Download - GDP Per Capita 2006, EU, By Region


GDP per capita by region, E.U., 2006standards)

(expressed in terms of PPS, purchasing po

This information is taken from data released by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communitie(source: reference=STAT/09/23&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en) PPS (purchasing power standard) is an artificial currency that takes into account differences in national price levels. This unit allows meaningful volume comparisons of economic indicators over countries. Aggregates expressed in PPS are derived by dividing aggregates in current prices and national currency by the respective Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).

Region (2006)


GDP per inhabitan t, EUR 23 600 30 200 59 400 30 000 35 600 24 800 26 800 31 500 28 200 21 700 29 200 19 600 22 100 20 800 20 900 3 300 2 600 2 300 2 400 2 900 2 800 4 000 5 100 2 500 11 100 23 200 10 400 10 200 8 700

GDP, Mio. PPS 11 671 360 295 186 56 489 169 883 55 910 18 772 34 651 30 649 29 901 68 814 9 963 23 527 21 415 5 009 8 900 66 447 27 632 5 710 6 007 7 487 8 428 38 815 28 570 10 245 187 871 45 445 20 114 19 871 16 277

GDP per inhabitan t, PPS 23 600 28 000 55 100 27 900 33 000 23 000 24 900 29 300 26 200 20 100 27 000 18 200 20 500 19 300 19 300 8 600 6 900 6 000 6 400 7 500 7 400 10 600 13 500 6 600 18 300 38 400 17 200 16 800 14 400

GDP per inhabitant , PPS, EU27=100 100.0 118.5 233.3 118.0 139.7 97.2 105.3 123.8 110.7 85.1 114.5 77.1 86.9 81.6 81.9 36.5 29.1 25.4 26.9 31.8 31.5 44.7 57.1 27.8 77.4 162.3 73.0 71.2 61.1

EU27 BELGIUM Bruxelles-Cap. / Brussels Hfdst. Vlaams Gewest Antwerpen Limburg (BE) Oost-Vlaanderen Vlaams Brabant West-Vlaanderen Rgion Wallonne Brabant Wallon Hainaut Lige Luxembourg (BE) Namur BULGARIA Severna i Iztochna Bulgaria Severozapaden Severen tsentralen Severoiztochen Yugoiztochen Yugozapadna i Yuzhna Tsentralna Bulgaria Yugozapaden Yuzhen tsentralen CZECH REPUBLIC Praha Stedn echy Jihozpad Severozpad

11 671 360 318 223 60 897 183 141 60 273 20 237 37 355 33 041 32 235 74 184 10 740 25 363 23 087 5 400 9 594 25 238 10 495 2 169 2 282 2 844 3 201 14 743 10 852 3 891 113 459 27 445 12 147 12 001 9 830

Severovchod Jihovchod Stedn Morava Moravskoslezsko DENMARK Hovedstaden Sjaelland Syddanmark Midtjylland Nordjylland GERMANY Baden-Wrttemberg Stuttgart Karlsruhe Freiburg Tbingen Bayern Oberbayern Niederbayern Oberpfalz Oberfranken Mittelfranken Unterfranken Schwaben Berlin Brandenburg Brandenburg-Nordost Brandenburg-Sdwest Bremen Hamburg Hessen Darmstadt Gieen Kassel MecklenburgVorpommern Niedersachsen Braunschweig Hannover Lneburg Weser-Ems Nordrhein-Westfalen Dsseldorf Kln Mnster Detmold Arnsberg

13 725 16 245 10 549 11 517 218 341 82 796 24 814 43 879 46 213 20 640 2 321 500 337 516 135 353 87 564 60 727 53 872 414 664 174 147 33 052 31 744 30 210 54 780 38 079 52 651 80 551 50 193 21 272 28 922 25 366 85 035 209 145 145 582 27 838 35 724 32 645 198 929 43 454 60 533 34 866 60 076 505 727 162 126 62 55 98 414 459 616 304 935

9 200 9 900 8 600 9 200 40 200 50 600 30 500 36 900 37 800 35 800 28 200 31 400 33 800 32 000 27 700 29 800 33 200 40 900 27 600 29 200 27 500 32 000 28 400 29 400 23 700 19 700 18 400 20 700 38 200 48 600 34 400 38 600 26 300 28 600 19 200 24 900 26 400 28 000 20 500 24 300 28 000 31 28 23 26 26 100 900 900 700 400

22 727 26 899 17 467 19 071 157 946 59 894 17 950 31 742 33 430 14 931 2 253 050 327 564 131 363 84 982 58 936 52 283 402 438 169 012 32 078 30 808 29 319 53 165 36 956 51 099 78 176 48 713 20 645 28 069 24 619 82 528 202 978 141 290 27 017 34 671 31 683 193 063 42 173 58 748 33 838 58 304 490 816 157 122 60 53 96 625 730 770 673 018

15 300 16 400 14 200 15 300 29 100 36 600 22 100 26 700 27 300 25 900 27 400 30 500 32 800 31 100 26 900 29 000 32 200 39 700 26 800 28 300 26 700 31 000 27 600 28 600 23 000 19 100 17 800 20 100 37 100 47 200 33 400 37 400 25 500 27 800 18 600 24 200 25 600 27 200 19 900 23 500 27 200 30 28 23 26 25 200 000 200 000 600

64.7 69.3 60.1 64.6 122.9 155.0 93.3 113.1 115.6 109.5 115.8 129.1 138.7 131.5 113.8 122.5 136.4 167.9 113.5 119.7 113.0 131.4 116.7 120.9 97.3 80.7 75.5 85.0 156.9 199.7 141.2 158.3 107.9 117.5 78.8 102.3 108.4 115.0 84.0 99.6 115.1 127.7 118.5 98.1 109.8 108.3

Regional GDP in the European Union, 2006

Region (2006)


GDP per inhabitan t, EUR 23 600 28 200 24 600 23 700 23 200 25 700 27 300 20 700 19 800 21 300 21 400 20 100 24 700 19 900 9 700 41 700 29 300 46 200 19 100 14 500 12 400 15 400 15 400 13 800 15 100 14 300 15 000 12 100 19 000 15 600 26 200 17 000 13 700 19 500 16 800 22 300 19 400 18 500 20 200 22 000 26 800 28 600 28 000

GDP, Mio. PPS 11 671 360 2 253 050 96 924 34 913 11 575 50 436 27 756 85 832 29 312 34 277 22 243 47 254 67 885 44 821 20 746 148 122 27 861 120 261 247 984 60 244 8 734 34 371 5 279 11 861 43 253 5 787 3 921 10 390 12 309 10 845 122 544 21 943 3 209 6 920 11 814 1 083 747 92 766 55 599 23 541 13 626 126 633 66 930 18 287

GDP per inhabitan t, PPS 23 600 27 400 23 900 23 000 22 500 24 900 26 500 20 100 19 200 20 600 20 700 19 500 24 000 19 300 15 400 34 800 24 500 38 600 22 200 16 900 14 400 17 900 18 000 16 100 17 600 16 700 17 500 14 100 22 100 18 200 30 500 19 800 15 900 22 700 19 600 24 600 21 400 20 400 22 300 24 300 29 600 31 600 30 900

GDP per inhabitant , PPS, EU27=100 100.0 115.8 101.1 97.3 95.2 105.5 112.2 85.2 81.1 87.4 87.7 82.4 101.4 81.6 65.3 147.4 103.6 163.4 94.1 71.6 60.9 75.6 76.0 68.1 74.4 70.6 73.9 59.8 93.5 77.0 129.1 83.7 67.4 96.2 82.8 104.1 90.5 86.5 94.2 102.9 125.2 133.7 130.8

EU27 GERMANY (continued) Rheinland-Pfalz Koblenz Trier Rheinhessen-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Chemnitz Dresden Leipzig Sachsen-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thringen ESTONIA IRELAND Border, Midland and Western Southern and Eastern GREECE Voreia Ellada Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki Kentriki Makedonia Dytiki Makedonia Thessalia Kentriki Ellada Ipeiros Ionia Nisia Dytiki Ellada Sterea Ellada Peloponnisos Attiki Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti Voreio Aigaio Notio Aigaio Kriti SPAIN Noroeste Galicia Asturias Cantabria Noreste Pas Vasco Navarra

11 671 360 2 321 500 99 869 35 974 11 927 51 968 28 599 88 440 30 203 35 318 22 919 48 690 69 948 46 183 13 104 177 286 33 347 143 939 213 207 51 795 7 509 29 550 4 538 10 197 37 187 4 975 3 371 8 933 10 583 9 325 105 359 18 866 2 759 5 950 10 157 982 303 84 083 50 395 21 337 12 351 114 780 60 665 16 576

La Rioja Aragn Madrid Centro (ES) Castilla y Len Castilla-La Mancha Extremadura Este Catalua Valenciana Illes Balears Sur Andaluca Murcia Ceuta Melilla Canarias FRANCE le de France Bassin parisien Champagne-Ardenne Picardie Haute-Normandie Centre Basse-Normandie Bourgogne Nord-Pas-de-Calais Est Lorraine Alsace Franche-Comt Ouest Pays de la Loire Bretagne Poitou-Charentes

7 254 30 285 174 048 102 092 52 692 33 177 16 222 304 330 184 035 95 911 24 383 163 838 135 850 25 190 1 449 1 349 39 133 1 807 462 511 228 261 765 34 753 42 589 46 816 63 445 33 945 40 217 92 092 129 880 54 150 48 144 27 586 208 233 89 283 77 977 40 973

23 900 23 900 29 100 18 700 21 200 17 400 15 100 24 000 26 300 20 400 24 400 17 500 17 300 18 600 20 300 20 100 19 800 28 600 44 300 24 600 26 100 22 500 25 900 25 200 23 400 24 800 23 000 24 500 23 300 26 500 24 000 25 200 25 900 25 200 23 800

8 003 33 412 192 022 112 635 58 134 36 604 17 897 335 758 203 040 105 816 26 902 180 758 149 879 27 792 1 598 1 489 43 174 1 634 946 462 433 236 780 31 436 38 524 42 347 57 390 30 705 36 379 83 302 117 483 48 982 43 549 24 953 188 358 80 761 70 535 37 062

26 400 26 400 32 100 20 600 23 400 19 200 16 700 26 500 29 000 22 500 27 000 19 400 19 100 20 600 22 300 22 200 21 900 25 900 40 100 22 300 23 600 20 400 23 500 22 800 21 100 22 400 20 800 22 200 21 000 24 000 21 700 22 800 23 400 22 800 21 500

111.7 111.7 135.7 87.3 99.2 81.1 70.6 112.0 122.8 95.4 114.1 81.9 80.8 87.1 94.6 94.0 92.6 109.5 169.7 94.3 99.8 86.3 99.3 96.5 89.4 94.8 88.0 94.0 89.0 101.6 91.9 96.4 99.0 96.4 91.0

Regional GDP in the European Union, 2006 Region (2006) GDP, Mio. EUR EU27 FRANCE (continued) Sud-ouest Aquitaine Midi-Pyrnes 11 671 360 1 807 462 171 301 81 265 72 984 GDP per inhabitan t, EUR 23 600 28 600 25 800 26 000 26 200 GDP, Mio. PPS 11 671 360 1 634 946 154 951 73 509 66 018 GDP per inhabitan t, PPS 23 600 25 900 23 400 23 500 23 700 GDP per inhabitant , PPS, EU27=100 100.0 109.5 98.9 99.6 100.4

Limousin Centre-est Rhne-Alpes Auvergne Mditerrane Languedoc-Roussillon Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur Corse Dpartements d'OutreMer Guadeloupe Martinique Guyane Runion ITALY Nord Ovest Piemonte Valle dAosta / Valle dAoste Liguria Lombardia Nord Est Bolzano / Bozen Trento Veneto Friuli-Venezia Giulia Emilia-Romagna Centro (IT) Toscana Umbria Marche Lazio Sud Abruzzo Molise Campania Puglia Basilicata Calabria Isole Sicilia Sardegna CYPRUS LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG (GRANDDUCHY) HUNGARY Kzp Magyarorszg Dunntl

17 052 206 864 175 089 31 774 195 369 57 150 131 599 6 620 30 732 7 798 7 643 2 675 12 615 1 479 981 476 665 120 185 3 680 41 099 311 702 334 294 15 949 14 878 140 193 34 135 129 138 320 051 99 478 20 403 38 772 161 397 235 530 26 923 6 032 92 805 66 561 10 684 32 525 113 441 81 466 31 975 14 673 16 047 23 978 33 921 90 007 42 475 23 776

23 400 28 100 29 100 23 800 25 500 22 500 27 300 22 400 16 800 17 900 19 200 12 800 16 100 25 100 30 600 27 600 29 600 25 500 32 800 30 000 32 900 29 500 29 500 28 200 30 700 28 000 27 400 23 400 25 300 29 900 16 700 20 600 18 800 16 000 16 400 18 000 16 300 17 000 16 200 19 300 19 000 7 000 7 100 71 800 8 900 14 800 7 700

15 424 187 119 158 378 28 741 176 722 51 695 119 038 5 988 27 798 7 054 6 914 2 420 11 411 1 441 478 464 264 117 058 3 584 40 030 303 592 325 597 15 534 14 491 136 546 33 247 125 779 311 724 96 890 19 873 37 764 157 198 229 403 26 223 5 875 90 390 64 829 10 406 31 679 110 490 79 347 31 143 16 482 28 409 44 538 29 825 151 277 71 390 39 961

21 100 25 400 26 300 21 600 23 100 20 300 24 700 20 300 15 200 16 200 17 400 11 600 14 600 24 500 29 800 26 900 28 800 24 900 31 900 29 200 32 000 28 700 28 700 27 500 29 900 27 300 26 700 22 800 24 600 29 100 16 300 20 100 18 300 15 600 15 900 17 600 15 800 16 600 15 800 18 800 21 300 12 400 13 100 63 100 15 000 24 900 13 000

89.5 107.6 111.2 91.3 97.7 86.1 104.6 85.8 64.4 68.4 73.6 49.0 61.6 103.5 126.0 114.0 121.9 105.3 135.1 123.4 135.5 121.5 121.5 116.2 126.6 115.4 113.0 96.6 104.3 123.2 68.9 84.9 77.6 66.1 67.4 74.3 67.0 70.1 66.9 79.5 90.3 52.5 55.5 267.1 63.6 105.5 55.0

Kzp Dunntl Nyugat Dunntl Dl Dunntl Alfld es szak szak Magyaroszg szak Alfld Dl Alfld MALTA NETHERLANDS Noord-Nederland Groningen Friesland Drenthe Oost-Nederland Overijssel Gelderland Flevoland West-Nederland Utrecht Noord-Holland Zuid-Holland Zeeland Zuid-Nederland Noord-Brabant Limburg (NL)

8 964 8 961 5 851 23 755 7 184 8 618 7 953 5 101 539 929 54 607 25 143 17 038 12 425 95 847 31 862 54 593 9 392 275 340 46 680 99 731 117 724 11 206 114 135 80 671 33 464

8 100 9 000 6 000 5 800 5 700 5 600 5 900 12 600 33 000 32 100 43 800 26 500 25 600 27 700 28 600 27 600 25 200 36 100 39 400 38 200 34 100 29 500 32 200 33 400 29 600

15 067 15 062 9 833 39 926 12 074 14 485 13 367 7 372 505 466 51 121 23 538 15 951 11 632 89 729 29 828 51 108 8 793 257 765 43 700 93 365 110 210 10 490 106 850 75 522 31 328

13 600 15 100 10 100 9 700 9 600 9 500 9 900 18 200 30 900 30 100 41 000 24 800 24 000 25 900 26 800 25 900 23 600 33 800 36 900 35 800 31 900 27 600 30 100 31 200 27 700

57.6 63.8 42.9 40.9 40.7 40.1 42.1 76.9 130.9 127.2 173.7 105.1 101.5 109.6 113.2 109.4 99.9 143.0 156.1 151.4 135.0 116.8 127.5 132.2 117.4

Regional GDP in the European Union, 2006 Region (2006) GDP, Mio. EUR EU27 AUSTRIA Oststerreich Burgenland Niedersterreich Wien Sdsterreich Krnten Steiermark Weststerreich Obersterreich Salzburg Tirol Vorarlberg POLAND Region Centralny dzkie 11 671 360 257 295 114 641 5 739 40 158 68 743 47 194 14 838 32 356 95 460 42 560 18 427 22 683 11 790 272 089 75 680 16 846 GDP per inhabitan t, EUR 23 600 31 100 32 500 20 500 25 300 41 500 26 800 26 500 26 900 31 900 30 300 34 800 32 500 32 400 7 100 9 800 6 600 GDP, Mio. PPS 11 671 360 243 272 108 393 5 427 37 969 64 997 44 622 14 030 30 592 90 257 40 240 17 423 21 446 11 148 471 484 131 140 29 190 GDP per inhabitan t, PPS 23 600 29 400 30 800 19 400 23 900 39 200 25 300 25 000 25 400 30 100 28 700 32 900 30 700 30 600 12 400 17 000 11 400 GDP per inhabitant , PPS, EU27=100 100.0 124.3 130.2 82.1 101.4 165.9 107.1 106.0 107.6 127.5 121.3 139.4 129.9 129.5 52.3 71.8 48.0

Mazowieckie Region Poudniowy Maopolskie lskie Region Wschodni Lubelskie Podkarpackie witokrzyskie Podlaskie Region PnocnoZachodni Wielkopolskie Zachodniopomorskie Lubuskie Region PoudniowoZachodni Dolnolskie Opolskie Region Pnocny Kujawsko-Pomorskie Warmisko-Mazurskie Pomorskie PORTUGAL Continente Norte Algarve Centro (PT) Lisboa Alentejo Aores Madeira ROMANIA Macroregiunea Unu Nord-Vest Centru Macroregiunea Doi Nord-Est Sud-Est Macroregiunea Trei Sud - Muntenia Bucuresti - Ilfov Macroregiunea Patru Sud-Vest Oltenia Vest SLOVENIA Vzhodna Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija SLOVAKIA Bratislavsk kraj Zpadn Slovensko

58 834 55 635 20 224 35 411 33 947 10 485 10 240 6 952 6 270 42 772 25 361 11 008 6 402 28 007 22 017 5 990 36 049 12 890 7 694 15 465 155 446 147 629 43 561 6 547 29 686 57 152 10 682 3 203 4 614 97 751 23 015 11 575 11 439 21 780 10 883 10 897 34 562 12 562 22 000 18 395 8 227 10 168 31 014 13 798 17 216 44 567 11 707 15 214

11 400 7 000 6 200 7 600 5 000 4 800 4 900 5 400 5 200 7 000 7 500 6 500 6 300 7 100 7 600 5 700 6 300 6 200 5 400 7 000 14 700 14 600 11 600 15 600 12 500 20 500 14 000 13 200 18 800 4 500 4 400 4 200 4 500 3 300 2 900 3 800 6 200 3 800 9 900 4 400 3 600 5 300 15 400 12 800 18 600 8 300 19 300 8 200

101 950 96 406 35 044 61 362 58 824 18 169 17 744 12 047 10 864 74 116 43 947 19 075 11 094 48 531 38 151 10 380 62 467 22 336 13 333 26 798 190 957 181 354 53 512 8 043 36 468 70 208 13 123 3 934 5 669 195 620 46 057 23 164 22 892 43 586 21 779 21 807 69 165 25 139 44 026 36 812 16 463 20 349 41 596 18 506 23 090 80 930 21 260 27 628

19 700 12 100 10 700 13 100 8 700 8 400 8 500 9 400 9 100 12 200 13 000 11 300 11 000 12 400 13 200 9 900 11 000 10 800 9 300 12 200 18 000 18 000 14 300 19 200 15 300 25 200 17 200 16 200 23 100 9 100 8 800 8 500 9 100 6 600 5 800 7 700 12 500 7 600 19 800 8 700 7 200 10 600 20 700 17 100 24 900 15 000 35 100 14 800

83.6 51.4 45.4 55.5 36.9 35.3 35.8 39.8 38.4 51.6 55.1 47.7 46.5 52.3 56.0 42.1 46.4 45.7 39.5 51.5 76.4 76.0 60.5 81.2 64.7 106.6 72.6 68.6 97.7 38.4 37.1 35.9 38.3 28.1 24.7 32.5 52.9 32.1 83.8 36.9 30.4 44.7 87.7 72.5 105.4 63.5 148.7 62.8

Stredn Slovensko Vchodn Slovensko FINLAND Manner-Suomi It-Suomi Etel-Suomi Lnsi-Suomi Pohjois-Suomi land

8 654 8 991 167 009 165 923 15 602 95 322 37 488 17 512 1 086

6 400 5 700 31 700 31 700 23 500 36 600 28 000 27 600 40 500

15 715 16 327 142 936 142 007 13 353 81 582 32 084 14 987 929

11 600 10 400 27 100 27 100 20 200 31 300 24 000 23 600 34 700

49.2 44.0 114.9 114.7 85.3 132.5 101.6 99.8 146.7

Regional GDP in the European Union, 2006 Region (2006) GDP, Mio. EUR EU27 SWEDEN stra Sverige Stockholm stra Mellansverige Sdra Sverige Smland med arna Sydsverige Vstsverige Norra Sverige Norra Mellansverige Mellersta Norrland vre Norrland UNITED KINGDOM North East (England) Tees Valley & Durham Northumberland and Tyne & Wear North West (England) Cumbria Cheshire Greater Manchester Lancashire Merseyside Yorkshire & the Humber East Riding & Northern Lincolnshire North Yorkshire South Yorkshire West Yorkshire East Midlands (England) 11 671 360 313 450 134 735 89 730 45 004 126 075 24 283 41 074 60 717 52 640 24 680 11 328 16 632 1 938 979 64 621 26 067 38 555 190 811 12 131 35 475 75 346 36 756 31 103 139 980 23 007 21 687 31 807 63 479 124 209 GDP per inhabitan t, EUR 23 600 34 500 39 300 47 100 29 600 31 900 30 300 30 900 33 300 30 900 29 900 30 500 32 600 32 000 25 300 22 500 27 600 27 800 24 500 35 500 29 500 25 400 23 000 27 200 25 400 27 700 24 600 29 400 28 500 GDP, Mio. PPS 11 671 360 260 663 112 045 74 619 37 425 104 843 20 194 34 157 50 492 43 776 20 524 9 421 13 831 1 723 008 57 424 23 163 34 260 169 557 10 780 31 524 66 953 32 662 27 638 124 388 20 445 19 271 28 264 56 408 110 374 GDP per inhabitan t, PPS 23 600 28 700 32 700 39 200 24 600 26 500 25 200 25 700 27 700 25 700 24 900 25 400 27 200 28 400 22 500 20 000 24 500 24 700 21 700 31 500 26 200 22 500 20 400 24 200 22 600 24 600 21 900 26 100 25 300 GDP per inhabitant , PPS, EU27=100 100.0 121.5 138.4 165.8 104.1 112.3 106.7 108.8 117.4 108.6 105.3 107.5 114.9 120.4 95.1 84.6 103.7 104.7 92.0 133.4 111.0 95.4 86.4 102.4 95.7 104.2 92.5 110.5 107.1

Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Leicestershire, Rutland & Northamptonshire Lincolnshire West Midlands (England) Herefordshire, Worcestershire & Warwickshire Shropshire & Staffordshire West Midlands East of England East Anglia Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Essex London Inner London Outer London South East (England) Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Surrey, East & West Sussex Hampshire & Isle of Wight Kent South West (England) Gloucestershire, Wiltshire & Bristol/Bath area Dorset & Somerset Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Devon Wales West Wales & The Valleys East Wales Scotland Eastern Scotland South Western Scotland North Eastern Scotland Highlands & Islands Northern Ireland

57 615 51 499 15 095 147 796 36 045 36 860 74 892 169 439 67 322 56 862 45 255 396 962 265 471 131 490 280 425 94 249 86 844 57 789 41 543 150 497 78 259 33 589 10 865 27 783 71 275 38 734 32 541 157 713 64 083 64 928 18 096 10 606 45 251

28 200 31 600 22 000 27 500 28 800 24 400 28 800 30 200 29 400 34 500 27 100 52 900 89 300 29 000 34 000 43 600 33 200 31 600 25 400 29 400 34 700 27 500 20 600 24 800 24 000 20 600 30 100 30 800 32 900 28 400 40 800 24 000 26 000

51 197 45 763 13 414 131 334 32 030 32 755 66 550 150 566 59 823 50 529 40 214 352 747 235 902 116 845 249 190 83 752 77 171 51 352 36 915 133 734 69 542 29 848 9 655 24 689 63 336 34 420 28 916 140 146 56 945 57 696 16 080 9 425 40 211

25 000 28 100 19 500 24 500 25 600 21 600 25 600 26 800 26 100 30 600 24 100 47 000 79 400 25 800 30 200 38 800 29 500 28 100 22 600 26 100 30 800 24 400 18 300 22 000 21 400 18 300 26 800 27 400 29 200 25 300 36 300 21 400 23 100

105.9 118.7 82.7 103.6 108.2 91.6 108.4 113.6 110.6 129.7 101.8 198.8 335.9 109.0 128.0 164.0 124.9 118.7 95.5 110.4 130.4 103.5 77.6 93.1 90.4 77.3 113.2 115.9 123.7 106.9 153.5 90.4 97.7