Download - FRBHO

  • Shop Name & Address : City :

    Date of Interview : Mobile / Ph No. : Name of the Investigator :

    Category & Brand UnderstandingGood Morning - I come from Adani Wilmar Limited.Would you please cooperate and answer the few questions we have to ask you.

    1 Do you have the following brands in your shop?

    Brand Name Brand 4

    2 List down the Rice bran Oil present at the shop along with the PTC?

    3 What is your understanding about the benefits of FRBHO?


    5 FRBO POP/POS was visible in the store? Yes No

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    6 Any other feedback about FRBHO

    Retailer Feedback on Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil

    Saffola Gold Sundrop Heart Fortune Rice Bran Health

    Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3

    Price To Consumer

    Statements Agree Disagree

    Highest cholesterol lowering oil: Heart friendly.

    Oryzanol: Improves HDL/LDL ratio. Healthier heart.

    Balanced PUFA/MUFA ratio: Cleaner blood vessels.

    Balanced Fatty Acids#: Balanced nutrition, balanced health.

    Tocotrienols & Phytosterols+: Anti-cancer properties.

    Squalene: Improves skin tone and delays wrinkle formation.

    Vitamin-E: Helps maintaining balance of nervous system.

    Natural antioxidants: Protection against diseases.

    Ferulic Acid^: Stimulates hormonal secretion, rejuvenates health.

    Low oil absorption: Healthier food

    Healtiest oil in the world

    Do you think Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil(FRBHO) isequally good as Saffola

    Gold & Sundrop Heart ? )(here we need to understand wether the retailer knows

    that FRBHO is healthy oil and is competing with Saff & Sundp)

    Yes No Cant Say Any Other Pls. specify

    Pls. tick whever applicable

    POP/POS Material POP/POS Material POP/POS Material

    Dangler Banner Backing Sheet

    Poster Streamer/Toran Any other (pls.specify)

    Leaflet Shelf Strip