caesiabads into eaoh pear, Flams need noBpices, as tbeir own flavor Is so delicious.For sweet pioklea, take fire pounds ofsugar to every ten psauds of fruit anda cap of vinegar to eaoh ponnd of sngai.Boll the vinegar aud sugar with a bag ofmixed spices and skim the syrap thor-oughly. Then pnt in the fruit and boilIt gently until soft enough. Plutassjoaia Lo prioked with a darniog-aeedlain several places so their skins will notbars, off bat crnck slightly. Fears andpeaches should also ba punctured unlessspices are slack into thorn before scald-lag them. Skim out the frait iato glassor stone jars and boil the syrup for tea

linutes, Tbon poor it over tbo frait intbo jars and cover ttgbtly and try eaohfar as before directed.

Peaches, pears and plums can be keptnicely by packing them in fine salt iastone jan, letting them make their ovabrine. But they should be kept coveredrith salt until the extracted juice covers

them, or they will mold. When neededfor ase, sosk in several waters untilquite freshened, and then make intoBwcet.piokles by the above recipe. Orthey can bo pickled like oncamben. To-

latoes can also be kept perfectly by thesame method, bnt the fruit should notbe wholly ripe when salted—Spritiq/UldRepublican.

He Didn't Know Him.

Ataatuticm on one of the railroadsleading out of Detroit the train Iia3 ar-rived aud departed the other da;, whoatbe station agent, who had been in tliaplace about Ibrco weeks and was lookingfor a call every hoar to come to Detroitnod take chugs of the Hoe, /was ap-proached by a quick, well-drossed man,smoking a cigar, who asked ;

" Keep yon pretty basy here V""Tom,?' was the jerky reply." Business on the increase ?""Yum," again," Do yoa ran this station V asked tbe

quiet man, after a turn on tbo platform.' Nobody else runs it," growled the

agent "Hare yon got a patent earcoupler ?"

"Oh, no.""I was going to tell yon lo go to

thunder with it if yon had. Want spe-cial freight rates, I suppose ?"

"Ho, sir."" I don't giro any passes."" I don't want any."" Waiting for the next train V"Not particularly."" Want to ohtrter a cor ?""No."The agent left him on the platform,

and entered hia office and busied himselffor ball an boar, when the quiet manlooked ia on him and a a W :

1 What's the salary of a positioa likethU?"

" That's my business," was the prompt"ply.

" What's tbe income fromtlisBtalitm?""Ask thebaggftgemhiii""Your name ia , isn't U t "" Suppoie U is ?""Ob, nothing maofa-only I'm (he

General Manigerol tbe line, and I'd liketo exchange caida with, you,"

Tlie Van and U e Cow.

This ia a tale of a merchant and a con.The merchant bought tbe cow, but likethe oow the merchant was told, Tbemerchant was a oity man with a largeand thinly family. He took them tothe cuuntry for the summer, and by alightning calculation discovered that acow which gavt eighteen quarts of milka day WOB what he wanted. He asked afaithfuJ surfing man of the country ifho knew ot anybody who had a cow ofthat capacity. The tuning m&u knewof a simple countryman who had pre-ciaely that cow. He brought tho oowto the morchaat, and tha merchant semtlis innooent countryman a cluck for$60. Them the cow was tuilkcJ, uud tbetotal for the first day was fifteen quarts.Tbe faithful serving man told the can-fining merchant that that was au oft daywith the cow, aud that she would dobetter next time. But the next day thecow was more "off" still, and now aftera month's trial a three quart pail is aaample reeeptablo for alleue give at amilking for tho thirsty family.

The niDrcbaat is disappoiuted ia thecow. The faithful serving mau is grievedand tbe s.mplo ooautrynaa is perplexed.Eo thinks tbe cow is homesick, but be

mistaken about that. It is tbe mer-chant who is homesick. The merchantwould fain procure another eighteen*quart oow, but he is sby of the simplecountrymen. He found one of tlieso theother day who had an tdghfeen-quartoow that he WBB willing to soil for ©76,When tho merchant askod him what hewonld allow for his bomesiok cow, theshnpla countryman replied: "What,that cow i Well, 826 ia all she's worth.The merchant did not deal,witb thecountryman. He sought another whobad an eighteenquart oow. This cuewas willing to exchange bis cow for thebomesiok cow if the merchant wouldpay him $60 besides and would agree tosell the oow hook to him in the Fall for640.

Does the merchant want tho cow! Nobo does not want tbe oow. He has alltlie oow he cores for. Bat he will b sglad to flnd some other merchant whowants to boy a oow. He will sell his.

Ne Time for Ceremony.

At the time wlieu tho Nantucket whal-ing trade was at its zenlth.a sperm whalerfrom that port, in the Pacific, had tbemisfortune to lose the black cook. Now,while-tub importaut functionary lay onthe plank in the gangway, slironded inbis canvas cover, sewed up by tbe sail-maker ready for barial, and all the ship'scompany were mustered aroand tberndo bier, ativo tbo Icokoat men aloft,the Captain engaged with all due gravityreading the burial service, the nhip'Bball solemnly tolling, and all tba airfilled with the solemnity of the moment,a. loftsnmn, suddenly discovering thespout of a whale, saag oat lustly:

T-L-r-oahe blows I" Before the look-out had time to report the ever-welcomewords, tlie now excited skipper droppedMB book, seized his gloss, and, jumpinginto tho riggin, bounded aloft at a fif-teen-knot rate. His glass soon provedtbo tratb of the lookout's ory, and fromhis lofty peroh the skippar bellowed oat,

only a sailor oin :" Knock off tolling tho bell I""Clear away the boats I"" Heave tbat digger overboard I"—

and they hove him.

A plainly- dressed man walked in to thearmory last night, and osked in a quietway for A night's lodging. He was givenaboard "dowu below." After lookingabout 1IB remarked tlmt ho was notpleased with the surroundings. When

iked why bo did not go to a hotel hesaid he Lad been robbed of 866 by n manwho occupied & berth with him on asleoper ou the Baltimore and Ohio Bail-road. He appeared somewhat faatidiouiin regard to other matters,which prompt-ed some inquiry as to his identity. Thislie refused to acknowledge, bat later itwas learned that he was Hon. John 0.Clark, a member of the Maryland Leg*filature. When asked if he|preforrodhis bank to a seat in the Legislature,he looked disdainfully at the questionerand prepared for sleep.—Chicago limei.

How to Display the Foot.This pointer is given by one who has

studied the situation from all availablepoints of observation : Tbe neatest wayto modestly display a foot Is to OTOSB theleg which it belongs to over the other.Tbis lift* tbe foot aboat s l i inches fromtheJoor, and hang in easy, grace-ful suspension, The lowor edge of the

irt should lie fioroaa the instep, so thatoolr the front half of the foot is shovjn;hat tbat u Sufficient, in tho presentfragmentary state of slippers and san-dals, to show a good bit of the finely*embroidered or delioately-woven stock-ing. The position is a common on<j tothe moat elegant and refined girls la thepolitest oirolos of society, not only here,bat ia London and Paris. I t is not intbe least bold or awkward.

Kicking Frolic*.Oar grandparents were bard workers.

Witb them, neither the farm nor thahoime knew aught of labor-saving ma-chine*. It was rough work for tbe memoat-of-doora, and it was hard work forthe women in-doora. Families thoughtto tetter themselves by moving outwent. It woe jumping from tbe frying-pan iuto the fire. Indians put a riflaon tba farmer'e shoulder, and necessityforced his faithful wife to soek oat manyinventions.

She clothed her children in tow frocksand dressed lierseU aud husband inliuBoy-wooUoy, if «be could get wool tomix with tho flax. As her sheep in-creased, she made tbeir wool itilo 8an-uels. But there were no fulling-mills,and BU bur wom.tu'n wit invented " kick-ing frolics" for fulling her iliinnels.

Slie invited ull the men in the neigh-borhood to visit her cabin on a certainevening. They came to find amass ofwoolen web, saturated with soap andwater, in tho centre of the washedcabin floor. Seating themselves abouttbe soapy mass, with naked feet androlled-np trousers, they began kicking i tvigoroaaly.

Tbe desire to kick the hardest kepbthe living fulling-mill at its lost work,while laughing women pouied soap audtwater on the woolen mass. The spiritof fan and frolio prevailed, and manyfeet mode light work. At last, when theflannel had been thoroughly failed, andthe men and women saturated witb soapand water, a homely supper was nerved,and tbe " kicking frolic " closed up.

Falling Faith In tlio EfBeacj of Prayer.

A farmer belonging to a certain roll*gipus denomination hi IHiuoi!,, calledupon bis clergyman ft lew days BRO toask the good man if be really believedthat prayers were auswerod. "OicoarsaI do," WOB the reply. "Well, Idunno,"

the doubtful observation. " Havoyon anything ou your mind. BrotherPaTBona?" " I have." "Havo youprayed in all earnestness?" " I b a v o . "

Aad often?" "Tes—every day andtwice a day." " And that prayer baB notbeen answered?'1 "No." "Well, per-haps I hod bettor pray for you. Whatshall Task for in your name?" " I don'twant to be a bog, yoa know," said thobrother, " but if yon ore a mind to praythat wheat jumps to $2.15 par bushel b ythe 1st of inly, I'll bring yon down a>bushels of new potatoes next time Icome, I have wrestled aud struggledand bung on till I've got a sore throatand am clean discouraged!"

"Why They (Jiggled In Churdi.

Young Ho&tetterMcGUnnis, ono of thefashionable young bloods of Austin,tooka young lady to ohuroh last Suadayevening. As he hud been up qaitelatathe night before, he was very sleepy,conseqaeatly lie did not flirt with thofashionable young Indy, as he had here-tofore been in tho habit of doiug i aohuroh.

What is the matter with you I" sheasked in a whisper.

" I am not feeling well," be whisperedbock.

" Ton wake up and giggle a little.any-how. If we don't misbehave ourselvesin church, people will think wo aro mar-ried, and I want you to understand I'vogot a reputation to sustain."

After that Hoatetter McGinDis and theyoung lady acted GO improperly that theBDiton had to go and whisper to them to*keep quiet.—Texas Sitings.

The Shepherd and the Sofa.Tbo Eev. F. E. Hopkins, pastor of

the prcsbytorku Church iu Hetupatead,fjong Island, recently inquired tbo priceof a sofa- nt a furniture store. Tlie pro-

rlutor jokingly told him he could haveone for nothing if be would curry ithome. Tho minister took him at hiaword, and picking up a largo and haud-iome sofa Lure it out of Ibu store, Aatbe miu ia tor struggled along to ward Uioparsonage the apoctnelo attracted tboattention of a large number of his par-ishiouerb nnd other villagers. A crowdawaiting a train at tlio dopot cheeredthis display of muscular Christianity.Mr. Hopkins amiled, but continued oahis journey, and finally reacbod tbo par-sonage with bis burden.

C<mclu§lve Evidence-An aged negro in Austin, Toxaa, known

as Uuclo Mose, prosecuted a vagabondfor stealing bia chickens, Tbe old manmado ont a clear case, describing hisohiokcas as a peculiar Spanish breed, ofwhich he was sole owner in Unit section.Tho defendant's lawyer, ou getting ap tooross-examiao the old man, sternly said:"Uncle Hose, yoa elium noboby else baaany of these chickens but you. Now*what would yoa say if I were to tell yoatbat I have halt a dozen of them in mybackyard at this >ery time?" "Weil,boss," responded TJnole Mose, **I shouldsay dat dat ere t'ief had paid ;er feewid my chickens." That ended thacross-examination a

k Canon o p i u m ) ."A year ago Oahon Leon 3. B e m u d

»o» clerk of Ihe Bishop o! Tonrnnj, Bel-giam. He west off one mornln^-tbQ

rnon, not the BUtioppwithoat being'discharged. Ho was Dot empty, for Jie*ent o l vith 1,700,000 franc. Wong-ing to the olmrcli. Thto piece of fljiogartillery lug jmt been oaptnrod by tlieNow York dotectivM and loaded withchains. He will probably be oondemnedand dismounted."—Robert J. Burdmti.

How He F n j e d .

When a Union ffnnbo&t was goingInto action one of the men who vas onbis knees was gneeriogly asked b> anofficer if be K M strati. " N o , I m apraying," *as the response. "Well,what ore yon praying for?" "Pray,ing," said the Bailor, "that the ene-my's bullets maybe distributed thesame way ai the prise money is, priaolpally among the olSasre."

TJsujnarnico Snnmtss.—"Call tbatkind man ?" said an actor, speaking of

an absent acquaintance; •' a man vho isaway from his family, and never sendsthorn a farthing I, flail,thst kJudnBsi ?"

Yes; unnuuitUHR kindneM," Jerroldreplied.—tmdm i^cidf.

a POUXOBT.—A newly>nuu>rfed am complalna ot the hljt'prloe ol

docks," fie Rayi Ms wife rooentlypaid ior three of t h . m - a dnek ol >bonnet, a dock of a dress and a duck of

parasol. He >»ys snob "dealings) in

He Waa !fot a Consistent Ihrlitlao.It wia at an " experience meeting" « {

colored folks, and everything was goingon smoothly, when one of tbo faithfulasserted with considerable Tobemenosthat he was a Christian and hoped thatall. would follow bia example; where-upon an old gray-haired "onolo" aroseand i n a gniTering raioo said : " D obrndder who hub jnst tola tu to looknp to kirn may be a * good Christian;bnt oert'n fax, dat am kinder mentlonM

ndir de bref, leads me to state dat daotions ot dla yore brndder do not con-

geal to hia perfeahon."—BacHnmck

A celery garden o f forty-six a o t u , be-lieved to be the largest in the world, isultivated in tbe suburbs ot Iiondon, and

the tnnnal product ia about halt a mill-ion of roots or plants. TlMTC in no veg-table grown in this oounlry which meets

with a more ready sale nt profltablo fig'ores than celery, and the demand is rap*idly increasing.

Beuon and judgement act alovjy, butimaginaMon.takaaflre, . . .

Ifgoodresolntiona wan only aocom-pllahed certainties aa soon as made, howdifferent life would be.

We can no more soold'people into lor-ing us than naturo oonld maia bndabloasomb; daily nipping tbora with frost

It is alwayi a sign of poverty of mindwhen men are over aiming to appeargreat ;for they who anreaUy great neversaemtoknowit.

Leal judgment than wit |a a o n a a Hthan ballast. Tut it must baociiiffawdthai wit gives an edge to senae, a«a r *commends it e - ' — a - **


THE IBON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,


Saturday, July 29,1882.Polittci tad crater* general!? become pal

ftt*bU with the i<W»nt of !S» R month! .

Tba uiotemeut In inike Hon. John HGtjrenirtr in growing fuel thtougbotit lh<btala.

Tbs bill to reduc* tLu podAKo nloaBooond oUas publications deposited in letter-carrier oflUee (or delivery to 2 oanta p«ipound has become a tew,

We are afraid tbat John Wesley, the prim-i l iw Melodist, would nolle*! &t home Maidall tbs style of latter-day Methodism nowexhibition at Ocean drove.

Mr Tildea la certainly in the field, for heo u begnn to lend telegraphic dispatches tothe papers uuumncing that tie has not beenin such good health In a long time.

The Pluinfleia Constitutionalist thinks" time for the Democratic party to oast oall hindering weights." What w awful UL-loading there would be if it sljonld.

It has paid George WiUIun Curtis to beCivil Service Reforms. At least he hasdrawn a salary of | £5 per day for doingnothing as Civil Service Commiaeioner.

The growth of this country in well lhated by the experience of a Chicago ladjwho Bays that forty-eight yean ago abi"eoald see allot Chicago Ircm bar door.

We learn it is very probable that the Re-publicans and independent Democrats ofSusaex will again unite this fall U defeat thold Democratic ring of that ooanty. Morapower to them.

After all the hard words of the civil ser-vice reformers President Arthur quietly re-marks that no one holding an Bxoonn've up.poifitment will be Interfered with for refug-ing to make political contributions.

TUa new grain crop of the Weal it so gnatthat all (be trunk lines of railroads lire taxedto their utmost to handle tlio product. I t Igratifying to note that the Republicans willuot be charged with the failure of the cropsUiifl year.

By reason of the tariff OD silk 135,500 oper-atives tn America are enabled to earn $13,.000,000 in wages to produce Jflfi.OOO.ftMJworth of fiilk goode,nnd to furnish $21,000,(XX) of revenue to the government on im-ported goods.

In 1865 tlie interest on the poblio debtwas (4.29 but through Republican economyit is now reduced to tl.OB per capita. Aresolution denouncing Republican mlsmanagement will be introduced, as usual, in althe Democratic Conventions.

The platform of the Ohio Democrat*, hasa plank favoring l t a tariff to meet actualneeds." This Is vague enough to mean any-thing for it is a very broad question as towhat are actual needs. The Democracynever pronounces squarely for protection.

The O h b Democrats pat in their platforma plank denouncing political bosses, andthen elected as Chairman of the State Com-mittee to manage the campaign, John Q.Thompson, who is one of the worst politi-cal bosB6B in tMs country. False pretenses,w usual.

The value of planting trees may be dis-cerned by the fact that a blaak walnutgrove that « u planted by a, Wisconsinfarmer about twenty years ago on somewaste land was recently sold for $27,000.The trees are now from 16 to 20 inobethrough.

A writer in the Atlantic Monthly saye theSouth needs an independent press for thethorough and fearless dlBmueion of politicalEuastionB. But what guarantee would anIndependent editor b i n against being drilledwith holes by pittol nhoU If he became tooindependent?

T i e President has signed the Pension Ap-proprfetion Bill, which disposes of an itn-EKOM amount of money. There is a varygeneral belief that a great deal of money Ispaid to prawns who are In no way entitledto it, and an; Investigation will sooner orlater reveal I t

The strike at the Cleveland Boiling Mill',which began on May 8, m*y now be pro-noanced ended. A cemmUttie of six strikerscalled on President Chinbolm, at the com-pany's office, to say that the men had beendeceived into going into the strike, and de-rfra to return to work.

The philosopher* who are in solemn con-vention at Greenwood Lake, wrestling withIhe problems of mind and matter, are fairlyrivaling the aages of Oonoord. Both setalive chiefly in the clouds, leaving " all man*ner of things "to the low ambition of the«ommon workaday world.

In 1877 the owt of collecting the revenueof the country wu $49 63 per •1,000/bntthe BepubUe&n admisistx&tlons h«6 gctda-ally reduced it to 929,67 for tbe year endingJnne SOUi, 1882. Bolid facts like these havemore of argument in them than U)« randomassertions of hungry DemotraUo office BWIC-

Riraed T. Bennett, the Democratic flan-dictate for Googressman-at-Lajge In NorthCarolina, made a ipeech at Baleigh tbe othernight, In which he advocated the payment«f pension* to A\mUed Oonfederate soldien.•It in apparent that we BtUl have need for•time BepaUican Congressmen from theNorth.

At the Ohio Democratic Convention theyounger and more progressive element ofthe Democracy made a determined effort toveenre control, tat wen iguwniniondy de-feated by the ancient " moss backs " of thepart?. The ytagtmfo* element In theDemocratic ranks Is rated to renuia in theminority. .

An lo&siotu novevent li on foot in England to nits a fund fo asslat the dwtitate to

. emigrate to ihii oountry. WhlU ai alltimes wilUag to moire every toll** who

.cornea to thUUnd for a home, oar govam-ment should not hedtftte to adopt m o w n *to prevent tUi ootntry from being madethe ilnumonH of Europe,

A St. Lonisnu&nfMtnrer agureinp the

e o r t o f f o w i g D i r o n o r e l B H t g a »per ton, Thick perhaps aoeounti for tba.teady Import* I " t w « k i Fhilidfllphlaimport! wen 7,417 Urns. Several Italian

< barks are engaged In tbe trade. Seventy-fivecarloads of ore n d W«Wa of pig iron wen

'sent weal la one day last week, from the oldMary Yard.

In the Senate lart Friday Dan. Voorheessaid Mi colleague, Gen. Ben. Harrison, badmever stood befon ths people of Indiana ona popular Issae. to which tbe old soldier w-torlea, while hit eywbUied fire: " Y « , Idid! I stood tor the flag wtun Ixeaeooftrand tympa—izon in lb» DuMomth)party in Indian*!" The res-Jiu of Voor-k&M wan gaihered sp mt of his aorap

If prioM of prorialoDi ire cot low daring

tadfthl dfinttiaUtfaenmttadaofthliytt i _adof next, "it wiD sot be th* fault of theGiverofoTerjgood and perfect gift, bat of Uie"pick-pocketa"—as Mr. Boechor Juafcycalled them in • recent »roion—who atudbetween Htaaa£ tt» people tnd rob theUttOT of i Urge wor-on of what He intend-ed them to bava. Them modern robbers

, aro worse than than like Eobin flood; fortbe latter only took frooiUw,rich, while the

' tenner take from the rich tod the poetalike, but chiefly from the poor. Sobbsry|_ « better btubDH n«w than It was In tbeolden time, It Is not so d-tigemu, ptyi^bet-tor, and, beaUes, h u becoma nepeofabk.

l T t « moi* " tespectabU'" pwple in the^ i b i "


At tbe public aeaionot UieTariC Core-mlanoD o&Sat&rday aoommunlo-iion wwteoetred from Oes. VilUrd Wwner, ofToctunieh, Ala., telAtive to the tariff onpig Iron, whiob, he explicitly- declaredthe oulset he waa anxtoiu should remaitjaat where it is. an opinion which, he believ-ed, v&e sound by all Southern pig Ironmakers. "With us." wrote Gun. Warnor."it is Aquation of ttbor. Wa cannot makea loo ol ohaitoal nor blast iron foi I«H tbsu*1.V In Alabama and Georgia tha matei»1» in »Btat« of nature for a ton of iron uonlonly aimnt &• oeutt -that is, o n in thuBnHmd( umber on tbe stamp, anil limethe quarry—leaving *H.,1fifor about double English wages, or $7 peiton of metal more than la paid In £ngUoThlils just the duty on pig. WlUjEaglitwages we would need no protection anoould defy the world in cheapness aquality of iron. Sootobpfg iron even mcomes to fioma, a»,,iu oompetitioa witSoutbem irons. In goneral I am in favorof tbe plan and policy of protection AS Uugbtby Henry Clay and Horace Oreeleyandapplied fn the present tariff—that Is, a terito »iae auffide&t revenue to meet all the do-wands of the national Government in peacetimes, witb the aid of a moderate tax onliquors and tobacco, with duties BO dis-tributed as U> afford the largest protectionto home labor."

Democracy is unusually virulent ID theCongressional District comprising Sussex,Warren and Hunterdon Counties, and thenewspapers of that party la those countiesare aUedveekly with aolumnHDl assertion*against the Republicans, charging themwith dishonesty, extravagance, eto. Now,these tbr«e counties the Detnocrato hftcontrolled with heavy majorities for Tears,and there are no three emmtiea In New Jer-sey that hsve been as badly governed. Al-though there has Leen no cause for extraor-dinary expenditure fa any of them, theDamocntfc Authorities In each have piled upa tremendous burden of debt, while jhave raised appropriations larger in propor-

to population and wealth than otheicounties. In short, the policy of the De-mocracy fn these oouolies seems to be tofleece their own neighbors and friends, andthen pull the wool over their eyes by a gen-»*loryof "stopthief" directed at Kepub-


Much less attention has been paid to theroasting of iron ores In this country, andnotably in the Eastern States, than the sub-ject demand's. Deposits of ore low in phos.ihorua but high in sulphur do not occupy

that high position In the market to whioh alittle skill in roasting would bring them, andwe know of cases where native ores are re-jected and foreign mineral is naed, although!he difference in price Is considerably great-

than the cost of roasting. We note thatmetallurgists axe beginning to devote moreattention to this subjwl, and trust that their

fforts will lead to tbe abandonment of someof the erode contrivances at present used,and to the substitution of better constructed

—I&ginsertnga&d'Mining Journal.

of iiiOBo tli&t&ro lent attrnetlwnera a n probably lackiiig in taato.Tlio locks new tlio fnl.H »TO well patroniaou

bj- UdioB ami their oaoorte ttiiungli the woofe

SoTenl people hivo been In town lately try-ing to engage board Tor largo tunUiea who areto come from New York.

llerry-pickor* were plentiful on HnntUy.A youuR man witli a dog and Ibrao wood- wag noliccd Buildup coming into town,Excellent pastime tliat, uupealilly en tlio Sab-

Bill.Jlooiitoii lias a mtniber of fancy turnouts

jig season.lUBpbtrries aro scarce.Stranger* « o plenty In town, looking far

work.Cornelius Mil

Witch Ground ievening!. | WHIPPANY.

When ih0 parental mo«iuitolB tlilntlnir for I a s t S n n ( ] a y ̂ withuUt exception, ouo ofinmin Rom, and cannot nqneei!e tlirongli tlie j • - - - • • -irn netting, it Bonds Ita jouiih' on tho BSIDO j m c r i jjj(j l0nKi, n t l j j e mtm a „ , .( of tuo , j B r

ilasion, while tbey mi upaa tlie window Hill -- -act] aiiil.o—ror uallsfaction.

Mr. Win. Huwkina, llvlnjt In Honover, 1houtte full of New York boardei

It is truly amusing [o note the dog-dlyhorrors which have seised the Banner andPeterson Guardian, caused by contemplat-ing the possible re-nomination of lion. JohnHill for Congress, They have wrought them-selves Into a Buob a frenzy that they are nowovercome with tbe delusion that almost anyDemocrat can beat him. They appear (o be

ocnfidoDt as when they pitted the previ-ounly invincible Cutler against him. Thisis the appearance of the thing on the sur-face, bnt underneaUi It is discernible ananxiety to infuse courage into some one toma ftgainst him. Tie editor of the Bannermight try to "strengthen tie ticket"

Two more fools belonging to the F. F. V.'shave made spectacles of themselves by goingoutto&ghtadne). John 8. Wise, the chal-lenged party, la the Mehone candidate forCflQgrcsao!An-a.t-lArg«t and the other oom-balant, John 8. Crockett, Is the Common-wealth Attorney f <r Wytfce eonnty-a publicofficer awom to obey and enforce the lawsand preserve deoenoy and good order Ex-oited by a hct poUtioal campaign, (his nunCrockett forgot bis oath of office, and blazedaway on tbs " field of honor " at GoveraiWin's MIL Unfortunately neither was killed

Tbe Newton Herald is In favor of tariffrevision and yet supports a party that votedtolidly against a Comminion to revise thetarifi. Like all other Desnooratto organ* inmtnnfaotnring districta, tbe Herald dare notavow openly the free trade principles of itsparty loaders, tint oomente itself by assertingthat tariff i* a good thing for manufactormend not for working men. Will the Heraldplease ahow how a modification of the dutyon pig iron, for Instance, wooM benefit the

liners of Northern New Jersey f

It Is refreshing to aae thevirtnousQeorgiaDemocrats to rise up in thdrStatoOonven-

andby (heir platform declare that theubUeuit u e the foes ol the govern-

ment. The political rihution mnut navegot mixed somehow since 1805, when theirpresent candidate for Governor, Han. Alex.H. BtephenB, was Tloe President of theBcrathernOonfederaoyand laewholeGwtgiaDflmocraoy was ID arms against the govern-ment.

» » *Tie Democratic Congressional Conven-

tion of tba 4th Difltrict will be held at New-ton, on Thursday, August nth. TonngHarris, of BeMdere, wUl probably be re-nomuuted. Blateontt speech In CoagTBM,In favor of • navy, shows that be h u eitherlearned aomathing abont navigation whileresiding on the banks of the upper Dela-ware, or baa been well drilled OD the sub-ject by hhrtlHiTBltobwon.

Seontarj Chandler ww right b suppos-ing veare capfthto of building ttw fetcst

ships on the globe. Sixteen yaara agowebadinonr navy tbe-fastest Bteanuhipafloat, tbe Wanpinoag, which not only hadmore speed than any steamer of any nationhad then ftobieved, but alao retained bet n -premacy nnUl tome three months ago, whenthe Alaska, "the greyhound of the Allan-Ho," wrennbed it from her.

In cutlery and general hardware, Shef-field dealera complain that their travelerscannot Mil anything in Ireland which Isknown to beat English nuke. Bp«__U»and novelties of all kinds, it Is reported,wblo-areUbelsd "American," meet with

nw)y sale, and tba nnanapeotbg purchasemany a gross ol Bngliih goods under tbeunptesdoa that they an of Amutasa make.ThUIs not "fair trade."

Among tha evidence! of retnndng pros-perity are the improving finacolal aoundnessof tbaoountry.the satisfactory aolntion offiaanoial problem! in Oongraas, tbe deoraaieIn gold exports, tbe accumulation of bankfund*, the gentrallv «»U_f»ctory eropa, thehuge railroad <mr^gf, the abundant em-plojaant for willing labor, and the increas-ing oonnunpUva damudt of tbe people.—American Uannfaotanr.

Tbu far not a tingle Democratic paper inthis district hat been genenns enough to•vea auggwt the wunt of Mi. Outlet for

flM. Y«t he one* led a forlorn hopeto mfMess, Tbe Demoents, like Bepablios,are prortrbfally ungrateful.

Xballornaouan going to test the oon-stituUon-Uty of tbe anti^wlygamy Uw inthe Supreme Oonrt Tha fate of Mormon-

was tealad like that of aUvery when the&pnblican party desreed fta annlhOaUoo.

roofs eloojiBnt appeal for that greatehUdreo'i charity, " tbs ftesh air fund,"eoold be made than Ihd C»ct t h a t l l e o n l 1"

dir five yean of *gt died in Newfork oity on Wedneediy.

• » » • » • ' • - •

England still continues \a ptinlab the fool-Egyptians, but It la probable the other

power* will have aomelhlng to say when theepoils a n divided.

Wheat ii kiog-od praaLmtb« asbjoga-of the mcmnpoU'M to pwriaiooa. •

BOONTCN-HammocKs a n cummoo.Shooting niatehea are in TOgne.Doremoa' CUolara and DyBentery Gore is

anting the lateol,

and vicinity are being overran withclr;usoi thia roar.

fruit and other Ireos are oorered with o*ter-pillarf—more this Hoaaun tlian las!.

Tiit Bhootiog mit^li at EbflnO. Lyon'a lastvcr?esJcyftWc,etpe-

who were (ink with tbeo tha neighbors>r evcDiug a yiimiR UIMI of tondorr tiara WM uoUuttl to make an attempt to drawa revolver Jimt Ixwauao a few boys vetliUgufting liitn. Whether lie intended to .meit or not, he knows beat himself, but it infor Him that he did not.

Now (lilt bnnlucrji is picking ap. BoontoDshould have a bank

It 1B h hard matter to toll wlleU ata themoat obstinate. Hie mutoa or aomo cf tlio wo-moD who are on tbu canal.

TiiEu ia n^ney, and how many &flk JOT timeIn buying goods; but they novttr liaitnoner

at Pice Brook over the Bitnk, at Mwil'i itnre,on Monday next. Tbe bridge.! lobe of iroodjind tbe abntmeiib) aod approaches i r e to berebuilt. The work witi ba nrnJer tbe getieninpemiion of Mr. Petar I, Cook, of KoiitvllI

Nothing ip| on I


J regaraies Suniiay SchoolB this year.

Uias Allio Hoffman it visiting some of lieiold acquti&UooeB In Boontop,

The report tbat is board from His liot Ironat tho mill, «Woli la caused br the water drop-ping upnu it ai It rovolreti arnntid the rotaryet[uevzon, resembles that of tlio firing of ahunon.There appear* to bo quitit a contrast si

byaomeofotirfltorDbfJO|ior« In making tlielrmow atlnettve lo Hie eye tlian


r dunces o u t l l Q

vorr otlier wotk on Satunlay

PORT MORRIS.Mrs. Day is not so well.The Sunday School had an instilnte at tl

BUnbope Prcsbytcritn Oharoli lut Frldaiirbere I MIV ths first loft-haiideil editor I ovbeheld, fle vras tba oililor of the Banda)Hohuol Times, Bev. J. VV. Port or made anclrens, which vu replete wltti elegance tmforce. I can't talk wortlia oont, but I knuwbtii ottier people can talk.

Qearm> Dell iailead and bariod. Hn b ra wife and me child to mourn His last. He wonlv 92 yarn old. Your leaden know how In

danth. He fell from tlie scaffoldli t . Groiaon's ne»r building. Be*- Qua. Milleol VUG Btauhop* M, E. Ohurch, preaobod hiifanoral oermon, takiug for bis text tbe firelverse of tlie Blat Psalm,

Kiglii Is a good tlmo to write In hotwfion tba thermometer Is over 100.

I heard one of the boys «iy thsy wore waitIng for Oflorge Burtt, who was elected '8qolnof itoibar; towmblp and did not Kethlmisalon from tho Seorsttry of Bhto, to organ'lie a prayer meeting to pray for rain. Thimaj got the win a good deal quicker tlianGoorgo may got tils oamtnisaton.

I know of uo other HUWB.OU, yos! Tlie Presbyterians ofStanliopo art

gulag to l»<fe a iiio-nlo noit Tuoulaj, and th<Metiiudistfi ope week train to-ciay (Tliursday,

They ],ad ttio BL E . nuQlvtor from Dm;rill,to wenpv Mi. Miller's pulpit \mt finruUTI &ru few moo wlio sro able lo HII Mr. Uf,r

ler'a pulpit. Tim ia hU Iiutt year.Lewla Appk-gitlma Kit fluff or mauled in tin

nine one day last week.Tliu omplojooB of tho SI. A £ , Division lim

rganiaei] & society for tlio Imnnflt of !f« mombors, wliorebf oo payraflutofflftyotB.umDnththey agteo to pay each member sis dollarsweek in caso of slokucas or Injury afterhas belonged to it say threo or four tmiBths.H N. Sbtuloy Is rrosident and It. WilktniiHea-retary. Tlifa Boema to be a [irotly Rood insti-tution, atnl I hopo tlio oiHrars will uGfaUlifnand all tho employees will aoau botong lo H,

Slr.Lanlose has built asnhstantlai bridgeaoroEs Main siroot, Start ho po.

Tho cngiuo "Dcovlllo" just cain« (ram tlioliopThur»iUy P. M,, and engineer Wm. Hi

took bur light away out on 03. E. J.

Ttia now bridge over tbo railroad on Mainstreet would tiavo beou more durable if it badbeen built of Iron.

There are tlioeo wbo say that boor bills aromat debts. Probably tliat la odo reason

tuy enlaon-koapets to get tiwir ninneyrhen pay day cornea.Tbe early riser has a cbtneo to_ view (base

ilin spear oigsr stumps oat of tbo'gntlera,Tho man who wan bit witli a atone norao

itne apo and bad the thrower sent to theloun.y jail to await tbe action or tbe Grind

Jury, now, It is Bald, wishes to Bettle ft forISO. Lot him settle, andhotnay stand a ohanoeto get there himself.

A calf belonging to Edward Ilalton wasknocked off tbe high mil at the blast forascelast Friday and Instantly killed.

Wm. Hiciett, on Tlraraday evening or laateek, white lotoitaated on H&tti Bttcat,ttic4

lo oon?inoe iv man that ho would hare to fight>r take a licking. But the man did not lookat Lt in t u t tight, w Kaefeett w » a.>ippo.nt-ed; and It W*B a goad thing tliat he t m , fortlie man would undoubtedly have used him tomop the lidewalk with before bo got throughwith Mm.

Tbe old steps that were In front of the Boon'in Companj'fl office on Dane atreet, and

which made a landtag on M»b street, aremissed by paisers to and from tbo mill, OD ac-count of their having rotted away,

1 number of small fruit (roes of different ra>nettea, whtoh hate beentome one throwing the aeeds on the groundafter eating the fruit, aro noticeable along tbeInn*, on the lower B.<3B of Main itroet, which,

grafted, would undoubtedly be more hardiertan those grown in a nursery.T?m. Halley waa arreatea by Marshal Oill-

tnartln laat fridajr, on oomplaint of ufa wife,ror ttbuaing her- - He vai taken befora JaitioeVan Orden, who, it id aaid, gave him a rcprl-iand and 1st him go.Tbe Combination Boll and Rubber Works at

Montvllle aro running on f nil tlmt.A number are complaining of colds. Tbey

optobtblj slept with their idndowft open,

a beautiful breezo w&s Ubwtng mttrlj all tlie• All Ih080 wbo had the mefliis ot doingDOH fldvaufago of tlio &uo reatbor eiiJout riding, and nnvny Quo UHOonta wuro

aeon going tbrough our village, Those wbobad no liorseu or carnagoi enjoyod it nalkiag.Tliuro &ro a nuutbor ot beiutilul plaooa k tlilavllltge fora walk, but tbo most beautiful audfavorite place ia tlio serpoatiue walk aionj tbeTVhippany Hirer, between the two paper milla,which wan out many years ago by a formermill owner tosbortoa tbo dlatanoe botwecu

lie. Thli walk is cut oat of an almostperpendicular bill, at tha foot or which theriver flowa, It is u cioit delightfully aoot placeduring tlie gammer aaaaan for a walk, It beingeompletelj ebadod by the thick foliage over-


In the Ticinityof tbe milk bouau stands abeoch tree, which from the ground to ap amongUB branoboi iB completely covered with namesand Initials of pononii wbo resided hBre, someortbetn fifty yearn ags, vrlilch iliowa tbat at

e time, before tbe above walk was flat, tliatlocality was a favorite place or resort for the

ing. Some or tho dates were cut as farback is 1830. Among tho names la tint orWm. Baxter, tbe celebrated machinist, whowas once a resident of this place, and leuned

li trade noro.Coin has made wonderful progress during

tno weeks in thi* vicinity, hut pota-

If some vauld bnild alarge summer boarding-house on Bheop Hill,

ililpay fotttwlf In a short nme. Thpnla no better looaUty In the Stale; plenty orshade anil good, boallbj air; lor vleir itnotbeiarpaeied.

It ti rumored that we are soon to hare aLair anil Order League.

A game of baie ball will be played at Boon-ton on Saturday, July 391b, between tbe Amer-ican Eagloi, of Dover, and tho OarfleldClub,or this plaoo.

On Monday soieral were victimized by aimoolh-tongood individual who waa telling•oap with prizes of flre dollars packed thereinDnaraan whowasaloaer got latlsPacllon by

utegafivedolUrblllfrnni ttta box andthen handed tbuman over to an oSaer. It waioorapromiBed by the victim koeping three dol-lanofit.whlcliLehad lout, ana giving twodoOan to another man, who alao bad been aloser. The dealer had procured a lloenie

n the Mayor, but ai soon ai il wai roundont that he waa selling illegally a atop wan putto bia telling. >

On the alow ground Monday afternoon avoting man waa noticed with three ,'wnallgreen sticks and a bbwk bag, wilklcg Ioently around the field, aa If looking for aspot where be eould place then anil pot table thereon. Then wetft'^hree >tour men from a neighboring town who arewell known, and with whom be bad qnKe someacquaintance. Thej alao followed In hi i wake,and ondoabtedlr before they left town (he In-quiring ones bad a chance to learn wfaat theirlittle game wai, and what was dons with thosethree green atioii and blaok utolwl,

Those who bad the pleasure of viewingMalm' thow OD Uonday pronounced It flrit*olaas.D every reipeot

I t la laid that Dover people axe ltiud tu(beirpraises over the aarfield olnb.

Tisitors increase daily at tfae mill.Bml t n u -wto it (rajojable, tat theie a n

JOSS who in trjlng to »how their wit bare to

g B pAn etimnlon trtlc going eattirongli Boonloa Tuesday morning.Pianos or a circular pattern, with an adjnit-

tble grooved key board, are now being usedanile ulenslrely ia Soonioo. Tbe muslothat oooioi from them is not particularlyaweet, hot they are a first rate Instrument foryoung ladies* to practice on wben Iboj haveno thing else to do, on Uonday moraingi en

Miallr,Paraeri i l l oompiiiniag that thi droagbt

«U1 effect the lite potuoai.Hr, Barney Cohen saHera greatly from the

•welling on hta neck; so mueh so that atm« it ii a dlfflenlt matter for him tobreaths.It Is a notioable fact that as bntfness in-

crtaiei ID BooDLonweafie among m Krangefaces, more so than ever on tceoant of tbeformer citiwna baring died or nored away,

hich leaven room fore different etass. Alao,(be bostnees that we have oa!U for a differentclan of workmen. Borne of tbe mm wbow«eQnwem!ilofedat Ihe m^l hue movedback with tbflr ftmllies, bat the majoritystar where they MO do the best. One mightujthiAjtoooton watknwn M« BCiWeied toall points of the oompsM, ror go when yonwill you on generally see some oae wbo wasOOM employed bore. Sew and then fanulUarftoescanbe«eeDunoDgai, bat for a luorttlmeonly.when they disappear and nothingIs heard of them nntil we are alartlBd by thettewsoftlielrdekUi.ortbeyarebroaght backlo their final resting plaoe, Boonlon.

A fasUval ia to be held at the JC. X. Ohurob,Parfippany.on WednomJay evnpinji, Ang. 3d,During the evening there will be mlUtbntnd nniic. Everything will be done to-maket enjoyable.Tha QarntU dnb defeated Ihe Woe Hill

lab st tb»t place, last B*tnrdaT,by a aoora offl to t, which ahows sharppUyingcnbotfa aidesand tbatboth nines went In to win.

T men dressed a U Oscar Wilde,thoir light whale boats, pasasdl over the plane

Wednesday erenug. Their destinationwts not learned.

It is rnmored that Boonton is to have another

lknliLThey bare tfae litr »n* '*" attachments ready

h m i l tr u w k i t h B r o m g l tMr. 0. W.Oowdrynidea visit to Boonloa

bit week. He Is »t present msi4(»BT at V*»eytob h b IftTSt

Wort to W t* ematmsti on the oew bridge

8UCCASUNNA.Tbe Uwn sociable at Hr. Wm. 8. Carey's oi

Friday evening was largely attended, and•earned to enjoy tbemaalros very mncli. Tbeproceedi amounted to 133. Tuo next dar HOwaa ncclfod from (rienda in tho Vfoni. Voteswere void for the cut-pone of deciding who irastho b&adfKKHGfit yonnK lady and nvo«t ponulifoang nan. Miu Donit Btoddard and MLewia City n'oaired the largest nambor. TincTentn was niaile by oar popular confectionand ice cream dealer, Mr. Fred. Haueleman.

Tbe Good Templars of Ihls village will holda fair and fosllv*} on Ibo bsie ballSaturday afternoon and evening, tbe 28th Intt,lu tlm Afternoon a malch game of base ballwilt be played by a piekfid nine of theirand s plfk.vl ulne of ihe Uilio Hill lodge.

Them will be an joe cream and lawn socialunder tbe ausplcei of the iuliea of tbe Presby-terian Gbnrch at tlie residence of Mr. JosephHarvey, Ironla, Tuesday opening next. Allare cordially invited to attend. Proceeds tobe Died for painting and carpeting the church.

The Itathodtet Sande.? &cUool will go acpio-nio to Stephens' Hotel, Like Hopatooog,Wednesday noit.

A young dsnghttr of Mr. Jolm Btetjlinrn felloff of a fenoe Uonday and brake both huntin her right arm. F .

For the Udiei ,Tlio oihiblt Df finoy goods in remarkably

brflliantlocolor ofiuotB, Bloudlnjt liiearto take tlie lead lu combination dcH-Rim.I)ultrer,ln bin "Pelliam," dlsoueaoH dres*

very chtrmlngly, and glvus this advitAvoid many colon, and seek by nomo one

prevalent aud <iulet tint to sober down thoDtbern. Apollos nned only four colors ami alwnyx Biibdnod thoae whioli wero more linriby a darkening varulab."

Worth Ii an artist in color comprehensionill Undress raodolsure perfootexamples oliB-rmdolotsi effeots. Suine of tlie coetmneifrom thin celebrated man tJrcgsmiliorstartliog changes, yet every color lotiovatiou

' in artifltic and bonco plotsing toIbe eye.

gives oouaiderablo attentionwoman's dresB, and olaases it with tbearts. " I hetiovo." lie sUtos, "truonoblenessof d m e to bo an importint moans of cdaoft-" m, aa it certainly ia a necessity to any a a*

D which iriahos to posaosa living art con-cerned with a portraiture of human nature 'Again be romarka: " Thore aro many rea-sons for thinking that vta Co not at prosout

Ikoli uncudU iwportauca to bsautlttil drasamoueof tbe moans of iufluoiiofng taste oudiliaraator."

Atnosg tlm olwloe novelties in d m n lace-norkgrBnadinosareoutitlod to much praise.This lovely Roods for eummor wear comog InAll deeply ihrii iliadaB oud the very paloitot tints. Tlie laco do»i«Ds are artiaticalJyirosenled, shotriug to adnirAWo advantagei.v the Bide of noli eatlu and soft meah-irork.There comas to ua from tlio French looms a

utirul noveltj la delicate and Btyllahillens, and on this gooda are aiampeil birds

md heads et anlmala, email in alee; but inUo shell dcuijtne and other deviceB nreaent-

nttoral objects, there ia a iniprlaing

toee are beginning to look yellow ind wiltedtx the want of rain.Mr. L. S. Freeman offers a reward ol 125

for information leading to the conviction orthe port on or persona wbo dug potatoes in oneothlifleMs,

St. Hary'a school house il being painted andotherwise repaired. Owing to tbe small at-tendance, this school was closed about a vearago, but we understand Father Brennau, tbenew pastor hero.wii.'opeu it ag«in ia Septem-' 61.

The district toliool bouse la nndergolng con-•Id&rahla repttrg alio,a&awlllbe gttttiy I nproved wben It opens in September,

STANHOPE.There is quite a number of boarders at our

hotels now, but tlier can accommodate moro.Let them ooioe. Manv or tlieae boardora arefrom tba oily. Then aro also a numberpersons visiting tboir Mends.

J. M, Knight, proprietor of the StanhopeHouse, fa ifflielec" again with tbe malarial(ever. It has weakened him so tbat he walkawith a cane. This is something uncommonfor him, M be It i, very u l t r a and olmatft n a nofhiaage.

James Hendenhot has leased a part of biiUno lo partial in Bettilehein, 7a., to explorefor Iron ore and otber minerals, and to quarryfarllmoitoDO.

Main's ahow, whioli ezblDUed hers laet Bat-day, gave general satisfaction, contrary to ex-pectation. Thov left for Boonton on Sundayafternoon laat, which act onaofonrminlileraseriously condemned in hia lennoo that even

George Dell, who waa injured a few weekiago by a tall from A> H. Crosion'i hnase, on*Mahhewuw.orkiBff>deiA. He died lait6und*y morolog, Tbe aoaffolding broke downand the timbers fell on him, which waa the

; of hit Injury. Be was taken to fit.Michael's hoflpiUl, Newark, for treatment, an,lingered four weeks nearly there before dealhttunsa. Hia lea; waa broken and he was In-jured about the body and head. Ha waa agedabont twenty-two years and leaves a widow amme small obild.

Tha haiveat la about gathered and ii a goodcrop In this ration. Tbe hay it also beinggathered and yield! net). The oata are fastripening and will sot be a full crop, the"loose" iDjurlujc It to BOOK atUmt, Book-wheat, corn and gardens look well, but need

Solomon Cas«, vho wai burned, a t the fur-nace a few weeks ago, la able to nalk aronndgain.Qapt. 3, UcConnell, of thia place, ami othoi

contemplate a trip to Portland, Hune, soon.Anoui .

- • • • • •BUDO'S LAKE.

Warm weather and dusty roads worn to pre-vail. The roads need sprinkling and tbe gar-den truck Is In want of rain. Tha old mailto,If the dog daya begin dry ther will oostinne iall throDgh, seems to be verified.

Farmers are very busy In l i m i t and hay-Ing, The harvest is very good tnd the haycrop middling.

It It very lively abont the Lake, and guesti j b e w e n h <nory direction. AU Ibe pri-

vate houses are fall and the hotel weU p*-ironlied, bnt itill h u room ror mow.

Among new arrinui is a party o! boys fromRemington, N. J., woo are camping on t i enek shore. They nave plenty of company,they say, for tbe moiqnltoei are thick, masl>cal and long-billed.

Then Is a floe 'spring of water on the rookahore, near the eamp ground,

Mr. Tboi. Young i. building a house on thirock shore for the accommodation of [lo-nlo

d hothers.On Sunday evenin Rev.D.B. Frambea, or

hh dy ,

the Flanders M. KL Ohorah, preicbed & veryable sermou to a fall oonjregilbn la the cha-pel.

They ny then vn mom bhchelora iroanuBudd'B Lake and vidnlty than In any othercomnrnQityoftheilH lotheoonntry. If thisbeBo, forma Bachelors' Club 7 I Fill not laj snjlhJcgabout otdaaidi,fortUtlst»dlffio[iItaquiUon for dlKuialon In Ihls warm weather,

Fish an not biting vary strong jolt now.Dr. W. made a flying visit to the take to.

day. Be aays he will be up often.

The Fatal Toy Plitot.The deaths from toy pietol accidents in the

whole country aggregate not lets thfto onehundred, but through % wiao tnactnent of thel u t Legislature of tnii State the sale of thedeadly weapon was prohibited, and ire believethat New Jersey h u not fnrniitwl one victim,while In olhar States tbey have been numberedby tbe score, Tbe victims die from lockjaw Innearly everj ioslanot, and tbs ireapon whichcauses the most barm la barrel bond, naea ablank twenty-two cartridge, and its explosiveforce i» equal te that i i »d sartrfdge wherever.nsea. The look !• obeap and ooaataotlf out Ofordar, and ID trying lo get ibo hammer tttavcocked the thing Is often discharRed into thapalm qf tbe left hand, imbedding the ppwder

l l i t a d b t t l l i dk j M l i r w l Rto prodnoa iaUDna than If il hi,i beta a eu o f t b l l

The Heat and Public Health.Tbe eontiniisDae of comparatively Ian bi-

i p t e n n n west ot the AilBjjhenieB ispresumption against the hope (or a break-upthe present torrid weather. The warning

rhloh the Herald gavo on Tuesday o! tlie oom>pg "warm wave" and the poislblo incroase oflymortalltr this weekhas been sBdly verifiedi Is shown by the temperature records and

'be Increased number of tkatu certiQoates pro-ntodat the Health Board's office. In sea-

g r t tropical IcoalllieB, as Barbadoi, tbe aqoe-DOB vapcr of the atmosphere Bcreens tbe earth

om ths aooroblog wlof that the thei-mometer seldom rises afaore 85 or 90. Thegreater drynesa of the atmonpbaro on our At-lantis ButboiTQ, swept by Tiinda which havebeen robbed of much of their moisture oa ihe

lleghBQieB.makeBthisseotion subject to ex*isslve mtdsnmmetheat ranges, ueoesilUtlng

the most careful attuntlon to health procin.tfons. This year, after a long prevalence of

w average summer tumperatarBB, the fatilltyattending tho heated term has hitherto beenl s s marked than uinal, Bnt the continent Islow RrowlDg warmer, and with the approachif the "dog daya" exemption from diaeata etn

il? be aeoured by a strict cbiertinoe of eani-tury ralos. It !• likely the proaent high tem-perature will abate very decidedly this week,bat U is ftltegethei pcob*bla VtaA tbe hottestpart of the summer la yet to oome.—H. V Her*

aid, £"jl''j" ' '

Chem^ai'Fertilizers.Enltetin No. 31, of the Now Jeney Agricui-

t a n l Experiment StkUon. has been preparedand Isaned by Prof. Cook, State OcolDglat, anil

ouo that ii of very groat value to farmen.I t does not deal with a single mbjwt, but with

cUsa of standard aids lit orop raising, and Iscompilation of the respective merits of all

the ipeelnwni treated, Including many otthosemost In use and moat strongly urged by theirproprietor*! and manofactureni.

The OIMB of aids referred to 1B "IncompleteChemicil Jtrtitiztri," and bnllciln twentr*one glvee analyses of them and the retail caihprices at whloh they are sold. Fertilizer*,BBVS the bulletin, are known aa complete andIncomplete j anaplete when ibey contain eachof the elements nitrogen, phoiphoma, potaa-

ium, etc., whloh are regarded as abfolntelynecesiary for plant life; aud incomplete wbenone or more or these eleiuentsareabient, Taballetln glvei the chemical analysis and eeti-nated values of a nnmber of Incomplele fer-tilizers, !Fhe samples, with one or two excep-tions, were taken by a ftatioa agent Thontsnnractnrere1 retail oath prices are Riventhese prices Including Ihe cost of bagi and

>rUge to can or boat, bat do not includetber transportation expenses or the profits of


iced Tea.Probably no hot weather drink bat gained as

rapidly In pnUlo favor »t ioed tea. Tberebasbeen numerous •Dggeitlonsi as to Ihe propeimethod or preparing tbis ddlcioni beverage.People have taea adneea to make It by lafu-sion, by decootion, with boiling water andwith hot water brought to the boiling poinafter the tea ii ID lt, bnt now comes $, ukasefrom a no leu worthy sonne than the HewPoit telling aa that these methods are allwrong an applied to the popular drink.must uio cold water, pntling in the tealevenJhoun before It U to be dnok. Thedelicate flavor of the tea and abundanlstrength will be extracted without a trice oltbe tiitei taste aUtibnteble to a. Unio aoid.No more than the nmai quantity of tea willbe required. Ioa a few minutes btfore serv-ing. This ia vooched for as a perfect methodfor makiiig loed tea, and It la certainly worth atrial, oonsiaenmr the Inferior quality or thibeverage so often serve! oveu In well-regu-latedhonnholdi.

Machine Taachen.Th» teachen who** work la montly taBchku-*1 are no longer borne with so patiently as

waa the case a few years ago, A sentiment infaror of thorough, intelligent and inspiringteaching la rapidly growing, and the dnll ped-agogue of the norm*! school without enthu-

aad mggditioa will shortly Hod bloiBolfmated. The IkwanapoUa JonrnaV says

with a gnat deal of troth or Ihe " machineteachen:" " With only a amattertag or evena common education, ther are out through thedrill or a nwjallcd normal school and InductedInto tbe duties of a teacher, with t o breadthof culture, ana* In many caws lauking the mostordinary marks of social refinement. Havingentered teaching aa a profession and Buding it

be among tbe moat profitable of all profos-sions, and being lairly asanred of oontinniugtherein with ordinary davotion to the 'methods'presoribedt thej turrow tholr reading indstudy to the roulme vork of tfae profession, anddespise the men of HRj j e a n ago .who madeteaching a stepplng-itonc to something else.'

Don't Potton Biby,Several prominent physicians hi the coun-

try have taken up arms against all manner ofquack nostrums known as "soothing syrups"andeordials,andaniha«lng the feti-tal in-crease la the death rate of oldldren-bahiucspeclally-canied by them. A Phlhdelpbladoctor estimates that 35,000 botUeaaweek of

quieting poisons a n u l d In that oity,ana tbat they kill a large portion of tha 1,500or 9,000 baUes tbat die there every year. Bnohan exhibit would saem to demand th« itrougarm of the law in prevailing tbe nee of snobpoiions, u polioni they certainly a n . Theasaaon fat the n n o< a«fU age&clea for qnfol.lag youag children is upon us, but DO thought-ful mother eertainlrwill think of employlnE

them t&qnltt a bettol obild.

Thi HiUtiThla week haa b u n ibe iiotMil thus h r of

U s season. Ibo thermemetar IQIDB; abore t»oa every ana of the past four dayi* Bat %jtbaarlng bit of tew« reuibei as if telegraphthat thedestriiflUrs heat l i not IHtaly to h i tlong, for a " e o t t w t " l i on it* way a\owlyooipina; in from Dakota. I n two or three daya

oay m o b us.

The Corner Loafer ActState XAWS, Chapter GOCUU approved

MamJi Bt, 1871, provide* " that any person,or peiBow who shall loiter or assemble outbe streets, at thB corners of t i e street", orIn the publis places of any olty, ei«., etc.,being under the influence of intoxicatingliquor, or who not bslng under nuoh influ-ence aboil indulge in and ulter loud aad of •reoeiveorlnaeotmthinguage or fihalladdressor make andible offensive remarks or com-mantu upon any person passing along suchstreets or public placet,, shall be deemed tobe disorderly." The second neotion of thoact provides that upon conviction it snft.l bethe duty or the justice to commit such dis-orderly person to the Oounty Jail, " thoreto be kept at hard labor for any time notexceeding thirty dnys, or fine such personEn a Bum not exceeding twenty dollars.''

Of Great Value.More than twonty years ago, when it

found tbat prevention of olmlort wan easierthan onro, a prescription drawn up by eminentdoctors waB pabliebod in The Bun, and it tookthe name of Tba BUD ahclera iflo.iicino. ¥ona who 1I»H tula by him, aud takes Et in timiwill ever huve tha chakra. Wo commoutl 11toa lnur friouda. Evon wbon co olioleanticipated, it is on exoolloni remedy for or-

y HUBimer complaints, colic, diatrhfeadygontory, itc. Tako ctjunl parts of tinoturo( Oayenno pepper, tinatnrc or opium, tiiuturooi rhukarl), oesouco of pcpporniiuV nud spirital camphor. Mix well. PJBO, 13 to 80 dropin a little cold water, according to B^O andvioloaCBof Bjmp^ms rtpealed overy.nrtoea

twenty itiliiiitoa until relief fa oblaincnl

Worth Remsmherine;,A farmer near Troy haa adopted a now ron

Ij for potato lm)i». Hi1 pmriiTed a ^ntml»of boards and placed tlioin lioro and tbeiamong IIJB potatoen, awl on tlicso boardB woiplaced raff potatoes slioed. At noou on thoIrst day cf lils experiment lio and hia hired

in found ever; plooo or potato coveredjugs. The mm killed this lot and at i>uotlier lot was killed, though not ao largo,

a week not a bug was to be ~Ironblo with buga nflor this was oontparattvoiymull.


Blftirstoirii ia to liave a brass hand.

Eaitoo has subscribed 110,000, aadia to uavoeiik faotory.Ftelilog In the C«la«uo la rojiorled Vo

ixceodlngly good.A sli-poand black base ivaa caught a t Belvl-

lero tlie oilier day,A realdont of Now ton hos given birth lo her

~ ohild.Tlio debt of Bunterdon county h *07,000.otfftrbcblud Warren.Tho Old Oxford Church baa received no leaain five beqimlB of Into.

A now eihibltion building la boiug ercotodtbeSuaies fairgrounds.

Ei-fienator Fldcocu, of lltictordon County,mm tffeuty-nvo farmi and 1,1)00 intloli cowan tfiat county.Olias, aodfroy, ot tilownrtavillQ, ia apokoti of

eouueciion with the Assembly nominationtbe First Piatrlot at Warron count;,

diBoovoieil tnlno botweon Bolvl-dDre and Oxford la being; successfully workod,and there ar« now 2,000 torn of ore ou bank.

Two young geutlometi of Sastou, sona of Dr.Lidlow, expect to rida Dpon bicyolea from thatplaoe to Boston. They slatted ou Uondnj of


Tbe town ot Baekfittatown claims Ibtt thereis BcbODl nnney fine it troru the township ofAllamaoby, andtheConuoll has directed thiMayor to demaud the sumo, and if not paid, tobring suit.

A farmer naraod Davis, living ou Mrs.White's farm, near Boibnrg, waa tbrowuderneath a reaping machine by hi* horses tak-

fright,and although he waa considerablybruised, fortunately eaoapetl death.

Tlie Warren Democrat thinks that OongrcsB-man Harris' speech on tbe Naval bill was liketbe ODO made by that friend of Davy Crockett,

ia, as Davy said, m making a speech, "hme ont at the nme hole he vent In."O. H. Piilafleld, a farmer trom Washington,

wascommiUedin Jersey Olty on Uonday lastfor paulikg a counterfeit trade dollar tin a BU-loon keener. He yrta intoxicated, and said

,t he did not know that the token was bad.

The Warren Journal orra in saying tbat theGreenback party of Sussex has alwaja aoledai a tender to the Bepnblicana, The; act for

iem<elrei, and tbey are so few in numberslat it isn't fair to call them a tunder.-8i

The Jersey Olty Herald vonohts for the fol-lowing : "Ron. John I- Dlajr, of Blairelown, is

tiling liberal again. He is bavins eiocniodFlorence, JtMy, a large oil painting of him-

•eir to coat $90,000, and to bo donated to La-fayette College.

The Centenary Collegiate Institute or theKevratk Conference, at Haokettitowc,

i its catalogue tor tbe current year. It infll-itea tbat tlie Inatltution la progrenBing veil

and tbaUta woik li boloR done withoesi and wilb nlnable results.

Partita who flBburllxtcl lo«iie right of way tor the Blairatoirn Bailrcad,

and wbu have neglected to pay their anbuorlp-ptoiecnted. Kr,Bla.rbrongi.t

mil againat Juhn Bonnell, mid recovered jadg-icnt ior $100, tbo fait amount.

Tbe following sign appears on tho road lend-Ing from Tertioa to MoAfoe: "No bunting orfishing allowed on tbeao p,roaodB under pea-alt; or the Uw." Adjoining thes* prcmiaei,In another lot, asd on another man's property,

VUe rollowlog iljn: "Hunt ana fish ontheiegroandi until you sweat. Woodobnokasneksraaapaciatty,"

Jobn I. Blair, whether disposing of a largorailroad interest i& the Weat, or looking after

" oieintluKut,iaaiatt.t»hiifigbtiA lew days sicoe he brooght suit against Jno.Bonnell, or Bhirstown, for 1100. the amountat a aabBoripUoT. given tu aid In thepurchaieor 1he nub. of way for tbe filairatown Hall-way, and recovered Judgment for the tullamount given. Other cases are to be tried.These parties wanted Mr. Blair to build them

roaa. This ho did, and tbey wereenough to repudiate their BabBorlptlotiB.

Tbe merchants of Washington, Warrenoounty, are determined to rid themaehea 1poaaibleorthatmostdasnicableof all unmanbeluga, the prgresiional "dead beat." Tbe

rlew telli us how tbey do H; "The mer-chants or thla place have organised tbemielvcsinto »n apBociatlon for mutual protection•gainst the 'dead beats' who contract billswhich they never Intend to pay. The associa-tion meets month);, and at such timesaw compared of persons receiving credit andthose ahown to be frauds are placed on tie'black Hat.' One ot the men pUoed UQ the'blaok list1 wa* shown to be io debt to the ail.ferent merchants to the amount of .flre huc-


Isaac Oliver, Bibemla, by Rev, 0.T,Jack-ann, Julr 18tb. William Denniston, of Hiber-nla, to Lnarutm Harpor, of Philndelli

BOND-COON-Al Chester, H, J., Jane 15thby Rev. H. S. Hajter, Joseph D. Bond toAlice Jane Coon, both of Ohnslor.

THOSrAS-EEOGAN-AtOherior, K./MJUHOHth, by nav. H. J. fluyter, RiDhard Tlito Mary J. Eoggau, botii of Chester.

80mBNEIt-WEBB-At Cheator, JulySai, by

WHEELEB-HOLLAND-AtthtirmbytertauPflrBonago or Hokeuaatii]ua, Lolileh Oo.,Pn,. July 20th. 18811, by tlio W.Jameii ALittle, Albert J). Wlisaier.ofFoIlerton, Pa.!qua, Pa.

FOR SALE.OIIB l»rjo a-HoriB Platform Sprlnj Slonfcflon. WDDntly pslulod nwfi in flrst-aliius ooii-

dilion, built In Sowart, lift will oarr? thrra""• O. D.8IMPS0N h CO,,

W d l S


, l i ; J.




Dover Rolling MillsBY THE

DoYer Irirn C u p y .

A oar loaded wlthoattla beloagim to a Mr.Wyokoff, of Washington, was ran againit imflat can on an Eaaton and Antbay siding,near, tlie freight house in Phillipabarg, Mon-day morning, and the end knocked ont. Twosteen escaped, ran down the traak and out onthe Lehijrh and Susqnebtnna hndge, along-ildect atoti train, from which ftey Ml totbeMorrii Canal towpath below, a distance ofabout sixty feet, and wen killed. Tha ear-oaaauwereao bruised aa to bn unfit for aalebnt Ihe boatmen stlllwd moat of it and tollin a week's stock for .themsoWM, dogs andcati. Tho company wttled with Mr. Wjckoff,payinc; him some 1230 damages^-PhillipiburgDemoorat, •

Heretofore the greatest of the many de-fects in the customs acts has UMU Uu on.cettaiD^ot their duration, woioh ronderedIt Impraotlcftblfl for Atnarlean oatltallata toTMkon npon rotnrn tor their Investmentsbeyond the next aesBlonof Congress, and re-pelled foreign capital which would other-wise bare embarked in industrial enter,prises in the United States. Wllh a Gym-metrical awl Mtatlfio tariff, Rich » we be-lie™ the revision will KOTO, thia constantapprehension of copridow ohange will dis-appear, American enterprise will expand,and many European industries will flnd theirpenauwmthwae v t e « , OpoQ waatavfirachBiae the details nf tha new tariff may baarranged, it should be marked by tbe lead-ing eternal obaraoterialla of atabHity. Itwill nowawily bo niuoi moro otallo thanpresent Uw, to it wffl U enacted aa aa en-•*• ijiieBi, and nnlen the uU-pntMtlon.isU anoald capture the next Oongrau at theoleoUo&s this tall, the oonnlry will be pledfiedto glvloa it a/air trial as a whole withontintortflwno* vtth, ita ijmmotry by speciallegislation aonoernlng epecwl interests,—ProtwUooIst,

Tumlp Seed. fc-Ilie Amerlean AgrioaUnrist sajs ; SOB- tur-

nip tiied by 10th or Angual. Ton cnu got nBfftm] at VoDglit A Killgoro'* Corner DrugBlorf;also, OliiueHO Koiia Water hmlieli SoeJ.

CARRIAGESof awry (!<»eri|itlon niaile and Hold a t


Blaokwell St., Dover.Tlio taut iiiatcrlalK. latent (lomyiia 111 *M-

atrnctlou and the mewl coinimteiit Bwkmo

r&n Hid BpuuialiibH of tlin DKlal'lixluiLntit.

Geo. McCracken.Dover, N.J . , April 8tli, 1881.

W. 8. COLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,M0BEI8 SWEET, DOVER, M. J.

nairUattraxses mitilo to ordor anil old itrasHos mad« o?or, Window BIHJOH undoht iB . Onlera for all kinds af uplmUtoc....,na t ly anrl promptlycsecnM. Onrriatco trim-ming In all its braaebos. Prices moderate.

Ltetten reuaaiu iug unc l a imedin t h e Post Office n i Dover, .V.J

DOVXE, N, J., July 27th, 1882.i. Atmlla Bucra, O, Oqnost.

. -iiBeddli). Stcplian Prmli-n,

rseVoQny, K.BhrivoH,. . . .rfm GUI. Wm. Bknwiw,

lira. K. l i . Gregory, ihtUm titurvowit.Vnuit flullalwir, ' E. B. WIIHRHW,Wm. Kearnn, Mrs. II. O. Wilnor,

ToobtainauyortlionbovolettorieaT"ad<vertUed"and give date nf t till list.


PUNEHALS!ITYflietem of Small Profits appreciated.LVI. Quality and workmanship of the boat.My tbanks for liberal patronage In tlie pint.Orders by tPiegrapii moBflenHerortfilop!

tteudod to.^ J0HMJOHE8, Dndatakcr,

•ly Bookaway, N. J.

OFFICE TO LET.A largo Mid ptautfit office OH aeeonsi HOOT of

aalrlionio'a now buildiu^, OD Ulnclnveli XI.,Da?er. Apply to ^


Building LotsFOR SALE.

Tlio BlibRoribrr ofr.'M tn Mm tiilblitu la r i inuniboror ELIHIBLL; UUILDIHG LOTS lordering oil

Mt. Hope Avenue,WKliln live minnfoa' walk of ilio centre of

lite town. '

Lots Recently Improved and

well Graded.

Drainage Perfect.

Neighborhood Excellont

SPLENDID WATERObtained at a depth ol 20 feet,


New Streets and Avenues



And a PorfBct mtlo GiYen EToryParohiflnr.


Laborers Wanted,Ai well lor tho it) Copp.r Mine •• for oui-

llde and fnrnaco work. Laborers aro wanted

at the vrorki at Ely, Vermont, (Vasaan

£ . B.) ot tho Tonaont Ooppef Company.

Common l«1>or S1.25 and $1.35per day; JUineti 81.7S per ilaj;Smelten ¥1.60 to $1.75 per day.inthoaoappljIoBanaitorklns Tor al lt«il

two oiofttn* their railroail Dvre will be restl.tntud. IH-lOw

Monij Oooat? Sorrogato's Offlcs.JUI.X ibth, 1383.

In tlie matter or D. Halscy, EIe0.i k r »r Sophia B. J n n l w , tawS. to-roRate'a order to limit or»Iton>.

/-VN upoUtat(on of the ateo-mmoil Ex-\J eontorltiBordereabyUioSarr • 'Uoeald Ileootor gl?. polillo uol

tbtidale,l h

VAi";»d™'°wnJ, aemanflfl and da an BRilnit theoath, williis nine rioatha"fcSSact tncnpa copy nr thla onlery d . Jii.l5Sr to " , , «"«,',-Itto, tnoV, day. he™, B, i fl,'. STA

moitpublic plaooa In the Omntiof SforS. r°r

saina In Ino Inon Ea*ItblaBtate,roHheaaiiie

twomontl»,anrl alao Mtd«ji by «ilvCTtiilnB t b e uonoot the nflwepapora olth•paienr t lmedbaflnmgnor noti » b

«hanobore'JlioraliiSi bo fom.r Se taS id 'o fu i

or toajtion tbwetbr ifilnit tta laid ElMa.tor. Atrteoopjftomtbonlniilo!.

OHUiLEB A. OlLim. SnrrojaUi.


F O B S A L J E !

H. J,, araTifleredTcraala.f M l n i m , , n a 11,000TidTjS

aricr till .u are p.|a. The looa, b«r•ml. Mew*. paj.bto•eulatloi1 or onjpona at National DnfoPorer nbert then bonia an •]•„ nin»tnrltj. Ih . ,0bool dlitrlet Jm«>°'»»• "I D»«r. whlBb Ii fra rrm

n pi


orueiebnoda. Propoaa hj for tlie n•y»»»Jerorallofth«. ton*uS££? A°g°" 'SJ'S'.'.'.J




T,icierl, .


NOTICE TO ISVESTOBS!Fir*t mortKoge renl cBtato loans tntuk and

KtimuUwxi by tlio

N e b b Loan ai Trust Crapauj,HABTlNaB, KEDB1BKA.

Hchod J!».l« Mill Muoielpal SecnritiM l"rmlii Bust of rdorrncos loriilBlieil. writs lor

Prtfl.,E. O. WWWTBII, TrUB. w-4w

VOICE BUILDING BY MAIL.VOCAL DEFECTS unctDiafiilly trmtlod, tai-

odlmonu of apueeli remoied «nd tbe voice


la alwaji weU alockca with catabloiof , l i k l l l J |


LAGERS, ALES, SEGARS,of tbe boat mako alwayi on haad.

- Ac«U<rUlAml«». U» poopl. n,,, i .meana to give Bfttlafaotion to all.

lv >>1 mecexMy ««ltl«l.lM«n» by null. Inoiodlhlo reanlt

S ostonSw •e<o»l not««. WnmB moreIbui i S l e . Qnality or * » i * .b.olnl.lynuro Bod roRonant tliroashout the entire oom-p"s. ForSINQEBS tho a d n u U n a t n t l -K tosoud n«ml»ttng. Pallia Bneaktr.,Readers and Actors sain from tlielr inoruawd"ompas. aiub riol.l; modulated mn.otioiia,and from tliolr cakrKoil volarao of tone aucbalrKiw ootitruta ol nomr, tbat the irKnufoiiltii of rn'inotony au3 maiiDeriain give placoto n varied and elTuctlvo dollfery. To toaoborsStho™ko,»lietborforBl>sln|!oroloontl»n,tlioso IOBBDDH afford athoronfihl.YdiL'esUid lilanf[,r asAaillne idl radical fault* of iliroat orSptatlor, VaidBB Blvlng dannluly thof.n-il«ni«nt»l prlnolplm »P»» uhleli »rt «t«j tocal«m.rl inoi be b«««cl. Olrcalin of lull parllc-ularH free. Sample lullonB uuo ilollur.

It. ELLIOTT CLARKE, Voico Siieoialiat.1SH CbDatnat St., f liil»Jolphiu., f t . M4v

iUBnts for falrbaskB'Scales aoiTe;.wiUiger'B Safe..





WARRANTED A SURE CURE,wlitoli many prominent oltlKuna can testify

Aak your DruBB'*1 'or it or adilniHB


B r o o k l r n , K. V8E»D FOB OIBOTIAB. »4-l»



"BEST PATENT."Ask your grocer for them, and

if lie docs not have themstock so to one wlio docs keepthem.


I t w

tow, his Btoro wrll BtoeliMl wllli

Bread, Cakes, Pies,Confectionery, &c.

s-Mc-nicB and Feslivalu aiinnljeil nt res-surmUln rft t tn. i\'2-lw



lLDEnH', 0A1IBIA01-: UMCEW 111 KS



AKricuHnra IniplpinfiiitB, fi^iiH, FiTllluflr,

fa. 1', OilB, OUBB, nlc.

A, WOOL'S OeleiraledIIOWEBS and EEAPSP.s.


aloriiatown. Poo. 18tii, 1676.


David Straus,

Who lias procured over 400yards of TABLE LINEN, inremnants, compr is ing allgrades and qualities. Nolengths shorter than one anda halt yards and as long asthree yards. Selling at halftlieir regular value; commenc-ing a t 18c. per yard for goodsthat aro warranted all linen,and upwards, Alao, 8 cases oi"Fru i t of the Loom" MUSLINat 91-2 cts. Heavy 4-4 Un-bleached Sheeting, " AtlantaMills" at 7 cts. per yard. 10cases of twilled toweling, halflinen, at 5o. per yard, at the

"^ I EMPORIUM: K"—ai'—


635 and 637 BROAD St.,



uuBincra is unno to an (mjwnere tun on [til* ixin-tlaent, then, i» » COHKUM dcuand for jomi^ n,en•ca jnaoii'flomcu w nil v»rluuH ]n«itlou«, unrl wetlTO mcirc ippliwtlonii for muli tliaii w can HIIII-ply. 'JUoue wlnhliiK uliuutiain in tlic ill; «)mii!J"oae hem aud Uke » thorumjh bn̂ SimnN collegeant**, Writo ini fan pw-tteiitam. Adi'irciBVimr.I, A. GUIEU, Prlncip*!, New Yorli I'. O. Boi IJiM.

TirBESTTLftCEor jta kind for onjoynicut in tkia section is

D. MOLLER'S,flUSaEX ST., (NErrToTHEnmnoE,)

DOVKK, H. J.Just received and placod in poillion THREE



Pool Tablesfrom tlip cetubratpd mamilftetory of J . M,


OECHESTEION Lowestban also laat boon supplied with now ramaaa will delight tlie patrons of tlio limiue mothin nv«r, (umiBUius mnuic equal to a bm


LAGER BEERfclways on dnugfet »ni tbo test D[

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalu-nyB provided for tbo patrons of



UNION HALL BUILDING,Blackball Street, Doyer,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of the lateal >id moul laprored etjlo,, for'•nnuigpnDlioandnrivato bulldlnga. A large

MMrtment ol 8tof BB, cheap for oaih.OOOK, PABtOE, HEATMa

STOVES, KANGES,b . AHoaTirletrof



. , A fnl tattlrtraent of




"d P"rt" ' < k ' ° '



Do VElR,



NEW COAL YARDon tho property ifloiuln? thoir lolling mill,

and aro jirL'parei] to supply



Market Ratesrltliir at





NEWARK, N. J.The only tohool la America oondaoted apoa

MtDBl baaioBaa prinolplea. A n n , originaland pn^mlDent nUm of flpenUOD, CDtnttlnlnfftteorjwltliprulii.. "^

' •At ra l . tnnwa kjlti frolti;

O»r llooo jrarng u d bMdle-Ked men fc»»been edncated and (tartftd OD tbe road towealth and dlattnotfan by tbe Prludpal of tblaInatllitios. n o b a n i i n n U e i u . I««l»l!olaaiea opeo all thB n u .





KaUiatift' Olrco* soot to Kewton to-morroir,

Hri, Honry Q. Pitnoy »nd daughters a n atNantuoket.

Babbits are eaiil tobe ptaatitol In all part*of the country. .

Oook'e olmtu fflddbitoil at Hine Hill twoDigliUtbiiwoek.

All the (kpaitmesU of the wiling mill ivre

The CkthoUo peopto of WMppany' nettedOTor tSOO by their reoaut plc-nle.

Mr. JUex Elliott, Br,, n u prostrated by theheat ia New York on

D., L, & V. Block h u boomed dear up to1384 «tf Now Jersey Centr.l io 88*.

TIio Dover Eiprau itraoi and killed t BUSat East Newark l&at Saturday morning,

JoBeph E&stoD, ot Bockawa,j>, had hi* leftarm broken by a fall from a cherry tree,

Tliu caterpillar* are about town ID milllouianil ara doslrojiog grape Tinea and foliage,

All the BntnmBr tesoiU of thti ponnty wewell filled tna are miking tap for lost time.

Mr. Fred, Honey, the tenor, It stinging withan omlnent company at the summer reiorti.

Mr. E. E. Potter aildrosaoa a Oreanbtcltmeeting al Haobenaaok lu t Friday evening.

T!it) weather tbls woekhsa bf«n all that tinmost JU'ndlib of ioo cream men could dosiro.

A. largo pio-nlo p&rty from Boobaway itidDovnr went to Lake Kopataongon Wednotdaj.

The last lina on Tuoidaj afternoon, madetlie ruu from Dover to Bobokon in 58 minutes.

TheSecondM.E. Sunday School wlllplo-nlcAngurt fith at the Black pond, on Falrviewhill.

Bov J- P. Wh&len uf the Horrlstown Gitlio-lic Church h&B been traniferrea to Elisabeth*port.

Kev. E . D, Opdyke and family are oaonpjlngavtrj1 prottr oottago of their own at.OaaaoQrove,

Megar Prauk Coi and Jas. Waifih won eachaffliotM by the Ion of a child on Wednesdayovoiimg.

Donaldson lias taken a flee picture of theDickers™ miiia working force, wbloli contains150 a

K large excursion will go through Dover,from Newark to ttio Delaware Water Gap, DBitWednesday.

The Mine HillOlnb pity a, game to-mnrrowwith a picked nine, and expect tc play Hie lit .

auti-Domooratio frommajority tho Jack-

Morrie Count r Ufback. It gave 500H»n ticket iu 1820.

Sheriff Howoll had n valuable horse ttaniiot-ouuly.injoi-fd hurt wool; by run mug into aixirboil wire fcncB.

Wnltor Mornoll, a D,, h. & W. freight con-duo tor, waa cnwliert tu duiiMi in tho yard atHnboketi oil Monday.

Tlio M. F,. Hnnclny Sebool willniaketrv canal boat excursioii to Lube Honat-cong uost Wednesday.

Mr.H, A, LintlHtev, ot Hilton, b u Rorio tuDakota, to look after the properly ol lite noa,tlie late Arthur Liudtloy.

A valuable article on preserving fruits ispublished on onr first pago. Tlio attontion orthe ladiui Is direated to i t

Owing to tbo depredations of tin* "01U louse"oats have been iolltng [gr tlie romarkably highfigure of 72 cents a bushel,

Tho welcome EewBjn made public tliat thelargo aew orop of giiin ir'knuoklng tlie highjuices ol tionr aud provisions.

I t in probabio that tlio New York, Licha-WIIIDI & Ventura railroad wlli be oompletedto Buffalo soon after AtlgnBt: 1st.

A blue bug, tbe nuns of'wlilcU h u not yetbeen ascertained, is reported to bo damagingthe grape orop in tome localities.

A Rood many people aro saddened to-daybecause they flnil it necessary to RO to the clr-ctm in order to plenao tlie cliildrnu,

Mrs. Connor Fallen died at bor home ueart ie YanulerHDUBO on Tiiomiay. Slio wa» otioof tlie oldoet residents ol that auction.

Mr, J. J. Vrtelkt J was elected Treasurer ofIk'lliluheni Enckn-piMnt, I. 0, 0. F., Mid notUsher, aa Grroneously stated last vrek.

Tlio firth Union Emnpeliatic Camp Ueotinffoppncil ai Gri-cnwoud Lako ycittonUy, Rov.W. H.McODrmlekisouoof tlie prenchur*.

Mr.K. B. Hancfl linn sono to Vermont furtlio benefit of liis licilth. IIt< uijUKits tu re-main away till about tlie middle of An sum.

The Orclinril ftrcet cemetery, now nmler ttiQBiipprinteniltninc! of Mr. Hum. Ctwa, in \n'\i\%pnt in firat-claBH nrder atiil loulin very netl,

A fiociatlu for the benefit of tin' riiicra^mnuPresbyterian Clmteli will bn htl.l on Tucmlayevening next at the re si dene a or Joseph Har-ny.

AnoHior ngwl lonitler.t of Hun over panswlaway on Ttieaaay-ttrii.Mr.rtluWimii.*, wliloivof the late Harvey Winanw, in Hie «7lb year orIttr age.

Qoctl-sizcil black liaes liavo been qnilu fro-<iu(.'iilly soon Iu the locks of tho raual alwvoDover, in lo which they tisvo ronio from LukoIlopatuoiiK.

Mr. Win. H, Oobankn, atNuw York, in upend-ing tlio HumniLT months at liin country no at,MornBtown, recreating lilitmclf ninoiif,' his tineHind uf horses,

Tlio mgtlieran-1 two sisloraof Hon. Win.J.Single, Supreme Court Justice of tbfa circuit,areruBMcatinKat tlio hulel of Hon. WilliamE. ROSB, tlflparU.

Vemior bus ordered a sharp frost for tliofirst of AiiRiiat, bnt imn[jlo.iavo lout confliltmcoin hie RIICBBDS and nil! go to thu truubloof taling in lli'tir garden!).

Wm. BOBS..Jr., of SoraiTvillo, IIBH receivedtho contraot to liellrvr at tbo Pkca .inny J'ow-der Depot, en or before Augunt sUl, 100,0(littrick and GOO barrelw of limit.

Tha Boigon for woodcock RII oo ti iif» clofleaOQ tbo 31st inst., and again ojicna un Oct. Int.toeotitiuuo until tho 15tli. Tlio pcnully tutkilling tbe bilds out of nation IM !15.

An old man named Babcock, from lllimiuin^-Oalc, has been placed in tho county jail furthreatening to lilt William 1'tml. wbom hi ena-pechd of Itiiug too intimate with bin lvii'e.

Arobibild Davit), injured on tbo 30tli of JunoUst l>y tlis i»e.nii.tiir.-< cx|il(>HJuii of * blkNt notbe novr- railroad Id LaW HopBLcons, diud onthe 20th iuat. in St. Michad'u h'napiUI, Nuw-ftrk.

Hon. John Bill presented frnnKlent Arthnrs I<!H dnj-ft a^» ft ai'Hen of resolutionH aJuptedby Lincoln I'ont, Q. A. R., of Newark, aflkinuforaniitifintlon (if tbe mintenco oi SnrfcoantMitaon.

Ttie general inipreBRiun in that AnthonyComstock might d« a little profinblo hbor inUio eupprossluii of abecono literature In tUiavicinitr. We, bavo hid two nithy emanationsoflnle!

Fully 1G0 men are now cmplojeil at tbeponJer depot and all that coma to work arctaken. The) aro now Htrai|?.)temng tlie brookID tlie mtudow anil deepening it fur tbe par-pose of drainage.

Tlio American Institute of Mining Englpccmwill hold their next moating at Tlenvdr, Color*do, which will mike a long trip for tbe Mor-riu Oonnty membofs. It begina Aug. Slat andconUnnaa ten dayH,

NI. fllngletoa ia rapidly filling the lowerpart of the Bilk mill with nnuhinsry, and Unow able to torn oat seventy-fltd paanda of•ilk i dar. To prepare ailk for weaviaj{ eoitiaboat f 10 per pound.

Fifteen children, % third inaUlinent, w«raaent to Pleaiant Qrore, onUoadajr by tbaladles of the "Freeh Air Fund" for two week*'recreation, Tbeirboardhaabeaanffeted themArea or charge b j hrnieri in thai looalit*.

s new bridge orer the Faiialc riier atU coat abont 19,380 which U .hated

by Uortii and Union Oocntiti. Fait A H6-Oori ban tha Iron work for tlfiBD, and J. 3,Ctieo tha nuuon work tor M.70 pei oablo foot.

We acknowlrfgB with pleanre a nilt fromUr. John J . Staikn, ol tho Deokortown IniJo-pendent, wbo, thaagh among tho youngest ofihe derelopfag the hat that hepooeutt tha - qoalifloatiom ot a flnt-alamJonmtliit.. Dr. Arthur W. Oondtct hat4»lded to lo»taat Bowtll'i, Orange On., H. 7 . Tbat oorntna*

- nrty will gain a good altbun and a gontleoaawho will In ertrr reip«* initiln the honor

" "dignity of hit profemon. We wiib him

A. party or Baokettitowm boyi are camplnsatBndd'iUkc.

Tlie recent picnic of St. Mary* Ohnmbnetted orar (COO.

Ilie famiu'Gi nowtooitea ou Mt, Tabor nniB-nec altnost oae hundred.

Lnoy PoraaoB on the Leniout tod ilia men

' £ Xbe ftutanl of the Ute Bpbralm Ualker wai^ attended U«tB«tnrdiy by tha boaa company,

to »bioi ha belonged, and delegation from' tlie itauner *"Jd trook oompaniM. A beaotl*

UlnlDg \h$ wocdi "TijiUntL POMOO.,NO. 1," wai wnibj thai oompao;. | tbomoomaembraiifl.ol tlmlind ^ throat. I

ProL B. W. BftTmond and ftwaily, cf Brook-lyn, are at tke Heath Home, Bchoolej'i Hgnn-liu.

With the themoneur bubbling up betwi190 and 100 alt the week existent* has lomTerj: trying.

BraloagaweetoornwUl engage the atlion of the fellow wbo grab* it M both endi or

the cob.

Tbo Olonoeiter Coaotjr BapaUleftn paperafavor Ihe nomination of Hon. Joliu BUI farGovernor.

Tbe Hungry Olub, m utoelatioQ at Barton-ianj, are ttaklcg a two waeki' eneampment atBudd'iLako,

Mr. Olarkion Uoffit, DF BterUuR, had a i i ijaorc Bold of otta oat completely off one d i jlast week by.the army vom.

Judgo Child and Mr. Qoiuby have HO farbeen Uie mail loooeatfal ID taking fine itringtof black baai from Shonghnm.

Mrs. T. Egan and hor two daughton, Kitleand Mamie, of Jeney caj,«. Jr., t r ethe Bnmmei! at the Stickle Botue.

Ample preparations are ranking for a, moateojoytble time at tUe fostlvil of tha MillbrookH. £ . Olmrob on Wodneiday next,

Sedgwloh Post, of Rukattitown, hM looopt-|ed tbe imitation of TDrbert Putt, of Morris-town, to attend the ISth Beglmoct re-uaion.

A Ilttlo Mltpotre or oirbonnte of ioda patinto the water in which flower* are to be placedwill preierva tbtmlougar tliiu ths clear water.

| Bon, John L. KanoaaB. of Baonton, reoonilylitteadod tho BcmkentennUl reunion ,of hiajolasa at Union College, BettBOeatady, Hew"orb.

ltev,Obat.T. AaderaoD, putor of the Beformed Otrnrok or Foapaak, ban rsoetred i callfrom a Midsioo Dlurch and will go Weal IntbeFM).

Tlie demand for hoatej In Dover ii itlll iogreat that one penon alone waa abont townthe ether day endeaToring to aeeare the rentalof eight.

MlBBHaryBray.dangbterof Jobn W. Bray,or Qroonsborg, ra., ii BpenSlngher vaonlioDwith her grand paronts at Rookairav %u& How-ark, N. 3.

The life oE a Journilist is full of nnotpectedLOveltfca, but tbey generally torn up in thehaufl of typographical errors »fter tlio entire

edition hen been printed.- Oommerolal,Complaint ia made of Uio delay in tbe trans-

liRalon of pspors Ihrongb tho nialle. Tlieyleave tbo offlcuB uf pull .cation BD*1 mailingpromptly, but aro ilelayeil eooiowhoro on the


Tbe ponny-E-d&Y society of thu Olitttham M.It, Olmrch is doing good work; tho ronolptolivo amounted to about 112 & month BIIICO theirgamzntion, unii new aiUitioux ar«ilimit; to il» uiambiirahip,

Tbo predlctiuua made soino yearn ago thatIRHU ball would flouti Jei-Iiuo in favor, am:angor merit its tilh> of tlio national gmo, bleun falsified. Kover wan it in i:n •»!,:,- a.mIsnoj among opon-alr sport) tbi>i during Uioireaeut year.A pr*i;ticil farmer SUB Hut two linaholi of

salt per acre, sown broadcast, will dean ou'arniy worm and also increase tli

tbofgrasB. The roraeily ii onu that caibe tasily Iriod, anil, If it done no good, U willlot do any harm,

Whltflold Howird, of Iloibory. Itioanty]ai.,obargad with itealiug from Albert

H. Lauge, on tlio 2Mb or M y last, a «look, ta-. j , aewing miobiuo, eiglit oittln, violin, twoiedB and bedding, a lot of crockery and a, greatidiiy other tbingt.There is emmont medical anthoriiy for tb

itatcnic&t tlmt unripe or very old potatoes. Jntfttu a certain (|Uantity or Bolmine, Thismay prodace nenouBresaltHif tlio potfttooiareboiled wi ib tbeir ekint on, and if they are ester

i larsc quantllicH.Comp)aint« are nlwady coming in tliat tbo

antiDHcd druuglit ia gerion^y .rowing crops in tliiu vicinity. The drycnatlicr lias now continued for some time,iul, unless riin noon falls, a great dealamREU trill bo cuiwod.

Think of Ibe prcnobem boalinR, fishing,athing, rating, fanning, and latteulng iiimiRatid and nno placnn In these dayB. Tbiuk

of tho I'limliicMiers mvoating, vorkinK, freltiofiffjnng in thti atnigRlo fur exfBlenn

through this healed term.Ocnrgu itcElroy, tlm nick msn trom Mali-

jianlip, is prently improved. Uotb pliyi-icathami mtut^lly. 8i> itiucii so Hut it iniutimatiHbo hitB iltcailv tola ibe tttory of how ho ro.

.mplwntfiH iMrtieBinlcri'Htoi] ClironicTho <Jl.uroh,ofBi]onton,c(.iitc

making an rxcumioii lo Gl-ti Island,tcBt the matter nuked Ihe ooiif;rc(!iit.ioii tu sub-scribe for our hiiiidrnd tidi«tn. Th ii Iho confirr(,'»li"ii rofiirifil tn i!o, (iul tbo eicumoiniatlcr will bo ilropped fur tlicproaont.-Uallo-

TIID Intent cerEixly million*clothing nscKaiPH'H ctothing athureforo tho a

Thu nil pipe H

IEUB returns giv.a{ OoSlara w<nit iiimtiMi mynir. Figure*aRurlbu of woin diiapiiroved

nn ia nviilontly

olliMo tlgiires :nib of mDii'alilliDEBOf ffom-won't ita, iiml

won't eitrftva-. and Bet wile

duiiiR t Rreatmtry jmlRlng from

ropurtH of farmerB. Thoy any that in anraoplaces tho pipe Icuka ind that thooil permeatestho Kround, destrojint! trwj and vogoiatiqn nrallkinilii Tho company w reuponuiblo for alldain&gu done.

Tlie A.ll(!i.lowrtB*Ri«ter atateBthatiltlioughthe MtiHnre. r.'.ritMJ only paid $300,01)0 for theAlluiituwii Rulline Hill, Hiej baJ »1,300,000 in

<t tho concurn aud heldtono.OOO of 0:o bomla. Tim fitoedhnlilers losejvcrjthinB.aiKiacn. William Lilly, of ManohJbunli. Bliuk (100,000 itt tlii( mills.

Mr. W. A. Vtitifcht ia tho only iuau in townlo^luy who hiiH nnt boon oalipeedby tbo circus.Ho sliinon renplemluiK in a bran now tarn-out,the gnrriafie of which was rurnlBhodby Sander-^m, thn hariieai by Taylor and tho borno bytfuUntth. Next to Ibo hand chariot it hasuccn tho beat adtnlrod tig in town.

From an exchange we learn that & littlebhtk moth ban hocc diaccverctl makins sadhavoc with wool narpct* in loras of our neigh-boring counties. Tbcue psata mnltlply rapidlyand will thread to almost every boa Be in towniTitliinafuff wcekB of their arrival. Snluburia said tu bo a snre means tor romoring tliom,

Tbnrnbbor works at llloominftiUlc, whicbbnve been cloafiil for ropam and atoct taking,have started np again. Now tbat Ur. ScnnO'

)Dt of tho way, [t li said that Mr. But-ITect an arrangement with tbo (Mego

Point Bukbor Works, filing a scale of pnceij that tho two rival* may no longer cut caolitber's throats. Tbo CollDgf Point concernoold not treat wltb Mr. Bennetium.Tbo Dover CumpinR Aflsneiation leave- town

cxl Monday for their annual encampmont atAmboy. The party, which will have sail boatsairl all the other necensarica for enjoyment andwill ho abieut for two weeks, will inolndaMeBarB.J;is.S. md John W. Melick, ThomasHcagnn, Jon. * od Michaelllinol, FrankQlllen,John Trewart Atsd Fred, Diokorson. J*meiMorrisoa aui? Thos. Marrty will go *1OD£ Ucooks.

Dr. John U. Taylor, or Bloomfleld, h u ac-cepted a u i toQhewcnow, Japan,uprofBMorIn a medical college oilabliahcl at that p)ao«.He will be married to Addio, daughter o[Jud^e Kanoase, of Eocnton. Soms two weeksfllnce Dr. Tiytor ahlpptd an entire new outfitof furuUare to Ohawohow. direct to thaboniwInwbfauhe is now offered ibe proieisorahip,and at tbe tame time he a l n ihipped a oont-plotoontfitoIatirgicaliDitranisnti.mediclnei,

NewJtrseyCropf. _The Crop Bcport to Ja 'yUl tUtea that lha

corn crop In Hev Jeraay wai rated at about 90,the lime aa for the p u t two aeuoni.'Thsfieiaaareln a bealthy condition, and there Ii»good degree of Tlgor ahown In the il*lki.The area planted bai been locr«»«4 abonttwo per cent. In wheat tie* XeraaT !• ratedal 97 for Winter an4 1011 for Sprtns;, rye »Tf

Winttr; oata, 97; poUtoei, « ; n n t pota<toe*, Bl t hsani, 100; wrRlmin, M i wool, 99 jclorer, 7fl: Timothy, 671 paitnn>, 89; applai,8 r ; p H e b B f . 7 0 | ( n p ^ n . LDMIIJItwlUUaeea that, iltofathfir, we ira TBr/ WBU off thja

d t (ily lo

lea Crtam.rornaToringlM«r«in,eta^ ma Vonjht h

KUlgow'i Ext. Lamon and Vanilla. Thiyaio

CREEM POND.BnwdtHnuHB, H. 3., July 83.

TLereiiaoploaaanter drivefronthlalaitd,here "Hswfonnd" ddighti lire wniUnUy

broaUng UPOO tbe lojonrner, tban tbat np Uiomountain to tha lakelet on 1U mmtnlt. GreenPond to three milw long by one in «Wft. Itii Btooked witL bast and plokerol, and U oneof tho waitra ranktofl hiflli for iporti.of whiolithen »r« iRroral In tbls neigliborbood.

Wboonr named tbla lake " pond" was lack-ing In appreciation of tbe enbllmo-ni tbatsentiment which might properly clothe tnlilake witb Ibe illvery boBon am) dear ihlniDgtand ben*lib its pellucid watera. It il hem-med ia with roSiage-drlppiiig hllli; and tbeihadows and inmate wbloh n»de oat upon it*inrfaiw and reflect tlie oolota of oloudi andF«rdn«ba?e brought artist* and mlnre-wor*ihipperatcitB hanks.

Qreen Pnnd is 770 reei btgbor than JflraejOlty, and U 8SS feet tbove Newfonndiand. Itis on au oulDtoce notobia for iron mioee. and

lid long ainoo havB Uoome a favoiito placeofreiorthaditcotbe«Qthat tbo diwonilon^of ill owners have inierfered wltb tho proipor-Ity or the lovely iheet of water. To batbe inthi* clear, ooot lako would be nlBoiopt attrao-tioB.wtthont Uio'romantic pleaBUrt ofboat-lug, or*hc nport of aoBlIag forthegamoybatiortroItlBgrorileekuiakerel. Th«reareplantjof penuoi wbo would fllaiUf ooma here and

ner anong; so Bweot; hat alas, oaoman'B line goes aorosi tba lake la one way, an*ot ber mans posseiiiloni of tbe "pond" ran Inmother direction, and taero ia a third OOJVtooder wbo takes Lja half "out of tbe mldtlle.'

1 Theae amiable owners aw to tondorly inclinedtowird ono another, and io Moaitivo to trea-iasi>, that they would rattier $ae the lake dis-

appear thin to allow a bnat of a partner In tb.HBions oro» their lino. Tbo remit is,

tbat tbe pretty little liPtol erected lion Rtaniltinnty; no proprietor eaten to put his beaftito a noose, to bo choked off Wore tiio ana-

•onii half over, fio to visit Green Fond alpreieotuto fln4 tbli plotnresqne inn ooon-piedby one man-the cwnBr-wbo comsH opdaily, nnaan tbo doon, atandB behind thebarandbihibl i complaint. Ho wants lo k tbialioUI. In/toaand fora he is ID AdanU;

mtaDigenoe—one of loose rare minds onomeets in tbe secluded parts of How Jersey,where newspaper* ire esteemed sn extra?-.-

I gauoc and "achoolbouien" unneponwry. Thisan of tbe mountain, In reply to qnoatlone BOitmporlant aa the name- of t!io monut "

dbJtaneoa to towns, etc., will say, "Ncow, wodon't care putty mioh abeout tbeio tbiugi,

| and so I never noord." Dot be know all aboutthe manafaoture of "pure applajaok," andmakes a elder whicb is very inslmtatibg andlemonade powerful In tlio other direction.

If one desires to bo refreshed by primitive:cne»—a d*jp>8 fishing, wbero between bites3 may Lave each faculty whispered unto byrnipbe o( woodti or water and & hearty laugh

- i f bo will plok tnln the true in*ftrdn«Bfl ofho native of liiowo parls-lct him make a trip*j tho Now York, Bu»n.uohaiiiA and to Jolin V. Brown'* vont'rab)e Jnn,,U(] whon thcru drive up tu Orcen Pond j it is.11 unity eseuriilott, aud ffb»t lie will sea ttnd[.car anil HJO tttriug uf fliih Ito mny brieff homo<liliout nipujiiliiig HIUoil patience will be suf'Biont m'on.iKiiiBit.-Comuicrelnl Advortiitor.

A Sussex County Orator-'lie NuwarkAdvCTiiBer uf Umulay eveningn; " SIIBHOXCounty, that traditionalstronn-(1 of ljemocracy, where pettifoggiag in Jui-'s'CmirtH Uof et-uryd&v ocoarrence, con-

Iritulcd & genuiiii! xpucitiitiu of ^poUlfaggeri tba gallory of odditius ni tbe Becqnii pre-lict Fallen Court tb is mornriiK. Hobatlbetnrusted Ibe night previous for Btrjding up and

JWD the platform of the Delaware, I;» *ftima aud Wentein dcpoi, Tor^atful that it

waaBunday tilfflit. aud denonucingiQ loud aniliniphalictorins "any railroad tliat obaud [>p

depolB and stopped trains without previousnotice." The admonition* of a nDltcentan lie

;d not, and finally, deipito liU vifjorousprutnatalioiiB, he was arreatud and taken in.Wlini arraigned before Justice Mills thU

ins, and told that bo v&s charged by apoliceman tritU "bolog full of beer," he step-

id iu front of tbe bar, with n bow like ajeoch-nialtiog school boy, and said) "If thoourt pltasei, thorn's a pint bore I'd llko to

argue." "There's no qneition," said tho Jndge,.. to whether It was a 'pint' or a quart that

yon drank. Ai a nutter of hot, you h&d drankigh to bo very druuk, if tbe polipcraan'a

teuitmony is to bs bellavtd, and tbe Oourtolds that when a man forgeti tbe day of tho'eeli, he tost IB e a to* hts own gnill where in-oiicatioD bappeni to bo the accusation."Hold mijnit (hero, 't^joiidl" eiclaimed tberlBOiier; "you understand me exactly, nut

vou Jan'l fletm to knowwlnl I mean, what

inylribiiiial tlifd oidn of Clmnoery, tbatian'1 convict a niuii uf 'bi'iug full of henr1

liii'tt (Irani, liotldtig but apple jaek,Tbut'n my [ilnt, Jurtfie, anil Imi(;lit goou anil

Ut aiitncoJenta nnnugli iu my support to paveroBil all tho way from here to Sprout Hill.

What iku>n Jnil^t Digt'flt my on iliis subject?"Niiou'B DigeBt, I mippoeo you nitua," inter-OKII tlio Judge. "We]], I don't oaro wb^lDiioailhim,bnt my inaiatment U tint beeri one thing md apple jack knottier. If tbatiti't HO, whero's jour boasted liberty ? Where'sour organic law, your fandamcniiil prop,onr Bcriptural Injunclion not topam »roundtones wben bread is iu demand ? And agnlm

if you accuse a fc IIor of one Hung and convict

iraree, Tor babuux corpis and all tlio othersacroil uiBtrumontflof thacommonUw? Then,

?, ibis 1B a faae of circumstantial evi-i, Tuthout ono positive fact to corroborate

it. Hasan Indlvinualno rights wbjob a cor-ration in bound to respect? Ami forbid*n, on pain of arreat, from dlfHunng with «,ilroadcompany aa tolls manafjenient? Or,

oputltraotefoioiblv.Ma I to be arrested foring IB opinion wltb Samttel Bloin ? Thlt'a

the (hape it takes, &nd if onr conrta are to besubservient to railroad kjnga and tbe more

tnrej of corpoiations, whoro do you and I»ff? ThifBtba quostionl Yea, JmJgo, I

repeat it, that ia tbo qaestion yoa aro calledpou to dcciJo tbis anmmer morning,andwlth

faltli iu sour jmi^mont, cnnQdenoe IQ yourwiidom, and A flim reliance upon my own goodluofe, I BtibrnU tho oaBe." Tlie Judge reBerveduia dcciiion on tbopotKfoKgor'B"fliiapoiiiti," ,and sem him to Jail for ten ilaya for breach o '.bo ptaco.

. +-«-*

Tho Jubilee Singer.,We lait week BOtioed that Mrs. Y&rrington

md made seriona cliirges anainat Dr. andIrs. Oodman, managers of tbe Creole Qair-

tetle snd LaTecln Hingora, claiming that theybad not paid their lingers j t'mt tbe institutionwaBnot all they represented; Miat tbo oliil-

had bocn beaten and not snfucientlyclothcO, etc. Via did not publish her story indetail, leCftUBO ctliers laaared m lliat tbo wo*

had not tuld ua the truth. For conftrma-MIB. Yarrington referred us to AJex.

rn.tho UHHO, wbo had recently loft thetroupe. On the contrary, Itev. Mr. Klngsbnrj,

Cfionton, aBflured ns tbst Brown bad left,lie troupe fur good reasons, but perfectly sat.iBllcd"wilb Dr. anil Mrs. Oodman. flinoe onrlast issue we bave received tbe followlnft fromilr. Brown:

LK-«iFi>niia, PA., Jnly Hd, 1BS3,To TDE EuiTon orTnK lucH E m :

AH BIB ; - l have jaat received a letterMrs. YirringUm, formerly of the Creole

Quartette, under the management of Jlra, Dr.Qodman, who v.plted yoj some lime ago, glv-

me a Kraphlo deacripllon of laal Mnt-_„„ _ pioceeiiings In Dovar, I can corroborateSirs. Yarrineton'g atatoment as true. » a noteiaggeiated nor nitercd with lufflclent em-

m, I hare hail ocoaiion, to my sorrow,. . jxpetienoe Mmo of lire. Gtodmsn't M a dand Inhnmiaity toward tha Quartette.' •^ lhall [n onr next corropoodenae Inclosechargei. Please amwer immediately whilethe iron ia tot. With much regard, I beg tombscribe myself Tours,

ALIX. A. Btowir,Fonaerlf ot the Ttonpa.

Clrcua Uey-Hie elroDi ia in town to-day and with It tlie

niiui large crowd of attendants, vbo thronfftbe streets despite the terrible gUnoftliosnnPeople who have,not a dollar to command utke pinching months of winter are netidinjtbeir way to the grounds wltb radiant facesobliritms of any fatnre violnitndeB in store forthem. Wholly abwrtaaiufluju other yaattffol fwaius from tlin oouutry go tripping by,bottbo yonng man's collar ia aB limpy as i

r on Fourth of Jnly flvenlofc, while thiclinging folds of Uii damsel's wbite dress barelysuggest tbe pOitiUiity of ita hiving h«in orispwltb atardh in the early morning. A dignifiodcbnreh tnembsr plods hoaviiy by, his ooontfl'nance big with tho awfnl wsponBlbiHty whioliduvalves upon him of giving a very juvenileurchiu Boae first lessons in nalnral hlstorr bysfaDvino; him me meuagoiiQ. Oue look Into bisface would ocnvinoo tlie mnt skeptical that Iiatleut would never hi leeuamiiUnoli fttbranffware it uot for t i e ciaira which tho tenderyouth has upon parental Indulgence. Andhere oomci a follow nudor tbo window upouwboie head we would like to drop a brick. HesanntfirB gaily along, oigar In mnntli and happyas a Oonoy Iiland alam at liigh tide, vbila biiplnohed and tired-lookino; wife staggers undeitbe loadofa hsaltby looking infant in herarmand with ber progreM further irapeded by twotoddlers banging to tier skirts. Poor soul,IB a burden to bor anyhow, and she is erenanxious to get a couple of hours' enjoyment ata olreuB, although ever; step of tbo journey Isa torture. But tbo town hoodlum it tbo hap-pleit of til, He h u watohcid the preparations

tbe olroua from tbo flrat peop of day, snd ifbo basu't got any money together from thuluneptitions confiscation of old iron tnd rag*,

ha haB earned his ticket o( admUsion by onr-

: BflVWAl barrolB of water for a thlut;camel and IB snpretnely happy. Most of m

tills for t iaot for we have beon similarlyesttul ou in'uvluuit-bfiiMalonB, Wbat

medley of human otlBtenoo it all Is, and whatran enjoyment there U in tbe contemplationif It.Tbo parade in the morning was a very im-

posing OUB, and if tho performance is to belodged by it thoa It will bo oioelteut,

In Search of a Fa ttileil Wife.A man giving the name of Rioh arrived ii

DOTOV on Tuesday, having wltb him two youngboys, who were kla BOHB. He said bo wai insearch of bis wife, who had desertad him andhis cbildroD fpr another man, anil tbat ho hadruaioa to boliurs itiat thoy wore In tlijs seatiou,Ho stated further tbat ho livod In NovaBcotia,where ho was a mine boss, and bad a oomlorUabb home, Heatsokeptanumber of boardersone or wbom a young roan beoamo enamoredof his wife and sho a abort time ago ran awaywith him, Uhlag MOO of bis money, uia ISOwhich she obtained Irom tlie boarders. Altermaking inquiries about town Blah learned tbata couplo answering tbe deiorlptlon of tho ran-awayx were slopping on Mine Hill. Leavingbis children at Un. Trewartfer/a l,0 wontthither and found hia wife, bnt the yuung man»ho accompanied her !iad made himself scarce,lilcb brought bis vifo to IJover wltl) tho inten-tion of taking her t,o hor fatlier'a in Pnnt|gyi-vania. Vfhavi Blie arrived burs ehB refttfed (Qoven look at her children frljuu they otiled t<tier and upbraided her baibaucl iu tlte bitter-cat terms. On (lie depot platform, in tlieiroiouco of quite i number of people, she toldiim that sbo bad novor lovad him, and thathe marriage was a ooutract made betweouilm anil hot father. Bbo laid she bad no toVe

for hor ohililren aud would never care for themany more. Partner sbe declftrod thai she did

thojQiiogmtnwitbwbom sbe had eloped,and th&t "sbe woald go thruiiifb, flre and water,JOB, even through h - 1 , in qrdor to have bio,,|JAmid such lmpreoatipna ti|e train moved oi*will, tbe sad)y djisropted famitr, ~ '•ion created by the injvre^ bnsbanil wai that' was a tino sort of roan.

They Rewlve and Nominate.Twenty-tiiree men, represontliig the Green

back party of the Firth Congressional Dis-trict orKaw Jeraev, perspired in their sbirt•loeros yoBterdtyaJWnoon In the GermtulaAiiembly Booms at Faterson. Binoe tbodeath of tho ino*efetlg&bla Qou. Hoxey tbeNew JMS9yOreanbaokorfl have beou without•bead, but they continue to gather once ayear. Tbo aueinbtage in Puterioa yeaterdeywas tbe OonKroillonal Convention. Eaiolo-tlons wen pasaed •ympBtulzlnt: with the peo-ple of Egypt, Inland, HasB.a, and oilier on-

uUons; *nfl Eraitnj E. Potter, tbeMorris Oouoty sch'oolmaiter, was, as nBnal,nominated for Oongreis.-HuK.

Tbo areenbaokBrs of tho VtH Now JerwyCongressional Diitnol held tiiolr oourontloQ' Paterson lo*d»y. TUe dlstrloi oomprlBaBt i e conntiei of Bargen, Morris and Passaic.A reBolatton was introdaned exprcating aym-

kthy with HID Irish and Egyptiaus, aud motwith atroug opporiBon on tbo part of nomoEnglish minors frum Morris County, wbo de-clared tlmt tiio whole* Orooubsok^ foroo ufMorris oomiBted of Englishmen, wlio approv-ed tb« bombaidment or Aloxandria. Altercomiderabla debate on tbo subject tlo oon-venUonoonaludedlhattboIriBh anil Egypt lanadoaerve-l iympathy, hot tbat it would n ot doto say BO for /ear of a defection in the En-glish vote. Tbe names of tbo nations werothen Btriokon oat and the words "all op-pressed natlonalitiei" subttituted. The nom-inee for Congress waa fraatus E. Pottor. aMorris County ndiMl teaflher.—TaiBum.

Tbo Oommlttefl on Platform reported inivor of adopUng tlia Olilcago and How Jersey

State platform, with the following addition iWHEREAS every human boing lias itn Ina-

lienable riebt to all ha reuuirua for his nis-tonituoe of land, light, air and water; andwhereas tlioeo BI[U of uataro aro ueaemrrto man's exlBtanco 1 llierofuro,

EKWLVBD, That wecondeiiintho Byitera of

which dobarp man ot his Inalienable rigblto tbo girts of nature md tu tbo full reuultof hii labor j and

EtsoLVtc, That,wo svnipatiEO with thoiriib, Booteh, EgyptUns and all othor ' na-

tions wbo aro resisting tvi-aimy and itrikingfor their natural rights,

Tho delegates from Morris county Kidtbat the mlnsrs in tbat county are all EL-gliah and would be iuBultod by tho Oonven-tion declining In iavor of the Irish or tboEgyptians, The names of the nationalitieswore then stricken out and tho words "allapproBBod n&tionaUtioa" were aubalitutoil.EraBfus E. Potter, of Morris opuaty, wasnomiaated for Congress l(y aoslamatlon, Mr.Fottcr js tUo teaqhor or a villaso »ehuol atPort Oram and l iu tvieo before boon tbo

.odldsto of Uio groeDbaokors fur Oontfrosi.H

A Ortatlj Improved Locality.For tbe first time in a number of months wo

happened tbla week In tbo locality of AltHope AvBnue and IWBTB both surpriMd anddeUghted at the appsaranoo and improvo-

,onU which et-Bborl!T MoDa?lt has madeupon the property wbiob he recently purchasedfrom tho Ink Henry HoFarlaii. Hii.owa res-idence Is a model of arobiteotural neajacsa andconvenience, «}tl oomnjauOs a ohsrmiog vioffof tjfQ town, while the termed grounds and' d a fccoe v/ilh wbich they are enclosedaddgraatly to tbe general appoarauoe. Qnthe broad, natnral>gTsde(i and natgral-terrao.ed plateau UJJUIDIDB M I rBsldepao aro Borne ortbo nnaat building sites to be found in theDorporatiou, and their value as plnoos of rosi<donoe will bo enhanced greatly by a prettypark whloh ho b is had surveyed and will oon-ittuot on this pan of the property. On tlie

A Oey of Runaways.Tbe driror of tbe delivery wngoa of tho

BovsrelgoB' store was throwing i shoot overtho borne on Tuesday morning, vlion tbemat beosniQ Irlgbtencd and ran away. Be Dratoolllded with the largo tree box on whioli Don-aldson, tho photographer, displays bts pio.lures, and wrecked tbo box and a flnB DO;lon of photographs. Tlton he uomolisbod a•eving tnaehlno |n frqitt or tho Singer agency,aud nest tried conclmions with the trao b»xIn front or Peter Vandorhool's, wh|oh be tore

pjecea. Eoro be fell down and freed hi)selt fiom tlie wagon, but sprang op quicklyand run down Blackwell ilreat, where ho wai

«Bbt, .Tbo sumo afternoon, at Andre* Messenger•s driving tbe coal wagon of Boomer k Pal>er BIUER buasoi Btroet, the bollhohlJiu; tbohlfletreeB cainoout and let them against thertieB' ^et, canning them to mo away. An*

drew held t ie lines firmly in one hand, thu lioraus in the atrcot, and applied thebrabu with Ibe oilier, but Ihe linrsea werlorrified by the conBtant t ham ping at tliolr

B that thoy ran at a hot pace. Aa tboyed thu butcher shop or J . W. Sampson,RDotlomnn eauglit them by their heads.

He was dragged roooi] (he corner In Blank-well street, ami finally corapQlled to lot go.Do«n Biaokwell street tliey went at a rattliirate, but Andrew still kepi them in tbo road•.ml held to tha brako. He anally tired themmt, and Ibey wore stopped near the hous f

Wra. W. Hill. It waa a tan exhibition or gooddgmeDt and boriajiamhlp.Wo understand, also, that tbore was anothernail rnnawny tha sauio day In the celghbor-Md or thsD.,L.fcW. depot.

Summer Exourslons.Tho members ot Vigilant Hcio Company

made their annuil private eionrilon to Han-n Beach on Holiday. About oue hundred

HRDd gentlemen went, and, as is alwaystbe case with the Vigilant*, enjoyed thom-

slves thoroughly.Tbe eiKnralonor the Sabbath School of tho

First M. E. Ohurcb ou TaeBday was one of MJBmost Bnecpssful publia eicnraioos tbat hareifer gone from Dover. There were thirteen

wDll-fillea can, and tbo run, both going andcoming back, was madt without any delays,md passing through a rich portion of tho Utato

was one of tbe delightful features of tbe trip.At the grove the bathing was superb, and

larly all wbo went availed themselves of it.Tho party arrived home at half-past nlntbe evening, and all voted the trip ono omost enjoyable thoy bad ever made. BtaidcBtaking all tbe scholars free of charge, theteasnry of tho school will receivo abont 1160i tbe net mails of tbo ventarp.A very large oxcmslon paBsed throughBr on Tuesday, going from Waib[ugtan 0

OoDey Island.

The Newark Dlocete.Tha Newark oorresponaent of Ihe New York

Freeman's Jonraal, in bis weekly report oirmU In this Oatliollc Dfooese, isys I .The Sisters of Obarlty entered open their

•nnoal retreat i t Bt. BlUabeth'i Oonveoi,HsSfaon, on tbe 19th Inst, Tbs oommnnHfwufiinndedbr Elshoo Eajley, and has is*creaied In nnmhers from five lo some SWmembera. Only two of tbo original five Sis-ters a n DOT Hfing, one tfa* rewrabto MolberXavisr.ofHadiMMbe olner, the mnoh es-

,eS and bBlovsdflutor Mary Catherine, flfSt.Uary'i Oonnct and Academy, Newark.

Tbe twenty-fifth annlvewary of the Ber.Wiaiam HcNttlty'i orilnation will be eelebra-ifld Bt. John's Ohoroh, PaUnon, of wblebhelsrwtor, Angut 8th and Tib. The wr-

,ou will bs jrtaebsd by the Bight BOT.BisbopFltlgerald, of LHllo Bock.

Bt. Bar, Ugr. Doane, of BL Falriek's Oaths-dral, will etltbnto nil Hirer Jabllec Bcpfm-

u a i i b . BeildMthe Iribate wbiobthemsinbwsofbisiHD|Tegiitiori aqn^mplatain rawognlilon of bis psulori.l n t l , oerlalnol tbeolersy b&n In flaw toprsisni nlm with j

l I l t

Baia Ball.A close and exciting game af ball wai played

it Mine Bill on Saturday afternoon Uit be-wen tbo olub of tliat place and tho OarQcldl,if Boonton. From tbeontset the sooro wai

oloie and exciting, and the game belonged toiernp to tho Ust inning. At Ibe hat tba

Mice Hill bays were decidedly the beet, batD aome parts of tbe field they ware lamenta-ily weak, although the phiyinff of Callait,

Looknunatd Thomas wai notably goott. TheQarfivids played an excellent game in the fieldihroughont, and made eomparatlTely few er-rors. Tbs umpire was a fiir one, and the Oar-

<lda won tbe game by their merit. The scoreshowed, however, tbat tbo clubs are wellmatched, and it is hoped tbat more, gamos fae-(wBpn tbora may be witnesBiid this season, Ap-ponded is the pliy by innings {

1 3 8 4 5 6 7 8 9Garflaldi, 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3—8Mmoffili, H 0 O H O 1 H

WeasdersUed lhat a nine his been pickedup in Dover and will play the airfield* atBoonton to-morrow fBatnrday) tfterooon.

A Large Pipsr Mill.During tha Ttiit of tba Union and Morris

County Boards of Freetolders to Btaaley, N.J., to award the eontnot for itone work onthe proposed naw lino bridge over tbe Passaloat tbat point, tbey were kindly ihowa throughthe extonslve paptr mill of Ur. Henry W.Mather, located at that mini. This mill Is re-plete with all the modern stylo of machinery,«D4 tarns out aboat forty tons of paper felt*ing for roofing purposes a week. Extensiveadditions are being made to the already largefactory. Ur. Uatber is Director of tha HonisCounty Proebo'.den.-rialDfMd Constitution-iliit. M t i

Railroad Accident-As tho traiu wnlcb carried the extmrBion of

the First tt. E. Sabbath School was goingback over the High Bridge Branoh UitTaeslay night, tho ninth pasBonger ooaehraddenly broke down at Oerman Valley. It issupposed that ths accident was earned by oaeof tbe wheels running off the ailo. Tbo truckswere knocked completely from under Ihe ear,indtheooHh following lan up on Ihe plat-form of tbe broken car. It was a moit forta-nata thing that the train bad discharged ita

oft-en. Xbn toad wu blwkaded until laibe forenoon or tbe bllowlog day.

— • »« • . . . . . - - -

Flavoring Eitraoti.Pare Jtxtnat VinllU and Lemon i t . the

Brick Drag Btow-W. H. Qoodite,

>lltlcal e< iomyi cr rather poliUoal rubborj.

The Fifteenth'! R«-Un!on.Tho third animal re-nnicu of tbe Flfteoutb

Bcsimant,N. J.IVdB., will l*e held at Morris-town, N. J., on Thuredav. Ansunt 17lh, 1SB2.The mombers of tbe reKtaont will bo recfilvsdit tbo depot of the D.. L. &• W. B. B. by Qcn

Torbert Post, O. A. B., at arrival of traiiiHfrom oast and ffeit aboat 9 A. M. Trains laavHaston at 7 and Newark at 7.B3 A. M. At noona collation will bo provided bv ihe citizens ofUorriatown at WiuhlnKton Hall. After thocollation and a general handshaking, a procM-Bion will bo formed wd move to the Lyceum,where fti iddrcii of weloome will be deliveredby Col. E. L. Dobbins, of Twontv.falrc, N. / .Vols. An oration will then be delivered byCapt.tawiaVanBUraom.of tho Fiftwiuth HJ. Vols , k' be followeil by au account of ttiebattle of Wlncluator of August 17ih, 18G1, byGnu.E.L, Campbell. The V^T»ni maybeasaured of a honrty welcome from tbe GrandArmy and oltkoua of Morristown, and mayoonut upou a ROCK! timo goncrally. Many dli-tinguialind oltiaona of tho BtBto and othorposts of 0 . A. It. nttj oxpuctud to bo pnmou t.

The Pigmy War.Vienna and Danville, iu Warren Oounty, aro

both on tlie line of the now Lohigh and Hud-i Blver Bailroad. Tbe station is hotweon

tlie two plaoog, iicd was Qrat called Danrllloaod then ohattgodr to Vienna, altbou^b uoarerto Danville. The residents of tho latter placehave resolved nut to patronise tne road anymore tban they can avoid, unless tho stationU named Danvlilo or sorao BUltnblo name. Tbofarmers also plodgo tbomselvcBto "aBstattho

i men of Danville to

Uko and lirlntt frelf-bt from HacketUtown andBnlvtdere at low rates, and wo united dn pledgeourselves not |o sell or buy any produon orgoods tint wo can avoid Hhlpptid tu or fromtbe Bo-oalloil Vienna xtation."

Tho latDBt news from tha "soat of war" Is tothe effect .but when tlio train stops at tlioabove station, tbo brakemon about, "All offfor 'Danville and Vienun.'" Tlio ofllolal time-tablo, whloh fi (Boon bo ISBDO

cpeoted io bo permanent, willmd It is expected to dooldo tbe

matter ollhor ono way or tho other.

All for Expedlenoy.Tbo Qreonbsckers aro notably ptofneo in

their denunciation of tho other parties for fol-lowing policy too much and principle ton littln.ftt nil tbo press report* of the OnenbitpH wia-tention at Fatoraoa ypsfoplay agree that a

flou of sympathy far Ireland and. othorcountries under English dominion, which wanoflered by tbo Committee on Resolutions, wanBiippreaiDd for tbo reason tlmt many of thoflrooubapk voters Iu Mnrris Comity were En-

and It would Dot do to oftoiid them.Bo wo have conclusive tiroof thiit evon our vir-tuous Oreonbaek rrionds will traoklo to policyif tbe ocoaiion domnods it. But tbey shouldrecollnot,also, tbat thore aro quite- a nnmborif Irish Qrcouback voterB f n this section, andvo shall watch with Interest haw Mr. E. E.

Potter, tlio c&ndldatu for Oongrosa, will oiplalnaivay the reaaou tor tbo direct BUUU givon thornin tlie convention in ordBr to conciliate EngliiUvotes. In fact wo would not refuse to givohim tbs 1180 of our oalnmns to tell why flioIrJsU, eapecially, are ontrorthy bi tbo resolutionof sympathy that was offered.

Saturday sayBiA

lower .part of, the grouuds a great deal ofwork h»* been rlone in fllliog strecis and

the meadow land, which Is round tobavoflrm utjderatrata, making it all very d oBlrablo for bpil ding lota. In the way of streets

moli has teen dona. The grado of tbe Bit.3ojje Avoqno hll| has been ant down, tliostrati widened, and au excellent sidewalktnido. For quite * dtetauoo % Una new street,to be known AB Park Avenue, hss been built,witch traverses Ewt and West on the lino ofan old road which twod to run fifty years agofrom where the mhnol bonding now Is toRookaway. Another Auo street, to bo oallodLincoln avenue, will alito aoon bo openodNorth and Boutb aorosa tho property, andTurthor improvements will bo mado aa fant aapossible.

( The whole piopprty oontaine forty acres, cuti Info abon^ twenty buihling blouka. With

the necessity that now exists iu Dorer forhouses, and the n«d or eligible locations onrluch to build them, this opens np LV moBtalnablopartoflha'.town.Rnd affurdB a mostncellent opportunity fir people to obtainibejp homes, Tti* advantages of tho location,ro many. I t IB only a tow minutes walkroru tha center of tlio town, has a rich soil,

natural grado, excellent nhelter In Ibo win-- by tbo bill on tlio North, and tlis best or

water within twonty feet of th? surfaoo. Oneportion, Sir. Bam. Opdyku, has already tmtl-ed hlmsolf or tho opportunity, anil has jaBt

iloted a very pretty eottngo. Others,rloubtlois, will loon fallow. As tlio improve-ment of thlB property has added greatly tothe - appearance of a growing part of tho

ru, the Sheriff is to bo commended highlyfor bis enterprlso, which we liupe will provei profitable us the merit of it warrant.

PINE BROOK*The second re-nniqnuf the YandBrboot fsm>

ily was held on the grounds of Peter I. V&n-derlioof, at Clinton, pn Tdesday. At the djn-norhonrabout HOritdDWQtouinwr. I twajiboat 100 years igq.wben the original Van-

Druff took up a olaim in tho Bite Piece, andtrom him Ins deicended this numerous pro-geny, so that now almnt every family is In.somo way oonuuted with the Tanderhoori,They aro a Jolly set whon they meat togelber

i these occasions,'and there was a great yari.Bty as to size and wotght; there wore littlemen and large men, lean men aod fatitnall women and weighty women, and as arule they wore all quite good looking. Tbevire remotely eonneoled with Anneke Jans Bo*

jariloB, and they are fnll of expectation con-ournlogthat larga estate whenbut thov don't know when that trill be.

It Is Intern Bt ing to study out the pedigree ora large family and its various branches. Here

ire Orawfords and Bownuns sod Jacobusesand VreelnndB and Hnrds and Husks, andtime wonld fail to mention them all. Tbey an-polntod a committee to search the records andconsult the anoiect men and women, and re-port next year, for this has come now tan annual affair. In those parti no gatheringIs complete without the vlllkge pastor and hiswifa; so on tbh oooulan thera was presontthe BCT. Ur. Owns, of Fatrfteia, and the Bar,Ur. Nelson, of Fina Brook, tnd ttolr wires.Ur. Owens Is an organist, and bo presided atthe organ, and tba Rdr. Ur, Kelson indulged

gotns humoroufl remarks, whiob pleased theyounger Vauderboofs, and then there otmoForth a strange looking object In a fantastical[Mb, who claimed to be the poet and histo-

rian and the latest edition of tho Vanaorhoofatook. After lefrcihmenti, all dispersed totheir hiinei to ftivslt the ratnra of the nextyear, when they will have another re-nnlon on

grander smla. - '

Pia.~Allhongb bnsinoBB is ro-strlotod, reports of tbo sale of TOD toss orTbomas alone reaching ns, the tone Is flrraor,notably so far As No. 1 Foundry Is oonanruod,

d holders appear to icallna towardasking blgber flgnroH. Still, pneoa aro nut[juotably higher, and remain fStirgsS for Ho.1; lilfifliJ.QO far Hu, 9; and Or&y Forgo, (31

There is no Bossomer pig in tlio mar-kot, and foreign advices aro strong, It not bo-

B poaHlbto to lay it down bora for loss thanIU5.B0. On iplcgololson, tho Philadelphia ooi.reipdndonl of tbo Irou and Molnl EichftDgoreports that threo negotiations aro ponding ona 1,000-tou lot of 20 per cent., $SSM beingbid, while 133.70 is asked. Wo quo to hero (38@20J for ID per oont., |81@M for 15 per cent.,ind $86030 Tor 15 per cont.

Iron Men Moving-At tlio mooting or the Board at H»mgera of

tlie American Iron and SUel AsBOoiatlon atCroEson, Fonn., Unt Tuesday the followingresolntlon was nnanlmously adoptod; " Thata National convention of all tlie Iron ore pro-ducers and the manufacturers or iron and Bteelin the Vnitoa Btajei, and of alt .loeat&biish in our oonntry tiio manufacture oftin plate.bebeldat the Mountnin HOUBO, atCresson, st 12 o'clock on Taesday, September13,189a, to consider the whole question or dn-UBB on Iron ore, Iron and steel in tbeir various

: forms, and tin plalo, and to adopt a scheduler duties thereon to be submitted to trie Tariff

Commission for IU consideration."

Central Railroad Stock-Tha IngeDfom Hianit on Ountrat Railroad

stock made on Wednoiday morning did notseriously affect the market, although the•bears" seem to have eoncooted a general raidipon it. Tfae transMttoni Wednesday'wero

4B0.1B3 shares, and of tba whole number only18,780 were of Central. Tha price fell oh" from

J i n i d e morning to 81{ the afternoon previ-ous. Considering the ingenuity of thasohemeaod the carefully prepared rumors of "dam-aging reretations" wbiab prwi'eded tho Her-ald's article, thetflbrt maybe described SB afailure. "Whathor tbe -stock of a eomiian;which has small proipeotB of release from theinsolvency oourti Tor a long time Is worth tbelarge price turned, Is a qnsitlon which perma-nent investors should carefully consider. Asto tbe Wall street gamblers, It is irnall matterrhethtrUioy inffBrorcot.

A N«w Use for Milk.A recent report liy Dr. Sevrton. Milk Inipeo-rcflba Btato.iUtestbat there ire 183,000lloa'cows In tbe. Stats, prodttcing about 82,

000,000 gallons of milk jearlj, which at thelow price or 8 cents a quart woold bave a valnoof $9,610,000. Tbo doctor recommends themannfioture of milk ingar, which Is easilyibtalnsd by eripontion and otyiUIUition,ind liwerth about flflj cents a pound. InIB80 about 70,000 pounds of this sugar wai

•ported into hia oountry from Switzerland.

A noted pbysidan says that If people wonldivoid meats In months without tbe B, no man

wonld be old at 80, and s*ery woman w ould be'onng at 70, while dootors, druggistB, bakheriitai andartakers would starve to death.

The twenty-fourth annual State Fair will bejeld atWaverlyPark,biirwir between New-arkandBlliiabstb.oa the 18th of September,

l i l k

BruihetiPatDt Brnsliei, Feathar tiastan, Bponirea

A Fiock of Buzzardl.

A. flock of over thirty turkey bntzarfs Havibeen on tbe farm of William W. HitcbH1

ne&r Barker1)) Mill, Inde]>nndencfl townshipMr. Mitchell »Lot one of tbe Humnla oFriday last. It measured flvo fc>et fromto tip of wings.—it IB very seldom that ibuzzard is seen in thifl section of the oonntry,and i t la the first Inntanee we ever beard oltheir appearing In HUOU nurabere. Mr.Mitchell SBva they were attracted to thnelgbborhood bv the dead carntwii) ofgronnii hogs kil]*J by h t dog.—Hack etts-townOoEeUe


Tbo Engineering and Mining Jcunui of hutt

Unhealthy Milk- .A aolentlQo oxabango says that "ono cow's

milk" may be worso than the tniiod nrtlolo, ao in wbloh a baby fed ou tha

milk of one oow siokoned and died or tnberou-lar disense, the cow itself dying two monthslater of tubercatoala. Had tho milk of tlmtoow been mixed with milk obtained from adona others, tbe oblld would not kav<oeivod daily snch large doses of tbo diseasedmilk, and might haw lived. Probablydeiiied milk is aa isfn a food as can bo nsedwhon there Is any donbt'aa to tho quality oftlio ordinary milk served to a family.

G. A< R.A epeolal meeting of Mnj. Anderson Post,

No, Bl, 0 . A. R., will be held in UcDayit'B Hallon Monday evening, July alst, at 8 o'clock.BnsiueiB ofimpartanoe iqukes tlie preeonco ofevery member necoi By order of

D, 9. AIXBK, Cpuunandor,Adjutant.

Tbe members of tbe Post aro making ar-|rang*monti for tbo holding of a festival in ttenear rutnre, tbe proeeeda of whiob will oe de-voted to Ihe purchase of uniforms. .

Dog Days.The dog days wero BO callod by tho anoionts

Blndioaticg tbe period or the greatest heatin sammtr, The variation in the rising of tbodog star la snob tbat the precise date whenthe period of the dog days bagitu cannot bedetermined, anil, therefore, ranges from JulyS,l to August lltli. The dale In this latitudeIs usually found rroin tbe 12th to the 15th ofJnly. This year lha dog days begin Jnly 18thand end August 97th.

Hany people will be surprised to learn thatthe Post"Office Department bia on its paytoll abont 1,000 cats whloh aro regularly inita employ throughout the country, and arepaid for tbeir services pith food a nd shelter.The* dstlmablo oreatnrcii make themselvesvery metal by keeping rate and role* out oftbe mall matter. Their number and tbo costof tbeir maintenance are strickly accountedfor, and when any one of them dedans a dlv •ideud tbat fact ia duly reported, and provis-ion made for the new comore.

The correct neglige suit for young men InIbe mountains is of fiatnel, white, bine, orgray miiture, made just liko a little boy's salt,with' short tronsent, buttoned at tbe knee, anda belted Knickerbocker Jacket or a loose saak,and worn wltb long stockings, dark brown,bine, or black, light lawn tennis or mountainshoes of canvas and yellow leather, a soft feltbat, whilo or paio bine, and % flannel shirt tomatch the color of tbe snit.

Un . Slitatalh Cbaae, an old woman lovuntjyean of ago, has beea fined 110 and costs andoommltted to jail for thirty days on a chargeof pnollcing witchcraft at Brhlgeton. Tbetestimony before the Justice showed that shehid created trouble In leveral families in thetown by her pretended sorcery and fortunet l l Sb dtollin was convicted under an old law

fr n ld law

which classifies fortune tellers as disorderly

The Bound Brook Chronlole says that It Iaunderstood that tbe American copper miningcompany, operating biok or PomarvIUe, areabont to put op furnaces, to limit their oro antheir own property, at tho rain*. It is alsounderstood that oaplUt Ia quietly seeking acontrolling Interest In other Now Jersey cop-per mines.

1 A horse sttscbed to a vehicle belonging toa fishing party walked eft* toward his homo iuPitanon, N. J., and succeeded In eroisingsafely on tho ties or tbe falkh bridge ol tbeDelaware, Lickiwaou sud Western Bailroad,about two miles above the Fust ic Falls. TUBbridge is about 70 foot hi8h and 1,000 feetlong.

\x priioners In tba Warren Ooonty Jailmade an attempt to escape a few nlgfata ago.They bad removad a register from the sidewall of their cell, and were at work removingthe ontar wall when tfaev were discovered.

It Is said tbat a Urjror uretge of pntatoeswas planted this year In New Jersey than formany yeara, and the crop will be nntuaallj



Tenth Bitmctad for U oenU at the BrinkDrag More.

OfiO, Herson can meat yonr every need forany qnanLity or quality of limber.

Headquarters lor butter nnd eggw, whole-nla and retail, ii nt Dotj's, next to Allen &M i ' CU


Another largo lot of those Agate Proaerr-g kettles, cheaper and wurrantsd more

durable than tbe white enameled wore, atAll & M i t '

During this beatod term the public healthdemands a pore article of tea and coffee,which oan always be secured at the store ofthe N. Y, asd Ouiua Tea Oompauy,

You can boy drugs, medioloea, oils,paints, glass, and, iu fact, anything elsea little cheaper and of a better qualityat the Bitofc Drug Store than elsewhere.

" Whan I publicly tentlilod that I had biinrcdof a torrlblOBklu humor by tho Cuticura

Boinudloe, I did so that others might be curedend do not rcgiot the tunu given tu aoaworlngiuquIries."-HoN. Wu. TAVLOU, Uostoo.

CiiAMU Itulluf iu Qvu IUIUIIUU iu uvuryej grstifylng, wbolesomo relief bayond a

money value. Cure begins from tlrxt applloa-tion, and is rapid radical aud perroaucttit. Askfor Ssnfard's Badlcal Cure. Cuiuplclo for I I .


- A T -

E. Lindsley & Son's,PRICES WAY DOWN.Henry's Carbolic Salve

is tho beat salve for inita, hrulsos, lores, Baitrheum, ulcors, totttir, olianpod hands, ohil-bialna^anisandal) binds ot skin ornptiwn,frockloi and pimploB. Got Honry'i Oarbolla

e, as all othura aro oounterfoita, Prloe

Dr. Mott'B Liver Pilla aro tho bist OatliartioBegnlstorB.

Opei utt-a with Energy upon the Kidneys,Liver, IIDUUIM unrt Puica

of the Hkln,[cutrallxlng, Abtoi-blng, and Expelling

Hcrofaloaii, Cinicrroim, andCanker.

H U M O R STlio oiinw ot moat humnn Ills, nml curing

then physicians,huBpitalti, andall otbor mctb-ods and remudio» faiL Bororula or King's Evil,GliUidulnr Swlllugs, niuure, Old So-ua.MilkLeg, Mercurial Aflfections, ErysipulaB, Tumors,AbaoeBBOK, OarbouulGB, Bulls, UlonU PoigonB]Brlghl's OlseaKO, Wiuttng of the Kidnuya andLiver, Itiieumatism, Oonstipition, l'ilea, Dys-pepslaanclall Itohlng aud Ijoaiy

ERUPTIONSof the Skin and Scalp—such an Salt llboum,Psoriasis, Totter, Biujrworm, Burlwr's Itob,Boaia Head, Itcblue Piles, and other Disfigur-ing and Torturing Humors from a pimple to aeorofuhtlo ulcer, when asahitcd by Outlonraand Cutbura Snap, tlie great skin euros.

CUT1CUHAa sweet, unolmnioablo Medicinal Jolly, cleanoff all external ovldenao of Ulood Humors, oatsaway Dead Bkin and Flesh, Instantly allaysItohitigs and Irritations, Hoftous, BootliOB andBealB. Worth its wulgbt iu gold for all Itoh-ing DlBeaseB.

-^-OUTICURA SOAP__ Eioniaite Toilet, Bath and NUTBOTV 8ana-tire. Fragrant wltli dolldoiiB flower odors anilhealing balsam. Contains In a modified formall Iho virtues or Outicnra, tho great SkinOnre, and IB indispensable In tho treatment ofBkin and Scalp Disoaaei, ant! for restoring,preservlng.anuboantlfylnstjiooomploxioukndBkin. The onlv Mediciiuti Baby Soap.OntlaaraBomiaiei art the ouiy'reafcuratives

for diseases of the Skin, Bcalp and Blond.PBIOB; Ontlonra ItesolVBnt, *1 per bottle;

Outioara, 80c. par box; large boxes, * 1 ; Gnt-Icura Uoaioinal Toilet Boap, 35c.; OuticnraKedloin&l Hliaving Hoap, lfio. Sold ovcrywhero

Principal depot,WEEKS & POTTEB, Boaiou, Masa.

•Novelties and Staple Goods, bcluding Holers' ^>OODB, Forks anrlKnives, uosarpoBBed in quality, style and Himh. Sole agent for theelebrated ROOKFOED WATCfHES. Also mitham, Elgin andIpringfield Watches, of all grades. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. AsIbuy in lai'go quantities and got the lowest possible cash prices, I can

iompete with any house in this seotion of tlie State. My speoiol BU-•eryision is giverrto fine watch repairing. CLOCKS and JEWELRYleaned and repaired in tho beat manner.


Sanford's Radical Cure.Tbe Great A HIE r It an UuUnmlc UUIllla-

IJonufWlUhilmel, ilnuilc»ii Pliif,Canadltin Pip, Murlgolrt, Clover

Blotuiii, elc.A stnglo doao luatantly relieves tlio most

violent Tineeaing or Head OOIUB, doars tholieod aa by magio, stops watery ilisaliarcimTrom the nose and eyoi, proventa ringki;noises in the liead, cures Hurvoua Hoadaclieand suttdnea Ohllls and Fover.

One bottle Radical OurB, one box Oatarrbulalvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all In ono paok-le, of all druggists for II. Ask for BAHTOUD'SiDioAt, Cvam. WKEKB & POTTCB, Bogtou.

ELECTEICITYQentls, yet effective, unitedwith Heallnii Balsa OOLLIN81 VOLTAIC

LEOrillO PIASTERSone hundred tlntos anporiorto all ottierplasters forevery Fain, Woakncio andInflammatlOQ. Price 25otB.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES!School houses furnished

complete with DESKS,



B00KS.BELL8 and every-

thing required in a school.

I hare taken the agency


DESKS, and am now pre

pared to furnish schools

throughout. Also seats for

Lecture Rooms, &c. Also

agent for the " American"

School Furniture. Prices

and terms given on appli-

cation to





No. 3, Brick Block,DOVER. NJ.

County Collector's Notice 1IwtniM alH»oOo.ol ll|! Birrapti. Her.

rtatoira, lor the tnn.iQtian o[ Ooautjr iaA










implete and rellabla atook of Jewelry aud Chains of all desoription. The riahost assortment ol

r •



S* Jx»the ROVER HAUOWARB DEALER enters tlie Slim-

mer trade with a complete Htock of season gooiK

Wheel and Revolving Hay Rakes, MowingMachine Sections, Cultivators, Scythes, Snaths,Window Screen Wire Cloth, Hammocks, IceCream Freezers, Grass Hooks, Boat Oars,Mechanics' Tools, Iron and Steel.

In fact everything found in a firHt-caags lianlwnreegtaMiHlimeiit.tit lowest iimrket prices.






NEXT TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVER,i prepared to meet it. He has a large ami cicgnnt line of allindB of Summer fabrics, suitfible for Men, Jloys and Children,ins a flrs(-class corps uf workmen, mid in ma king and aelliugILOTH1NG at priceH which suit every customer. It will alsi*e worth your while to see his new SUMA1UII STOCKS in

HATS, CAPS, SCARFS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS,a m i al l m a n n e r of P I 11MSII1M; GOODS.



PABLOD WATER WHITE 110"; HUME WHITE KEBO8EKE 11S°.Mr UAOHIHBUV OILS.-We toko plo.Buro In iDtrodacing to tbe trajo onrvarlooa enulefl

of UaolilOBry anil other Heavy Oils. Thesa goodi are tnannTaatarBd bj ua at our worku oou-lequeutly we give tuein ttiobeQeQtofoar p«[80Dal HUiwrTiBloa, and guarantee thBtn to Blvuperfect galiihotlon, botb in quality aud price, or no sale.

talnleaa Spindle Oil,f. B. Bperm OU,lo. 1 Nealaloot Oil,V.PuroSoMOi!,

Spcira rooking Oil,Painters' Oil,

~dia Engine Oil, Tallow Engine Oil, No. 1 Engine,Barb Engino Oil, Sperm Machinery Oil, Ho. 1 Machinery Oil,Dork Lubricating Oils, Railroad Lubricator, OI . . . . :_ .T_I ._IJ '_ . ._Wmt Virginia Oil, " Oram" Wood Oil,

" • " — Ho. 1 Spindle Oil,W.B. Whale Oil,No. 1 Lard Oil,Dark Oiur Oil,Extra PnokiDR Oil,Rolling Mill aramo,

erm Signal uil, Aile Cfraao,L. Headlight Oil, ISO' Gasolini, 90°,

, .din. I I . Ganolin8,86°,Deojoriaod Kapthu,

No. 1 Machinery Oil,ShoitingLnbricator,Btenm Befined CjlinOor Oil,Brick Pressed Oil,Prime Koatsioot Oil,W. Strained Prime Lard Oil,W. White Oottoa Seed Oil,W. I»Uo» Ootlon Seed OU," Oiown" Light Compoimil." Pataaio" Dark OompounJ,& Headlight Oil, 160°;

,K. Headlight Oil,-lB0q,

TnriMnUM. Oil Tonka. Agente fhr HOMB LIGHT OIL. Al] onr Oltrlotly pore. McKIBGAH k Oo., Wa.EF TOOT or THIBD Avg., SKarAag. N. J .

THE BEST PLACE:o procure a good female ser-ant for any capacity Is at theIEBVANT8' DfSTITUXE,lear 30th St., 507 6th Ave,,ew York. A number of Ger-

man and Protestant girls con'tantly on hand.


mm mir AND OLD BOOKS ALMOST01VE.N AWAY I B™ Oteloirae Pr«, Bend

1 IEGGAT BB08..fll CHAMBERS Bt., Sddrror weit of Sfcidwty,834w New York.

FOR SALE!9 lo*vj citli, two cheap carriage*, tno flkd-

dloa, 1 pliuiioii, 110; 1 thrM-spring

30; 1 mowing mtcliino, 1 harrow,

mdstlaks^eootl cabinet Mwlng tn

iblfl oloiet, 1 bureta, a bedikudi, 9 Koo4

cook itofei, % luga irork bone, ohe»p; i bnok

bouil ingon. Jfo.

A. JUDSON OOE,ituUtnKr, and dukr In all linu» ot ne» and

Hcopd^ud goodi, Bergen St.,Dcver%


fdrclibed. Stoce and &rlok Work, Plutetlucand Jobbing pTompth- aUendud to. Ortler«left i t wniiMU H. &kor'8 itoro will reodracsnful *nd prompt ittentlon.


NOTIOE.E.AH rflDi,' nTolreri, and otbar rcptlwA

goodi TD BcntMQ Rolf's ibop wlU b« tgld Jorrep»lti if not tailed lor within 3 0 J » « (randata.

wlU b« tgld Jor30J»« (ranBnflJSnR BflJSn,

DOVBT, H. J.. July 18tb, im, 83 U


Tlie Artless JTUHIPOI A Hubs.

One of those uimatwally Iright ubil-<1rttu v l o am always geitiug prople intotiiitioulties wan a t iiraycr muutiug tlits.fin. r immiug witli bh imjllifr, whou heasked alo«i3:

"Ma, sa_) uia— wlio IUS j}iuaL Muuit-'/''" H u n sli, iviii^iifii'il In- iiiuilitT i-rtti

liinmly, il'h n lijuiii,"

"No, it aitt't ma,"(*ti)itiiinril the liopo-iul, ".ft, a womua'tt uituu'; say n lio's nmuHhomo to Dituih Moore?"

"Willie," mid tlie mother in a ghastlyTdioR/'yoanretlisturbitig tho nieotioK-

It means going tn heaven to die uomoro."

"Ditio no moro? O, inn don't theycntfiDjtbiug there?

His mother esplniiiod ns well as shocould, aud Willie sat fitill for Imlf n win-tit.'. Ins bright oyefl roving almiit tbecbamlt. TliOB lie naked inn shrillwhia-per:

" out, of (own?""Ko-oo, uo-iio,"unswereil the distract-

cd wotann, faintly." Tticu what's Mr. Kulley miming this

tuetttiugfor, taa'i" coutiuucsl tlio sweetchild,

fi'liQ choir auug Uiiudown, but ns ineut-ing closed with a moment of siluiit pray-er, bis gentle voice was distinctly heard.

H.KBNNflDT,wonl.l rmiwettol ly Invite tii,- , ,ublit t o inspectIlls iiowly l i tu i l ami luri i i . to. l restaurant,l laMy occupied by Chaa. n , HunioiO Black-» 'N 81. ,Di,vur, neat i t iSovtrdgna 'a tom, wherehe it |irL-|)ai.:,l In f aruigl.


OVSTEUS in every style,

ICE CREAMof the flntst makctf,


t Laroalsn put iiom SODA F 0 U

in operationUKTA1N forI lt H ot Bool

lolJ8oa«(riiU>M;fi1"aill!a"v«H»nii({ endiiavored to make my place

ttraotivo lu sjij.earaiioe la poMiblo, I uloiFaeviitoii iycnorf{'" ' '" -• • - " *-- •

wants of niFcujtoiiiei

p t b , ati to BO provida fortha t tliey d ia l , fe


nuuiituriilly bright children who are il-waya gelling people into d ifflfiiilties was(it n itmyer-mfeliug tlio otlmr eveningwith his mother, when bo usked aloud :" Ma, sny ma—who was Diimh Mown ?"" ITa-tt sh," whispered bis roothor, cau-tiously; "H'stthymu." "No, it ain't,ina," eont.nn<ul tbe hopeful; " i t ' s a

, woninn'» unrne; eay, who's goiug homelo Dioiilr Moore ?" ' ' Willie," snul bioinotLuT, in fi ghastly voiiw, "you're dis-turbing UlpHKHllillg. If ll.L'llltH filling tO

Iionvcn to die nn moro." "Dine nojnoro 1 O, fan, don't they oat anythingtlicro ?" His mother explained astie she could, and Willie wit still for hnlfn minute, bis bright eyes roviug aboutthe church. Then be asked in a fihrillwhisper: " Ma, is God out of town ?""Ni>-o-o, uo-iu," ansivt-Ttil tUcdistracted:woman, faintly. "Theii wbnt's Mr.'Kelly running this nieetiug for, mar1"continue! the sweet child, Tbo oboirisuug him duwu, but us tbo meetingclosed with ft moment of silent prayerbis gentle voice was distinctly heard.

COlUtftllo JflJSf.ll'KX.

Thofio who think of ntteiiiling thoNutionnl Miuiug and Iu dust rial Expo-si tiou, to be beld il) Denvor duriugAugust and September, should purclmscthe Cheap Excursion Tickets of tho"Great Rock Island Eonte," aud takeohoioe of Fonr Routes, with privilege ofreturn nntil Oetohor SI.

Time ns quick as the quickest, andno more changes of ears than by anyother hue—with tlie advantage infavor of making the single change neces-sary in a Union Depot. Tho rollingstock of thiis great Hallway is simplysuperb, consisting of lnoguiflcent BayCoaches, Pullman Palnce Bleeping Gars,world-famous Dining Cars, and eiqimiteHortoo Cfaeit Cars.

If gi>ing to tbe Northwest,don't forget]tbe Famous Albert Lea Route to Minne-apolis nud Bt. Paul, where it connectswith nil traiusof tho Northern PacificRailroad ami St Paul, Minneapolis &Mnuituba Railway. Tickets for sale atnil ticket offices.

-iavo ojifueil iu tholr new plueo ou BU8SE'HTHEET mtli large and fn-Hli itwks just IIUchmetl, whloli inuludt, full lines of tluo


PROVISIONSAll kitttUof DltlBD FliUITfi, % very choice

Msurbuunt. CANNED (lOODd.ofovurr kinSeltototl aasortniotLt of TIQXLE* ; a apcdaltvinaile of tre\>U and Qnc 11 UTTER, CHEESJKQas , flml all bimUorGOUNTRT PRODUCE."

VEGETABLES.— U'e d u l l ba te froaliday all tlic seaaonabj,, vogetables and a Bestuck ol ForciKii and domcitic fraltB.

M A R T I N & B U C K ,House, % u i Ornamental Paintere,UIUINEKB, GILDEKS au<1 I'APEll HANG.

latorifllsfurnifilietii froscoo stjli H l

P.O.Boi l83 . " 'A npoclalty mails of xtct

J. MABTIN. 19-1 T

all oittlng.A.EDDK


Soft ns flush.

A young gentleman of tbe lackadaisicalOscnr Wilde typo of idiot, bung to a sunflower, went into an Austin nvetme reatanraut one day last -week to get somebreafefaet, and, by the way, Lo liaa theoppetite of a Missouri journaliston an ex-cursion, and is gifted with the digestiveorgans of a boa-constrictor,

"Hoffdoyou want joareggg boiled?"asked the waiter.


'•How soft?"' 'Very soft. I wont them to match my

voice."—Terns Sittings,

Sho Sometimes Honied Solitude.

Laura, oged seven. Her mother telleher stio must not take jam, becaase Godsoes her. "Can He SOB me in tho closetif I shnt tho door?" "Yes. oertaiuly,""Coitld Ho see me if I got in yourpookct?" "Yes, God sees everyone.1

"But could Ho see me if t got under thetdblo and pulled the cloth over me?"'Tos, I tell you, God sues you all thotune." Laura (pouting)—"Ob, psbnwlI would like to he by myself some of thetime."— Quit.

The Best lie Con Do,An army chaplain relates the follow-

ing funny story ; Seeiug a dirty-facedurchin on the fence in front of a houseinGeorgiaouo day the preacher stoppednntl naked: "Isyoar father at home ?"" N o ; he's gone to cbarch." "Is yonrmother in?" "No ; flUo's gocB, too."*'Tben yoa are all by yourself ?" "No ;Sam'fl in thar hnggiu' tlio nigger gal."•"That's bad." ""Yus, it's bad ; but it'st ie best he can do."

Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—wn—

Storsi, Schools.nd nil manner or private dtidpnblla bniklings j



We have just received a

largo invoice of John Cross-


CARPETS, which range in

prices from 85 cents to $1.

Other brands of Tapestries

and Body Brussels at LOW




All the new patterns of

the best goods.




(MOItltlH AND t c r i O DIVISION.)DepolM iu SLW i'grt, Toot of Barclay Bt. and

u ruolufCLri«topLox8t.fSUMMBlt \UhAN0EMfcNT8.

UuuiluvJivitii: HUKDAY, JUfiE ltltJi,ie82.LiiiVt; SEW I:OHE.

lorllttiitiulihlJiiiiiik.WaitjrUiicBtr _tUmuitou, Urcal liiuil, Uiinrliaunou, Utiua,itKihiiuiaai.ri.igii.UoiiiLr.Uorllttutl.BjTaBiise,Qtwuo ami ]JuiQtn on tha Lackavatiiia and'lluoiuuburtfttud Delaware sud lludiou Bail-uultt; ttfio *t rhilUpibiirg with Lehlith Vsl-

. j j itaaruadaiidLwliiijltKiKi Susu uohaaaa fur UalikhciL, AUuch Cliuuk. Ik»dllJt;».iclHarriilmic.

At *MO A, IU. Oanofio Eiprean (DrawingItuuiu Carenttaciiod) from New Xork via. I ' l l-or BOD and Uoouiuu, ruus iLruuicli lu TVstiirOitp, atrouddbnrg, Scrauluu, Groat Bend,"iiiglnnitoii, Listt, UarstUoii, CurtUod, |IQUJI'I,SyraouBuami Oawego; ocumtcliijratluverwitti CbosliT C. B-, at Waterloo ffitli,mtSL'iIt. it.forAinluvor.Ncntau HiidHlluU-

ill. UlairBtotvu Ity,, atliliurcDivUiuii fur Pitts-iLnrre, Dauviile, Nurth-.iUKh(ttUtOU Witil UtlBft, Nurwloli. Utioa, end



TJIOB ill the principal Unei of BtoinmlifpfI ? from Ni'ir fork to Liverpool at LOWESTBATES. AlrtuDaAFXHONaBEArKUirilNAND UlEtiANU. tfM

Divmiou forJ i k h i l d J Upi

from Stouuect

• thltin ami Jiuoutorwith train for

'Uilliimiiurg.Eftstou, DothIuhum. UlDutowu,l a r r iB lumuoJ iwiutH oil tliti LcliWU Vatlipy,uil L t l i l s l lUKltSutmiiL-lmima Ha. roads ; a t'liillipthuri,' n-ith Bulvidtire Divwion of Pa. It.I. rorLarabertvillii.Trontuimuif Philadelphia.At A. U . bovvr Aaaouiuiodatiou.At lUtUU M. Eaaton EiprtHS.At liDD V. M. U'Khnutaii Eipreai, Drawing lioom

Oa» »U»cLo(i nmn tliroiiKli to Wat«r Ua]), Huoudi-bury, Sisrautou, lliUKlnmton. SjraciiBe audOiweao,

nnecUn|{aiSi:rauiuu vriib Ltck. A; liloonnburg11. for PitWlon, WfomluK. KIHgBtuu anil Willei--ro. I'MstiiiKon taking tLU train from Mew•t, Paletaou mil Uoontuu can ooiiiisct at Wuh-

,ea,* p . M (Eailon Ex-m) cvuuuuliiiK at Waterlou Tor AuJovur,n'ton ami DrauoLrillo, nud a t I'liillipsburcIi Lullh-li Yalluy Railruml aud Lolilgli mdKiuelmiiiiall. It . forUotlildiulU.Alluiitown,tdniBflmlllarrlaburg. AIBO with B L I . D O I .Irojulfdrllclvidei-a.' i o I 1 . M. Wuh.- a«i i Sptulsl, conncctB at

__/er with train forHtii^asnnnaamlCliBatiir,it Waiurluo with SUSHBI 11. It . for Andovor,icwiuu ana UrancliviUu. Take tliia t rsiu lormht UuputcoiiK. llmid's Lake, Schooler's[ountain nud Water Gap. Stops et Ciakrs-illt to Iflt uff iuBBDNRer/from Sew York.4 ' » 0 i '. M., Duvcr ]ii|ireiiii T'tr SninmltJentardiivilli!. JlanliliigrlilK1-' nud all point« oilHSHAIO nnd jti'litn'nn- Ilailrosd.) Cliatlinm,BtliHf.ii, Mdrrirttinvii, Morna I'laiiiH, Bcnvillo,ochawayaml Duvcr.At o i»o p . M, (UnokotUtown EiproBH)Btoii

1 in HI Milliuni, tjuinmlt, C lu tham, Madiaob,)rrist(iwn ami all Bt&tkma nest to HuokettB-Tii.cuiiiieutiug a t Waterloo with traiu for(Itnrur ami Newton.U W P . l l . OsM-eso ExproBL . . . . . . .rk (ulooping carsat tacLod) via. Fateretm konion thruiiL'li to Water Gap, Btroudsbarg,

crautoti, BuicuamloD, Llalo, Marathon, &>rt-id, I lomor, BfiaciiBo and OSWCRO, oonceot

. Waterloo with Sussex ltailroaii ror Anduvernil Newton ; a tDflawarewitb Blairatuirnlly,

Illiigliimton with train fur Oroono, Oxford,irwicii, Uticn, A-o. Tliis train rotia througl

. OftwcRo Saturday uiglitH.At t t a o l>. Bl, J W T Acoommoiliitlcm Tor* itbam,MorrlHtowii nmlDorer .

nr Uoruardmllo, JiankitiHrnlgo, Lyons,Iliitrtnn, Stirliug, Qlllotte, Berlioloy Holghtall atitioiia o n Paegalo and Delaware II,N, J . lVnst Lino IUiJroad) 0:10 A. M. and' n : 1 , H : 2 0 r . U.

A. BEA30NER, Buporlntendcnt. .

GEO.MANNei a call from all lib frleoda to his place

on CLINTON 8TBEET.wh.ja. for thoirirauBo-mcut ho has a

FINE POOL TABLEtad a well fitted and comploto

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEY>vr and In perfect order. Ainu, t i c beet

LAOEHSand other drinks, ami tlie c h u i m tHEOABB. Alt w!i,, favor me with a call willAmi lb<;inmjlven agreeably cut t r t l ined andwell Irt-atwl. CEO. MANN.





I 0 . M.MILLE8, Wumlm.X.l. „ ,'* n U N K L K I1I0N COMPAMI, fnnkliliForuso«, N.J .

MALEV A OONLEX, Clie«ti.r, K. J.F. O'LEILLY, OniDBe, H. J. ,_.,.„





ldltiiwal cliarfjo for c_ . . ' teeth aro liisertDd.lug boautirul BOti of tooth lor


Dover, BoptcmberSGtb. 187S.

DOVER T I « E TABLE.Trains arriva and depart from thia utatlonf l l

BAHT HOUND A. U.lllpiiburg Spec . 4:35rego Eipreai i* 6.28

JavTciro E x p r e s s * 0:32' cwyorklctMitn. 8:37

'Via. Brnmton Drancli.


Eaaton Mail 0:26Oiwego Express* 0:51)

P. u.Dover Acoom. 12:25EKston ExproHi 3:00B'gLamtnn Eip . ' 3:27Easton Eiprues 6:29WttorG>apiWl5:42DoverExprosB 6:17H'kettBtownBip.7:a2OBIT ego Exp/ S:84Dover Accom. 0:55

M, P . H ,1.03 0.251.62 6.17



A.M. P . H7.35 4.10









DOVBU, «. J .



FARM FOR SALE.The saluorlber offert Tor mlo t donlrabl

farm, looiited at East New Market, near Cambridge, Maryland, on tha Oliettapcaka Day,A ?ery mperlor llitlo farm or 81 ic ros . 10 IDwood; 1,000 Concord g n u e i ; 800 |>cach t reci ,anplos and pe»w for family n s e ; 1 ar - '-Htrawberrlei, 1 acre LlaoibarrleB, and L _ _

a s : muck in abund tnoe ; oomrortablo„-, nloolyloontod, and ample out-balld-

iug(, all iu pood o r d e r ; well a t the dooi 'tollo from Rri*t mill, \ tulle to school. 1 utn saw mill, S i mltei t o depot, t b r w two miles. Prlue, tt,000; SSOO cash aniltho balance on mortgage, will be exchanKedfor property In tbl i Tiolnftr. For teruii ap-


for prply to


HOKOBB ABB EAsy,—" What's tbat youarc playing ?" said n Now Haven nmn to!bia daughter, who was pounding at tbopiano key-board with more noise thanflkill. " It is Wagnerian, pa ; that's themuBic ol the Mare . " "Oh I it is, isit ? Letitba a long time in tke futurebefore I hear any more of i t Pl' Coming Through the Eje , ' " "Ob, pa,ain't yon horrid ; always thinking aboutsomething to drink." Honors ore eIn that family.—Nso Bavm Register.

Anecdote eS Stonewall Jackson.At a council at officers early in tbe

war, i t was remarked that Majorwas w.ounded and woald beanable to dotha doty assigned to him. "Woanded,"fluid Jackson. 'If it really is so, Ithink it nmsthaTe been by an accidentaldischarge of duty.

A titled female in bnrbaroaa coontriescnts ber D&US but once in five years, andthen the occasion is made one oF greatrejoicing, especially by her hnsband.

A little boy who hns been used to re-

ceiving bis oldest brother's toys and

clothes recently remarked, "Ma, will I

bare to many bis widow when be dies ?"

A fashion item sayi tha t " drawers are

not gathered in nt the kuee for Summer

wenr." No, tbey are sot. They are

gathered in at the twilight hour, though,

it ypu leave thorn on the line longenoagh.

A gentleman went into a dry goodi

etore recently and naked for [en yards

of naked cambric. Tbe yonng lady

bltiRhed and said : " I gness yon mean

andressed cambric ?' " Oh, yes 1" that's

it 1"

Parents should lay itdownasBaarnle

never to smile or in any way. ihow ap-

proval or merriment at any trait in a

child which they would act wish to grow

with its growth, and strengthen with its


Afl eccentric old fellow, who lives

alongside of a graveyard, was asked if It

was not an unpleasant locution, "No,"

aud he, " I never jined plimcs ia all my,

life with A set of neighbors that minded

their own business so ht!ddy na they


THOS. BOLITHO'SCity Restaurant and Saloon,


Meals served at all hours.

ICE CBEAMBold to parties wanting 25quarts and upward for 26ota. per quart Opposite thenew Briok Block, Dover.


UBS. D. B. NOBTHBS, Proprietress,



Ah, LtgerjPorter,Cider,Sirupirilla,8mli7at«r and Prime Began alwiji on hiDil,Come ind tee me. 38-1,

Notice of Settlement,Notice ii burebjr given Ibftt tlie Mooante ol

the •abieriber, Admitiiitrator of WilltKm' t decetaoi), will be .Ddlted »na .uteil

* d rttporled tor Mtllementto the OrpiiiDi' fcourt'of "tirconnTy DTMOT'm.on Hm.1.7 the f.nrll, d i ; ol BapLmlxr0»l.._ JABESTollKIN.

Notice of Settlement.Notice Ii lioreb; jticti tb . t Ue •etoosu ,to •obicrlber, Idmlii l i tnli l i wttli tbe »!..Djplodof E u o i Y. Bell, dictucd, will beadiled ftnd ibited by the Harrointe, i n j

reported ror Battlement to lbs Orphini' tionttof the Oooolr of Horrli, on Uosdir Ihs la Athy of September next

• FASSIBB. 8MJTB.Dited Jaoe 21it, 1BS3. sO-9'

FOR SALE.Tlie roiidenoe or tbe bite Habbanl Btiokle.

In ItockiwAjr. Tbe lot contalni Sre icrei oflaid, well cultivaled ind with plant; or frill.


Boek.riy, N.J.

County Collector's Notice I1 will be KUbDOfilce or lite BmroRate. Mor-

riilown, for tbe Inunc t ion of Oonntr bnsl.UM, ogi TbnrtJiy of ei«U week, and >t tbeoffllfl of Georce Biebtrdl E n Dorer on

Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.


A first-olm hnrBc-Blinor, or long oiperlcnco,from tho eitv of Now York in coiia.»ut, SlioetUR ikrna In the most approfedmanner. Parlienlar a t t tn t ion paid to h i mand iatonorlDK liornce, and porrocl Batlsfic-tlon gntniDtcod in every rcupeot. 10-lv

Whence Comes the Unbounded

Popularity of


PLASTERS?Because they bave iirored tliem-»elvc» the Beit External Renieilrever invented. They will cureastlun&,coldi,coiie;liB,neiira|e;la,rheusnntisinand any local pain.

Applied to the amall of theback they are infallible In backnclie, nervous debility, and allkidney trouble!; to the pit ofthe stomach they are a rare cureror dyipepila, liver complaint,

ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLAS-TERS are painless, fragrant andquick to cure. Beware of Iml.tattons that blister and burn.Qet ALLCOCK'S. the only Qen-

ilne Porous Platter.

IRA C. COOPERMASON AND BUILDER!OontnetB taken and materials furiitBlifld for

BUILDINUS, BRIDGES.•nd all k ina i of work, n-liotlior of BBI0K a

en Morris itieot, ooit to former IH<INERA. building, Dover, N.J . 44-tf




lonil^ fluTored. Will ptha t«eih mid itorfuine th


Thli remd ill t i l ithmnlo •Titem aupon tilt »bdomiiinl ami u r l , r(torethoralOoliroJtby am! lirojiRcotKliliun.

Mr. llarciilal'a Uturiuii Catholic on will euro fa^Ing o( the womb, Leacorrlia'i, Clminlc Inflsmniii-tiart anil Ulciratlnn of the 'Wuti.b, inclilFiitnlilemortliase or Flooding, I'Hlnml, ei;;i]irtB(wdtnd IrrccuUrMeiiPtrumron, KUncy Coisipliint,Birrt'Qiieafl and 1< i'n|>ecliilly tdinttd to tt.s chaujjeoILife. Senit fur (latnntitet Iffi. Allleltemaf!Dqnlrrfrl.t'l;ni'Wil>.l, AildrcHi m above. ForMle br &1I drusel"!*- HDW »l ie 81 perfc'oltlp,Oldt>l/n ¥1.61). ^n Hiiro •nil atk iorl)r . M»r-clilil'H Uterluui^' mi. Ttk-noollier.


!4-ly DOVER, N. J .



II Of the principal lines

urapiilcal position, the Bhortest and best route t>st

or road between the Atlantic and tha Pacific.Dy Its mom line und brunches It renches ChlcngOt Jollotp Peorlfti Ottaw&T

Washlncton, Keokuk. Knoxvlile, Oakaloaaa, Fnlrflold, Des Molnes, West Ubortc,

In IOWQ f Gullatlrii TrentonB Cnmoron and Kansas CltyT In Mlasourl! nnd LtinvGri"vtjrtli and Atchlson In Kansas, and the hutidrcdi of cities, villages nnd townsIntermediate. The

"GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,"As It Is f t l l l l d f i l ilofior vdlors l ttio mforty o trnvdos o l ttio n d v d i ^ o f t

smooth track, safe fc rid cos. Union Depots at alt conneotins points.Fast Express Train§, (jomponod of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELLHEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED nnd ELEGANT DAY COACHES } a line of theMOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS o'er built f PULLMAN'SIntstt designed and handaomoet PALACE SLEEPING GARS, nnd DlNlNO CARSthat are nclcrtowladged by press and people to b& tho FINEST RUN UPON ANYROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior monts nro servsd to trnvelors atthe low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH.


ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'ill be opened , v

Newport News, Richmond, CliBluffs, S t . P a u l , Minneapolis a n d if

All Throunn PassenacPorm<>r«ctetalledlnrormatlori,B<

well a s T i o k e t a . nt all principal Tlolte

R. R. CABLE,Vlo«>Pres't A Qon'l Managfir


poll* and Lu Fovetto, and Councilmcdlalo points.

ited States andCannda, or ofleNtitpi

E. ST. JOHN,- ' l T ' u ' f A P

Blackwell St., Dover,N.J.

ii lUtib.


Spring Trade.A crest ami nnri[iiilkil Htock of LOW Mil


Hats and Bonnets,





A Q00D M Z U ma; ba obtained al as rbaur of l ie diy at rcMODKbls prlcca.

IN ICE CBEAMI hwe tbafunoni :

HORTON" CREAM,nnlvwully reeognlMd u tlio bent crnm—deiaftliakvon AlH>OnntceLomDid

CHOICE CONFECTIONERYfor tho inpply of Weddiagi , P H I I B I , F t a t l n l iFio-Nlci, e ta . I believe I c»n m i k e inducetncoti to lbs idrfcaUee of purebuuirB.

Gratm delivered i n j d t j of (he woek, Baia t j inemdea, a t tbe reiidonce of the buyer.

son prilling all tlio most fashionable articlesb l i tl l t t B fl


FANCY ARTICLESin general use fortheLADi's TOILET am]WeitK BASKET. I t would be impossibleto eoumerate all the leading articles IDmy great Block, bat an experience of 82yours providing for tbe tastes of tbeladies of Dover and Ibis part of Morris

! County, has made me competent to knowand anticipate their wants, and liaa

iven mo aaob facilities for buying thattim enabled to offer goods nt the very

lowest prices. It will give ma plea&nreto show my Spring stock to those whocall, and all are reapectfatlv invited.




HiB positive moving Rotary Valves,tbe preicDt time, whlob ciu bo Bulliontiontcd by pariieaDsed to driFo pmupu ID drop mines. With forty \wanto ofpressure. Send for dcBorlptiVD circular.

Will give bolter results tlian •»ontioat<Kl by parlies Dow mlng

y comprewor bum atIliam. Tlisy ara alioBlvo m t j poiiHli air

IMMENSE STOCK.The largest stock of MIL-

LEiEHY, FEATHERS, RIB-BONS, HATS, BONNETS,&&, tills side of New Yorkcan be seen at

Miss Nolan's,opposite Pardce & Clark's,at astonishing low prices.Call and see her immensestock.

HE DOVEK LUMBER C°"offers to buildera tho beat opportunities in the purchase of LUMBERof every grade and description including LOW PEICES uiailvontigo of having

PBICES and the great

FLOWER MAKING.Tlie Bntbioriber Ii deilroni of obtaining a

mmber of poplli to fearn tbe i n nf making

A R T I F I C I A L F L O W E R H ,

-.Wat, Wonted ind H&lr Inatructlou willbe by tnn hoar or terra. I irlll algaIttarj to the DUiDf or orders /or iitlflofilweri, ftod orders lenl Irmn t distance trillpromptly attended lo.

- MRS. WM. nEILE?,83-IJD p Hnauti ~' ~



7%. beat work at lowo.t pricea. BeiMlohi«plj«iiilprompll;iloiii. H u t t o o l S PbrtMtan Ohowh, Btaokwell BL ao-ly

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

baa reins?ed to Thnrber'a new bonding. In tb.


«9- Jobbms andl d r i t o . , A » g n

Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place whore it ia purchased, greatly lesaGiiiiig the

COHI of oailding by the great saving in m annul labor. Oarstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial paina aro tokon

to give satisfaction in evory pnrticular.QBOBOI RiOHiKDe, Pieaidect.Wit B. LIHBUT, Bec'y and Treu.

I. W. Siinreo, Gen'HJannRer.


Choice FruitsO F T H E 8UMUEI1 SEASON,

Home Made Confectionery,COUGH DROPS.


TOYS,ine.adJug ererjthlug far tha children, go to








are thorough!; (nrnlaind u d unolentl;

oqnlppod nllli Ibnw or QBIFnTH'S OELE-


EbrtL'a, Piliner, UQMns.o. Toledo, dinrtn-latl. 81. Lonij, Pel»t Doeljtr'a aid Uon

Bremt7L«eri. Tb. ba t WINES, L r m ,uddnriitUielw, '




with stool chain and Canada,Bprncc tubing,whicli its tSBtoEofiB. Tlioy giro IUO bc«t of

PBtlifactloni Tbof ileo koop In Btnok

"THE NEW EMPIRE"HOT-AIB, OABASD BABE-BUDNING 0O0K-'.SQ HTOTE, tha boit baking Rtcvu tn thovorlil. Also, a lurcoQEaortmcct of o ther styloe)f OonklnR Stoves, Rangei . 1'nrlor Stoven, kc,for SUMMER AND WINTEK UBE. Ah,o, nilmice slock ot

HARDWARE, CUTLERY,anfl, Woodt'c, Copper, riain and Japanned

Oil Cloths, Carpet B, LnrapB, PEIDIH ntnl Oilrd Cafien, Foft tkra, Fratt'H Astrttl Oil (umi[plosive) Also,


Rooting, Plumbing nnd JobWork promptly attended to.


airbank'e Scales at Mauurac-turer's prices;

Tiioj ftluo linre one of tlio above ocaka Infront of tiieir place or businoBs lor

publiu wofgliing.Old Iron, Copper, Braei, Liiud, liacs aui5

GrooobaokB Ukenln mcliBnsefor Roodg,





Shop on Clinton St , Dover.

iinlily luplrtihr tliri.ubiic. Mv mut'lujn •'•iiLlinla.lniu In nil." ' 1

Freeman WoodFIRE


OVEH OE0B0 Jt BIODASDI ft 0 0 . ' ( BTUIIS.)

DOVER,, IV. J.Legally aathorieod ggont of tlio following Hr

class oompanios-thE beat In the world:

LONDON anil L I7EEP00L nnj

OLOBE, Cupital (20,000,000,


Cupital $10,000,000.


Capital 818,000,000.


Onpitol 85,000,600.

HUDSON COUNT!, Jersey 0 % ,

Capital 8300,000.

PEOPLE'S. Newart. " 800,000,DMrTEB FlEBMEira INSrBANOE Oo

. of Philadelphia, ABOU $600,000,

Tbo London Assurance Corporation ofiKmdon, capital $5,500,000.

SpringSald Fin Kunmnoe Oo., Massaohn-Ktts, capital •1,600,000.

Wnslohaster «*to Inmranra Omnpaij foNew Irak, capital »500,ooo.

™ AKMICAII tl,00(1,000

Fire IssDciatioa of Pii'la,



Benson's CapcinePorous Plasters.

s Wby they *to Preterred lo Allother Porous Plaster! or External


F i r n .they poBicu all the morit of tlw

l Joroas planter md contain in »d-

• whichlatUiE,.jbefliclect, uttoiiJatUig, wdetlvs and

irritant eflecm.S e c o n d .

BcraiiBo tliey ore a Gonnlne pfcanntMnllwl p«p-aratluu, uiii an recognized by the proiewlnD.

Thi rd .Hccanso tlioj wo the only pltutcn tliat rollero


Uccanaa they will ponlUTul)' cure dleeaMi whichntlinr nmedlea will not even nllovo.

Flllh.Itmoitsa ovor ffiOOphyaldane »nd drugelBla lia?B

roluntarily tcBtlflod tbit thsy ara luperlor to allotbor piaitcrB ormedlciDM for external me,

s ix t i i .Be»uo tho nuDDfuturan hvre received ti«

only uodtla over glvea for porom plutere.

c o t g r i p o o p rUposiibloforapillloLo. I'r(tol3u,nii '• t ', 'Bold irrtruERHtB crcrrwhero or m-% br'nui]'CARTER MEDICINE CO., Hay YORK



HuafLtctDnna CbomlilB, Wew Turk.


33 i w


OLIVER CHILLED PLOW,M*ul(ll'F««e&IMn'ii<'-|OHrrd ' i^rniH, 'Lm

kiml»'of llrut-cluMs INPLKMKNTS,8EEDB utld FKIITII.17.ICUN for furni «i;anliii.






Musical Instruments.

AS8XT0, I3,COD,00(

- 600, OW

Freeman Wood,Jnstio* ot tho Peaoa and Pollco M»glatrate

CARTER'S LITTLEAUvtnrollfrafi iui .VaVaiicpalloa ma Dyipopsla, promota Mpestlnr «dtatroii from too l]aart»catin!ii,c.jrrcf.tDlfl.f l h f l S i t f i I l t h J

. Theyda asdoBe.. Tbo

rputBD ,unaf i l l l L

ll tills

Spring Millinery,l M



iHlm hltollilH to Htil nl .-r.-ntH- t. It a,,.... s. I ' m o n . wnnliriK smvtliliiji lit In i- I ,„,would ,lu tttllt'i uUf her il rail.

If you want your Horses shod

in good style, send them to

Chas. T.Clark & Son,Cor. Uluckwell nnd Uergeu Sis.

Tiny Hive the best of satisf.ic-

(i«n in tlie way nt woikinau-

ahii>. Tlit'y also do nil kiinlii of

Hlacl^initli work.


Opp. Central IS. It. Dejiot,

WINES AND LIQUORS,«rallk:iul«, fur

Medicinal PurposesAND

Household Uses.

Ilim-nrkin ami FIOIIL-II WiiieH.




rranloi]d nil u W i l0adnltprntio nil i





Ninety cents per week will

buy a new Organ. Best

goods, lowest prices.





Joseph York,•IG-ti" MOHR18TOWM. N. J .

SHEHIFF'S SALE,n Cbsnsory of Mew JerBcv-Bohveen MnrA. 8ayr«, Compl't, and Willlnm P. Roband Oatharlno t . Ills wife, Ellnlialot n, Wil.1,-t, HeDry Bire, Meyer aolJsiiiitli, 8. C. Lar-

n, AntliosyLiuiBBrandTlioD.ivnrnadk,adsn t i . Fi . fa. Tor salo or incirlBagmlalsea. EelurntWo lo Oolobi'r Term, A.

-J8S. PHIL. B. PIEI18ON, Snl'r.Byvir tno of tlio abnvo statetl writ or llcrl

salo a tHorrla.

nrontlBGiii. 1882.


Jovn!MONDAY, the 7lh ffay of AUflUST iioxt,

lietyoan UIB lionrs or la M. sod 5at 9 o'clock intljorolloffiDB described1 premises, ailnato,

.. jbhlp of Oueslor. inJ pfllorrls ana Suto of Ne» Jmey,

I I toaetsap, oarner Id Petir

ojloek P. ipVa i la to'say ;i¥'o'oinTk EtlilRTteraoon orsaid day.all tba rollofflnc dos "jg»l or ,p,aro«l of laud and promiaos, si

boDce (3) down saia rhor, ths sovsral ooi.,. . ,»a«lr,ain«« Ibenof, to 171111am Larrlaon'sind: ilionco ,8) skuig . . l a la r taon ' s lino

norlh nineteen decrees west svbont sesentv.nine d u l l , lo Hnj l Bartlay's lino j th.noei (J)Jong saia line tortb seveniy-ona iloiroo. eait

-iboat twenty-nlno ohalns to (heplace of bo-Blnolog, eontsiniuc abont two bnndroll andseventy acre., bo the ssmo moro or I m

Erooptlne >i,d rcerrlni! ont or'tlio ssno al o t o r l u d i o w ooraplod bj Jlnrns L.rri.™,,»hbb said lot » a . fotmorly omiod by BaralLarrlson aoil conveyed to her by Wm. LarrlHon

WILLIAM H. HOWELL, SlicrllTy 2(illi. 1883, $7 20




Morris, Suesos or Warren Counties,

lid Lin prices are tlio lowest. Do , im, m;,loiaiuino IIIB Hlutk Lctiiru bujiujj.

Next to Geo. Richards & Co.,



Batea H

Morris Orphans' Court.»IAY TE11JI, 1182.

tlio milter or Andrew riiilbowoi- Adminslrstor of Philip Phllbmor. dee'd S i "

il I'lUds °*" '" ' ' y ik*'" ' ' " > ° M "D l ta * " 1 (

A " ? ! ' ? W™rLHOWElt. Aaml,,i,tralor „. l'liilipPliilio»or, late or the Countyo

W>rria,dra»soiL l,avl,iB made and uliiblleio tin. Court, undar oitb, a Jnat and irna ao.

ir tup ,)cr*onal estate and debts or said»1, as r«r as lit bai been able to disco™,»J, by Klileh il appears tliattbe personalDI «>M decoi>.d Is Inanfllcient tb pay all

d«bts andatatlnit tbal lalddec«a»cdia'U or IBIHII, tenements, IterodiUmoJl oitatt, innate In ll,» Oonnty or H w

S i T 1 EC,6,1,"1,"'""• °°«rt-" "••Jt-mri. that a l l p e r s o n s l n t o i . . . . ^ ,u ,UD,HUUH


PLANS AND 8rF.CIFICATI0N8 p i . p . n d

Torall linrli or bolHInui, and tbe coniitraeli«n

orbnililla^a muierlmonilcd.

Will ba a t lih oUco In Dover, Sil Floor of

T U B I m i s E m i u i l d i n B , , n i F I l I D A Y O F EACHWEEK,rromU:S0A,h-. loC,3 l ) r . H .


, liereilitamenta and leal oatate oflid dnooa.ed, do Bjipar beroro the J n d n s olIIH Cenrt, at tbe Cosrt HonBe In Morrl»t™n.MONDAY th , Mh , l . j ora^plemtar A™'82 and show cause. If any tbev b

Ib. eaid luZ, C ereal estate l Id d

. M1882,-

N A Y th ,nd show

»• moob ot Ib e Z , C eJditamcnts and real estate ol D&Id de

ibonld not bo sold as Till bo I S t a lil. debts. And It is lortber ortScopy of lbia order be pnbllBliod in

•*•!• "'sr ?i"* "rsrh »e.k

A troo oopj rronrtbo*minntos?. OIIJVES, Snrrogale.



MRS. GEO.FARR'S,WBTOIUBI. Acomiilolo line of tbs latestpDdes In Hats, Donnsla, Blbbocs, F e a t d£ " " • " • ' / " •oy Aptldes', .11.1 toiwt p , S , :

• > " Zu.Ur vale STatr FTlday l


J D N E 30th, isaa.n the matter of Jodlali Majier aan

oir Euiilamol J. Hoy

are [lefendanprcnilie. . Bo

riitown,N."j."o"ii '*711, JMONDAY,

I . E . 1882, hotneon''clock P . H. , that !•j tenioon of said da1

i r i aDdina preroifictileicriliod, BitusleowrjBhlp of Handolplmti State of Now j

BoRinninBatanointforraeriy etaotl on 1Libroohbeloir tho mill oMUJE a corner oflnir1-deofaiud tlionoc

F. IHH wife, j&tmmli.Uiiw,H nnfl Uarulinii It. tun «iM• Fi.ra, rorHiilodfiiiorlcacfaarnabli! ti> MavTurm, A. D.

8. H.MlTLE.BoLT.lie abovn otntc-d writ of fieriIIIIHIB.IHIIBII eipopo fornalo

Jourt Honw, In Uor-


all 'that tract or parcel

wlioro a hickory treo

n the n»i(l premises, Itlatd of Edward Letfin,

frrnn toemlDnlea.•-"A.OILIJiN.S»rro l r,tB.

for j l -di i i tdsineieast lovoateen cbainaamle[Ebty a k UnkB to landi or the late Munis

ueceaBed; tbenco 12) north tllrtv-ono

» " ' ^ O s ' s l s ; theno. do .n tbo middle or t i eroad to Ibosontli oornor or laadi formerly bo-i l B S i " . , " 1 " 1 ' ' 8c l l™«k. deceased; tlT.noo

(4) ostil. tli.rty-ronr dwrces nc.t sli ebalnsand twenty lluka to a atono Tenco • the'ieo•long said Scnenck'a line |0) uorlli nriy d»-f'"1 c . . t to tbo corner of said Bcb.nck'sland ; thenco (C) nortb fifty dcfircoa caaStone rencn; (7) M i[uf dcjrici

THino cbainii and flfty llnkn lo a cornerlate Willlra 8kBl[,r,CTr', land la DanUl

I*. Merchant's lino; tbonoo (8) Rontb allly-ronr l u n n »o>t tbreo obaina and t»«nly-«'fffil M»m« (H) .011111 thirty docr.oi an»tblrlymlnnteB west ronr clialna aiid?ortj linksto « ilnkory troo on ths out aide of t b . brooksnothBT corner ol said Skcllrnccr'a laod-ttenco (10) .onth forly-lvedeerroioaat tn lvoflslna snd Mty link, to a heap or stem's ilbOBoe(ll).onlli t»enly desrerl w i t nlno

• S " m ' ? . * hi<*»'J tree nisr Louis' rsrm:thor,e. U) south el ,bty.ei , l t dtproc. «s.t. .ktf,°.' " " • ""'l-'onr links; tBonoe (IS)sooth Ihirty-flve denroaa osst tbreo obalns sna

oonufnlng fortv^avon and oneJiair acres,mora or leas. Eicflptine and reserving tbare*rroni, howevsr.a small plntnrground whereonromiorly Mood a Ian yard, Eark mill, birkhonnc. Ac, included In tbB abo.fl bonnifariesand nliloli wero benioron sold and confSyedto aild Sdicnck. Brint the u n prsmlsss

to .aid Ellubeih Pit*£.rald ^BBUTJand wife bj deed bearinc enn datemortnga