Download - First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Page 1: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form

If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise

it is called inhomogeneous.

For example, is a linear equation, and an

inhomogeneous one, since it can be written as 2.y


( ) ( )y P x y Q x

2xy y x

( ) 0,Q x

Page 2: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Integrating factor method To solve the first-order linear equation

we multiply the equation by a suitable function I(x):

If the factor I(x) is chosen such that

then equation (2) becomes

which can be solved by

( ) ( ) (1)y P x y Q x

( )( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) (2)I x y P x y I x Q x

( )( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) (3)I x y P x y I x y ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ),I x y I x Q x

1( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

( )I x y I x Q x dx C y I x Q x dx C

I x

Page 3: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Integrating factor method Thus the key point to solve equation (1) is to find I(x) such

that equation (3) holds true:

This is equivalent to

which is a separable equation for I(x). Its solution is

Simply taking C=1, we call an integrating

factor of equation (1).

( )( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) .I x y P x y I x y I x y I x y ( ) ( ) ( ) (4)I x P x I x

( )( ) .

P x dxI x Ce

( )( )

P x dxI x e

Page 4: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Example Ex. Solve the equation Sol. An integrating factor is

Multiplying I(x) to the equation, we get

Ex. Solve


2 23 6 .y x y x 2 33

( ) .x dx xI x e e

3 3 3 32 2 2( 3 ) 6 ( ) 6x x x xe y x y x e e y x e 3 3 3 326 2 2 .x x x xe y x e dx e C y Ce


y xy

x x


( )dxxI x e x

coscos .

C xxy x C y


sin ( ) sinxy y x xy x

Page 5: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Example Ex. Solve the equation

Sol. Not a linear equation? What if we treat x as dependent

variable and y as independent variable:



dy y

dx x y

22 2.

dx x y xy

dy y y

22( )

dyyI y e y

2 3 12

dxy xy ydy

2 1 2( ) ln | |dy x y y x y C


2( ln | |) .x C y y

Page 6: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Example Ex. Solve the equation


Ex. Solve the initial value problem


2cos tan 0.dyt y tdt

2sec tan( )tdt tI t e e

tan tan 1.ty Ce t

, (2) 1.2 ln

yy y

y y y x


( )dyyI y e y


ln .x y yy

Page 7: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Example Ex. Solve the initial value problem


2 | |, (1) 1.y y x y


1 10 ;

2 4xx y C e x


1 10

2 4xx y C e x


3(1) 1

4y C e

22 1 2

1 1 3 1(0 ) (0 )

4 4 4 2y y C C C e

2 2

2 2

3 1 1( 0)

4 2 4 .3 1 1 1

( ) ( 0)4 2 2 4



e x xy

e e x x

Page 8: First-order linear equations A first-order linear equation has the general form If the equation is called homogeneous; otherwise it is called inhomogeneous.

Homework 22 Section 9.3: 7, 10, 15

Section 9.6: 12, 14, 19

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