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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Game Geek, Issue 26, Feb 2012 

    An Avalon Games Product, All righ

    reserved, Version 1.0, 2011

    All comments, suggestions and

    contacts can be made at…

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    Some game design, artwork and lay

    by Robert Hemminger

    Cover by Robert Hemminger

    Some art by Sade, LPJ and Art Fant


    Musing of the Avalon Stogie .................................................................................................

    Behind the Game,

    Magic ….......................................................................................................................

    Coral Throne

    Interlude XVII .............................................................................................................

    Eternal Cycle Excerpt ..........................................................................................................

    Avalon Pathfinder ................................................................................................................

    Multi-Verse …………,,,…….…………....................................................................................

    Dept 13 Comic, Issue #11 ……………………………..……………………………………..…..

    Artist Spotlight .....................................................................................................................

    Battle Axe .............................................................................................................................

    Avalon Models ...................................................................................................................

    Arcana ………………………………………………………………………………………………Reviews ..................................................................................................................................

    Cool Stuff ...............................................................................................................................

    Whats New ............................................................................................................................

    Free Stuff ………………………………………………………………………………..……….…. 

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Why I love Fantasy Art more than Sci-Fi? It’s hard to say at times, but I do. Give me a big barbarian swinging a sw

    ith a half nude woman by his side any day. Ya the Frazetta fan in me still sweats when I see one of his images.

    arships and space bugs are fine but I flip over dragons and elves, demons and witches. Wizards are a favorite of m

    antasy opens more doors in my imagination than Sci-Fi. Maybe it's because I find Sci-Fi to be too technical, too

    oted in the modern age and what we think the future will be. Fantasy is about myth, adventure and imagined terrors

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Magic: The Gathering

    Magic: The Gathering was the beast of the gaming market in the 90's. It

    spawned a whole new direction in gaming, which in turn led to a major burst i

    the market and the downfall of many gaming companies. Few survived the

    collapse of the card game boom, but Magic is still here, going strong.

    Magic is a collectible card game created by Richard Garfield and brought to th

    market in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast. Magic is the first example of the

    modern collectible card game genre and still thrives today, with approximately

    six million players in over seventy countries.

    Each game represents a battle between mighty wizards, known as "planeswalkers", who emplo

    the magical spells, items, and fantastic creatures depicted on individual Magic cards to defeat

    their opponents. Although the original concept of the game drew heavily from the motifs of

    traditional fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, the game play of Magic

    bears little similarity to pencil-and-paper adventure games, while having substantially more ca

    and more complex rules than many other card games.

    Good or bad, Magic had a huge impact on the gaming hobby, and still does today with WotC

    being a major player in RPGs because of their ownership of D&D. Unfortunately, it seems th

    Wizard's can only do card games well, with all of their other games often being miss marketed

    poorly presented. What the future will be for WotC is unclear, but Magic will remain a staple

    gaming for a long time to come.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    sadora stood on the dock as Sammual's ship was tied offnd the gang walk lowered. The first to step off the ship,

    e reached out to Isadora as she stood there and gave her

    deep, passionate kiss. Isadora fell into his arms, all her

    worries of the past week forgotten with her husbands

    mbrace. Kimn stepped off behind his prince and

    lapped Sammual on the back. “I’ll take care of things

    ere good man, you go make babies with your wife.”

    sadora rolled her eyes at the large man’s words, but

    hought the suggestion a sound one. Taking Sammual’s

    rm as the two of them walked towards the waitingarriage she smiled up at her husband. For all that had

    appened the past few days, she could not help herself at

    eing happy that he was back. She told Sammual of the

    vents of the past few days and her concerns over the

    ueen’s sudden lapse into unconsciousness as they settled

    nto the carriage.

    Could one of them have used their magic upon her?”

    he asked of Sammual as they rode along the city’s

    treets. She hated to even think it out loud, but the

    oncerns were heavy on her mind. The chief suspicioneing that one of the queen’s own children had silenced

    er before she could deliver the big announcement on the


    I doubt it,” Sammual said as he looked over towards

    sadora. “Our mother set wards upon herself years ago

    hat made her near invulnerable to magical attacks of that

    ort. Still I suppose it could be possible,” he admitted.

    It would be an easy thing to check. I am sure one of my

    iblings has already done so.”

    “What of poison or a drug, could they not have gotten

    her that way?” Isadora asked, reaching out to takeSammual’s hand.

    “Aye,” he said, “that would be more likely. It would

    be much easier to achieve with mother being ill and n

    on her guard. Such an attack would be much more

    difficult to detect I fear. Do you really think that moth

    has been laid low because she was going to announce

    who was to be the heir?” Sammual asked of Isadora a

    they sat there in the rocking carriage. He looked out t

    window as he sat there, worry on his face.

    Isadora moved to sit next to him and to comfort him a

    best she could. “I don’t know,” she confessed, “I fear

    this may have been the case. Your mother seemed qu

    alert and healthy just that very afternoon before her

    attack. The timing just seems to convenient to have

    taken place without someone being responsible for he

    demise.” She hated to think this way, but this seemed

    be how this family conducted itself and she had to sta

    bending her head around to that fact. She did not in

    general have a suspicious mind, but found she was

    learning fast. It was very possible that one of Katrenown children had poisoned their own mother. The wh

    affair these last few days could have been arranged in

    some way, maybe her entire illness over the last few

    years had been arranged.

    Isadora thought then to tell Sammual of the hidden do

    in the palace’s basement, but withh

    ld it in the end, not wanting to add too his already hea

    burden. No, that mystery she would continue to

    investigate on her own. At least for now she said to


    Coral Throne

    Chapter XVII

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    t then occurred to her as they neared the palace, Katren

    had been growing weaker over a period of some years.

    During that whole time Lessiter had been her physician,

    offering potions to ease her pain and to help her sleep.

    Could he not have used those self same brews to weaken

    her instead? She already suspected Lessiter of plotting

    with Kimn in some way, and now her concerns about the

    man and his motives continued to grow. She would have

    o find a way to investigate the notion more, but wasunsure yet just how to go about it.


    After the two of them arrived at the place, they headed

    ight away to the queen’s rooms, there to visit her as she

    ay comatose in her bed, Sammual checking then and

    here whether she had been harmed by magical means.

    He concluded that it was not a magical affliction in

    nature, nor some spell or ward having been cast upon her.

    He did not though rule out poison or some othermundane, non-magical means. As they both stood there,

    sadora looked over at the small table next to the bed and

    he small vials that stood there. The same vials she had

    used to mixed a draft for the queen. While all the others

    alked and worried about the queen, she made a fast

    decision and took one of the vials, tucking it into her belt

    pouch. The queen had gone through several over the last

    ew weeks so Isadora figured one more would not be

    missed. She hoped everyone would just assume that it

    had been used and discarded.

    Sammual and Isadora then returned to their apartment

    nd spent the rest of the day in bed, returning to their

    ove making as they had once engaged upon the ship that

    brought them to Avieragon. Their sex was passionate

    nd deep it leaving each full of love for the other.

    Afterwards they lay exhausted, naked in the rumbled

    heet next to each other, breathing hard and drinking wa-

    ered down wine to cool off.

    Turning over and running her hands over Sammual's firm

    eg, Isadora smiled up at him, her head pillowed on his

    hip. “What news of the pirates?” She asked lazily, not

    ure she even cared at this moment if the southern scum

    were on the very doorstep to their room.

    They have their fleet ready I fear, and sail even now

    owards us,” Sammual replied. “I give them a few days

    t the most and they will be within sight. Our battle with

    hem will take place sometime next week.” The reality

    of the situation then returned to the both of them.

    sadora chided herself for spoiling the moment, but now


    it was a reality she leaped in full and ready. Sitting up

    she looked Sammual in the eyes. “Before you say no, I

    want to explain.”

    “Explain what,” he asked, a puzzled look on his face.

    “I want to be on the ship beside you when you go intobattle.” Before he could utter a word Isadora shushed

    him. “Wait,” she said, “you should have me on board fo

    several reasons, but the only one I am concerned with is

    you can’t swing a sword for shit.”

    Sammual began to protest but Isadora cut him off once

    more. “Don’t you give me no excuses, I’ve seen you

    swing a sword, you’re terrible at it. I don’t care if you

    are the best magician in the realm, you’re no warrior, yo

    need me there beside you, too keep you safe.”

    Sammual smiled at this. He had seen her cut down mor

    then one man and knew she was both capable and willin

    to kill in a fight. “I’m sorry, but you know I cannot do

    that,” Sammual said. Isadora began to protest, but this

    time Sammual cut her off.

    “No, you have to stay here, that's the way of it,” he said

    “The scandal it would cause if I brought you on board

    and sailed to war with you by my side would be too

    great. I know you don’t care one hell about what others

    think or say, but I have too, especially now with motherill and unable to declare the succession. I fear it will

    come down to a noble council and their vote on who wi

    rule after mother dies. I will need all the support I can

    gather to hold Maxis at bay in such a gathering. Having

    talk about you swinging a sword in battle beside me

    would be too great a distraction for such a council. It

    would be the end of any chance I had for the crown.”

    “You have said over and over you did not want the

    crown,” Isadora pouted. “Now you are telling me you

    do?” She knew it was unbecoming and silly, but shecould not help herself as she sat there next to him,

    sulking like some spoiled little child.

    “I cannot chance Maxis gaining it, not now,” he said.

    “Why, he seems a capable man?” Isadora asked. “I kno

    he is your rival, but he has so far shown too be both clea

    and fair in his judgment. Let him hold the crown, you

    can then live your life as you see fit.”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    No, I have become convinced that it was Maxis that

    ummoned the demon,” Sammual offered in defense. “It

    was he or one of his allies that was behind the demon’s

    ttack at the reception. I cannot allow such a man to sit

    he thrown. I have to stop him.”

    What evidence do you have that it was him.”

    None I fear,” Sammual admitted. “If I did I would havead him placed in chains already. No, there is no

    vidence directly pointing towards him, but all else tells

    me he is behind it all. Maybe even mother’s current

    ondition. If she was going to declare me heir and he or

    ne of his agents had found out. Well they would not

    ave been above poisoning her to keep her quiet.”

    sadora rolled over and got up, walking over to put a slip

    n. “So then we are in a struggle with him no matter

    what. In the end it will be Maxis or you.”

    Aye I fear it will be so,” he said.

    You will have to kill him,” she said, shamed at the

    words as they came out of her mouth. “You cannot allow

    im to live to come back at you later.” She was not

    appy with the idea, but knew full well that you never

    eft an enemy defeated and alive. A dead enemy was

    ever a returning threat.

    Yes I know he will have to die to secure my rule,”

    ammual said. Laying back into the bed, closing hisyes as Isadora walked over to the archway leading out

    nto the balcony. Leaning there against the cool stone

    rch she watched the sun die as it fell into the sea.


    I still think I should be on board ship with you.” Still

    tubborn and wanting to be with Sammual she brought

    he subject up once more.

    We have gone over it all before dear, you have toemain here,” Sammual said. ”Beside who else do I have

    o keep an eye on things here at the palace while I am off

    ghting pirates.”

    You’re just humoring me now,” Isadora pouted, taking a

    ite of her baked fish. She figured she had eaten enough

    sh in the last few weeks to stuff a whale. She had

    lways like fish for a meal, but not every damn day.

    Pushing the half eaten meal aside she leaned back in her

    hair and watched Sammual devour his own meal. She


    always wondered at his huge appetite but after Martin

    explained the nature of the magic Sammual used, it h

    become clear now why Sammual filled his gut so mu

    All mages had to eat huge amounts of food to repleni

    their energies after they had finished creating a spell

    working some magic or another. Seemed like an unf

    way to keep the weight off she thought. Her own hip

    had put on a bit of fat since she had arrived in Aviera

    Course back home she spent most of her time stompiaround mountain passes on patrol, looking for danger

    threats to her father’s small realm. Here in Avieragon

    she had spent more time lying about and reading then

    anything else. At this rate Sammual would soon eno

    have a short, fat, plump little wife.

    “All right then, I’ll stay here, but I’m not happy abou

    she pouted. She at least gave up on trying to change

    mind. Sitting there she touched the small belt pouch

    her side. Within lay the small vial of medicine Lessi

    had mixed up for the queen. She meant to find out w

    it was, but was still not sure how to go about it.

    “Tell me dearest husband, is Lessiter the only one in

    family that has skill in mixing potions and the like?”

    Sammual eyed her a moment at the nature of the

    question, but then answered. “Well Ramona is quite

    skilled in such arts, but of course she is not here in

    Avieragon right now. Why do you ask? You thinkin

    having a potion mixed up?”

    “No, I already used a love potion on you.” She laugh

    tossing a dinner roll at him as she did so. Sammual

    caught the roll before it hit him in the face and took a

    large bite of it. Over a mouth full of bread he continu

    “Besides them two, I believe Tommus did some mino

    work in the field, but not very much. If you really ar

    interested in Alchemy, then you should find Master

    Martin; the man knows everything after all.”

    “Would you trust him, Martin that is?” She liked the

    wizard, but that did not mean she knew whether she

    could trust him or what role he would take with even


    “Aye, I trust him, he has always been like an uncle to

    all. Not a kinder or more generous man lives I think

    Sammual offered in praise of the old tutor.

    “Yes but who will he support in the struggle between

    and Maxis?”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    No one I would think. He has always stayed neutral in

    our family wars, I would assume he would serve

    aithfully whoever finally sits the thrown. Why all these

    question? Do you suspect the man in some way? He

    ould no more poison my mother then a dog can fly. It’s

    ust not in him,” Sammual offered as he finishing the roll

    with a final bite.

    No, I did not think he was behind anything, just

    hecking on who could have poisoned your mother, ifpoisoned she was.”

    Sammual eyed her then. “I don’t want you to go off

    onducting some investigation while I am at sea. Who

    knows what hornets nest you could stir up with such

    nooping,” warned Sammual's.

    I won’t get into trouble, I promise,” Isadora said,

    placing a hand over her heart.

    Sammual laughed at that. “Last time you promised noto get into trouble you beat Maxis up.”

    sadora smiled as well, tossing another roll. “I didn’t beat

    him up, just taught him how to lose a fight.”


    So what do we do?” Asked Tommus as he stood over

    he small table covered with maps and charts. Isadora sat

    n the corner once more as she had done last time the

    ealm held a council of war. Now there was a goodhandful more officers in the room, all crowding in to see

    nd hear what was being discussed.

    I think our initial plan is sound,” Maxis answered,

    three forces led by Bothus, Sammual and myself is still

    worthy and we should continue along those lines.” He

    ooked about the room at those present to gage their

    ommitment. Isadora had to admit that he generated a

    ompelling presence among these men. Maxis had the

    harisma and force of will to lead skilled warriors into

    battle, and have them lay down their lives for him shouldhe ask it of them. Shame I will have to kill him she


    She wished there was some other way, some chance to

    verting this civil war looming on the horizon. It was

    unny she thought, here they were all gathered to discuss

    threat to the realm, when the true danger lay not from

    outside foes, but from internal in fighting for the thrown.

    She came back to herself then as the discussion

    ontinued on, she having missed some of what was being


    “We still have too many unanswered questions I fear,”

    Bothus offered. “What is the size of their force? Wh

    were the pirates here to start with and for how long w

    they hiding out here on the island, not to mention


    Lessiter reported then that he and captain Jon had fou

    no clues to where the pirates had hidden themselves o

    what they had been up to.

    “I am afraid I was unable to gather much with my

    scouting of the pirate fleet either.” Sammual offered t

    those gathered. “Whoever this pirate king Wierling is

    has gained the service of one or more magicians,

    magicians skilled enough to block my divinations. I c

    only offer that their fleet is of good size and sailing no

    as we speak. I give them till the end of the week befo

    they are within sight of Avieragon.”

    Maxis stood there a moment and looked at all of those

    gathered. “Then we have no choice but to meet that flwith what we have. That and hope we can work our

    magic in some way to both counter their own magicia

    and still work enough damage upon their fleet to do so

    harm. Sammual, Jules and I shall begin to gather the

    needed energies and construct spells that might be of

    in the coming battle.” Maxis’ order brought from wit

    both Sammual and Jules a nod in agreement.

    “Meanwhile Lessiter and Julia will organize our other

    siblings in their work here. With our magic on the sea

    and more power waiting here at the palace, we should

    still be able to affect some of the outcome with ourmagic. They cannot have that many magicians on bo

    these pirate ships to counter all our might.”

    “What of the city?” One of the officers asked.

    Tommus then made an offer. “I can gather what mag

    there are among our nobles and see if we cannot set u

    some surprises should the pirates make a landing. It m

    not hold them back long, but it could aid should the

    battle reach our shores.”

    “Good suggestion,” Maxis praised his youngest broth

    “see what you can fashion. Have Captain Jon aid you


    Looking about the chamber Maxis smiled. “Well

    gentlemen,” he laughed, “it looks like we will have a

    of a fight on our hands, it should be quite the show. T

    will be all for now. I suggest that we launch our fleet

    later then two days from now, we wish to meet these

    pirates at sea, not in our harbor.”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    The meeting then broke up, officers rushing off to see to

    orders, Maxis and Bothus speaking together in the

    orner. Sammual was busy talking to Kimn and some of

    his officers, so Isadora walked out into the less crowed

    hall to wait. Tommus walked out soon after, chest puffed

    up like some peacock.

    sadora smiled, holding back a small giggle. “Well it

    would seem that you will defend the city,” she observed,

    rying to be serious as he pranced about.

    Well of course,” Tommus said, a smile on his face.

    Who better then the best man for the job, that being me

    of course.” He laughed and leaned over to Isadora’s ear.

    Course it’s much safer in the middle of the city then on

    ome boat facing blood thirsty pirates. I think I have

    picked a good spot to wait out the fighting,” he said a

    huge smile pasted on his face the whole time.


    Sammual kissed her one last time and then walked up the

    gangway to the ship tied before the dock. Isadora

    watched as the sailors untied the ship, raised the anchor

    nd set sail. Standing there she looked on as her husband

    ailed off to war, she remaining behind. Isadora was not

    used to the feelings welling up within her, she had

    lways been the one ridding off to battle. She had

    watched time an again as warriors riding with her

    topped to hugged their wives and children good-bye and

    only then starting off for war. She had never known till

    now what those left behind had felt. The fear, dread andworry that came with standing alone as your loved one

    eft to face danger and possible death. Would he return?

    Would he be hurt, maimed, changed? Would he still love

    me when he comes home, if he even comes home.

    Isadora stood on the dock watching as the ship her

    husband commanded turned and headed out of the

    harbor, the statues of the brother kings watching over

    small ship as it pasted their feet. Kimn stood next to

    Sammual as they sailed away. She thought to herself

    should be standing next to Sammual, not that fat bast

    She had her concerns about Kimn; she had spied him

    Lessiter in the garden that night, but not what they ha

    argued about. Could Kimn be involved in some plot

    Lessiter's. Both had lied to her about their meeting th

    night in the garden under the balcony. Kimn, when s

    had finally tracked him down, had played it all off as

    some fight over a gambling debt. This of course did

    go along with Lessiter’s own excuse of never having

    meeting at all with Kimn. She was not sure, but thou

    Sammual's brother could be the one behind the queen

    recent demise. She had no proof, gods, she was not e

    sure there was a plot. This island realm had effected

    greatly it seemed she laughed to herself. Here she wa

    watching her man leave for war and she was fretting

    about invisible plots and kin scheming plots that may

    even be in the works.

    “Then stop fretting and go find out,” she said out loud

    herself. She then turned and entered the carriage,

    heading back to the palace.

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Servants of Gaius

    Unravel sacred mysteries and explore the empire in this unique alternate Roman history setting where amad emperor is savior of the world.


    As Neptune’s armies threaten the empire, Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus ("Caligula") creates a

    secret order to root them out.

    The Servants of Gaius come from all the ranks of the Empire, chosen by the divine emperor himself. In

    their quest to save Rome they face dark cults, backstabbing politicians and even the gods themselves.

    Servants of Gaius is a game of intrigue and investigation. It comes with a complete alternate history

    setting but is perfect for any Roman campaign. The book includes:


    A complete and flexible rules system

    An overview of Roman society and government during the early empire

    Stats for important historical characters

    Monsters and other supernatural threats

     Rules for gods and rituals

     A map of the Roman world in 38 AD

    BedRock Games will have a new

    product out soon...

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Yer kin send ye greetin’s, Cliodna,” the Sidhe started,

    s he ventured into the alley between the pub and the

    pawnshop, “an’ I add mine—Demne o’ Temuir asks

    eave to enter yer domain.”

    Enter freely, Demne, an’ count yerself both kith an’

    kin.” Maggie answered, fighting to hide her animosity

    nd slight unease as she ended the formalities. “I’ve

    gotten used to all callin’ me Maggie, so ye might usehat name, as well. No use confusin’ myself.” She

    orced a grin and motioned him to step through the

    door before her. “Up the stairs until ye canna go any

    urther, then open the door before ye. ’Tis such a

    ovely night, I thought we’d enjoy it on the roof.”

    f Demne found this odd, he made no comment. In

    ilence, they made their way to the rooftop, Maggie

    railing tendrils of power, almost eager for the man to

    give her a reason to defend herself. Miach may be

    onfident the Unseelie would not strike another Sidhe,but Maggie herself trusted nothing about them.

    Besides, Sheridan had never been avenged.

    The night truly was glorious. Wisps of cloud drifted

    past a near full moon and a light breeze blew just

    nough to ruffle their hair. Few stars could be seen

    rom the midst of the city, but the Sidhe could hear

    heir astral song just the same. Repressing her black

    houghts, Maggie led the way to the small rooftop

    garden she nurtured in pots and raised beds of soil. She

    would learn nothing by antagonizing Demne; he’dlready proven his power and skill by successfully

    loaking his nature around Molly, so it was unlikely

    he could force his hand. This one would betray

    nothing he did not already intend to. But still, the right

    tmosphere could help, or so she hoped. And thus their

    meeting in her little aerial garden. It wasn’t much, for

    he didn’t have the time to tend the type of spread

    he’d care to have, but at least it alleviated the sense of

    concrete and mortar world that sometimes

    overwhelmed her. Now all it needed to do was put

    Demne at his own ease.

    “Can I get ye somethin’ to drink? Or maybe ye’re


    “No. Molly’s a good one for hospitality.” Demne smi

    wryly as he ignored the lounge and bench and lowere

    himself to the roof itself, close to where she sat.

    At the mention of her neighbor, Maggie was dying to

    ask how Demne had cloaked his nature. But it would

    foolish to do so. One did not trade secrets with the lik

    of the Unseelie Court. They chatted a while on

    inconsequential matters, such as the pawnshop and

    living in America, the changes in Eire over the past tw

    hundred years and the quality of the produce this yea

    at the Union Square Farmer’s Market. Maggie thoug

    she would go mad with the senseless chatter, until it

    ended abruptly.

    An Excerpt from

    Danielle Ackley-McPhail’s

    Yesterday’s Dreams

    Book One in the Eternal Cycle Series

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    So, what was she to do now? He had diverted all her

    pleasantries and exhausted the small talk, yet she was

    no closer to figuring out what he was doing there. To

    probe his thoughts would be folly; he was much too

    powerful. Nothing he had said betrayed him. Maggie

    could make no sense of it. Well, perhaps she would

    actually get somewhere by asking.

    “The clouds have carried ye far from the land we call

    our own. Is anythin’ wrong?”

    “Do ye mean beyond the anguish o’ Celt harmin’ Celt

    an’ the Sidhe caught between? ’Tis enough. An’ thin’s

    are gettin’ worse. They do’na understand, they’re

    tearin’ Eire apart.” Demne sighed and laid his head

    back against the cool brick of the parapet wall. “It

    does’na help that some o’ our own goad them into

    more violence.”

    His answer took her by surprise and set her even more

    on guard. One would think he actually cared about themortal inhabitants of Ireland. But the made

    no sense. Was he attempting to mask from her his

    intentions? And yet he did not bother to hide the mark

    of the Unseelie...Surely that would have been the first

    thing he would have done if he intended to deceive


    Nothing was adding up.

    “But why does that brin’ ye to this shore? To what

    purpose are....” Maggie did not get to finish. As shedoggedly sought to draw out his secrets, a shaft of pain

    seared her from heel to head. It was brief, but

    stunning. She braced herself and her eyes snapped

    shut. If she had been standing, she would have


    “Are ye alright?”

    As through a haze, she could hear the concern in his

    voice, but she could not answer. Not right away, at any

    rate. Sucking in a quick, ragged breath, she resettledher focus and sought the source of the sudden agony.

    If she hadn’t been so distracted by the enigma beside

    her she would have realized right away that what she’d

    experienced was a breach in the defenses she’d helped

    erect around Miach’s clinic. She could kick herself! It

    was so obvious.

    With extreme effort, she buried her intense anger at

    herself and the man beside her. She was such a fool!

    Demne was a distraction. For some reason theUnseelie must have decided to claim for their cause

    the ancient treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan, for sur

    they weren’t here to interfere with the guardians’ effo

    to aid the needy mortals of this city. It seemed clear t

    her that Demne’s only purpose had been to keep her

    occupied so that she could not come to the others’ aid

    “Maggie! Will ye na tell me what troubles ye?”

    She shrugged off his hand and cast her thoughts towaMiach’s clinic. She must know what was happening.

    had to know if he needed her. If her visit were even

    remotely the cause of her fellow guardian’s troubles,

    Maggie would never forgive herself.

    As she pondered her dilemma—to go and help or stay

    and fortify her own position—she began to notice the

    renewed silence surrounding her. Demne had given u

    on his questions. He sat beside her, an intent look upo

    his face. That was when she felt his thoughts reach ou

    and brush against her own. Maggie recoiled with a higlaring at him, and all her suspicions flared with full

    force. This was not soul-speech, but clearly a probing

    violation of her thoughts...her trust...well, in theory

    anyway, as she had not trusted him even before this

    violation of etiquette.

    “Here, an’ what do ye think yer about, then?” Her eye

    flashed as she drew her defenses more securely about

    her. “Have ye mistaken givin’ ye leave to enter my ho

    for givin’ ye leave to intrude on my thoughts? I think

    best go.”

    When he merely stared at her, his features artfully

    distressed, Maggie ground her teeth. Did he think her

    fool? Let him; her inner alarms screamed “Unseelie

    Treachery!” and she was not about to ignore the

    warning. She betrayed none of this in her expression.

    “Good night.”

    He looked about to argue with her, clearly taken back

    the simmering fury in her voice. Perhaps her expressiwarned him how inadvisable that would be, for he sai

    not a word as he turned and descended from the rooft

    and out the alleyway, Maggie on his heels. She broug

    her shields to full force behind them and with a thoug

    wiped away the allowances that granted Demne

    entrance. As she watched him leave from the shelter o

    her precious rowan tree, Maggie was torn. What shou

    she do? Her place was here, guarding her charge, but

    Miach was clearly beset and part of Maggie’s duties o

    this side of the ocean was to aid her fellow guardians

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    *Miach?* Despite her turmoil, Maggie’s thoughts had

    never been more focused as she tried to soul-speak her

    friend. *Come on, Miach...give me somethin’ to know

    yer there, at least.* Utter silence was the only

    esponse; she could not even catch a glimmer of his

    awareness. “Dread” far too weakly described what she

    felt in that instance.

    She really had no other choice then.

    Triggering her most rigid defenses, Maggie

    ransformed Yesterday’s Dreams into an impenetrable

    box. Even she could not enter at this point, not until

    he brought the shields down, which would not happen

    until she knew the danger was past. She then slipped

    nto the alleyway. With a flicker of thought, a mere

    nothing, she threw up a glamory even Molly would not

    ee beyond and moved briskly to the far corner, where

    her neighbor would be less likely to see her should the

    llusion fail. Maggie did not have the time to traverse

    even the short distance between here and the clinic in aconventional manner, not when she did not know what

    means of attack her kin faced. Besides, approaching

    from the street would be foolhardy. She needed an

    nstantaneous doorway into the heart of Miach’s

    domain. Her own participation in erecting his defenses

    gave her the key, but what would she encounter on the

    other end?


    Maggie’s ears were assaulted as screams and roars andmoaning cries broke through the lingering silence of

    he void she just left. Next was her nose, which could

    already distinguish the pong of terror and the sickly

    weet stench of spilt blood. But none of it set her

    aging more than the wispy tendrils of smoke that

    eeped from the reception area, or the bewildered

    homeless lain out in the back hallway. None of them

    eemed to be fatalities, but she didn’t exactly have the

    ime or skill to confirm her initial impression.

    The sounds, the smells, the sights, while appropriate tohe field of battle, were distinctly out of character for a

    place of healing. Something had obviously gone

    wrong, but what? Something distinctly magical had

    ripped her alarms, yet the sight before her was more

    eminiscent of a gang war. Whatever had happened,

    he couldn’t take the chance of causing it to spread.

    Maggie dove through her temporary portal and utterly

    hredded its weave behind her. She couldn’t allow

    anything through to her own quiet, sheltered domain.

    Better to find another way home, than to shatter her

    neighbors’ peace.

    “ ’Tis about time ye joined the fun.”

    Maggie spun about, a whip of energy at the ready. Sh

    did not stand it down upon identifying her fellow

    guardian, Cian. With a quick glance she took in his

    seared cheek and singed hair. His silk shirt was torn a

    bloody from his collarbone up over his shoulder and

    hand bore signs of having been gnawed on.

    “Looks like ye’ve had enough fun for the lot o’ us.” S

    followed his bantering cue, but her voice was taut. “D

    ye na get enough at yer own place, but ye had to pop

    here as well?” Cian merely grimaced at the reminder

    his recent troubles, so Maggie continued. “Would ye

    care to be tellin’ me what happened?”

    A dark glimmer of grimness deepened the green of

    Cian’s eyes as he answered. “Why, I figured on comin

    in the front door when I answered the summons, is alan’ started helpin’ a few wounded inside. As for the

    attack, you know as much as I; that there was one.”

     “Where is Miach?”

    “I expect out front, seein’ his uninvited guests receive

    proper greetin’ an’ showin’ them the door besides. He

    sent me back here to protect his pets.”

    There was no malice Maggie could detect in Cian’s

    comment, but there was frustration that he was not onthe forefront of the defenses. And there was that guilt

    She nodded her thanks and sympathy and made her w

    carefully past the wounded. As she entered the public

    area of the clinic, she could see that the smoke came

    from smoldering sections of the wall that glittered ev

    as she watched. Someone was putting out the flames

    with a bit of magery.

    Making sure her personal shields were at full force,

    Maggie scanned the room, trying to make sense of thchaos. Inside she got the impression that four homele

    persons of indistinguishable gender were on a rampa

    only something wasn’t quite right. She could see terr

    in their eyes, but malevolence in their smiles. Each of

    them was wreathed in shadow. She didn’t recognize t

    aura, but it appeared they struggled as much with an

    internal battle as they did with the physical fighting.

    Miach and a number of the other guardians had thing

    well in hand here. She would not distract them.

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    Next her gaze traveled past the plate-glass of the front

    façade; what she saw lashed her emotions into a

    whirlwind. Fear, guilt, rage, wrath...all pounded

    against her skin from the inside. There were more

    berserk homeless out front—about six of them faced

    off against the rest of the New York Sidhe, drawing a

    crowd besides—but this was not what had her teeth

    clenched or her blood burning. Standing across thetreet, with mage energy balled around his fists and his

    expression flat and focused, was Demne.

    NO! She had led him right here! Whether he had

    followed her trail or tailed her earlier, she had led him

    o one of the very places she least wanted him to

    discover. The Unseelie tattoo glowed darkly in her

    ight and Maggie could feel the local magics flood her

    awareness as she continued to draw them to her

    without conscious thought. In her mind she hummed a

    battle tune and readied herself to stand against thentruder and his minions.

    Moving with calm purpose to the door of the clinic, all

    else faded from her focus; there were no hag-ridden

    homeless, there were no wounded huddling upon the

    ground or gasps from the growing crowd, no patrol

    cars blocked the road and no policemen calling out for

    he violence to stop. None of it existed for her. For

    Maggie, there was only Demne and her own guilt in

    eading him here, by whatever means he managed it.

    She marched past the skirmishes taking place on theidewalk and she evaded the restraining hands of the

    authorities. Maggie stopped in the middle of the street

    and continued to call the magics to her.

    “Ye do’na belong here spreadin’ yer wickedness!

    Nothin’ within these walls is for the likes o’ yer kind.”

    Maggie heard her own voice rumble in her head and

    out like a wave. It echoed in her thoughts and off the

    urrounding buildings. It was a voice that could, in that

    moment, change reality with the weight of her will

    behind it. All she had to do was unleash the power.The Unseelie would do no more harm. “Away with ye,

    before I help ye along!”

    She watched Demne closely as her words slammed

    nto him, saw the confusion in the dip of his brow and

    he hesitation as the energy he’d been about to release

    was stayed for a fraction of a moment, but only for a

    moment. The intensity of his eyes nearly caused her to

    way; his fury matched her own, as did his

    determination. Damn if he wasn’t going to attack her

    now! So much for Miach’s insistence that the Unseelie

    would do no harm to those of Sidhe blood! Shoring up

    her shields with just a touch of the power she had

    gathered, she readied the rest for her own attack.

    “Maggie! Stay yer hand!”

    The cry came from behind her, the familiar voice barelypiercing the intense focus that gripped her. Her instinct

    to obey clashed mightily with her instinct to defend. He

    body trembled and her head pounded. She had gathered

    so much power that it must find release and there was

    only one target upon which she wanted to loose it.

    Why?! Why should she stay her hand? This man was

    obviously a threat; just look at the horror the clinic had

    become, look at the wounded and the damage. Only one

    thing inside would draw such an attack, and none of

    them could allow it to fall into such evil hands.

    Maggie felt the barely harnessed power surge against he

    grip. She’d already given it focus with her thoughts; it

    only sought to obey. More voices cried out, but there

    was no sense in what they said. It was all just noise,

    inside and out. She must release the power.

    Suddenly calm tranquility settled like a blanket around

    her. She could feel strong, but gentle arms wrapping her

    from behind and only Miach’s mental reassurance saved

    him from losing them.

    *Drain it away, Cliodna, do’na strike down one innocen

    o’ the crimes ye place at his feet.* Miach’s thoughts

    were a soothing balm and though she did not know wha

    he meant, she could not fight him.

    It was a good thing he held her with his arms as much a

    he held her with his power. The moment she obediently

    released the energy she had gathered, her legs folded

    beneath her and her vision dimmed. The power had bee

    so much more than her own that she felt diminished, if

    only for a moment. But she had no time to recover; evenas she found her balance, once more a cry of rage rang

    out and behind it rose a wave of anger that felt all too


    Things happened so quickly. All around her, the

    homeless and the gawkers collapsed or threw themselve

    to the ground, and from different directions two vast

    flows of mage energy converged upon the clinic; one

    burned with red-black flames and stung like acid in its

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    wake, the other was a blinding white balm. Of the two,

    he dark wave stood not a chance. As Maggie lay

    tunned upon the ground, borne down by Miach’s

    weight, she blinked in confusion. Demne rushed to her

    ide, his eyes wide with horror and his hands still

    himmering in an ivory glow. With each step he took

    closer, the darkness fled further away.


    Maggie glared at both Miach and Demne from across

    he crowded examination room. With twelve of them

    queezed in the tiny space, they were all close enough

    hat she could do so without even turning her head or

    hifting her gaze. They were here to discuss what had

    happened and this was the only place large enough to

    hold them all. At least it offered some privacy from the

    poor, confused souls recovering all over the clinic.

    The wounded had been seen to and the memory of the

    afternoon’s events “blurred” in the minds of all

    mortals who happened to watch on—a thing the Sidhe

    found distasteful, but necessary to all concerned—and

    now the Sidhe had to sort things out to safeguard

    against any future incidents. Only no one seemed

    nclined to speak. Maggie could contain herself no


    “Would one o’ ye care to explain what the hell

    happened here?” Her outbreak was met for a moment

    by more silence, as if none of them wanted to consider

    he matter. On every face except Miach’s and Demne’s

    here was a hint of chagrin. On Cian’s the guilt was

    more evident than ever. Slowly all eyes turned to


    “Ye ken we open the clinic to those homeless without

    helter for the night, after we close. Tonight we had

    quite number o’ them waitin’ to see if there was

    oom.” His voice was calm and matter-of-fact and

    Maggie marveled that he could talk about the

    evening’s occurrence with such serenity. “At first there

    was nothin’ amiss, but soon a squabble broke out.

    “We thought it was a simple matter requirin’ naught

    but an intervention; instead it became brutal.” His tone

    may have been even, but as he spoke, Miach’s

    expression grew grim. “One o’ those fightin’ tried to

    flee inside the clinic, only to be thrown back by the

    magical wards. The rest went wild until many lay

    wounded upon the ground.”

    “An’ how did they make it past the defenses, then?”

    Maggie asked. She did not miss it when Cian’s jaw

    tensed at her question. It was he who answered her.

    “We all o’ us felt the call to come once the shields

    repelled the intruders, triggered by the magic binding

    them, but only too late did we understand. We assumethe homeless were innocent victims o’ a mage assault

    aimed at us, only it turns out they were the assault.”

    “I do’na understand....”

    “Some o’ the homeless were possessed of

    demonics...only na realizin’ this, I pulled them to safe

    along with those untouched.... By drawin’ them in

    myself I gave them a way through the defenses.” Cian

    eyes were haunted by the truth of his words.

    “Could ye na tell when ye touched them?” There was

    something of exasperation in Maggie’s tone that she

    could not suppress, “We’re none o’ us half-trained


    “That’ll be enough o’ that, Maggie.” Demne’s rebuke

    was swift and startling, “The possessed were shielded

    None knew the truth until they were already inside.”

    His intervention made Maggie seethe. What right had

    to reprimand her? What was he even doing here? Had followed her? She couldn’t help wondering again. Or

    had he plucked the information out of her mind back a

    Yesterday’s Dreams when he took the liberty of brush

    his thoughts with her? Either way, she bore the guilt o

    drawing him here and regardless of whatever had cau

    Miach to stay her hand she did not trust this man.

    “An’ who in the name o’ the Mother Goddess are ye th

    ye bear such a black mark on yer skin an’ yer soul, yet

    Miach would have me spare ye? How is it that ye pass

    the shields yerself?”

    “A black mark upon my soul? Does this look black?”

    Demne answered her in deceptively soft tones, his eye

    glittering as he crossed the short distance to her. She

    could not look away and as he drew closer, his intent

    gaze pulled her in until it seemed to her that she share

    his skin. It was as if her very spirit was drawn into the

    heart of a fire, but one pure and golden-white, like the

    mage energy that had just an hour ago saved them all.

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    Though the sound was far distant from her awareness,

    she was sure she groaned...feared that she whimpered,

    but only a moment. Why should she cower? Whether

    dark or light, this man was but another Sidhe: older,

    certainly...more skilled, perhaps, yet still just a Sidhe.

    What had she to fear from kin?

    She was lost in the mingling of souls for but an instant

    before Demne drew back enough that the world once

    again surrounded them both. Maggie noted he did not

    relinquish the link that joined them.

    “Does it?” he whispered.

    “No...” her answer came out breathy but certain. There

    was no way she could honestly claim there was any

    darkness in his being. And still, she could not help but

    reach up and touch the mark behind his ear. “But what

    o’ this? I know what it stands for.... I have seen thisbefore on one with a soul black as pitch. What makes

    ye different when ye both hold to this?”

    “Ah!” Demne murmured and Maggie saw the

    understanding in his eyes. “ ’Twas this that has set ye

    against me? What ken ye o’ this symbol?”

    “ ’Tis the mark o’ the Unseelie Court.”

    “After a fashion, but what else?”

    Maggie drew a sharp breath and felt her temper rise.

    Did he toy with her? “I know nothin’ more than that.”

    “This was’na always a mark o’ pure blood an’ a black

    heart.” Demne raised his voice, speaking to all in the

    room. Maggie could see that her words had brought

    doubt to all their eyes. “I have been upon this earth for

    millennia, well before the Unseelie Court was ever

    conceived. What ye see beneath my right ear is the

    ancient mark o’ a warrior sworn to the Mother God-

    dess, a mark received by Danu’s very hand as shecharged us to rescue the fallen from the ancient lands

    our kind once called home. I am a Soul Savior, one o’

    the last.”

    “But that is the mark I saw!”

    “Is it? Are ye sure?” Demne returned his unwavering

    gaze to her and Maggie felt her own conviction sway.

    “Shall I show ye what ye saw?”

    He, this insufferable, arrogant, cocky ancient, would n

    daunt her! Maggie met his gaze and lifted her chin in

    challenge. As he prodded her thoughts with his own

    mind across the link he’d held open, Maggie felt her

    breath quicken. It felt so right, no matter that all he

    sought to do was put down her claim; his soul was like

    silk against her awareness, the subtle friction setting o

    tiny sparks along every nerve. His mental search was

    pure distraction in itself.

    And then it was before her, in her mind’s eye, the proohe sought. The memory surrounded her like a fun-hou

    mirror, only without distortion. She could see once mo

    the tattoo of the moon-maiden as if the woman hovere

    right before her. Likewise, as her true eyes focused, sh

    could see Demne angle his neck to give her an

    unobstructed view of his own symbol. They were clos

    there was no denying that. None could blame Maggie

    believing them one and the same. Yet where Demne’s

    was all rounded edges and graceful arcs, and located

    beneath the right ear, the moon-maiden’s was all sharp

    points and lines, and beneath the left. There was oneother difference; of its own volition, Maggie’s hand

    reached up to trace the outline of a heart at the center o

    Demne’s spirals. It was open and perfect and pure. In

    memory, she could see that the heart at the center of th

    woman’s tattoo was red-black in color and pierced by


    As Demne gently withdrew from her mind, openly

    relinquishing his mental grip upon her, Maggie felt a

    keen loss and could not help but look at him in

    bewilderment. She blinked it away and met his gaze.“Forgive me, I allowed my own prejudice to cloud my

     judgment. I have never sensed the darkness in ye that

    found in her. I would have seen that if I was’na blinde

    by intolerance.”

    His smile was like sunshine. She found herself turning

    toward it like a flower.

    The Eternal Cycle Series

    Yesterday’s Dreams

    Tomorrow’s Memories

    Today’s Promise

    Coming May 2012 from Dark

    Quest Books!

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Heroes Wear Masks

    Over the next few months we will be taking a peek at our upcoming Pathfinder base

    Super Hero System. Here is a look at one of the core classes, the Brick.

    BrickThe thick of battle is the mantra of the brick. They are the brute muscle of a super group.

    Physical strength and resistance to injury are the things that separate the brick from anyone



    Bricks excel in hand-to-hand combat, though throwing a car is not always out of the questio

    They will plow though anything that gets in the way and at times are very difficult to stop.

    Prerequisites: Strength of 14 or

    moreAlignment: Any

    Hit Die: D12

    Class Skills

    The Brick's class skills are Climb

    (Str), Intimidate (Str), Profession

    (Wis), Power Activation (Wis),

    Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis)

    and Swim (Str)

    Skills Points Per Level:  2 + Intmodifier

    Resource Points Per Level: 1

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    !"#"$ &'(" )**'+, -./* 0"1 23$$ 45"+3'$

    6  "# "$ "# "# Class Ability, New Power 

    7  "% "& "# "# Power Point, +1 Attribute

    8  "$ "& "% "% Bonus Feat

    9  "& "' "% "% Class Ability, +1 Attribute

    :  "& "' "% "% New Power, Power Point

    ;  "' "( "$ "$ Bonus Feat, +1 Attribute

    < "( "( "$ "$ Class Ability

    = ") *"% ") "$ "$ Power Point, +1 Attribute

    > ") * "% ") "& "& New Power, Class Ability

    6? "+ * "$ "+ "& "& +1 Attribute66 ", * "& "+ "& "& Power Point

    67   "- * "' ", "' "' Bonus Feat, +1 Attribute

    68   "- * "' ", "' "' Class Ability 

    69   "%# * "( "- "' "' Power Point, +1 Attribute 

    6:   "%% * ") * "% "- "( "( New Power, Bonus Feat

    6;   "%$ * "+ * "$ "%# "( "( Class Ability, +1 Attribute

    6<   "%$ * "+ * "$ "%# "( "( Power Point 

    6=   "%& * ", * "& "%% ") ") Bonus Feat, +1 Attribute

    6>   "%' * "- * "' "%% ") ") Class Ability

    7?   "%( * "%# * "( "%$ ") ") New Power, Power Point, +1 Attribute


    Class Features:

    The following are class features of the Brick.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: 

    A Brick is proficient with all simple weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) as well as shields.

    +1 Attribute:

    Each time the Brick gains this advantage; the Character may increase either their current strength or Constitution b

    +1. (Note that additional hit points gained by an increase in the constitution modifier are retroactive to the new leve


    Steamroller gains a new level and so adds +1 to his Constitution. This brings his Constitution modifier to a new

    level of +4. As Stream roller is now 5th level, he will gain +1 for all five levels since he went from +3 to +. His totpoints will increase by +5.

    Bonus Feat:

    The Character gains a new feat.

    Class Abilities:

    Pick one of the following when a class ability is gained with a new level. Some abilities will require that the

    character already have one or more abilities listed here, before the new ability may be taken. Some abilities may be

    taken more then once.


    The Character may ignore 2 points of Hardness when bending or braking objects.

    Built Tough:

    Gain DR 2 / -. This ability may be taken more then once, stacking the DR gained with each new pick. Note that thDR may stack with other DR gained from powers and feats.

    Crusher: (Requires Basher)

    The Character may ignore 4 points of Hardness when bending or braking objects. This will stack with the Basher


    Extreme Effort:

    Gain +2 to all strength based skill checks and strength checks.

    Hard Headed:

    The Character gain +1 hit point per level. This is in addition to any bonus gained from Constitution of other power

    of feats. You may take this ability more then once.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Mega Punch: (Requires Power Punch)

    The Character's unarmed attack damage is increased by +2 per level.

    Never Surrender:

    f the Character is brought to less then 5 hit points, you gain +1 to all attack and

    aving throws. You may take this ability more then once stacking the bonus

    gained. )Eh the second time you take the ability you gain +2 to the rolls, then

    +3, etc)

    Power Punch:

    The Character's unarmed attack damage is

    ncreased by +1 per level.Power Stomp:

    Each creature standing in the area

    10-ft.-radius spread) must make a DC

    5 Reflex save or fall down. In addition,

    hey will take 2d6 points of damage or

    d6 on a successful Reflex save.

    Structures in the area take 2d6+ level in

    damage, but their hardness still applies to the

    damage given to him.

    Second Wind:

    Usable once per scene. The Character may regain their youronstitution attribute, in hit points. You must use a full action to

    gain the effects of this ability.

    Super Effort: (Requires Extreme Effort)

    Gain +2 to all strength based skill checks and strength

    hecks. This will stack with Extreme effort bonus.

    Super Human Effort (Requires Super Effort)

    Gain +2 to all strength based skill checks and strength

    hecks. This will stack with Super Effort bonus,

    Super Punch: (Requires Mega Punch)

    The Character's unarmed attack damage is increased by +4

    per level.Unstoppable:

    Add +4 to all Bull Rush Attacks you make.

    Wreaking Ball: (Requires Crusher)

    The Character may ignore 6 points of Hardness when

    bending or braking objects. This will stack with the Crusher


    New Power:

    When a character gains a new power, they can either pick a

    new power at level one, or instead raise an existing power to a

    new level.Power Point:

    When a character gains a power point, they can raise an

    xisting power to a new level.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Steel & Glory Steampunk: Dr. Clockwork


    It is the year 1875 and the world's great powers are playing “the game of nations”: expanding their

    colonial empires by means both fair and foul. Weblike networks of spies, soldiers, and operatives

    span the world, doing the bidding of their respective crowns.

    A few clandestine groups, however, serve no crown nor any authority higher than themselves. Such

    an organization is the Clockwork Legion, a shadowy viper's nest of anarchists and evildoers

    dedicated to toppling governments and sowing discord across the globe.

    But there can be no shadow without light; while some secret cabals are dedicated to spreading terror,others work to uphold the common good. The Explorer Society is one of the latter, a confederation of

    scientists and adventurers pledged to stamp out evil and preserve the rule of law.

    On the Continent, the Clockwork Legion, led by the sinister Baron von Sturm,

    has enlisted the aid of the brilliant, half-mad British scientist Dr.

    Phineas Cloughton (a.k.a. “Dr. Clockwork”) to create not only an

    army of clockwork automatons, but also a doomsday weapon of

    terrifying power: the Kinetic Nullifier, capable of stopping all

    physical motion down to the atomic level. If mounted on a

    seagoing vessel, the cannon-like Nullifier would be able to

    neutralize an entire opposing navy by turning their ship'smetal hulls to ice, which would then shatter as a result

    of their own weight. Von Sturm and the beautiful Eva Richter

    plan to turn the weapon against the most powerful navy on earth

     – that of Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria of England.

    In London, Sir James Wyngate, head of the Explorer Society, learns of

    the Clockwork Legion's insidious plan. Wyngate enlists the aid of

    Britain's Captain Etheridge, American operative Zebulon

    Manning, and others in a mission to thwart von Sturm's

    plans and preserve the British Empire.

    This is the story of their struggle, with the ultimate fates

    of Great Britain and the United States of America

    hanging in the balance...

    You will find in this issue and the next few the cards and

    counters so you can play this great game by Steve Lopez.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Bad Baby Productions, 20112 Art and Story by Robert Hemm

    Best we find this psychic caller for help

    as fast as we can.

    Yes, the Gestapo will be on

    our heels soon enough.

    You think Maxx

    survived his fall from

    the train?

    I have to clue, but it

    would be best if we

    don't delay our


    Where do

    we start?

    I think we should talk to the local

    newspaper. If anything has taken

    place that is out of the norm, the

    editor of the local paper will have

    heard of it.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Hello, how may I

    help you?Good day sir. My

    secretary and I are

    searching for odd

    events to include in

    our travel journal.

    Well Roswell is a nice town, but

    nothing odd ever happens

    around here. Other then thatweather balloon.



    Yes the authorities say a weather

    balloon crashed out in the desert

    a few days ago. 



    Off to the Desert

    I think.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26




    balloon my

    butt. Look

    over there.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


     Well you said it felt alien, this

    psychic mind you experienced. Ya but I didn't

    think little green

    men alien.

    We must get down

    there and discover

    what they have found.

    I'm sure I can get you to look like a

    Nazi scientist, and me your trusty,

    young, beautiful assistant.

    Hum, yes, I'm sure the

    same plan we use will

    work time and time again.

    If it ain't broken

    as they say.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    In here.


    Help me


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Felipe GaonaWe have some great art for you this month from yet another great artist.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    I'm a freelance illustrator fr

    Santiago, Chile, I studied d

    and always tried to incorpo

    illustrations in my work, I

    realized then that my passio

    was to do art and not work design, I don't regret studyi

    design though, there's some

    basic knowledge about colo

    composition, and a lot of th

    that apply to illustration too

    the rest I've learned has bee

    self taught, reading books a

     just practicing.

    My first gigs as an illustrato

    were for a Chilean CCG caMitos y Leyendas (Myths &

    Legends), it was very popu

    around here, the other one w

    Legend of the Five Rings C

    I had a lot of luck getting in

    that one, and I still do work


    Right now I'm working for

    different small RPG compa

    and I have my regular workDevir Chile, the company t

    distributes Magic: The

    Gathering, D&D, FFG, etc.

    learned a lot about different

    and it's been a lot of fun, th

    best thing is that I was able

    meet R.K. Post, Jesper Ejsi

    and Steve Prescott who cam

    some Magic tournaments la

    year, they really helped me

    understand some things thabeen missing and I think I'v

    improved a lot thanks to the

    As for my work, is mostly

    digital and done in ArtRage

    I'm trying to shift towards

    acrylics like Jesper and Ste

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Thanks Felipe for letting all of us

    share in your great work.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    @A. .1 *B" B"'#C B3**"/( 3D *B" E'F" '/" *B" @/.$$(G H"/" A" B'#" 'D '/F./"I

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


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    +.F3DE 1/.F )#'$.DG 2" I. *B.PEB B.5" C.P +.D*3DP" *. 5$'C *B" E'F" 'DI *.

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Collage of War

    1: High Road

    2: Village

    3: Keep 



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    7  8 













    1: Trail to Village

    2: Gatehouse

    3: Courtyard

    4: Smithy, Kennels and Storage

    5: Barracks6: Stables

    7: Great Hall

    8: Kitchen

    9: Servants' Rooms

    10: Common Room

    11: Common Room

    12: Squire's Barracks

    13: Armory

    14: Squire's Barracks

    15: Common Room

    16: Knight's Rooms

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Become Fan of Avalon

    Games and join our

    Newsletter. In each issue we

    offer insights into Avalon

    Games, the people that make

    it a great little publisher and

    all sorts of free stuff, special

    offers and access to Fan

    Special Edition products. Go

    to our web site at, and

    sign up.

    !"#$ &'()' *'+#$

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    By Megan RobertsonSuffer the Witch: A Kiss My Axe Adventure

    From Purple Duck Games

    This, the first adventure for Kiss My Axe was,as the Introduction tells us, originally run

    several times by the author at Gen Con 2011,

    and has been modified based on feedback

    received. As a convention adventure,

    pre-generated characters are provided, but can

    easily be used with existing characters if


    On the face of it the plotline is simple, yet it

    has hidden complexities. The adventure opens

    with the characters shipwrecked near a remotevillage, and the plot revolves around them

    discovering the situation in the village and -

    hopefully - doing something about it. To start

    with, the GM is given not one but two versions

    of the background, giving him contrasting

    interpretations of the facts from the standpoint

    of two major protagonists. It's a neat way of

    both giving the GM scope to determine what is

    the 'truth' of the matter and providing detailed

    focussed information to use depending on

    which protagonist the characters happen to betalking to at the time! Unfortunately it's

    marred by a couple of critical typos, but it

    should not be too hard to see what ought to be


    Next comes a discussion on how to get the

    characters to the village and what they will

    find there. It's flexible, allowing you to draw

    out the player's ideas and build events more

    closely around the characters - especially

    useful if not using the pre-gens, but giving avibrant and real feel to any game. Once they

    arrive, there are plenty of suggestions about

    what will occur, all with a loose almost

    sandbox feel that will empower you to give

    realistic responses to character actions and

    words. The whole thing is very open-ended,

    too... it is up to the characters how they wish

    to resolve the situation that they find

    themselves in.

    The product rounds off with the main NPCs

    and the pre-gens, all with neat thumbnail

    sketches of both appearance and attitude as

    well as their statblocks, and maps of the

    village and surrounding area. Noting that he's

    not the world's best cartographer, the author

    says that they are more to help the GM

    visualise the scene than something to lay out

    on the tabletop - and he's right. Given the kind

    of resources available, it should not be toohard to make or find something more suited to

    your needs.

    Overall it is a nicely-constructed adventure

    with plenty of scope for both GM and

    characters to make it their own. It should fit

    into an evening's play, especially if you do not

    have to generate characters as well, and wouldserve as a good introduction to this game.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Cool Stuff Great Fantasy


    This time around we are going to give

    you a bunch of links to some great

    fantasy artists and their work.


    Michael Parks. One of my favorite

    artists, he does stuff that just blows my





    Jim Fitzpatrick does some of the best pen

    and ink work I have ever seen. Check

    out his work here:




    Philippe Druillet is a French artist, and

    his work has inspired many, including




    Then there is the art of Jean Giraud, or as

    he is more commonly known, Moebius:



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    "Now available on Kindle and

    other ebook formats!"

    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Book 1: Background and Spacecraft 

    Far Avalon

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing

    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Far AvalonBook 2: Star Systems

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing

    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Book 3: Conversion for  

    Far Avalon

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Pu

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Take the APMR and put a Super Hero

    spin on it and you get Super Brawl, the

    next great Mini-Game. Have a blast, well

    blasting your friends.


    No month is complete without someArcana, and we have a whole new Journal

    for you.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    More Figure Flats this month, with

    Dwarfs, Security Droids, Super Heroesand Alien Bugs.

    We also have Clip Art, Avalon Pathfinders, and all sorts of new stuff, so keep your

    gaming eye out for the goodies to come.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Book Two


    Book One


    Lets You Have It With Both Barrels!



    Book Three


    Series features stories by science fiction greats such as:

     Jack Campbell/John G. Hemry, Jack McDevitt, John C. Wright, Brenda Cooper,

    Bud Sparhawk, Charles E. Gannon, Lisanne Norman, Lawrence M. Schoen, Maria V.

    Snyder, Deborah Teramis Christian, Andy Remic, Lee C. Hillman, Jonathan Maberry,

     Judi Fleming, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Patrick Thomas, Phoebe Wray, James Chambers,

     Jeffrey Lyman, S.A. Bolich, James Daniel Ross, Nancy Jane Moore, Tony Ruggiero,

     Ann Wilkes, Kimberley Long-Ewing, Robert E. Waters, Jennifer Brozek, Laurie Gailunas,

     Jeff Young, and C.J. Henderson

    “Iit’s easy to imagine yourself at the off-base bar on a deep-space transfer station,

    overhearing the tales of passing space marines, naval officers, and assorted other soldiers.

    If you enjoy a well-told story in the military SF genre, this is the book for you.” 

    —Don Sakers, Analog 

    Introducing Books Three and Four in the Award-Winning

    Defending the Future Anthology Series

    Book Four


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26






    Life takes an interesting bend for Kara O’Keefe as

    the Tuatha de Danaan and their ancient enemies

    draw the lines of battle once more with Kara

    herself the unwitting prize...

    Dark Quest Books

    Some things are Eternal

    P r e - O r d e r  

    f r o m  t h e  D a r k 

    Q u e s t  W e b s i t e  a n d

    r e c e i v e  a  1 0 %  d i s c o u n t .P r o m o  C o d e D A M 1 0 

    Others were Never Meant to Be..

    *Including Yesterday’s Dreams, Tomorrow’s Memories, and Today’s Promise

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Sir James Wyngate(Explorer Society)

    Sir James Wyngate is an accomplished scientist and the founder of the Explorer Society. Wyngate hastraveled the known world and explored uncharted regions in his quest for knowledge to benefit

    mankind. But Wyngate also knows that others are not so altruistic and would use scientific knowledgefor sinister ends; thus he's founded the secret Explorer Society as a tool for combating evil wherever it

    is encountered.

    Cost: 10Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 2Speed: 5Movement: 4Adrenal: 6Will: 3Health: 14 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Inventive Mind (Move 2) – At a

    cost of 2 Adrenal and a Move action,Wyngate may "kit bash" a weapon which

    does a 3D6 attack against one target at arange of 4 squares. The weapon burns

    out (is considered destroyed)after one use.

    2- Clockwork Spotter (Move 1) – After playing an adrenal point, Wyngate may identify

    Automatons at a ten square range with asuccessful Will check (thus negating the

    Automaton's "Disguised" advantage and allowingcharacters friendly to Wyngate to attack it).

    3- Master of Electricity (Attack 3) – At thecost of 3 adrenal and a full activation, Wyngate

    may create an electrically charged attack, goodfor a single use. It creates a 3x3 square burst attack

    with a 6 square range, an AV of 4, and whichuses 3D6 for the attack roll.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Daphne Wyngate(Explorer Society)

    Daphne Wyngate is possessed of an uncommonly delicate, almost etherial beauty. Although she oftenuses her looks and charm to her advantage to (sometimes literally) disarm her foes, Daphne is no

    shrinking violet. She's robust and "outdoorsy", frequently accompanying her famous father, Sir JamesWyngate, on scientific expeditions to the far flung corners of the earth.

    Cost: 10Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 2Speed: 5Movement: 5Adrenal: 6Will: 5Health: 15 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Pistol – Range = 42- Charming (Special 2) – Daphne may pay

    2 Adrenal when she is attacked. Her attackermust pass a Will check; failure causes the

    attacker to lose that action as well as theremainder of that character's current activation.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Baron Erich von Sturm(Clockwork Legion)

    Baron Erich von Sturm is a Prussian nobleman and military officer well known for his cruelty (to both

    his enemies and to his own men). During a military ordnance test, von Sturm was caught in anexplosion (some say it was a booby trap deliberately set by one of his own men); the Baron lost bothlegs and his left arm in the blast, and part of his face was blown away. Fortunately for von Sturm, the

    disgruntled British scientist Phineas "Dr. Clockwork" Cloughton had left England and emigrated toBerlin to continue his work. Baron von Sturm became the doctor's new project. The deformed Baron

    was fitted with new clockwork limbs, plus a combination helmet and mask which covered his scarredface and gave him a fearsome appearance. von Sturm blamed English sabotage for the accident which

    had crippled, and responded to the affront (real or imagined -- who's to say?) by forming his own secretsociety dedicated to the overthrow of the British Empire.

    Cost: 25Attack: 3Defense: 5Strength: 4Speed: 7/2Movement: 3Adrenal: 8Will: 3Health: 20 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Sword – Provides -1 A.S. bonus

    when used ina melee attack.2- Terrifying Visage (Special 2) 

    -- pay 2 Adrenalto cause one opponent within 8 squares

    to make a Will check. Failure causesthat character to lose its entire

    next activation.3- Half Man, Half Clockwork (Special 1)

    -- after an opponent successfully hitsvon Sturm, he may pay 1 Adrenal to

    immediately roll 1D6 to try to reducethe damage. Results: 6=von Sturm is

    hit on his armor or a mechanicallimb and takes no damage;

    4-5=von Sturm takes 1/2 damage(rounded up); 6=von Sturm takes

    full damage from the attack.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26


    Dr. Phineas Cloughton ("Dr. Clockwork")(Clockwork Legion)

    British scientist Dr. Phineas Cloughton was always considered a little "off". Acknowledged as a brilliant physicist and mechanical engineer, Cloughton's bizarre idea of replacing human factory

    workers with mechanical counterparts was met with scorn and derision by his colleagues in theacademic community. Stung by their abuse, Cloughton traveled to Germany where his ideas were met

    with more acceptance (but with a twist, as certain Prussian militarists dreamed of devising a clockworkarmy, rather than a replacement for the civilian workforce). Cloughton's ideas passed the practical test

    when he designed and manufactured clockwork limbs for the deformed Baron von Sturm. Given freereign to continue to develop his ideas, Cloughton has created mechanical soldiers for von Sturm's

    Clockwork Legion, including automatons which (at a distance) pass for flesh and blood beings.Seduced by the Baron's promises of fame (and thus revenge upon the colleagues who spurned him),

    Cloughton has turned his attention to the creation of the ultimate weapon: a massive thermal nullifiercapable of destroying an entire naval fleet with a single blast.

    Cost: 10Attack: 5Defense: 3Strength: 2Speed: 7/5Movement: 5Adrenal: 6Will: 5Health: 10 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Aether Blaster – Range = 4 with a -1 A.S. bonus. Roll 1D6 after each use; on a roll of 1-2,

    the device burns out and may no longer be used this game.2- Mad as a March Hare (Special 1) -- pay 1

    Adrenal to reroll a failed Will test by Cloughton.May be used just once per Will test.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 26



    Henri Girard(Solo)

    Henri Girard is a Belgian criminal whose specialty is “playing both ends against the middle”. He isalways in search of profit and in a conflict will always ally himself with whichever side appears to offer

    Girard the most advantageous circumstance. Yet should the situation change, Girard won't hesitate tochange sides in an instant, stabbing his former allies in the back if necessary.

    Cost: 5Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 2Speed: 6Movement: 5Adrenal: 3Will: 5Health: 12

    Special Abilities:

    1- Treachery (Special) – Girard may pay

    3 Adrenal points at the game's start to begin the game adjacent to an opposing

    character. Girard's automatically acts before any oth